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           September 30, 2011


Looking For The "Best" Midget Naturalist

by Thomas A. Droleskey

Naturalists of the false opposites of the "right" and the "left" are perennially searching for the "best" one among their number to represent their "cause," which does but one thing and one thing only: advance the cause of naturalism, which winds up sinking the United States of America further and further into the anti-Incarnational, religiously indifferentist and semi-Pelagian falsehoods sink hole upon which it was founded. Such has ever been case, dating back to the days when, contrary to the expectations of the framers of the United States Constitution and the warnings contained in President George Washington's farewell address, political parties formed during the second administration of President George Washington and nominees were selected by Congressional caucuses of the original parties, the Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republican (Jeffersonian or Republican--having nothing do with the current political party of that name) Party.

As the years progressed and political parties became more popularly based at the "grassroots" level during the ascendancy of "Jacksonian Democracy," the infrastructure of political parties formed at the local and state levels, establishing a network of loosely confederated political parties among the various states that gathered every four years for national nominating conventions. The first such convention was held by the Anti-Masonic Party in Baltimore, Maryland, on September 26, 1831. Ninety-six delegates from ten states selected William Wirt, a former Mason from Maryland, to be their political party's presidential nominee.

A loose coalition supporting former President John Quincy Adams, who had been elected to the presidency by the United States House of Representatives (with every state having but a single vote) after no candidate had achieved a majority of the electoral college vote (Andrew Jackson had, it appears, won the popular vote overwhelmingly, but vote tabulations in those days, much like our own time today, were unreliable and fraught with fraud) on February 9, 1825, gathered in Baltimore, Maryland, on December 12, 1831, the three hundredth anniversary of the miracles wrought by Our Lady of Guadalupe, nominating their principal organizer, United States Senator and former Secretary of State under John Quincy Adams (which is a story in and itself) Henry Clay (Kentucky) as its nominee. This loosely assembled coalition of naturalists, dubbed the "National Republicans," would be succeeded in four years by the Whig Party, whose first nominee was Henry Clay and had a shelf-life of twenty years before it disintegrated over the issue of slavery following the election of 1856.

The first true national political party organization formed at the local and state levels, Jackson's own Democratic Party, convened in Baltimore, Maryland, on May 21, 1832, nominating then President Jackson, a demagogue of the first order who believed in many of the radical principles of the French Revolution, especially his notion of radical egalitarianism, from which he derived his ironclad commitment to majoritarianism (that is, that the "majority" constitutes the sole authority necessary to govern or to dispense "favors"--government jobs and contracts--to their fellow travelers), was, of course, the first nominee selected by the Democratic Party at a national convention.

The conventions have undergone great changes in the past one hundred eighty years since the Anti-Masonic Party met in Baltimore, Maryland. Political leaders or "bosses" at the state and local levels controlled the nominating process for about one hundred years, that is, from around the 1840s to 1960. Of paramount importance to the chairmen of the electoral district (or precinct) and country and state chairmen and their committeemen was "electability," seeking to nominate a presidential candidate who would be popular and unthreatening enough to "win," thus enabling the solidifying of the party's base in state legislatures, which elected United States Senators until the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment on March 7, 1913, and in elections for the United States House of Representatives. And it was for this reason that the Whig Party nominated William Henry Harrison, a military war hero in the War of 1812 (as Andrew Jackson was because of his command of the Battle of New Orleans, which was fought on January 8, 1815), in 1836 to face Jackson's vice president Martin Van Buren. What better than an elderly war hero (Harrison, the grandfather of President Benjamin Harrison) for a presidential nominee? Harrison really stood for nothing, and it was only because of the economic downturn that occurred shortly after Van Buren's inauguration on March 4, 1837, that Harrison defeated him in a rematch in 1840. Harrison, however, died on April 4, 1841, thirty and one-half days after his inauguration.

Undaunted, however, the Whigs nominated a military hero of the Mexican-American War, Zachary Taylor, in 1848, only to see him die in office on July 9, 1850. The first Republican Party nominee was former United States Senator John C. Fremont (California), who had been a military commander in California during the Mexican-American War. The Democratic Party, weakened by the fact that much of its electoral strength resided in the southern states that had formed the Confederate States of America, nominated General George McClellan, who had commanded the Battle of the Potomac for the Union forces in the War between the Sates, to face President Abraham Lincoln in 1854. Republicans nominated General Ulysses S. Grant, who had accepted General Robert E. Lee's surrender at Appamattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865, and the Democrats nominated another veteran of the Union Army, General Winfield Scott Hancock, to be their presidential nominee in 1880 against United States Senator James Abram Garfield (R-Ohio), who was shot by Charles Guiteau at the Sixth Street Station of Baltimore and Potomac Railroad in Washington, District of Columbia, on July 2, 1881, lingering throughout the hot summer in the nation's capital until the September 19, 1881.

Famously, of course, Republicans chose a man considered to be a hero of the Spanish-American War, New York Governor Theodore Roosevelt, to bump then Vice President Garret Hobart from their ticket in 1900 as President William McKinley, who was shot by anarchist Leon Czolgosz at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York, on September 6, 1901, dying on September 14, 1901, thus making Theodore Roosevelt, an American imperialist and prototypical statist, the president. It was not be until 1952 that one of the two organized crime families of naturalism in the United States of America chose another military commander to head its national ticket as its standard-bearer for the presidency. That man, of course, was Dwight David Eisenhower, whose candidacy was promoted by "mainstream" Republicans to "win" an election after being out of the White House for twenty years (five straight presidential elections--1932, 1936, 1940, 1944, 1948). This left the man who thought that it was his "turn," United States Senator Robert A. Taft (R-Ohio), the Minority Leader of the United States Senate, out in the cold after he had wanted so long for his chance of naturalist glory.

It has thus ever been the case that what has mattered most in the history of American electoral politics is "winning" for the sake of winning. The chairman of the Ohio State Republican Party, Ray Bliss, who served as the Chairman of the Republican National Committee from 1965-1969, had the following prescription to help his state party's candidate's win elections: "Keep issues out of politics" (see John H. Fenton, Midwest Politics, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966, p. 117). Candidates who appear to be "losers" for one reason or another (not good looking enough, too much political "baggage," too unpopular) are unacceptable to most "mainstream" naturalists, something that has been true of the "Rockefeller" or "establishment" wing of the Republican Party and of naturalists in the Democratic Party who are more "moderate" than hard-core leftist ideologues.

To wit, some "establishment" Republicans were unhappy in 1959 with the prospect of supporting then Vice President Richard Milhous Nixon for the Republican Party's presidential nomination in 1960, urging the newly-inaugurated Governor of New York, Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller, who would later count a Harvard University professor, Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, as one of his close foreign-policy advisers, to seek the party's nomination. Rockefeller, a supporter of contraception and "family planning" and the surgical assassination of innocent preborn babies, to run as the alternative to Nixon. Rockefeller hemmed and hawed, leaving President Dwight Eisenhower, who did not favor Nixon's nomination to succeed him as president, very upset. Exasperated, Eisenhower told Rockefeller in a phone conversation that he had better make up his mind lest he appear as though he were "off again, off again Finnegan." Eisenhower was none too pleased with Rockefeller by this point for the latter's criticism of the president's defense policies. However, he told Rockefeller to make up his mind and then let the Republican National Convention, which was held in Chicago that year, to decide the matter.

Rockefeller had delayed too long, though, agreeing to meet with Nixon in the apartment building on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan that served as one of his many residences. The meeting took place on July 22, 1960, and resulted in what some have called "The Treaty of Fifth Avenue" in which "Rocky" agreed to support Nixon for the nomination, although he refused Nixon's offer to be his vice presidential nominee. Nelson Rockefeller, who wound up being the nation's second appointed vice president on December 19, 1974, never wanted to be vice president of anything. The situation was more complex than all of this. However, it is past my bedtime and I do want to relate a few more examples of naturalists who are dissatisfied with their fellow naturalists even though they belong, at least nominally, to the same organized crime family of naturalism.

The year 1960 was the beginning of the end for the national nominating convention as the chief instruments of selecting the parties' presidential nominees even though there were close contests at the 1968 Democratic Party Convention in Chicago, Illinois, and the 1976 Republican National Convention in Kansas City, Missouri. Although it had been the case prior to that time that the national political party apparatus was instrumental in organizing a campaign after the convention, United States Senator John Fitzgerald Kennedy (D-Massachusetts) organized what was, in effect, a shadow organization to turn out the vote. This has been the model used since that time, copied famously in the Republican Party at first by the man whom Kennedy defeated, if only narrowly and probably not honestly, in 1960, Richard Nixon.

Kennedy did not come to the Democratic Party's national nominating convention in Los Angeles, California in 1960, however, with grumbling from southern Democrats, who did not want a Catholic nominated for the presidency, and "establishment" liberals, who wanted former Illinois Governor Adlai Stevenson, who had lost to Eisenhower in 1952 and 1956, to become a latter day William Jennings Bryan, who had been thrice nominated by the Democrats for president (1896, 1900, 1908). Johnson desperately wanted to be president. He had surrogates campaign for him in the primaries. However, he did not announce for the presidency until July 5, 1960, at the Statler Hitler Hotel in Washington, District of Columbia.

I was not at the press conference. I did see the signs for the rally that took place the night before, however, as we were staying at that hotel to attend the wedding of my mother's cousin, the niece of my late mother's fater-by-adoption, Chief William Red Fox (whose real name was William Humes), at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. I remember the poster advertising Johnson's appearance. Here is an audio link to Johnson's brief remarks: Johnson Runs for President in 1960. It was too late for Johnson or Stevenson to stop Kennedy from being the nominee. Things had changed. 

There was never again to be candidate chosen by an American political party's national nominating convention, not that "establishment" Republicans did not keep hoping in 1964 that something could be done at the party's convention in Daly City, California, that year to prevent United States Senator Barry Goldwater (R-Arizona), a libertarian whose first wife, Margaret (or "Peggy") was a close associate of the infamous eugenicist and racist named Margaret Sanger, the founder of the Birth Control League that became better known as Planned Parenthood, from winning the Republican nomination. Many "Rockefeller wing" Republicans, including United States Senator Jacob K. Javits (R-New York), openly endorsed the statist President Lyndon Baines Johnson, who had succeeded his assassinated rival on Friday, November 22, 1963, for election to a full term as president in his own right. Rockefeller had waged a primary battle against Goldwater, being plagued, however, by the fact the had convinced a married woman, Margarita "Happy Murphy, with four young children to leave her husband and marry him, Rockefeller, just a year after he had divorced his first wife, Mary Todhunter Clark Rockefeller. Despite this, Rockefeller was leading Goldwater according to public opinion surveys prior to the California primary on June 2, 1964. Rockefeller lost narrowly, principally because of his divorce and remarriage, something that was, and rightfully so, considered scandalous then, especially as the "new" Mrs. Rockefeller had left her four children in the care of her "first" husband.

Undaunted by "Rocky's" loss in California, establishment Republicans, worried about the effects of a Goldwater candidacy on their state and local races, tried to enlist Richard Nixon to run (he refused to do so shortly before the convention). Pennsylvania Governor William Scranton, who was noted for burping a lot whenever he appeared on national television programs, did try a last ditch effort to "stop Goldwater."

Nixon was again the man to be "stopped" in 1968, although he was not the sole putative candidate when he indicated in December of 1967 on The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson that he was considering running for the job that he had lost to John Kennedy seven years before. The man who was his strongest challenger at that time was the Governor of Michigan, a man named George Romney, yes, the father of former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, who, having been defeated by United States Senator John Sidney McCain III (R-Arizona) for the Republican Party presidential nomination in 2008, is attempting to win the nomination in 2012. The elder Romney, who wound up serving as Nixon's first Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, said in a radio interview in early 1968 that he had been "brainwashed" by generals in Vietnam about the conduct of the war, a statement that, although probably true, was considered "irresponsible" to make back then. This opened the path once again to the man whose campaign slogan became "Who Else But Nelse?", Nelson Rockefeller, who, although being a nominal supporter of Romney, announced in late February of 1968 that he was open to a "draft" effort to make him the party's nominee. That was the end of Romney's campaign as his political base was similar to that of Rockefeller's. Romney's fund-raising efforts ground to halt as soon as Rockefeller said that he was "available" for a "draft" at the convention. Romney withdrew on February 28, 1968.

Rockefeller, however, was embroiled in a bitter dispute with his arch-rival, fellow liberal Republican, John Vliet Lindsay, the Mayor of the City of New York, who wanted to enforce the Taylor Law, which Rockefeller had signed into law in 1967 to prohibit public employees from striking and to thus force binding arbitration in the case of labor disputes in order to avoid the crippling kind strike that occurred on January 1, 1966, Lindsay's first day in office as mayor, as New York City bus and subway workers struck, against striking sanitation workers (I was hospitalized at the Hospital for Special Surgery in Manhattan at the time after having undergone a spinal fusion operation, seeing the mounds of garbage piling up on the street below my room). Rockefeller wanted to go "soft" on his own law so as not to antagonize labor union leaders, whose support he had received in the past and was hoping to secure if he ran for president again, which he really, really, really, really wanted to do. Rockefeller hemmed and hawed. Again, he waited too long. (So did Mario Matthew Cuomo on December 12, 1991, hemming and hawing for several months in the process. See Cuomo Says He Will Not Run for President in '92.)

Rockefeller announced on April 30, 1968, that he would challenge Nixon for the nomination (see Nelson Rockefeller announces for the Presidency 1968). Candidates back then could wait until such a late date as most of the people chosen as delegates for the national nominating conventions were selected by the state political party committees, not by popular primaries. Only fourteen states held primaries in 1968, which served to the advantage of Nixon, who had campaigned actively for Republican candidates in 1966 and was credited with playing a major role in helping his party win a net gain of forty-seven seats in the United States House of Representatives that year, thus helping to rebuild the part after the devastating defeat suffered by the ticket of Senator Barry Goldwater and United States Representative William Miller (R-New York) at the hands of the ticket of President Lyndon Baines Johnson and United States Senator Hubert Horatio Humphrey (D-Minnesota). Rockefeller, though, had waited too long to be the "anti-Nixon" even though he was clearly the Eastern establishment's chosen candidate to "stop Nixon," who was not a "conservative" and was every bit as much a support of "population control" and the Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations as was Rockefeller, who recommended his own chief policy adviser, Henry Kissinger, to serve Nixon during the general election campaign (and, of course, thereafter in his administration and that of Gerald Rudolph Ford).

There was also a "stop Nixon" movement from the former vice president's "right flank" that was headed by California Governor Ronald Reagan, who came to political prominence for a televised speech he gave in behalf of the Goldwater-Miller ticket on Friday, October 27, 1964 (see A Time for Choosing). Reagan announced that he was running for the Republican presidential on August 5, 1968, although he had permitted his name to placed on the California primary ballot, which he won unopposed on Tuesday, June 5, 1968. Rockefeller and Reagan even met to try to agree on a common "stop Nixon" strategy, all to no avail as neither would agree to support the other if he wound up as the Republican Party's presidential nominee that year. Yes, they kept searching for the "best" midget naturalist right up to the convention, which was held in the "sun and fun capital of the world, Miami Beach" (we bring you The Jackie Gleason Show, apologies to the Johnny Olson).

In the Democratic Party that year, 1968, many were also searching for the "best" naturalist to "stop" Johnson (President Lyndon Baines, that is) from winning renomination at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Johnson was unpopular for his profligate domestic spending and his escalation of American military involvement in the Vietnam War after having painted Barry Goldwater as a "war monger," promising us that "Some others are eager to enlarge the conflict. They call upon the U.S. to supply American boys to do the job that Asian boys should do. We are not about to send American boys nine or ten thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves. We don't want to get . . . tied down to a land war in Asia" (see Montage of Johnson Quotes about Vietnam in the 1964 Campaign). Well, he kept his promise. He sent millions of American boys over to Southeast Asia starting in 1965 without a policy to win the conflict, which, as I have come to understand, was opposed to the principles of the Just War Theory.

Antiwar activists in the Democratic Party when Senator Eugene McCarthy (D-Wisconsin) announced on November 30, 1967, that he was going to challenge Johnson for renomination. Very few took McCarthy seriously until he won an unexpected forty-two percent of the vote to Johnson's forty-nine percent in the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, March 12, 1968. This emboldened Johnson's longtime nemesis, United States Senator Robert F. Kennedy (D-New York), ever the opportunist (running for the United States Senate in New York in 1964 against incumbent Kenneth Keating, a Republican, even though he really lived in Alexandria, Virginia, while maintaining a legal residence in Massachusetts), to announce his own candidacy  four days later, that is, on Friday, March 16, 1968, embittering the McCarthy forces, who out and out called Kennedy an opportunist who simply waited to see how well McCarthy could do before he chose to make his own run for the presidency. The blood between McCarthy and Robert Kennedy was as bad as that between "LBJ and "RFK" (Robert Francis Kennedy).

Alas, the allegedly "progressivist" forces within the Democratic Party were already outgunned. Johnson's supporters controlled the state conventions that chose the party's delegates to the national nominating convention. Thus it was that Vice President Hubert Humphrey inherited those delegates after Johnson announced on Sunday, March 31, 1968, that he was not going to seek a second full term as president (an announcement that also included news of the launching of what became the "Paris Peace Talks" that included representatives of the United States of America, the government of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam), the government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) and the Communist Vietcong (guerilla fighters from South Vietnam). Veteran ABC-TV newsman Bill Lawrence, the network's chief political correspondent, had said on the evening news the night before that Johnson's speech would include a "surprise announcement," prompting me to say to myself as I rested flat on my bed in a non-removable plaster body jacket during the five month recuperation process from spinal surgery, "Yup. That announcement is going to be that he's not running again."

Johnson's withdrawal meant little, however. Humphrey had it all pretty much in a bag. This was especially the case after the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy on June 5, 1968, following his victory over Eugene McCarthy in the California primary (Kennedy died on Wednesday, June 6, 1968, sixty-one days after the killing of the plagiarist and Communist sympathizer, Martin Luther King, Jr., in Memphis, Tennessee). Even the tumultuous events of the Democratic National Convention and the riots that took place at Grant Park could not prevent Humphrey's nomination. United States Senator George S. McGovern (D-South Dakota) make a last ditch effort to secure the nomination. It was too late. Humphrey, who was about as huge a "liberal" in terms of domestic programs as ever walked the face of the earth. was the nominee of a divided party. There was nowhere for naturalists of the "far left" to go, just as there was really no room for "establishment" Republicans to oppose Nixon as 1968 seemed as good a year as any to recapture the White House after eight years, especially since a southern Democratic, former Alabama Governor George Corley Wallace, was running on a third party, the American Independent Party, probably taking votes away equally from Humphrey, especially in the south, and Nixon, although pollster Louis Harris said after the election, which Nixon narrowly won, that Nixon probably would have won by ten million votes if Wallace had not been in the race, something this is quite debatable.

Both major organized crime parties of "naturalism" have members who are always searching for the "best" among them to promote their own brand of naturalism.

George McGovern, who helped to redesign the Democratic Party's nomination process, became his party's nominee in 1972 even though a lot of "moderate" defected from him the way that "moderate" Republicans had defected from Goldwater eight years later. Nineteen states held primaries that year, the decisive one held in California on June 6, 1972, that sealed United States Senator Hubert Humphrey's (he had returned to the Senate in 1970, defeating Clark MacGregor, the Republican candidate) demise for renomination by his party. Humphrey had been the last hope of "moderate" Democrats to stop McGovern, who was headed for a massive defeat against President Nixon. McGovern won 25.77% of the popular vote, Humphrey won 25.34% of the popular vote, and Alabama Governor George Wallace (who had been elected in 1970 to a second nonconsecutive term after being out of office for four years; his first wife, Lurleen, was elected in 1966 to take his place in Montgomery while he pulled the strings behind the scenes until she died on May 7, 1968, from cancer that her husband hid from her for many years until her symptoms worsened in 1965, proceeding at that point to hide the truth from the press and the people) won 23.48% of the vote. The front-runner that year, United States Senator Edmund S. Muskie (D-Maine), who had been Humphrey's running mate in 1968, foundered in New Hampshire and dropped out of the race shortly after the New Hampshire primary after he gave an emotional defense of his wife following an unfavorably report about her The Manchester Union-Leader (see Ed Muskie cries before New Hampshire primary). Wallace was shot and crippled by Arthur Herman Bremer in the parking lot of a shopping mall in Laurel, Maryland, on May 15, 1972, effectively ending his campaign and any third party run he might have been considering (Wallace won the Maryland and Michigan primaries, demonstrating the dissatisfaction of blue collar workers with McGovern, presaging their support for Nixon in the general election in 1972 and for Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984).

In 1976 Ronald Reagan challenged the nation's first president to have acceded to the presidency by virtue of the Twenty-fifth Amendment, Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr. (who was born as Leslie Lynch King, Jr., taking his stepfather's name when after his mother and father were divorced), coming within one hundred seven delegate votes of winning at the convention, which was held in the Kemper Arena in Kansas City, Missouri. Invited by Ford after the latter had given his acceptance address, Reagan gave an impromptu speech (in the days when he could speak extemporaneously without notes or the TelePrompTer) that dwarfed Ford's own exercise in scripted naturalism. As an aside, Richard Nixon was also pretty good at impromptu presentations of his naturalist beliefs, giving, at age eighty-three and just about three months before his death, an extemporaneous speech at the Nixon Presidential Library and Museum on January 20, 1994, the twenty-fifth anniversary of his first inauguration--and, yes, even his disgraced former vice president, Spiro T. Agnew, was there as well; see President Nixon Inauguration Anniversary. Just take a look at that cast of naturalists who spoke that day, some of whom, including Henry Kissinger, are now urging the man they consider the "best" naturalist this election cycle, New Jersey Governor Christopher Christie, to seek the Republican Party presidential nomination as "establishment" Republicans are not happy with the current crop of midget naturalists even though each of them without exception is a reflexive support of the State of Israel, which is, of course, the sine qua non for fund-raising in presidential politics in the United States of America.

The Democratic Party nominee that year, former Georgia Governor James Earl Carter, Jr., had many detractors within the organized crime family of naturalism of the false opposite of the "left." Carter, who was taking full advantage of the anti-Republican mood generated by the "Watergate" scandal and its cover-up, was seen as a waffler (a famous Johnny Carson routine as Carnack the Magnificent went as follows as he held up the envelope that had been hermetically sealed in a mayonnaise jar on the front porch of Funk and Wagnall's: "Pro and con, for and against, yes and No." Carson opened the enveloped after stooge Ed McMahon repeated the answer to the "question" that was contained in the envelope, deadpanning the punch line as follows: "Describe Jimmy Carter's position on three major issues"). There was also a little limerick that made the rounds in 1976: "Jimmy Carter always promised to tell us the truth, but every time he lied he grew another tooth." The current Governor of California, G. Edmund Brown, Jr., then in his first term, challenged Carter late in the primary season, as had United States Senator Frank Church (D-Idaho) in an "ABC" strategy ("Anybody But Carter"). United States Representative Morris Udall (D-Arizona) actually got more delegate votes than Brown. Carter, though, was the nominee, taking a thirty-three point lead after the Democratic National Convention at Madison Square Garden in New York City, and squandering most of it before Gerald Ford gifted him with the "liberation" of Eastern Europe gaffe during their second presidential debate on October 18, 1976, in San Francisco, California (see Ford-Carter debate).

Carter faced, at first, unsteady opposition from United States Senator Edward Moore Kennedy (D-Massachusetts) in 1980, being able to raise questions in a town hall meeting at Colden Auditorium, Queens College in Flushing, New York, on September 25, 1979, about Kennedy's actions at Chappaquiddick (saying "I've never panicked in a crisis when a questioner asked him why he was more qualified than Kennedy, who had yet to announce his candidacy, which occurred in a stumbling interview with Roger Mudd that aired on the very night that American and Canadian hostages were taken in Teheran, Iran, by "student militants," November 4, 1979 (Roger Mudd interview with Edward Moore Kennedy) before wrapping himself up in the American flag following the taking of the hostages in Iran, accusing Kennedy of being weak on defense and a big spender domestically. After the convention, of course, Carter unfurled the flag, said that his Republican opponent, former California Governor Ronald Reagan would lead us into war and would be cruel to the poor. Ah, yes, the games that naturalists must play.

None of the Republican midget naturalists in 1980 could stop the momentum of the leader of their pack, Ronald Reagan. Not the inarticulate and mercurial United States Senator Robert Joseph Dole (R-Kansas), who had been Ford's vice presidential nominee in 1976 and performed the amazing feat of losing a debate to United States Senator Walter F. Mondale (D-Minnesota), Carter's vice presidential nominee. Not the "moderate" Minority Leader of the United States Senate, Howard Baker (R-Tennessee). Not United States Representative Philip Crane (R-Illinois). Not the officious, "liberal" United States Representative John Anderson (R-Illinois), who wound up running on a third party ticket that year. Not former United States Secretary of the Navy, former Texas Governor and former Secretary of the Treasury, John B. Connallly, who had been wounded along with President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in Dallas, Texas, on Friday, November 22, 1963, "And not former United States Representative, former United States Ambassador to the United Nations, former Chairman of the Republican National Committee, former United States Trade Representative to the Red China (the so-called "People's Republic of China") and former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, George Herbert Walker Bush, who was the son of the late United States Senator Prescott Bush (R-Connecticut). Bush was the last man standing, although "establishment" Republicans were so wary of Reagan's electability that suggestions were made to the former California governor to work out what was described as a "co-presidency" with former President Gerald Ford, whose price for running for vice president included bringing back Henry Kissinger as Secretary of State and giving a position to Allen Greenspan, who was named eventually to be the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the unconstitutional Federal Reserve. Well, Ford might as well have been picked at the convention in Detroit, Michigan, as the man Reagan did select, George Herbert Walker Bush, brought along with him cronies from the Rockefeller-Ford wing of naturalism who flexed muscles during the Reagan-Bush administration, preparing the way for "Bush 41" and "Bush 43."

And on and on it has gone. Democrats searched for an anti-Mondale in 1984 as United States Senator Gary Hart (D-Colorado) became his chief adversary while the not-so-reverend Jesse Louis Jackson was simply Jesse Louis Jackson. Other candidates (United States Senators John Glenn of Ohio, Ernest "Fritz" Hollings of South Carolina and Alan Cranston of California, former Florida Governor Ruben Askew and even George McGovern himself, believe it or not) were just afterthoughts in the "ABM" movement amongst the naturalists of the false opposite of the "left." Mondale, aided by his campaign manager Bob Beckel, came up with a clever debate line to use against Hart. Remember Where's The Beef? Mondale, although he had the better of an ill-prepared and rather inarticulate President Ronald Reagan in their first debate on October 7, 1984, distinguished himself for one thing: nominating a Catholic pro-abort, United States Representative Geraldine Anne Ferraro-Zaccaro (D-New York), to be the first woman nominated for vice president by a major organized crime family of naturalism in this country. Whatever traction Mondale gained from Reagan's show of weakness in the first debate was wiped out when the fortieth president responded as follows to a question posed to him by Henry Trewhitt, diplomatic correspondent for the Batimore Sun, in the second debate, which was held on October 21, 1984:

Mr. Trewhitt. Mr. President, I want to raise an issue that I think has been lurking out there for 2 or 3 weeks and cast it specifically in national security terms. You already are the oldest President in history. And some of your staff say you were tired after your most recent encounter with Mr. Mondale. I recall yet that President Kennedy had to go for days on end with very little sleep during the Cuban missile crisis. Is there any doubt in your mind that you would be able to function in such circumstances?

THE PRESIDENT: Not at all, Mr. Trewhitt, and I want you to know that also I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience. [Laughter and applause] If I still have time, I might add, Mr. Trewhitt, I might add that it was Seneca or it was Cicero, I don't know which, that said, "If it was not for the elders correcting the mistakes of the young, there would be no state.'' (See October 21, 1984 Debate Transcript and Video.)


That, my few and penurious readers, was the turning point of the 1984 elections, whose outcome was only in doubt for a few weeks following Reagan's stumbles in the first debate with former Vice President Mondale. Our naturalist system of "choosing" leaders, each of whom believes that it is possible for men of all beliefs or of no belief at all to "build" the "better" country, which is of the essence of Judeo-Masonry and hence of conciliarism itself, is a farce.

1988? You know the story, don't you?

Sure, the principal dwarves in the Democratic Party were Massachusetts Governor Michael "M-1" Dukakis, the not-so-reverend Jesse Louis Jackson, United States Senator Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., United States Representative Richard Gephardt (D-Missouri), United States Senator Paul Simon (D-Illinois) and former Arizona Governor Bruce Babbitt. United States Senator Joseph Robinette Biden's (D-Delaware) campaign self-destroyed in September of 1987 when a Dukakis campaign operative, John Sasso, prepared an attack video showing a speech that Biden had delivered and one given earlier by British Labour Party leader Neal Kinnock on a split screen to prove that Biden, who had plagiarized in law school, had lifted much of Kinnock's speech for himself:

Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., fighting to salvage his Presidential campaign, today acknowledged ''a mistake'' in his youth, when he plagiarized a law review article for a paper he wrote in his first year at law school.

Mr. Biden insisted, however, that he had done nothing ''malevolent,'' that he had simply misunderstood the need to cite sources carefully. And he asserted that another controversy, concerning recent reports of his using material from others' speeches without attribution, was ''much ado about nothing.''

Mr. Biden, the 44-year-old Delaware Democrat who heads the Senate Judiciary Committee, addressed these issues at the Capitol in a morning news conference he had called expressly for that purpose. The news conference was held just before he presided over the third day of hearings on the nomination of Judge Robert H. Bork to the Supreme Court.

To buttress his assertions of sincerity and openness, Mr. Biden released a 65-page file, obtained by the Senator from the Syracuse University College of Law, that he said contained all the records of his years there. It disclosed relatively poor grades in college and law school, mixed evaluations from teachers and details of the plagiarism. (Biden Admits Plagiarism in School But Says It Was Not 'Malevolent'; see also Joseph Biden's Plagiarism; see also "D" Stands For Demagogue.)


Yes, Gary Hart, who had withdrawn from the race on May 8, 1987, at a time he was the front runner because his "monkey business" had been documented, reentered the race in December of 1987, principally to try to raise funds to pay off his campaign debts. He was not a serious contender after he withdrew the first time.

Dukakis was chosen at the Democratic National Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, and faced the winner of the naturalist mud wrestling that occurred in the organized crime family of the false opposite of the naturalist "right," Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush, who survived a bitter battle with Senate Minority  Leader Robert Joseph Dole, although he made short work of other rivals, such as the "true" conservative, United States Representative Jack Kemp (R-New York), one of Dole's brother Freemasons, the fierce anti-Catholic nincompoop named Pat Robertson (see No Christianity Without The Holy Cross) and former Delaware Governor Pierre "Pete" Du Pont IV. Bush's "Read my lips: no new taxes" pledge at the Republican National Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana, and his promotion of a "new world order" after the "Gulf War" of 1991 provided Patrick Joseph Buchanan with an opportunity to challenge him for renomination in 1996, setting up the "ABB" frenzy among "establishment" (viz. Zionist, pro-abort, country club) Republicans that saw a combination of anti-Catholicism from Robertson's "Christian Coalition," especially in South Carolina, and Bob "It's My Turn" Dole to blunt Buchanan's nomination to face President William Jefferson Blythe Clinton, who defeated Bush the Elder and Henry Ross Perot in 1992, in the 1996 general elections.

Democrats were searching for the "best" naturalist in 1992 as Clinton, wounded by the Gennifer Flowers revelations, was battled by United States Senator Paul Tsongas (D-Massachusetts), United States Senators Bob Kerrey (D-Nebraska) and Thomas Harkin (D-Iowa), and the Harold Stassen (the one-time "boy governor" of Minnesota who contended rather seriously for the Republican presidential nominations in 1948, losing to New York Governor Thomas E. Dewey, and in 1952, when he released his pledged delegates to support Dwight Eisenhower, making possible the latter's victory over Senate Minority Leader Robert A. Taft; Stassen became a perennial candidate from the 1956 forward, and no one took him seriously) of the Democratic Party, former California Governor G. Edmund "Jerry" Brown, Jr.  They were looking for the "best" naturalist again in 2000 as Vice President Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., was challenged by United States Senator Bill Bradley (D-New Jersey), a contest that Gore won easily, although not without a bit of acrimony, and the Democrats were back at it again in 2004 as such uber-naturalists of the false opposite of the "left," United States Senators John Kerry (D-Massachusetts) and John Edwards (D-North Carolina), Vermont Governor Howard Dean, United States Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) faced supposedly "moderate" Democrats such as General Wesley Clark and former House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt (D-Missouri) and United States Senator Joseph Lieberman (D-Connecticut), who had been Gore's vice presidential running mate in 2000. Oh, yes, the not-so-reverend Alton Sharpton was thrown into the mix for comic relief. What a country, huh?

Republican naturalists mud wrestled in 2000 as Texas Governor George Walker Bush and United States Senator John Sidney McCain III duked it out in the ring, which also featured Protestant "family leader" Gary Bauer, Dr. Alan Keyes, who had run for the Republican presidential nomination in 1996

Republicans, desperate to "win" in 1996, turned to the hapless Bob Dole, then the Senate Majority Leader, lining up to hurl one false charge after another against Patrick Joseph Buchanan, who was the last man prior to Dole's sweep of "Super Tuesday" on March 19, 1996, as he, Dole, turned one loose leaf page in a spiral binder after another to thank each state who voted for him ("Thank you, Illinois...Thank you, Michigan...Thank you, Ohio...Thank you, Wisconsin"), Buchanan outlasted the preferred establishment candidates (publisher Malcolm S. "Steve" Forbes, United States Senators Lamar Alexander of Tennessee. Phil Gramm of Texas, and Richard Lugar of Indiana). Two candidates who ran in an effort to outflank Buchanan with pro-life voters, Dr. Alan Keyes and United States Representative Robert K. Dornan (R-California), were also in the race, during which this writer served as a surrogate campaigner for Mr. Buchanan. (Those who might dismiss political commentaries on this site tend to forget that this writer was in the fray for a very long time before realizing that my time was better spent promoting the Social Reign of Christ the King and concentrating more fully on the proximate root causes of our problems. Dole won the nomination, running a hapless campaign against President Clinton and Henry Ross Perot, causing a lot of his key supporters who had backed him against Buchanan, including Pat Robertson, to "head for the tall grass" as early as September of 1996 (Robertson said on his 700 Club that month that "it will take a miracle from God for Bob Dole to beat Clinton," something that anyone who knew anything about Dole's woeful performance against Walter Mondale twenty years earlier understood from the very beginning). Since that time, of course, the naturalists who comprise the Republican Party have been looking to Pin The Tail On The Next Bob Dole.

The "next" Bob Dole in 2000 was none other than Texas Governor George Walker Bush, who mud wrestled it out in the circus of midget naturalists with United States Senator John Sidney McCain III as the other candidates (which also featured Protestant Gary Bauer of the Family Research Council, Dr. Alan Keyes, Malcolm S. "Steve" Forbes and United States Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah) faded way and/or became irrelevant (the 2000 general election featured two minor party candidates, Patrick Buchanan, who ran on the Reform Party line, and Ralph Nader, the Green Party nominee whose 97,421 in Florida in 2000 kept Vice President Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., from winning the presidency against George Walker Bush as Gore would have won Florida's twenty-five electoral votes--and hence the presidency just 5,000 of those Nader votes would have gone for him).

2008? Well, that's been documented so much on this site that the only thing that I can do is to point out the following articles on that spectacle of naturalist farce and its immediate aftermath that occurred as a result of the election of Barack Hussein Obama (see appendix below).


Texas Governor Rick Perry is all bluff and bluster.

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is programmed as tightly as some old faded Hollywood star's face after a third or fourth face lift.

Michelle Bachmann has no real, essential grasp of issues.

Jon Huntsman is a sun-tanned version of Romney, mouthing platitudes to make himself appear to be a "reasonable" alterative to Romney, with whom he is competing for the same essential political base amongst "moderate" Republican voters and supposedly "independent" voters in a general election.

Gary Johnson, the former Governor of New Mexico is simply a less popular version of the libertarian Ron Paul.

Ron Paul continues to insist the state legislatures have the authority to "decide" whether to permit or restrict or prohibit surgical baby-killing, which is an abject falsehood as no human institution of civil governance has any authority from God to do anything other than to impose sanctions upon those who violate grievously the binding precepts of the Divine Positive Law and the Natural Law, championing "liberty" when the only true standard of liberty is the Holy Cross, which Paul mocked in 2008 (see Showing Libertarianism's True Biases).

Rick Santorum, as good as he has been on some issues, is a shill for Israel and for the "global war on terror."

Ditto Leroy Newtown Gingrich, who is the best informed policy wonk amongst the naturalists.

Herman Cain makes a lot of sense on the level of pure naturalism, although he lacks any real understanding of First and Last Things.

Dissatisfied with this group of nine naturalists, the last remaining survivors and the contemporary inheritors of the Rockefeller wing of the Republican Party, including Henry Kissinger himself, and the rest of the Council of Foreign Relations-Trilateral Commission crew are luring New Jersey Governor Christopher Christie to enter the race. Don't kid yourselves, folks. Christie, for all of his chutzpah and plain spoken nature, is just as much bluff and bluster as Rick Perry. He does not have a real command of national issues or foreign policy, meaning that his establishment mentors will help to "prep" him as he goes along. The "American exceptionalism" speech he gave at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library on Monday, September 26, 2011, is just music to the moneybags on Wall Street and in the corporate board rooms who fund "mainstream" Republican candidates.

Sarah Palin? Please, just read Gradually Accepting Naturalism's False Premises, Absolute Insanity, Facts Are Troublesome Things, It's Still Absolute Insanity and Fratricide in the Lodge.

In other words, only the names change from year to year as the results remain the same. Naturalists of one stripe or another win elections every time in this country. And each and every naturalist running for the Republican Party nomination next year would be mystified if they were told that all of their plans to retard the statism of Barack Hussein Obama will fail even if they get elected as no country whose civil laws permit grave evils and foster conditions injurious to the common temporal good and thus to the eternal welfare of souls can be "saved" unless its people convert to the true Faith.

Here are just a few reminders:

The more closely the temporal power of a nation aligns itself with the spiritual, and the more it fosters and promotes the latter, by so much the more it contributes to the conservation of the commonwealth. For it is the aim of the ecclesiastical authority by the use of spiritual means, to form good Christians in accordance with its own particular end and object; and in doing this it helps at the same time to form good citizens, and prepares them to meet their obligations as members of a civil society. This follows of necessity because in the City of God, the Holy Roman Catholic Church, a good citizen and an upright man are absolutely one and the same thing. How grave therefore is the error of those who separate things so closely united, and who think that they can produce good citizens by ways and methods other than those which make for the formation of good Christians. For, let human prudence say what it likes and reason as it pleases, it is impossible to produce true temporal peace and tranquillity by things repugnant or opposed to the peace and happiness of eternity. (Silvio Cardinal Antoniano, quoted by Pope Pius XI in Divini Illius Magistri, December 31, 1929.)

Here we have, founded by Catholics, an inter-denominational association that is to work for the reform of civilization, an undertaking which is above all religious in character; for there is no true civilization without a moral civilization, and no true moral civilization without the true religion: it is a proven truth, a historical fact. (Pope Saint Pius X, Notre Charge Apostolique, August 15, 1910.)


The social reign of the Heart of Jesus is God in His place in the reason, in the conscience, in the heart and in the public life of man; the social reign of Satan, is God excluded from religion, from the conscience, from the heart and from the public life of man; it is humanity laicized and adoring itself.

"There is no middle ground; one must choose. The liberals, the liberals who say to themselves that they are and believe themselves to be Catholic, do not want to choose; they repudiate the social reign of the Heart of Jesus, they accept the social reign of Satan. Despite their verbal protestations, their work is founded on Freemasonry; they are of the party of Satan against the Heart of Jesus" (Canon Gaudeau, La Maison actuelle de Sainte Marguerite Marie, p. 25, de St. Just, pg. 201.) [Selected Writings of Cardinal Pie of Poitiers, Catholic Action Resource Center, Orlando, Florida, October, 2007, pp. 5-8.]

"If Jesus Christ," proclaims Msgr. Pie in a magnificent pastoral instruction, "if Jesus Christ Who is our light whereby we are drawn out of the seat of darkness and from the shadow of death, and Who has given to the world the treasure of truth and grace, if He has not enriched the world, I mean to say the social and political world itself, from the great evils which prevail in the heart of paganism, then it is to say that the work of Jesus Christ is not a divine work. Even more so: if the Gospel which would save men is incapable of procuring the actual progress of peoples, if the revealed light which is profitable to individuals is detrimental to society at large, if the scepter of Christ, sweet and beneficial to souls, and perhaps to families, is harmful and unacceptable for cities and empires; in other words, if Jesus Christ to whom the Prophets had promised and to Whom His Father had given the nations as a heritage, is not able to exercise His authority over them for it would be to their detriment and temporal disadvantage, it would have to be concluded that Jesus Christ is not God". . . .

"To say Jesus Christ is the God of individuals and of families, but not the God of peoples and of societies, is to say that He is not God. To say that Christianity is the law of individual man and is not the law of collective man, is to say that Christianity is not divine. To say that the Church is the judge of private morality, but has nothing to do with public and political morality, is to say that the Church is not divine."

In fine, Cardinal Pie insists:

"Christianity would not be divine if it were to have existence within individuals but not with regard to societies."

Fr. de St. Just asks, in conclusion:

"Could it be proven in clearer terms that social atheism conduces to individualistic atheism? ("Selected Writings of Cardinal Pie of Poitiers, Catholic Action Resource Center, Orlando, Florida, October, 2007, p  22.]


The spirit of Judeo-Masonic naturalism was dissected very well by Pope Leo XII in Ubi Primum, May 5, 1824:

But at what are these remarks aimed? A certain sect, which you surely know, has unjustly arrogated to itself the name of philosophy, and has aroused from the ashes the disorderly ranks of practically every error. Under the gentle appearance of piety and liberality this sect professes what they call tolerance or indifferentism. It preaches that not only in civil affairs, which is not Our concern here, but also in religion, God has given every individual a wide freedom to embrace and adopt without danger to his salvation whatever sect or opinion appeals to him on the basis of his private judgment. The apostle Paul warns us against the impiety of these madmen. "I beseech you, brethren, to behold those who create dissensions and scandals beyond the teaching which you have learned. Keep away from such men. They do not serve Christ Our Lord but their own belly, and by sweet speeches and blessings they seduce the hearts of the innocent."

Of course this error is not new, but in Our days it rages with a new rashness against the constancy and integrity of the Catholic faith. Eusebius cites Rhodo as his source for saying that the heretic Apelles in the second century had already produced the mad theory that faith should not be investigated, but that each man should persevere in the faith he was raised in. Even those who put faith in a crucified man were to be saved, according to Apelles, provided that they engaged in good works. Rhetorius too, as We learn from St. Augustine, used to claim that all the heretics walked on the right road and spoke truth. But Augustine adds that this is such nonsense that he cannot believe it. The current indifferentism has developed to the point of arguing that everyone is on the right road. This includes not only all those sects which though outside the Catholic Church verbally accept revelation as a foundation, but those groups too which spurn the idea of divine revelation and profess a pure deism or even a pure naturalism. The indifferentism of Rhetorius seemed absurd to St. Augustine, and rightly so, but it did acknowledge certain limits. But a tolerance which extends to Deism and Naturalism, which even the ancient heretics rejected, can never be approved by anyone who uses his reason. Nevertheless -- alas for the times; alas for this lying philosophy!-such a tolerance is approved, defended, and praised by these pseudophilosophers.

Certainly many remarkable authors, adherents of the true philosophy, have taken pains to attack and crush this strange view. But the matter is so self-evident that it is superfluous to give additional arguments. It is impossible for the most true God, who is Truth Itself, the best, the wisest Provider, and the Rewarder of good men, to approve all sects who profess false teachings which are often inconsistent with one another and contradictory, and to confer eternal rewards on their members. For we have a surer word of the prophet, and in writing to you We speak wisdom among the perfect; not the wisdom of this world but the wisdom of God in a mystery. By it we are taught, and by divine faith we hold one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and that no other name under heaven is given to men except the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth in which we must be saved. This is why we profess that there is no salvation outside the Church.

But Oh! the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How incomprehensible His judgments! God, who destroys the wisdom of the wise, has clearly given the enemies of His Church, who despise supernatural revelation, a perverted mind corresponding to the symbol of iniquity which was written on the forehead of the wicked woman in the Apocalypse. For what greater iniquity is there than for those proud men not only to abandon true religion, but also to seek to ensnare the imprudent by criticisms of every sort, in speech and writings filled with all deceit! Let God arise and restrain, make futile and destroy this unbridled license in all its manifestations. (Pope Leo XII, Ubi Primum, May 5, 1824.)


"But a tolerance which extends to Deism and Naturalism, which even the ancient heretics rejected, can never be approved by anyone who uses his reason." And what is your excuse for approving the naturalism of the midget naturalists amongst others, no less enabling them with your time and money? Was Pope Leo XII wrong?

Believe what you want. I have taken the time in this article, which is similar in its treatment of the history of the farce of naturalism in American electoral politics as can be found in Movements to a Dead End, Now and for All Eternity and Not A Mention of Christ the King, to help newer readers to this site realize that nothing is different this election cycle than in any other. It's the same now as it has ever been. It's the same now as it will be in the future as our problems worsen with the multiplication of sin and the paucity of Sanctifying and Actual Graces in the world.

May we pray to the saint whose feast is celebrated today, October 1, 2011, Saint Remigius, the Bishop of Rheims who baptized King Clovis of the Franks on December 24, 496 A.D., as the prayers of Clovis's wife, Saint Clotilde were answered, intercede for us to be champions of Christ the King, Who reigned so gloriously in France in the persons of Charlemagne and, most especially, in the person of Saint Louis IX, King of France, as His consecrated slaves through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, praying as many Rosaries each day as our state-in-life permits, especially during this month of the Our Lady of the Rosary, the month of October.

"The Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph in the end."

"Vivat Christus Rex! Viva Cristo Rey!"

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!


Saint Joseph, Patron of Departing Souls, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.

Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.

Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.

Saint Remigius, pray for us.

See also: A Litany of Saints

Appendix A

A List of Naturalist Circus Articles from February 2007 to October 2010

1) No One Speaks for Christ the King; 2) When Lesser is Greater; 3) Things Repugnant to the Peace and Happiness of Eternity; 4) Wasted Time and Money and Effort; 5) Ron Paul, Meet Saint Paul; 6) Just Another Naturalist in League with Naturalists; 7) Parallel Paths of Degeneration; 8) A System of "Lesser" Evils; 9) We Must Never Betray the Cause of Christ the King; 10) Selective Use of Executive Power; 11) Calculated Victimology; 12) Cut From the Same Cloth; 13) Fascists for Freedom; 14) Pure, Unadulterated Americanism;15) Pure, Unadulterated Americanism; 16) A World of Sisyphuses; 17) No Decisions to be Made, Only Commandments to be Obeyed; 18) Secular Saviors to the Naturalist Right, Secular Saviors to the Naturalist Left; 19) Hope Against Hope In But Mere Mortals and Their Dreams; 20) Showing Libertarianism's True Biases; 21) They Never Take Prisoners; 22) By What Stretch of Logic?; 23) Babbling Inanities of Americanism; 24) Movements to a Dead End, Now and for All Eternity; 25) Those Who Trust In Mere Mortals; 26) Protected by the Forces of Darkness No More?; 27) Care Not for Rights of Christ the King, Care Not for the Babies; 28) A System Based on Lies Produces Liars; 29) When Helen Keller Meets Ray Charles; 30) Bush Leaguers; 31) One Devil Goes, Another One Enters; 32) Abort the Faith, Abort Babies; 33) No Better than the Chicoms; 34) Modernity's Fools; 35) Bob Dole, part trois; 36) Lest We Forget; 37) Perseverance and Hope in All of the Wrong Things; 38) Memo to Joseph Biden and Nancy Pelosi and Their Conciliar Enablers; 39) Fact and Fiction; 40)  Fools' Gold; 41) Gradually Accepting Naturalism's False Premises; 42) Absolute Insanity; 43) Facts Are Troublesome Things; 44) Every Error Imaginable; 45) We Have Learned Nothing, 2004; 46) Justice Will Lose No Matter Who Wins, 2000; 47) Wake Up, America, Your King Is Beckoning; 48) Y2K's Lesser Evil Has Brought Us Great Evils; 49) Mario Pilate, Pontius Cuomo; 50) Take A Good Look Around You; 51) Trapped by Apostasy; 52) Such Are The Joys of Pluralism; 53) Socialism, Straight From Your "Pro-Life" Conservative; 54) Desiring to Stay Ignorant; 55) Fallacies Galore; 56) Apostasy Has Consequences; 57)  Willfully Trapped by Apostasy; 58) It's Still Absolute Insanity; 59) Lost in the Trees Without A King to Lead Them; 60) A Really Invisible Hand; 61) "I Will Reign In Spite of All Who Oppose Me"; 62) Making the Same Tragic Mistakes Again and Again; 63) Step by Step; 64) To Keep Us Perpetually Agitated; 65) Keeping It Catholic All The Time; 66) Figures of Antichrist; 67) Chastisement Is A Silver Lining; 68) Do You Hear The People Sing?; 69) We Don't Want to Learn Anything; 70) Living With Murder Quite Comfortably; 71) The Goddess of Liberty, Thy Name is Blasphemy; 72) Clarity Has Its Advantages; 73) Foggy Bottom's Bloody Tradition; 74) Yesterday's Evils, Today's Accepted Norms; 75) "Nothing Which They Can Understand"; 76) Madness Is Easy to Define; 77) It Pays to be Ignorant; 78) Only Themselves to Blame; 79) When Shoes Say More Than Words; 80) Cushing's Children; 81) We're Not in Kansas Any More; 82) Just A Logical Progression; 83) They Know Not The Way; 84) Clueless Is As Clueless Does; 85) From Luther to Bush to Obama; 86) We Wait for Another, We Wait for Christ the King; 87) Studied Silence, False Hopes; 88) What's Difficult About "Thou Shalt Not Kill"?; 89) A Country Full of Boiled Frogs; 90) Dialectical Americanism; 91) Naturalists and Their Bogeymen; 92) Witnesses For Skulls Full of Mush; 93) Making Us Our Own Jailers; 94) Power Grab; 95) Our Lady Does Not Honor Pro-Aborts; 96) Why Should Hillary Know More Than Benedict?; 97)Welcome to the U.S.S.A.; 98) Honors Aplenty for Devils Galore; 99) Ashamed of the NAME Above All Names; 100) All Hail! Caesar Obamus; 101) Barabbas Wins Again; 102) Blame George Walker Bush; 103) Urbanely Accepting Evil; 104) Suiting Disorder Quite Consistently; 105) No "Common Ground" Between Truth and Error; 106) Respect Those Who Break the First Commandment? Respect Those Who Break the Fifth Commandment; 107) Six Out of Nine, Not That It Matter;108) Reichstag II; 109) Kindred Spirits of the New World Order; 110) Intent on Controlling Mind and Body; 111) L'Osservatore Del Naturalista; 112) Big Pharm Trumps the Holy Cross; 113) Let Me Know How the Commies Tip!; 114) King George III Is Owed An Apology; 115) A "Blessing" on a Murderer and His Work; 116) As Incoherent as the Founding Itself; 117) Trying to Guess What Should Be Presumed; 118) Back Alley Butchers Never Change Their Tactics; 119) Says Who?; 120) Poster Boys Of Modernity; 121) Das Vierte Reich; 122) Stalag America; 123) Insects Living Under the Rocks; 124) Death To Us All; 125) Applause For Killers; 126) Meathead Meets Meathead; 127) Another Victim of Americanism; 128) Behold The Free Rein Given to Error; 129) Behold The Free Rein Given to Error; 130) Unfortunate Enough to Be A Baby; 131) Unfortunate Enough to Be A Baby; 132) Beacon of Social Justice?; 133) Spotlight On The Ordinary; 134) What's Good For Teddy Is Good For Benny; 135) Sean O'Malley: Coward and Hypocrite: 136) More Rationalizations and Distortions; 137) You Could Be Swingin' On A Star; 138) TelePrompTer: Weapon of Mass Disinformation; 139) Why We Must Oppose Naturalism and Naturalists; 140) Ever Anxious To Give Us His Malaise; 141) Fascism Here, Fascism Now; 142) Let 'Em!; 143) Worthy Son of Daffy Gaddafi; 141) Persecuting Those Who Defended Our Lady's Honor; 142) Voting In Favor of the Druids; 143) Death To Babies: Kennedy's Continued Legacy; 144) Banging Those "Tom-Toms" Once Again; 145) Religious "Liberty" and Blasphemy; 146) Surrendering What Saint Patrick Won; 147) Stalking Us All; 148) Naturalistic Time Bombs; 149) Pinning The Tail On The Next Bob Dole; 150) Figures of Antichrist Applauding Each Other; 151) Enter Lord of the World?; 152) Working for the Nobel Prize From Hell; and 153) Only When They Win. 154) Obama the Obsequious; 155) Huck Passes The Buck; 156) Lyndon Baines Walker Bush Obama; 157) Messiah Without A Purpose; 158) Missing the Really Big Picture; 159) Not For A Single Innocent Life; 160) Dear Morons and Idiots in Copenhagen; 161) Enabled and Protected By Her Own "Archbishop"; 162) For Thirty Pieces of Pork; 163) Hawaii Sleep-O; 164) No Honor Among Naturalists And Other Thieves; 165) We Still Wait For Christ the King; 166) Thirty-Seven Years of Indifference; 167) Religious "Liberty" Even For The Adversary; 168) Being "Great" On One's Own; 169) Not A Mention of Christ the King; 170) A Manifesto For Christ the King; 171) Killing Babies Is A Really Big Deal; 172) Aborting Reality; 173) Union of Americanists; 174) Little Caesars All (Pizza! Pizza!); 175) King Juan Carlos, Meet Pope Leo XIII; 176) Refusing To Champion Christ the King; 177) Becoming What They Once Opposed; 178) Short And To The Catholic Point; 179) Kill Truth, Kill Babies; 180) Salvation Or Votes?; 181) Longer Than World War II; 182) Front Men For The New World Order; 183) Awash In A Flood of Errors and Lies; 184) Another Infamous "John Paul"; 185) Obama in Disneyland; 186) Good Intentions Still Do Not Redeem Moral Flaws; 187) Who Says Saddam Hussein Is Dead?; 188) More Wallpaper That Glows in the Dark on Wall Street; 189) Triumph of the Body Snatchers; 190) Caesars Ignoramus; 191) Three Out of Nine, Something That Matters; 192) March of The Tooth Fairies; 193) Nanny State, U.S.A.; 194) Good Catholic Common Sense Must Prevail, part 1; 195) Good Catholic Common Sense Must Prevail, part 2; 196) Catholicism Is The Only Foundation of Personal and Social Order; 197) Gradually Accepting Naturalism's Informality; 198) No Room In The Big Tent For Catholics; 199) Transparently Power Hungry; 200) From The Potomac to the Tiber and Back; 201) King George III Is Looking Pretty Good These Days; 202) Fearing to Offend Men Rather Than God; 203) As New Dog and Pony Shows Come To Town, part one; 203) As New Dog and Pony Shows Come To Town, part three; 204) Naturalism's Boomerang; 205) Chastisements Under Which We Must Save Our Souls, part one; 206) Memo To Lindsey Graham; 207) Revolutions Have Consequences, part one; 208) Revolutions Have Consequences, part two; 209) What Commandments?, part one; 210) What Commandments, part two; 211) Singing A Bit Off Key For Caesar's Liking; 212) Intramurals Time for Americanists; 213) Listen to the Inconsequential Sounds of Naturalism; 214) Mainstreaming Mosques; 215) Still Trying to Make Everyone Happy Except God Himself; 216) Nancy Topcliffe and Her Fiends; 217) Prepare Ye The Way For Antichrist, part three; 218) Apostasy Continues to Have Consequences; 219) Two Different Caesars, Same Old Spin; 220) Caring Not For Homegrown Terrorism; 221) Combustible Material: Keep Back Five Hundred Feet This Truck Carries Naturalism; 222) Gatekeepers of the Mainstream, part one; 223) Gatekeepers of the Mainstream, part two; 224) Memo to Andrew Cuomo; 225) Distracting Us With More Side Shows, part one; 226) Distracting Us With More Side Shows, part two; 227) Distracting Us With More Side Shows, part three; 228) So Much Confusion, So Little Time; 229) A System Based on Lies Still Produces Liars; 230) If Only Catholics Spoke This Way; 231) Still Believing His Own Stuff; 232) Behold the "Rights of Man"; 233) Chester Riley, Call Your Office; 234) When We Refuse to Listen to Our King's True Popes; 235) No Rules For Liars and Fascists; 236) Still Utterly Defenseless Against Itself; and 237) Bag Man in a Karakul Hat.



© Copyright 2011, Thomas A. Droleskey. All rights reserved.