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                June 27 2010

Fearing To Offend Men Rather Than God

by Thomas A. Droleskey

This is a weekend during which more "parades" to celebrate perverse sins against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments are held across the nation, including in the Borough of Manhattan in the City of New York, New York, tomorrow, Sunday, June 27, 2010, the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost and the Commemoration of Our Lady, Mother of Perpetual Help. Unspeakable and unprintable displays and sounds that come straight from Hell will make themselves particularly present in front of the Cathedral of Saint Patrick on the parade route, Fifth Avenue. Thousands of cheering spectators will be watching along the sidewalks, applauding furiously when reprehensible sins are committed right on Fifth Avenue in front of the Cathedral of Saint Patrick. There will be whistles and drums. It is all straight from Hell, every single bit of it.

Politicians aplenty of both political parties will be marching. The pro-abortion and otherwise ethically-challenged Catholic Governor of the State of New York, David Paterson, will be marching. So will the reprobate nanny-state pro-abortion "straight billionaire playboy" (a phrase he used to describe himself when campaigning for his first term as New York City Mayor in 2001), Michael Bloomberg, who lives off and on with a woman, Diana Taylor, a pro-abort who had been courted unsuccessfully by Republican naturalists to consider a run against the pro-abortion Methodist Hillary Rodham Clinton's replacement in the United States Senate, United States Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, yet another pro-abortion Catholic. United States Senator Charles H. Schumer, a militantly pro-abortion adherent of the Talmud, will be marching, replete with his smirky smile.

Also present marching will be the Democratic Party nominee for Governor of the State of New York, the pro-abortion Catholic named Andrew Cuomo, carrying on the "proud" tradition of each of the past three governors--his own father, Mario Matthew Cuomo, George Elmer Pataki, a Republican pro-abortion, and the consort of women of highly paid women of ill repute, Elliot Spitzer, who has now resurfaced as the co-host of a program on the Communist News Network, CNN) that is being carried on by David Paterson at the present time. It is unknown whether the pro-abortion Catholic Rick Lazio, whose campaign is being advised by, among others, an admitted practitioner of unnatural vice, Arthur Finkelstein (who has one time parade participants Alfonse M. D'Amato and George Elmer Pataki), will be marching this year or if will be opting not to do so as was the case during his pathetic campaign against the pro-abortion Democratic candidate, the then First Lady of the United States of America, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

This list of "dignitaries" can continue on and on and on as one elected official after another demonstrates his or her "support" for the "rights" of those who identify themselves by an inclination or "orientation," as they like to put it, to the commission of perverse acts against nature that are constitute sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance. Those who oppose the public promotion of perversity are said to be "bigots," "homophobics" who are filled with "hate." Among those who repeat this demagogic epithets are not only Catholics who are themselves immersed in what Saint Paul the Apostle termed "shameful affections" that pervert and distort the meaning of true love, which is to will the good of another, the ultimate expression of which is his immortal soul, which cannot please God or be saved by persisting, no less promoting wantonly, in one unrepentant Mortal Sin after another, and convince others to "support" them in their "quest" for "human rights" and "dignity."

Lost in all of this, of course, is the simple fact, as has been noted repeatedly, that true for oneself and for others is act of the will. We will must our own will as we pray Our Lady to send us the graces won for us on the wood of the Holy Cross by the shedding of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's Most Precious Blood so that we may always remember that true love of self, subordinated to love of the true God as He has revealed Himself to us through His true Church that He founded upon the Rock of Peter, the Pope, requires us to seek what is in accord with the sanctification and salvation of our immortal souls. We do not love ourselves authentically if we commit deliberate Mortal Sins and then compound those offenses by persisting in them unrepentantly and then justifying them to others as we seek their approval for our doing so. We must repent of our sins. We must despise our sins. We must to pray to Our Lady that it is God's Holy Will for us to live enough to make reparation for each and every one of them to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through her own Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart so that we can, by remaining in a state of Sanctifying Grace until the moment of our deaths as members of the Catholic Church, avoid Purgatory altogether (or at least minimize our time there). No one loves himself and revels in his own sins or makes light of them in the slightest. No one can love God by doing so. It is that simple. God's truth always is.

How can anyone love God by persisting in and/or reaffirming others in the commission and flaunting of Mortal Sins as it is sin that caused Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to suffer in His Sacred Humanity during His Passion and Death and caused Our Lady to suffer as those Seven Swords of Sorrow pierced her Immaculate Heart? Can someone say he "loves" another human being by beating him physically or, say, or by killing him? No one can say that He loves God by committing unrepentant Mortal Sins, no less by extolling them publicly. It is time for Catholics to think as Catholics, not as slobbering sentimentalists filled with the emotionalism of fallen human nature and triumph of naturalism in every aspect of social life.

Similarly, we do not love others if we do or say anything, whether omission or commission, which reaffirms them, no less applaud them, for persisting in a life of unrepentant sin. We are to will the good of others, the ultimate expression of which the salvation of their immortal souls. The salvation of our immortal souls is incompatible with own persistence in sin. The salvation of our own immortal souls is incompatible with reaffirming anyone in a life of sin or appearing to be casual or indifferent about their sins. It is not a matter of "judgmentalness" or of considering oneself "better" than another fellow sinner to discharge one of the most fundamental works of the Spiritual Works of Mercy: to admonish the sinner. It is not a matter of "lacking compassion" for our fellow human beings to warn them when they are imperiling the eternal fate of their immortal souls and of persisting in sins that not only offend God but also wound their bodies as well as their souls in the process, making them instruments of disordered self-indulgence in the society-at-large.

True, the Spiritual Works of Mercy must be discharged with delicateness and with an understanding of the loss of Sanctifying and Actual Grace in the world that has blinded so many Catholics and non-Catholics alike to such things as the Ten Commandments. Different approaches are used with different people at different times. It is, unless a moment occurs within God's Holy Providence that requires us to speak out, advisable to seek the counsel of a good confessor before doing so. One is never excused, however, from discharging the Spiritual Work of Mercy. How many Catholics today, including those who reject the legitimacy of the conciliar "popes," really understand that we can't teach our children to be indifferent to the fact that people we know are impelling their immortal souls.

Look at all of the statists who tell us repeatedly that overweight Americans have to lose weight, that they are a "burden" to the national health-care system. Are these statists, who believe in their "truth" and their own moral superiority with an arrogance that is almost beyond compare, "lacking compassion" for others? Are they "judging them"? Actually, they are, of course, although they consider themselves to be "enlightened" despots who have a mission to remake the world in their own disordered images and naturalist ideologies. The nanny-state despots believe that they are simply discharging their duties to impart upon others less bodily fit than they are to reform their lives, oblivious to the fact that, as much as an obligation that we do have under the precepts of the Fifth Commandment to take reasonable, prudent care of ourselves while at the same time avoiding sins of intemperance and gluttony without considering the great pleasures of food that the good God has seen fit to give to us as somehow "sinful" if consumed in moderation and with due consideration for what it is commensurate with and proportionate to the duties in our state-of-life (with all that said, however, I am happy to report that, conscious of this fact and how I have sinned against moderation in the eating of food by consuming things that I know will produce weight gain if eaten without restraint, I have now lost fifty-five pounds since February 17, 2010, meaning there are another forty-five pounds to be at a reasonable weight of 170 pounds, at which I have functioned best in the past), the care the soul matters more than the care of the body.

Many saints punished their bodies brutally by severe fasting and by the most austere sort of living, sleeping on floors instead of beds, subjecting their flesh to mortifications in order to curb its unruly desires by that the higher, rational faculties of the soul to exercise mastery over the temptation to indulge the body and worldly comforts. As the nanny-state despots and envirocommunists who want to "save the planet" as they plunge future generations into oceans of debt that will enslave people for decades to come, if God in His Mercy grants the world that length of time, they care nothing for the welfare of the immortal soul or the fact that there is a God Who judges them at the moment of their deaths. They are pantheists, dirt-worshipers who believe that human beings are the problem on the face of this earth, and that only those who "behave" according to their specifications and dictates, which they seek to impose by means of laws and policies enforced rigorously by the civil state, are fit to participate in the delicate "ecosystem" dance that is "biodiversity." They want us to punish our bodies according to their disordered "lights" purely for purposes of social engineering and envirocommunism as they engage and support the most wanton forms of debauchery the world has seen since the times of the last centuries of the Roman Empire.

Thus it is that so few people in the world, Catholics or non-Catholics, have been aghast at the spectacles that have taken place this month as human beings, each of whom has an immortal soul that has been redeemed by the shedding of every single drop of Our Lord's Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross and is loved by the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus with an matchless love that wills the sanctification and salvation of the immortal souls if only they would cease their life of sin and approach a true priest in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance to accuse themselves with humility and a firm purpose of amendment. have marched and will be marching today, June 27, 2010, so filled with pride because of the commission of acts that place their immortal souls in utter captivity to the devil and make themselves enemies of Christ the King and the true good of all social order until they convert and repent. Catholics and non-Catholics alike have brainwashed by the ethos of the world and by the Protestant and Masonic Novus Ordo service's accommodation to it that they are incapable of reacting as Catholics to the horror of what is displayed before our very eyes with the full approval of so many naturalists in the Republican and Democratic Parties.

Yes, it would be intellectually dishonest and just outright deceitful to claim that every priest or presbyter or member of the laity in the counterfeit church of conciliarism has lost the sensus Catholicus to such an extent that they are incapable of expressing justifiable public outrage over these offenses against God. This is not the case. Some priests and presbyters in the conciliar structures are very courageous in denouncing the moral evils of our day, although intellectual honesty also compels one to note the fact that these same priests and presbyters fail to denounce the gross sins against the First and Second Commandment committed by the conciliar "popes," including Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, whether out of fear or "obedience" or a simple acceptance of false ecumenism and "inter-religious prayer" services, thus demonstrating that they are oblivious to the simple truth that sins against the Fifth, Sixth and Ninth Commandments are made more possible by sins  that have been committed against the honor and glory and majesty of the Most Blessed Trinity by the men they have recognized and sought to obey as legitimate Successors of Saint Peter.

It is also quite true, however, that there is a hypersensitivity to the "gay agenda" in many conciliar circles, starting in the Vatican itself with the "pontificate" of Giovanni Montini/Paul VI, who appointed a number of men to the conciliar "hierarchy" in the United States of America, as "bishops" who were practitioners of perversity, sometimes having been exposed publicly by those they abused, or were, at the very least, very supportive of perversity as they sought to recruit like-minded men into the conciliar presbyterate. Many of those men were later promoted up the conciliar food chain to be "bishops" themselves, something that not even the candidate for conciliar "canonization." Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II, sought to curb. Indeed, he aided and abetted these men, including the wicked founder of the Legionaries of Christ, the late Father Marcial Maciel Degollado. Joseph Ratzinger has been, both as a conciliar "cardinal" and as "Pope" Benedict XVI, very sympathetic to men with checkered records as supporters of perversity. After all, who appointed George Niederauer as "archbishop" of San Francisco upon the recommendation of his own hand-picked successor as the prefect of conciliar Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith? It wasn't the tooth fairy. Boy, if only the "pope" knew.

An entire ethos friendly to the promotion of perversity in the name of "compassion" and other slogans was created in the conciliar structures. This is something documented very well in Mrs. Randy Engel's The Rite of Sodomy, which is not a book meant for everyone to read,, certainly not children or adolescents, that is a documentation of this fact (see New Engel Publishing).

Some "conservative" "bishops" in the counterfeit church of concilairism express displeasure now and again as members of their parishes march in parades or gather in formerly Catholic churches adorned in rainbow sashes to demonstrate their "pride," which is a bit of a different tactic than the one I witness first-hand at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick in New York on Sunday, December 10, 1989, as many engaged in sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance handcuffed themselves to pews or went limp in aisles as they chanted the terrible noises from Hell for which they are so noted in order to stop John "Cardinal" O'Connor, the conciliar"archbishop" of New York from March 19, 1984, to May 3, 2000, from delivering his Sunday homily. The motivation for these acts of sacrilege in a grand cathedral that is still the scene of the daily sacrilege known as the Novus Ordo service (along with the occasional offerings, some true, some simulated, of the "extraordinary form of the Roman Rite) was to oppose "Cardinal" O'Connor's condemnation of then New York City schools chancellor Joseph Fernandez's "SAFE" plan to distribute a certain type of contraceptive device in public schools and to use propaganda from the organized campaign of "rights" of perversity in the form of explicit instructions about them and that students had to learn to "accept" people who were different than themselves. Included this "improved" curriculum of Joseph Fernandez were books such as Heather Has Two Mommies and Daddy's Roommate. (For a detailed article about Joseph Fernandez that is not for general reading as it contains descriptions of sort of programs that caused one of the board members, Ninfa Segarra, to change her mind and vote down the programs, please see The Futile Crusade.)

Yet it was that "Cardinal" O'Connor never forbade parishes from letting parishioners march under parish banners in the annual "Gay Pride Parade." One parish, Saint Francis de Sales Church in the Greenwich Village part of the Borough of Manhattan, has permitted its parishioners to march freely in this celebration and public manifestation of perverse sins against nature for decades. Another pervert-friendly church, Saint Paul the Apostle Church near Lincoln Center in Manhattan, which is run by the Paulist Fathers, is an insidious rat's nest of propaganda in behalf of the "rights" of those who "love" each other even though they are of the same gender.

A lay activist from Saint Paul the Apostle Church spoke after the distribution of what purported to be Holy Communion in a Novus Ordo service (which was held for "gays and lesbians" and their parents) at Saint Brigid's School in Westbury, New York, in October 1997 to speak of the "injustices" that the Catholic Church had done to "gays and lesbians" over the years, opening calling for a change in "church teaching," refusing to accept the fact that, as the late Father Vincent Miceli said on Larry King Live in 1989 as he debated an admitted, practicing "gay priest," Father John McNeill, S.J., "Father, Father, God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve (Father Miceli smiled very slyly, as he was wont to do when he was particularly pleased with one of his tart responses; Father McNeill was eventually expelled from the Society of Jesus by conciliar authorities and now practices psychotherapy specializing in "Queer Theology").

The conciliar pastor who hosted the event was "Monsignor" Frank Gaeta, who had published a book of Lenten reflections in the early 1990s in which he wrote, "Make no mistake about it. Judas Iscariot is in Heaven," closing his reflection by writing, "Saint Judas, pray for us." Outraged by what I had heard, I approached Monsignor Gaeta thereafter, asking him how he could have a man speak who was openly promoting sin, the very thing that caused Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to suffer during His Passion and Death and that wounds the Church Militant here on earth today, speak at a forum meant to reaffirm sinners in their sins. Monsignor Gaeta, the man who invoked Judas Iscariot in his Lenten booklet and remains the pastor of Saints Cyril and Methodius Church in Deer Park, New York (another nest of perversity), look at me with smug self-contentment and said, "I believe in love." There is a loose network of such parishes across the nation.

Perhaps the most notorious is Most Holy Redeemer Church in San Francisco, California, that has been the subject of several commentaries on this site in the past, although Saint Joan of Arc Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota would rank right up there with it and with Saint Paul the Apostle and Saint Francis Xavier Church in Manhattan even though their activities, including an annual "Gay Pride Mass," have been curbed considerably by "Archbishop" John Nienstedt, who has barred open, unrepentant practitioners of such perverse sins from the reception of what purports to be Holy Communion in the Novus Ordo, something is very rare in conciliar circles. As commendable as this is, and it is very commendable, this does not address the root cause of conciliarism's rapprochement with the world: the Novus Ordo itself.

"Archbishop" Timothy "I am to be a happy bishop" Dolan, the conciliar "archbishop" of the Archdiocese of New York, who began his reign on April 15, 2009, after nearly seven years as the conciliar "archbishop" of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It was in Milwaukee that "Archbishop" Dolan kept his completely disgraced, lavender activist predecessor, Rembert G. Weakland, in perfectly good standing (see Weak In Mind, Weakest Yet In Faith) and where he permitted his "auxiliary," Richard Sklba, who owed his rise to "power" to Weakland, whom he, Sklba enabled at every turn, to praise five false religions as he introduced presenters from those devil-worshipers to Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI so that they could give the false "pontiff" symbols of their idol worship for him to esteem with his own priestly hands at the John Paul II Cultural Center on Thursday, April 17, 2009. And although he has denounced the "Gay Pride" parade that will process right in front of Saint Patrick's Cathedral, "Archbishop" Dolan is hardly a profile in courage when dealing with those from Saint Francis Xavier Church who will be marching "proudly" under their parish banner:

According to informed sources, New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan, wrote Father Joe Costantino, SJ, the Pastor of St. Francis, to say he would not like to see any group participate in the Pride March under the parish banner. In spite of this directive from the Archbishop the LGBT ministries and their family and friends hand out brochures about the Church of St. Francis Xavier encouraging participation in the event.  The text of this brochure appears below:

NYC’s 41st Annual LGBT Pride March
Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Church of St. Francis Xavier is the only Roman Catholic Church in New York City—maybe one of a handful in the world—to participate in the Pride March. We welcome all, as did Jesus. So we ask you to consider walking with the LGBT ministries on Pride Sunday, June 27, and represent a church that truly lives the Gospel. Many of us will attend the 9:00 am or 11:30 am Mass and then head uptown to where the group will meet [location to be determined on June 21].

Each year, through our presence and our handing out of flyers, a number of people find their way to St. Francis Xavier to return to the sacraments and to find their place in the Catholic Church.

We look forward to spending this day of celebration, ministry and the living out of our mission statement together as a parish. If you have any questions, please e-mail SFXWomen@aol.com or SFXGCGroup@gmail.com, or call (917) 297-6804.

St. Francis Xavier is the same Jesuit parish that last month hosted the dissenting, pro-abortion, Catholic Kerry Kennedy.  The parish bulletin, available online, list among its scheduled activities meetings for Gay Catholics, Lesbian Catholics and a Zen Meditation. Also online is an agenda from a recent parish council meeting in which one of the items to be discussed was how to promote and advertise Bishop Sullivan’s visit to the parish for the LGBT Anniversary Mass scheduled for May 14th. (NYC Parish Defies Archbishop Dolan's Request)


Father Joe Costantino, S.J., the pastor of Saint Francis Xavier Church in its conciliar captivity at the present time, is no stranger to looking askance at what he thinks are his superiors in the Catholic Church.

It was back in January of 1987 that I had a confrontation with him after a 4:00 p.m. daily staging of the Novus Ordo service at the Inisfada Retreat House in Searington, New York (yes, I went all over what I thought was "daily Mass" in my "conservative" days) after he had used a spiral bound book entitled "Bread Blessed and Broken," from which he used a so-called "Eucharistic Prayer" that was so outlandish that it had not been approved by the conciliar authorities. I asked him in a hallway outside of the chapel if those prayers had been approved by the Vatican. He demurred slightly, looking at me furtively and said, "Ah, no, not officially." I was full of "conservative" outrage for the integrity of what I thought was the Sacred Liturgy and the authority of our "suffering pope," Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II. "If only the pope knew about this," I told Father Joe, "he'd put a stop to this." (Yes, I really said that, which is why I know the excuses being by young "conservative" whipper-snappers with glossy websites on the blogosphere all too very well. Been there. Done that.)

You will notice that Father Joe has a "Zen Meditation" room at Saint Francis Xavier Church, something that makes a mockery of Saint Francis Xavier's encouraging the children of India to break the false idols of Buddhism (see Saints and Idols: No Room for "Coexistence"). He had one during the six years he was the retreat director at the Inisfada Retreat House (also known as the Jesuit Retreat House of Long Island; Inisfada is the Gaelic rendering of Long Island) from 1993-1999 that I have mentioned before on this site. That room is still there going strong under "Bishop" William F. Murphy, the conciliar "ordinary" of the Diocese of Rockville Centre. It has been at Saint Francis Xavier Church in Manhattan for some time now as "Cardinal" O'Connor" "Cardinal" Edward Egan and now "Archbishop" Timothy Dolan has done nothing to get rid of it. Yes, the joys of ecumenism and "sensitivity" to a "diversity of spiritualities."

Father Joe Costantino's flaunting of the men to whom he is answerable in the conciliar church, to say nothing of the very laws of God, is pretty bold. Consider these three consecutive examples from his own website:

sunburst iconCatholic Lesbian Group

Practicing Catholics and non-practicing, the religious and not-so-religious—all are welcome. Our mission is to provide a safe place for gay women to come together and discuss issues related to spirituality, identity and community. Led and organized by parishioners, we have been meeting at the Church of St. Francis Xavier for more than twelve years on the second Friday of every month at 55 W. 15th St., West Room, second floor.

peace   bannerGay Catholics

Men meet monthly on the first and third Fridays in a welcoming, affirming environment to address gay Catholic life and how best to live authentically our commitment to the Gospel.

peace bannerPeace and Justice Committee

Seeking to proclaim the living Gospel by examining the root causes of injustice and taking loving and prophetic action to name and address them. Meetings on the 2nd Friday of the month.

  • For information, contact Richenda Kramer at: 718-720-6424 or chendakramer@yahoo.com (This is the end of the citation from the Church of Saint Francis Xavier website. Go the the "Social Activities" link, not to the "Spiritual Groups and Activities" link as I reported in an earlier posting, on the left side of that hope page as I am unable to copy and the paste the link directly to this site.)

Like examples could continue endlessly. Time will tell whether the "happy bishop" will be more firm than his two immediate predecessors or whether hollow warnings designed to appear to do "something" (and it's "something" that always appeases "conservative" cheerleaders in the conciliar church, something I know very well) while not using the "heavy hand" of discipline that would bring bad press and "alienate" people who are receiving what they think is Our Lord in Holy Communion without being disposed to do so as their souls persist, objectively speaking, in one Mortal Sin after another. So many people, including so many, although not quite all, "prelates" and clerics in the counterfeit church of conciliarism prefer to offend God rather than men.

Some of those clerics and lavender activists in the conciliar structures justify their support for unrepentant sins against nature to as to justify themselves before men. They are as militant and as "in your face" as they are because their mission is convince everyone, including God Himself, that they are right, that anyone who opposes them is "hateful" and opposed to "human rights." Thus it is that they must protest that the following warning that Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ gave about the fate of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha wasn't really spoken by Him but was placed in His mouth by others, which is utter blasphemy against God the Holy Ghost, Who inspired every word of Sacred Scripture to be written exactly as we read them today:

And into whatsoever city or town you shall enter, inquire who in it is worthy, and there abide till you go thence. And when you come into the house, salute it, saying: Peace be to this house. And if that house be worthy, your peace shall come upon it; but if it be not worthy, your peace shall return to you. And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words: going forth out of that house or city shake off the dust from your feet. Amen I say to you, it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city. (Matthew 10: 11-15.)


Our Lord was wrong? The destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha by fire and brimstone as a just punishment for the vile sins of their inhabitants? That's not exactly mint jelly coming out from deep under the seabed of the Gulf of Mexico right now, you know.

We know already, however, the "happy bishop," who has praised the Judeo-Masonic Anti Defamation League and its B'nai Brith organization, each of which has supported baby-killing and perversity and other evils under cover of the civil law, for their "great work," is a full-throated conciliarist, participating in a re-dedication "liturgy" at Saint Francis Xavier Church on Saturday, June 19, 2010, that was nothing short of worthy of the Modernist monster who goes by the name of Roger "Cardinal" Mahony, the conciliar "archbishop" of Los Angeles, California, who will receive yet another dishonorable mention in an upcoming article on this site.

Anyone who cannot recognize that the clips of that "rededication liturgy" (see Church of St. Francis Xavier (New York, NY) - Service of Rededication) represents an entirely different religion than Catholicism is simply willfully blind to the truth of our situation and is totally bereft of the sensus Catholicus.

Who appointed Timothy Dolan to succeed Edward Egan? Yes, that's right. His name is Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, the "restorer of the faith," the "suffering 'pope'".

Look the woman dressed in a white garment as so holds aloft a burn of burning incense what could easily have passed for a pagan service in the Roman Empire.

Look at Timothy Dolan listen attentively to a man discuss the "LGBT" ministry at Saint Francis Xavier Church that brings people back to the "sacraments," allowing for the possibility that he might have been listening to some other speaker and his reaction to that other speaker was edited into the video presentation for purposes of making it appear as though he was approving of the remarks heard in the audio portion of the video presentation. There is this possibility. Whether or not Dolan's reaction on the video was indeed to the remarks we can hear him apparently approving, the fact that he could sit there at all without registering a word of protest really says all one needs to know about the willingness of conciliar authorities to consider that is even such a thing as "GLBT ministry."

Listen to Father Joe Costantino pervert and entirely distort the purpose for which the Society of Jesus was founded. The Society of Jesus was founded to be the army of the Pope in the battle against the Protestant Revolution.

Listen to Edward "Cardinal" Egan, who looks like he's dropped some pounds himself, speak with effusive praise of the "work" done at Saint Francis Xavier Church.

This is all just a reminder that each of our Catholic churches now in conciliar captivity will have to be consecrated and dedicated anew when Holy Mother Church on earth is restored. And don't let anyone out there dare assert that "Rome" is going to "correct" things. "Rome" is going to do no such thing.  (For the words of Our Lady about such things--and about the silence of those who can witness them without denouncing them, please see the Appendix below.)

Once again, however, this hypersensitivity to "feelings" rather than to the honor and glory of majesty of God and to His Sacred Deposit of Faith, in which is included the binding precepts of the Natural Law that are knowable by reason but need an infallible interpreter and explicator to guide men surely, is but a byproduct of conciliarism, which is itself a byproduct of many things, including the heresy of Americanism. The conciliar "bishops" of the present time and their Americanist predecessors of the Catholic Church have long scoffed at the necessity of speaking as Catholics in a pluralistic country, preferring to find some ecumenical "common ground" rather than to exhort people to convert to the true Faith:

Such Irish-born successors to [Archbishop John] Carroll as John England of South Carolina and John Hughes of New York spread the virus between 1820 and 1850. Both prelates followed in Carroll's wake when they ignored Mirari Vos (on Liberalism and Religious Indifferentism, 1832) because they thought Gregory XVI's anathemas against religious liberty did not apply to the United States. By 1860 American-born prelates John McCloskey of Albany and Martin Spalding of Baltimore furthered what could be definitely diagnosed as a heretical infection. The former, born in Brooklyn shortly after his parents arrived from County Derry, became in 1875 America's first cardinal. In 1858, however, he thought promulgation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception was "inopportune" because Protestants did not like Mary. And so Bishop McCloskey refused to propagate the doctrine in his diocese. Archbishop Spalding, whose forebears settled in Maryland in the 17th century about the same time as the first Carrolls, was similarly reluctant to obey papal directives. In 1865 he issued a pastoral letter stating that Pope Pius IX's Syllabus of Errors (1864) applied only to "European false liberalism."  (Heresy in the Making.)


As has been noted in From The Potomac to the Tiber and Back and King George III Is Looking Pretty Good These Days, Americanism is an important building-block of conciliarism. It is no accident that many of the conciliar "bishops" in the United States of America are as unable and/or unwilling to defend even the truths of the moral law with clarity and firmness as so many, although far from all, of their predecessors in the Catholic Church in this country made one compromise after another in order to "accommodate" the Faith to the pluralism of this country. Even those who recognize perversity is wrong have not the desire or the stomach to say that perverse sins against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments are sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance. They do not think in such terms as their "loving God" of "universal salvation" does not "condemn" people if they "love" on another. It is not their "job" to warn people that they thus risk the fires of Hell by persisting in such sins and promoting them publicly as that would not be "good press" and might drive more people away from their already largely empty pews.


Some in the conciliar structures might protest at this juncture and claim that it is unfair to cite administrative or "pastoral" decisions on matters of discipline that are subject to a variety of subjective judgments, that no "heresy" is involved in taking it "easy" on the wayward for the sake of maintaining the bonds of a false charity. I reply to this by saying once again that God cares about matters of moral integrity just as much as He cares about doctrinal integrity, and it is indeed very telling that the conciliarists, who scoff in many instances at the perennial teaching of the Catholic Church and who openly blaspheme and betrayal Our Lord by entering into false places of worship without ever saying a word about the fact that those who "worship" there need to convert to the true Faith, are "easy" on hardened sinners who flaunt their sins in public and who are very "easy" on themselves as they commit gross sacrileges and are manifestly negligent in their duties to perform the Spiritual Works of Mercy that are necessary for one to show forth his charity for others in a concrete way when circumstances call for them to be performed.

That which is false, founded in one condemned proposition after another, will show forth its sterility over the course of time as it tolerates all manner of errors on a practical level that, at least theoretically, are condemned "officially" but without, at least for the most part, any disciplinary actions imposed upon those who hold and promote those errors publicly. It is pretty difficult for the lords of conciliarism to have a consistent policy of discipline with those who defect from articles contained in the Deposit of Faith and who promote grave moral evils when each of them, without exception, defies the ancient anathemas of the Catholic Church concerning the nature of dogmatic truth, false ecumenism and "inter-religious prayer services" and as they support openly such things as separation of Church and State and religious liberty.

We have much reparation to make to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary for our sins and for those of the whole world. Much reparation to make, especially in this month of June.

With Our Lady as our sure guide and intercessor, may we indeed be ever earnest about making reparation for our own many sins, each of has contributed to the worsening of the state of the Church Militant here on earth and of the world-at-large. Once again, make no mistake about it: our own sins and our ingratitude and our lukewarmness have exacerbated, that is, worsened, the state of the Church Militant on earth. We cannot be content to wallow in spiritual mediocrity. We must accept whatever penances and humiliations that God chooses to send us so that we can give them back to His Most Sacred Heart through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of His Most Blessed Mother as her consecrated slaves, especially by means of praying as many Rosaries as our states-in-life permit.

Our Lady stands by the tomb of her Divine Son, Who has been buried mystically by the conciliarists' contempt for the truths that He has revealed exclusively through His Catholic Church and have been taught infallibly by her without any hint or shadow of change from Pentecost Sunday. We must keep her company at that tomb in our prayers, being ever willing to take on more penances and to renounce our own comfort and convenience and all attachment to human respect in order to help to usher in the day when the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will make it possible for the enemies of her Divine Son in the modern world and in the grips of Modernism will be vanquished, permitting the restoration of all things in Christ the King as we honor her as our Immaculate Queen.


Vivat Christus Rex! Viva Cristo Rey!

Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.

Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.

See also: A Litany of Saints


Words of Our Lady to the Venerable Mary of Agreda as recorded in The Mystical City of God


427. My daughter, when in the course of this history I so often call thy attention to the lamentable state of the world and to that of the holy Church in which thou livest, and when I so often express my maternal solicitude that thou imitate me, remember, my dearest, that I have great reasons for obliging thee to lament with me and for wishing thee to weep over that which I bewailed in my mortal life; and which would afflict me in my present state, if in it I were capable of sorrow. I assure thee, soul, thou hast reached times, in which thou oughtest to shed tears of blood because of the calamities coming over the children of Adam. Since thou canst not at one and the same time attain a full knowledge of them all, I remind thee of what from my place in heaven I see going on in the whole world among the believers of the holy faith. Turn then thy eyes upon those multitudes and behold the greater part of the children of Adam in the darkness and errors of unbelief, rushing without hope of salvation to eternal perdition. Behold also the children of the faith and of the Church, how heedless and forgetful of this damage they continue to be, so that there are none who seem to deplore it. For in contempt of their own salvation, they care not about that of others and, their faith being dead and their love extinct, they sorrow not for the loss of souls created by God and redeemed by the blood of the incarnate Word.

428. All are the children of the eternal Father who is in heaven (Matth 23, 9) and all are obliged to have a care of their brethren according to each one's condition. This obligation rests more especially upon the children of the Church, who can live up to it by their prayers and supplications. But this duty lies still more directly upon those who have influence, upon those who are nourished by the Christian faith, and who enjoy more of the benefits of the liberal hand of the Almighty. Those who through the law of Christ are favored with temporal advantages and who make use of them for the service and the delights of the flesh, are they who, as the powerful, are to be more powerfully tormented (Matth 23, 9). If the pastors and the chiefs of the house of the Lord seek only a life of ease, without caring to engage in true earnest labor, they will make themselves accountable for the ruin of the flock of Christ and for the carnage brought on by the infernal wolves. O my daughter, into what a lamentable state has the Christian people been cast by the powerful, by the pastors, and by the wicked ministers, whom God has given them in his secret judgments ! O what confusion and chastisements await them! Before the tribunal of the just Judge they will have no excuse; since the Catholic truth undeceives them, their conscience loudly protests, while they wilfully remain deaf to all warnings.

429. The cause of God remains neglected and without a champion; his possessions, which are the souls, are left without increase; all as it were look but to their own interest and preservation, each one according to his own diabolical cunning and according to his state of life. Truth is obscured, flattery raises its voice, avarice is unbridled, the blood of Christ is trodden under foot, the fruits of the Redemption are held in contempt; no one wishes to risk his own comfort or interest in order to save what has cost the Savior his blood and life. Even the friends of God are influenced by the evils; for they do not make use of their charity and its holy liberty as they ought; and most of them allow themselves to be overcome by their cowardice and content themselves with working for themselves alone, forsaking the common cause of the souls of others. Hence thou mayest understand, my daughter, that now, after the evangelical Church has been established by my divine Son and fertilized by his own blood, those unhappy times have come, of which the Lord himself complains through his holy Prophets, saying : what the palmerworm hath left the locust has eaten, and what the locust left the bruchus consumed, and the residue is destroyed by the mildew; (Joel 1, 4) and in order to gather some fruits from his vineyard, the Lord goes about like the gleaner after the vintage, who seeks some remaining grape, or some olive, which is not dried up, or carried away by the demons (Is. 24, 13).

430. Tell me now, my daughter, how is it possible, if thou still hast a true love for my divine Son and for me, that thou find consolation or rest in thy heart at the sight of the loss of souls, which He redeemed by his blood and I have sought with blood-mingled tears? Even today, if I could shed them, I would begin to do so with new weeping and compassion; and since it is not possible for me now to weep over the dangers threatening the Church, I wish that thou do it and that thou spurn consolation in a misfortune so calamitous and so worthy of lament. Weep bitterly then, and lose not the merit of such a sorrow; and let it be so deep, that thou findst no relief except in affliction for the sake of the Lord whom thou lovest Think of what I did, in order to stave off the damnation of Herod and to prevent it for those who wish to avail themselves of my intercession. In the beatific vision I pray without ceasing for the salvation of my clients. Let not the labors and tribulations sent to thee by my divine Son intimidate thee from helping they brethren and acquiring them for the possession of Christ Amidst the injuries done to Him by the children of Adam, do thou labor to recompense them in some measure by the purity of thy soul, which I desire shall be rather that of an angel than of an earthborn woman. Fight the battles of the Lord against his enemies and in his name and mine, crush their head, reign over their pride and cast them into hell. Do thou also counsel the ministers of Christ with whom thou conversest, to use their power in doing the same, to defend the souls in lively faith and, in them, the honor and glory of the Lord; for thus shall they repress and vanquish them with divine power. (The Venerable Mary of Agreda, The Mystical City of God: Book IV: The Coronation, pp. 282-285.)


© Copyright 2010, Thomas A. Droleskey. All rights reserved.