Please consider making a gift, which is not tax-deductible, to support the work of this site! We depend entirely upon your gifts. See the letter on Donations, which was updated today, July 31, 2009, in light of our unexpected expenses that must be paid this week.
Here is the link to the Live Streaming Page to be used when and if I ever start webcasting!
August 1 Article
Not So "Upright" After All
Another short article. Yes, I guess this is something of a trend now. (I do take constructive advice now and again, emphasis on now and again.) This article deals with Bishop Bernard Fellay's calling Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict an "upright man." Enough said. I need to get some sleep. Go read the article.
I want to thank the eight individuals who have donated to us since Thursday evening, July 30, 2009, via PayPal. We still need more Donations to provide us with a "bridge" before our cash cow, the manufactured house, gives us its "milk," namely, the operating capital that we need to pay our bills and to support ourselves for the rest of this year. We greatly appreciate the non-tax-deductible gifts given thus far. We are in need of receiving more in order to make it through the next several days. Thank you.
In addition to being the First Saturday in the month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the month of August, today is the sixth Saturday of Bishop Robert F. McKenna's
Rosary Crusade. We meditate today on the Agony of Our Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane, praying for the Virtue of Resignation to the Will of God. Let us offer up our reception of Holy Communion today, as far as we are able as the consecrated slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the intentions of the
Rosary Crusade.
Revised: In the Company of Jesus
Today is the Feast of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus. Saint Ignatius
laid down his military armor in front of an image of Our Lady in the Benedictine monastery in Montserrat, Spain, on the Feast of the Annunciation, March 25, 1522, becoming a soldier in the army of Christ the King. Saint Ignatius of Loyola was always in the "company of Jesus," always seeking to advance the cause of the Holy Faith. He attracted men of character and determination of purpose right from the beginning, men who were serious about retarding the advances of the Protestant Revolution and seeking the conversion of pagans in far away lands. The devil hated this good work of the Society of Jesus, which he why he sought to corrupt the sons of Saint Ignatius in the Twentieth Century by means of the various propositions of Modernism. We need to pray to Saint Ignatius and his company of Jesuit saints in Heaven, each of whom was so tenderly devoted to the Mother of God, to help us to be as brave and faithful and gallant as they were in defending the Sacred Honor of Christ the King and of Mary our Immaculate Queen. Our Lady of the Society of Jesus, pray for us. Saint Ignatius of Loyola, pray for us.
Revealing His Inner Teilhard Yet Again
As if yesterday's article, Absolution From The Earth?, did not contain enough absurdity, Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, who is being described by many conciliarists as the "greenest" "pope" in history, has cited, if soever briefly, the late evolutionist and pantheist, the late Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J., by stating as follows:
"It's the great vision that later Teilhard de Chardin also had: At the end we will have a true cosmic liturgy, where the cosmos becomes a living host." (
No true pope of the Catholic Church has spoken in such a way. Although Ratzinger has been effusive in his praised of a direct disciple of Chardin's, the late Abbe Paul Couturier, the founder of "spiritual ecumenism" that puts aside doctrinal "differences" to focus on "shared prayer," something condemned by the teaching of the Catholic Church (see
The Laws of God Forbidding All Communication in Religion With Those of a False Religion), this is one of the first times as "Benedict XVI" that he has invoked Chardin directly, signaling that it is not considered to be acceptable for other Catholics attached to the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism to do so in spite of the fact that the conciliar Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith reiterated a 1962 warning about the work of Chardin just four months before Ratzinger became the prefect of that congregation in 1981.Our Lady of the Society of Jesus, pray for us. Saint Ignatius of Loyola, pray for us.
Finally, there is a new Donations letter. It will be, for reasons explained in its text, the last one of 2009. However, we really do need your help one last time to make it through the next several days. Thank you.
July 30 Article
Absolution From The Earth?
Another short article, something that seems to please many in the peanut gallery. After all, how many times can one point out that pantheism (the deification of nature) is just part and parcel of the "high church, low church" pantheon of falsehoods that make up the counterfeit church of concilairism? Pray. Fast. Pray and fast some more. Pray as many Rosaries each day as your state-in-life permits.
There will be one--and possibly two--new articles tomorrow, Friday, July 31, 2009, in addition to a republished article on the Feast of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus.
A new donations letter will be published tomorrow as well.
It is "crunch" time for us again as the forwarded mail we received yesterday contained only five non-tax-deductible financial gifts totaling four hundred twenty five dollars. Five donations in fifteen days. One of those donations came from a rabbi! We have outstanding bills to pay starting on August 1, 2009, of around $1500. Total cash on hand is around $900, including the non-tax-deductible gifts received yesterday. Drastic measures need to be taken to raise cash. as the proceeds of a generous donation made three months ago--and an emergency grant from a generous soul made two weeks ago-have gone to pay bills. While we appreciate the help that has been given us by our regular donors, we need more of you who support the work of this site and who have the financial wherewithal to help us to do so this very day. Saint Joseph, pray for us!
July 29 Article
Don't get too used to these shorter articles. Longer ones, I am sure, will be coming your way 'ere long. There is no much point, however, in belaboring the obvious concerning the simple fact that the the lords of the counterfeit church of conciliarism are always very happy to make room for Baal and his friends. We need to pray more, to fast more, to make more sacrifices to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary for our conversion and for restoration of Holy Mother Church as the fruit of the Triumph of that same Immaculate Heart of Mary.
I am still using the "delete" key very liberally to delete barely literate screeds that are filled with anger and vitriol. I am still working on my article about how we must conduct ourselves with Charity and forbearance for our fellow Catholics in this time of apostasy and betrayal. I hope to have that article posted (along with a republished piece on the work of Saint Ignatius of Loyola) on Friday, July 31, 2009.
We will see what the forwarded mail from Ohio holds for us when we get it later today. We are praying that your non-tax-deductible financial gift is in that forwarded mail!
July 28 Article
Says Who?
Another short article was written last evening as work on another article, dealing with what seems to be a pandemic of mercilessness among traditionally-minded Catholics, was suspended for completion later today for posting tomorrow on the Feast of Saint Martha. This current article deals with the pro-abortion Vice President of the United States of America, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., a Catholic who remains in "good standing" in the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism despite his support of chemical and surgical baby-killing, who has recently blasphemed the Holy Name of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. Nothing will happen to Biden for this act of blasphemy. Why should anything happen to him? After all, the false "pontiff," Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, violates the First and Second Commandments regularly as he esteems the symbols and values and places of worship of false religions. All are welcome to offend God in the counterfeit church of concilairism, where offenses to God are given daily in the "offering" of the Protestant and Masonic Novus Ordo service.
We were dispossessed from the motor home for most of Saturday, July 25, 2009, as Father Francis Miller, O.F.M., and his brother Normand and several others worked for about ten hours on various electrical issues in our motor home. No, there is no dashboard air conditioning as of yet. Progress has been made in addressing the problem. We are grateful to Father Francis and his brother and everyone else who worked so hard on our motor home. As we were out of the home for most of Saturday (the slideouts failed just as the day's work was coming to an end around 9:00 p.m. on Saturday) and as Sunday was a travel day, writing was postponed until yesterday. (Yes, the travelogue is in development. Thanks for your patience.)
July 25 Article
Sick From Head to Toe
The hour is late. We must arise for Holy Mass in a few hours here on this Feast of Saint James the Greater.
This article, which is a little longer than the last two original articles on this site, deals with the sickness that any Catholic must feel when contemplating the depth of depravity that exists in the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism. While it is true, as noted in the article itself, that depravity is not uncommon even in the Catholic catacombs where no concessions are made to conciliarism or its false pontiffs, and that we have all too often fallen victim in our own lives to our own sinful desires, scandalizing others in the process, it is also nevertheless true that there has been a systematic effort in the counterfeit church of conciliarism to recruit and protect those steeped in unrepentant acts of depravity and then to beat up on the sheep who thought that they could get a fair and impartial hearing from men they believed to be Successors of the Apostles. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. Saint James the Greater, pray for us. Saint Christopher, pray for us. Good Saint Anne, pray for us.
As this article deals with topics that are unsavory, it should not be made available to the young or to those whose Faith is easily scandalized. We must avoid those who have a contempt for the Faith that causes them to have a contempt for the spiritual and temporal welfare of other human beings.
July 24 Article
Back Alley Butchers Never Change Their Tactics
ObamaCare has been stalled, at least for the moment. When passed, however, the nationalization of the health-care industry will transfer life and death decisions from the utilitarians in the medical and insurance agencies to those in the Obama administration. All the more reason to pray and fast and to make reparation for our sins as we pray for a true pope to fulfill Our Lady's Fatima Message, which is Heaven's peace plan and our path out of the mess caused by Modernity and Modernism. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Another brief article will be published at some point tomorrow, the Feast of Saint James the Greater.
Finally, I want to reiterate what I wrote over five years ago now on my "Contact Us" page:
Also, the delete "key" is a wonderful invention. I use it liberally. I have no compunction whatsoever about using the delete key.
The delete key is being used a lot these days as I receive one angry screed after another from a whole assortment of correspondents. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
July 22 Article
Trying to Guess What Should Be Presumed
Well, I promised you all a new article today, the Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene. Although relatively brief (one or two readers have been hectoring me rather constantly for shorter articles), the article is being posted late on today's feast day. It deals with Caesar Obamus's appointment of Dr. Regina Benjamin to be the Surgeon General of the United States of America. The appointment of Dr. Benjamin, who is a Catholic, has prompted some to "guess" as to what should be presumed, that is, her position on the direct, intentional taking of innocent preborn human life. The doctrinal and liturgical revolutions of conciliarism have made it necessary to "guess" what should be presumed about Catholics as conciliarism itself is a false religion that is at war with many articles contained in the Deposit of Faith that Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ entrusted exclusively to the Catholic Church for Its eternal safekeeping and infallible explication. Saint Mary Magdalene, pray for us.
Father Francis Miller and his brother, Mr. Normand Miller, are hard at work trying to discover the reason why the motor home has had no dashboard air conditioning in the past four years. This update is being written under an airplane hangar's roof on a private farm in Louisiana. Father Francis and his brother are also going to try to repair the motor home's driver' side side view mirror, which fell off in Jackson, Mississippi, two nights ago and is hanging by a thread at the present time. Penance is indeed better than ever in 2009. All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. Save souls.
Look for another article at some point tomorrow, July 23, 2009. The travelogue will follow soon thereafter.
July 21 Update
"You do know that it was on fire, don't ya?"
Thus spoke a woman around 11:30 p.m. on Friday, July 17, 2009, at a gasoline station in Hernando, Mississippi. No, I did not know that "it" was on fire. The "it" was the undercarriage of our motor home. Leaking transmission fluid caught fire when dripping onto the motor home's exhaust pipes. As time is short at present, all I will say for now until the next installment of the travelogue appears on this site is that we have had a few days of real penitential offerings, each of which has been accepted with joy and gratitude, each of which was given to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
The penances of the last few days have kept me off the internet and unable to respond to e-mails. This update is being written at a FedEx Office facility in Lafayette, Louisiana, following all day on the road yesterday. The next stop is at wireless phone store to get a new wireless device to connect my recently repaired computer to the internet. I apologize to all who have written and have gotten no response from me. It will take several days to catch up with correspondence. Penance is indeed better than ever in 2009. All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. Save souls.
A new article will be published at some point tomorrow, Wednesday, the Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene. We are still recovering from our penitential journeys of the past few days. A new travelogue will be posted soon.
July 17 Article and Prayer Requests, including for the soul of the late +Mr. Leon Bourque, R.I.P.
L'Osservatore Occulto
With my newer computer having caught up to us in our travels, writing this article was a little easier than it has been in some time now. As the hour is late and we must arise for Mass in a few hours, all I will say about this article is that the editors of the suddenly "hip" L'Osservatore Romano have endorsed the new Harry Potter motion picture. No, I am not making this up. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
My wife Sharon and I want to express very publicly our gratitude to Father Francisco Radecki, CMRI, for the apostolic zeal and generosity of heart that prompted him to fly from the Detroit, Michigan, area to Vicksburg, Mississippi, to offer the Mass of the ages for our friends Mrs. Lee Evans and Mrs. Linda Givens and their sisters. Father Radecki, who co-authored the very important
Tumultuous Times with his identical twin brother, Father Dominic Radecki, CMRI, patiently answered everyone's questions after Holy Mass, explaining how those who defect from the Catholic Faith cannot hold ecclesiastical office in the Catholic Church legitimately. Father Radecki offered to beg for Mass supplies from his brother priests in the CMRI at their semi-annual meeting in Omaha, Nebraska, next week if Father Francis Miller, O.F.M., who is an equally zealous pastor of souls stationed at Christ the King Church in Lafayette, Louisiana, could say Mass for the remnant church in Vicksburg every six weeks or so. Please remember to pray for zealous priests such as Father Francisco Radecki and Father Francis Miller.
Mrs. Jean Pollock, the daughter of the late William C. Koneazny (see A True Catholic Rendezvous), has asked for prayers for the Davidson family, who are suffering greatly right now. Please pray also for a former student of mine who is undergoing the greatest trial of his life for trying to inspire his children to aspire to the heights of personal sanctity.
Finally, Father Francis Miller, O.F.M., informed me around 10:10 a.m. this morning that Mr. Lionel Bourque, a longtime parishioner of Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel in Sunset, Louisiana, who has been assisting at Christ the King Chapel in Lafayette, Louisiana, for the past eighteen months, died this morning after a long illness at the age of seventy-nine. In your charity, my friends, please remember the immortal soul of this good Catholic gentleman, who was so devoted to Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary, in your prayers. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and le perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and all of the souls of the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
As it turns out in God's Holy Providence, our current travels may place us in Lafayette, Louisiana, in time for Mr. Borque's Requiem Mass on Monday, July 21, 2009, at 10:00 a.m., Central Daylight Saving Time.
I will try to have another article completed for posting at some point on the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost and the Commemoration of the great Saint Vincent de Paul, to whom I owe so much for my undergraduate education at Saint John's University in Jamaica, Queens, New York, a saint who was privileged to have two of his spiritual daughters, Saint Catherine Laboure and Sister Justine Bisqueyburo in the convent at Rue du Bac in Paris, France, in 1830 and 1840, respectively.
July 16 Articles
Shielding Us With Her Love and Care
Father Denis McMahon's sermon at the Requiem Mass for the late Father Vincent Bowes, O.C.D., dealt with the true spiritual significance of the Brown Scapular that Our Lady of Mount Carmel gave to Saint Simon Stock on this day in the year 1251:
As noted before, it was on Mount Carmel that Elias, who was battling King Achab's false ecumenism of worshiping false idols, thereby betraying the true religion of the time, Judaism, by violating the First Commandment, slew the prophets of Baal (3 Kings 18:19-40). Father McMahon.went on to relate that Eliseus, the disciple of Elias, asked for a "double spirit" from his master prior to Elias's being taken up in a fiery chariot (4 Kings 2: 6-13). Elias's mantle fell on Eliseus as he, Elias, was being whisked away in the fiery chariot Elias's mantle was to protect Eliseus from the spirit of false ecumenism that had prevailed on Mount Carmel and was sponsored by the king himself, who as a figure of the Antichrist.
Father McMahon said that it was that same "double spirit" of Elias was given by Our Lady when she gave Saint Simon Stock her Brown Scapular of Mount Carmel on July 16, 1251, as a protection against all spiritual dangers, including the false ecumenism of our own day which so offends God in our day as it offended Him as it was practiced on Mount Carmel when Elias slew the prophets of Baal. False ecumenism makes a mockery of His First Commandment. Father Vincent Joachim of the Holy Family, Father McMahon said, stressed time and time again the importance of the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel as a protection against the false ecumenism of the Modernists that has been practiced with such abandon by the conciliar "popes" and their minions. Father Vincent Bowes, O.C.D., the beloved Father Vincent Joachim of the Holy Family, loved God and He mourned that He was being so offended by men who claimed to be representatives of the Catholic Church on earth.
Father Vincent Joachim of the Holy Family gave God His all in life, being, as Father McMahon noted in his sermon, an especially fierce foe of false ecumenism. Indeed, Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, whose feast we celebrate today, April 24, 2009, gave up his life at the hands of those wretched Calvinists as he sought to convert them back to the true Faith. Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen believed in an "ecumenism of the return" that has been completely and categorically rejected by Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI. It simply cannot be that Saint Fidelis and all of the other martyrs who died trying to win Protestants and the Orthodox and Jews and Mohammedans to the true Faith were wrong and Ratzinger/Benedict is correct. Truth is on the side of the martyrs, not the apostates who do not even cry out in anger immediately when one of their "bishops" denies that Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ died on the wood of the Holy Cross in atonement for our sins. Like Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Father Vincent Bowes, was faithful to the end. (Bookended From Birth to Birth)
We must use the shield of Our Lady of Mount Carmel's Brown Scapular to defend us against all of the attacks of the devil in our lives, especially as we seek to protect ourselves from the contagions of conciliarism, including the insidious lie of false ecumenism.
This great feast today, of course, represents what tremendous love that Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has for us by sending us His Most Blessed Mother to give us a sacramental by which we are clothed in the garment of her Brown Scapular, which serves as a particular protection at the moment of death if we have been faithful to all of the conditions of our enrollment. Our Lord has permitted His Most Blessed Mother to give us so many aids to get home to Heaven--the Rosary, the Brown Scapular, the Miraculous Medal, the Green Scapular, devotion to her Immaculate Heart as part of her Fatima Message. We must wear our Brown Scapular of Mount Carmel constantly as we bear witness as best we can that we have been given a loving Mother in Heaven who intercedes for us to live in such a way in this passing, mortal vale of tears that we will always be ready to die and have her pleading for us nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen."
Today is the first anniversary of our daughter's Confirmation at the episcopal hands of His Excellency Bishop Daniel L. Dolan. We want to thank Bishop Dolan for imparting upon Lucy Mary Therese Norma Droleskey the gifts and fruits of God the Holy Ghost, thereby confirming her as a soldier in the Army of Christ. Our little soldier is bravely battling a bad cold and sore throat. Please pray for her!
The other article today, In A Nutshell, is very brief. It deals with the absurdity of the pending "negotiations" between representatives of the Society of Saint Pius X and the representatives of the false "pontiff," Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, Enough said.
I made reference yesterday to a comment from the peanut gallery from a reader who, in writing to a third party, complained that I had never written a single article about Our Lady. When the third party explained that I have written many articles about Our Lady and refer to her in each of my articles, the man from the peanut gallery wrote back to say that he found one article, "Fact and Fiction," that contained no references at all to Our Lady. Could this have been so? No, not even I remember everything I write. An examination of the article, however, revealed the following passages that demonstrate the man from the peanut gallery needs to be a bit more careful in the reading of articles before flying off at the handle as he has done recently:
The Second Person of the Blessed Trinity was made Man in the Virginal and Immaculate Womb of Our Lady, she who was conceived without stain of Original and Actual Sin at the moment of her Immaculate Conception, by the power of the Third Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, God the Holy Ghost. The hypostatic union of the two natures in the one Person, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, took place at the moment of his Incarnation. Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ had His soul with those two natures from the first moment of His conception as He sanctified the womb of every mother while He was in the all-holy and ever-virginal womb of His Most Blessed Mother. Our Lord is in solidarity with every child in every mother's womb, no matter the condition of the conception or the condition of the child conceived, whether "normal" or suffering from some "abnormality." To attack an innocent child in the womb is to attack Our Lord Himself mystically, and this is a fact that Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., and Nancy Pelosi and their ilk must be confronted with over and over again.
Our Lord instructed Saul of Tarsus, who had just presided over the stoning of the first Catholic martyr, Saint Stephen, that an attack upon one of His least members is an attack upon Him:
And Saul, as yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest, And asked of him letters to Damascus, to the synagogues: that if he found any men and women of this way, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem. And as he went on his journey, it came to pass that he drew nigh to Damascus; and suddenly a light from heaven shined round about him. And falling on the ground, he heard a voice saying to him: Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? Who said: Who art thou, Lord? And he: I am Jesus whom thou persecutest. It is hard for thee to kick against the goad. (Acts 9: 1-5.)
Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., and Nancy Pelosi are persecuting Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ mystically in the persons of preborn human babies. And those in the counterfeit church of conciliarism who enable them in this regard must also reckon with the words written by Pope Pius XI in Casti Connubii that were quoted earlier:
And if the public magistrates not only do not defend them, but by their laws and ordinances betray them to death at the hands of doctors or of others, let them remember that God is the Judge and Avenger of innocent blood which cried from earth to Heaven.
The hour is late. Nations, including our own, stand to be annihilated by the wrath of God if we do not heed Our Lady's Fatima Message and make reparation for our sins. In the midst of apostasy and betrayal on every side imaginable, we must enfold ourselves in the mantle of Our Lady's Brown Scapular of Mount Carmel as our shield and use her Most Holy Rosary as our weapon to pray in reparation for our sins and those of the whole world, offering our prayers and sufferings and sacrifices to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
May that Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary come soon. Very soon!
Isn't it time to pray a Rosary now?
Vivat Christus Rex!
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death. Amen. (Fact and Fiction)
By he way, the man from the peanut gallery was excoriating me to a third party for being a sedevacantist, a description that another reader from the peanut gallery believes does not apply to me. Penance is indeed better than ever in 2009! All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. Save souls!
A blessed Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel to you all!
July 15 Articles
As Incoherent as the Founding Itself
Yes, I have managed to rewrite the article that was eaten by my new wireless keyboard last evening. Posting articles, however, requires me to write offline before disconnecting the wireless keyboard in order to connect the "usb" wireless device that connects the computer to the internet. Only one of two "usb" ports on the old computer work. The new computer was sent mistakenly to our address in Ohio despite my having made gargantuan efforts yesterday to redirect its delivery to where are at the present time in the motor home. It won't get here until tomorrow, the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. Save souls!
Oh, you want to know about the new article? Sure, thanks for asking. It is about Kathleen Kennedy-Townsend's Americanist apologia that appeared last week in Newsweek magazine. I also want to re-highlight An Exemplar of Christ the King on this feast day of my Confirmation patron saint, Saint Henry the Emperor.
Among the other penances that have been visited upon me in the last few days was an angry screed from an occasional reader who called me a "hypocrite" because she judges that I not a sedevacantist. The friendly person announced that there has been no true pope since the death of Pope Pius XII. I will be equally as friendly in my public response: Duh! Anyone who does not know that I came to accept the non-legitimacy of the conciliar "pontiffs" following the death of Pope Pius XII on October 9, 1958, has got to be blind to the hundreds of articles that I have written to prove the illegitimacy of these spiritual robber barons, to say nothing of the talks, both video and audio, that I have given to attempt to demonstrate that Catholicism and conciliarism are two mutually exclusive and contradictory religions.
Another fine fellow has accused me of never having written a single article about Our Lady. I guess that the article I will re-highlight for tomorrow's posting, Shielding Us With Her Love and Care and one from two years ago this October, Our Lady Does Not Act on Her Own, don't count. Penance is indeed better than ever in 2009!
I will try, wireless keyboard and non-functioning "usb" port and all, to have another article posted by tomorrow morning, the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
Thank you for your patience, and our thanks to those who donations were waiting for us at the West Chester, Ohio, post office on Monday before we left on our current travels, which will be detailed before too long when I post a new speaking schedule.
July 14 Update
Well, I had purchased a wireless keyboard for my backup notebook computer earlier today. I set about writing what was turning out to be a decent article on Americanism and its current apologists. In God's Holy Providence, however, the new wireless keyboard "ate" that new article just as I was completing it. Gone. This is the first time this has happened since I had to re-write Story Time in Econe after its first draft was eaten by the Adobe Contribute program that is used to create these pages. As I know that my sins richly deserve each and every bit of penance that is sent my way, I accept with gratitude and joy the penance of having to re-write the new article, which will be posted, God willing and Our Lady interceding, at some point tomorrow, the feast of my Confirmation patron saint, Saint Henry, An Exemplar of Christ the King. Penance is indeed better than ever in 2009!
Thanks for your patience. It's nice to be able to type the letters "m," "n," "x," and "v" again, to say nothing of the comma key itself.
God bless, Mary keep, Thomas A. Droleskey.
July 11 Article
A "Blessing" on a Murderer and His Work
"A blessing on all your work and also for you." With those words the false "pontiff," Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, bade farewell to his visitor yesterday, the putative President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama. Sure, sure, sure. Ratzinger/Benedict chided Obama for his support of baby-killing. They did find, however, much "common ground" despite this "disagreement," enough common ground for Ratzinger/Benedict to wish a "blessing on all" Obama's work. How can a "blessing" be extended to "all" of Obama's "work" when almost of that "work" is dedicated to the promotion of one moral evil after another under the cover of the civil law and as he increases the size and the power and the scope of the Federal government, plunging future generations of Americans into an abyss of debt from which there will be no escape? A "blessing" on Obama and "all" his work? Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
The next original article on this site should appear Monday, July 13, 2009, the ninety-second anniversary of Our Lady's third Fatima apparition, the one in which she showed Jacinta and Francisco Marto and Lucia dos Santos Hell itself and made the first request for the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart. Those who find themselves in the Cincinnati, Ohio, area should join Fathers Markus Ramolla and Federico Palma, who is soon to be the resident priest at Our Lady of the Sun Church in El Mirage, Arizona, in praying all fifteen decades of Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary, starting at 7:00 p.m. in the First Watch parking lot on Union Centre Boulevard.
Donations! We still hanging on by a thread. Please help us if you can. We have some bills to be paid this week that will take us back down to around $200 if more of you who support the work of this site and have the means to make a modest two to five dollar non-tax-deductible financial gift do not help us us out. We entrust all to Our Lady and to her Most Chaste Spouse, Good Saint Joseph, and to our dear Saint Anthony. Help!
July 9 Article
Two More Bayers, Please
The spinning has begun! Apologists for Ratzinger/Benedict are tripping all over themselves to try to claim that the false "pontiff's" call for a "world political authority" is not a call for "one world government." Two more Bayers, please! (Big Pharm does come in handy once in a while, you know.)
I will try to have another article posted by tomorrow morning, Friday, July 10, 2009.
July 8 Article and Evening Update
Give Me Two Bayers, Please
Oy vey! Oy, gevalt! Oy! Oy! Oy! Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI has issued a new "encyclical" letter, Caritas in Veritate. Oy! Give me two Bayers, please! Check that. Give me two extra-strength Bayers, please! Enough said. Read the article. I really do have a headache and a fever. Oy! All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. Save souls!
I will try to another original article for tomorrow, July 9, 2009, the Feast of Saints Thomas More and John Fisher, Veronica Giuliani, Maria Goretti, and the Martyrs of Gorkum. We have been giving Lucy some day trips lately, which is why I have been staying up late to complete these articles. However, I will try to another one for posting at some point tomorrow.
We still need Donations. We received two donations on PayPal yesterday. One generous reader made a direct deposit into our bank account that will help us to pay a few bills. We're not out of the woods yet, however. We need more of you who support the work of this site and who have the financial wherewithal in these difficult times to make non-tax-deductible financial gifts. We thank everyone who has responded to our recent appeal. We need more of you to join the ranks of those who have responded thus far.
Evening Update: I was remiss this morning in not extending birthday greetings to His Excellency Bishop Robert Fidelis McKenna, O.P., who turned eighty-two years of age today. His Excellency informed me in a telephone conversation today that he was able to offer Holy Mass today for the first time since May 25, 2009, following surgery on a pinched nerve that produced numbness in one of his hands. His Excellency still has some numbness in the affected hand, which is why he offered Holy Mass privately, not wanting to drop the Sacred Species while distributing Holy Communion to the faithful. He was so delighted to be back at the altar doing what he has been doing for the past 613 months, namely, make of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour's Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity present under the appearances of bread and wine in the unbloody re-presentation of the Our Lord's Sacrifice to the Father in Spirit and in Truth on the wood of Holy Cross in a atonement for our sins. Please continue to pray for Bishop McKenna.
There is also good news about Brother Joseph Mary, CMRI. See the update at Please continue to pray for Brother Joseph Mary's full recovery. The progress he has made thus far is truly miraculous. Deo gratias!
The next article? Perhaps at some point tomorrow afternoon. Keep checking.
July 7 Article
Still Urbanely Accepting Evil
Although it is possible, perhaps even likely, that Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI will use the occasion of his upcoming meeting with the putative President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, in three days to upbraid him for his support of baby-killing under cover of the civil law, there are many within the conciliar Vatican who blithely accept Obama as some kind of "humble realist" who is seeking to find "common ground" on a "difficult" issue. There is no common ground between truth and error. Killing a baby is not a "difficult" matter. Former "papal" theologian Georges "Cardinal" Cottier, O.P., is merely the latest in a line of conciliar Vatican officials to praise Caesar Obamus's May 17, 2009, address at the University of Notre Dame and his June 4, 2009, address at Cairo University. Ugh! Double ugh! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
There is a good collection of articles about the second anniversary of the issuance of Summorum Pontificum to be found on Mr. Michael Cain's Daily Catholic website.
Finally, I do want to thank those of you who have donated to us in recent days. Although our situation remains quite tentative in financial terms, we have enough to pay bills for this current week, it appears. Another crisis, however, looms when more bills are paid next week if more and more readers do not make a non-tax-deductible gift of even a dollar or two on a regular basis. Please keep us in your prayers. We accept all as occurring within the Providence of God and to be given back to Him through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
July 6 Article
L'Osservatore del Calvinista
The editors of L'Osservatore Romano are at it again, this time praising the penultimate hater of the Catholic Faith, John Calvin, who was born five hundred years ago this year, the same year that King Henry VIII began his reign (albeit under a regent) as King of England, and the penultimate narcissist and naturalist, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, as the "only two men who influenced some Europeans to change course and were strong enough to lead them in a new direction" ( The "new direction" in which John Calvin and Jean-Jacques Rousseau led some Europeans is Hell as they did the work of their common master, the devil. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
A thoughtful reader has sent me the following comment in response to King George III Is Owed An Apology:
I enjoyed your excellent article about the false principles upon which this nation was founded. You noted that one of the reasons why the American colonists rebelled against England was because of its own non-Catholicity going back to the rebellion of Henry VIII. I just wanted to add two comments, one of which follows the first.
First, George III, in his youth was tutored by Lord Bute, who was a Catholic. It is considered opinion, by some, that Bute's influence later caused George III to grant French Canadians the right to practice their religion and to hold civil office, i.e., the Quebec Act of June 1774. It was this act that caused the Protestant and Masonic revolutionaries in the American colonies to go to war. It was the straw that broke the camel's back; and, an obvious reflection of the virulent anti-Catholicism in America. You are right, George III wasn't the tyrant caricatured by the Jacobins of Boston.
A monograph by Jesuit Father Charles Metzger, The Quebec Act: A Primary Cause of the American Revolution, is my source. The Lord Bute relationship I got from a work I am not remembering at this time, but I did read it. It is interesting that at the time of the promulgation of the Quebec Act and after, George III was lampooned in colonial broadsheets as favoring "popery" and that he broke his coronation oath to avoid all things "Romish".
I thank this thoughtful reader for his very informative comment, validating the contention that I have making for many years, namely, that the founders of the United States of America were, at least for the most part, men who had
a Founding Hatred for Christ the King. I will work these comments into my next article, which should appear tomorrow, Tuesday, July 7, 2009, the Feast of Saints Cyril and Methodius and the Commemoration of Saint Lawrence Brindisi.
Please continue your prayers for the repose of the soul of Sister Mary Olive Rowley, whose wake was held last night in the Chicago, Illinois, area. A Requiem Mass with the body present will be offered this week, probably today, I believe, by Father Charles McGuire at Saint Hugh of Lincoln Church in Sister's hometown of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Please continue to pray for Father Martin Stepanich, O.F.M., S.T.D., who continues to teach us so very much and such a charitable manner, and for Miss Samantha Current and Miss Suzanne Kennedy. Eternal rest grant unto Sister Mary Olive Rowley, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul and all of the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Donations! We have reached a critical stage once again. While we received some generous donations last week which paid for half of the repairs to the motor home's roof and for the entirety of the repairs done to the front and rear brakes of the TrailBlazers, we are about to go broke this week once regular monthly bills are debited from our checking account. We are in need of non-tax-deductible financial gifts most urgently right now, today. Please help us out if you can. Thank you.
July 4 Articles and Late Evening Update
King George III Is Owed An Apology
We are bound by the binding precepts of the Divine Positive Law (the precept of filial piety contained in the Fourth Commandment) and the Natural Law to dearly love the country in which we have been born or have taken up residence and, possibly, acquired citizenship by means of naturalization. True love of one's country, however, is to will her good, the ultimate expression of which is her Catholicization in all aspects of her public life and popular culture bar none. A nation founded on false premises will wind up institutionalizing one abject evil after another, which is why those of us who are citizens of the United States of America must seek to plant seeds for her conversion to the true Faith as make reparation for her sins, including the sins that we have committed in the name of a false concept of human liberty.
Pope Leo XIII explained in Sapientiae Christianae, January 10, 1890, that we must love God as He has revealed Himself through His true Church above all creatures, including above our country, and to prefer His Holy Church if ever any conflict arises between the civil state and the true Faith:
Now, if the natural law enjoins us to love devotedly and to defend the country in which we had birth, and in which we were brought up, so that every good citizen hesitates not to face death for his native land, very much more is it the urgent duty of Christians to be ever quickened by like feelings toward the Church. For the Church is the holy City of the living God, born of God Himself, and by Him built up and established. Upon this earth, indeed, she accomplishes her pilgrimage, but by instructing and guiding men she summons them to eternal happiness. We are bound, then, to love dearly the country whence we have received the means of enjoyment this mortal life affords, but we have a much more urgent obligation to love, with ardent love, the Church to which we owe the life of the soul, a life that will endure forever. For fitting it is to prefer the good of the soul to the well-being of the body, inasmuch as duties toward God are of a far more hallowed character than those toward men.
Moreover, if we would judge aright, the supernatural love for the Church and the natural love of our own country proceed from the same eternal principle, since God Himself is their Author and originating Cause. Consequently, it follows that between the duties they respectively enjoin, neither can come into collision with the other. We can, certainly, and should love ourselves, bear ourselves kindly toward our fellow men, nourish affection for the State and the governing powers; but at the same time we can and must cherish toward the Church a feeling of filial piety, and love God with the deepest love of which we are capable. The order of precedence of these duties is, however, at times, either under stress of public calamities, or through the perverse will of men, inverted. For, instances occur where the State seems to require from men as subjects one thing, and religion, from men as Christians, quite another; and this in reality without any other ground, than that the rulers of the State either hold the sacred power of the Church of no account, or endeavor to subject it to their own will. Hence arises a conflict, and an occasion, through such conflict, of virtue being put to the proof. The two powers are confronted and urge their behests in a contrary sense; to obey both is wholly impossible. No man can serve two masters, for to please the one amounts to contemning the other.
As to which should be preferred no one ought to balance for an instant. It is a high crime indeed to withdraw allegiance from God in order to please men, an act of consummate wickedness to break the laws of Jesus Christ, in order to yield obedience to earthly rulers, or, under pretext of keeping the civil law, to ignore the rights of the Church; "we ought to obey God rather than men." This answer, which of old Peter and the other Apostles were used to give the civil authorities who enjoined unrighteous things, we must, in like circumstances, give always and without hesitation. No better citizen is there, whether in time of peace or war, than the Christian who is mindful of his duty; but such a one should be ready to suffer all things, even death itself, rather than abandon the cause of God or of the Church. (Pope Leo XIII, Sapientiae Christianae, January 10, 1890.)
His Excellency Bishop Daniel L. Dolan asked the parishioners of Saint Gertrude the Great Church to make the all night vigil before the Most Blessed Sacrament solemnly exposed last evening and this morning a time of prayer of reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the crimes committed by the government of the United States of America and promoted under cover of the civil law and promiscuously in all aspects of popular culture as well as a time of prayer for the conversion of this nation to the true Faith. We can and must certainly continue that spirit of prayer of reparation and conversion today as we participate in the second Saturday of His Excellency
Bishop Robert McKenna's Rosary Crusade.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!
Two other articles, A Day of Reparation, Not of Celebration and A Catechism of the Social Reign of Christ the King are also being highlighted to provide food for Catholic thought and reflection this day.
Yes, I will continue the harangue to get more and more readers to respond to the new Donations letter. I thank those who have responded thus far. As it turns out, we needed new front and rear brakes on the TrailBlazer (pads and rotors on all four wheels). The cost was a staggering $691.95. A generous couple donated $700 to make it possible to keep my family safe, and we are very grateful to this generous couple. We still have other expenses to recoup and more beginning of the month bills that need to be paid in this coming week. I know that times are tough. Even a dollar or two will help us. Thank you so very much
Late evening update: It had been my hope to have another article completed for the twelve people who are accessing this site regularly. (I'm a New Yorker. New Yorkers are known for understatement and overstatement in their use of humor.) After taking our daughter down to the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, Kentucky, today, Saturday, July 4, 2009, and with another outing planned in the Bluegrass State tomorrow to reward Lucy for her fine year of home-schooling (she reads at a sixth grade level now at the age of seven and has begun to learn her Latin; Sharon is doing a wonderful job teaching her), the dozen or so people (there I go again) will have to wait until Monday for the next article. There are no less than three articles currently in development. Thanks for your patience, and send money, please!
July 3 Article
Anniversary Greetings
The hour is very late. The readership of these articles dwindles by the day. What is this article about? Well, read it for yourself. Seventy-seven percent of those who access this site only read this home page. You'll just have to click on the link above to find out more about this article that deals with the myth of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict as a "restorer" of Tradition, a myth that is just as was unfounded ten years ago as his reputation as "restorer" of the Faith was dissected in a famous Si, Si, No, No article:
His remarks come across as a fastidious apologia. Cardinal Ratzinger seems to have learned nothing from all that has happened. He is only concerned with showing the continuity of his theology, believing that by so doing he is defending both himself and Vatican II. From this defense a certain image of Cardinal Ratzinger as restorer of the Faith has been created; and it is an image in which many still believe. However, it is only blatant mystification.
The best known work of the Cardinal is the book, Introduction to Christianity, published in 1968 and translated into 17 languages. He speaks of it with satisfaction. Not withstanding, the Christology that he sets forth is scarcely orthodox. Sometimes he only very narrowly avoids the theology of heretics, which has been passively absorbed by the majority of Catholic theologians. He also affirms that Jesus the Messiah is a product of the faith of the primitive community: "He is the One who died on the cross, and Who, to the eyes of faith, rose" (Italian ed., Brescia, 1971, 4th ed., p.171) .The Resurrection is not then an historical fact, but a simple belief of the disciples. Like examples from the book could be multiplied.
The reputation of Ratzinger as restorer of the Church does not rest on his works. It is probably owing to the fact that several times he has quite clearly described certain disorders, and that he has always dissociated himself from the most extreme factions. But this takes away nothing from the modernist foundation of his theological vision: "Ratzinger is always like that: To counter the excesses, from which he keeps his distance, he never proposes Catholic truth, but rather an apparently more moderate error, which, nevertheless, in the logic of error, leads to the same ruinous conclusions" (SISINONO, no.6, 1993, p.6).
Some commentators have compared the Second Vatican Council to the Estates General of the French Revolution. Developing the analogy, one might say that Cardinal Ratzinger is a Girondist. The members of that faction were certainly more politically moderate than were the Jacobins, and especially their left wing (to which, in theology, we could compare the Kungs, Drewermanns, etc.), but they were no less revolutionary. They wanted to accomplish the same objectives, only in a more gradual, pragmatic manner. Their vision of the world, though, was identical: human reason exalted and placed in the center of the universe, democracy, bourgeois individualism; identical, too, was their hatred of Christianity, their desire to confiscate the goods of the Church, etc. (The Memories of a Destructive Mind: Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger's Milestones, part 2.)
Go on now, read the new article.
Finally, a few good souls have donated half of the amount that we need to meet our emergency expenses. One very generous couple has given enough to get the TrailBlazer's brakes repaired, repairs that will be completed today. We are still out $300 for the repairs to the motor home's roof and have no funds for the purchase of the new tow bar to connect the motor home to the TrailBlazer without fear of the latter breaking away yet again. Beyond that, of course, the lack of regular, sustained non-tax-deductible financial gifts is going to make it difficult to pay our bills as the month progresses. The proceeds of a generous donation made three months ago have been depleted by bills and expenses. (The motor home, though still operable, has no resale value equivalent to the monies poured into it and will continue to serve as the means by which we make long distance trips.) We need your help or we will go belly up real soon. I hate to emphasize this point over and over again. I simply must ask those who support the work of this site and who have a few dollars to spare to make their non-tax-deductible financial gift today.
Thank you.
July 2 Articles
Revised: Magnificat
Today is the magnificent feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to her cousin, Saint Elizabeth, and her preborn Divine Son's preborn Precursor, Saint John the Baptist. This date, July 2, marks the end of the period of Our Lady's Visitation, which began on April 2, lasting until the day after the octave day of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist. Our Lady's perfect Charity for her cousin and her Divine Son's Precursor should prompt us to perform the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy at all times, making sure as well to proclaim the Holy Name of Mary, she whom all generations are duty bound to call blessed, as the Mother of God who made possible our salvation by her perfect fiat to the will of God the Father at the Annunciation and who is the Queen of Heaven and on earth, the very Immaculate Conception who prays for us now and at the hour of our deaths.
Father Benedict Baur, O.S.B., writing in The Light of the World, Volume II, put the profundity of this great feast in perspective for us:
The Epistle [in today's Holy Mass] gives us the meaning of this event related in the Gospel. John the Baptist is a type of mankind and of the Church. Christ the bridegroom of our soul, who comes to us through His holy mother. Mary is the intermediary who brings the bridegroom to us, and the sponsor of the compact between Him and our soul. The events related in the Gospel today are repeated continually in the lives of all of us. The Church beholds Mary, the mother of Christ, hastening into the hill country to bring salvation to the Precursor (to us), ad she cries out in joy: "Arise, make haste, my love, my dove, my beautiful one, and come. For winter is now past; . . . the flowers have appeared in our land; . . . the fig tree hath put forth her green figs, the vines in flower yield their sweet smell. Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come. . . . Show me thy face, let thy voice sound in my ear" (Epistle). The Lord can hardly wait until He has reached John and us to sanctify us. He is eager to cleanse us from our sins and to sanctify us with His grace, to elevate us to the level of His divine life. He is eager to be with the bridegroom of our soul, and to share His gifts and His grace with us, and to make us the children of God and heirs of His eternal inheritance. But He will do this only through Mary, only through her who brought Him into this world, only through her who is a figure of His Church, only through Mary.
Happy are we who hear His voice in the teachings and doctrines of the Church, and blessed are we if we follow them. "Blessed are though, that thou hast believed." We are blessed through Christ, through the Church. We, too, may well lift our voices each day and exclaim: "Magnificat--My soul doth magnify the Lord; and my spirit hath rejoiced in God, my Savior," who wishes to espouse us in love. He will be espoused to us through baptism and Holy Communion. Through these we shall be united with Him who is our head, and later we shall ascend with Him into heaven to share His glory and power. "My soul doth magnify the Lord."
All this we have received through Mary, the mediatrix of all grace. How precious she should be in our sight, this most gracious virgin who bore a Savior for us. All these blessings we receive through our membership in the Church, through our faith in Christ, through the liturgy of the Church, through the sacraments and the Holy Sacrifice (Father Benedict Baur, O.S.B.,The Light of the World, Volume II, B. Herder Book Company, pp. 428-429.)
A blessed Feast of the Visitation to you all.
Living in a world that is founded on one false naturalistic presupposition after another imperils the eternal welfare of our souls more than would otherwise be the case as a result of the vestigial after-effects of Original Sin and our own Actual Sins. We live in a world of sentimentality and familiarity that has eroded, if not entirely erased, any sense of circumspection, whether natural or supernatural, that should govern how married persons conduct themselves with members of the opposite gender who are not their spouses. South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, a Protestant, has never been taught this sense of circumspection. Most Catholics attached to the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism have not been not this sense of circumspection, which is why it is important for us to maintain a healthy sense of formality in our relations with members of the opposite gender who are not are spouses as we see in them, our spouses, our very paths to Heaven in whom we have, after Our Lord and His Most Blessed Mother, the only "confidantes" that we will ever need in this passing, mortal vale of tears.
There should be another original article tomorrow, Friday, July 3, 2009, the Feast of Pope Saint Leo II.
Please do read and respond to the new Donations letter. We need your help.
July 1 Articles
Revised: The Laver of Our Redemption
Today is the great Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus. Holy Mother Church will gain a new priest today to apply the merits of this Most Precious Blood to our immortal souls in this time of apostasy and betrayal. Please pray today for the Reverend Mr. Julian Larrabee as he becomes Father Julian Larrabee when he is ordained by His Excellency Bishop Donald Sanborn at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church in Fraser, Michigan, at 9:00 a.m., Eastern time, this morning. The soon-to-be Father Larrabee's vocation was fostered by Father Thomas Zapp, one of the "nine," who was ordained to the priesthood by the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre on November 3, 1982. Most Precious Blood of Jesus, save us!
Let Me Know How the Commies Tip!
True national sovereignty is being surrendered to multinational corporations and to foreign bankers and international organizations. This is, of course, but the logical consequence of the false, naturalistic, religiously indifferentist, anti-Incarnational and semi-Pelagian principles upon which the modern civil state, including the United States of America, is founded. Nations founded on a rejection of the immutable doctrine of the Social Reign of Christ the King must degenerate over the course of time to social anarchy within as its legitimate national sovereignty is undermined one treaty and one agreement and one protocol at a time. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us! (This is, on day 182 of the year of Our Lord 2009, the 103rd article posted since January 1, 2009. The pace has slowed some from last year. However, I will endeavor, solely for the honor and glory of the Most Blessed Trinity through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to keep up the current pace as Our Lady sends me the graces to do so.)
Finally, a new Donations letter was posted two days ago. Have you seen it? I hope so. We raised $220 yesterday. We need to raise another $1800 to meet unexpected expenses, including repairs to the roof of our motor home (which is paid off and which we will not permit to deteriorate so that it is not usable or uninhabitable whenever it is that we are called to be on the road, as appears will be the case soon to try to generate some income) and a new set of front brakes for TrailBlazer (it's metal on metal now, a not pleasant sound and a most unsafe condition). We need your help. We need your help now. I hope that you will make your non-tax-deductible financial gift today. Our thanks to those who have donated already. Our thanks to those who will do so today!
June 29 Article and Prayer Request for the Soul of the late +Sister Mary Olive Rowley, R.I.P.
True Popes Never Need to "Convert" to the Faith
On the precipice of the Society of Saint Pius X becoming the second "personal prelature" in the counterfeit church of conciliarism, Father Franz Schmidberger, the Society's district-superior for the Federal Republic of Germany, has indicated in an interview with conciliar news agency in Germany that the Society of Saint Pius X is ordaining priests and continuing its criticism of some, although not all, aspects of conciliarism because it needs to provide "medicine" to Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI and his conciliar "bishops:"
They are actually being done to help the Pope and the bishops, but they are acting like sick people who refuse to take the medicine that would help the improve their health.
(Fr. Schmidberger: 'In the direction of Tradition')
True popes are never in need of being "converted" to the Catholic Faith. Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us!
Miss Samantha Current left us a telephone message at 6:15 a.m., Eastern time, this morning to inform us of the death of +Sister Mary Olive Rowley. Sister died this morning, the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, at 2:00 a.m., Central Daylight Saving Time.We are saddened by the fact that we will no longer be able to see her in person or talk to her on the telephone now and again. We cannot, however, be saddened by the fact that Sister, who was born and made her professions in the month of June, has died in the month of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus to Which she was so devoted and on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul after she suffered so long and so intensely for the resurrection of the Church Militant on earth. We will miss Sister, to be sure. She is, though, more closely and more perfectly united to us from eternity than she ever was on the face of this earth.
As we express our deepest condolences to Father Martin Stepanich, O.F.M., S.T.D., and Miss Samantha Current, who has cared for Father Martin and Sister Olive for the past four years, and Miss Suzanne Kennedy and to Miss Cecilia Omlor, who cared for Father Martin and Sister Olive and her late sister, Sister Yvonne, so devotedly prior to the arrival of Miss Current, I ask that the readers of this site remember the immortal soul of the late +Sister Mary Olive Rowley in your prayers. I beg also that you have true Masses offered for her immortal soul. Mass intentions may be sent to Father Martin Stepanich, O.F.M., S.T.D., in care of Saint Gertrude the Great Church, 4900 Rialto Road, West Chester, Ohio 45069. These Mass intentions will be forwarded to Father Martin, who will offer Sister's Requiem Mass privately tomorrow, Tuesday, June 30, 2009, the Commemoration of Saint Paul.
Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul and all of the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Sister Mary Olive Rowley, SSSF, teaching at Saint Nicholas School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, January 8, 1965. Look at all of those students. One little Sister controlled a classroom with the authority given her by God and piece of chalk. So much for "educational methods" courses!

Sister Mary Olive Rowley, SSSF, April 21, 2007, Bolingbrook, Illinois. (Photograph taken by Sharon Droleskey)
Update on Brother Joseph Mary, CMRI: Mr. Dave Fuire from Spokane, Washington, left me a telephone message yesterday, Sunday, June 28, 2009, to inform me that Brother Joseph Mary, CMRI, is making a steady recovery from the stroke and catastrophic fall that he suffered on Pentecost Sunday, May 31, 2009, at Mount Saint Michael's Church. Although Brother Joseph can say few words, he can say a complete Hail Mary, something that is so very appropriate for a man who has been so tenderly devoted to the Mother of God throughout his life as a consecrated religious. Please continue to pray for Brother Joseph Mary. Continue also your prayers for Sister Mary Olive Rowley and for His Excellency Bishop McKenna.
Donations. Even though donations are way, way down, I need to go the "well" again. The front brakes on the TrailBlazer are about gone. We don't have the money to repair them. We're also in need of raising funds for a new tow bar with which to pull the TrailBlazer on those occasions we must be on the road (as was the case in the past week when we paid a visit to Father Martin Stepanich, O.F.M., S.T.D., in the Chicago, Illinois, area). We very much need your non-tax-deductible financial gifts for these two very specific needs. Thank you.
Congratulations: On behalf of Sharon and Lucy, I want to extend our congratulations to the following true bishops and priests on the occasion of their anniversaries of priestly ordination: His Excellency Bishop Donald Sanborn (1975), His Excellency Bishop Daniel Dolan (1976), Father Anthony Cekada (1977), and, among others, Father William Jenkins (1978). I do not know the years of the priestly ordinations of Father Joseph Collins or Father Thomas Zapp, both of whom we know. However, we express our best wishes to them and to any other true priests ordained on this day who have come to recognize that it is as impossible to "resist" a true Successor of Saint Peter as it is for a true pope to give his false doctrines and defective liturgies. Our prayers are with these bishops and priests every day.
A New Priest: Finally, please remember the Reverend Mr. Julian Larrabee in your prayers prior to his own priestly ordination on Wednesday, July 1, 2009, the Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church in Fraser, Michigan. We had hoped to be present for that occasion. However, the state of our finances and our vehicles make such a journey impossible. Blessed be the adorable will of God. All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. Save souls!
Look for a new article tomorrow, the Commemoration of Saint Paul the Apostle.
June 28 Article and Update on the condition of Sister Mary Olive Rowley
Big Pharm Trumps the Holy Cross
Back in the manufactured home after four nights (and four very hot days) in the motor home as we visited with Father Martin Stepanich, O.F.M., S.T.D., in the Chicago, Illinois, area, this is a brief article discussing how another big "star" succumbed to the palliatives offered by "Big Pharm" to anesthetize emotional suffering. We do indeed live in a world where "Big Pharm" trumps the Holy Cross as millions upon millions of people seek to flee from suffering rather than embracing it with love and joy and gratitude as the very path of our sanctification and salvation as the consecrated slaves of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through His Most Blessed Mother's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.
There should be new articles each of the next three days.
Donations are way, way down. We do need your help to recoup the monies that are being paid out now for our end of the month of June and our beginning of the month of July fixed expenses. Thank you.
Miss Samantha Current telephoned us this morning just before we went to Holy Mass at Saint Gertrude the Great Church. Sister Mary Olive Rowley is not responsive at this time. She is not expected to recover. While doctors have made this pronouncement before about this indomitable bride of Christ, this may indeed be the time that God has appointed from all eternity to be Sister Olive's final moments as a member of the Church Militant on earth. Sister Mary Olive Rowley was born in the month of the June eighty-nine years ago. She made her first profession as a member of the School Sisters of Saint Francis. She made her other professions in the month of June. She longs to go home to the loving embrace of Our Lord and Our Lady and Saint Joseph, to whom to we pray at this time for Sister's happy and holy death if this is God's Holy Will for her now.
June 26 Article
Making It Up As They Go Along
A new set of tapes recorded in the Oval Office during the presidency of the late Richard Milhous Nixon have surfaced. One recording, made on January 23, 1973, included a segment wherein the nation's only president to have resigned his office worried about the impact of the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States of America in the cases of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton on family stability while at the same saying that abortion might be permissible in instances involving a "mixed race" baby. Naturalists just make it up as they go along, oblivious to the fact that everyone on the face of this earth is bound at all times to adhere to everything contained in the Deposit of Faith that Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ entrusted exclusively to the Catholic Church for Its eternal safekeeping and infallible explication. Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us. Make sure also to start your participation in Bishop McKenna's Rosary Crusade tomorrow, June 27, 2009.
Sister Mary Olive Rowely is recovering from gastrointestinal surgery. She is in a great deal of pain. Please continue to pray for her.
Also in a great deal of pain is His Excellency Bishop Robert F. McKenna, O.P., who had surgery on Tuesday, June 23, 2009, to repair carpal tunnel syndrome that has prevented him from offering Holy Mass since May 25, 2009. Please pray for this wonderful shepherd, a true son of Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary and of the founder of his order, Saint Dominic de Guzman, to whom Our Lady said,
"One day, through the Rosary and Scapular I will save the world."
There may be another new article at some point tomorrow, June 27, 2009.
Donations are down. Readership is down. Blessed be the adorable will of God! Deo gratias!
June 25 Update
As God's Holy Providence would have it, we were en route yesterday afternoon to the Chicago, Illinois, area for a brief visit to Father Martin Stepanich, O.F.M., S.T.D., and Sister Mary Olive Rowley when we received word of Sister Olive's hospitalization. A voice message was left several hours later by Miss Samantha Current, Father Martin's and Sister Olive's diligent caregiver, that Sister has had emergency surgery. Please pray for Sister Mary Olive Rowley, who just celebrated her eighty-ninth birthday last week. Updates will be provided as Sister's condition is made known to us. We will attempt to visit her in the hospital later today.
A new article is nearly completed. It may be delayed in light of this emergency. Thank you for your prayers for Sister Mary Olive Rowley, a valiant champion of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and a devoted daughter of His Most Blessed Mother who has suffered much in this time of apostasy and betrayal.
Our Lady, Help of Christians, pray for Sister Olive.
June 24 Revised Article
Revised: His Name Shall Be John
Today's great feast, coming as it does six months, one day prior to Christmas Day, is only one of three in the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church that commemorates a physical birth (or Nativity). Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's Nativity in Bethlehem in celebrated on Christmas Day, December 25. Our Lady Nativity is celebrated on September 8. And Our Lord's Precursor, the son of Saint Elizabeth, Saint John the Baptist, is privileged to have his own Nativity celebrated this very day. This is a tremendous feast day in the life of the Catholic Church.
Saint John the Baptist, the last of the Old Testament prophets, prepared the way for the coming of Our Lord prior to the assumption of His Public Ministry. Freed from Original Sin in the womb of his mother, Saint Elizabeth, who was Saint Anne's cousin, at the moment of Our Lady's Visitation, Saint John the Baptist preached fearlessly to convert sinners from their sinful ways and to prepare them to accept his Cousin, God Incarnate, as their Redeemer. He also knew that he had to decrease in stature in the world as Our Lord increased following His symbolic baptism in the Jordan River, during which, of course, God the Father sent a dove, symbolizing God the Holy Ghost, spoke to tell us in no uncertain terms, "This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased" (Matthew 3: 17), a proclamation that would God the Father repeated at Our Lord's Transfiguration (Matthew 17: 5).
Saint John the Baptist fearlessly proclaimed the truth. He lost his head for doing so. In like manner, of course, we must proclaim the truth, doing so out of fidelity to Our Lord as He has revealed Himself to His true Church, and in true Charity for the eternal good of others, recognizing at all times that we are but weak vessels of clay, full of faults and failings, who must make much reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary for our sins.
It is not easy to speak truth to those in power. Saint John the Baptist knew this.
Those in power, such as King Herod the Tetrarch, who was married illicitly to his brother's wife even though his brother was still very much alive, frequently believe themselves to be beyond criticism and that each of their decisions are binding upon the consciences of all others, a power that Our Lord has given exclusively to true popes, who can indeed bind our consciences. And it is frequently the case that even true bishops in in the decades before the "Second" Vatican Council had a tendency to figuratively lop off the heads of anyone who questioned their personnel decisions, a tendency that has borne such rotten fruit as the unquestioning "trust" rendered to top lieutenants in the past made possible the infestation of corruption among the ranks of the conciliar presbyterate, an infestation that has scandalized many Catholics and caused some to lose the Faith altogether.
Those in civil power, however, tend to think of themselves as demigods whose musings on this or that subject carry great significance. No matter who the President of the United States of America is, for example, it is invariably the case that some sort variation of one false, naturalistic presupposition after another is supposed to be accepted by the populace as the foundation for the common good domestically and for peace internationally. These "demigods" can't possibly be wrong, of course. They believe that their shallow words and empty and sometimes contradictory statements are received from on high (actually, their words and actions come from below!) and anyone who dares to dissent from them is suspect of being a "domestic terrorist."
We must, therefore, ask Saint John the Baptist to pray for our true bishops and priests in this time of apostasy and betrayal so that they will continue their courageous work of defending the truth of Divine Revelation as this truth is attack by the mighty powers of the counterfeit church of concilairism and by the potentates in civil government who share conciliarism's rejection of the Social Reign of Christ the King and believe, instead, that men of "good will" can pursue the "common good" without seeking the conversion of all men and all nations to the Catholic Faith, outside of which there is no salvation and without which there can be no true social order.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us, pray for our true bishops and priests.
A new article in the process of being written. As the numbers of readers accessing some of the recent articles on this site are really in a steep decline (just a statement of fact, accepted in a spirit of gratitude as the adorable will of God), I see no sense in staying up until 2:00 a.m. to complete the next article. Look for it tomorrow morning, June 25, 2009. Thanks for your patience. I will say, however, that Bishop Bernard Fellay's interview of three days ago is validation of my observations in Winning at the Waiting Game.
June 23 Article
Appeasers Never Learn
Another late (or early) hour. Appeasers never learn that appeasement winds up emboldening aggressors. Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI has appeased the ancient enemies of the Catholic Faith in the false religions of Talmudic Judaism and Mohammedanism making himself subject to their pressures as a result of his enabling them time and time and time again. The "poor 'pope'" only has himself to blame for being besieged by non-Catholics who see him as the Vicar of Christ on earth and who seek to "pressure" him into doing their bidding for him. Ratzinger/Benedict's policy of appeasement of the murderous thugs in Red China has only emboldened them to round Catholics in the underground church there. It is no wonder that there is some kinship felt by many in the conciliar Vatican with the penultimate appeaser, Caesar Obamus, who, like James Earl Carter, Jr., before him, never met a leftist dictator that he just could not resist appeasing. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
There should be a new article tomorrow to accompany a republished article on the Feast of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist.
Donations made online have slowed in the past few days. We have paid the end of June and beginning of July bills. We have been hit with five hundred dollars' worth unexpected repairs to the motor home, which is not taking to well to being in storage. All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. Save souls.
Finally, please pray for His Excellency Bishop Robert F. McKenna, O.P., who is undergoing surgery today on his wrist to correct a case of carpal tunnel syndrome that has made it impossible for His Excellency to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which he offers so exquisitely according to the traditional Dominican Rite of the Catholic Church. This truly good shepherd needs your prayers. Please make sure to read and then pledge to Our Lady to faithfully fulfill your part in Bishop McKenna's Rosary Crusade. I ask your prayers also for a former student of mine who is attempting to defend his rights as a Catholic father in a court of law today. Thank you very much on this Vigil of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist.
June 22 Article
L'Osservatore Del Naturalista
As promised yesterday, this article deals with the interview that the editor of L'Osservatore Romano, Gian Maria Vian, gave to a reporter from Inside the Vatican magazine. There was nothing really new in Signore Vian's incredible apologia in behalf of his view of Caesar Obamus, and thus there is nothing really new in this article. However, it is an original commentary, providing a pretty comprehensive dissection of most of the interview, whose contents were sent to me by Mr. Mark Stabinski as the interview is not available online at this time.
Please make sure to read and then pledge to Our Lady to faithfully fulfill your part in Bishop Robert Fidelis McKenna's Rosary Crusade.
There should be. God willing and Our Lady interceding, another new article tomorrow, Tuesday, June 23, 2009. I had hoped to have a reflection posted today, the fortieth anniversary of my graduation from Oyster Bay High School, on my high school years. The current article, however, took precedence. If any of my 170 or so living high school classmates (out of class of 172 graduates) access this site, though, I want to assure them that I pray for many of them every day without fail. Forty years! I remember the day vividly. (My parents and brother went out to eat at a restaurant in Cold Spring Harbor, New York, the Mariners' Inn, while I returned home to take care of our three beagles and watch the WOR-TV Channel 9, telecast of the Mets' double-header at Shea Stadium against the Saint Louis Cardinals. Forty years! All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. Save souls!)
June 21 Republished Article
Republished: Our Dear Saint Aloysius: Pray for Us to Be as Pure as Thee
Yes, I'm still working on my next original article of substance (although one of a personal note may be completed before that substantive article as tomorrow, June 22, 2009, is the fortieth anniversary of my graduation from Oyster Bay High School; four decades?).
This republished article is but a brief reflection on the brief but extraordinary life of sanctity lived by Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, a great lover of the Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in His Real Presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament and of Our Lady. Saint Aloysius was intensely united to the sufferings that Our Lord endured in His Passion and Death, offering up his own sufferings prior to death, sufferings that he contracted as a result of helping a man with the plague in Rome, in union with that of Our Lord's own Passion and Death. Saint Aloysius was also devoted to the angels, which makes sense as he had an angelic purity of his own. We need to invoke his holy intercession to help us to have as a pure a heart as he did as we attempt to make reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary for our own sins, especially any against Holy Purity. Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, pray for us.
The next substantive article will deal with the continued blathering of Gian Maria Vian in defense of the position taken by L'Osservatore Romano about the administration of the pro-abortion Caesar Obamus. Although two articles,
Urbanely Accepting Evil and
Respect Those Who Break the First Commandment?, Respect Those Who Break the Fifth Commandment, have been written about Vian's blithe dismissal of the gravity of Obama's direct involvement as President of the United States of America in making possible the direct, intentional taking of innocent preborn life with American taxpayer dollars. As I try to keep hammering home, however, it's a relatively easy thing to be "urbane" in the acceptance of the evil of baby-killing as simply a "regrettable" part of daily life when one has become used to how the conciliar "popes" have offended God by means of breaking the First Commandment so blatantly and so unrepentantly.
Finally, I want to thank those who have contributed on PayPal and by means of the snail mail in the past few days. We have received non-tax-deductible financial gifts that have made possible the payment of our property rent, our monthly car payment, our monthly aggregate insurance payment and our cellular phone bills. Other bills come due soon. However, I want to acknowledge and to thank in a public way the generosity of those who have been so generous to us in the past few days. Thank you so very much.
June 19 Articles and Late Evening Update
Here are two reflections, one republished and the other an original composition, for the great feast we celebrate today, the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus:
Republished: Enthroning the Heart of Love in Our Homes and Tender Mercies.
We are so ungrateful and so indifferent in the face of the great, tender mercies that have been showered upon us by the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, formed out of and beating as one with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. A marvelous reflection, written by Father Francois Charmot, S.J., in In Retreat With the Sacred Heart summarizes the Trinitarian nature of the love that flows out for us from the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus:
If I did not have some knowledge of the Heart of Jesus, how little would I realize the love of the Father!
But, looking upon the pierced Heart of the Incarnate Word, I can say with assurance: blessed be Thou, O Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who, in Him, has heaped upon us all Thy spiritual blessings!
Before the creation of the world Thou hast chosen us in Jesus, in order that we may be holy with Him, through the love of the blessed Trinity.
Thy Son is charity, s Thou, Father, art charity.
He is all charity, as thou art all charity.
The charity of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost is the same, equal in Three Persons.
There are not three charities, but one singe coeternal love.
With what love I have been loved infinitely, neither more nor less by Thee, Father, than by the Son and by Thy Holy Spirit, since before the creation of the world!
If I believe that Jesus loves me, I believe that His Father loves me just as much, and it is Thy Word who declares to me that Thou, Father, and Thy Holy Spirit wish to dwell in me.
All those whom the Heart of Jesus loved: His disciples, the children, the sinners, the diseased, the poor, the humble, the persecuted.
Thou, Father, also loved them with the same love.
The Blessed Virgin was loved no less by Thee than by Thy Son, her Son, and by Thy Spirit.
O Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, blessed be Thou for having foreordained that we should be Thy Sons in thine only begotten Son, sons of adoption through Thy Son incarnate
Thou hast willed, by this gracious predestination, that the Heart of Thy well-beloved Son should make us sharers in the love of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
For this Heart encompasses all that the charity of the Three Persons could communicate from its Fire to the Incarnate Word.
In this Heart we possess by heritage such an effusion of the Holy Spirit, such a furnace of love, such an ocean of mercy, such an outpouring of tenderness, that it is impossible to imagine any others in some perfect creature which would be closer to infinite charity.
That is why, O Father, we know thy love through the Heart of Jesus.
Kind Father, kindest of Fathers, incomparably kind Father, Thou hast willed that through the pierced Heart of Thy Son, we should know the extent of Thy charity, Thy goodness, Thy paternity, Thy longanimity, Thy mercy, Thy pardon, Thine eternal remission of sin.
And when this Heart which has so loved men--even to the shedding of all Its blood for them--finally ceased to beat, the death of Thy Son bore witness, even as the sacrifice of His Father who had delivered Him, that the love of the Three Persons for us outweighs the very life of the Man-God.
Through the pierced Heart of Thy Son, O infinitely good Father, grant me the grace to believe implicitly in Thy love, to love Thee as a Son, as Thy Son Jesus, who abandoned Himself to Thee in the agony and on the cross in utter helplessness and total destitution, solely because Thou were His Father. (Father Francois Charmot, S.J., In Retreat With the Sacred Heart, The Newman Press, 1956, pp. 16-18.)
A blessed Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus to you all! Let us never be ungrateful or indifferent to the tender mercies shown us by the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Let our own hearts fly unto these tender mercies through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
There have been two other articles in the past two days. (And the Donations page link has been repaired. Make use of it, please!)
Late Evening Update: Although I thought that a new article would appear tomorrow morning, another project has intervened. Look for that next article, God willing and Our Lady interceding, on Sunday, June 21, 2009, the Third Sunday after Pentecost and the Commemoration of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga.
The next article will deal with (surprise, surprise) Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's efforts to make Saint John Mary Vianney, of all people, a witness in behalf of conciliarism. Poor Nicole Sotelo of the National Catholic Reporter (see Tu Es Sacerdos) does not realize that she has much ore in common with Ratzinger/Benedict's view of the priesthood. Yes, while some have contended publicly that the old Wojtyla/John Paul II invocations of the "springtime of the Church" are not to be found in the allocutions of the "pope" of "Tradition," who happens to blaspheme God regularly by praising false religions and their places of "worship" and their "values, the truth is that the old revolutionary, Ratzinger/Benedict is intent on promoting the exact same apostate vision as his predecessor:
In this context of a spirituality nourished by the practice of the evangelical counsels, I would like to invite all priests, during this Year dedicated to them, to welcome the new springtime which the Spirit is now bringing about in the Church, not least through the ecclesial movements and the new communities. "In his gifts the Spirit is multifaceted. ... He breathes where He wills. He does so unexpectedly, in unexpected places, and in ways previously unheard of, ... but he also shows us that He works with a view to the one body and in the unity of the one body". In this regard, the statement of the Decree "Presbyterorum Ordinis" continues to be timely: "While testing the spirits to discover if they be of God, priests must discover with faith, recognise with joy and foster diligently the many and varied charismatic gifts of the laity, whether these be of a humble or more exalted kind". (Benedict's Letter to Priests.)
To paraphrase the late fortieth President of the United States of America, "There he goes again." Another year of deconstruction and distortion in behalf of conciliarism.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
June 18 Article
Winning at the Waiting Game
Yup. Still here. (Smile, for those who have a sense of humor, that is!) The hour is, however, very late (or very early). This article is yet another commentary on the soap opera best described by His Excellency Bishop Donald Sanborn as
Here Comes the Bride:
The Music Starts Again for the SSPX. The farce that is playing out before our very eyes is amazing to behold. This is just a reminder that the Catholic Church cannot give us defective liturgies or doctrinal errors of any kind at any time.
There should be another original article tomorrow along with a revised commentary on the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
There is a new Donations letter for your perusal and response!
A reader wrote to me to say that the link provided in several places on this site was to a January 24, 2008, version of the fund-raising letter. I have no idea what happened here. I thank the reader for pointing this out to me. Each of these links now points to the June 15, 2009, letter! Humiliation is very good for the soul, and God in His ineffable Mercy is seeing to it that I get a lot of humiliation these days. Deo gratias!
Please note also that the correct zip code for our post office box in Ohio is 45069, not 45068, and that the old post office box in Connecticut is closed.
A blessed Feast of the Octave of Corpus Christi to you all.
June 17 Article
Tu Es Sacerdos
An attack on the nature of the priesthood was published recently in the National Catholic Reporter, which many of us called the National Catholic Distorter in the late-1970s, long before the term became fashionable in cyberspace. The article was an incredible piece of deconstruction of the institution and nature of the Holy Priesthood. The author of the piece was either ignorant or entirely unconcerned about the simple fact that her entire thesis was condemned by the Twenty-second and Twenty-third Sessions of the Council of Trent in, respectively, 1562 and 1563. Such "blunt instruments" as the National Catholic Reporter make Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, look "traditional" by comparison. Do not be fooled. There is less difference between the blunt instruments and the false "pontiff" than most people realize. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
If you have a moment and a spare dollar two, please do read and then respond to my new Donations letter.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of the late +Miss Joyce Rentschler, whose Requiem Mass is this morning at Saint Gertrude the Great Church in West Chester, Ohio.
June 16 Revised Article
Revised: A True Catholic Rendezvous
Today is the fifth anniversary of the death of a true Catholic apostle, the late +William C. Koneazny. This reflection, written after his death five years ago, has been revised slightly to mark the fifth anniversary his death. Bill Koneazny was instrumental in helping me break from my own embrace of the Americanist heresy, and he was light years ahead of me in recognizing that those who defect from the Catholic Faith cannot hold ecclesiastical office legitimately. We pray for Bill's soul every day as we join his children and and grandchildren and three sons-in-law and one daughter-in-law and great grandchildren in remembering him in a special way on this anniversary of his death. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and all of the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
There is another new article in the process of being written. It might be posted as early as today, Tuesday, June 16, 2009. I have been slowed the past few days by the malady that has been with me for the past five months now. All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, we love you. Save souls.
Please do listen to His Excellency Bishop Daniel L. Dolan's sermon, Blessed Is He Who Comes In The Name of the Lord, that was delivered on the External Solemnity of the Feast of Corpus Christi two days ago now.
Also of interest is an article the Saint Gertrude the Great
Bulletin that explains the mind of Pope Saint Pius X concerning the administration of the Sacraments of Confirmation and the Holy Eucharist as soon as children can understand the basics of the Faith. The article, which was written by the late Bishop John Cuthbert Hedley, O.S.B., who was the Bishop of Newport and Menevia in Wales from 1881 to 1915 (and who had been and auxiliary bishop in that diocese between 1873 and 1881), can be found on page 4 of the Saint Gertrude the Great Bulletin.
Our friends, the famous Mr. and Mrs. Anonymous, recommend the following video sermon, Fifty Years Without A Shepherd, which was given by Father Joseph Selway at Saint Hugh of Lincoln Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It is indeed a very good sermon.
Finally, a new Donations letter has been posted. Non tax-deductible financial gifts are really down this month. Please respond with a gift of your own if you are so inclined and have the means to do so.
June 14 Articles
Intent on Controlling Mind and Body
Well, here is the article that began its life on one computer and has been brought to fruition on another. The article deals with the baseless charges being raised by statists in the civil government and their apologists amongst the pundit class that the recent shooting death of baby-killer George Tiller (see
Reichstag II) and the killing of a security guard at a museum in Washington, District of Columbia, "validate" the report on "rightwing terrorism" issued by the United States Department of Homeland Security in April (see
All Hail! Caesar Obamus) Just more fascism and mind-control from our latter day sophists who control the reins of the civil government and much of the so-called "mainstream media." Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Revised: "Perhaps You Have Not Met A Catholic Bishop Before"
This article, written three years ago and revised in a few places last evening, attempts to draw comparisons between Saint Basil the Great's battles with the Arians and our own battles with the lords of the counterfeit church of conciliarism and their apologists. I had forgotten, prior to re-reading the article, just how many little nuggets from Dom Prosper Gueranger's The Liturgical Year are contained in its text. Here are just two excerpts that have quite an application to our own times as so many people think nothing of remaining silent in the face of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's assaults on the nature of dogmatic truth and his multiple sins, objectively speaking, against the First Commandment:
Peace is just what Basil desired as much as anybody; but the peace for which he would give his life could be only that true peace left to the Church by our Lord. What he so vigorously exacted on the grounds of faith proceeded solely from his very love of peace. And therefore, as he himself tells us, he absolutely refused to enter into communion with those narrow-minded men who dread nothing so much as a clear, precise expression of dogma; in his eyes their captious formulas and ungraspable shiftings were but the action of hypocrites, in whose company he would scorn to approach God's altar. As to those miserably misled, 'Let the faith of our fathers be proposed to them with all tenderness and charity; if they will assent thereunto, let us receive them into our midst; in other cases, let us dwell with ourselves alone, regardless of numbers; and let us keep aloof from equivocating souls, who are not possessed of that simplicity without guile, indispensably required in the early days of the Gospel from all who would approach to the the faith. The believers, so it is written, had but one heart and one soul. Let those, therefore, who would reproach us for not desiring pacification, mark well who are the real authors of the disturbance and so not point the question of reconciliation on our side any more.'
The authors of disturbance today are not those of us who point out the errors of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI but those who are silent about and/or enable these errors. Saint Basil the Great, pray for us.
Finally, I have received this update from Mr. Dave Fuire, who has been keeping me informed on the recovery of Brother Joseph Mary, CMRI:
Brother Joseph has made an impressive turnaround.
In the week or so before this last Thursday, Brother seemed to be aware on occasions but the doctors apparently didn't think so.
Adam, Brother Joseph's Godson, called on Thursday to say that the ventilator was scheduled to be removed on Sunday and didn't give much hope for Brother. Just the night before his nurse had told me, looking very sad , that there was little change since the fall Brother took. It seems that hope was given up.
Adam called again on Thursday to tell me, "Dave, Dave call me, call me as soon as you can". He was at the hospital then and said everything had changed since that morning.
Brother was already off the ventilator and breathing on his own, responding well and may even be moved to a regular room! And this - after his first phone call just hours before. So I called another friend to him and prayed in thanks for God's Will in helping Brother on that day, which was Corpus Christi, which Brother loves and spends weeks in preparing for.
It was also the 6th anniversary of Brother Mary Ambrose's death, who died in his 90's and who Brother Joseph cared for in his last years. The ways of Divine Providence.
Well I was there in the hospital room praying the Rosary again with Brother yesterday, Friday, evening.
Brother is out of intensive care and breathing on his own with the help of oxygen. He can't talk but seems more aware than ever. He was in a lot of pain. I know he offered his life to Our Lord through Mary Our Blessed Mother in total consecration, and offered all in that last "morning offering" before his accident as well, like you had mentioned. God has His reasons for everything. Word is, that the doctor considered Brother's turnaround quite a miracle. I haven't seen him (the doctor), but so I heard. So thanks for your prayers and I know you'll continue them for Brother and for God's Will to be done in all. Today is June 13th - Brother usually brings the banners for our Fatima Rosary procession downtown. Tonight we'll be there, remembering him during the decades to Our heavenly Mother and asking her to help us live her message at Fatima and offer all up to her Son through her Immaculate Heart.
Deo gratias! Please keep praying for Brother Joseph Mary, CMRI!
June 13 Revised Article
Revised: Saint Anthony. Help Us to Find Our Way to Heaven
I was really, really, really going to have a new article posted by yesterday afternoon. One interruption after another kept getting in the way of its completion prior to Mass at Saint Gertrude the Great Church yesterday evening. Things did not get better, humanly speaking, upon our return after the glorious offering of Holy Mass at the hands of His Excellency Bishop Daniel L. Dolan. My new computer's spacebar came off while I was typing away on the new article. This forced me to return to my older computer, which has the delightful feature of highlighting entire passages and text and deleting them without my doing anything at all other than typing. I have decided to suspend work on the article for now, determined to complete it at some point later today. All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you! Save souls.
Anyhow, here is a slightly revised version of my reflection on the life and the work of our dear Saint Anthony, the hammer of heretics who desired to die a martyr's death in an effort to convert Mohammedans following his transfer from the Order of Saint Augustine to the Order of Friars Minor. It was not God's Holy Will for Saint Anthony to die a martyr's death as he became ill upon arriving in Morocco and was then led as a result of shipwreck away from his native Portugal to Sicily, and from there to Italy, where his fame as a preacher and miracle worker began.
Saint Anthony lived for only thirty-six years, teaching us that it is not the length of the years that matter. No, what matters to God is how we use the time given to us this very day, which could be our own last day on the face of this earth before our Particular Judgment, to know, love, and serve Him as He has revealed Himself to us exclusively through the Catholic Church. God is merciful to those of us who have sinned much by giving us length of years so that we might use our time well to make much reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary for our sins. Saint Anthony's work on earth was done when he was just thirty-six years old, whereupon his work for us in Heaven commenced.
Dear, dear Saint Anthony, help us to find our way to Heaven, especially by being as devoted to the Most Blessed Sacrament and to the Mother of God as you were here on earth.
A blessed feast of Saint Anthony to you all!.
Just a reminder about the YouTube program that is as popular (tongue inserted into cheek) as this site:
Dr. Thomas Droleskey "Christ or Chaos" part 1 "Errors of Benedict XVI"
Dr Thomas Droleskey "Christ or Chaos" part 2 "Errors of Benedict XVI"
Dr Thomas Droleskey "Christ or Chaos" part 3 "Errors of Benedict XVI"
Dr Thomas Droleskey "Christ or Chaos" " part 4 Errors of Benedict XVI"
Finally, it is with the permission of Mr. Robert Letourneau that I share his reaction to my having taken note of the complaint about the length of the articles on this site:
I, for one, appreciate your bringing up the teachings of the popes in a repetitive manner. It has helped me recall where certain aspects of the faith can be found in the Church's teaching. Keep it up. . . . Go right ahead, with attribution if you like. If it could help others to see the value of repetition and how it can thwart being taken in by modern phraseology, by all means do so. Only by familiarizing ourselves with true teaching, while having the grace to recognize and love the truth, will we be able to avoid being taken in by the conciliarists.
That, in a nutshell, is why I keep repeating myself at length. Thank you, Mr. Letourneau!
June 12 Updates
In Memoriam: +Joyce Ann Rentschler, R.I.P.
Another original article is in the process of being written. I have been asked, however, by Miss Darlene Rentschler to publicize the details of her dear sister's wake and Requiem Mass. This In Memoriam page, which incorporates (and corrects) information found below in the June 6 listing on this home page, provides the details. Please continue to pray for for the repose of the soul of +Miss Joyce Ann Rentschler and for the consolation of her family members. Thank you.
Word has reached me this morning that Brother Joseph Mary, CMRI, has been taken off of life support and is responding to commands. Deo gratias! Keep praying for this valiant servant of Christ the King and of Mary our Immaculate Queen!
Look for that next article in a few hours!
June 11 Revised Article
Revised: Marching With Our King
Today is the great Feast of Corpus Christi. This article, written three years ago now and slightly revised prior to its re-posting yesterday afternoon, is an exhortation to the readers of this site to spend more and more time in adoration before Our Beloved before His Real Presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Adoration is the first end of prayer, including the perfect prayer that is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in which Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ becomes Incarnate under the appearances of bread and wine when a men man, uttering mere words over the elements of the earth, calls Him down from Heaven. We must adore God with our whole mind, soul, heart, body and strength.
To spend time before the Most Blessed Sacrament in prayer is a foretaste of Heavenly glories. Our goal in life is to behold the glory of the Beatific Vision of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost for all eternity in the company of Our Lady, Saint Joseph, our Guardian Angels (each of whom beholds the Beatific Vision as he tries to guide us home to Heaven!), our patron saints and all of the members of the Church Triumph, whose ranks we hope and pray will include our dearest and nearest relatives and friends. We must make time for the foretaste of Heavenly glories by means of profound Eucharistic Adoration in this life is we want to enjoy the glories of Heaven itself for all eternity.
There are infused graces that are flooded into the souls of those who spend time in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, those souls who are conscious of the need to make reparation for their sins as they give thanksgiving to God for all of the favors, both spiritual and temporal, they have received and who recognize the need to petition God for the favors we need, both spiritual temporal, starting with an earnest petition each day that we be given the grace to have a holy and sacramentally-provided-for death. Our Lord stands ready to send us this infusion of graces through the loving hands of His Most Blessed Mother, who is mystically with us when we pray before her Divine Son's Real Presence. All we need to do is to arrange our lives in such a way as to make time for prayer before Our Eucharistic King and Lord.
We must, of course, be conscious of our need to get to the Sacrament of Penance on a weekly basis in order that our reception of Our Lord's Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in Holy Communion will be worthy and fervent. The frequent, devout and worthy reception of Our Lord in Holy Communion gives strength even to those souls who have been steeped in one sin after another, those souls who have refused to surrender to the devil's attacks upon them over the years:
And then come, and accuse me, saith the Lord: if your sins be as scarlet, they shall be made as white as snow: and if they be red as crimson, they shall be white as wool. If you be willing, and will hearken to me, you shall eat the good things of the land. (Isaias 1: 18-19.)
The Vigil of Pentecost, May 30, 2009, was the fiftieth anniversary of my First Holy Communion. Although I am not prone to emotionalism when receiving Holy Communion, I, a terrible sinner, was given the grace at the moment I received Holy Communion twelve days ago now to become teary-eyed in gratitude for the great gift of the "good things of the land" that have been given to me each time I have truly received my Lord and my God in Holy Communion. Words cannot express my gratitude to Our Lord for being willing to enter into my own most undeserving soul. Out of Mercy and Love, however, He, Our Saving Guest, does deign to enter day in and day out. Words fail. God deigns to come into my poor soul every day. Words fail.
We must ask Our Lady on this great feast day of Corpus Christi, which, of course, is celebrated as an Octave in those chapels that use the Missal of Saint Pius V before it was "reformed" by the revolutionary efforts of Annibale Bugnini and Ferdinando Antonelli in the 1950s, to help give us more and more graces to recognize the Most Sacred Heart of her Divine Son, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, beats for with great love in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
We must ask Our Lady to help us approach the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through her own Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart with such fervor and devotion that we will consider it as a great loss if ever there is a day we are unable to get a true offering of Holy Mass and unable to spend at least some time with her Divine Son, Who is the Prisoner of Love in tabernacles today just as He was the Prisoner of her Virginal and Immaculate Womb from the time of His Incarnation to the day of His Nativity.
We must also thank Our Lord and His Most Blessed Mother for our true bishops and true priests who make it possible for us to have the Sacraments in this time of apostasy and betrayal, remembering to pray that more young men will have the courage to renounce the world and study to become an alter Christus so that he, acting in persona Christi in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, can make Our Lord present in the Most Blessed Sacrament and to bless us with that Most Blessed Sacrament on great feast days such as this one.
A blessed Feast of Corpus Christi to you all!
June 10 Articles and YouTube Links
Smashing Through the Conciliar Looking Glass
This particular article deals with the seeming paradox presented by Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict's having written in his "letter of explanation" to the conciliar "bishops" as to why he had the "lifted" the "excommunications" that had been been imposed by Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II following their consecration by the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre on June 30, 1988, and the assertion of the Society of Saint Saint Pius X, contained in a recently-released communique whose contents have not been contradicted as of yet by anyone in the conciliar Vatican, that it has a "provisional legal status" pending the outcome of its "doctrinal negotiations" with the lords of the counterfeit church of conciliarism. Ratzinger/Benedict, who just today gave an allocution on "true authority" based on his own understanding of Father John Duns Scotus, has spent his entire priestly life in a world of contradiction and paradox. No contradiction emanating from the conciliar Vatican should surprise us whatsoever.
There is a brief Novena Prayer in Preparation for the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus found at the end of Smashing Through the Conciliar Looking Glass. Today is the last day of our
Novena in Preparation for the Feast of Corpus Christi.
Marching With Our King is a slightly revised article for tomorrow's Feast of Corpus Christi which I hope will inspire readers to spend more and more time each day with Our Eucharistic King in His Real Presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
No non-tax-deductible financial gifts were waiting for us at the post office box yesterday. No additional gifts have made their way to us via PayPal since the one we received yesterday. This work needs your tangible support to continue. I simply ask, yes, yet again, those who have the means to help us and who support the work of this site to do so on a regular basis. Thank you.
Some have speculated that the lack of readership of the articles on this site is the result of the length of the articles. This is, of course, a common complaint, one that I have certainly taken note of over the years. Without for a single moment comparing myself to the late Orestes Brownson, who wrote lengthy articles on similar themes (such as the necessity of converting the United States of America to the Catholic Faith, something that did not endear him to Americanist bishops and priests) for over thirty years, from around 1845 to the time of his death in 1876, there is some precedent for providing readers with lengthy, detailed articles.
I am very conscious of the fact that there might be a single reader who has never read any of the articles on this site before finding one on a particular day. I repeat and reiterate various themes in order to reach that one reader. And I am aware that repetition is the mother of learning and am thus desirous of trying to hammer home various points in light of the simple fact that people forget much of what they have read. This might keep away some readers, perhaps even a large number of them. As I am also conscious of the fact that each article I write might be my last article that I ever write, I do want to be as thorough as I can be so that my last article can serve as a summary of many of the others.
Ultimately, however, I am very much aware that I must render an account to God Himself at the moment of my own Particular Judgment as to the thoroughness of my work. If there are only thirty-five to one hundred people who read a particular article, well, that's the way it is. The articles will be, God willing and Our Lady, interceding, available after my death. I hope that those who do not read them now will read them after that point. I must give honor and glory to God through the Immaculate Heart of Mary in my work, understanding that the ultimate judgment, from which there is no appeal or defense, on my work will be rendered by God at the moment of my death.
Finally, thanks to the hard work of Mrs. Joanne McOsker, who was the face of Catholic pro-life in Rhode Island for over thirty years prior to her recognizing that those who defect from the Faith cannot hold ecclesiastical office legitimately in the Catholic Church, there is now a program, divided into four segments, on YouTube that features yours truly discussing the errors of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI. This program, which was recorded on Pentecost Sunday, May 31, 2009, is one of a series that appears sporadically on a public access television station in Rhode Island.
Here are the links:
Dr. Thomas Droleskey "Christ or Chaos" part 1 "Errors of Benedict XVI"
Dr Thomas Droleskey "Christ or Chaos" part 2 "Errors of Benedict XVI"
Dr Thomas Droleskey "Christ or Chaos" part 3 "Errors of Benedict XVI"
Dr Thomas Droleskey "Christ or Chaos" " part 4 Errors of Benedict XVI"
There is one correction that I need to make. I stated, I believe in the first segment, that Pope Saint Pius V, who became the Vicar of Christ in 1566, excommunicated Queen Elizabeth I of England in 1560. The Papal Bull
Regnans in Excelsis was issued on March 5, 1570, eleven (not twenty-one) years before the martyrdom of Blessed Edmund Campion. Please note this correction when listening to the program. I apologize for the error!
June 9 Articles
Kindred Spirit of the New World Order
Yes, there was an article,
Kindred Spirits of the New World Order, published five days ago now that dealt with the similar, although not identical, world views of Barack Hussein Obama, George Walker Bush, and Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI. This is a brand new article, however, one that shows once again that Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, who has recently endorsed the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, is indeed kindred spirit of the New World Order. Our Lady, Mediatrix of All Graces, pray for us!
Baal, Yes, Most Holy Trinity, No
This article, which was posted shortly after Midnight this morning, deals with denials of the doctrine of the Most Holy Trinity by Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II and Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI when they have spoken to non-Catholics. This article was inspired by the very fine sermon,
“The Sign of the Cross," which was given by Father Markus Ramolla on Trinity Sunday, June 7, 2009, at Saint Gertrude the Great Church in West Chester, Ohio.
We thank our dear friends from the Lone Star State who sent us a non-tax-deductible financial gift via PayPal yesterday. We hope that more of you will send your own gifts so that those who give so regularly and so generously don't have to carry the "load," so to speak, of providing us with the means to continue the work of this site.
Brother Joseph Mary, CMRI, is still comatose, suffering from a blood clot in his brain, which doctors believe can be dissolved with medication. Please continue to pray for him. Please also continue to pray for the soul of the late Miss Joyce Rentschler.
June 8 Revised Article
Revised: Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May
I had hoped to have this revised article on the transferred Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary posted last night. It was, however, in God's Holy Providence that the password that permits me to have access to this site expired, a penitential little annoyance that occurs every six weeks or so. The hosting company had to reset the password, something that did not occur until this morning. All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. Save souls! My apologies, therefore, for the lateness of this posting to honor Our Lady, she who is the Queen of Heaven and of Earth, she who is the Queen of our hearts, consecrated as those hearts must be to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through her own Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.
An original article (or two) will be posted by tomorrow morning.
A blessed Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary to you all.
Donations? Several via PayPal over the weekend. None at the post office box this morning. We need your assistance. Thank you.
June 7 Article
Suborning Sin
The lords of the counterfeit church of conciliarism commit one Mortal Sin, objectively speaking, after another by means of esteeming the symbols and the temples and the "values" of false religions. Is it any wonder that most Catholics today are clueless as to why they should oppose the promotion of various sins under cover of civil law by the likes of Barack Hussein Obama or why they should not give support to the likes of the apostate Alberto Cutie? We need to please the Most Blessed Trinity with every beat of our hearts, consecrated as they must be to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, and this means that we must never make excuses for our own sins or suborn unrepentant sin in the lives of others.
Please continue your prayers for the soul of the late +Miss Joyce Rentschler.
A blessed Trinity Sunday to you all?
Donations? Very few lately. Please help if you can.
June 6 Update: Prayers for the Soul of the late +Miss Joyce Ann Rentschler, R.I.P.
Although I am working on another original article, which may not be be posted until tomorrow, Trinity Sunday, I wanted to ask readers of this site to pray for the repose of the soul of +Miss Joyce Ann Rentschler, a parishioner of Saint Gertrude the Great Church, who died this morning after suffering a massive heart attack overnight.
Miss Rentschler was given the Sacrament of Extreme Unction by Father Markus Romolla before she died. Miss Rentschler's death was sudden and unexpected. Her death was not, however, a sacramentally unprovided one. Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ took Miss Rentschler on the First Saturday in the month of His Most Sacred Heart, the month of June. Joyce Rentschler and her sister, Darlene, were faithful participants in the Friday evening devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus at Saint Gertrude the Great Church.
A devoted daughter of Our Lady and her Most Holy Rosary, Joyce Rentschler was called to eternity on a First Saturday, which means that she, who had just been given the Sacrament of Extreme Unction and always wore the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, was, most likely, the beneficiary of Our Lady's Sabbatine Privilege that she revealed to Jacques d'Euse, the future Pope John XXII (that's Pope John the Twenty-second), described as follows by Dom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B., in The Liturgical Year:
In the night between the 15th and 16th of July of the year 1251, the gracious Queen of Carmel confirmed to her sons [the Carmelites] by a mysterious sign the right of citizenship she had obtained for them in their newly adopted countries [of the West]; as mistress and mother of the entire religious state she conferred upon them with her queenly hands the scapular, hitherto the distinctive garb of the greatest and most ancient family of the West. O giving St. Simon Stock this badge, ennobled by contact with her sacred fingers, the Mother of God said to him: 'Whosoever shall die in this habit shall not suffer eternal flames.' But not against hell fire alone was the all-powerful intercession of the Blessed Mother to be felt by those who should wear the scapular. In 1316, when every holy soul was imploring heaven to put a period to that long and disastrous widowhood of the Church, which followed in the death of Clement V, the Queen of Saints appeared to James d'Euse, whom the world was soon to hail as John XXII; she foretold to him his approaching elevation to the Sovereign Pontificate, and at the same time recommended him to publish the privilege she had obtained from her Divine Son for her children of Carmel--viz., a speedily deliverance from purgatory. 'I, their Mother, will graciously go down to them on the Saturday after their death, and all whom I find in purgatory I will deliver and will bring to the mountain of life eternal.' These are the words of our Lady herself, quoted by John XII in the Bull which he published for the purpose of making known the privilege and which was called the Sabbatine Bull on account of the day chosen by the glorious benefactress for the exercise of her mercy.
We are aware of the attempts made to nullify the authenticity of these heavenly concessions; but our extremely limited time will not allow us to follow up these worthless struggles in all their endless details. The attack of the chief assailant, the too famous Lounoy, was condemned by the Apostolic See, and after, as well as before, these contradictions, the Roman Pontiffs confirmed, as much as need be, by their supreme authority, the substance and even the letter of the precious promises. The reader may find in special works the enumeration of the many indulgences with which the Popes have, time after time, enriched the Carmelite family, as if earth would vie with heaven in favouring it. The munificence of Mary, the pious gratitude of her sons for the hospitality given them by the West, and lastly, the authority of St. Peter's successors, soon made these spiritual riches accessible to all Christians, by the instruction of the Confraternity of the holy Scapular, the members whereof participate in the merits and privileges of the whole Carmelite Order. Who shall tell the graces, often miraculous, obtained through this humble garb? Who could count the faithful now enrolled in the holy militia? When Benedict XIII, in the eighteenth century, extended the feast of July 16 to the whole Church, he did but give an official sanction to the universality already gained by the cultus of the Queen of Carmel.
We presume the state of no soul after death, of course. Even though I would much rather be in the position of Miss Joyce Ann Rentschler, who was so devoted to our Holy Catholic Faith and received the Sacrament of Extreme Unction just before her death, than that of someone who had been away from the Sacraments for years, at the moment of my own Particular Judgment, we must pray nevertheless for the repose of her immortal soul and to have Masses offered for this intention. Our Lady will direct the fruits of those prayers to some other deserving soul if Miss Rentschler's does not need them.
We were privileged to know Miss Rentschler and offer our deepest condolences to her sister and other family members. It has been in God's Holy Providence that we have lost many friends and acquaintances in the last few years. While we continue to pray without fail every day for each of these lost friends and acquaintances, we are also very grateful for the new friends we have met. Miss Joyce Ann Rentschler was one of those new friends, and we were indeed very privileged to know this devoted soul.
Details concerning Miss Rentschler's wake and Requiem Mass have been posted at In Memoriam: +Joyce Ann Rentschler, R.I.P.
Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul and all of the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

The late +Miss Joyce Rentschler, R.I.P., left, and her sister Darlene, right, Mitchell's Fish Market, West Chester, Ohio, Sunday, July 13, 2008.
Please continue your prayers as well for the recovery of Brother Joseph Mary, CMRI, who remains in a comatose state at Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane, Washington, as people who have been away from the Sacraments for years flood to his bedside to pray for him. Brother Joseph's fingers move when those around him pray Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary.
Finally, please continue to pray for the repose of the soul of Mrs. Anne Bernadette Redmond McMahon. Friends of ours, who prefer to remain anonymous, prayed to Mrs. McMahon on the day of her Requiem Mass, June 2, 2009, for the sale of their house in a hitherto unexplored region of North America so that they could move to Saint Gertrude the Great Church for the Sacraments (as Mrs. McMahon had done several years before she died). Their house, which had been on the market for over two months, sold that very day!

Mr. and Mrs. Denis McMahon on their wedding day.
Keep praying, my friends, keep praying.
June 5 Article
One or the Other
The work of Saint Boniface to convert the German people from their false religions stands in sharp contrast to the work of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict and his conciliar minions to reaffirm adherents of false religions in their false beliefs and the constant signs of esteem and "respect" paid to their symbols and temples. Indeed, the work of the father of the German people and his wayward son cannot be reconciled. It's one or the other.
Although there is a lot of familiar material in this article, it is an entirely new composition. I am aware that there are always readers who come upon this site once, sometimes by human "happenstance," and that it is thus necessary to repeat various themes. Saint Boniface, pray for us.
The hour is late (or early) once again. I will try to have another article posted by tomorrow, Pentecost Saturday, which is an ember day and the commemoration of the feast of Saint Norbert.
Please continue to pray for Brother Joseph Mary, CMRI, who remains in a coma at Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane, Washington.
If you missed yesterday's article, which was published late yesterday afternoon, just look below!
June 4 Article
Kindred Spirits of the New World Order
Did you read the speech that Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI gave at Cairo University in Cairo, Egypt, earlier today? Oh, wait a minute. Did you read the speech that George Walker Bush gave at Cairo University in Cairo, Egypt, earlier today? Yes, wait just another minute. Did you read the speech that Barack Hussein Obama gave at Cairo University in Cairo, Egypt, earlier today? Apart from a few differences here and there, the speech that Obama gave could have been given by his predecessor in the White House. More to the point, however, most of Caesar Obamus's speech could have been given by another advocate of the New World Order, Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI.
There should be another new article at some point tomorrow, Ember Friday in the Octave of Pentecost and the Commemoration of Saint Boniface, who did not believe in "peaceful coexistence" with false religions, Friday, June 5, 2009, which is also the First Friday of this month of June, the month of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
We have had some non-tax-deductible financial gifts sent to us on PayPal this week. Three of these non-tax-deductible financial gifts have helped pay some pressing bills. The post office box, however, has been empty all week long. I do ask those of you who have never given a non-tax-deductible gift and who have the means to make one (and, of course, who support the work of this site) to do so. Thank you.
June 3 Article and Prayer Requests
Always Open to Strange Gods
Another late (or early) hour. This article, which is very brief (perhaps I am setting a new trend for this site!), deals once again with the fact that so few Catholics have exhibited any outrage for the honor and glory and majesty of the true God of Revelation, the Most Holy Trinity, as Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI calls places of false worship as "sacred" and as he "prays" without making any reference to Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the presence of those who deny His Sacred Divinity.
The late Mrs. Anne Bernadette Redmond McMahon, whose mortal remains were laid to rest yesterday, Pentecost Sunday, spoke up for love of God decades ago when she heard apostasy being preached from the pulpit of the Church of the Resurrection in Rye, New York. What's wrong with the rest of us? (Here is a link to Mrs. McMahon's Requiem Mass at St Gertrude the Great 06/02/09 .)
Please continue to pray for the repose of Mrs. McMahon's immortal soul and for the needs of Brother Joseph Mary, CMRI, who is comatose at Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane, Washington, suffering from swelling in his brain, a broken collar bone, broken ribs in his back and internal bleeding. Brother Joseph made his Morning Offering upon rising every day. He thus offered up prospectively the suffering that he is now enduring. We had better be sure to do so the same--and to have the same love for Baby Doctor Jesus, Doctor the Sick, that Brother Joseph has always had as the consecrated slave of Our Lady's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.
Finally, I have just, at 9:15 a.m., Eastern time, about eight hours after the posting of
Always Open to Strange Gods, received word from Father Francis Miller, O.F.M., that that the daughter of a good friend of his was among the victims of the Air France flight that crashed into the Atlantic Ocean on Sunday while en route from Rio di Janeiro, Brazil, to Paris, France. Please pray for the repose of the immortal soul of Mrs. Anne Debaillion Harris and that of her husband Michael, keeping in mind as well, of course, the souls of each of the victims of this airliner crash.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all of the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
I will try to have another original article posted on this site tomorrow, Pentecost Thursday.
A new article should appear by tomorrow morning, Pentecost Wednesday, June 3, 2009. I have been remiss, however, in not posting the Novena in Preparation for the Feast of Corpus Christi prior to now. The Novena begins tonight and runs through Wednesday, June 10, 2009, inclusive. My apologies for the lateness of this posting.
Please continue to pray for Brother Joseph Mary, CMRI, who remains in grave condition at Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane, Washington, and remember also to continue to pray for the repose of the soul of the late Mrs. Anne Bernadette Redmond McMahon, whose mortal remains were laid to rest at Saint Joseph Cemetery in Cincinnati, Ohio, this afternoon, following a Requiem Mass offered by her son, Father Denis McMahon, at Saint Gertrude the Great Church this morning. Thank you.
June 1 Article and Update: Prayers for Brother Joseph Mary, CMRI
Reichstag II
As promised shortly after Midnight, this article deals with the shooting death of late-term baby-killer George Tiller in Wichita, Kansas, yesterday, Pentecost Sunday, May 31, 2009. As we are leaving to pay our respects at the wake for the late Mrs. Anne Bernadette Redmond McMahon, I will let this relatively brief article speak for itself. I thank His Excellency Bishop Donald Sanborn for taking the time earlier this morning to review the underling moral principles discussed therein.
As I noted after Midnight this morning, I received word from Mr. Dave Fuire, who lives in Spokane, Washington, and has been a longtime parishioner at Mount Saint Michael's Church there, that the valiant Brother Joseph Mary, CMRI, a great apostle of Our Lady and of the block Rosary, has been critically injured in a fall. Here are the details from Mr. Fuire's note, which I have just received around Midnight, Eastern time, on Monday, June 1, 2009:
Just a little note to ask your prayers and those of your families for Brother Joseph. I tried to reach both of you by phone but didn't know how. He fell over the railing today from a height after an apparent stroke, as he was climbing the stairs at the Mount to attend early Rosary and Mass. He broke his back and ribs and hit his head. His condition is critical. If the ICU continues to permit, I will try to spend the night with him and continue praying Rosaries - I think maybe he can hear because he squeezed his Godson's hand in response.
A miracle happened today. Brother's Godson is about thirty years of age and was converted to the Faith from being non-denominational about three years ago. His name is Adam, and this was the first day he was able to be back in town, Spokane, in months, since his work keeps him away. He told his employers that he couldn't continue the travel unless he could attend Mass on Sundays at least, so finally today they agreed to let him have Sundays off, and as he was going to Mass, found out about Brother. He has been by his side ever since praying Rosary after Rosary, that Rosary that Brother taught Adam to love so much. He doesn't even know how to pronounce the words Extreme Unction (which Brother received), yet he is on fire with his Faith and wants to spread traditional Catholicism everywhere. He sure has a good example of this in Brother.
Well an acquaintance of Adam's who doesn't know Brother and lives in another part of the country, just today called Adam on his cell phone as he was with Brother, and decided to quit the Vatican II services and attend traditional Mass if Adam could direct her where to find one. She had, under his direction, written to the Mount for brown scapulars, then went to ask her Vatican II parish priest (?) if he would enroll her in the scapular. He laughed and said they don't do that anymore and soon discontinued the conversation. So today, from the intensive care unit as Brother lay there unconscious and I know, offering all for souls as he has offered his whole life, Adam found her a traditional Catholic chapel and she called the priest and is all excited because next Sunday he will enroll her in the scapular, and she will make the drive from now on, though a distance, to attend true Mass. The priest was fervent and called her right back, eager to help her, as becomes a true priest who carries on Our Lord's work. When all this happened through Brother's Godson, so new to the Faith, it was so touching, it seems so much like Providence, today on Pentecost and the last day of May, Our Holy Mother's month.
We have been privileged to know this humble, gentle, kind, good, charitable and devoted servant of Our Lord and Our Lady, Brother Joseph Mary CMRI, for the past three years. We have great love for Brother Joseph here in the Droleskey household. His love for Our Lady and his absolute and unswerving obedience to his superiors are truly inspirational. Please join us in praying for Brother Joseph, who is very devoted to Dr. Baby Jesus, Doctor of the Sick, in this hour of great need. An afternoon update from his Godson indicates that Brother Joseph Mary is in very grave conditions. Please continue your prayers. Thank you.

Brother Joseph, CMRI.
Please continue to pray for the repose of the soul of Mrs. Anne Bernadette Redmond McMahon and the consolation of her family.
May 31 Revised Article
Revised: From the Beginning: A Mission to Convert All Men Everywhere
Today is Pentecost Sunday, the birthday of Holy Mother Church, the upon which the first pope, Saint Peter, who was vivified as the Vivifier Himself, God the Holy Ghost, descended upon him and Our Lady and the other Apostles (and the rest of the disciples) gathered in the Upper Room in Jerusalem as they completed their Novena to God the Holy Ghost ten days after Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's glorious Ascension to His Father's right hand on Ascension Thursday.
Saint Peter wasted no time in doing something that is forbidden, at least in a de facto sense (see Wonder No More, which was revised in various parts yesterday afternoon), in the counterfeit church of conciliarism: he preached to the Jews about the necessity of their converting to the true Faith.
The missionary work of the Church to seek with urgency the unconditional conversion of all men and all nations to the her maternal bosom, outside of which there is no salvation and without which there is no true social order, brought us glorious missionaries who were willing to embrace many sacrifices, including martyrdom itself, to spread the Faith of the Divine Redeemer, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, so that men and all nations would be able to order themselves rightly according to the Deposit of Faith that He has entrusted exclusively to Holy Mother Church for Its eternal safekeeping and infallible explication and by means of a fervent cooperation with the graces won for us by the shedding of Our Lord's Most Precious Blood and that flow into our hearts and souls through the loving hands of Our Lady, she who is the Mediatrix of all Graces.
The work of conversion does not end when one is Baptized or Confirmed. The work of conversion away from our sinful selves to become more conformed to the Cross of the Divine Redeemer and the merciful designs of His Most Sacred Heart for us is one that is constant. Every beat of our hearts, consecrated as they must be to that same Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, must burn with fire for the love of God as He has revealed Himself to us through His true Church and as we seek to grow in holiness and to make reparation for our sins and those of the whole world. It is useless for us to be converted in the Baptismal font unless we are willing to let God the Holy Ghost help to convert us every day to cooperate more fully with His Seven Gifts and Twelve Fruits.
Saint Paul the Apostle explained that the spiritual man, the one who is filled with Sanctifying Grace, cannot be understood by the sensual or worldly man:
For what man knoweth the things of a man, but the spirit of a man that is in him? So the things also that are of God no man knoweth, but the Spirit of God. Now we have received not the spirit of this world, but the Spirit that is of God; that we may know the things that are given us from God. Which things also we speak, not in the learned words of human wisdom; but in the doctrine of the Spirit, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the sensual man perceiveth not these things that are of the Spirit of God; for it is foolishness to him, and he cannot understand, because it is spiritually examined. But the spiritual man judgeth all things; and he himself is judged of no man. (2 Cor. 2: 11-15)
We must keep this in mind when our relatives and friends and associates do not understand how we can refuse to keep our silence when a putative "pontiff" calls a mosque as a "jewel" or as a "sacred" place or as he prays as a Jew without mentioning the Holy Name of the Divine Redeemer (doing voluntarily what the leaders of Sanhedrin tried to force the Apostles to do, that is, to mention the "name of that man no more") and has he praises the nonexistent ability of false religions to help build the "better world." We cannot care about what others think of us. We must say and do only those things that are pleasing God, never fearing to raise our voices to defend His greater honor and glory and majesty when these are offended by one claiming to speak for the Catholic Church on earth.
The Mystical Bride of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Holy Mother Church, is as spotless and as immaculate as Our Blessed Mother herself. The Catholic Church did not give us "hootenanny" liturgies before the aftermath of the "Second" Vatican Council.
She did not give us "inter-religious dialogue" and "inter-religious" prayer services.
She gave us liturgies that came from God the Holy Ghost, not travesties that reaffirm people in the spirit of he world.
She gave us clarity of doctrine, not ambiguity and complexity that took one "clarification" after another to attempt to make "clear."
And Holy Mother Church has always mirrored Our Blessed Mother's hatred of heresy and error, which was part of the meditation written by the late Father Frederick Faber on the Sixth Dolor of Our Lady:
In the judgment of the world, and of worldly Christians, this hatred of heresy is exaggerated, bitter, contrary to moderation, indiscreet, unreasonable, aiming at too much, bigoted, intolerant, narrow, stupid, and immoral. What can we say to defend it? Nothing which they can understand. We had, therefore, better hold our peace. If we understand God, and He understands us, it is not so very hard to go through life suspected, misunderstood and unpopular. The mild self-opinionatedness of the gentle, undiscerning good will also take the world's view and condemn us; for there is a meek-loving positiveness about timid goodness which is far from God, and the instincts of whose charity is more toward those who are less for God, while its timidity is searing enough for harsh judgment. There are conversions where three-quarters of the heart stop outside the Church and only a quarter enters, and heresy can only be hated by an undivided heart. But if it is hard, it has to be borne. A man can hardly have the full use of his senses who is bent on proving to the world, God's enemy, that a thorough-going Catholic hatred of heresy is a right frame of mind. We might as well force a blind man to judge a question of color. Divine love inspheres in us a different circle of life, motive, and principle, which is not only not that of the world, but in direct enmity with it. From a worldly point of view, the craters in the moon are more explicable things than we Christians with our supernatural instinct.
We must therefore permit God the Holy Ghost to come into our souls with His bright burning flames at every moment of our lives so that we will filled with love of God and hatred of our own sins as we seek to cooperate with the graces He sends us through the loving hands of His Spouse, Our Lady, making sure to honor His Spouse as we pray as many Rosaries each day as our states-in-life permit.
May this be our prayer this day and every day our own lives:
Come, Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Thy love.
V. Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created.
R. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray. O God, Who didst instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Ghost, grant us in the same Spirit to be truly wise, and ever to rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Also being posted this morning is an Addendum to Red China: Workshop for the New Ecclesiology. This addendum, which consists of a lengthy Part VI and a very brief Part VII, are included in the body of Red China: Workshop for the New Ecclesiology. To make it easier for those who have read that article, however, I have posted the addendum so that they can view the additional material without having to scroll through the text and/or print out the entire article again (I presume that there is someone out there who keeps track of the pagination produced on this site each month).
Look for the next article in two days. A bit of rest on this Pentecost Sunday is in order.
Finally, please do scroll down to the end of the announcements for yesterday, May 30, 2009, for the wake and requiem Mass for the late +Mrs. Anne Bernadette Redmond McMahon, the mother of Father Denis McMahon, who will offer that requiem Mass at Saint Gertrude the Great Church on Tuesday, June 2, 2009, at 11:25 a.m. Please continue to pray for the repose of Mrs. McMahon's immortal soul and for the consolation of her large family.
A blessed Pentecost Sunday to you all.
May 30 Articles and a Request for Prayers for the Repose of the Soul of +Mrs. Anne Bernadette Redmond McMahon, R.I.P.
Republished: By His Gifts We Can Know, Love, and Serve Him
Today is the Vigil of Pentecost, a day of fast and partial abstinence. We must use our time well today, starting at the the Mass for the Vigil of Pentecost, to prepare for our annual celebration of the birthday of Holy Mother Church, she who is as spotless as Our Blessed Mother and who can never give us any error or ambiguity whatsoever. Come, Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of thy faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Thy Spirit!
Wonder No More
I remember quite vividly watching the American Broadcasting Company television network's coverage of the attempted assassination of President Ronald Wilson Reagan on March 30, 1981. I had gotten through with my day of teaching at Nassau Community College in Garden City, New York, and had gone home to my first floor apartment in a two family home on Park Avenue in Oyster Bay, New York. The veteran newsman Frank Reynolds became quite irritated when he learned that the report he had read about the death of White House Press Secretary James Brady, who was shot in the head, was erroneous, prompting Reynolds to turn around to his staffers and say the following:
"Let's get it NAILED DOWN...somebody...let's find out! Let's get it straight so we can report this thing accurately!" (Frank Reynolds, Sergeant, United States Army.)
Well, I try to go to great lengths to make sure that the facts that I present on this website are factually accurate. I know that there will be many people who disagree with the conclusions that I draw from the facts that I present in my articles. However, I want to make sure that my facts are correct.
A reader brought to my attention yesterday that the report in the Jerusalem Post of Tuesday, May 12, 2009, of Rabbi Yona Metzger's having referred to an "agreement" made by Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI to cease all "missionizing efforts" with the Jews was erroneous. Even though Ratzinger/Benedict committed multiple acts of apostasy by referring to the mosque in Jordan as a "jewel" that stands out "on the earth" and the mosque of the Dome of the Rock as a "sacred" place and by refusing to seek the conversion of the Mohammedans or the Jews he addressed during his visit to Jordan and Israel that ended on May 15, 2009, he did not, as it turns out, make an "agreement" to cease "missionizing the Jews."
This is what Rabbi Metzger actually said in his speech to welcome Ratzinger/Benedict at a Jewish center:
I wish to thank you, Your Excellency the Pope, for your historical agreement, as the Church under your leadership undertook, according to the documents we received from the agreements in the dialogue with the Vatican, that from now on the Church will cease all missionary activity and refrain from lobbying amongst our coreligionists to convert them. For us this is important and invaluable news. (Chief Rabbis receive Pope Benedict XVI 12-May-2009)
As is explained in this article, which was necessitated by the research I did this afternoon (believe me, I'd rather be asleep at 1:11 a.m. after having been up until 3:00 a.m. yesterday), there is no need for Ratzinger/Benedict to have a formal "agreement" to cease the "missionizing of the Jews" as his words and actions attest very plainly that the counterfeit church of conciliarism has indeed ceased such efforts. It is nevertheless important to report the facts as they are, and Rabbi Metzger was not speaking accurately when he "thanked" the false "pontiff," who did not use the occasion of his address to the rabbis to seek their conversion, for an "agreement" that does not in fact exist.
Some have expressed "wonder" at how Rabbi Metzger could have thought that such an "agreement" was possible. Well, as this article is entitled, Wonder No More as the words and actions of the conciliar "pontiffs" have confused Jews just as much as they have confused Catholics about what the counterfeit church of conciliarism teaches about Judaism.
Additionally, Father Raniero Cantalamessa, O.F.M., Cap., has said that the Church has lost the "right" to convert the Jews "because of how this was done in the past? Has he ever been corrected by Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI?
Walter "Cardinal" Kasper has said on three different occasions in the past fifteen months that the Catholic Church has no "mission from God" to seek the conversion of the Jews. Has he ever been corrected by Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI?
Archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi has said that the Catholic Church has no "missionary strategy" of converting the Jews. Has he ever been corrected by Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, who himself has said that the a "Jewish reading of the Bible is a possible one"?
Although it is reprehensible that Yona Metzger spoke of an "agreement" that did not exist, there is a foundation for believing that the lords of the counterfeit church of conciliarism do not believe that it is necessary to seek with urgency the conversion of non-Catholics, including those in Talmudic Judaism who deny the Sacred Divinity of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
The record has now been set straight, and I thank the reader who brought this matter to my attention so that I could research it more thoroughly (as I tried--but, quite obviously, failed to do on the evening of May 12, 2009, when making efforts to "source" the rabbi's speech without finding anything to the contrary about the "agreement" he referenced).
The record also shows, however, that Ratzinger/Benedict did not speak to the Jews as the first Pope, Saint Peter, spoke on Pentecost Sunday as he sought the conversion of the Jews after God the Holy Ghost had descended in tongues of flame on Our Lady and the Apostles and others in the Upper Room in Jerusalem, and that--in addition to the other evidence contained in Wonder No More--will have you wondering no more as to why some Jews believe that the counterfeit church of conciliarism has abandoned in a de jure sense what, in actual point of truth, it has abandoned in a de facto sense: continuing the work of Saint Peter on Pentecost Sunday and thereafter to convert the Jews.
Saint Joan of Arc, pray for us!
Yesterday's article, Red China: Workshop for the New Ecclesiology, was tweaked a bit in various places after its initial posting.
Finally, I ask for your prayers for the repose of the soul of the late +Mrs. Anne Bernadette Redmond McMahon, the mother of our good friend, Father Denis McMahon, who saved my dear wife's father's immortal soul by brining him back into the Catholic Church on January 3, 2007, exactly one month to the day before his death after his having been away from the Church for seventy years.
Mrs. McMahon was a spirited Catholic who was unafraid to speak the truth. Long before I embraced the canonical-doctrinal teaching of the Catholic Church on sedevacantism, Mrs. McMahon knew that the conciliar "popes" were imposters. When she was asked by a true priest of the Archdiocese of New York (of Polish ancestry who had been born in Brazil) whether she recognized Wojtyla/John Paul II as "pope," she said, "You mean that heretic over there in Rome with the white cassock? No, he's not the pope."
Mrs. Anne Bernadette Redmond McMahon, who was from the glorious mid-Hudson Valley of the State of New York, but who moved to Ohio to be near her grown daughters and their children, was a devoted mother of ten children and grandmother of seventeen grandchildren (and a great-grandchild who is soon to be born). She gave the Church a priest who is adding grace to the world every time he offers the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. She leaves behind a rich legacy of a spirited defense of the Catholic Faith. And how marvelous it was that Father James Thielen drove all the way from the Florence, Kentucky, area to Reading, Ohio, area every day to give Mrs. McMahon Holy Communion in the last months of her life.
Mrs. McMahon's Requiem Mass will be at Saint Gertrude the Great Church on Tuesday, June 2, 2009, at 11:25 a.m. The wake will be held at Schmidt Dhonau Funeral Home, 8633 Reading Road, Reading, Ohio, from 5:00 8:00 p.m. on Monday, June 1, 2009.
Please pray for the repose of Mrs. McMahon's immortal soul and for the consolation of her family.
Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul--and all of the souls of the faithful departed--rest in peace. Amen.
May 29 Article
Red China: Workshop for the New Ecclesiology
With apologies to the few numbers of you who were waiting for this article to appear (the statistics indeed a sharp drop in readership in the past few weeks--Blessed be the adorable will of God!), this article deals with a subject that I explored two years ago in A Betrayal Worthy of the Antichrist, but has become relevant now in light of the conciliar Vatican's recently-released Compendium of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's Letter to Bishops, Priests, Consecrated Persons and Lay Faithful of Red China, June 30, 2007. The Compendium has become necessary because Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's Letter to Bishops, Priests, Consecrated Persons and Lay Faithful of Red China is full of contradictions and ambiguities that reflect the mind and heart of a man who is very steeped in the Modernist errors of the "new theology."
This is a very long article. It is comprehensive, going into detail on what some might consider a minor point at the beginning of Ratzinger/Benedict's June 30, 2007, letter, but is actually the false foundation upon which the rest of the letter is based.
In a nutshell, however, I asked the following question in article that I wrote in October of 2005, about six months before I began to write about the plausibility of sedevacantism and that it applies in these times of apostasy and betrayal:
9) Or will the the Vatican simply wave its bureaucratic hand and pretend, positivistically, that there has "always been one church in China" and seek to "educate" the Catholics who have been suffering in the underground church that they must accommodate themselves to the "actual reality" of the situation in their country and thus silence themselves about the evils being promoted by the government?
Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's Letter to Bishops, Priests, Consecrated Persons and Lay Faithful of Red China answered that question in the affirmative. Read the new article if you want the details.
As it is now 2:08 a.m.on Friday, May 29, 2009, I rather doubt that there will be a new article, the twenty-first original article for the month of May tomorrow, the Vigil of Pentecost, May 30, 2009, which is, hard to believe, the fiftieth anniversary of my First Holy Communion at Saint Aloysius Church in Great Neck, New York. I will have a republished article to post tomorrow and another one on Pentecost Sunday, May 31, 2009.
Donations? None in the mailbox. Two have been received on PayPal in the last two days totaling sixty dollars. The amount that we have at present to pay our monthly bills that start coming due on June 1, 2009, will need to be replenished. We could sure use the help of those of you who read this site and support its work and have a dollar or two each month to give to us as a non-tax-deductible financial gift. Thank you.
May 28 Update
It is 12:30 a.m. on the Octave Day of the Ascension and the Commemoration of the Feast of Saint Augustine of Canterbury. I am working on a commentary on the recently issued Compendium of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's Letter to Bishops, Priests, Consecrated Persons and Lay Faithful of Red China, June 30, 2007. It is my hope to have this article posted by early evening today, May 28, 2009. Thank you for your patience. (Well, I have to wait and wait and wait for the non-tax-deductible gifts to trickle in when there is not an emergency appeal to make Please, this is noted in good humor!)
Please join me in wishing His Excellency Bishop Daniel L. Dolan a blessed fifty-eighth birthday today. Please join me in offering an extra set of mysteries of Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary for our having been given such a wonderful shepherd in these times of apostasy and betrayal. As I explained to a man who is deeply immersed in the fantasy world of the Motu communities, where priests and presbyters reassure themselves and the Catholics attached to their chapels that the have "no obligation to oppose error" or to rise in the defense of the honor and majesty and glory of God when He is blasphemed openly by Ratzinger/Benedict's acts of sacrilege in mosques and at places "sacred" to the false religion of Talmudic Judaism, "no one's going into a mosque around here and calling it "jewel" on the "face of the earth" or as a "sacred" place. No one around here is being silent about these outrages. We are so blessed to be here!"
Happy birthday, Bishop Dolan. Thank you for all that you do for Holy Mother Church. Thank you for all that you have done--and continue to do--for us.
Check back later for that new article.
May 27 Article
Six Out of Nine, Not That It Matters
There will be six Catholics out of the nine members on the Supreme Court of the United States of America by the time its Fall session begins on the first Monday in October. What does this matter. Not a thing to Christ the King. Each of these Catholics, although they differ with other on the details of constitutional and legal interpretation and jurisprudence, is a legal positivist who leaves his (or her) Catholicism at the door of the Supreme Court. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
There should be another original article tomorrow, the Octave Day of the Ascension and the Commemoration of Saint Augustine of Canterbury (and His Excellency Bishop Daniel L. Dolan's fifty-eighth birthday), dealing with the continued silence in the wake of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's multiple apostasies and sacrileges committed during his recent pilgrimage to Jordan and Israel.
Mr. Robert Letourneau has asked for prayers for a four month old baby, named Zoe, who was badly burned while being bathed. The baby's parents are not "religious." Friends of Mr. Letourneau are going to try to convince the parents to have Zoe, who is in danger of death, baptized. Please pray for this intention. Saint Zoe, pray for Baby Zoe and her parents. Saint Catherine Laboure (whose baptismal name was Zoe), pray for Baby Zoe.
Additionally, the decision of the Supreme Court of the State of California to sustain the state constitutionality of Proposition 8, which was passed by the voters of the Golden State on November 4, 2008, rests on the shifting sands of "popular sovereignty." As I noted in
Do You Hear The People Sing? six and one-half months ago now, Proposition 8 was based on the false concession that perverse behavior is a legitimate expression of human self-identification and that the civil state can accord "civil union" status and benefits to such persons while at the same time denying them the use of the word "marriage" to describe their sinful relationships. False premises always lead to bad consequences. Today's "victory" based on the tunes that the "majority" is singing at present will wind up being tomorrow's defeat when the "majority" learns to sing another tune. Please re-read this article if you have time. There is really nothing new to add to what I wrote in
Do You Hear The People Sing?
Finally, I want to call the attention of the readers of this site to an article I wrote twenty-three months ago, A Betrayal Worthy of the Antichrist, which commented on Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's Letter to Bishops, Priests, Consecrated Persons and Lay Faithful of Red China, June 30, 2007. Although I will write a commentary on the conciliar Vatican's Compendium on this 2007 letter, A Betrayal Worthy of the Antichrist does cover the 2007 letter fairly comprehensively.
Donations? None at the post office box yesterday. Very few recently via PayPal. Am I not writing enough articles? (Smile!)
May 25 Article
Weak In Mind, Weakest Yet In Faith
Another late (or very early) hour. Suffice it to say that this article is not for all readers. Indeed, I ask that parents not let their children read this article. Although there is nothing graphic in its text and I do not discuss the details of Rembert G. Weakland's documented "problems," shall we say, it is best to keep this one out of the hands of children. This commentary does make a connection between Weakland's "self-identification" as one inclined to unnatural vices and the whole ethos of the Novus Ordo that he helped to create. Although he has his differences with his fellow revolutionary, Ratzinger/Benedict, both are, whether or not they themselves realize it, united in an effort to blunt all criticism of the liturgical revolution. The one, Weakland, is an open revolutionary against the Mass of Tradition. The other, Ratzinger/Benedict, wants to use a modernized (and ever modernizing) version of the Mass of Tradition, offered mostly by non-priests who must keep their mouths shut about his own sacrileges and apostasies, as a means of silencing traditionally-minded Catholics yet attached to the conciliar structures from criticizing the Novus Ordo ever again. Our Lady, Help of Christians, pray for us.
Please listen to Bishop Dolan's sermon of yesterday, given in honor of Our Lady, Help of Christians,
The Roses Help With the Thorns. It is one of the most magnificent statements of the Catholic Faith that you will ever hear.
Donations are down this month substantially. Please help if you can. Thank you.
Remember, as always, the intentions of the Poor Souls in Purgatory today and every day. Saint Francis de Sales said that one discharges all of his obligations for Charity by praying for the Poor Souls. That's a piece of spiritual advice we should take very seriously.
May 23 Articles
"Thumbs Up" From a Communist for an Apostate
Mikhail Gorbachev, a self-described "humanist" who is still an unreconstructed Communist, has given a "thumbs up" to the conciliar "beatification" and "canonization" of Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II. Gorbachev praised Wojtyla/John Paul II as a supporter of the "new world order" based on "humane" principles, expressed variously by Wojtyla/John Paul II as the "civilization of love." And I thought that I was going to get some rest with Ratzinger/Benedict back in Rome! All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. Save souls!
Respect Those Who Break the First Commandment? Respect Those Who Break the Fifth Commandment
Rest? How can I rest when the editor of L'Osservatore Romano, Gian Maria Vian, had a "bad day at the office" yesterday when he said that the pro-abortion statist President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, is not "pro-abortion," having to walk those remarks back with a bit of nuancing a few hours later. This is the same Gian Maria Vian who wrote a few weeks ago that the first hundred days of Obama's administration had not been as "bad" as feared (see my own commentary on this madness in
Urbanely Accepting Evil). A Vatican undersecretary of state, "Monsignor" Pietro Parolin, "clarified" the conciliar Vatican's position on Obama by saying that it had some disagreements with Obama on "bioethical" issues? Huh? That's how a diplomat in the service of the conciliar Vatican refers to support for the direct, intentional taking of innocent preborn life?
Ah, my friends, the conciliar "pontiffs" and their "cardinals" and 'bishops' and presbyters show all manner of respect to false religions, thereby breaking the First Commandment. It's pretty easy to get the rest of the Commandments, including the Fifth Commandment, wrong if one get used to breaking the First Commandment with impunity.
Rest? Well, maybe for a few hours prior to Holy Mass, assuming, that is, that it is God's Holy Will for me to arise in about six hours.
Did I hear you say that you wanted a Donations report? Well, we had four envelopes in the past two days and one non-tax-deductible gift given in person. The statistics indicate there are more than five or six or ten people who read this site rather regularly and who might even have the means to make a non-tax-deductible gift of a dollar or two every month. Won't you consider helping us? Thank you.
Rest? Yes, to bed! Come on, Chase, it's time to get off that couch and sleep in your spot in the bedroom!
May 22 Article
One Sentence Says It All
One sentence from Pope Pius IX's The Syllabus of Errors says it all concerning the error represented by those believe that they can "sift" the words and actions and decrees of a true Roman Pontiff. One sentence says it all:
22. The obligation by which Catholic teachers and authors are strictly bound is confined to those things only which are proposed to universal belief as dogmas of faith by the infallible judgment of the Church. -- Letter to the Archbishop of Munich, "Tuas libenter," Dec. 21, 1863. (Proposition condemned by Pope Pius IX, The Syllabus of Errors, December 8, 1864.)
There is no need for an "extra-magisterial" community, no less one, such as the Society of Saint Pius X, that lacks a "canonical mission" from the conciliar "pontiffs," to serve as a "super-magisterium" to determine what is "Catholic" and what is not. Although it took me long enough, admittedly, to accept the simple truth that true popes can never give us defective liturgies that are offensive to God and can never say things that are contrary to the Faith, the truth of the matter was right in front of my nose. I refused to accept it for far too long. It is nevertheless true that a true pope must be obeyed. And one of the many signs that a putative "pontiff" is not legitimate is by his esteeming of the places of "worship" and the "values" of false religions, a phenomenon that was on full display during Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's recent pilgrimage to Jordan and Israel.
Although this article might appear to be some as "piling on" the leaders of the Society of Saint Pius X, it is, sadly, necessary to point out the extent to which publications of (or related to) the Society of Saint Pius X printed devastating, withering critiques of the Modernist theology of Joseph Ratzinger before his "elevation" to be the head of the counterfeit church of conciliarism on Tuesday, April 19, 2005. It is now considered by some leaders of the Society of Saint Pius X to be an "act of hatred" to the "pope" to apply those critiques to "Benedict XVI," the man who so offended and blasphemed God during his recent visit to Jordan and Israel.
Just take a look at the excerpts of some of those old articles from Si, Si, No, No that are contained (with the "hot links" to take you to the full text of the articles) in this commentary to see for yourself that the protestations of some leaders of the Society of Saint Pius X in behalf of the "orthodoxy" of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict are nothing other than exercises of rank positivism, that is, the mere assertion of a point made gratuitously--and usually with invective and malice--makes the assertion true.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. Saint Rita of Cascia, pray for us.
May 21 Revised Article
Revised: Baptize All Men, Teach All Nations
Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's forty days' of teaching the Apostles after his glorious Resurrection from the dead on Easter Sunday culminated this very day, Ascension Thursday, as He instructed the Eleven as follows before going up into Heaven from Mount Olivet at whose foot He had suffered His Agony in the Garden six weeks before as Saints Peter, James and John slumbered:
And the eleven disciples went into Galilee, unto the mountain where Jesus had appointed them. And seeing him they adored: but some doubted. And Jesus coming, spoke to them, saying: All power is given to me in heaven and in earth. Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world. (Matthew 28: 16-20.)
There is no "expiration" date on this command. Indeed, the commentary in the Bishop Richard Challoner version of the Douay-Rheims Bible explains that the command is in force until Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ comes in glory on the Last Day to judge the living and the dead and that His Church could never go astray, meaning, of course, that it is impossible for the Catholic Church to give any impression at all that God is pleased with false religions such as Mohammedanism and Talmudic Judaism, which is what Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI did consistently throughout his pilgrimage to Jordan and Israel that ended six days ago now:
18 "All power"... See here the warrant and commission of the apostles and their successors, the bishops and pastors of Christ's church. He received from his Father all power in heaven and in earth: and in virtue of this power, he sends them (even as his Father sent him, St. John 20. 21) to teach and disciple, not one, but all nations; and instruct them in all truths: and that he may assist them effectually in the execution of this commission, he promises to be with them, not for three or four hundred years only, but all days, even to the consummation of the world. How then could the Catholic Church ever go astray; having always with her pastors, as is here promised, Christ himself, who is the way, the truth, and the life. St. John 14.
The Catholic Church can never go astray. She is infallible. She does not give us any "new ecclesiology" or "hermeneutic of continuity and discontinuity" to deconstruct the meaning of dogmatic truth, thus attacking the essence of the nature of God Himself, or false ecumenism. Her pastors do not esteem the symbols and values and places of false religions and they do not engage in "inter-religious" "prayer" services. Her pastors do not teach that false religions have a "right" from God to propagate their false beliefs publicly and they do not praise those false beliefs for being "able" to "contribute" to the building of a "better" world. Pastors of the Catholic Church insist always and at all times that Catholicism is the one and only foundation of personal and social order with no equivocation, uncertainty, ambiguity or obscurity of any kind.
As Pope Pius XI noted in Mortalium Animos, January 6, 1928, there is need to "strain" to "find" Catholicism in the pronouncements made by Holy Mother Church:
For the teaching authority of the Church, which in the divine wisdom was constituted on earth in order that revealed doctrines might remain intact for ever, and that they might be brought with ease and security to the knowledge of men, and which is daily exercised through the Roman Pontiff and the Bishops who are in communion with him, has also the office of defining, when it sees fit, any truth with solemn rites and decrees, whenever this is necessary either to oppose the errors or the attacks of heretics, or more clearly and in greater detail to stamp the minds of the faithful with the articles of sacred doctrine which have been explained. (Pope Pius XI, Mortalium Animos, January 6, 1928.)
How has the integrity of the doctrine of the First commandment been stamped on "minds of the faithful" by the words and deeds of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI? By scenes such as this one?
Benedict denying Catholic doctrine and history at the Dome of the Rock
Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Ascended into Heaven this day. We must ascend with Him in our thoughts and prayers at all times as we refuse to have our minds and hearts poisoned by the words and the deeds of the false shepherds of the counterfeit church of conciliarism who dare to blaspheme God so regularly and so openly and/or who refuse to open their mouths in defense of the honor and majesty and glory of God when He is so blasphemed and offended.
As the angel made clear to the Eleven as they looked into the sky as Our Lord disappeared from their sight on this day, there is work for us to do:
They therefore who were come together, asked him, saying: Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? But he said to them: It is not for you to know the times or moments, which the Father hath put in his own power: But you shall receive the power of the Holy Ghost coming upon you, and you shall be witnesses unto me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and even to the uttermost part of the earth. And when he had said these things, while they looked on, he was raised up: and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they were beholding him going up to heaven, behold two men stood by them in white garments.
Who also said: Ye men of Galilee, why stand you looking up to heaven? This Jesus who is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come, as you have seen him going into heaven. Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount that is called Olivet, which is nigh Jerusalem, within a sabbath day's journey. And when they were come in, they went up into an upper room, where abode Peter and John, James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James of Alpheus, and Simon Zelotes, and Jude the brother of James. All these were persevering with one mind in prayer with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren. (Acts 1: 6-14.)
Yes, we can't stand around all day long looking into the sky. There is work for us to do before Our Lord comes for us at the moment of our own Particular Judgments, which can come at any hour and on any day, and at the end of the world to judge the living and the dead.
The work that we have to do is to sanctify and to save our immortal souls as members of the Catholic Church, work that requires us to be attentive to the graces that were won for us on the wood of the Holy Cross by the shedding of every single drop of Our Blessed Lord Saviour Jesus Christ's Most Precious Blood and the flow into our hearts and souls through the loving hands of Our Lady, she who is the Mediatrix of All Graces. And to cooperate with the graces that Our Lady sends we must be fortified in prayer, which is one of the reasons that we must keep most assiduously the first Novena in the history of the Church, the Novena to God the Holy Ghost.
Our Lady was separated from her Divine Son when He Ascended to Heaven. She was united to Him, however, by means of her reception of His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in Holy Communion. She was united to the Apostles and the others who prayed in the same Upper Room where He had instituted the Holy Priesthood and the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday. She is united to us. She is our Blessed Mother. We need to ask her for all the graces that we need to save and to sanctify our souls as we eschew worldliness, which is the theme of today's slightly revised article, and as we refuse to participate in the fraud of a false religion, conciliarism, that is replete with daily outrages given to her Divine Son, starting with the outrage that is the Protestant and Masonic Novus Ordo service, and as we make much reparation for our sins and those of the whole world as the consecrated slaves of her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.
A blessed Feast of Ascension to you all.
May 20 Article
"Revising" the Faith In Order to be "Free" of Christ the King
This article, which is yet another long treatise on the Social Reign of Christ the King, deals with the interesting phenomenon of those who want to maintain Ratzinger/Benedict's "legitimacy" by having recourse to the discredited and heretical view that true popes can teach "errors" because they, the people who maintain Benedict's "legitimacy," are dissenters from the immutable Social Teaching of the Catholic Church and place their trust in "enlightenment" authors and not in the perennial truth that the Catholic Church must be recognized by the civil state as the true religion and that the civil state's first obligation is to foster those conditions in society conductive to the sanctification and salvation of the souls of its citizens. The false ecclesiology of the Society of Saint Pius X has convinced a few Catholics that it is not only only the teachings of the conciliar "popes" that can be opposed and "sifted" for their orthodoxy, but that the teachings of the "pre-conciliar" popes are also fair game for rejection especially if those teachings interfere with the obeisance they pay to their intellectual demigods of one sort or another.
Saint Bernardine of Siena was the apostle of the Holy Name of Jesus. May we be apostles in our day of the Holy Name of Jesus as remind everyone that it is that Holy Name that must be honored by every human being and every nation on the face of this earth as He is recognized as the King of all men and all nations in and through His Catholic Church, outside of which there is no salvation and without which there is no true social order.
Vivat Christus Rex! Viva Cristo Rey! Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us. Saint Bernardine of Siena, pray for us.
There will be a revised article on the Feast of the Ascension tomorrow, Ascension Thursday. There will be a new article posted on Friday within the Octave of the Ascension, May 22, 2009.
Yesterday's number of Donations in our post office box? Zero. I'll give you a daily update (smile!).
May 19 Update
As expected, there will be no article today. I should have one freshly minted for tomorrow, the Vigil of the Ascension and the last of the Rogation Days (and the Commemoration of Saint Berardine of Siena), Wednesday, May 20, 2009.
In the meantime, please continue to "catch up" with any articles that you might have missed over the weekend. I have needed to "catch up" with domestic errands and with something called sleep.
There is an interesting set of photographs of Ratzinger/Benedict's apostasy at the mosque of the Dome of Rock last week, Tuesday, May 12, 2009, at
Benedict denying Catholic doctrine and history at the Dome of the Rock. The particular article concludes by stating,
"With this we are far removed from the the Catholic Faith..."
Yes, of course. And the man who is so far removed from the Catholic Faith and who can blaspheme God so readily and so frequently as he communicates to Catholics and non-Catholics alike that God is "pleased" with false religions and their "sacred" places of "worship" (showing us that he does not understand Who God is or has not the most basic, elementary understanding of the precepts of the First Commandment) cannot possibly be the Vicar of Christ on earth. That so many Catholics are either accustomed to apostasy or believe that silence in its wake is acceptable in the eyes of God is proof of Our Lord's own prophesy: "When He Cometh, Shall He Find, Think You, Faith on Earth?"
Thanks for your patience. I have to be patient as well, it appears, for responses to the Donations letter. All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. Save souls!
May 18 Article
No "Common Ground" Between Truth and Error
President Barack Hussein Obama wants to find "common ground" on the issue of killing innocent preborn children under cover of the civil law. Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI wants to find "common ground" among "religions" to help "build" the "better world." There is, you see, a great deal of common, although not always identical, ground between Caesar Obamus and the false "pontiff." For God, however, there is never any common ground between truth and error, and there can be none for us as well as God is indeed a majority of One.
After a spate of mostly long articles that have had me up way past midnight for most of the past two weeks, I may not be able to have an article for you tomorrow, May 19, 2009. With Ratzinger/Benedict back in Rome and Obama back in the White House, there may not be any particular urgency to write an article for a posting tomorrow. Just keep checking. Those of you who have been playing "hooky" from this site over the weekend have some reading to catch up on now, right? (These comments are made tongue-in-cheek, please!)
We must remember, as I noted a few days ago now, to keep focused on root causes. Keep focused on the fact that the no true pope of the Catholic Church can teach error or introduce "innovation" or teach in any way at any time anything contrary to the Faith. This is the canonical doctrine of the Catholic Church (please see the list of theological/canonical errors of the "resist and recognize" movement, headed by the Society of Saint Pius X, summarized by Mr. Michael Creighton and posted below under the May 16 precis).
Keep focused on the fact that the Catholic Church brings forth her teaching with "ease and security," not with obscurity or ambiguity or any degree of contradiction of her perennial teaching, which is, of course, absolutely immutable:
For the teaching authority of the Church, which in the divine wisdom was constituted on earth in order that revealed doctrines might remain intact for ever, and that they might be brought with ease and security to the knowledge of men, and which is daily exercised through the Roman Pontiff and the Bishops who are in communion with him, has also the office of defining, when it sees fit, any truth with solemn rites and decrees, whenever this is necessary either to oppose the errors or the attacks of heretics, or more clearly and in greater detail to stamp the minds of the faithful with the articles of sacred doctrine which have been explained. (Pope Pius XI, Mortalium Animos, January 6, 1928.)
Please also listen to His Excellency Bishop Daniel L. Dolan's sermon yesterday on St. Paschal Baylon and Father Anthony Cekada's
sermon about the new service available at the website. Make sure also to read the
Bulletin of Saint Gertrude the Great Church each week. I am grateful to His Excellency for including my May 10, 2009, precis, found on this home page, to Accustomed to Apostasy in this week's bulletin. I thank His Excellency for his graciousness in reprinting the precis.
May 17 Article
"When He Cometh, Shall He Find, Think You, Faith on Earth?"
What more can be said? A week filled with one act of apostasy and blasphemy after another has passed before our very eyes. Words and actions that are contrary to the Catholic Faith and thus offend the honor and majesty of the Most Blessed Trinity greatly have engendered almost no outrage from ordinary Catholics, no less those who used to write quite correctly and quite forcefully about the exact same outrages committed by Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II.
Some in the Motu communities, which are, of course, attached to the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism, do not believe that they have any responsibility to oppose error or even to raise their voices in defense of the honor and majesty and glory of God. The question asked by Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ thus becomes quite pertinent in this era of apostasy and betrayal as even those who know better believe that "silence" and a "strategic" censorship is "necessary" to advance "goals" that involve having a modernized version of the Immemorial Mass of Tradition at the price of the integrity of the Faith, at the price of seeing it as at all necessary to denounce blasphemy and apostasy openly:
"When He Cometh, Shall He Find, Think You, Faith on Earth?"
This article is more or less a wrap-up of the week of apostasy and blasphemy and sacrilege that passed before our very eyes as Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI called one mosque a "splendid" place of "worship", a veritable "jewel" that "stands out on earth" and called another mosque a "sacred place" and prayed as a Jew at the Wailing Wall while treating members of the Orthodox confessions as members of the "Church of Christ." These are facts. These are facts that require us to make many acts of reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heat of Mary as we endeavor to pray as many Rosaries each day as our states-in-life permit.
The Sixth Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church, the Third Council of Constantinople, explained that the Catholic Faith is unchanging, rejecting innovation in no uncertain terms, and it is innovation and novelty, such as Ratzinger/Benedict's "hermeneutic of continuity and discontinuity" to justify the apostasies of conciliarism as being in concert with the Catholic Faith, that has led to a meltdown of the Faith--
and to silence in the face of abject, open, public and undeniable offenses against the honor and majesty and glory of God by this false "pontiff"--among a large preponderance of Catholics, both clergy and laity alike, who are as of yet attached to the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism:
These firings, therefore, with all diligence and care having been formulated by us, we define that it be permitted to no one to bring forward, or to write, or to compose, or to think, or to teach a different faith. Whosoever shall presume to compose a different faith, or to propose, or teach, or hand to those wishing to be converted to the knowledge of the truth, from the Gentiles or Jews, or from any heresy, any different Creed; or to introduce a new voice or invention of speech to subvert these things which now have been determined by us, all these, if they be Bishops or clerics let them be deposed, the Bishops from the Episcopate, the clerics from the clergy; but if they be monks or laymen: let them be anathematized. (Sixth Ecumenical: Constantinople III).
Speaking of reparation, we should try to pray an extra Rosary today in reparation for the travesty and outrage of Our Lady's holy name being associated with the honorary doctorate being bestowed upon the pro-abort statist President of the United States of America today by the administrators of the University of Notre Dame du Lac. Although I have written three articles (Our Lady Does Not Honor Pro-Aborts and Honors Aplenty for Devils Galore and Having No Regard for the Horror of Personal Sin), a fourth will be written today after the events at my Master's alma mater unfold.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. Saint Paschal Baylon, pray for us.
Finally, I feel as lonely as the Maytag repairman insofar as the Donations letter is concerned. Help us out to provide for our future needs if you can do so as the monies donated so generously to us earlier this month will indeed by expended by means of our monthly bills by the end of June.
May 16 Article
Having No Regard for the Horror of Personal Sin
One of the reasons that Barack Hussein Obama is being honored tomorrow by the University of Notre Dame is that those who are honoring him have no regard for the horror of personal sin, which Barack Hussein Obama promotes under cover of the civil law by having signed Executive Orders to permit the assassination of innocent preborn children in their mothers' wombs with monies provided by American taxpayers. That there should be this loss of the horror of personal sin should not surprise us, however, as the spirit of conciliarism, enshrined in Paragraph Fifteen of the General Instruction to the Roman Missal as follows:
The same awareness of the present state of the world also influenced the use of texts from very ancient tradition. It seemed that this cherished treasure would not be harmed if some phrases were changed so that the style of language would be more in accord with the language of modern theology and would faithfully reflect the actual state of the Church's discipline. Thus there have been changes of some expressions bearing on the evaluation and use of the good things of the earth and of allusions to a particular form of outward penance belonging to another age in the history of the Church.
"Modern theology" obviates the need to make reparation for one's sins by performing outward acts of penance that belongs "to another age in the history of the Church? "Modern theology" is a lie that has led many, although not all, Catholics yet attached to the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism to lose all sense of the horror of personal sin as they see nothing wrong with various grave evils being promoted under cover of the civil law and even to applaud their "bishops" and "priests" when they are caught leading lives of unrepentant sin. This is all the work of the conciliar revolution.
Alas, it is also "modern theology" that has led so many Catholics who are justifiably outraged by the award that will be bestowed by my Master's alma mater on our pro-abortion, Marxist trained statist President of the United States of America to lose their sense of horror of the sins, objectively speaking, committed against the First Commandment, such as those committed so openly and brazenly by Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI during his now-concluded visit to Jordan and Israel.
Some will say that it is not possible to judge "the pope," which, of course, we are not doing as Joseph Ratzinger is incapable of being a true Roman Pontiff as he fell from the Faith in his seminary days by subscribing to the condemned tenets of the New Theology, which caused him to be placed under suspicion of heresy by the Holy Office of the Inquisition during the pontificate of our last true pope, Pope Pius XII, and by his multiple defections from the Faith, some of which I have catalogued in Ratzinger's War Against Catholicism and summarized just yesterday in Keep Focused on Root Causes.
As a lot of people who access this site are "passers-by" who never read my articles (or only glance at them before moving on to some other website), it is perhaps useful once again to explode the "resist and recognize" errors that are propagated by the Society of Saint Pius X, whose bishops and priests have learned how to just as silent about "papal" offenses against the First Commandment as the priests and presbyters of the Motu communities whose ranks they hope one day to join, that have been summarized so well and so clearly by Mr. Michael Creighton (and that I have published previously in Shell Games With Souls and
Pots and Kettles:
To briefly enumerate some of the problems in the SSPX, they are:
1 A rejection of the of the ordinary magisterium (Vatican I; Session III - Dz1792) which must be divinely revealed. For instance Paul VI claimed that the new mass and Vatican II were his “Supreme Ordinary Magisterium” and John Paul II promulgated his catechism which contains heresies and errors in Fide Depositum by his “apostolic authority” as “the sure norm of faith and doctrine” and bound everyone by saying who believes what was contained therein is in “ecclesial communion”, that is in the Church.
2 A rejection of the divinely revealed teaching expressed in Vatican I , Session IV, that the faith of Peter [the Pope] cannot fail. Three ancient councils are quoted to support this claim. (2nd Lyons, 4th Constantinople & Florence). Pope Paul IV’s bull Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio teaches the same in the negative sense of this definition.
3 A distortion of canon law opposed to virtually all the canonists of the Church prior to Vatican II which tell us a heretical pope ipso facto loses his office by the operation of the law itself and without any declaration. This is expressed in Canon 188.4 which deals with the divine law and footnotes Pope Paul IV’s bull, Cum ex Apostolatus Officio. The SSPX pretends that sections of the code on penalties somehow apply to the pope which flatly contradicted by the law itself. The SSPX pretends that jurisdiction remains in force when the code clearly says jurisdiction is lost and only ‘acts’ of jurisdiction are declared valid until the person is found out (canons 2264-2265). This is simply to protect the faithful from invalid sacraments, not to help heretics retain office and destroy the Church. Charisms of the office, unlike indelible sacraments, require real jurisdiction. The SSPX pretends that penalties of the censure of ipso facto excommunication cannot apply to cardinals since it reserved to Holy See (canon 2227). This is another fabrication since the law does not refer to automatic (latae sententiae) penalties but only to penalties in which a competent judge is needed to inflict or declare penalties on offenders. Therefore it only refers to condemnatory and declaratory sentences but not automatic sentences. To say that ipso facto does not mean what it says is also condemned by Pope Pius VI in Auctorem Fidei.
4 The SSPX holds a form of the Gallican heresy that falsely proposes a council can depose a true pope. This was already tried by the Council of Basle and just as history condemned those schismatics, so it will condemn your Lordship. This belief also denies canon 1556 “The First See is Judged by no one.” This of course means in a juridical sense of judgment, not remaining blind to apostasy, heresy and crime which automatically takes effect.
5 The SSPX denies the visible Church must manifest the Catholic faith. They claim that somehow these men who teach heresy can’t know truth. This is notion has been condemned by Vatican I, Session III, Chapter 2. It is also condemned by canon 16 of the 1917 code of canon law. Clearly LaSalette has been fulfilled. Rome is the seat of anti-Christ & the Church is eclipsed. Clearly, our Lords words to Sr. Lucy at Rianjo in 1931 have come to pass. His “Ministers [Popes] have followed the kings of France into misfortune”.
6 The SSPX reject every doctor of the Church and every Church father who are unanimous in stating a heretic ipso facto is outside the Church and therefore cannot possess jurisdiction & pretends that is only their opinion when St. Robert states “... it is proven, with arguments from authority and from reason, that the manifest heretic is ipso facto deposed.” The authority he refers to is the magisterium of the Church, not his own opinion.
7 Pope Pius XII’s Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis is misinterpreted by the SSPX to validly elect a heretic to office against the divine law. A public heretic cannot be a cardinal because he automatically loses his office. This decree only refers to cardinals and hence it does not apply to ex-cardinals who automatically lost their offices because they had publicly defected from the Catholic faith. The cardinals mentioned in this decree who have been excommunicated are still Catholic and still cardinals; hence their excommunication does not cause them to become non-Catholics and lose their offices, as does excommunication for heresy and public defection from the Catholic faith. This is what the Church used to call a minor excommunication. All post 1945 canonists concur that Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis does not remove ipso facto excommunication: Eduardus F. Regatillo (1956), Matthaeus Conte a Coronata (1950), Serapius Iragui (1959), A. Vermeersch - I. Creusen (1949), Udalricus Beste (1946) teach that a pope or cardinal or bishop who becomes a public heretic automatically loses his office and a public heretic cannot legally or validly obtain an office. Even supposing this papal statement could apply to non-Catholics (heretics), Pope Pius XII goes on to say “at other times they [the censures] are to remain in vigor” Does this mean the Pope intends that a notorious heretic will take office and then immediately lose his office? It is an absurd conclusion, hence we must respect the interpretation of the Church in her canonists.
Errors/Heresies typical of an SSPX chapel attendees & priests:
1) We are free to reject rites promulgated by the Church. [Condemned by Trent Session VII, Canon XIII/Vatican I, Session II]
2) The Pope can’t be trusted to make judgments on faith and morals. We have to sift what is Catholic. [Condemned by Vatican I, Session IV, Chapter III.]
3) We are free to reject or accept ordinary magisterial teachings from a pope since they can be in error. This rejection may include either the conciliar ‘popes’ when teach heresy or the pre-conciliar popes in order to justify the validity of the conciliar popes jurisdiction, sacraments, etc [Condemned by Vatican I (Dz1792)/Satis Cognitum #15 of Leo XIII]
4) The Kantian doctrine of unknowability of reality. We can’t know what is heresy, therefore we can’t judge. [Condemned by Vatican I, Session III, Chapter 2: On Revelation, Jn7:24].
5) The faith of the Pope can fail. Frequently this is expressed as “we work for” or “we pray for the Popes conversion to the Catholic faith”. [condemned by Vatican I and at least 3 earlier councils mentioned above].
6) Universal salvation, ecumenism, religious liberty, validity of the Old Covenant, etc. can be interpreted in a Catholic sense. [Condemned by every saint, every doctor of the Church and every Pope who comments on such issues; for instance Pope Eugene IV (Cantate Domino – Council of Florence)]
7) Contraries can be true. [Hegelian doctrine against Thomistic Philosophy]. If these positions appear to be contradictory, they are.
When I point out these positions are against the Faith, frequently the Hegelian doctrine is employed by those in attendance at the SSPX chapel.
Mr. Creighton's discussion of the Kantian doctrine of the unknowability of reality, that we can't know what is heresy, is also quite a common refrain promoted in the circles of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter, which I review in the body of my current article.
Once again, I ask readers to to Father Anthony Cekada's The Errors of the Society of St Pius X and read His Excellency Bishop Donald Sanborn's Logical Chickens Coming Home to Roost: A Commentary on Recent Events in SSPX. The appendix that I provided in
Story Time in Econe from
Tumultuous Times about Gallicanism and the mythology of "heretical" popes is also useful reading.
There will be, God willing and Our Lady interceding, one final article, to be posted tomorrow morning, the Fifth Sunday after Easter and the Commemoration of the great saint of Eucharistic piety, Saint Paschal Baylon, on Ratzinger/Benedict's now concluded pilgrimage to Jordan and Israel, during which time he made not one reference at all to Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary while repeating yesterday his usual talk of "a search for unity" with the schismatic and heretical Orthodox leaders that has been the subject of several articles on this site, including
What's a Thousand Years Among Friends? and
Missing a Millennium.
Although Ratzinger/Benedict did speak quite correctly about the injustices that have been visited upon the Palestinians by the Israelis, something that angered the Israelis very much, he did not at all speak about the simple truth there is a path to peace in the Middle East: the unconditional conversion of everyone to the true Faith so that they can know the forgiveness of their sins in the Baptismal font, if not already baptized validly, or in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance and thus together establish the Social Reign of Christ the King in the Holy Land that became one of the primary goals of Pope Urban II when he preached the first Crusade in the year 1095. Or was Pope Urban II wrong to have done so?
Yes, Ratzinger/Benedict spoke to Catholics about Our Lord as the source of all peace in his address at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre yesterday, May 15, 2009,. This proclamation, however, is not reserved for Catholic audiences. It must be made to all at every opportunity imaginable without for one moment giving any credibility or respect or esteem to any false religion or their hideous places of "worship" at any time for any reason. Such, however, are the ways of the "double-thinking" of Modernism analyzed and condemned by Pope Saint Pius X in Pascendi Dominici Gregis, September 8, 1907.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. Saint Ubaldus, pray for us.
Where are the responses to the Donations letter? We have one kind gentleman from Florida who is sending us a non-tax-deductible gift of fifty dollars a week (and I thank him very much for his kindness and generosity). We have another kind gentleman from Illinois who sends us a non-tax-deductible gift of one hundred dollars every few weeks. There is a gentleman from Nova Scotia who sends us twenty dollars every month. We have good friends from Texas whose support over the years have kept us so many times from going "belly up" and/or have helped us in true crisis situations with the motor home (now resting in storage). Must the burden of supporting this work--for those of you, of course, who agree with its contents and have the means to make non-tax-deductible financial gifts--fall on the shoulders of the same people over and over and over again. I do hope that more of you will respond to the Donations letter and make regular gifts to us. Remember, just a dollar or two or five from about a fifth of this site's regular readers would help us to meet our monthly expenses.
Thank you for any and all consideration that you can give to this request so that we do not have to into another crisis mode in six weeks or so when the proceeds of a generous gift made anonymously to us will have been expended on our monthly bills. We are very grateful to all of those who help us so generously. We simply need more of you to join their ranks on a regular basis if you have a mind and the financial ability to do so.
Sincerely yours in Christ the King and Mary our Immaculate Queen, Thomas A. Droleskey.
May 15 Article
Keep Focused on Root Causes
Without taking anything away from the true scandal represented by my Master's alma mater, the University of Notre Dame, honoring the pro-abort statist President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, we must keep focused on the root causes, both remote and proximate, of how such scandals occur. It is far, far easier for a formerly Catholic university to honor a man who has signed Executive Orders to authorize the execution of innocent preborn human beings, thereby authorizing the mystical dismemberment of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the persons of innocent preborn children in their mothers' wombs, when the man who is believed, albeit falsely, by most people on the face of this earth to be the Vicar of Christ, Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI offends God, by calling mosques "splendid" places of "worship" and veritable "jewels" that "stand out across the face of the earth" and when he refuses to seek the conversion of those who adhere to the false religion of Talmudic Judaism (and as he lets his own curial officials go uncorrected when they assert publicly that the Catholic Church has no "mission from God" to do so.) Offenses against God, my friends, and His First Commandment make crimes against men more possible.
His Excellency Bishop Daniel L. Dolan preached on Wednesday, May 13, 2009, that a little known saint, Saint Servatus, who shares that day with Saint Robert Bellarmine and Our Lady of Fatima, had something to say about those who continue in communion with (una cum) "bishops" who defect from the Catholic Faith:
Servatus held the bishopric of Tongres (Belgium) at a time when the whole of Christendom had Arian tendencies. The all-powerful emperor, Constantius, was a heretic and supported the heresy; many bishops no longer believed in the divinity of Our Lord; St. Athanasius and St. Hilary, great champions of orthodoxy, were in exile.
The story of the Jewish origins of St. Servatus and his kinship with St. Anne appears legendary. It is not known when he became bishop of Tongres, but by 336, when St. Athanasius spent his exile at Trier, he had already occupied the see. The declaration which he made before the Council of Cologne in 346 informs us both of his meeting with the celebrated Alexandrian doctor and of his own orthodoxy. This is what he says in reference to the bishop of Cologne, deposed on that occasion: "It is not from hearsay that I know what he has been teaching, but from having myself heard it. Our churches are adjacent; many times I have had occasion to contradict him, when he has denied the divinity of Jesus Christ. It has happened in the presence of Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria. .. . I judge that he can no longer be bishop of Christians; and those do not deserve to be considered Christians who remain in communion with him."
After failing in his efforts to reconcile the usurper, Magnetius, with the Emperor Constantius, Servatus made a pilgrimage to Rome. He returned convinced that Tongres would soon fall to the Huns. Hastily he carried the relics of the church to Maestricht, and there, shortly afterwards, he died.The towns of Tongres remained thereafter for nearly a century without a bishop. (Omer Engelbert, The Lives of the Saints, Barnes and Noble, p. 186.)
We have heard and seen the offenses given to God by Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI. We have read his apostate words that reek of the stench of his "New Theology," which is but the product of a recycled Modernism. We have seen how true popes have prophetically condemned his every belief about Divine Revelation and the nature of dogmatic truth and the nature of the Church and false ecumenism and inter-religious prayer services and esteeming false religions and their "values and religious liberty and separation of Church and State and Limbo and Justification and Biblical inerrancy, to name just a few ways Ratzinger/Benedict's views have been condemned by true popes in the decades before the "Second" Vatican Council.
To paraphrase Saint Servatus, how do we deserve to be considered Christians if we remain in communion with (una cum) Ratzinger/Benedict and his sham "bishops" when the evidence of his apostasy and his willingness to blaspheme and offend God so repeatedly is so clear?
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. Saint John Baptist de la Salle, pray for us. Saint Dymphna, pray for us.
I apologize for the delay in posting this article. Although it covers familiar ground to regular readers of this site, it is an original composition that is meant to summarize the incredible display of apostasy that we have witnessed in the past seven days. It simply took much longer for me to write it than I thought would be the case.
I will try to have a third article on the scandal of the University of Notre Dame's honoring the pro-abort statist Obama (Our Lady Does Not Honor Pro-Aborts and
Honors Aplenty for Devils Galore have been my first two) by later today, certainly by tomorrow.
It's after Midnight yet again. Good night, and don't forget to read--and to respond to--the new Donations letter!
May 13 Article and Late Evening Update
Words and Actions of Antichrist
If yesterday's non-stop binge of apostasy and blasphemy and sacrilege is not enough to convince Catholics that Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI is a figure of Antichrist, I rather doubt that even Ratzinger's making a formal announcement that this is the case would convince them of the fact. After all, someone who has access to a computer and an internet connection would claim that "the announcement that 'Pope' Benedict XVI is a figure of Antichrist is 'unofficial,' it has no standing, it does not bind anyone." Such is the self-made delusion of those who refuse to come to the defense of the honor and majesty and glory of God by denouncing Ratzinger/Benedict's words and actions that make a mockery of fidelity to the Deposit of Faith that Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has entrusted exclusively to His Catholic Church for Its eternal safekeeping and infallible explication. No one who doesn't "get it" now in light of the terrible apostasies being committed by Ratzinger/Benedict during his current pilgrimage to Jordan and Israel is likely to "get it" later. The hour is very late. Who will rise to the defense of the honor and glory and majesty of God and the integrity of the Catholic Faith?
Update: As the Ohio monsoons have hit the greater Cincinnati, Ohio, area, His Excellency Bishop Daniel L. Dolan's Fatima Rosary Procession, which is held on the thirteenth of every month between May and October in the "First Watch" parking lot in West Chester, Ohio, was transformed into a beautiful and most prayerful recitation of the fifteen decades of Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary in front of the exposed Blessed Sacrament.
Alas, however, the hour is very late. I've been up until the wee hours for five straight days, arising after about four or five hours of sleep, a little matter that has caught up with me. Work on a new article has begun. It will be posted late tomorrow afternoon, May 14, the Feast of Saint Boniface of Tarsus, not to be confused with Saint Boniface, the Apostle to Germany whose feast day is June 5. Thank you for your patience!
Some are contending, it appears, that Ratzinger/Benedict is "suffering" because he has been criticized by the Jews for not making a "strong enough" statement against the crimes of the Third Reich (and because his own incompetent spin doctor, Father Federico Lombardi, S.J., denied that he, Ratzinger/Benedict, had ever joined the Hitler Youth, which even Ratzinger himself has admitted he did as a matter of "compulsion") and for Mohammedans for not condemning the crimes of the Israeli Defense Forces more forcefully. This criticism is the result of Ratzinger/Benedict's refusing to exhort Mohammedans and Jews to convert to the true Faith.
If one is willing to run the risk of being criticized for making carefully crafted statements that are designed to offend as few people as possible, why not be willing to run the risk of total rejection by doing what the Apostles did: to proclaim and before all that the Catholic Faith is the only foundation and personal and social order, and that it is an act God's great Mercy to us that He sent His Most Blessed Mother to earth this very day to show us that her Immaculate Heart is the path the His true peace that exists in souls by means of Sanctifying Grace? Alas, those who offend God by means of endless acts of apostasy and sacrilege will never satisfy human beings who want absolute adherence to their own false beliefs without any compromise whatsoever.
What's so difficult about repeating with Pope Saint Pius X the injunction that he took from Saint Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians? Omnia instaurare in Christo?
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. Saint Robert Bellarmine, pray for us.
A new Donations letter has now been posted. These articles (and the details of getting settled in our new house and of fulfilling all Masonic righteousness with respect to drivers' licenses and automobile registrations) have kept me pretty busy. Suffice it to say that we always need non-tax-deductible gifts, and I hope that those who support the work of this site and have the means to make such gifts will do so on a regular basis.
Remember, just a dollar or two a month from seventy percent of those who access this site regularly could keep us from going into a crisis mode again. Those who support the work of this site know that a lot of hard work goes into the composition of these articles. I hope and pray that those who support the work of this site who have the means to make non-tax-deductible gifts will consider the laborer to be worth his keep. Thank you.
Finally, Mrs. Anne Smith asks for prayers for an elderly woman in Massachusetts who may be near death. Please join her in these prayers as the women, who is ninety years of age, has been a very devoted Catholic and had had many true Masses offered in home over the years.
May 12 Article
How Catholics Act and Speak in Jerusalem
Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI is in Israel. What more needs to be said about this article, especially since it is now 1:10 a.m. on the Feast of Saints
Nereus, Achilleus, Domitilla, and Pancras, and as I am still not over what has been ailing me these last ten weeks? All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. Save souls!
Look for another article tomorrow, one that will deal with the continuing scandal at the University of Notre Dame, which must be placed in the context of the scandals caused by Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's repeated violations of the First Commandment by the esteeming he is paying to false religions that deny the Sacred Divinity of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and that make warfare against the Catholic Church. Then again, Joseph Ratzinger himself, of course, has engaged in a lifelong
war against Catholicism.
Saints Nereus, Achilleus, Domitilla, and Pancras, pray for us.
May 11 Article
Knights of Conciliarism
This is a follow-up article to Accustomed to Apostasy, focusing on the fact that the scandals associated with the counterfeit church of conciliarism have their proximate root cause in the Protestant and Masonic Novus Ordo service and the falsehoods enshrined therein that have robbed most, although not al, Catholics yet attached to its false structures of the basic elements of a functioning sensus Catholicus. It's pretty easy for the University of Notre Dame to honor Caesar Obamus and for the local councils of the Knights of Columbus to hold picnics with Masonic lodges and to support pro-abortion organizations when the head of the counterfeit church of conciliarism esteems the symbols and the "values" of false religions and calls a mosque a "splendid" place of "worship" that is one of the "jewels" "across the face of the earth. Get the First Commandment wrong, my friends, and you will get everything else wrong as a result. Our Lady of Consolation, pray for us.
Please listen to His Excellency Bishop Daniel L. Dolan's excellent sermon of yesterday, the Fourth Sunday after Easter,
Parenting with the Zeal of Our Enemies.
A new donations letter will be posted later today.
May 10 Article
Accustomed to Apostasy
Most, although certainly not all, Catholics yet attached to the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism have grown so accustomed to apostasy that they are incapable of recognizing outrages committed by the conciliar "popes" and the conciliar "bishops" against the honor and glory and majesty of God, including these unspeakably grotesque words of apostasy uttered yesterday, May 9, 2009, by Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI in front of a mosque in Jordan:
Places of worship, like this splendid Al-Hussein Bin Talal mosque named after the revered late King, stand out like jewels across the earth’s surface. From the ancient to the modern, the magnificent to the humble, they all point to the divine, to the Transcendent One, to the Almighty. And through the centuries these sanctuaries have drawn men and women into their sacred space to pause, to pray, to acknowledge the presence of the Almighty, and to recognize that we are all his creatures. (Meeting With Muslim religious leaders, members of the Diplomatic Corps and Rectors of universities in Jordan in front of the mosque al-Hussein bin Talal in Amman)
Who is "worshiped" in the "splendid Al-Hussein Bin Talal mosque"? The devil, that's who. The Al-Hussein Bin Talal mosque" stands out like a "jewel" "across the earth's surface"? If Joseph Ratzinger had never said or done anything contrary to the Catholic Faith in his life at any point prior to this, which we know, of course, is not the case (see Ratzinger's War Against Catholicism), this act of apostasy alone would be enough to cause him to fall from the Faith. Joseph Ratzinger is an apostate. He is possessed of evil as it is only the devil who wants Catholics and non-Catholics alike to believe that a mosque, which is a den of diabolical iniquity, is a true place of "worship" that stands out like a "jewel" "across the earth's surface."
Are you una cum "Benedict XVI," anyone? If you are, his words of apostasy are your words, as Pope Leo the Great made clear in no uncertain terms:
But it is vain for them to adopt the name of catholic, as they do not oppose these blasphemies: they must believe them, if they can listen so patiently to such words. (Pope Saint Leo the Great, Epistle XIV, To Anastasius, Bishop of Thessalonica, St. Leo the Great | Letters 1-59 )
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
I did not expect an article to be posted for today, Sunday, May 10, 2009, the Fourth Sunday after Easter and the Commemoration of Saint Antoninus, O.P., and Saints Gordian and Epimachus. The apostasy uttered yesterday by Ratzinger/Benedict is what prompted this article. Developments today may prompt yet another one to be posted tomorrow. And while we pray that no harm comes to the false "pontiff" in the midst of possible threats to his life in Israel from Talmudic ultra-nationalists, we must nevertheless recognize him as a enemy of the Catholic Faith who truly has no understanding as to Who God is and how He hates each an every false religion and wants them and their temples of false worship by the unconditional conversion of their adherents to the true Faith. Joseph Ratzinger can't possible know Who God is and make a statement calling a mosque a "jewel" that "stands out on the face of this earth."
May God have mercy on us all if we have grown accustomed to such apostasy for any reason whatsoever!
May 9 Article
Archbishop Who?
The late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre condemned Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II for parading into a synagogue and engaging in inter-religious "prayer" services and esteeming the "values" of false religions. What are his successors in the Society of Saint Pius X doing now? Making excuses for Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI doing the exact same thing as Wojtyla/John Paul II. Archbishop Who?
This is a relatively brief article. I did want to return to substantive writing after devoting the past five days to the two travelogues. The next article on this site should appear on Monday, May 11, 2009. I will have a revised donations letter posted by then as well.
Once again, good night!
Our Lady of Consolation, pray for us.
May 8 Article
Penance is Better Than Ever in 2009, part 3
As it is nearly 2:40 a.m. on Friday, May 8, 2009, the Feast of the Apparition of Saint Michael the Archangel, all I have the energy to write is that this is the conclusion of the current installment of the travelogues. A substantive article (not that there's no substance in these travelogues, mind you) will be posted tomorrow, May 9, 2009, the Feast of Our Lady of Consolation.
Here are the photographic essays to accompany Penance is Better Than Ever in 2009, part 2 and Penance is Better Than Ever in 2009, part 3: As The Travels Come To An End, part 1, and As The Travels Come To An End. part 2.
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for and protect us!
May 6 Article
Penance is Better Than Ever in 2009, part 2
I have utterly no idea how long this travelogue is insofar as pagination is concerned. I do know, however, that the narrative has had to end on Palm Sunday, April 5, 2009, as there is just too much more to write and no energy at this early hour on the Octave Day of the Solemnity of Saint Joseph in Paschaltide to complete the writing. For the few people who bother to read these travelogues, therefore, the "thrilling" climax to our long years of life on the road must await the posting of the next installment, which might be as early as tomorrow, May 7, 2009, the Feast of Saint Stanislaus. Although there are a few photographs posted in the body of this particular article, a photographic essay will be posted when part three of this year's travelogue is written and then posted in its own right. Saint Joseph, pray for us. Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.
Although we are, as I will explain more fully in part 3 of the travelogue, settled in one place finally, we are always in need of non-tax-deductible gifts to pay our bills. An anonymous donor has made possible the payment of our bills for this month. Those funds will expended on our fixed expenses. We are, of course, always in need of your non-tax-deductible financial gifts. As I am falling asleep as this is being written, I think that it is prudent to call it a night. A lot of work goes into these travelogues. I simply need a bit of rest so as to be able to focus on the next installment tomorrow.
May 5 Update
The hour is now around 1:25 a.m., Eastern time, on the Feast of Pope Saint Pius V, the great Dominican pope of the Rosary who gave us the highest expression of the Immemorial Mass of Tradition in the Missale Romanum that bears his name and that is hated to this day by most of the conciliar revolutionaries. Pope Saint Pius V's call to Catholics to pray Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary resulted in the defeat of the Turkish forces in the Battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571, by the heavily outnumbered combined Christian fleet. This is quite a contrast with Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, who will stand outside of a mosque (he will, it appears, not enter one this time around as he did in Istanbul, Turkey, on November 30, 2006) to extol the "virtues" of "coexistence," "religious liberty" and "tolerance" in an inter-religious ceremony in Jordan. Can anyone imagine Pope Saint Pius V sanctioning such a travesty? Pope Saint Pius V, pray for us!
The next article on this site is well into development. Yes, the next article is indeed the next installment in the travelogue. These articles are always the most difficult and time-consuming to write. I have another eight to ten hours of work, as I judge the matter right now, to do on the article before it is completed. I must beg your indulgence as this work continues, asking you to check back late this evening or tomorrow morning for the finished product and its accompanying photographic essay. As our travels will be substantially reduced from now on, this may be the last travelogue of its sort on this site. Just check back late tonight to see what progress has been made in getting it completed.
It is now time to get some sleep.
May 3 Article
Suiting Disorder Quite Consistently
Another late hour after a long two days of manual labor, which came with quite a glorious penitential price (penance is indeed better than ever in 2009). The lateness of the hour and the nature of the ongoing penance requires me once again to invite you to read this article, which deals with the delusional worlds in which those who subscribe to the mythologies of conciliarism and of naturalism in the political realm must live in order to sustain themselves on a daily basis.
Keep checking for the next new article on this site. I hope to be able to produce at least four new articles a week for the foreseeable future, God willing and Our Lady interceding.
May 1 Article
Urbanely Accepting Evil
Before we immerse ourselves in some travel associated with a good deal of manual labor (details in the next travelogue) that will keep new articles from being posted until at least Monday, May 4, 2009, I did delay the assumption of the "horizontal position" in the motor home's sofa bed to write this article, which deals with an editorial in L'Osservatore Romano, the semi-official newspaper of the Vatican, that said, in effect, that the first one hundred days of the administration of Caesar Obamus have not been as "bad" as expected. Only those who have come to accept the grievous sins committed against the First Commandment by the conciliar "pontiffs" can come to the absurd conclusion that the presidency of the completely pro-abortion, Marxist-trained statist and globalist, Barack Hussein Obama, has been not as "radical" as expected. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. Saints Philip and James, pray for us.
Please pray for us in the next few days!
April 30 Article
Blame George Walker Bush
Want to know why Arlen Specter is still in the United States Senate? Blame George Walker Bush. Want to know why? Read this article.
Yes, the hour is late once again, which is the reason for the very short descriptions that have appeared for most of my recent articles.
Work will continue on the next travelogue, which will appear, after a bit of travel and work in the next few days, in due course on this site.
A blessed Feast of Saint Catherine of Siena, especially to members of the Order of Preachers of Saint Dominic de Guzman.
April 29 Article
Why Live in Fear With Saint Joseph So Near?
Today is the Solemnity of Saint Joseph in Paschaltide. This brief article is a reminder to those who reader this site that our dear Saint Joseph did not live in fear even in the midst of his greatest sorrows. We must not live in fear in our own lives today. Indeed, why live in fear with Saint Joseph so near? Saint Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church and Protector of the Faithful, pray for us.
There might be another new article posted by tomorrow.
Please listen to His Excellency Bishop Daniel L. Dolan's sermon, delivered on Good Shepherd Sunday, the Second Sunday after Easter, April 26, 2009, on The Green Scapular. Our Lady has given us this sacramental to convert and to save souls. We should make good use of it for everyone God's Holy Providence puts in our paths on a daily basis.
April 28 Articles
Refusing Communion With Apostasy
"Bishop" Michael Jarrell of the Diocese of Lafayette,Louisiana, has issued a "notification" about two sedevacantist chapels, Christ the King Church in Lafayette and Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel in Shuteston. This article, which goes over territory quite familiar to longtime readers of this site but might not be familiar to those in the Lafayette area who are accessing this site for the first time, is a reminder that the counterfeit church of conciliarism is false and that its officials have expelled themselves from the Catholic Church by virtue of believing and and publicly professing propositions that have been condemned, repeatedly and consistently, by the authority of the Catholic Church prior to the death of Pope Pius XII on October 9, 1958.
We Must Tread the Path of the Saints
As we know a number of families being torn apart at present by the pull of the world, I have put together a brief article, drawing on a lot of material used in previous articles that readers may not have "bookmarked," to provide some words of eternal wisdom from the apostle of Eternal Wisdom and of Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary and Total Marian Consecration, Saint Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort.
Off to Holy Mass.
There should be another article tomorrow on the Solemnity of Saint Joseph in Paschaltide.
April 25 Article
This is yet another instance of your having to read this article without any real description on this home page. Once again, please go to the article, which deals with the apostasy of Robert Zollitsch and the way in which the same conciliar "bishops" who denounced Bishop Richard Williamson so forcefully on a matter of secular history have been utterly silent, at least thus far (going on two weeks now), about "Archbishop" Robert Zollitsch's denial that Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ died for our sins.
One of those "bishops" is Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI. Yes, he may well address the matter of Zollitsch's apostasy. It must be remembered, however, that it did not take Ratzinger/Benedict more than seven days to respond to the criticism he received from members of Talmudic groups for his having "lifted" the "excommunication" of a "Holocaust-denier." Avenging God's greater honor and glory and majesty, I suppose, takes a bit more time in light of the exigencies of the conciliar falsehood known as "episcopal collegiality."
Enough. I am very tired! All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. Save souls!
Don't expect another article for three to four days. I am still not over whatever illness has been sent to me so that I can help to make reparation for my many sins. The writing of the past five days necessitates a brief break. Please keep checking, however. Thank you for your patience.
April 24 Article
Bookended From Birth to Birth
As promised five days ago now, I am posting a tribute to the late Father Vincent Bowes, O.C.D., whose name in religious life was Father Vincent Joachim of the Holy Family. This article has gone through a bit of vetting and revision prior to yesterday, the Feast of Saint George, undergoing some substantial expansion once I learned the details of Father Bowes's Solemn High Requiem Mass at the friary of the Order of Discalced Carmelites in Brighton, Massachusetts. There might be a few more additions made in the next day or so (as were made to All Hail! Caesar Obamus and They Like It! after their initial postings).
There is a remarkable story to tell about Father Vincent Joachim of the Holy Family. Although the biographical information about Father Bowes contained in this article was provided by his devoted spiritual son, Mr. Robert Letourneau, the gist of this reflection on the of Father Vincent Bowes centers on what he told me at Sacred Heart Church in Lawrence, Massachusetts, on Saturday, June 23, 2007. I have "hinted" at the details of this conversation, details that were shared with a few others as well, including His Excellency Bishop Daniel L. Dolan and Father Anthony Cekada, in various articles in the past twenty-two months. As no earthly repercussions can now befall Father Vincent, who was a devoted son of the Carmel, it is now time after his death to tell publicly what he had told some people privately during his life.
The material in this article will be scoffed at, if not directly ridiculed, by many. The application of the canonical-doctrinal principles of sedevacantism, which even the late Mario Francesco "Cardinal" Pompedda of the conciliar church admitted in 2005 teach us that the See of Peter is vacant in the case of heresy, to the circumstances that prevail at this time does not rise or fall on the basis of private revelations. It is nevertheless true that there are times when chosen souls are given information by Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and His Most Blessed Mother.
I believe that the late Father Vincent Joachim of the Holy Family, O.C.D., was one of those chosen souls. I believe that he was given information to share with us. Whether people accept or reject what Father Vincent told me on June 23, 2007, is irrelevant. Everyone will know on the Last Day at the General Judgment of the Living and the Dead whether he was indeed favored with messages from Our Lord. I am sure that Father Bowes, who was a humble and dignified priest with a manly bearing, is willing in eternity to have his name calumniated after his death.
Those who understand that the Catholic Church cannot give us the errors of the present day will be fortified and inspired by Father Bowes's story. Those who are at least open to a consideration of the fact that those who defect from the Faith in one thing defect from It in Its entirety and cannot hold ecclesiastical office legitimately in the Catholic Church might be persuaded to pray a bit more about the truth of sedevacantism. Hard-core anti-sedevacantists and outright conciliarists will have a field day of mockery and scorn.
Father Vincent Joachim of the Holy Family gave God His all in life, being an especially fierce foe of false ecumenism. Indeed, Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen gave up his life at the hands of those wretched Calvinists as he sought to convert them back to the true Faith. Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen believed in an "ecumenism of the return" that has been completely and categorically rejected by Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI. It simply cannot be that Saint Fidelis and all of the other martyrs who died trying to win Protestants and the Orthodox and Jews and Mohammedans to the true Faith were wrong and Ratzinger/Benedict is correct. Truth is on the side of the martyrs, not the apostates who do not even cry out in anger immediately when one of their "bishops" denies that Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ died on the wood of the Holy Cross in atonement for our sins.
Like Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Father Vincent Bowes, was faithful to the end. Although we do not presume the judgment of God on Father Vincent's immortal soul and thus pledge to remember him faithfully in our prayers for the dead each day and to have Masses offered for the repose of his priestly soul, it is true that even the Poor Souls in Purgatory can help us even though they cannot help ourselves. Whether in Purgatory or in Heaven, we have gained a valuable intercessor in Father Vincent Bowes, O.C.D., and I am praying to him that at least some of you who read this story about him will be inspired to see the hand of God at work in this priest who was so dedicated to Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary and to her Brown Scapular of Mount Carmel.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and all of the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
I beg the patience of those of you who have written notes in the past two days. I will respond to each note in the next day or so. I am still very sick and it is all I can do to keep up with my writing by means of God's ineffable graces. Thank you for your patience.
All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. Save souls!
April 23 Article
Barabbas Wins Again
Another 1:02 a.m. posting means another very short description, consisting of the simple advice to read the article to learn more about its contents. That's about as brief as I get.
We continue to thank those who have sent their non-tax-deductible financial gifts to us. Those of you who have sent these gifts thus far have been answers to our prayers to Our Lady and her Most Chaste Spouse, Good Saint Joseph. We pray that others of you will join the ranks of those who have given thus far. Thank you.
April 22 Article
They Like It!
It is very late (or early). All I will write at this juncture as my powers of concentration fail me and fatigue overtakes me is this: here is a new article. It is brief. Not as brief as this home page introduction. However, it is much briefer than the article published yesterday. Now go read it for yourselves!
April 21 Article
All Hail! Caesar Obamus
This is another article that took much longer to complete than I thought originally would be the case. And thus it is that the hour is after Midnight again.
Suffice it to say that this article deals with efforts on the part of United States Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano (after years of writing about the Clinton administration, I have to stop myself from writing "Reno" after the name "Janet") to intimidate pro-life Americans and others deemed to be concerned about "single issues" by calumniating them as possible sources of "right wing" extremism and "terrorism." This is but another effort by a group of petty naturalists of the leftist/statist bent to impose their agenda of evil while seeking to squelch all opposition.
My focus in this article is principally on the root causes of our current problems, which means that I spend a great deal of time reviewing the simple truth that the problems we face today are, proximately speaking, the result of the inexorable forces let loose in the world following the overthrow of the Social Reign of Christ the King that was wrought by the Protestant Revolt and cemented in places by the multifaceted forces of naturalism, including those of "Enlightenment liberalism" and, of course, the anti-Incarnational biases of Judeo-Masonry. Once again--and repeat after me--Catholicism is the one and only foundation of personal and social order. (This is a very long article.)
There should be another new article tomorrow, April 22, 2009. Keep checking.
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