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Saturday, December 28, 2013 Final Fund-Raising Letter Update
Feast of the Holy Innocents
Within the Octave of Christmas
A Quote from Saint Paulinus of Nola
"God almighty could have made all men equally rich in worldly goods from the very first day of birth, so rich that no one would be dependent upon another. But He did not do it in order to test the hearts of men. He created the poor to make merciful, He created the helpless to put the powerful on trial."
Dear Friends:
As readers may know, I hate having to do so. Well, perhaps "hate" is too mild of a word. Loathe would be a more accurate description of how I detest having to update this site. Unexpected circumstances require me to make this appeal now.
There exists an urgent need to raise between $2500-$3000 within the next week. Yes, this is a tall order given the lack of support for this site and the general lack of response of our readers in the recent past to these updates.
However, this is the last time I shall be making such an appeal as I am actively engaged in the search for employment and should have a modest means of support by the end of next month, January of 2014. I am thus asking those who have not given in the past and who do have the means to make a non-tax-deductible financial gift to do so at this time.
Here are the up-to-date statistics of how many unique visitors have accessed this site this year (as well as how many pages they have requested):
Month Unique visitors Number of visits Pages Hits Bandwidth Jan 2013 8,780 18,156 37,683 141,772 10.85 GB Feb 2013 8,728 19,219 38,439 153,729 10.49 GB Mar 2013 12,044 26,111 58,919 205,736 12.70 GB Apr 2013 11,890 23,586 50,619 160,311 11.48 GB May 2013 8,402 18,834 39,182 137,981 11.24 GB Jun 2013 8,520 18,996 44,241 149,925 11.86 GB Jul 2013 8,783 19,515 43,838 162,782 13.05 GB Aug 2013 8,867 19,426 49,383 164,776 14.45 GB Sep 2013 9,203 21,156 44,369 164,016 23.17 GB Oct 2013 10,031 23,216 68,805 188,745 31.20 GB Nov 2013 10,074 22,227 55,008 176,757 34.77 GB Dec 2013 9,694 20,975 50,369 153,670 23.69 GB Total 115,016 251,417 580,855 1,960,200 208.93 GB
Obviously, not each of the "unique visitors" stays on the site for very long. Many of them check out the home page and move on to some other destination in cyberspace. Some of the visits, I have been informed by a internet technician, are from "robots."
Taking all of this into account, however, let's say, for the sake of argument, that there have been nearly ten thousand unique visitors who have accessed this site this month. Recognizing that not all who view this site are "friendly Indians," the sort of viewers who feel compelled to write anonymous notes to lambaste the articles posted hereon, this would still leave, conservatively speaking, somewhere around three thousand visitors in the month of December who have come back to this site because they have found the articles of some general interest.
There are, of course, a number of people who do write to me each month to express their appreciation for this site's work. Some of these good souls send truly sacrificial non-tax-deductible financial gifts. Indeed, a former major benefactor of this site, a person who is very much opposed to sedevacantism but nevertheless understands the Catholic nature of my work, was kind enough to send us an unsolicited non-tax-deductible gift recently to enable the purchase of groceries. We are always very grateful for the generosity of those, although very small in number, who have been assisting us in recent years. We simply need urgent assistance at this time.
Two hundred forty-three articles have been published thus far this year. Two or three more original articles will be published before the end of the year in three days. Much work has been done this year, which will be the last that the output can be as great as it has been in the past eight years. I am making this final appeal given the urgent nature of our financial needs that must be met within the next few days. Although many love to mock these fund-raising appeals, necessity requires asking yet again no matter the humiliation that is entailed by doing so. As Saint Anthony Mary Claret wrote, we must have a "holy indifference" to the loss of human respect.
As has been noted so many times in the past, no one is required to support the work of this site. No one is required to agree with the work of this site. No one who disagrees with the work of this site is expected to contribute to its maintenance. We understand when some of those who have supported us in the past discontinue doing so for one reason or another. It is furthermore the case that I have never encouraged or expected anyone to donate to us who must take away from their own family's pressing needs to do so. The prayers of those who are in not a position to of financial help to are more important than anything else, and such prayers are greatly appreciated and much needed at this time.
Only you, the readers of this site, can determine whether there has been a value to this work over the past few years that is worthy of your support at this time. Although I have been involuntarily "retired" from my work as a college professor of political science for most of the past ten years, save for a brief return to the classroom during the winter intersession of 2006-2007, I have not "retired" from working. These articles simply have not gotten produced out of thin air.
The best way to make such non-tax-deductible financial gifts at the present time is via PayPal as our post office box has been closed. Those who are unable to use PayPal or desire not to do so should write to me at: DrThomasADroleskey@gmail.com.)
Regardless of your response (or lack thereof), the readers of this site remain in our prayers every day. We are grateful to those who support us now with their non-tax-deductible financial gifts and we are, of course, very grateful to those good souls who supported us in the past. We pray for one and all.
Thank you for your consideration of this appeal.
Our Lady of the Rosary, for us!
Saint Joseph, pray for us!
Saint Peters and Paul, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.
Saint Andrew the Apostle, pray for us.
Saint Jude, pray for us.
Saint Philomena, pray for us.
Saint Rita, pray for us.
Saint Anthony of Padua, pray for us.
Saint Gertrude the Great, pray for us.
Saint Albert the Great, pray for us.
Saint Hyacinth, for us.
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux,pray for us.
Saint Agatha, pray for us.
Saint Lucy, pray for us.
Pope Saint Pius X, pray for us.
Saint Philip Neri, pray for us.
Saint John Damascene, pray for us.
The Holy Innocents, pray for us.
Sincerely yours in Christ the King and Mary our Immaculate Queen,
Thomas A. Droleskey, Ph.D.
Publisher-Editor, www.Christ or Chaos.com
Personal financial gifts that do not qualify for a tax deduction may be sent to:
Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey
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