Please consider making a gift, which is not tax-deductible, to support the work of this site! We depend entirely upon your gifts. See the letter on Donations, which was updated on March 27, 2009, in light of unexpected circumstances.
Here is the link to the Live Streaming Page to be used when and if I ever start webcasting!
Easter Sunday Reflection
Revised: Resurrexi et Adhuc Tecum Sum, Alleluia
Alleluia! He is Risen! Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has made manifest His Easter Victory over sin and eternal death. "O death, where is Thy victory. O death, where is thy sting?"
We shall all indeed rise again: but we shall not all be changed. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall rise again incorruptible: and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption; and this mortal must put on immortality. And when this mortal hath put on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting?
Now the sting of death is sin: and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who hath given us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast and unmoveable; always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. (1 Cor. 15: 51-58)
Our Lord made His Easter Victory over sin and eternal death manifest first to His Most Blessed Mother, who stood so valiantly at the foot of His Most Holy Cross as she cooperated completely in His Redemptive Act, bringing us forth as the spiritual sons and daughters of the living God in great pain by means of adoption. W need to rely on the help of Our Lady as the consecrated slaves of Her Divine Son through her own Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart so that we may persevere in a state of Sanctifying Grace with perfect contrition for our sins until the moments of our deaths so that our bodies and souls will be resurrected on the Last Day at the General Judgment of the Living and the Dead and counted among those destined for the enjoyment of an unending Easter Sunday of glory in Paradise.
Nothing else matters if we save our souls by cooperating with the graces won for us by the shedding of every single drop of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross and that flow into our hearts and souls through the loving hands of Our Lady, she who is the Mediatrix of All Graces. Nothing else matters if we fail to soul our souls.
This glorious day of Easter rejoicing is meant to be but a foretaste of Heaven. Let us live as redeemed creatures as we reject the naturalism of Modernity and the Modernism of the soul-killing agents of the counterfeit church of conciliarism. This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad!
In your charity, good readers, I ask your prayers for the repose of the soul of Mrs. Regina Klara Derksen, the grandmother of the esteemed Catholic writer Mario Derksen. Mrs. Derksen died at the age of eighty-one yesterday, Holy Saturday, in her native Germany. We offer our condolences to the Derksen family here and in Germany as we pray for the repose of Mrs. Regina Klara Derksen's immortal soul. Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul and all of the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
There should be a new article on this site tomorrow, Easter Monday. It won't be next chapter in the travelogue. That will come soon.
On behalf of my wife Sharon and daughter Lucy Mary Therese Norma, I extend to our readers our most fervent prayers for a blessed and glorious Easter Day, Easter Octave and Easter Season.
We do, of course, want to extend a particular note of greeting to those of you who have been so generous to us by means of offering to us non-tax-deductible financial gifts. Some of these gifts are truly sacrificial in nature. We are most appreciative of each gift we receive and remember our benefactors every day in our prayers, especially in the Memento for the Living in the Canon of the Mass, during our family Rosary and in our nightly Novena to Saint John Bosco.
Although it goes without saying, I do think it worth repeating once again that we do pray for those of you who do not support the work of this site, especially those who have withdrawn their support for various reasons over the years. We appreciate the generosity of those who used to support us with their non-tax-deductible gifts and assure them of our prayers every day, which are never contingent on support of any kind.
A blessed Easter to you all!
Holy Saturday Reflection
Revised: A Day of Anticipation After A Night of Waiting
Silence filled the earth in the forty hours between the death of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on the wood of the Holy Cross yesterday, Good Friday, and His glorious Resurrection at dawn on Easter Sunday. Silence filled the earth as the God-Man went down into Limbo to announce the news of His Redemptive Act to the souls of the just who had awaited His Coming and His Sacrifice in atonement for the sins of all men from the beginning until the end of time.
Given the state of the Church Militant on earth during this time of papal vacancy, some Catholics, including ourselves, will be anticipating Our Lord's Resurrection this morning during the Easter Vigil. Those of you who have to wait until this evening for the Vigil Mass can watch the unreformed Easter Vigil as it offered at Saint Gertrude the Great Church's Live Mass Simulcasts starting at 8:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Saving Time. No matter when the Easter Vigil is offered, however, we spend the first hours of this day (from Midnight until the Easter Vigil) continuing our prayers of gratitude as we mourn the death of Our Divine Redeemer by means of our sins.
Christ the King is the Light of the World. It is His light that is symbolized by the Easter fire that is lit at the beginning of the Easter Vigil. The Light of Christ breaks through the darkness of sin and eternal death, leading us by the fire of His bright, burning love as we continue our desert journey of life to the Promised Land of the New and Eternal Canaan made possible by His immolation on the wood of the Holy Cross yesterday, Good Friday. We must follow the Light of Christ as He, the New Moses, leads us as the first Moses led the Hebrew people as he followed a column of cloud during the day and a column of fire during the night, as we reminded once again during the Prophecies that are read during the Easter Vigil.
The Light of Christ, Our Crucified and Resurrected Saviour, will penetrate the souls of those who are baptized today and of those who are confirmed. It will penetrate the souls of those of us who were unable to receive Him in Holy Communion yesterday at the Mass of the Presanctified. It will penetrate the souls of those who are regenerated once again in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance. The Light of Christ that is symbolized by the Paschal Candle is meant to permeate every aspect of our lives without any exception at any time for any reason.
The Light of Christ has indeed broken through the darkness of sin and eternal death. Our Lord is making manifest His Easter Victory over the power of sin and eternal death. A fifty day period of glorious celebration is about to break upon us. Although the Easter Vigil is a long ceremony, eternity is forever. We can certainly spend five hours basking in the glories of the Sacred Liturgy that are, after all, a foretaste of eternal glories, can we not? The rewards are truly Heavenly, rewards that we could not have unless the Co-Eternal and Co-Equal Son obeyed His Heavenly Father out of love for him and out of love for us so that we could have access to the treasures of His Most Sacred Heart here through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
It is still too early to use the forbidden "A------a" word that we have not heard since Septuagesima Sunday. However, it is not too early to look forward to its use in the Easter Exsultet during the Easter Vigil.
A blessed Holy Saturday to you.
Good Friday Reflection
Revised: The Most Solemn Day of the Year (2009)
This is the day that our sins transcended time and played their significant parts in putting God to death. The greatest crime in the history of the world was committed this day, Deicide, and we were among the guilty parties putting God on trial and then subjecting Him to horrible and painful humiliations and scourgings before we nailed Him to the wood of the Holy Cross, upon which He paid back to His Co-Equal and Co-Eternal Father the debt of our sins.
Yes, there is no greater crime than Deicide. There is also no greater act of love in all of human history as Love Incarnate took upon Himself the guilt of our sins though He was guilty of nothing. It was out of love for His Co-Equal and Co-Eternal Father's Holy Will and His matchless love for us that He, Who had instituted the Priesthood and the Eucharist last evening at the Last Supper, that He subjected Himself to the hands of us sinful men, even going so far as to make excuses for us, His executioners, as He hung on the gibbet of the Holy Cross.
This great act of sacrificial, redemptive love of the God-Man, Who had become Incarnate in His Most Blessed Mother's Virginal and Immaculate Womb by the power of God the Holy Ghost, is re-presented in an unbloody manner on altars of Sacrifice by true bishops and true priests every day of the year except for today, Good Friday. Our focus today is on mourning for our sins and expressing our gratitude that we have been redeemed by the shedding of every single drop of the Most Precious Blood of Our Divine Redeemer, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as we ask Our Lady to help us to grow in a greater fervor for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as we grow more and more detached from even our Venial Sins and come to despise them as much as we despise any Mortal Sins that, God forbid, we may have committed.
This is a day of solemnity and sobriety, a day of total withdrawal from the world and its madness. We spend our time in church today as we keep Our Lord company at the Altar of Repose prior to noon and as we participate in the Mass of the Presanctified. Our sins put God to death. We helped to murder God in the very Flesh.
How does God repay us ungrateful and frequently lukewarm sinners? He gives us the true Church, born out of the Blood and Water that flowed forth from His wounded side when It was pierced by Saint Longinus's lance, making possible our regeneration in the Baptismal font and in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance, making it possible for us therefore to receive His very Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Most Blessed Sacrament in Holy Communion. And he give us His Blessed Mother, she who is our Co-Redemptrix, our Mediatrix and our Advocate, to be our Blessed Mother as He entrusts her to Saint John the Evangelist, whose fidelity to Our Lord on this day is meant to foreshadow our own fidelity by means of assisting at daily Mass frequently and of persevering until the point of our dying breaths in states of Sanctifying Grace by remaining a as close to Our Lady as he was.
Will we repay Our Divine Redeemer Who was nailed to the Cross this day with a true effort to amend our lives? Will we repay Our Divine Redeemer Who shed every single drop of His Most Precious Blood this day with a greater effort to take seriously our consecration to His Most Sacred Heart through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary? Will we seek to live at all times in light of First and Last Things as we bear our own crosses with love and joy and gratitude?
Our Lady stands ready to help us to bring us to Calvary every day. Sure, we must make the same kind of effort as Saint Helena made to find the site of the True Cross in the Fourth Century as the Mass has indeed been taken away by spiritual robber barons. However, Our Lady does indeed stand ready to help us to make whatever sacrifices we need to make to assist exclusively at Masses offered by true bishops and true priests who make no concessions to conciliarism or to the nonexistent legitimacy of its false shepherds who cater to the ancient enemies of the Faith and who promote one falsehood after another.
Will we let Our Lady lead us to these true offerings of Holy Mass so that we can be ready to die at any time and thus to enjoy an unending Easter Sunday of glory in Heaven?
May we give thanks and praise to Our Lord through His Blessed Mother's Immaculate Heart this day for the wondrous mystery of His love that has made possible our eternal salvation.
Maundy Thursday Articles
Revised: Novi et Aeterni Testamenti
Today is Maundy Thursday, the day on which Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ instituted the Holy Priesthood and the Eucharist at the Last Supper for our sanctification and salvation. Although Our Lord would enter deep into His Passion immediately after the completion of the Last Supper as He suffered His Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, He wonderfully gave us the Holy Priesthood of the New Dispensation as He instituted the New and Eternal Covenant that He would ratify by the shedding of every single drop of His Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross tomorrow, Good Friday. We must express our gratitude to Him at all times for giving us the Priesthood so that we can have access on a daily basis to His own Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in Holy Communion, made present for us on altars of Sacrifice by true bishops and true priests in this time of apostasy and betrayal
This is a day to keep watch with Our Lord in His Real Presence at the Altar of Repose, remembering most importantly to beg Our Lady to make more and more voluntary sacrifices to make reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of her Divine Son through her own Immaculate Heart for our sins and those of the whole world.
Promote Personal Sin, Live in Social Violence
Our Lord suffered His Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane after the Last Supper, sweating droplets of His Most Precious Blood as He contemplated the fact that He would come into contact with the very antithesis of His Sacred Divinity, sin, in His Sacred Humanity. Our Lord has made possible the forgiveness of our sins by His perfect obedience to His Co-Eternal and Co-Equal Father on the wood of the Holy Cross. Most people in the world do not realize this fact, which is why they do not realize that the more that they persist unrepentantly in personal sin will be the more that social violence abounds in the world-at-large. There can be no true peace in a world where men are at war with God by means of sinning against Him wantonly and unrepentantly.
This is but a brief original article meant to reiterate the fact that we must embrace our sufferings with joy and with gratitude as we seek to quit our own sins once and for all as the consecrated slaves of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
A blessed Maundy Thursday to you all!
Please consult the simulcasting schedule for the services at Saint Gertrude the Great Church that is listed in the April 7 announcements.
April 8 Article
Ever Endeavoring to Make Judas Seem Admirable
Today is Spy Wednesday, Wednesday in Holy Week.
There are some in the counterfeit church of conciliarism who have a special affinity for Judas Iscariot. One such individual is Monsignor Frank Gaeta, who was for many years the conciliar pastor of Saint Brigid's Church in Westbury, Long Island, New York, and has been for the better part of the past decade the conciliar pastor of Saints Cyril and Methodius Church in Deer Park, Long Island New York. "Father Frank," as he likes to style himself, wrote a tract of Lenten reflections in the 1990s that contained a meditation for Tuesday in Holy Week that stated, "Make no mistake about it: Judas Iscariot is in Heaven." "Father Frank" closed his "meditation" with the following perverse invocation, "Saint Judas, pray for us." Yes, "Father Frank," a favorite son of the late revolutionary "bishop" John Raymond McGann, is in perfectly good standing with one of Father Paul Shanley's many clerical enablers, "bishop" William F. Murphy. One can put Judas Iscariot in Heaven and remain in perfectly "good standing" in the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism.
Then again, the lords of conciliarism are endeavoring constantly to make Judas Iscariot seem admirable by their apostasies and blasphemies and sacrileges, each of which offends Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and does grave damage to the souls for whom He shed every single drop of His Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross on Good Friday. There is no end, it appears, to multiple ways in which these conciliarists play the role of Judas Iscariot as they falsify the character of Tradition and offer greetings to adherents of false religions, each of which is hated by God, on the occasion of their false "feasts."
To be honest, of course, each of us has, most sadly, played the role of Judas Iscariot in our lives on more occasions than we would like to admit, selling out Our Lord for a figurative thirty pieces of silver by means of Mortal Sins. We have much for which to make reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
However, it is one thing to be sorry for our sins and to try to amend our lives in cooperation with the graces won for us on the wood of the Holy Cross and that flow into our hearts through the loving hands of Our Lady, the Mediatrix of All Graces. It is quite another to persist in a betrayal of the Catholic Faith by endorsing one condemned proposition after another and by offending God repeatedly in a false "liturgy," the Novus Ordo, that has made possible the triumph of the spirit of conciliarism in the minds and hearts of so many Catholics as of yet attached to the counterfeit church of conciliarism. As we attempt to make reparation for our sins, we must pray also for the conversion of the Judases in the counterfeit church of conciliarism who do not believe in the God of Revelation, the God Who seeks with urgency the unconditional conversion of all men to the true Church, outside of which there is no salvation and without which there can be no true social order.
There should be another article tomorrow along with my revised Holy Thursday reflection on the Holy Priesthood.
Please make sure to read the schedule for the ceremonies at Saint Gertrude the Great Church this week that is listed at the end of yesterday's announcements below.
April 7 Article
Welcome to the U.S.S.A.
Work on this article began eight days ago. It was interrupted by the completion of Embracing The Faith No Matter the Consequences and by a variety of events, including my continued illness and our long, long trip back to Ohio from Texas. The Louisiana to Ohio leg of the trip began on Saturday in Passion Week, April 4, 2009, and took eighteen hours to complete, ending at 4:45 a.m., Eastern time, on Palm Sunday morning. We were at the High Mass at Saint Gertrude the Great Church at 9:00 a.m. The drive was certainly terrific penance for this terrible sinner, who is in need of--and is very grateful for--all opportunities to make reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary for the sufferings my ins imposed on these twin, matchless Hearts of love during this week of weeks, Holy Week. We were, of course, very grateful to be at Saint Gertrude's for Palm Sunday.
This particular article goes over familiar territory to longtime readers of this site. Nations founded on the false, naturalistic, anti-Incarnational, religiously indifferentist and semi-Pelagian principles of Modernity must degenerate over the course of time into totalitarianism as their citizens are diverted by various bread and circuses. The statists who control the Federal government (and most of the state and local governments) in the United States of America believe that citizens are the "enemies" of the state and that it is necessary to curb speech and thought that puts into doubt their "infallibility." That is, the lords of statism believe that they represent a "true secular church," if you will, outside of which there can no social order and whose creeds must be believed dogmatically lest "dissenters" get in the way of the furtherance of total state control over every aspect of individual and social life.
There is only one antidote to statism: Catholicism, and don't you ever forget it! Although my energy may be sapped, I will continue to defend the Social Reign of Christ the King, Who rode into Jerusalem on the lowly donkey on the first Palm Sunday, until I die or until I am physically unable to do so, whichever may first occur in the Providence of God.
There should be another article or two tomorrow, Spy Wednesday, including my annual reflection on the disciples of Judas Iscariot in the counterfeit church of conciliarism. The travelogue, which is getting longer by the day, should appear on Easter Monday.
I do want to thank those of you who have donated to us via PayPal in the last few weeks. There were also eight (that's right, eight) non-tax-deductible financial gifts waiting for us when we checked the post office box yesterday, the first time in three weeks that the box had been checked. As the bills are relentless and we are just barely keeping our heads above water, we do need assistance from more of you who have the means to offer us non-tax-deductible financial gifts and who agree with and are supportive of the work of this site. Please do so especially if you have not as of yet responded to our Donations letter.
We thank you for your prayers. Be assured of ours.
Finally, I do want to pass along this information that Father Anthony Cekada sent along to his e-mail list earlier today. Those of you who can't get to Saint Gertrude the Great Church (or whose Maundy Thursday and Easter Vigil Masses are in the evening) ought to participate in the glories given to God at Saint Gertrude the Great Church during the Paschal Triduum via live simulcasting:
Pre-1955 Holy Week ceremonies
St. Gertrude the Great Church
West Chester, Ohio,
Live Mass Simulcasts
WED, THU, FRI of Holy Week
6:30 PM Tenebrae
9:00 AM Pontifical Mass of Chrism
1:30 PM Maundy (Washing of Feet)
12:15 PM Mass of Presanctified, Pontifical Rite
8:00 AM Easter Vigil, Pontifical Mass
5:50 AM Easter Matins and Lauds
7:30 AM Low Mass
9:00 AM High Mass
11:30 AM Low Mass, Benediction
4:00 PM Easter Vespers
Commentary by Fr. Cekada
From Tuesday through Friday of Holy Week, Fr. Cekada will be
posting comparisons between the Holy Week rites in the
traditional Missal and the modified rites found in the 1955 Order
for Holy Week and the 1962 Missal.
The material will appear on
Holy Week Articles
As we are in the midst of a long, long drive from the Houston, Texas, area, back to West Chester, Ohio, for Mass on Palm Sunday, the next original article on this site won't appear until Tuesday of Holy Week, assuming, that is, that it is God's Holy Will for us to survive the remaining 940 miles of our travels.
With so many things having happened to us lately ("All to thee, Blessed Mother, all to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart; Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you, save souls!"), I thought it prudent to re-highlight the Holy Week articles from last year just in case we wind up stranded or I am incapacitated by the virus that has lasted for about a month now and is still weakening me considerably.
Here, therefore, are the articles for Holy Week that I wish to re-highlight before getting a few hours of sleep here in Louisiana:
From Eden to the Empty Tomb, written for the printed pages of Christ or Chaos in 1997 and revised a bit over the years, is a review of salvation history from Special Creation to Palm Sunday (I've broken up the reflections on the Paschal Triduum and elaborated on these over the years):
Novi et Aeterni Testamenti, a reflection for Maundy Thursday
Enter the Passion, a reflection written last year for the night of Holy Thursday and the early morning hours of Good Friday.
The Most Solemn Day of the Year (2009), a revised version of a Good Friday reflection that I wrote in 2004.
I will wait to post the articles for Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.
Once again, I should have a new article posted on Tuesday in Holy Week. Thanks for your patience. Please pray for our safe travels. It's been a most eventful Lent. We are grateful, truly grateful, for each of the crosses sent our way by Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Lift high the Cross! It is the path to our salvation.
April 3 Revised Article
Revised: Our Mother of Sorrows, 2009
Unfathomable. Just unfathomable
Only a handful of genuine mystics and truly gifted spiritual masters have been able to comprehend the unfathomable mysteries of grief that overwhelmed the fairest creature of our race, Our Lady, as those Seven Swords of Sorrow were plunged through and through her Immaculate Heart.
We sin so casually, so thoughtlessly, so repeatedly, rarely giving a moment's worth of a meditation to how our least Venial Sins caused Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to suffer unspeakable horrors during His Passion and Death, horrors that penetrated the Immaculate Heart of His Most Blessed Mother as she, conceived without any stain of Original or Actual Sin, suffered in a perfect communion of Hearts with Him.
It cannot be that way with us from this day forward. We are on the cusp of Holy Week, ending now the first week in Passiontide, Passion Week. We must enter deep into the mysteries of our salvation, which was wrought for us by the perfect obedience of the Word made Flesh in Our Lady's Virginal and Immaculate Womb to the Will of His Co-Equal and Co-Eternal Father. We must quit our sins once and for all, recognizing how they caused the God-Man and His Most Blessed Mother to suffer, how they wound our own souls, which have been purchased by the shedding of every single drop of the Divine Redeemer's Most Precious Blood, and how they have brought great sorrow into the Heart out of which was formed Our Redeemer's Most Sacred Heart. No more sin. No more joking about sin. No more dismissiveness about the gravity of sin. We must repent and amend our lives as the consecrated slaves of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Our Lady brought forth her Divine Son painlessly and miraculously. She brought us forth in great pain as the adopted children of the Living God as she stood so valiantly by the foot of the Cross on Good Friday. She stands by the foot of her Divine Son's Most Holy Cross in every true offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass by a true bishop or a true priest. We must stand by her each day at Holy Mass as we make reparation for our sins and those of the whole world with every beat of our hearts, making sure as well to pray as many Rosaries each day as our states-in-life permit.
This slightly revised article includes seven poignant excerpts from the late Father Frederick Faber's The Foot of the Cross/The Dolors of Mary.
Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.
I will try to have one or two new articles early during Holy Week before reprising annual reflections on the events of this week of weeks. As we have encountered incredible adventures in the past few days (our TrailBlazer was returned, albeit momentarily, to us on Wednesday with more problems than when it was towed into a repair shop after our hitting a deer on Friday, March 20, 2009, delaying our departure from Texas until this coming evening), those new articles have been on hold for a few days. The travelogue will be written during Holy Week but will not be published until Easter Monday.
A man identifying himself as a "bishop," using only his first name without any other identification, wrote to me after reading the home page description of Embracing The Faith No Matter the Consequences to ask how Father Michael Oswalt is not "guilty" of the "private judgment" of Protestantism by acting as he did.
This is how I responded to him:
Your Excellency,
Thank your for your note. I do not know your last name or the See, most likely of the Eastern rites, to which you belong.
The Virtue of Faith requires us to recognize error. The authority of the Catholic Church cannot contradict anything that has been taught in the past. It is that simple.
Protestants reject the Social Kingship of Jesus Christ. So does Joseph Ratzinger.
Protestants endorse the separation of Church and State that has been condemned by the authority of the Catholic Church. So does Joseph Ratzinger.
Protestants endorse the heresy (termed as such by Pope Pius VII) of religious liberty. So does Joseph Ratzinger.
Protestants reject the official philosophy of the Catholic Church, Scholasticism. So does Joseph Ratzinger.
Protestants reject the "ecumenism of the return" that requires them to convert unconditionally to the Catholic Faith. So does Joseph Ratzinger, making a mockery of the teaching of Pope Pius IX and Pope Leo XIII and Pope Pius XI (meaning that truth is contingent upon a particular pope, a preposterous proposition that is in and of itself a reject of the infallibility of the Church's Ordinary Magisterium), also making a mockery of the martyrdom of Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, the Martyrs of Gorkhum and Saint Josaphat, among others, who were killed trying to bring non-Catholics back into the Church.
Joseph Ratzinger endorses concepts of dogmatic truth that have been condemned solemnly by the authority of the Catholic Church and critiqued (and condemned) by Pope Saint Pius X in Pascendi Dominici Gregis.
Joseph Ratzinger esteems the symbols of false religions, offending God and blaspheming the martyrdom of millions of Catholics who preferred death rather than to even give the appearance of giving credibility to any false religion, each of which is hated by God.
We use our sensus Catholicus to know right from wrong morally. We use our sensus Catholicus to know right from wrong doctrinally. This is Catholicism, not Protestantism.
Saint Basil, for example, separated himself from his bishop when he, Basil, was a lector, because he judged his bishop to be an Arian. Was Saint Basil guilty of Protestantism?
When Antichrist comes, Bishop, how are you going to recognize and reject him if you do not use your Catholic reason to compare what he teaches with the perennial, immutable truths of the Catholic Faith?
I will forward to you an article
(Vatican II, the Pope and SSPX: Q & A) by Bishop Donald Sanborn on the simple fact that many theologians have written on the possibility of a heretical "pope," meaning that such is a possibility and that we use our Catholic reason to recognize the situation.
Joseph Ratzinger expelled himself from the Catholic Church decades ago by adhering to principles that have been condemned by her magisterial authority. To defect from the Faith in one thing is to defect from It in Its entirety, as Pope Leo XIII taught in Satis Cognitum.
I have listed the numerous ways in which Ratzinger defects from the Faith in many articles. Please review the contradictions (summarized in a link in my article about Father Oswalt) and explain to me the precedent in the history of the Catholic Church for such contradictions.
With prayers in Christ the King and Mary our Immaculate Queen,
Thomas A. Droleskey, Ph.D.
This excerpt from Bishop Sanborn's
Vatican II, the Pope and SSPX: Q & A was sent to the bishop in a separate e-mail:
But on the other hand, as Catholics, we have the obligation of comparing what is taught by Vatican I I with the teaching of the Catholic Church. The virtue of faith demands that we do so, since the faith is supernatural wisdom and consequently demands that everything be in conformity with it. If we did not make this comparison, we would not have the virtue of faith. If we find that the teachings of Vatican I I are not in conformity with the teaching of the Catholic Faith, we are bound to reject Vatican II, and bound to conclude that those who promulgate it do not have the authority of Christ. Otherwise our adherence to the error which is contrary to faith would ruin the virtue in us, and we would become heretics.
Similarly, if we would entertain the thought that the Catholic Church were capable of promulgating false doctrines and evil worship and discipline, we would be heretics.
So to privately conclude that Benedict XVI is a heretic, indeed an apostate from the Faith, is not to “judge” the pope in the sense that it is meant by canonists and theologians.
In fact, if we could not even think of the possibility of the pope being a heretic, then why do so many theologians speak about this possibility, and about the consequences of his being a heretic?
This sermon, given by Bishop Sanborn on the Feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of Saint John Lateran nearly five months ago now (http:/RejectionOfTheVatican2Antipopes_11-09-08.mp3) is also very useful to review.
Please continue to pray for Father Oswalt. Please continue to pray that others in the conciliar clergy will follow his example.
Thank you.
April 1 Article
Embracing The Faith No Matter the Consequences
An openness to the working of the graces won for us by the shedding of every single drop of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross on Good Friday and that flow into our hearts and souls through the loving hands of Our Lady, she who is the Mediatrix of All Graces, is essential to navigate one's way through the muck and the mire of the mystical Passion, Death and Burial of the Church Militant on earth at the hands of the agents of the counterfeit church of conciliarism. It is necessary to pray and to study, pray and to study, asking Our Lady to help us to have the humility to admit our mistakes if we had thought that the Catholic Church could be responsible for any of the heresies and apostasies and errors and blasphemies and sacrileges that have originated with and have been propagated by the lords of the counterfeit church of conciliarism, that which is an ape of the Catholic Church and is a prefiguring of Antichrist.
We must take action once we come to accept the simple truth that it is impossible for the Catholic Church to give us liturgies that are defective and thus offensive to God and harmful to souls, impossible for any true pope to believe privately, no less to assert publicly, things that are contrary to the Deposit of Faith and still remain a member of the Catholic Church in good standing. This is what we had to do just about three years ago now when we could no longer ignore or deny the evidence of the counterfeit nature of the conciliar church. Although we are not one whit better than anyone else and I, for one, have many, many sins for which to make reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, coming to the recognition that we did three years ago did not place us on a a path to popularity or to career success or financial security. There is a price to be paid for embracing the truth. This price, however, is indeed very small when one considers the fact that so many true bishops and true priests have blazed the path for us by their own sacrifices and their own priestly zeal for the truth without fear of the consequences.
The sacrifices made by these true bishops and true priests bring forth tangible fruit every now and again. Readers send notes explaining how they have been convinced of the counterfeit nature of conciliarism by reading the material at Traditional Mass or on The Daily Catholic site or at CMRI Index or at Novus Ordo Watch or by listening to the sermons of Bishops Daniel Dolan and Donald Sanborn and Father Anthony Cekada, among others, at Traditional Catholic Sermons. Some have even found the articles on this site to be of use to them in this regard
None of the work that anyone of us in the laity is doing, however, would be possible were it not for the courageous bishops and priests who forsook all human respect in order to embrace the truth without fear of the consequences, men who have made it possible for Catholics to have Sanctifying Grace at a time when Its wellsprings have dried up in most places as a result of the conciliar apostasies, which have included invalid liturgies and other sacramental rites.
It is because of the fact that true bishops and true priests have made Sanctifying Grace present at a time of general apostasy and betrayal that those still attached to the counterfeit church of conciliarism can come to see and to accept the truth of our ecclesiastical situation. A true priest never knows who will be affected by the Actual Graces that flow out of the Masses he offers. In order to maintain his humility, God will not let a priest know all of the many ways in which the graces he has made present in the world have helped souls. He will, however, provide a bit of consolation now and again to encourage priests, who, like the rest of us, are but flesh and blood human beings, in need of a bit of encouragement now and again so that they can continue their desert journey of life with greater vigor than before.
Such is the case represented by the departure of a man ordained as a "priest" in the conciliar structures in 2007, Father Michael Oswalt, who came to recognize that he was not a priest and that the conciliar church is indeed a counterfeit one. His case, although not entirely unheard of, is indeed most rare. This article details the remarkable courage of Father Oswalt, who is going to return to seminary for a three or four year period this fall so that he can be ordained by a true bishop in the traditional Roman Rite of the Catholic Church.
As readers of this site are well aware, I use quotation marks, at least in most instances, to refer to the titles of bishops and priests (and those holding honorary titles such as cardinals and monsignors) in the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism. Although I have not done so in this article, let it be stipulated for those not familiar with my work that I was convinced three years ago that the conciliar rite of episcopal consecration is invalid and that men "ordained" to the priesthood by "bishops" consecrated after 1968 are no more legitimate priests than the clergy of a Protestant sect. This is what Father Oswalt came to recognize on his own after considerable study.
Please pray for Father Oswalt. Please pray that many of his brethren in the conciliar clergy will follow his example of a commitment to the truths of the Faith no matter the consequences.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us. Saint Joseph, pray for priests.
Although work has begun on yet another original article, it is likely to be the case that it will not be completed for a few days. Our TrailBlazer gets returned to us today. We will attempt to leave Texas tomorrow, Thursday in Passion Week, in order to be back at Saint Gertrude the Great Church for Holy Week and Easter Week. There may be a gap of several days before the next article is posted, especially since I am still suffering from a pretty bad viral infection that has sapped my strength, meaning that I will need several days to recover from the long drive that we are about to make. Penance is better than ever in 2009, especially in Passiontide. Keep checking for that next article. And please keep praying for us.
We are still, of course, in need of non-tax-deductible financial gifts to sustain us for the month of April. The only guaranteed income that I get in the course of a year, the sixth payment of nine annual installments from my very small retirement account from teaching, will be received this year one month from day. That will sustain us for the month of May. We do need assistance to pay the bills that have come due at the beginning of a new month and to sustain our bodily needs for the next thirty days. We thank those of you who have made non-tax-deductible gifts thus far--and we hope that there will some surprises for us in our post office box in Ohio upon our return.
Finally, please remember to watch the Live Mass Simulcast of the Requiem Mass that His Excellency Bishop Daniel L. Dolan will be offering for the repose of the immortal soul of his late mother, Mrs. Rosemary Dolan, on the seventh day after her death at 11:25 a.m., Eastern Daylight Saving Time, at Saint Gertrude the Great Church. Those of you in the Cincinnati, Ohio, area who are able to assist at this Mass should do so. Thank you.
March 31 Article
Why Should Hillary Know More Than Benedict?
As should be well known to anyone who is a longtime reader of my writing, I have been a critic of the Clintons since they emerged on the national scene in 1991 and 1992. Many, many articles of mine that were critical of these quintessential pro-aborts ran in The Wanderer between October of 1992 and December of 2000. Other articles ran in the pages of Christ or Chaos when it was a printed journal. Many articles critical of the Clintons have appeared on this site in the past five years.
I am not, however, going to bash United States Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's display of ignorance when she asked "who painted" the miraculous image that Our Lady of Guadalupe left on Juan Diego's tilma on December 12, 1531. Why should she know the facts of Our Lady's apparitions to Juan Diego? She has spent her entire life steeped in one Protestant and naturalist lie after another, surviving in a self-made "bubble," if you will, of unreality.
Indeed, why should Hillary Rodham Clinton know any more about the Holy Faith than Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, who feels free to blaspheme God by walking into mosques and synagogues, both of which are dens of the devil, and treating them as "holy" places? Why should Hillary Rodham Clinton know any more about the Holy Faith than a man who thinks nothing of using meditations for the Way of the Cross at the Colosseo in Rome on Good Friday, April 10, 2009, that have been composed by a conciliar "archbishop" in India who admits having incorporated the "spiritual" insights of Mahatma K. Gandhi, who denied the Sacred Divinity of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ? (This reminds me of the conciliar "priest" in the Diocese of Rockville Centre who said from the pulpit in 1983 at the time that the motion picture about Gandhi was released, "You know, I think that. Christ was a very Gandhi-like figure." No, I am not making this up. I heard this with my own ears. It scandalized a set of twins, a brother and a sister, who were students in a religious education class I was teaching in that parish and had enough sense to recognize blasphemy and stupidity when they heard it with their thirteen year-old ears.) If Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI does not know how he offends God by His words and actions, how can we expect Hillary Rodham Clinton to know how she offends God by her words and actions?
The article that I had hoped to post today is still being vetted. I also need to hear back from two individuals to whom I have submitted questions so that their responses can be included in the article. Thanks for your patience.
We have raised around $900 of the $2500 that we need to meet immediate expenses (bills that have come due at the end of March and will come due in the first days of April). I thank those who have responded thus far and ask others to consider making non-tax-deductible financial gifts and/or purchasing lectures on the Christ or Chaos Store site.
Work on the travelogue continues. It has been slowed by the work on the article that is out for vetting and by my continued penitential illness, an illness I well deserve because of my sins and offer up gladly to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
March 30 Update
Work on the article that has now been sent out for vetting took much longer than I had anticipated. There will be no new article on this site until tomorrow, March 31, 2009, Tuesday in Passion Week, as a result. It was important for the article that is now out for review to be thorough and accurate. It will be posted after approval is received from those who are reviewing its text.
There is also a new audio lecture for sale at Christ or Chaos Store. It is yet another presentation, delivered in Stafford, Texas, yesterday, Passion Sunday, on Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's lifelong warfare against the nature of dogmatic truth. The lecture ("To Disbelieve in the Nature of Truth Is to Disbelieve in the Nature of God") runs one hour, seven minutes. It costs $1.00. (We need to raise $2500 to pay our bills. I hope that some of the readers of this site who have not purchased lectures in the past will do so now.)
His Excellency Bishop Daniel L. Dolan will be offering a Solemn High Requiem Mass for the repose of the immortal soul of his late mother, Mrs. Rosemary Dolan, on the seventh day following her death, Wednesday, April 1, 2009, at 11:25 a.m., Eastern time, at Saint Gertrude the Great Church in West Chester, Ohio. The Mass will be simulcast at
Live Mass Simulcasts. Please also make it a point to read the weekly
Bulletin of Saint Gertrude the Great Church. This week's "Bishop's Corner" contains a very pithy description of Bishop Dolan's meeting with Father Basil Meramo in Mexico nearly two weeks ago now.
Finally, please do yourself a favor and listen to the sermon delivered yesterday by Father Markus Ramolla, The Beauty of a Soul in the State of Grace. It is powerful, dynamic and most inspirational. (We heard a magnificent sermon on Passiontide delivered by Father Maurice Dignan here in Texas yesterday. I do not know whether it was recorded. If it was recorded, however, I will find a way of linking to it before too long.)
March 29 Revised Article
Revised: To Forgive As We Are Forgiven, 2009
One of the recurring themes in my writing is the obligation each of us has as a Catholic to forgive others as we have been forgiven so freely and so readily by Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ acting through an alter Christus in the Sacred Tribunal Penance. There is nothing that anyone can do to us, say about us or cause us to suffer, whether emotionally or physically, that is the equal of what one of our least Venial Sins caused the God-Man to suffer in His Sacred Humanity during His Passion and Death as the Fourth through Seven Swords of Sorrow pierced the Immaculate Heart of His Most Blessed Mother. If He forgives us recidivist sinners, steeped in the spiritual mediocrity of lukewarmness, so readily and so frequently, who are we to hesitate for a moment to forgive others anything and everything, whether real or imagined or exaggerated, that they have have said about us or done to us?
Our Lord entered His Passion so as to redeem us and thus to make it possible for us to know His forgiveness, first in the Baptismal font and then in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance (and, for our Venial Sins, every time a priest administers Absolution following the recitation of the Confiteor in the offering of Holy Mass). We must make good use of this Passiontide to be more forgiving.
As one who has grown old before his time, worn down by a recent illness that shows no sign of quitting, a suffering I deserve most justly for my sins, I have no energy at all (Deo gratias!) for nursing petty grudges and stewing in my juices about the judgments of others. Our sins imposed an unjust judgment on God in the very Flesh. It is good for us to suffer humiliation and rejection and calumny and scorn and derision. Very good for us. The more we suffer with love and gratitude is the more that we can unite ourselves to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. And even if we are the victims of real injustices and calumnies, so what? So what? Everything gets revealed on the Last Day at the General Judgment of the Living and the Dead. Each of the just will be reconciled one to the other at that time. That happy reconciliation then can only take place, however, if we forgive others from our hearts in the here and now of this passing, mortal vale of tears!
Let's make this the best Passiontide of our lives.
It is my hope to have an original article posted on this site tomorrow, Monday in Passion Week. The article will deal with United States of America's Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's visit to the modern Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe a few days ago. The travelogue will get written soon. I am also doing a lot of work on an article that will be sent out for vetting later on today. Depending upon how quickly that vetting process takes place and whether I receive a response from an individual I believe give must be given an opportunity to answer some questions that I have posed to him, this particular article should be posted by Tuesday, March 31, 2009, or Wednesday, April 1, 2009.
His Excellency Bishop Donald Sanborn has written yet another piece on the amazing turn of events between the counterfeit church of conciliarism and the Society of Saint Pius X,
Here Comes the Bride: The Music Starts Again for the SSPX. This is an excellent article. Please do yourself a favor and read it from start to finish.
I revised the Donations letter yet again. We're about to go "belly up." As we pray to Our Lady of Good Success and to Saint Joseph, we ask you once again for your non-tax-deductible financial gifts.
March 27 Articles
Pots and Kettles
Another day, another article on the false ecclesiology of the Society of Saint Pius X, whose leaders are involved in a "Pier Six," knock-down, drag-out donnybrook with the conciliar "bishops" of the Federal Republic of Germany over who is more "loyal" to Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI. This is a case of pots calling kettles black. Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
Republished: Images to Last For An Eternity
Many of the conciliar revolutionaries have smashed statues of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and Our Lady and Saint Joseph and other saints with an iconoclastic abandon. The great saint we celebrate today, Saint John Damascene, fought the iconoclasts in his day. And while many, although far from all, of our Catholic churches are now in the hands of the conciliar iconoclasts, we can festoon our homes with images of Our Lord and Our Lady and Saint Joseph and other saints as we use these images to remind us of we are united to the saints represented in these images by means of the Communion of Saints and that we hope to share Heaven with them for all eternity in the glory of the Beatific Vision.
Today is, of course, our daughter Lucy's seventh birthday and the first anniversary of her First Holy Communion. Please pray for her. Thank you.
Please continue to pray for the repose of the soul of Mrs. Rosemary Dolan and for the needs of her son, His Excellency Bishop Daniel L. Dolan, and his siblings at this time.
As there have been five original articles in five straight days, there may be a gap of a few days before the next original article, which will, most likely, be the next installment in the travelogue. Today must be given over entirely to our daughter after Holy Mass. Keep checking for the next new article.
We need to raise money for our deductible when we get our TrailBlazer back next Wednesday or Thursday. Would you please consider making a non-tax-deductible gift to us? Monthly bills come due around the same time we are scheduled to get our beaten-up car back from the body shop. Thank you. Sincerely yours in Christ the King and Mary our Immaculate Queen, Thomas A. Droleskey.
March 26 Article
Mocking Our Lord on the Day of His Incarnation
Ah, it had been my hope last evening to retire early. Indeed, I had assumed the horizontal position and was nearly in a state of slumber when I realized that I had not turned off the old computer that I am using until I can get the one that took a drink of ginger ale on March 14, 2009 repaired, making the mistake of checking e-mail just one last time. It was then that I discovered that Walter "Cardinal" Kasper had a bit of time yesterday mocking Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on the day of His Incarnation as he, Kasper, "rededicated" a menorah, a symbol of a false religion that is hated by God, at the "pastoral" center of the Archdiocese of Boston in Braintree, Massachusetts. I had to assume some degree of consciousness, therefore, to write this brief article. It is truly surreal to have deal with these mind-numbing matters. No matter the very few numbers of people who read these articles, however, God cannot be mocked with impunity, which is why this terrible, recidivist sinner believes that it is necessary to make some effort to defend Catholic truth when those who pose, albeit illegitimately, as officials of the Catholic Church make a mockery of Him and of His Holy Faith. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
We are always in need of Donations.
Please continue to pray for the repose of the immortal soul of Mrs. Rosemary Dolan, the mother of our good friend and shepherd, His Excellency Bishop Daniel L. Dolan.
March 25 Articles and Prayer Request for the Soul of the Mother of Bishop Daniel L. Dolan, Mrs. Rosemary Dolan, R.I.P.
His Excellency Bishop Daniel L Dolan was kind enough to write to me this day to inform me that his mother, Mrs. Rosemary Dolan, died peacefully this morning on the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a glorious day on which to die. Please join us in having Masses offered for the repose of Mrs. Dolan's immortal soul as we keep her soul in our prayers every day, especially in our daily Rosaries. We offer our condolences to Bishop Dolan and his family. Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul--and all of the souls of the faithful departed--through the Mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
Revised: Et Verbum Caro Facto Est, 2009
This revised article was posted earlier today. I have revised this brief reflection on the feast we celebrate today, the feast which signifies the moment when the Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, the very Word through Whom all things were made, personally entered into human history as He was made Incarnate in the Virginal and Immaculate Womb of His Most Blessed Mother by the power of the Third Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, God the Holy Ghost, Who overshadowed Our Lady after she had given her perfect Fiat to the Will of the First Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, God the Father, as that Will was made known to her by Saint Gabriel the Archangel. The whole of human history is changed today--and no one can remain neutral about what happened on this day.
If the Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity really did become Man this day in Our Lady's
Virginal and Immaculate Womb so as to redeem us on the wood of the Holy Cross thirty-three years later, as we know is indeed the case, then every person and every nation on the face of this earth must acknowledge this fact and subordinate everything to the Deposit of Faith that He has entrusted exclusively to His Catholic Church for Its eternal safekeeping and infallible explication. We must pray to Our Lady every day so that we will never lose sight of the centrality of the Incarnation in our own lives and in the lives of our nations, never lose sight of the fact that Holy Mass itself is Incarnational as the Word Who was made Incarnate in her Virginal and Immaculate Womb is made Incarnate on altars of sacrifice under the appearances of bread and wine by true bishops and true priests.
Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ spent nine months in the tabernacle of Our Lady's Virginal and Immaculate Womb, thereby sanctifying the wombs of al mothers. He is in solidarity with every child in every mother's womb. Every abortion, whether by chemical or surgical means, is an indirect attack on the Incarnation that took place this very day. Those of you who live in and around the Cincinnati, Ohio, area can make reparation for the crime of abortion by spending some time in prayer this afternoon before Our Lord's Real Presence, solemnly exposed for adoration after the 11:25 a.m. High Mass at Saint Gertrude the Great Church in West Chester, Ohio. Please consider doing so.
A blessed Feast of the Annunciation of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to His Most Blessed Mother by Saint Gabriel the Archangel to you all.
Shell Games With Souls
All right, all right. Still suffering from the Lenten illness that has sapped my energy considerably, all I have strength to write at 1:56 a.m., Central Daylight Saving Time, is that this original article deals with conciliar shell games being played by the Diocese of Joliet and by Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI himself in so many ways as the Society of Saint Pius X prepares to "recognize" and capitulate to a false "pontiff" who has had told us in his own words that he seeks to neutralize traditionally-minded Catholics yet attached to the structures of his false church.
As I must spend time today drafting an article that will be sent out for vetting before being posted, the next original article on this site may not appear until Friday, March 27, 2009, the Feast of Saint John Damascene (and the seventh birthday of one Lucy Mary Therese Norma Droleskey). A travelogue will be written and posted soon. We are still in the midst of adventures! All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. Save souls!
March 24 Article
Our Lady Does Not Honor Pro-Aborts
The hour is really late (or early). This article deals with the invitation extended by "Father John Jenkins, C.S.C., to the fully pro-abortion President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, to speak at the University of Notre Dame on May 17, 2009. This should shock no one. The University of Notre Dame has been taking blood money for over five decades now from the pro-population control, pro-abortion and pro-perversity Ford Foundation. We must, however, defend Our Lady's honor as it is under assault at the university (which is my own Master's alma mater) named for her.
There is also a new lecture available for a mere $1.50 at Christ or Chaos Store. It is the lecture that I gave last evening in Missouri City, Texas.
A blessed Feast of Saint Gabriel the Archangel to you all.
March 23 Article
Power Grab
Well, the hour is late and I am still suffering from whatever has been ailing me for the last sixteen days now. All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. Save souls!
This brief article is yet another commentary on the Wizard of Obama's power grab. Although even some naturalist commentators in the "mainstream" media are beginning to recognize the power grab for what it is, none of these commentators understands that this power grab is but the logical result of the overthrow of the Social Reign of Christ the King wrought by the Protestant Revolt and institutionalized by the multifaceted forces of Judeo-Masonry. Catholicism is indeed the one and only means of personal and social order, and I will never tire--no matter how tired I am physically--of reminding my readers of this essential truth.
Prayers are requested for the recovery of His Excellency Bishop Daniel L. Dolan's mother, who was hospitalized in the Detroit, Michigan, area on Saturday and is in an intensive care unit. His Excellency has been in Mexico this past week as he administered the Sacrament of Confirmation in various places.
I will endeavor to work on a new travelogue this week. This new travelogue will detail the adventures we had Friday night and Saturday in the aftermath of our Trail Blazer hitting a deer on a "Farm to Market" road in rural Texas. The car itself is undrivable. I had to take a bus from Refugio, Texas, to rent a car in Corpus Christi, Texas, so that I could retrieve my family from a motel in Refugio and return to the Houston area, where, it appears, we will be staying for at least a few days longer as we await word about the damage to the Trail Blazer.
I will give a presentation this evening, March 22, 2009, on "The Hermeneutic of Insanity: Joseph Ratzinger's Lifelong Warfare Against the Nature of Dogmatic Truth," at 7007 West Fuqua Drive in Missouri City, Texas. The talk begins at 6:30 p.m. and will end at 7:45 p.m.
Finally, I recommend that one and all listen to Father Anthony Cekada's excellent sermon on “Forgiveness." Readers of this site know that one of my consistent themes is that nothing anyone does to us or says about us or causes us to suffer is the equal of what one of our least Venial Sins caused Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to suffer in His Sacred Humanity on the wood of the Holy Cross and caused those Seven Swords of Sorrow to be thrust through and through the Immaculate Heart of His Most Blessed Mother. He forgives us right readily in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance. Who are we to hold onto grudges and hurts, to refuse to forgive others? Our Lord really meant it when He told the following parable:
"Then Peter came unto Him and said: 'Lord, how often shall my brother offend against me, and I forgive him? Till seven times.'
"Jesus saith to him: 'I say not to thee, till seven times; but till seventy times seven times.'
" 'Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened to a king, who would take account of his servants. And when he had begun to take the account, one was brought to him, that owed him ten thousand talents. And as he had not wherewithal to pay it, his lord commanded that he should be sold, and his wife and children all that he had, and payment to be made.
" 'But that servant falling down, besought him, saying: "Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all." And the lord of that servant being moved with pity, let him go and forgave him the debt.
" 'But when that servant was gone out, he found one of his fellow servants that owed him an hundred pence: and laying hold of him, he throttled him, saying: "Pay what thou owest." And his fellow servant falling down, besought him, saying: "Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all." And he would not: but went and cast him into prison, till he paid the debt.
" 'Now his fellow servants seeing what was done were very much grieved, and they came and told their lord all that was done. Then his lord called him; and said to him: "Thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all the debt, because thou besoughtest me: Shouldst not thou then have had compassion on thy fellow servant, even as I had compassion on thee?" And his lord being angry, delivered him to the torturers until he paid all the debt.
" 'So also shall my heavenly Father do to you, if you forgive not every one his brother from your hearts.'" (Lk. 18: 21-35)
Those who do not forgive their brothers from their hearts will find that it will not go well for them at the moment of their Particular Judgments. We must forgive as we are forgiven. No exceptions. No exceptions at all.
I will try, health permitting, to have another article for you tomorrow, the Feast of Saint Gabriel the Archangel.
Late March 20 Update
I had hoped to have another article for you by tomorrow morning, the Feast of Saint Benedict. As God's Holy Providence would have hit, however, we are on the side of a rural Texas "Farm to Market" road after having hit a deer, which darted between several vehicles, choosing ours to hit. We were returning to the Houston, Texas, from paying our respects at my parents' grave sites in Corpus Christi, Texas. The front end of the Trail Blazer has been destroyed. We are awaiting a tow truck at this time, which may take up to two hours to arrive. I will have to take public transportation to Corpus Christi tomorrow to get a rental car while our car is being repaired. Please pray for us! All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. Save souls! Yes, it is better this than Purgatory or worse. God is glorified and our souls are sanctified when we offer these events, which He has known from all eternity would occur, to Him through His Blessed Mother's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.
Obviously, the next article will be delayed for a time. Sharon says she just heard coyotes. Pray for us.
March 19 Articles
Our Friend and Protector: Saint Joseph
Today, of course, is the great Feast of Saint Joseph, the Spouse of Our Lady, the just and silent man of the House of David. (Today's very brief original article, Making Us Our Own Jailers, has now been posted at 3:32 p.m., Central Daylight Saving Time.)
Saint Joseph denied himself his biological fatherhood in order to serve as the ever-virginal spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the most loving foster-father to Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. In him, Saint Joseph, is to be found every virtue for a husband and father to imitate: patience, charity, forbearance in all difficulties, fortitude, perseverance, temperance, and total self-abnegation. Those of us who are husbands and fathers must learn to be more silent, to learn to be more loving, to learn to be more patient, to learn to be more meek, to learn to be ever-ready to worker harder and harder at our life's work so as to help our wives and our children to live as redeemed creatures here below in order to know eternal happiness hereafter.
Saint Joseph is the model of home life and the patron of artisans, the protector of widows and orphans, the patron of those who are in danger of death. May we invoke his patronage each day after we invoke that of his Most Chaste Spouse, Our Lady, and never be slow to turn to him in our spiritual and temporal needs:
O Saint Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in thee all my interests and desires. O thou Saint Joseph, do assist me by thy powerful intercession, and obtain for me from thy divine Son all spiritual blessings, through Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; so that, having engaged here below thy heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of fathers. O Saint Joseph, I never weary contemplating thee, and Jesus asleep in thy arms; I dare not approach while He reposes near thy heart. Press Him in my name and kiss His fine head for me, and ask Him to return the kiss when I draw my dying breath. Saint Joseph, Patron of departing souls, pray for me. Amen!
Making Us Our Own Jailers
This article deals with how the forces of Modernity and Modernism make us cooperators in our own imprisonment to the evils of the day. We must ask Saint Joseph to liberate us from the falsehoods of Modernity and Modernism that enslave us.
A blessed Saint Joseph's Day to you all! Saint Joseph, pray for us.
March 18 Update and Prayer Requests
With two late nights in a row and a dinner outing last night with my uncle and aunt and two of my cousins in the Houston, Texas, area, there will be no new article today. I do hope to have an original article to post tomorrow along with a republished piece on our dear Saint Joseph. Thank you for your patience.
Today, March 18, is the the twenty-seventh anniversary of the deaths of of my late mother, Norma Florence Red Fox Droleskey, who died at 9:20 p.m., Central time at Spohn Hospital in Corpus Christi, Texas, on this date in 1982 of stomach and esophageal cancer, which had been diagnosed on January 29, 1982. I ask for your prayers for the repose of my late mother's immortal soul. It was a wonderful consolation last evening when the wife of my eldest cousin (who turned sixty-five years of age on March 4; it's hard to believe that I have a first cousin who is sixty-five years old!) said that our Lucy reminded her a great deal of my mother. Eternal rest grant unto Norma Droleskey, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul--and all of the souls of the faithful departed, rest in peace. Amen.
As God's Providence would have it, today is also the second anniversary of the death of Father Daniel Johnson, who had such great zeal for souls, and the first anniversary of the death of Mrs. Theresa Colgan, the mother of my former student and good friend, Lieutenant Spencer Colgan. In the words of Father Johnson, "Don't think I'll be in Heaven immediately after my death. Pray for me!" Indeed, Father Johnson we are praying for you every day. We are also praying for Mrs. Colgan's immortal soul. I ask that you join us in our prayers for these two souls on this anniversary of their deaths.
There are several birthday intentions that will be remembered in the Memento for the Living in the Canon of the Mass today.
Our snail mail has caught up with us after three weeks. We are very grateful to the nine people who have sent us non-tax-deductible gifts. We are also grateful to the twenty-three people who have made such gifts over PayPal. As there are more than thirty-two readers of this site, we would appreciate more of you who have the means to be of such assistance and who support the work of this site to join the ranks of those who have responded to our Donations letter thus far. Thank you.
Check back tomorrow for the next original article. There might also be an announcement concerning a speaking venue in the Houston area while we are here.
Finally, the Tradition in Action website has provided an English translation of Father Basil Meramo's "open letter" to Bishop Bernard Fellay. Please do read
Fellay’s Decision to Merge Confronted by Intellectual Priest, which also has been linked in the body of "And They That Passed By Blasphemed Him." Father Meramo has a new website, Veritas Liberavit Vobis, that was called to my attention by means of an e-mail early this morning. The articles are available only in Spanish or French at this time. Those of you who are fluent in one or both of these languages can avail yourselves of this material.
March 17 Articles
Revised: Saint Patrick and the "C" Word
Today is the feast of Saint Patrick, the Apostle of Ireland. A blessed Saint Patrick's Day to you all, especially those of you who are of Irish descent (as are my wife and, on her mother's side, our daughter).
Saint Patrick was sent to convert the pagans of the Emerald Isle by Pope Saint Celestine I. Saint Patrick did not engage in "inter-religious dialogue." He sought to convert the Druid chieftains so as to effect the conversion of their followers. The land of pagan debauchery became the Island of Saints.
Alas, the Island of Saints has returned in large measure to its pagan roots. The counterfeit church of conciliarism, which rejects "proselytism" in most instances, has deprived the people of Ireland of Sanctifying Grace. We must pray to Saint Patrick each day for our own conversion as well as for the conversion of the conciliar revolutionaries who are so responsible for the corruption of the Holy Faith and for leading a Catholic land such as Ireland back into the debauchery from whence he, Saint Patrick, converted it. Saint Patrick, pray for us, pray for Ireland, pray for all of those of Irish descent.
Witnesses For Skulls Full of Mush
Today's original article deals with an interview that Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele gave recently to a magazine in which he made several contradictory statements about his alleged "pro-life" position. Mr. Steele, a Catholic, is clueless about the extent to which he had contradicted himself, which is only logical when one considers that the world produced by the twin forces of Modernity and Modernism is one of illogic, contradiction, emotionalism and absurdity. This article is an effort to explode Mr. Steele's shibboleths by the use of logic on the natural level and the Faith on the supernatural level so that readers of this site, few in numbers though they may be (the top ranking article on this site in the month of March has attracted all of 325 readers!), can steel themselves against the sophisms of the day and recognize absurdity for what it is.
Once again, a blessed Saint Patrick's Day to you all.
March 16 Article
"And They That Passed By Blasphemed Him"
God is blasphemed regularly by the conciliar revolutionaries. He is blasphemed regularly by Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI. As was the case on Good Friday, many passers-by among the priests today simply look the other way at the blasphemy. That is, many priests, whether ordained validly or not, in the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism remain absolutely silent as one blasphemy after another is spoken by the false "pontiff." This is the price of being a member in "good standing" of the One World Church of conciliarism, and it is this price that will have to be paid by the bishops and priests of the Society of Saint Pius X once it is in "full communion" with the "pope" whose commands they still continue to oppose while naming him in the Canon of their Masses. The "present" of the "deaf, dumb and blind" priests in the diocesan structures and in the Motu communities is the "future" for the Society of Saint Pius X. The false "pontiff" will continue to praise false religions and to enter false places of worship. God will continue to be blasphemed as men who should know better keep their "peace" in order to keep their heads. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
As I am still not completely over the Lenten illness that has been sent to me so that I can do more and more penance for my many sins, this article was delayed by a day or so. I hope to have another original article posted by tomorrow, the Feast of Saint Patrick, in addition to a republished article of the great saint of the Emerald Isle who sought with urgency the unconditional conversion of the Irish people.
Fifty-eighth birthday greetings are hereby sent to a classmate of mine from Saint Aloysius School in Great Neck, New York, and forty-ninth birthday greetings are wished to a former friend of ours in the conciliar structures (he's una cum Benedict, sad to say) who is in our prayers every day. Other birthdays and anniversaries will be noted in coming days.
Mr. Ron Kusterer was released from a hospital in Connecticut on the Feast of Pope Saint Gregory the Great. Sister Mary Olive Rowley is home once again. Keep praying for them.
Finally, please listen to His Excellency Bishop Daniel L. Dolan's wonderful, timely and most important sermon, “Modesty of Dress." It is a sermon that every priest should be giving to his parishioners at least once a year. It is a subject that I have explored on this site, especially in
Gradually Accepting Naturalism's False Premises and
We're Not in Kansas Any More. Please send the link to Bishop Dolan's sermon to your friends and relatives.
March 13 Article
Nothing New Under the Conciliar Sun
As I am still pretty much under the weather from the virus that laid me low six days ago now, this synopsis will have to be supplemented in several hours after a bit of what the ancients used to call "sleep."
This article deals with Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's explanatory letter to his conciliar "bishops" on the "lifting" of the "excommunications" of the four bishops of the Society of Saint Pius X. The letter is not really "new" as it reiterates points made in a "note" issued by his Secretariat of State on February 4, 2009, as the aftermath of the "lifting" of the "excommunications" and the reaction to Bishop Richard Williamson's interview was were in full force. However, there are some interesting insights into the conciliar mind of Joseph Ratzinger, including how he described the members of the Society of Saint Pius X to his conciliar "bishops" (narrow-minded, obstinate, rigid, one-sided). There is nothing new under the conciliar sun. Joseph Ratzinger is the same now as he has been throughout the course of his priesthood, and this means that is a committed apostle of the "Second" Vatican Council, which he believes that he can "reconcile" with the Catholic Faith of the precepts of his "New Theology" that were condemned by Pope Pius XII in Humani Generis, August 12, 1950.
I want to recommend to you as well His Excellency Bishop Donald A. Sanborn's
Logical Chickens Coming Home to Roost:
A Commentary on Recent Events in SSPX, a section of which, dealing with the logical inconsistencies of the Society of Saint Pius X, is included in Nothing New Under the Conciliar Sun, which focuses on the Ratzinger/Benedict letter, which was issued about a week after Bishop Sanborn's study was first released. Readers will find His Excellency's study to be very useful in understanding the workings of the Society of Saint Pius X, which stands on the precipice now a total surrender to a "pope" who considers many of them to represent"extremist" elements that need to be "opened up to a broader vista." That broader vista is nothing other than apostasy and betrayal.
Oh, I guess I wrote a pretty decent synopsis. I am going to sleep.
It appears as though many of you have forgotten the Donations letter. We really need your help. Thank you.
March 12 Article
Friends of Diocletian
Trial balloons get floated frequently only to be shot down within a short time thereafter. This is what happened in 1954 when Vice President Richard Milhous Nixon floated the possibility of a commitment of American military forces to give support to the faltering French forces in Indochina prior to the Battle of Dien Bien Phu. A trial balloon of sorts was attempted this past week in Connecticut that sought to divest control of Catholic parishes, admittedly in the control of the conciliarists at this time, from the clergy, a measure that also would have affected those chapels not affected with the One World Church. The measure, now withdrawn, at least temporarily, is just a leading "indicator," if you will, of what will come our way when the thugs of the naturalist "left" decide that it is time to persecute us for real. We should not fear such a persecution. Indeed, this might be the means that some of us recidivist sinners save our immortal souls! Deo gratias!
Yes, there will be a commentary on the letter that Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI has written to his conciliar "bishops" on the "lifting" of the "excommunications" of the four bishops of the Society of Saint Pius X. There is nothing really new in the letter that was not contained in a "note" issued by the Vatican's Secretariat of State on February 4, 2009. However, the letter does demonstrate the false "pontiff's" firm desire to save the conciliar revolution while demonstrating "tolerance" in the One World Church for the Society of Saint Pius X. This commentary will appear either later today, the Feast of Pope Saint Gregory the Great, or tomorrow, Friday, March 13, 2009.
Please keep Mr. Ron Kusterer in your prayers. He has had stents placed in a coronary artery that was one hundred percent blocked. He is still in a great deal of pain. Keep him and his family in your prayers. Thank you.
Have you forgotten the Donations letter?
March 10 Article
Stemming From The Same Sentimental Root
"Let the hysteria begin!" That is what I wrote in
We Don't Want to Learn Anything one day shy of four months ago now. The hysteria has begun. Why? Because President Barack Hussein Obama, true to his word, has issued an Executive Order to reverse the "limited" Federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research that was announced by his immediate predecessor, George Walker Bush, on Thursday, August 11, 2001. Bush's own Executive Order was a reversal of the one issued by his immediate predecessor, William Jefferson Blythe Clinton, which restored such funding that had been somewhat limited by his immediate predecessor, George Herbert Walker Bush. And on and on and on it must go in a governmental system founded on one naturalistic falsehood after another.
As I explained in two different articles within the last eight days now,
Dialectical Americanism and
Naturalists and Their Bogeymen, false ideas always lead to bad consequences. Always. Inevitably. To believe that married couples have a "right" to a child is a false idea. No one has a "right" to a child," who is a gift from God to parents. God chooses to bestow as many or as few, if any, children to a particular set of parents as He sees fit. No one has the "right" to "demand" a child, no less to seek out his artificial creation. Such artificial creation has led to a whole colonization of frozen human embryos--embryonic human beings--who are deemed "useful" by the medical and other "scientific" researchers to find cures and/or treatments for various diseases.
People who are driven by the sentimentality of desiring a child will accept no other barriers that exist in the binding precepts of the Divine Positive Law and the Natural Law that prevent the execution of innocent human beings to serve the medical needs of other human beings. Those, such as George Walker Bush, who believe that they can find some "compromise" in this matter will find that the pull of the sentimentality of naturalism is such that their absurd and illogical "compromises," founded on the acceptance of the evil (in vitro fertilization in this instance), must give way to those who are more "liberal" in their execution of innocent human beings.
No logic on the face of this earth could have held George Walker Bush's 2001 "compromise" from being pushed aside eventually. Indeed, the action taken by the Wizard of Obama yesterday, Monday, March 9, 2009, would have been taken as well by the man he defeated on November 4, 2008, United States Senator John Sidney McCain III, if he, McCain, had won the presidential election. And no logic on the face of this earth can prevent human cloning, which Obama says he opposes, from being endorsed one day by one of his successors. For the simple truth of the matter is, my friends, that there is no way on the face of the earth to prevent the spread of evils that are in defiance of the binding precepts of the Divine Positive Law and the Natural Law other than by an adherence to the totality of the Catholic Faith as the foundation of personal and social order. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
This article took a little longer to complete than expected. I am still not entirely over the stomach virus that had been crawling around the motor home on Saturday, March 7, 2009, the Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas. I will endeavor to have another article for you by tomorrow, although it may not be possible to have it posted until Thursday, March 12, 2009, the Feast of Pope Saint Gregory the Great. Thank you for your patience.
March 9 Update
Still recovering from the stomach virus that felled me very low on Saturday, March 7, 2009, I will endeavor to have a new article posted by later today. Whether that can be followed up in short order by yet another one tomorrow remains to be seen. Penance is indeed better than ever in 2009. I was able by Our Lady's graces to have enough strength to give a talk yesterday at Christ the King Church in Lafayette, Louisiana.
Sharon has received news from Miss Suzanne Kennedy that Sister Mary Olive Rowley will be returning home in a day or so. Sister's chronically aching back turned out to be the reason for the pain that required her hospitalization. Doctors have been unable to find any other physical cause, being unable, of course, to detect via all of their tests the simple fact that some souls are permitted by God to experience extra pains as victim souls to make reparation for their own sins and for those of the whole world. Miss Kennedy reports that Sister Mary Olive is feeling like herself despite the pain, which she offers up to God so freely through Our Lady's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, giving commands from her hospital bed. Thank you for your prayers for Sister. Please continue to pray for this wonderful victim soul.
Mr. Ronald Kusterer has indeed suffered a serious heart attack. He is hospitalized in Connecticut and will undergo a procedure today, Monday, March 9, 2009, to determine what protocol will be followed hereafter. Please keep this good Catholic husband and father in your prayers. Ron is the salt of the earth. His Excellency Bishop Robert F. McKenna, O.P., is attending to his spiritual needs.
An update would have been posted yesterday. However, my new computer took a drink of ginger ale on Saturday while I was sick. It is in need of some repairs as a result. The old computer had to be revived and reloaded with a few programs to re-connect with this website. Lent is wonderful. Indeed, we are called to live the Lenten spirit of penance at all times. This is the path of our salvation. We must walk this path with joy, gratitude and love to our good God as the clients of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Check back in about eight or nine hours for the new article. Thank you.
March 7 Re-Highlighted Article and Urgent Prayer Request for Mr. Ron Kusterer
Attempting to Coerce Perjury
With our motor home having undergone extensive repairs on Thursday courtesy of the hard work provided by parishioners of Christ the King Church, I am behind schedule on writing some of the articles that I had intended to complete by now, including a specific reflection on the life and the work of the Angelic Doctor, Saint Thomas Aquinas, whose feast today is today, Saturday, March 7, 2009, Ember Saturday in Lent and the First Saturday of the month of March. Unable to write a specific article, however, I have chosen to re-highlight this article, published on November 28, 2008, which examines Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's endless efforts to circumvent the Scholasticism of Saint Thomas Aquinas, which he rejects categorically in favor of ambiguities, contradictions and paradoxes of his own "New Theology," in order to "re-read" Sacred Scripture and the Fathers of the Church without the "corrupting filter" provided by Scholasticism.
Ratzinger/Benedict's contempt for Scholasticism stands in contrast to the praise given to it by one true pope after another, each of whom referred to it as the official philosophy of the Catholic Church and the sure defense against heresy and error. Pope Saint Pius X wrote this in Doctoris Angelici:
For just as the opinion of certain ancients is to be rejected which maintains that it makes no difference to the truth of the Faith what any man thinks about the nature of creation, provided his opinions on the nature of God be sound, because error with regard to the nature of creation begets a false knowledge of God; so the principles of philosophy laid down by St. Thomas Aquinas are to be religiously and inviolably observed, because they are the means of acquiring such a knowledge of creation as is most congruent with the Faith; of refuting all the errors of all the ages, and of enabling man to distinguish clearly what things are to be attributed to God and to God alone….
St. Thomas perfected and augmented still further by the almost angelic quality of his intellect all this superb patrimony of wisdom which he inherited from his predecessors and applied it to prepare, illustrate and protect sacred doctrine in the minds of men. Sound reason suggests that it would be foolish to neglect it and religion will not suffer it to be in any way attenuated. And rightly, because, if Catholic doctrine is once deprived of this strong bulwark, it is useless to seek the slightest assistance for its defense in a philosophy whose principles are either common to the errors of materialism, monism, pantheism, socialism and modernism, or certainly not opposed to such systems. The reason is that the capital theses in the philosophy of St Thomas are not to be placed in the category of opinions capable of being debated one way or another, but are to be considered as the foundations upon which the science of natural and divine things is based; if such principles are once removed or in any way impaired, it must necessarily follow that students of the sacred sciences will ultimately fail to perceive so much as the meaning of the words in which the dogmas of divine revelation are proposed by the magistracy of the Church. . . . (Pope Saint Pius X, Doctoris Angelici, quoted in James Larson's Article 11: A Confusion of Loves.)
What has been the attitude of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI to Saint Thomas Aquinas and Scholasticism?
The cultural interests pursued at the seminary of Freising were joined to the study of a theology infected by existentialism, beginning with the writings of Romano Guardini. Among the authors preferred by Ratzinger was the Jewish philosopher Martin Buber. Ratzinger loved St. Augustine, but never St. Thomas Aquinas: "By contrast, I had difficulties in penetrating the thought of Thomas Aquinas, whose crystal-clear logic seemed to be too closed in on itself, too impersonal and ready-made" (op. cit., p.44). This aversion was mainly due to the professor of philosophy at the seminary, who "presented us with a rigid, neo-scholastic Thomism that was simply too far afield from my own questions" (ibid.). According to Cardinal Ratzinger, whose current opinions appear unchanged from those he held as a seminarian, the thought of Aquinas was "too closed in on itself, too impersonal and ready-made," and was unable to respond to the personal questions of the faithful. This opinion is enunciated by a prince of the Church whose function it is to safeguard the purity of the doctrine of the Faith! Why, then, should anyone be surprised at the current disastrous crisis of Catholicism, or seek to attribute it to the world, when those who should be the defenders of the Faith, and hence of genuine Catholic thought, are like sewers drinking in the filth, or like gardeners who cut down a tree they are supposed to be nurturing? What can it mean to stigmatize St. Thomas as having a "too impersonal and ready-made" logic? Is logic "personal"? These assertions reveal, in the person who makes them, a typically Protestant, pietist attitude, like that found in those who seek the rule of faith in personal interior sentiment.
In the two years Ratzinger spent at the diocesan seminary of Freising, he studied literature, music, modern philosophy, and he felt drawn towards the new existentialist and modernist theologies. He did not like St. Thomas Aquinas. The formation described does not correspond to the exclusively Catholic formation that is necessary to one called to be a priest, even taking into account the extenuating circumstances of the time, that is, anti-Christian Nazism, the war and defeat, and the secularization of studies within seminaries. It seems that His Eminence, with all due respect, gave too much place to profane culture, with its "openness" to everything, and its critical attitude...Joseph Ratzinger loved the professors who asked many questions, but disliked those who defended dogma with the crystal-clear logic of St. Thomas. This attitude would seem to us to match his manner of understanding Catholic liturgy. He tells us that from childhood he was always attracted to the liturgical movement and was sympathetic towards it. One can see that for him, the liturgy was a matter of feeling, a lived experience, an aesthetically pleasing "Erlebnis," but fundamentally irrational (op. cit. passim.). (The Memories of a Destructive Mind: Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger's Milestones.)
Pope Innocent VI put the matter very bluntly concerning those who would dare to reject Saint Thomas Aquinas's Scholastic method:
"His teaching above that of others, the canonical writings alone excepted, enjoys such a precision of language, an order of matters, a truth of conclusions, that those who hold to it are never found swerving from the path of truth, and he who dare assail it will always be suspected of error." (Pope Innocent VI, quoted by Pope Leo XIII, Aeterni Patris, August 4, 1879.)
Saint Thomas was a model of humility throughout his life. His mother was so intent on preventing him from joining the Order of Preachers of Saint Dominic de Guzman that she had two of his brothers kidnap him, thereafter imprisoning him for a period of two years. His mother wanted him to follow the example of his uncle and become a Benedictine, which she considered to be the more "prestigious" calling than the mendicant friars of the late Saint Dominic de Guzman. Saint Thomas's mother relented eventually, leaving a window open so that her son could escape and join the Dominicans. She just couldn't bring herself to let him go openly. In all of this, you see, Saint Thomas was a model of humility--and of angelic purity as he wielded an iron from a fire place to chase out a woman of questionable character who had been brought in by his brothers to entice him into a sin against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments.
Saint Thomas was a model of perfect humility throughout his priesthood. He obeyed when his writings were being studied by his superiors for their orthodoxy. He even quite writing the Summa Theologica altogether in December of 1273, concentrating on his preaching in Naples. Some of his students were so scandalized to hear Saint Thomas preach in the native Neapolitan dialect that they refused to transcribe his sermons as they were given, deciding to "polish" them for posterity. Saint Thomas was a master teacher. He was also a humble priest who wanted to make himself understood to the faithful when he preached from the pulpit.
Ratzinger/Benedict has the temerity to reject the method of Saint Thomas Aquinas. We can behold the disastrous results for the Catholic Faith as his "New Theology" has been used to "re-interpret" what has been settled by the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and declared for all times by dogmatic councils that convened under the inspiration of the Third Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, God the Holy Ghost. Those of us who cleave to the Catholic Faith must ever make a study of Saint Thomas Aquinas an uppermost part of our intellectual lives as we invoke his intercession from Heaven to help to be as humble and pure--and as wholly devoted to the Blessed Sacrament and to the Mother of God--as he was throughout the course of his saintly life.
A blessed feast day of Saint Thomas Aquinas to you, especially to His Excellency Bishop Robert F. McKenna, O.P., and all members of Saint Dominic's family, including all Second and Third Order Dominicans.
March 6 Article and Prayer Requests
Naturalists and Their Bogeymen
As we are about to run errands prior to the offering of Holy Mass this evening at Christ the King Church, all I will say about this current article is that it deals with President Barack Hussein Obama's plans to build on the Socialism of former President George Walker Bush by nationalizing more and more of the American economy, especially by means of his Fiscal Year 2010 proposed budget, which contains budgetary requests totaling $3.6 trillion. Obama, who cannot, evidently, give his "eloquent" speeches without the help of a TelePrompter, and his propagandists have identified and isolated a fellow naturalist, albeit one from the false opposite of the "right," to serve as their "Bogeyman" in order to deflect attention from their Marxist schemes. This Bogeyman is Rush Limbaugh, who has, when all is said and done, influenced the course of not one presidential election in the nearly twenty and one-half years that his radio program has been on the air. Naturalists, however, need their "bogeymen," and Limbaugh serves that purpose quite well for Obama and friends at the present time.
Our economic situation, which is worsening daily, it appears, is, of course, simply the result of the naturalistic, anti-Incarnational falsehoods upon which modern governments and their economies rest. It is good to turn to Father Denis Fahey's wisdom to understand the forces behind these developments as we seek to sanctify our souls each day as the consecrated slaves of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Also, today would have been the eighty-eighth birthday of my late mother, Norma Florence Red Fox Droleskey, who was born as Maxine Coomer to a single mother, Ruth Coomer, in Kansas City, Missouri, on this date in 1921. The twenty-seventh anniversary of my mother's death occurs twelve days from now, on March 18, 2009, the Feast of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem. Please pray for my late mother's immortal soul. Thank you.
March 5 Article and Prayer Request for Sister Mary Olive Rowley
Yes, Sir, Master Scribe
Plans to write yet another article about the various schemes, political and economic, of the Wizard of Obama had to be placed on hold this afternoon when news broke of Roger "Cardinal" Mahony's statement, issued with two Talmudic rabbis in Tidings, the newspaper of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in conciliar captivity, whereby he not only condemned Bishop Richard Williamson for his recently aired remarks about the nature and extent of the crimes of the Third Reich but banned him from all facilities within the archdiocese. This is a purely gratuitous statement designed to curry favor with the ancient enemies of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the very people who promote the shedding of the innocent blood of the preborn under cover of the civil law with great fervor and zeal. What can one expect of a man, Roger Mahony, is so bereft of the sensus Catholicus that one dissenting speaker another is invited annually to the infamous Los Angeles Religious Education Conference at the Anaheim Convention Center and who has protected and promoted one perverted priest after another?
As there are references in this article to Mahony's statement in a 2004 deposition concerning Father Oliver O'Grady, I caution readers that this article must not be read by children or young adolescents. Mahony has done great harm to the Faith, costing the people of his archdiocese nearly a billion dollars in settlement monies paid out to victims of his perverted priests. That he remains in power in the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism speaks volumes about the moral bankruptcy of the currently reigning conciliar "pontiff," Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI. Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
Prayer Request: Miss Samantha Current, who provides care to Father Martin Stepanich, O.F.M., S.T.D., who turned ninety-three years of age on November 12, 2008, and Sister Mary Olive Rowley, who turns ninety years of age this year, has written to request prayers for Sister Mary Olive, who has been hospitalized once again. This victim soul has suffered mightily in the past few years with various ailments, including congestive heart failure. Please pray a Rosary for her today. Thank you.
There should be another article tomorrow, Friday, March 6, 2009, the Feast of Saints Perpetua and Felicity and Ember Friday in Lent.
Please consider responding to the new Donations letter. Thank you.
March 4 Article
Story Time in Econe
Barring any unforeseen developments, such as a "concordat" between the Society of Saint Pius X and the lords of the counterfeit church of conciliarism, this should be the last article to appear on this site about the machinations of the Society's leaders, men who believe that true popes need to "adjust" their interpretations of various points of doctrine that are either "ambiguous" or simply "erroneous." The Society of Saint Pius X is possessed of numerous errors concerning the nature of the Church. As Pope Pius XI noted in Mortalium Animos, January 6, 1928:
For the teaching authority of the Church, which in the divine wisdom was constituted on earth in order that revealed doctrines might remain intact for ever, and that they might be brought with ease and security to the knowledge of men, and which is daily exercised through the Roman Pontiff and the Bishops who are in communion with him. . . .
There is no need for the leaders of a priestly society of common life--and one that is an "irregular" situation with the conciliar authorities--to attempt to "clarify" that which the Catholic Church teaches with "ease and security to the knowledge of men," namely, the articles contained in the Deposit of Faith. Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has given us the papacy to protect against ambiguity or uncertainty of teaching. There is no need for a priestly society of common life to serve as a "super-magisterium" upon those who serve in positions of authority in the Catholic Church.
We remain grateful to the true bishops and true priests who helped us to escape from the errors and the absurdities of the "resist and recognize" world. We desire, despite our sins and failings, to be una cum the Catholic Church, not arch-heretics who blaspheme God and deny articles contained in the Deposit of Faith.
There is a brand new Donations letter posted for your review. It has been prompted by a set of unexpected but most necessary repairs to our motor home. These emergency appeals would not be necessary if more of you who supported the work of this site and have the means wherewith to make a non-tax-deductible gift did so on a regular basis. However, it is within the Providence of God that we must humble ourselves repeatedly to ask for your generosity. I earnestly entreat those of you who do support the work of this site and have the means to help us to do so really soon!
Another article should appear tomorrow, Thursday, March 5, 2009. It will be yet another commentary on what even some columnists in the "mainstream" media recognize is an effort to build on the socializing tendencies of the past and to turn this nation into the C.S.A., Communist States of America. Can anyone say "Russia will spread her errors"? Our Lady really, really meant this in the Cova da Iria near Fatima, Portugal, ninety-two years ago. We are seeing this before our very eyes quite openly (although elements of these errors have been with us all along). Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Please do yourselves a favor: listen to His Excellency Bishop Daniel L. Dolan's Ash Wednesday and First Sunday in Lent sermons:
Dust, Ashes, Penance & Nothing and “Humility: We are Unworthy Catholics." Remember also to watch the 11:25 a.m. Mass on weekdays (and the 5:00 p.m. Mass most weekdays) at
Live Mass Simulcasts. The Mass is also simulcast on Saturdays at 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. and on Sundays for each of the four Masses (7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 5:45 p.m.). Please check the Saint Gertrude's Bulletin for the time of Sunday Vespers, which varies from week to week. The Bulletin is always full of useful information and sound spiritual advice. Please read it each week.
Finally, I will be giving a reprise of the talk,
Abort Christ the King, Abort the Babies, that I gave in Helfta Hall of Saint Gertrude the Great Church on Sunday, January 18, 2009. The talk will be given after the 9:00 a.m. Mass at Christ the King Church, 510 N.W. Evangeline Thruway, Lafayette, Louisiana.
March 2 Article
Dialectical Americanism
Many Catholics are "shocked" that the fully pro-abortion President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, would nominate the fully pro-abortion Catholic Governor of the State of Kansas, Kathleen Sebelius, to be the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. Yes, to be sure, Sebelius's support for baby-killing and her association with the notorious late-term baby-killer George Tiller are egregious and must be condemned very vigorously. However, it is not a shock that the Wizard of Obama is showing forth his absolute integrity in his support for the slaughter of innocent preborn children in their mothers' wombs. Where were the voices of the Catholics upset about Sebelius's appointment when the "pro-life" "conservative, George Walker Bush, appointed one pro-abort after another to his administration?
We are caught in the trap of what can be called "dialectical Americanism." That is, although Georg Hegel's belief that history is a clash of competing ideas that results in the stage of "ideal spirit" is false as truth never contains within itself the seeds of its own internal contradiction, the Hegelian concept of dialectical clash does apply to false ideas. That is, false ideas do indeed contain within themselves a multitude of contradictions that lead to endless mutations. The modern civil state is the result of the contradictions and absurdities of Protestantism and Judeo-Masonry. The heresy of Americanism itself has mutated and splintered, causing endless clashes between "liberal" Catholics and "conservative" Catholics, as is happening now with the Sebelius appointment.
Conciliarism itself, based on numerous falsehoods that are contrary to right reason and have been condemned by the solemn authority of the Catholic Church, has unleashed an endless clash concerning the "meaning" of the "Second" Vatican Council. The errors of Modernity and Modernism have combined to convince people that they must live in a world of endless clashes about the meaning of truth. Such clashes, however, are from the adversary and lead only to the hardening of hearts and the corruption of law in the civil realm and of doctrine in the minds of those who adhere to the counterfeit church of conciliarism.
We need to turn to Our Lady, especially by means of her Most Holy Rosary, to cling tenaciously to the unchanging truths of her Divine Son, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
This is a long article. It goes over a lot of territory that is familiar to longtime readers. There is always the possibility that someone might be accessing this site for the first time. And there is the possibility that a longtime reader or two might forget some of the details of other articles. No one is "forced" to read these articles. Those who choose to do so will find that they are motivated by a desire to restore the Social Reign of Christ the King, something that the Modernists in the counterfeit church of conciliarism reject in favor of the pluralist state exemplified by the United States of America.
There should be another article posted on Wednesday, March 4, 2009, the Feast of Saint Casimir. The current piece was one that took a great deal of time to complete.
Donations, Donations, Donations. Please. Thank you.
March 1 Article
Let Your Yea Be Yea
Although still pretty tired from our recent adventures, this new article is being posted late on Saturday, February 28, 2009, as the first offering for the month of March. What does it concern? Yes, the continuing saga of Bishop Richard Williamson, whose non-apology apology to the officials of the counterfeit church of conciliarism, to whom he says "yea, yea" and "no, no" on matters of doctrine and worship, has been rejected by these apostates. The conciliar officials demand Bishop Williamson's absolute "yea, yea" to their belief in the statements of "mainstream" historians about the crimes committed by the agents of the Third Reich during World War II.
Catholics must say "yea, yea" to the truths of the Faith and "no, no" to the apostasies of conciliarism. It is really quite simple. We cannot succumb to the falsehoods of conciliarism even if we are tempted by the devil with the "world" of "recognition" by its authorities. It is far better to be "unrecognized" by those false "authorities" and to remain constant in our "yea, yea" to Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as He has revealed Himself through His true Church. Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
The next article will deal with the Wizard of Obama's appointment of yet another Catholic pro-abort to his administration, Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius. It will appear tomorrow, Monday, March 2, 2009, or Tuesday, March 3, 2009.
February 28 Article
Everybody Dances
Ah, remember me? No, nothing's happened to us, other than a few Lenten adventures that I will describe more fully in the next travelogue in a few months. Suffice it to say that we have had campground problems that have caused us a temporary, albeit substantial in distance, relocation until Holy Week. Penance is better than ever in 2009. All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. Save souls!
As we are rushing off to Holy Mass at the present time, all I will write about this particular article is that it deals with the Wizard of Obama's plans for the "restoration" of economic prosperity. There can be no such long term economic prosperity as long as this nation offends God by the promotion of one sin after another under cover of the civil law, including, of course, the daily slaughter of the preborn by chemical and surgical means.
Another article will be posted by tomorrow morning. No matter how few people read these articles (and the numbers of people are very, very few indeed), the work on this site is done for the honor and glory of God, mindful that one soul might profit from it now and again. The rest we leave to the Mercy of God and and to revelation of the intentions of all hearts and the circumstances of all lives on the Last Day at the General Judgment of the Living and the Dead.
February 25 Article
No Crime Is Worse Than Deicide
The case of Bishop Richard Williamson has served most certainly as a catalyst to reveal the Judaizing tendencies of the ethos of conciliarism. The latest outrage associated with this incredible sequence of events involves the conciliar "archbishop" of Boston, Massachusetts, Sean "Cardinal" O'Malley, telling a group of Jewish leaders that the atrocities committed by the agents of the Third Reich represented "the worst crime in human history." The worse crime in human history? No crime is worse than Deicide. Our sins were responsible for that crime. Its Victim, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, forgave us. He extends that Mercy to us every day in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance. Who are we to nurture grudges in our own lives and when we continue to be forgiven so generously by the One Who was put to death by our sins? Thus is the difference between those steeped in the ravages of Original Sin by their adherence to the false, superseded religion of conciliarism and those who attempt, despite their own sins and failings, to adhere to the teaching of the One Who redeemed us by making a Holocaust of Himself to His Co-Equal and Co-Eternal Father in Spirit and in Truth in atonement for our sins.
A blessed Lent to you all!
Another article, dealing with the Mardi Gras of naturalism that was on display in the Obama and Jindal speeches last evening, should appear tomorrow, the Thursday after Ash Wednesday, February 26, 2009.
February 24 Articles
From One Strange Religion to Another
News reports of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's upcoming visit to Jordan and Israel in May of this year have detailed plans for the false "pontiff" to visit yet another Mohammedan mosque (in Jordan) and two more synagogues (in Israel). It is impossible to reconcile this apostate behavior with the dogmatic teaching and the Canon Law of the Catholic Church, which is why a correspondent wrote the following to me a short while ago:
I find I can no longer ignore the overwhelming evidence that the Chair of St. Peter is indeed vacant. Solely by the grace of God, I tenaciously cling to His promise to provide a perpetual line of infallible pontiffs to sanctify, teach, and rule the members of the Church Militant on earth. Most certainly, legitimate vicars of Jesus Christ exercising their most holy office cannot lead souls astray. Not only is it clear that this is the de fide teaching of the Church, it is simply impossible for an intellect which is made to serve truth to hold the contradictory beliefs that a man could be a legitimate pope and at the same time through his words and actions lead his flock into behaviors and beliefs which the Church has taught from the beginning will damn their souls to hell. The fact that the current claimant to the papal throne has scheduled yet another junket in which he plans to openly worship as a Mohammedan and as a Jew is simply more than this Catholic conscience can bear.
This current article is yet another article to contrast the teaching of the Catholic Church with the spirit of apostasy and betrayal exhibited by the false "pontiffs" of the counterfeit church of conciliarism in the past fifty years. Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us. Saint Matthias, pray for us.
Two brief Lenten reflections, The Royal Road to Victory and From Dust Unto Dust, 2009, have been revised and republished prior to the beginning of Lent tomorrow, Ash Wednesday, Quadragesima, February 25, 2009.
The next original article on this site might appear by tomorrow as well.
Donations, Donations, Donations.
February 22 Article
Under The Bus
"Throw 'em under the bus." This seems to be the attitude of so many traditionally-minded Catholics in the case of Bishop Richard Williamson, whose "thought crime" is causing him to be expelled by the country of Argentina, whose officials are now gloating very publicly over the fact that it is indeed because of his "thought" crime that he is being expelled, and who faces criminal prosecution in two countries, France and Germany, for his "thought" crime. "Throw 'em under the bus." No one yet attached to the conciliar structures talks about throwing Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI "under the bus" for profaning God as he has spat upon His honor and glory and majesty by entering places of false worship that belong and to devil and by esteeming with his own priestly hands the symbols of false religions that are hideous in His sight. No, gotta throw Bishop Williamson "under the bus" and get on with the "business" of the "restoration of the Church under the false premises of the "New Theology" of a man who rejects the official philosophy of the Catholic Church, the Scholasticism of Saint Thomas Aquinas, and who exalts the falsehood of the separation of Church and State that is an affront to the Social Reign of Christ the King.
It is not to indemnify the many errors in Bishop Williamson's view of the Church to express sympathy for his plight as he is hounded and harassed by the conciliar Vatican, by his own Superior-General in the Society of Saint Pius X, by civil authorities and by leaders of various Talmudic organizations around the world. Those who are throwing Bishop Williamson "under the bus" today as they have thrown so many others "under the bus" to advance their constantly-failed "strategies and plans do not realize the agents of Modernity and Modernism will throw each and every one of us "under the bus" just as many pagan Roman emperors fed our spiritual ancestors to the wild beasts. A mad rush to have a sacrificial lamb a present may indeed wind up producing one's own sacrifice to the false gods of Modernity and Modernism in the very near future. Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us. Saint Peter, pray for us.
Keep checking for the next article. As I noted two days ago, it appears as though a pace of an article every other day is what is possible given our schedules at this time.
February 20 Article
Naughty, Naughty, Nancy
Yes, indeed, Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI told off that Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi, didn't he? Words. Words. Words. How many words need to be spoken after so much innocent blood of preborn babies has been shed? The conciliar authorities cannot mete out the discipline that pro-abortion Catholics in public life deserve while they stand up with righteous indignation to condemn Bishop Richard Williamson, who is being expelled from the country of Argentina, of all places (no one from the Third Reich ever took refuge there by giving legalistic answers on their immigration papers huh?), and who is being threatened with a possible expulsion from the Society of Saint Pius X by the end of the month if he does not recant his views about the nature and extent of the atrocities committed by the Third Reich. "Naughty, naughty, Nancy." "Repent and recant, Richard." The One World Church of conciliarism is full of irony and apostasy, not one bit of which can come from the Catholic Church, something that Bishop Williamson and others in the Society of Saint Pius X ought to accept as seek out "The Nine" and others who understand that those who defect from the Faith cannot hold ecclesiastical office in the Catholic Church legitimately. Our Lady, Help of Christians, pray for us!
Although I will try to have another article for you by tomorrow, the best I may be able to do you at present is an article every other day. The travels do take more of a toll as the years progress! All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. Save souls!
As always, Donations, Donations, Donations.
February 18 Article
Still slightly (and that is a gross understatement) exhausted from our recent travels, I am posting this new article deals with the withdrawal under pressure of "Father" Gerhard Maria Wagner's nomination as an auxiliary "bishop" for the Diocese of Linz in Austria. Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI would not support his own appointee. Then again, he has backed down on many occasions, especially when adherents of the Talmud or the Koran have gotten angry with him. Catholics remain steadfast in the midst of threats to the Faith. Conciliarists want to find "common ground" as they meltdown in front of our very eyes. Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us. Saint Simeon, pray for us. Saint Bernadette Soubirous, pray for us.
There should be original articles appearing on this site on each of the next three days. Our travels are in abeyance for the time being.
Having been reunited with our snail mail, I want to thank the eight readers who sent us non-tax-deductible gifts in the past three weeks since last we received such mail. We want to thank the twenty-one others who send us such gifts via PayPal in the past three weeks. We are most appreciative to each of you for your kindness and generosity, especially since the statistics indicate that there are a few more than twenty-nine people who read this site. I can only ask those who do have the means to make such gifts and who support the work of this site to do so. Our prayers are with our benefactors every day, and we want to thank each of you from the bottom of our hearts!
Late February 16 Update
With apologies to those who have written to me in the past two days, this brief update is to let those who access know that the next article on this site will be posted on Wednesday, February 18, 2009. We have driven from Louisiana back to Ohio. We are very tired. We are also very grateful to Our Lord and Our Lady and Saint Christopher and our Guardian Angels for our safe and relatively uneventful travels of the past twenty-seven hours. It is now time, 9:32 p.m., Eastern time, for all good Droleskeys to go to sleep. Thanks for your prayers.
Sincerely yours in Christ the King and Mary our Immaculate Queen, Thomas A. Droleskey
February 15 Article
Defining One's Enemies
Propagandists have long recognized that one of the keys to convince people of their propositions to define "the enemy" in clear terms so that they, "the people," will accept propaganda in the place of the truth. This is nothing new. The Sophists of the Faith Century before Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ were, in essence, the proto-propagandists for the scions of Modernity in the world and Modernism in the counterfeit church of conciliarism. Anyone who does not accept the propaganda that passes for "accepted truth" in the "mainstream" of thought, whether secular or religious, must be "defined" in the starkest of terms as "reactionaries," "fools" or "zealots" unworthy of respect as their "outdated" ideas are rejected summarily. This is why the ancient enemies of the Catholic Faith, those who deny the one and only Holocaust, that which was offered by Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on the wood of the Holy Cross in atonement for our sins, are so intent on helping Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict preserve the ethos of "concilairism" as the foundation for what is considered to be a "good Catholic," that is, one who does not believe that the Catholic Church has mission to seek with urgency the conversion of all men and all nations to her maternal bosom. Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
Here is the link to my final lecture at Christ the King Church in Lafayette, Louisiana: Audio Lecture: Part 3 of Sketching the Errors or Modernity and Modernism. We thank Father Francis Miller, O.F.M., and his wonderful people for their kindness and hospitality. Indeed, the turnout for my lecture today was outstanding. I thank you each of those who attended my lecture today and who stayed for the one hour, eighteen minutes of its duration. Thank you so very much for your kindness and generosity. We always enjoy our visits to Acadiana!
February 14 Audio Lecture Update
Audio Lecture: Part 2 of Sketching the Errors of Modernity and Modernism
Here is part two of the brief lecture series that I am giving at Christ the King Church in Lafayette, Louisiana. The lecture, given at 5:00 p.m., Central time, this evening, Saturday, February 14, 2009, is a review of the nature of truth, both natural and supernatural, and how the truths of the true Faith were the foundation of life in the Middle Ages, which is why the devil raised up the Protestant revolutionaries to attack the true Faith as the one and only foundation of personal and social order. Tomorrow's lecture will review how the principle of non-contradiction is contradicted by the Modernist revolutionaries of the counterfeit church of concilairism.
A new article is in the process of being written. It is my hope to complete it this evening and to have it posted by tomorrow morning. I will also post tomorrow's lecture before we take off on the road once again.
February 13 Article
As We Forgive Not Those Who Trespass Against Us
I have had to take refuge in a FedExOffice facility to write this article after a long day on the road. The internet connection at our campground in Louisiana is no better than the one provided at our campground in Houston, Texas, the last four days.
I did, though, want to write this piece in response to the incredible event that took place in the Vatican yesterday as Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI hosted a group of American adherents of the Talmud to issue yet another "mea culpa" for the remarks that Bishop Richard Williamson made in a televised interview three weeks ago now. Rabbi Arthur Schneier, who hosted Ratzinger/Benedict in New York City ten months ago now, said that:
Victims of the Holocaust have not given us the right to forgive the perpetrators nor the Holocaust deniers.
Thus you see a major difference between the spirit of the Divine Redeemer, Who taught us to forgive those who trespass against us, and the spirit of those who deny His Sacred Divinity, blaspheming Him by using the word Holocaust, which refers to His offering of Himself to the Father in Spirit and in Truth on the wood of the Holy Cross, those who consider it a duty not to forgive those who trespass against them. Schneier was able to utter these words without a word of admonition, correction or reproof from the false "pontiff," who is perfectly content to leave adherents of the Talmud in their false, superseded religion to the point of their dying breaths. It is he, Ratzinger/Benedict, who demonstrates himself to be the true anti-Semite as he refuses to seek with urgency that which Saint Peter, the first Pope, sought on Pentecost Sunday: the conversion of Jews to the Catholic Church.
There should be a new article tomorrow, although given the lateness of this article and the miles that we drove today, I can't guarantee that that will be the case. Keep checking.
February 12 Article
A Country Full of Boiled Frogs
This is just a short article dealing with the fraud that is called the "economic stimulus" package that is about to be passed by both Houses of the Congress of the United States of America and signed into law by the Marxist-trained/Alinksy-"perfected" President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama. Not even Obama's team of economic "wizards," however, can predict how this spending spree (excuse, me "stimulus package") is going to work. While I am neither a prophet or prognosticator, I am able to inform my readers that a nation that promotes sin, the very thing that caused Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to suffer unspeakable horrors in His Sacred Humanity during His Passion and Death and that thrust those Seven Swords of Sorrow through and through the Immaculate Heart of His Most Blessed Mother, will never be permitted by God to enjoy long term economic prosperity at home or security from foreign aggressors. We are on the trajectory of the Roman Empire in the West near its collapse in the Fifth Century A.D. We need to use the weapon of Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary to help us in these perilous times when the twin evils of Modernity and Modernism have such an iron grip on the minds and hearts of so many men, especially those in the halls of power and influence in the civil state and in the world of finance. Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!
There should be another short article tomorrow, February 13, 2009, and one the day after that, the Feast of Saint Valentine, Saturday, February 14, 2009, before a gap of a few days. Our penitential stay at a campground with really bad "park wide Wi-Fi" system ends this morning. (It takes hours to upload these pages. All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. Save souls!) We return to Lafayette, Louisiana, for a series of talks on each of the next three days. These will be uploaded to this site after they are delivered.
Finally, let us remember in our prayers the three seminarians of the Society of Saint Pius X who were killed in an avalanche in Switzerland yesterday, the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls--and all of the souls of the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
February 11 Revised Article
Penance! Penance! Penance! Pray to God for Sinners
Today is the one hundred fifty-first anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady to Saint Bernadette Soubirous in the Grotto of Massabielle near Lourdes, France. Our Lady explained to the fourteen year-old Bernadette that we must do penance for our sins and for those of others. Can we do any less in our day?
Indeed, the state of the economy at this time, a subject to be explored in the next original article on this site, has worsened as the sins of men have grown more numerous and more daring and as most baptized Catholics have been deprived of access to Sanctifying Grace by virtue of the invalid sacraments offered in the counterfeit church of conciliarism. God is not going to permit any country that kills the innocent preborn with legal impunity and kills souls in the name of the falsehoods of "freedom of speech" and "freedom of the press" and "freedom of religion" and a general sense of legal and cultural licentiousness to know long term material prosperity. We must indeed take Our Lady's injunction, "Penance! Penance! Penance! Pray to God for sinners," most seriously as we pray as many Rosaries each day as our states-in-life permit. Lent is coming in but two weeks. We must prepare for Lenten penances by embrace a spirit of penance year-round. Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us. Saint Bernadette Soubirous, pray for us.
There should be an original article posted on this site by tomorrow, the Feast of the Seven Holy Founders of the Order of Servites, Thursday, February 12, 2009. The wireless connection at the campground where we at parked at the present time is pretty bad. This makes it difficult to do research and to upload articles to the site. I will do the best I can to get that new article up and posted by tomorrow.
February 10 Article
Disciples of Caiphas
Paraphrasing Caiphas, it appears that some in the Society of Saint Pius X have made the following kind of decision concerning quotations from the encyclical letters of the "pre-conciliar" (true!) popes and from the Society's own founder, the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, if those quotations are too irksome to the officials of the counterfeit church of conciliarism with whom they seek another "r and r" relationship ("recognize and regularize"):
Neither do you consider that it is expedient for you that one truth should be buried now and again for the sake of Tradition, and that our cause [of never associating with sedevacantism as we get recognized by the conciliar Vatican] perish not.
To erase the institutional memory of an organization is the stuff of true revolutionaries. It is what the counterfeit church of conciliarism itself has done in the past fifty years. It is what many, although not all, priests in the Motu world have had to do to maintain their "good standing" in this false church. It is what the those seeking recognition by the leaders of this false church at present must do in their own right as part of the ritual of being neutralized once and for all as their false ecclesiology now hoists them on their own petards. Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us. Saint Scholastica, pray for us.
Look for another article in two days. A republished article will be posted tomorrow on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.
February 9 Update
Although I had hoped that a new substantive article would be posted by today, we encountered yet another--and most unexpected--driving adventure when attempting to travel to our next destination yesterday. The motor home's thermostat indicator led me to believe that the motor home's engine was overheating, forcing us to turn back to the Lafayette, Louisiana, area, from which we were about forty miles distant when the problem occurred. Full details in the next travelogue. Suffice it to say for now that we got back on the road thanks to the help provided by a parishioner of Christ the King Church in Lafayette, who donated his time and labor (and the parts used to repair the problem) to get us back on the road. All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. Save souls
As we are tired and want to be at Holy Mass in the morning, the next article, which has been started, will have to wait until tomorrow morning, the Feast of Saint Scholastica.
February 8 Revised Article and Audio Files
Revised: Preparing for Lenten Penances
Today is Septuagesima Sunday. Lent begins in but seventeen days. Easter is exactly nine weeks way. It is time to start our preparations for Lent, time to start thinking about the penances we are going to undertake starting on Ash Wednesday in order to make reparation for our sins and those of the whole world as we prepare to enter deep into the mysteries of the Paschal Triduum of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's Passion, Death, and Resurrection on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. The purple vestments representing a penitential season of Holy Mother Church make their reappearance today to remind us that we must be deadly serious about the business of making the best Lent of our lives as we do not know whether this Lent will be our last one on the face of this earth--or whether we will even live to see the end of this particular Lent! Let us use this time well as the consecrated slaves of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, praying as many Rosaries each day as our states-in-life permit.
The lecture that I gave last evening at Christ the King Church in Lafayette, Louisiana, the first of a three part series (part two will be given at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 14, 2009, the Feast of Saint Valentine; part three will be given after the 9:00 a.m. Mass on Sexagesima Sunday, February 15, 2009), is now uploaded to this site free of charge for you to access,
Audio Lecture: Part 1 of Sketching the Errors of Modernity and Modernism. The lecture is one hour, two minutes in length. There is also a brief six minute answer to a question from the audience dealing with the nature of truth that has been uploaded as well:
Audio File: A Question of Truth: Answering A Question from the Audience.
There might be an original article tomorrow, Monday, February 9, 2009. A lot depends upon whether the 240 mile drive we must make today (we return to Lafayette, Louisiana, in a few days after Father Francis has returned from his Pensacola, Florida, mission). Keep checking.
Donations, anyone?
February 7 Article and Pictorial Essay
Penance Is Better Than Ever in 2009
Much work has gone into this travelogue. (Have to give the freeloaders what they want. Please lighten up out there in cyberspace! The term "freeloaders" is a joke, a term of endearment. My work is done for the honor and glory of God. Sure, I'd like to have more support from our readers who support this work and who have the means to make non-tax-deductible gifts to us. I accept all as within the Providence of God and I ask those of you who are easily offended to lighten up and get a sense of humor, if you would be so kind!) You may read this at your leisure. Here is the pictorial essay that goes with this travelogue, You Wanna See More Pictures? I've Got Pictures For You! (I have a talk, "Sketching the Errors of Modernity and Modernism," to give this evening at 5:30 p.m. at Christ the King Church in Lafayette, Louisiana. Two more will be given in this series, one on Saturday evening, February 14, 2009, at 5:30 p.m., and another on Sexagesima Sunday, February 15, 2009, after the 9:00 a.m. Mass.)
Another article dealing with the open obeisance paid to the ancient enemies of the Catholic Faith by Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI will be posted by Monday, February 9, 2009. I will make reference in that new article to several excellent commentaries that have been forwarded to me by others, including one that was forwarded to me by His Excellency Bishop Daniel L. Dolan yesterday, Friday, February 6, 2009. The hour is late. Are we with Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and His true Church or the apostates who masquerade as Catholic prelates in an ape of the Catholic Church as they deny articles contained in the Deposit of Faith and cater to the ancient enemies of Our Lord at almost every single turn. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. Saint Romuald, pray for us.
Perhaps you have missed the Donations letter? Looks like many of you have done so. (Smile. We do need you help, however, as you are smiling!)
February 6 Update
This is to inform those who access this site on a regular basis that I am still alive and reasonably well after posting the last few articles, the last of which had to be written twice because of some malfunction whose origins will be made manifest on the Last Day. Having written extensively on substantive subjects that required, I believed, some commentary and analysis, I am now busy at work writing the next installment on the travelogue. I anticipate its completion by later today, Friday, February 6, 2009, the First Friday of the month of February. A pictorial essay will be posted by tomorrow morning, Saturday, February 7, 2009, if not before. The travelogue deals with a lot of substantive material, to be sure. As I have noted in the past, however, these travelogues are written principally to give our daughter a permanent record of our travels and experiences. Many readers have reported enjoying the travelogues, which is why they are posted on the site. Indeed, a lot of readers have been asking for the next installment, chief among them is Lucy herself, who reads now at a fourth grade level and she won't turn seven until March 27! Thanks for your patience. Check back later today.
In the meantime, however, I do have an interesting piece of literature for you to read and to act upon: it's called the Donations page! God bless, Mary keep, Thomas A. Droleskey.
February 4 Articles
To Bury The Truth
An earlier version of this article was swallowed whole when I attempted to publish it about eight hours ago, that is, around 11:30 a.m., Central Standard Time. Efforts to retrieve its text proved unsuccessful. I thus had to rewrite the article all over again, and I want to post it now, at 7:35 p.m., Central Standard Time, in light of the fast-breaking developments concerning the demands made by the conciliar Vatican upon the Society of Saint Pius X and Bishop Richard Williamson in order to appease the ancient enemies of the Catholic Faith who deny the one and only Holocaust, a crime against God that makes crimes against men all the more possible. We need to pray hard in these times of apostasy and betrayal. Figures of Antichrist in the counterfeit church of conciliarism desire to silence truth in the Order of Grace (Redemption) and in the Order of Creation (Nature). We must denounce these efforts to silence truth as we cleave to true bishops and true priests in the Catholic catacombs who make no concessions to concilairism or its shepherds who have dared to offended the honor and glory and majesty of God so regularly, so brazenly, so arrogantly and with utterly no repentance whatsoever. May God have mercy on us all! Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us!
The Donations page has been updated to reflect our new mailing address. There is nothing really "new" in the letter other than the address, save for the funds we need to raise to return to Ohio on Sunday, February 15, 2009, and to recoup some of our recent, unexpected expenses when we had to make our own "flight into Egypt" because of the harsh weather conditions in Ohio that were taking a toll on our motor home, which must be brought in for yet another set of repairs on its generator tomorrow, the Feast of Saint Agatha, Thursday, February 5, 2009. This is one of those times where we need help in a hurry. I hope that some of you who have not heretofore made non-tax-deductible gifts to us will consider doing so in a real big hurry. Thank you!
A Little Bit "In," A Little Bit "Out
Just another article on the comical farce, replete with plots and sub-plots of intrigue inside the halls of the Vatican in conciliar captivity, dealing with the efforts on the part of the conciliarists to bring the Society of Saint Pius X into "full communion" with their One World Church, a place where people can hold divergent views on matters pertaining to the Faith and still be considered a "member" in "good standing." It is, of course, impossible to be a little bit "in" and a little bit "out" of the Catholic Church. It is all or nothing. And it continues to be quite a spectacle to see that the "return" of the Society of Saint Pius X as "full members" in the counterfeit church of conciliarism is being determined to a large, although not entirely exclusive, extent by the "sensitivities" and demands of those who deny the one and only Holocaust, that offered by Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to His Co-Equal and Co-Eternal Father in Spirit and in Truth on the wood of the Holy Cross in atonement for our sins. Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us!
Work on the next installment in the travelogue continue, albeit slowly. I also intend to give the newest statist in the White House, the naturalist of the "left" who has replaced the statist from the false opposite of the naturalist "right" some attention (other than that given him in my prayers for his conversion to the true Faith) soon.
I will announce in a few days the dates and times of some lectures to be given at Christ the King Church in Lafayette, Louisiana, where we have taken refuge from the cold and the snow that hit our motor home very hard last week in West Chester, Ohio. All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. Save souls!
Finally, I beg your prayers for the repose of my dear wife's father's immortal soul. Mr. John Collins died two years ago yesterday, that is, on Saturday, February 3, 2007. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and all of the souls of the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Please also pray for the conversion of his non-Catholic survivors in his immediate family.
February 2 Articles
Revised: The Sword of Sorrow
Today is the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, always the humble handmaid of the Lord who humbled herself this day by submitting to the rituals of the law although she was not in need of such a ritualistic purification because of her Perpetual Virginity. This is the day that Our Lady presented her Divine Son, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in the same Temple where He would be found twelve years later answering questions of the rabbis, the same Temple whose curtain would be torn in two from top to bottom as He breathed His last on the wood of the Holy Cross to redeem us, thereby signifying the permanent end of the Old Covenant and the supersession of Judaism by Catholicism as the true religion.
The aged Simeon, who waited patiently every day in the Temple for the fulfillment of the promise that God had made to him, that he would not die before his eyes had seen and his arms had beheld the Messiah, sent the first Sword of Sorrow plunging through Our Lady's Sorrowful and and Immaculate Heart when he prophesied that the Child he beheld would be destined for the rise and for the fall of man, a sign to be opposed, a Sign of Contradiction.
We must never fear to be signs of contradiction in our own lives in imitation of the THE Sign of Contradiction, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, as He hung on the wood of the Holy Cross to redeem us as he was mocked and reviled by the very people from whose stock He had taken His Sacred Humanity. We must be willing to suffer all manner of calumny and humiliation for the many times that we have preferred human respect to fidelity to Our Lord, for the many times we have refused to call upon Our Lady's maternal intercession, for the many times we have refused to "take sides," especially in our day by refusing to reject conciliarism and its ravenous wolves once and for all. Our Lady, Help of Christians, pray for us! Saint Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church and Protector of the Faithful, pray for us.
Voices From Hell
Various voices from Hell are still howling at the moon over Bishop Richard Williamson's recently televised interview. Some of these voices, not surprisingly, belong to the professional Christophobic agitators in the Talmudic community, who, it appears, exercise enough clout over Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI to have delayed, at least for a time, the final absorption of the Society of Saint Pius X into the One World Church of which the counterfeit church of conciliarism is part. Others of these voices from Hell belong to some conciliar "bishops" in the United States of America, each of whom offends God in multiple ways. Still other voices belong to fifty pro-abortion Catholic members of the United States of America, evidently not satisfied at Ratzinger/Benedict's "reassurances" to the Talmudic community, who are demanding that Ratzinger/Benedict "unequivocally repudiate" Bishop Williamson's views on the nature and extent of the crimes of the Third Reich. The price of "recognition," as I noted two days ago in Recognize and Capitulate is always very high. The Society of Saint Pius X, founded in a false ecclesiology (please listen to Father Anthony Cekada's The One-World Church & SSPX and The Errors of the Society of St. Pius X), is finding out that the price of "admission" to the One World Church will come on the terms of the ancient enemies of the Faith. False premises always lead to bad consequences. Always. Inevitably. Pope Saint Pius X, pray for us!
A blessed Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary to you all! Christmastide ends with the conclusion of Holy Mass today.
February 1 Republished Article and Late Afternoon Update
Republished: Nothing Super About the "Super Bowl"
Although published after the "Super Bowl" played last year, this article conveys a timeless theme concerning how we in the United States of America have permitted ourselves to be as diverted by "bread and circuses" as were the Romans of yore prior to the collapse of the Roman Empire in the West in the Fourth Century A.D. Never mind the "rock" music played during the "game" at during the half-time festival of self-indulgence. Never mind the immodesty. Never mind the indecent advertising. All that matters is the "game." Those who are open to at least considering the harm of popular culture will find this article to be of interest. Those who are unwilling to "make the break" as I delayed doing until Tuesday, July 16, 2002, when I walked away from baseball and out of the now almost completely demolished Shea Stadium for good, will wait for "another time" to reconsider their attachment to "the game." I would urge one and all to listen once again to Father Charles McGuire's Agony and Contention in Sports
Late Afternoon Update: In light of the events of the last week, I strongly recommend that those who access this site listen to Father Anthony Cekada's excellent sermon, delivered today at Saint Gertrude the Great Church in West Chester, Ohio, “The One-World Church & SSPX." Father Cekada's sermon discussed the Modernism of the young Father Angelo Roncalli (the future antipope John XXIII) and the thoroughly false ecclesiologies of the "Second" Vatican Council, Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, and of the Society of Saint Pius X. Please listen to this excellent sermon. I also recommend that those who have not listened to Father Cekada's The Errors of the Society of St. Pius X, which was delivered on Sunday, July 9, 2006.
Look for another article tomorrow, the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Candlemas, the end of Christmastide.
January 31 Article
Recognize and Capitulate
Those who seek to be "recognized" by apostates and blasphemers who engage in all manner of sacrilege must wind up capitulating as the high price of such "recognition." The recent interview given by Bishop Richard Williamson has shown that adherents of the Talmud continue to wield great influence over Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, who has gone to great lengths to "reassure" them that he believes in the mythologies that they have helped to perpetuate in the past sixty years or so as they, the adherents of the Talmud, have used these mythologies to attack the Faith mercilessly under cover of law in Western countries, including in the United States of America. That Bishop Bernard Fellay has felt compelled to issue several statements critical of Bishop Williamson's remarks demonstrates quite concretely that Talmudic organizations are dictating the terms of the Society of Saint Pius X's "full communion" with the One World Church of the counterfeit church of conciliarism. A strange, new edifice is indeed being erected on a brick-by-brick basis. Unfortunately for those attached to the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism, this strange, new structure is not a restoration of the Catholic Church but her perverse ape, from which believing Catholics must flee once and for all. Our Lady, Help of Christians, pray for us. Saint John Bosco, pray for us.
We are still pretty tired from nearly a thousand miles of drive in twenty-nine hours and lots of problems (yes, fodder for the travelogue). All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. Save souls!
Give me a few days to complete the travelogue. Keep checking, however, in the event the fast-breaking developments in the story of the construction of new rooms in the One World Church makes necessary an additional commentary before the travelogue is completed.
Donations, donations, donations! Thank you.
January 29 Update
No articles for another day or so. We had to uproot ourselves yesterday as the snow and ice storm in southwestern Ohio was taking a toll on our motor home. We are en route to warmer climes.
A brief check of e-mail at 3:35 a.m., Eastern time, indicates that there are a lot of people who are very upset with the article that was posted yesterday. The point of the article was to note that it is indeed ironic that those who cite revisionist historical research about the events that took place during World War II, which research stands or falls on its own merits, must be excoriated while those who deny the one and only Holocaust, that which Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ offered on the wood of the Holy Cross in atonement for our sins, are being enabled by the conciliar Vatican at almost every turn. No one has freedom to investigate the claims asserted by "mainstream" historians. Everyone has the freedom to deny Our Lord and His Redemptive Act on the wood of the Holy Cross. Truly shameful and fascistic.
A follow-up article on the continuing furor--and Bishop Williamson's apology to the conciliar Vatican--will be written soon. We are just happy to cleave to true shepherds who make no concessions to concilairism at all and who never have to apologize for standing fast in defense of truths in the Order of Redemption (Grace) and in the Order of Creation (Nature). Deo gratias!
It is time for me to sleep!
Sincerely yours in Christ the King and Mary our Immaculate Queen, Thomas A. Droleskey.
January 28 Article
Those Who Deny The Holocaust
Those who found Nothing to Negotiate objectionable are really going to howl over this article, which deals with the heat that Bishop Richard Williamson of the Society of Saint Pius X has taken for his comments made in a recently televised interview that was taped in Germany on November 2, 2008. Rather than be concerned with His Excellency's comments about the nature extent of the crimes of the Third Reich of Adolf Hitler against adherents of the Talmud and others, Catholics ought to be concerned about seeking the conversion of those who deny the one and only Holocaust, that offered by Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ of Himself to the Father in Spirit and in Truth in atonement for our sins. For it will not be until those who deny the Holocaust offered on the wood of the Holy Cross come to forgive those who have committed crimes against their people that they will see in others who raise questions about the factual accuracy of the details of those crimes as their brothers in Christ, not their enemies, who are concerned about truth both in the Order of Redemption (the Order of Grace) and the Order of Creation (Nature). May we pray more and more Rosaries of reparation for our sins and those of the whole world as we seek the conversion of everyone, including those who deny the one and only Holocaust, to the true Faith. Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, pray for us. Saint John Chrysostom, pray for us.
There might be a new article tomorrow, Thursday, January 29, 2009, the Feast of Saint Francis de Sales. We must take refuge in a southern climate after the current ice storm passes over the Cincinnati, Ohio, area. Writing will resume, God willing and Our Lady, keeping, after we have reached our temporary refuge from winter's chill. Pray for us!
January 26 Article
Another Country Kicks Out Christ the King
The Bolivian people have "voted" to kick out Christ the King from their constitution at the behest of their socialist, pantheist President, Evo Morales, a "Catholic" who says that he is an "admirer" of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ but who "worships" the Andean earth "deity" (Pachamama). The conciliar "bishops" in Bolivia, while raising objections to ten articles in the newly approved constitution, did not oppose the charter, expressing "regrets" that the document did not acknowledge Bolivia's history as a Catholic nation. No defense of the Social Reign of Christ the King or the confessionally Catholic civil state that Bolivia was, at least on paper, until yesterday, January 25, 2009. Then again, how can the conciliar "bishops" of Bolivia defend the Social Reign of Christ King or even the confessionally Catholic civil state when the man they work for, Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, hails the "separation of Church and State" as a great sign of "progress" for "humanity" rather than reiterating Pope Saint Pius X's condemnation of this thesis as one that is "absolutely false." And this is what the bishops of the Society of Saint Pius X want to be in full communion with? Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us. Saint Polycarp, pray for us.
Another article should appear tomorrow, January 27, 2009, the Feast of Saint John Chrysostom. That one may or may not deal with the television interview given recently by Bishop Richard Williamson of the Society of Saint Pius X. Just keep checking! (Donations, donations, donations! Things are awfully thin now.)
Finally, please do listen to His Excellency Bishop Daniel L. Dolan's wonderful tribute to the late Father Eldred Leslie, the only sedevacantist priest on the continent of Africa, who was murdered last week. “We’re All Missionaries Now”
January 25 Article
Nothing to Negotiate
Believe me, it is no fun being the "ant" at the picnic, so to speak, that is, the one who "spoils" the "good times" for others. My bursting of political balloons, such as the patent absurdities that former George Walker Bush was "pro-life" or that that the partly pro-abortion and fully pro-contraception Sarah Heath Palin changed anything about the political landscape in the farce that is electoral politics in the United States of America, has made me very unpopular. So has my criticism of Summorum Pontificum, and so will this article, which discusses the "lifting" of the "excommunications" imposed upon the four bishops consecrated by the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, whose own "excommunication" stands, it appears, for the time being, on June 30, 1988. That is why most of my articles have a monthly viewership of between one hundred and two hundred readers.
Truth matters, however, no matter how few people read the articles on this site. And the truth of the matter is that the Catholic Faith is non-negotiable. As I have come to recognize in recent years, Catholics cannot take it upon themselves to "pick and choose" which "papal" decrees and liturgical rites that they are going to "recognize" or "resist." Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has given us the papacy so that we do not have to make any decisions about these matters. We receive the teaching of a true pope as we would receive it from the hand of Our Lord Himself. It is that simple.
Those who want to believe that the "lifting" of "excommunications" by authorities of a false church represent a step in the direction of the "restoration" of Tradition will rejoice at the news announced yesterday by the conciliar Vatican. Others of us understand that it is impossible for the Catholic Church to give us defective liturgies and questionable teachings, which is why we continue to entrust the salvation of our own immortal souls to true bishops and true priests who make no concessions to conciliarism and consider events such as yesterday as irrelevant to the life of Catholics as announcements made by the Anglican "archbishop" of Canterbury. He has no authority over Catholics. Neither does Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI. Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us. Saint Paul the Apostle, pray for us.
There should be another article on this site by Tuesday, January 27, 2009. It will deal with the controversy engendered by Bishop Richard Williamson's recently televised interview and the reaction to it from within the Society of Saint Pius X and from others.
January 24 Republished Article and Update
Republished: We Don't Want to Learn Anything
This is one of those times when a news event does not require any additional commentary. This article, published on November 11, 2008, speaks to the hysteria that would be whipped up when President Barack Hussein Obama reversed former President George Walker Bush's version of the "Mexico City Policy" that supposedly "gagged" employees of international "family planning" agencies in foreign countries from killing babies via surgical means directly on their premises and/or counseling women about abortions. The hysteria has, of course, begun.
As explained in this article, which I reviewed a short while ago and has saved me a lot of work as it deals directly with that Obama did yesterday in reversing the most recent version of the Mexico City Policy, former President Bush's executive order re-instating the policy that had been a feature of the administrations of former Presidents Ronald Wilson Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush after it had been reversed by former President William Jefferson Clinton on January 22, 1993, had loopholes galore within it. Employees of "family planning" agencies could counsel women to kill their babies surgically if they met with such women off of the premises of the agency and on their own time. Surgical baby-killing paid for by American taxpayer dollars could take place in certain "hard" cases. And this is to say nothing about the fact that countless numbers of babies were killed during the George Walker Bush administration as a result of the chemical abortifacients that were funded by our own taxpayer dollars.
Thus, my friends, do not be fooled by the hysteria. Although President Barack Hussein Obama is now directly responsible before God for the shedding of the blood of the innocent preborn, he is, you see, a man of perfect integrity in his commitment to the promotion of this evil. Unlike his predecessor, "W," who claimed to be "pro-life" while having "pro-life" policies that actually did use American taxpayer dollars to fund the deaths of countless numbers of innocent preborn babies in their mothers' wombs, Obama is open and honest about his support for baby-killing. That is the only real, substantive difference between Obama's reversal of the "Bush 41" Mexico City Policy and the policy as it existed during the past eight years.
Oh, yes, sure, true, Obama is a little more discreet than was former President William Jefferson Clinton, who "got in the faces" of those participating in the March for Life on January 22, 1993, by signing several executive orders on the twentieth anniversary of the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States of America in the cases of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. Obama issued his own executive order reversing the "Bush 41" Mexico City Policy late yesterday, Friday, January 23, 2009, the day after the March for Life and without the presence of reporters or television camerias.
Obama's "discretion" does not make him any the less culpable before God for his open embrace of evil. He has now decreed, without any subterfuge, such as that used by George Walker Bush, the deaths of innocent human beings with American taxpayer dollars. May God have mercy on his immortal soul for becoming the chief executive of a nation in the manner of Herod the Great himself.
There are two quotes that Obama ought to consider, one fictional and one that is deadly real:
The first comes from the final line of the motion picture Judgment at Nuremberg during the scene in which Judge Haywood, played by Spencer Tracy, visits the convicted war criminal, Nazi Judge Ernest Janning, played by Burt Lancaster, and is told by Janning, who had sentenced people to death as part of Hitler's eugenics program: "I never knew it would come to that. You must believe it." Haywood responded: Herr Janning... it came to that the first time you sentenced a man to death... you knew to be innocent."
The second comes from Pope Pius XI in Casti Connubii, December 31, 1930, and has been quoted on this site quite a lot recently (and will be placed in the sidebar--Thoughts to Ponder--for the duration of the Obama administration), and should chill the bones of any man with a functioning conscience:
Those who hold the reins of government should not forget that it is the duty of public authority by appropriate laws and sanctions to defend the lives of the innocent, and this all the more so since those whose lives are endangered and assailed cannot defend themselves. Among whom we must mention in the first place infants hidden in the mother's womb. And if the public magistrates not only do not defend them, but by their laws and ordinances betray them to death at the hands of doctors or of others, let them remember that God is the Judge and Avenger of innocent blood which cried from earth to Heaven.
Remember this quote, Mr. President, and know that we are praying for your conversion to the true Faith so that you will meet Christ the King as your merciful Redeemer and not as your Avenging Judge. And how sad it is that Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI refuses to speak to agents of death such as Barack Hussein Obama in the terms used by a true pope, Pope Pius XI. Let us pray many Rosaries! Saint Timothy, pray for us!
I am working an article dealing with the "lifting of the excommunications" imposed upon the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the late Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer and the four bishops they consecrated on June 30, 1988. That article will deal as well with the controversy surrounding one of those four bishops, Bishop Richard Williamson. Stay tuned.
Please be advised that His Excellency Bishop Daniel L. Dolan will be offering a Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of the murdered Father Eldred Leslie of Durban, South Africa, who worked closely with Bishop Dolan in recent years, on Monday, January 25, 2009, at 11:25 a.m. It will be webcast at
Live Mass Simulcasts. A Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of Father Gunther Richter will be offered by His Excellency Bishop Dolan on Tuesday, January 26, 2009, at 11:25 a.m. Please do remember the souls of these two priests in your prayers.
I am still trying to find out why the webcasting is not working. I tried my computer and camera in the connection used by Saint Gertrude the Great Church to webcast Masses there. Nothing worked. I will keep you posted.
Finally, apart from one or two individuals, there has been quite a lull in donations. We need your help. We got a donation last week that made possible the payment of some pressing bills. It is very difficult--and also quite humiliating--to have to ask the readers of this site who have the means to be of assistance and who support its work to make non tax-deductible financial gifts to us. However, I am forced to do so once again. The address to which you may send such non tax-deductible financial gifts is: Post Office Box 8168, West Chester, Ohio 45069. Thank you.
January 23 Republished Article
Republished: Father Stepanich on the Thuc Line Consecrations
There was not enough "gas" in the tank last evening to write a new article. One should be posted tomorrow. However, I do want to re-highlight this post from nearly six months ago to put to rest the "insights" that are being offered by various lay "experts" concerning the validity of the Lefebvre and Thuc line priestly ordinations and episcopal consecrations. None of these "experts" is trained formally in Principles of Canonical Interpretation or in Canon Law itself. Their conclusions are worthless and fly in the face of those reached by priests such as Father Martin Stepanich, O.F.M., S.T.D., who have the grace of Holy Orders and years of actual formal scholarly training.
More tomorrow, God willing and Our Lady interceding.
January 22 Articles and Update on the Murder of Father Eldred Leslie
What's Difficult About Thou Shalt Not Kill?
The carnage is mind-numbing. Over fifty million innocent human beings have been slaughtered under cover of law in the past forty-two years since the States of Colorado and California began to "expand" the conditions under which women could "choose" to kill their preborn children. The decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States of America in the cases of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton thirty-six years ago today extended the "right of privacy," formulated in the case of Griswold v. Connecticut, June 7, 1965, to cover a woman's "right" to "choose" to kill her preborn child, effectively overturning the laws of thirty-three state legislatures that, to one extent or another, restricted such baby-killing, a matter covered with some care in the article from 366 days ago that I am re-highlighting today,
Thirty-five Years of Indifference.
As horrific as the daily slaughter of the preborn is, one of the four crimes that cry out to Heaven for vengeance, we must bear in mind that the direct, intentional killing of innocent preborn children under cover of law is the direct and inevitable consequence of the overthrow of the Social Reign of Christ the King wrought by the Protestant Revolt and institutionalized by the multifaceted and inter-related forces of Judeo-Masonry. And despite all of the "pro-life" rhetoric from conciliar "popes" and "cardinals" and "bishops," the fact remains that the counterfeit church of conciliarism has helped to institutionalize baby-killing by accepting the false premises of the Modern civil state (religious liberty, separation of Church and State, false ecumenism). The scions of the counterfeit church of conciliarism reject the truth that Catholicism is the one and only foundation of personal and social order, thus making themselves part of the problem that we face and no part of the solution at all.
We must spend time today before the Blessed Sacrament in prayer and praying Rosaries of reparation for our sins and those of the whole world. May our time in prayer before Christ the King in His Real Presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament and our prayers to His Most Blessed Mother, in whose Virginal and Immaculate Womb He was conceived by the power of God the Holy Ghost and grew to the point of His Nativity in Bethlehem, help to plant a few seeds for the conversion of men and their nations to His Social Reign, ushering in the day when all men will exclaim: Vivat Christus Rex! Viva Cristo Rey! Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.
Depending upon the executive orders issued by the pro-abortion President Barack Hussein Obama today, there should be another article tomorrow. An article on what appears at this posting to be the "lifting" of the "excommunications" of the four bishops of the Society of Saint Pius X will be written and posted only after such a decree is published and the terms contained therein made manifest. I will simply say for the moment that what I wrote two years ago,
March to Oblivion, and last year,
High Church, Low Church, might be useful to re-read.
Late-Afternoon Update: His Excellency Bishop Daniel L. Dolan announced today at a Votive Mass of the Holy Innocents at Saint Gertrude the Great Church that Father Eldred Leslie, a South African priest who was eighty-three years of age who had maintained the Faith all these decades despite intensive persecution from the conciliar authorities, was brutally murdered by robbers last evening, Wednesday, January 21, 2009. Father Leslie's death is reminiscent of the death of Saint Meinrad at the hands of robbers. Please remember this devoted priest's immortal soul in your prayers and remember to have Masses offered for his soul. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul--and all of the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God--rest in peace. Amen. We need to pray as well that a replacement is found to carry on Father Leslie's work for the now-orphaned Catholics in the Durban, South Africa, area who received the true Sacraments from his priestly hands.
January 21 Article
Studied Silence, False Hopes
Fantasies are easier on the mind if one is afraid to embrace reality. Many Catholics have remained completely and utterly silent in the wake of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's multiple acts of blasphemy and sacrilege against the honor and glory and majesty of the Most Holy Trinity, believing that such silence serves "strategic" purposes in light of the issuance of Summorum Pontificum. This is exactly as Ratzinger/Benedict desires it as he goes about the business of deconstructing the Faith to make it appear as though his New Theology, condemned by Pope Pius XII in Humani Generis, August 12, 1950, can be accepted according to his absurd "hermeneutic of continuity and discontinuity."
President Barack Hussein Obama is using a similar strategy to seek to co-opt opposition from among the ranks of certain elements of naturalists to his "right" and from among the ranks of Protestant evangelicals who have been skeptical of him up until now. His inaugural address yesterday, which was an exercise in pure, unadulterated naturalism, was delivered after weeks of carefully cultivating various opponents, including the man he defeated for the Presidency, John Sidney McCain III, in order to neutralize them, if not "win them over" to become supporters of his further adventures in statism.
It cannot be that way with us. Neither a studied silence about the false "pontiff's" blasphemies and apostasies or any amount of false hopes placed in a political messiah advances the honor and glory of God or the good of souls. We must defend the immutable truths of the Catholic Faith as the one and only foundation of personal and social order. Saint Agnes, pray for us.
There should be another article tomorrow, January 22, 2009. A permanent link to my audio lecture of three days ago,
Abort Christ the King, Abort the Babies, has been placed on the Articles page.
January 20 Article
We Wait for Another, We Wait for Christ the King
Barack Hussein Obama, who will be sworn into office as the forty-fourth President of the United States of America at noon, Eastern Standard Time, today, Tuesday, January 20, 2009, said the following on Tuesday, February 8, 2008:
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. (Raw Data: Text of Barack Obama's Super Tuesday Speech)
I am sorry, President Obama. We wait for another. We wait for Christ the King.
While today will be one of great celebration for so many millions of people, we must keep uppermost in our minds the simple fact that over four thousand innocent human beings will be put to death under cover of the civil law this very day. This is a day of reparation, not celebration.
The outgoing president, George Walker Bush, was, as I tried to demonstrated consistently since the time he announced his candidacy for the year 2000 Republican Presidential nomination in 1999, a false "friend" of the babies who did much to advance the deaths of the innocent preborn, especially by funding for chemical abortifacients. His successor, Barack Hussein Obama, is doing us the favor of being quite open about his support for the killing of the preborn, which he will indeed advance during his term of office.
While we are duty bound as a matter of filial piety to pray for him as our President and duty bound by Catholic Charity to pray for his conversion, we are also duty bound to oppose his policies, especially by using the weapon of Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary. There can be no "change" for the better when a nation founded in false naturalistic premises is awash in the blood of the innocent preborn.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us. Saints Fabian and Sebastian, pray for us.
I'd like to think that another article will be posted tomorrow in the aftermath of the inauguration speech. Check back tomorrow (and I am trying to solve the webcasting problem in between dealing with our motor home problems, which involved getting new brakes, always quite helpful, yesterday, Monday, January 19, 2009).
January 18 Article and Audio Lecture Update
From Luther to Bush to Obama
Well, text for this article has now been added. The article contains a link to the talk that I gave a Saint Gertrude the Great Church in West Chester, Ohio, this afternoon, "Abort Christ the King, Abort the Babies." I have discovered that it is possible to upload an audio file directly from my computer to this site without making it available through the Christ or Chaos Store, which so few people have seen fit in God's Holy Providence to use. I will be able to tell how many people access the "free talk" unencumbered by registrations and passwords.
The lecture linked on the new page runs one hour, twenty-four minutes. The themes covered should be familiar to readers of this site. There is one point, when discussing the partial-birth abortion ban, that I simply lost my train of thought. However, the train got back on track shortly thereafter. Other than that, the lecture, which was by necessity much shorter than it would have been without a live audience, should be pretty coherent.
Given the fact that additional health problems have been uncovered that will need regular monitoring, I might be doing more of the audio lectures and making them accessible via this particular site. I am also endeavoring to track down the problems with the webcasting, seeking a way "around" the problems if they prove intractable because of our lack of a high speed land line.
The next travelogue is in the process of being written. It should appear in a few days.
Keep praying for us! We have had some substantial motor home problems in recent days in addition to my own health difficulties. Penance is good! All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, May, and Joseph, we love you. Save souls!
January 16 Article
Clueless Is As Clueless Does
How did you like the hiatus from new articles? Seriously, I appear to be much better from the staph infection of the spleen, which was treated by a kinesiologist (I'll have more to write about this amazing use of the properties that God has implanted in the human body at some point soon, only noting for the moment that those in conventional medicine should not be so quick to dismiss the fact that there are some people truly gifted by God who have the ability to heal without mortgaging their souls to the multinational pharmaceutical companies), as I have a lot more energy than I have had in many years. I've been running on "empty," physically speaking, for a long, long time, seeking Our Lady's graces to overcome a natural desire to sleep almost all of the time in order to do my work. I will, however, pace myself a bit more and not keep the late night hours that proved to be my undoing. The few hundred people who access this website will understand, I believe.
Anyhow, this new article deals with the outgoing naturalist-in-chief, George Walker Bush, who delivered his "farewell" address last evening, Wednesday, January 15, 2009, the Feast of Our Lady of Prompt Succor. The address was an exercise in pure naturalism and American semi-Pelagianism, the belief that "we" can do anything "we" set our minds to doing and that the American "way" of "freedom" and "democracy" is the "way" for the rest of the world. Overlooked in President Bush's speech is the devastation that this country has wrought upon innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. Overlooked in President Bush's speech is the devastation that is visited daily upon the innocent preborn in this country and around the world by chemical and surgical means, a devastation that the Bush administration helped to perpetrate by means of funding domestic and international "family planning" programs. Overlooked in the President's "National Sanctity of Life Day" proclamation, which is nothing other than a rehash of earlier such proclamations, is that his expressed desire to work for the day when all "children will be welcomed in life and protected by law" is contradicted by his stated belief that the law must permit innocent preborn children to be killed in certain "hard" cases. How can every child be welcomed in life and protected by law when one believes that the law can permit the direct, intentional killing of certain children in certain cases? Clueless is as clueless does. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, pray for us!
Oh, as those of you who remember my articles from The Wanderer and the printed pages of Christ or Chaos in the 1990s, the naturalists of the "left," who have received much attention on this site, in the incoming administration will receive as much attention as I gave their predecessors in the administration of William Jefferson Blythe Clinton and Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. I do not discriminate in my bashing of the falsehoods of naturalism and I attempt to uphold Catholicism as the one and only foundation of personal and social order.
The webcasting is on hold, sorry to report, until I can figure out what is preventing a picture from being presented on the Ustream website from my camera when my computer connected to a high speed internet connection, as it was yesterday at a FedexOffice facility. I am sorry for the delay. I am praying that the problem is rectified soon. I will keep you posted in the meantime.
I would be remiss if I did not express a word of total marvel at the wonder of God's loving Mercy that He extended to the passengers of USAirways Flight 1549 that was guided by pilot Chesley Sullenberger into the middle of the Hudson River between the Borough of Manhattan in the City of New York and New Jersey when the Airbus A320 hit a flock of geese, knocking out both engines. It is indeed nothing other than a miracle that all onboard escaped and were rescued. God will not be outdone in His generosity to us erring sinners.
Well, it's a decent hour to quit for the night. We have to take the motor home in for major brake repairs tomorrow, thereafter secure liquefied propane gas to keep us toasty in the midst of the cold spell that has hit southwestern Ohio.
Finally, there will be a change of address noted before too long on the Donations page. I will explain more in the next installment of the travelogue. Suffice it to say that we're not leaving Saint Gertrude the Great Church any time soon. We are prospering under the glories offered here by His Excellency Bishop Daniel L. Dolan and Fathers Anthony Cekada an Markus Ramolla, assisted every once in a while by Father Charles McGuire. We are grateful to His Excellency for providing us a "home" here at Saint Gertrude's.
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