Thomas A. Droleskey
It is thus, Venerable Brethren, that for the Modernists, whether
as authors or propagandists, there is to be nothing stable, nothing
immutable in the Church. Nor, indeed, are they without
forerunners in their doctrines, for it was of these that Our predecessor
Pius IX wrote: 'These enemies of divine revelation extol human progress
to the skies, and with rash and sacrilegious daring would have it
introduced into the Catholic religion as if this religion were not the
work of God but of man, or some kind of philosophical discovery
susceptible of perfection by human efforts.' On the subject of
revelation and dogma in particular, the doctrine of the Modernists
offers nothing new. We find it condemned in the Syllabus of Pius IX,
where it is enunciated in these terms: ''Divine revelation is imperfect,
and therefore subject to continual and indefinite progress,
corresponding with the progress of human reason'; and condemned still
more solemnly in the Vatican Council: ''The doctrine of the faith which
God has revealed has not been proposed to human intelligences to be
perfected by them as if it were a philosophical system, but as a divine
deposit entrusted to the Spouse of Christ to be faithfully guarded and
infallibly interpreted. Hence also that sense of the sacred dogmas is to
be perpetually retained which our Holy Mother the Church has once
declared, nor is this sense ever to be abandoned on plea or pretext of a
more profound comprehension of the truth.' Nor is the development of
our knowledge, even concerning the faith, barred by this pronouncement;
on the contrary, it is supported and maintained. For the same Council
continues: 'Let intelligence and science and wisdom, therefore, increase
and progress abundantly and vigorously in individuals, and in the mass,
in the believer and in the whole Church, throughout the ages and the
centuries -- but only in its own kind, that is, according to the same dogma, the same sense, the same acceptation.' (Pope Saint Pius X, Pascendi Dominci Gregis, September 8, 1907.)
Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI
is a living, breathing archetype of the sort of Modernist described by
Pope Saint Pius X in the passage above from Pascendi Dominci Gregis,
September 8, 1907. This is something that I have documented in over
three hundred seventy-five articles in the past five years.
Ratzinger/Benedict has told us in no uncertain terms that he knows what
the Catholic Church has taught on the nature of dogmatic truth. He has
told us repeatedly that he knows what the Catholic Church has taught
about religious liberty, false ecumenism, separation of Church and State
and the very nature of her Divine Constitution. No one can say that
Ratzinger/Benedict does not know what the Catholic Church has taught
when trying to exculpate him on the man occasions that he teaches the
very opposite of what she has proclaimed consistently until the death of
our last true pope thus far, Pope Pius XII, on October 9, 1958.
Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI knows what the
Catholic Church has taught. As a disciple of Modernism by way of the
"new theology" that was condemned by Pope Pius XII in Humani Generis,
August 12, 1950, Ratzinger/Benedict believes that dogmatic statements
made by the Fathers of the Church's twenty legitimate councils and by
her true popes have been conditioned by the historical circumstances in
which they were formulated. This is, as I have noted quite repeatedly on
this site, utter blasphemy against the Third Person of the Most Blessed
Trinity, God the Holy Ghost, as it is He Who directed the Fathers of
Holy Mother Church's true councils and our true popes to express
themselves in the precise language that they used. God is immutable. The
expression of the truths contained in His Sacred Deposit of Faith may
deepen over time, never, however, in any way that can be construed even
remotely as contradicting what Holy Mother Church has taught from time
immemorial. The belief that the expression of dogmatic truths is
conditioned upon the historical circumstances in which they were
formulated has been condemned by the authority of the Catholic Church,
and no one but no one can claim that Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI is
unaware of this condemnation without demonstrating himself to be devoid
of any intellectual integrity.
The last two articles on this site, Please Help Bishop Fellay Find His Hermeneutic Of Continuity, part one and Please Help Bishop Fellay Find His Hermeneutic Of Continuity, part two, have provided the most recent documentation of Joseph Ratzinger's lifelong warfare against the nature of dogmatic truth that he has used to deconstruct the meaning of the Catholic Faith on almost every point of doctrine, thereby justifying the endorsement of one condemned, anathematized proposition after another as he has helped to institute "innovations" and "novelties" in the realm of liturgical ceremonies and of pastoral praxis.
Not content with having used an abominable, sacramentally barren liturgy with its ever changing, ever revolving rites, replete with innumerable options and variations of options, as the means to breakdown the sensus Catholicus of most Catholics in the world so as to accustom them to accept sacrilege and change as nothing other than natural, normal occurrences in the life of what is thought to be the Catholic Church, Ratzinger/Benedict has been hellbent on promoting one conciliar apostasy after another as he approaches his eighty-sixth birthday on April 19, 2013.
Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI has been relentless in his promotion of the New Ecclesiology that would have us believe that the "Church of Christ" only "subsists" in the Catholic Church, that it is not coextensive with her. This means the "ecclesial communities" (Protestant sects) each are part of the "Church of Christ" and share in what conciliarism teaches is "partial communion" with the Catholic Church that needs to be "perfected" by means of "dialogue" and "spiritual ecumenism." (See, for example, Red China: Workshop for the New Ecclesiology.)
Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI has been extremely busy in his promotion of false ecumenism and "inter-religious" prayer services, entering entering temples of false worship, wherein he has called such dens of the devil as "sacred" and has praised the "ability" of "religions" to fight "irreligion while not infrequently giving "joint blessings" with men and women posing as Protestant clerics of one sort or another.
Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI is single-mined about the promotion of separation of Church and State and religious liberty.
Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI has derided Scholasticism as merely a "philosophical school" that was used at one time, not the official philosophy of the Catholic Church.
Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI has endorsed methods of Modernist methods of Scriptural interpretation, using such methods in his "private, unofficial" books to deconstruct the entire historicity and meaning of the life and mission of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI has used the findings of the infamous "International Theological Commission" and at least one "general audience" address to cast doubt on the existence of Limbo and Purgatory (see From Sharp Focus to Fuzziness).
Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI has attempted make it appear that the Fathers and Doctors of Holy Mother Church, as well as various saints, were prophets in behalf of concilairism (for one such example, please see Attempting to Coerce Perjury).
Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI has tried to convince us that Our Lady's apparitions in the Cova da Iria near Fatima, Portugal, from May 13, 1917, to October 13, 1917, were not physical phenomena, that they real were only "interior visions" of Jacinta and Francisco Marto and their cousin, Lucia dos Santos (see On Full Display: The Modernist Mind).
Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI has attempted to wipe away the dogmatic pronouncements of the Second Millennium and of true history itself in order to effect "full communion" with the Orthodox churches (see Oh, Bother! It's Just A Thousand Years and Anti-Apostles All).
Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI has blasphemed the
thirteen millions martyrs of the first centuries of the Church, she who
was brought to birth this very day, Pentecost Sunday as the Third Person
of the Most Blessed Trinity descended in tongues of flame upon Our Lady
and the Apostles and the others who were gathered in the same Upper
Room in Jerusalem where Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ had
instituted at the Last Supper fifty-three days before the Holy
Priesthood and the Holy Eucharist for our sanctification and salvation,
saying that they died as "martyrs for religious liberty." The first
martyrs died as martyrs for the Catholic Faith precisely because they
refused to acknowledge false religions or to place them on a level of
equality with the one and only true religion, Catholicism, revealed by
the true God of Divine Revelation.
Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI has blasphemed the
memory of the English Martyrs, each and every single one of whom refused
to give any credence to the liturgical books of the false Anglican that
he, Ratzinger/Benedict, is accepting as legitimate even though they
were declared heretical by Pope Saint Pius V in Regnans in Excelsis, March 5, 1570 (see Defaming The English Martyrs and Still Defaming The English Martyrs).
As noted in the previous two articles on this site, Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI has used his "hermeneutic of continuity" to make warfare upon the Catholic Church's teaching on the Jews and Judaism.
The fuzziness and murkiness of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's new theology caused him to stumble badly when answering a question about the use by married couples of a certain type of prophylactic to prevent the spread of a certain communicable disease that is contracted principally by unchaste behavior. A month long exercise in "clarifications" issued by the Occupy Vatican Movement" revealed only one thing: Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI does not reason as a Catholic when speaking about moral theology. He does not reason as a Catholic because he is not a Catholic. (See If Them, Why Not Others?, Let the Olympic Games of Absurdity Begin!, Razing The Last Bastions, Nothing New Under Benedict's Sun, Words and Actions Without Consequences and Making a Mockery of Catholicism.)
Countless other examples could be given, including a brief mention of the fact that it was as the prefect of the Conciliar Congregation for the Deconstruction of the Faith that Joseph "Cardinal" Ratzinger overturned Pope Leo XIII's condemnation of forty propositions of the late Father Antonio Rosmini, whom he went on to "beatify"--Beatifying Their Own and "Purifying The Memory" In Order To Bury The Truth) and declared that heretical and schismatic Assyrian Church of the East' "Eucharistic Prayer" was valid even though it contained no words by which its priests consecrate hosts or the wine in a chalice into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of the Divine Redeemer, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (see Not Such a Triumph After All.)
It was, of course, both as the prefect of the Conciliar Congregation for the Deconstruction of the Faith and in his current capacity as the General Secretary of the Occupy Vatican Movement that Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI has sought, despite all of his protestations to the contrary, to protect, defend and leave unpunished most of the "bishops" and priests/presbyters who have been moral predators, men who have driven millions of Catholics into the arms of various Protestant sects or into the ranks of simple unbelief, filled with hatred for what they think is the Catholic Church. (See Of Worldwide Scope, Always Evading Root Causes, Swinging Clubs To Protect The Club, Surely He Jests, "Canonizing" A Man Who Protected Moral Derelicts, More Than A Matter of Legality, Audio Presentation: Scandal In a Church of Apostasy.WMA, "Fall Guys" Aren't Usually "Stand-Up Guys", Apologizing to Everyone Save For God Himself, Not Going Down With the Conciliar Ship, Touchy, Touchy, Chastisements Under Which We Must Save Our Souls, part two, Not So "Deplorable" After All, Live By Separation of Church and State? Die By Separation of Church and State, Not So "Deplorable" After All, Nearly A Decade After Law Was Broken, Just Doing What The Old Guard Always Did, Much More Importantly, Guilty Of Sin In The Eyes Of God, Adding Shame On Top Of Shame.)
Ratzinger/Benedict has furthermore compounded his protection of clerical and would-be clerical predators by remaining entirely mute has several of his "cardinals" and many of his "bishops" have spoken favorably about how what they believe is the Catholic Church should express her support for those engaged in perverse, unnatural acts against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments as long as such people find themselves in "loving relationships."
That's right, "Pope" Benedict XVI has been completely silent in the wake of comments over the years made by the likes of the late Carlo "Cardinal" Martini, who died on August 31, 2012, Christoph "Cardinal" Schonborn, the conciliar "archbishop" of Vienna, Austria, and Geoffrey Robinson, a retired auxiliary "bishop" in Sydney, Australia, concerning the necessity of overlooking sinful acts in favor of the "quality of relationships." What's the good about using conciliarspeak to oppose in the weakest terms imaginable "gay marriage" when the conciliar "bishops" favor "ministries" to sinners to reaffirm them in basing their own self-identification on an "orientation" toward the commission of the sin of Sodom?
Indeed, how can the conciliar revolutionaries be seen as "defenders of marriage" when they have revolutionaized the very nature of true marriage by inverting the ends proper to it, thereby ushering in an acceptable form of "Catholic" contraception, "natural family planning," in the name of the "good" of the married couple and not a respect for the binding precepts of the Divine Positive Law and the Natural Law that teach us that the procreation and education of children is the primary end of marriage? (See see Forty-Three Years After Humanae Vitae, Always Trying To Find A Way and Planting Seeds of Revolutionary Change.)
A man who campaigns aggressively in behalf of a "revolution" in Catholic teaching on matters pertaining to the Sixth and Ninth Commandments understood the mind of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict in the most precise terms imaginable when he wrote the following nine months ago now:
So, I am convinced that among our Catholic bishops, there is a widespread rethink on gay relationships under way. But that’s only part of the picture, and not the most important part. In the Church as a whole, the thinking has moved way beyond just considering the need for reform. In starting to talk publicly about the need for reform, the bishops are doing no more than acknowledging what for the rest of us, is rapidly becoming the new orthodoxy: the bishops are simply catching up with the wider church.
Is change possible? Some conservative writers insist that Catholic doctrine is constant and unchangeable, and that “reform” is a dirty word, tantamount to heresy. That is nonsense. Throughout his career, as a young theologian and as pope, Benedict XVI has often referred to the need for change and its inevitability. He has written about the importance of guarding against the “distorting tradition” in church history, last year he spoke of how the example of St Joan of Arc demonstrated that even the authorized theologians of the Church can be wrong, and their judgements overturned, and in an homily this week, he acknowledged that there could be some unhappiness at the slow pace of change.
Change in the Catholic Church, including Catholic theology, is constant – but gradual. (Relationships, Not Acts: An Emerging Catholic Orthodoxy.)
Well, "change" has occurred, at least on the level of pastoral praxis, something that has been noted on this site on numerous occasions. Parish after parish, most notably Most Holy Redeemer Church in the Castro District of San Francisco, California, Saint Joan of Arc in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Saint Francis Xavier Church in the City of New York, New York, to name just three among scads, have become havens of the Homosexual Collective.
Then again, it must be remembered that the lords of conciliarism have systematically recruited, promoted and protected by many
"bishops," especially those appointed by Giovanni Montini/Paul VI, and
Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II,. and superiors of religious
communities. Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI himself, both as the
conciliar "archbishop of Munich and Freising in 1980, and as the
conciliar "pope," has enabled and/or sought to dismiss the seriousness
of clerical abuse while giving lip service mea culpas now and again
as hardly any conciliar "bishop" has been punished for his actions and
for his rank intimidation of those who have come with their stories of
personal horror.
Liturgical art, architecture
and music in the conciliar structures have been influenced by the lavender agenda in so many
parishes in so many archdioceses and dioceses and religious communities
that are in "full communion" with Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI as to
defy an accurate count. Even "conservative" websites carry news of the
scandalous goings-on in Europe that have continued for decades and seem
to get worse and worse over the course of time. This is only natural, of
course, as that which is founded in a rebellion against Our Blessed
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and the binding precepts of the Divine
Positive Law and the Natural Law must degenerate more and more over the
course of time. This is what happened as the revolt led by Martin Luther
resulted in a corruption of morals among his own "evangelicals" that
shocked him but which he could see or accept as having been caused by
leading them out of the true Church and the infallible teaching
and sacramental helps that she, Holy Mother Church, gave them to
overcome their sins and to grow in the pursuit of personal sanctity.
Sure, a judge in California has ordered that the names of clerical predators to be restored on files that had been redacted so as to exclude their public mention. Roger Mahony and his band of clerical criminals (see The Six Hundred Million Dollar Man and His Friends) will be embarrassed. They will still be extolled by many ordinary Catholics in the conciliar structures, much in the same manner as the morally corrupt Rembert George Weakland himself (Weak In Mind, Weakest Yet In Faith and Just A Matter of Forgiveness?). Nothing will change. No "reform" will be undertaken. The "collective" rules the roost. (Judge orders archdiocese to restore names in abuse files.)
No, nothing is stable, nothing is secure in the counterfeit church of conciliarism in matters of Father, Morals, Worship and pastoral praxis. Everything is "evolving" in the expectation of a new "cosmic" theology that is, of course, simply a tool of Antichrist to convince Catholics attached to the conciliar structures that the past was "bad" and that the changes wrought in the past fifty years were "necessary" adaptations designed to redress years of injustice and rigidity.
That which is false, founded in one condemned proposition after another, will show forth its sterility over the course of time as it tolerates all manner of errors on a practical level that, at least theoretically, are condemned "officially" but without, at least for the most part, any disciplinary actions imposed upon those who hold and promote those errors publicly. It is pretty difficult for the lords of conciliarism to have a consistent policy of discipline with those who defect from articles contained in the Deposit of Faith and who promote grave moral evils when each of them, without exception, defies the ancient anathemas of the Catholic Church concerning the nature of dogmatic truth, false ecumenism and "inter-religious prayer services" and as they support openly such things as separation of Church and State and religious liberty.
We have much reparation to make to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary for our sins and for those of the whole world. Much reparation to make, especially if one remembers that the recent inclusion of term "homophobia" in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-R) as having "oppressed" those in "natural," "loving" relationships" will mean that any of us who express, whether by means of the written word or by speech, opposition to the Sin of Sodom and to special civil and religious "rights" being accorded to those steeped in it, will be stigmatize with a "mental illness" and thus subject involuntary institutionalization in a psychiatric facility so that we can be "reprogrammed" by means of psychotropic drugs. Don't kid yourselves. That day is coming very, very soon. (See DSM-IV-R.)
We must live peace.
Indeed, we must have a holy indifference to all of the sufferings of the moment, recognizing that everything occurs within the Providence of God as we keep in mind the only thing that matters: the possession of the glory of the Beatific Vision of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost for all eternity in Heaven. Saint Anthony Mary Claret described this holy indifference as follows:
God's Providence demands that I have a heart of holy indifference--As
it is arduous and difficult to gain one's last End without complete and
holy indifference, it is likewise so much the easier to gain this End
with it. To thoroughly convince yourself of this, weigh this truth:
(1) God is Infinite Wisdom and Knowledge. He knows
and understands the means that lead with all security to the attainment
of your last End. There are all kinds of means serviceable for the
gaining of your last End--health and sickness, honor and dishonor, an
honored calling to a lowly occupation--provided they are put to good
Now if you know the answer, tell me: What will lead
you most securely to your last End? Is it the enjoyment of robust
health, or is it a sickly condition? Is it a state of being honored and
loved, or one of being insulted and hated? Is it holding a high post, or
having a humble employment? This something that you do not know, nor do
I, nor does anybody else in the world. All those things are mysteries
that no perception can penetrate except only the perception of Him Who
is Almighty.
(2) God is Infinite Love, Who always arranged for
souls the surest means for reaching their last End--surest, provided
they always keep themselves in holy indifference and proper balance. God
deals with souls as a mother who fondly loves her tender child.
As a true mother is incapable of giving poison to
her beloved child, even more so is God incapable of providing anything
harmful for a soul that surrenders itself to Him with complete
indifference. O my soul, become for once fully convinced that if God
visits you with illness, that this is the surest way for leading you to
reach your last End; when He allows you to be despised and belittled,
when He placed you in darkness, in desolation, in trials, that is the
surest way for you to advance to your last End.
3) God is Infinite Power,
and He helps infallibly to its last End the soul constant in holy
indifference and proper balance. And who will be so bold and so daring
that he can put an obstacle before God? And what will be the result? A
heap of misfortune for which you cannot weep enough. Reflect well on
this and what follows.
It is quite certain that such a soul must of necessity suffer in
this world more than another soul. You greatly deceive yourself, my
soul, if you imagine that you can escape the troubles which God's Love
holds in store for you as means to your last End. You will never be able
to do so. You will suffer, and you will necessarily have to suffer the
pains and ailments, the contempt and mistreatments which from eternity
God has assigned for you to suffer.
"You will either fulfill what God wants, or you will suffer what you do not want." Saint Augustine.
If you maintain an indifferent heart and bear
everything with patience, you will give God pleasure and He will
fortify you with an inflow of His graces. He will give you a continual
peace and calm and will make the way of the cross something easy and
sweet for you. If you neglect this holy indifference and bear troubles
impatiently, you will displease God and He will deny you all His
strengthening, supporting help and every kind of peace and consolation,
letting you fall under the weight of your cross.
If tis very certain that for all eternity you will
lose that high degree of glory unless you adopt the means God has
appointed. If your heart is not indifferent and you do not use such
means, adopting them willingly, you will weary yourself in vain and will
lost your last End. It is certain that you are in danger of not gaining
your eternal salvation, not even a lower grade of glory.
A soul that has not this holy indifference, falls out
of (moral) necessity into many grave temptations. In such
circumstances, who is not drawn downward by anger, by resentment, by
faintheartedness and melancholy, by pride and fear of contempt? And who
is not moved by impulsiveness and self-will, by interior upsets and
disorder, and by the rebellion of uncontrolled passions?
Ah, to overcome these problems requires a particular
help of God. Now will He give it to a soul unwilling to submit to His
plans, to a soul who, full of anger, rejects the means which God has
provided, a soul unwilling to serve except in its own way, unwilling to
acknowledge Him as Master and Lord, and who insolently resists God's
designs? Let a man place his hopes in the One Whom he can trust, for the
struggle is quite dangerous. (Saint Anthony Mary Claret, The Golden Key
to Heaven, Immaculate Heart Publications, pp. 36-39.)
In other words, God has known from all eternity that we would be living in this time of apostasy and betrayal.
Each of us is a sinner. We must suffer for
our sins. There is no escape from this suffering, and living in this
particular time of apostasy and betrayal is part of the plan in the
economy of God's salvation to effect effect our own salvation as we
suffer and suffer well for our sins and those of the whole world. The
graces won for us by Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on the
wood of the Holy Cross that flow into our hearts and souls through the
loving hands of Our Lady, she who is the Mediatrix of All Graces, are
sufficient this moment. They are sufficient for every moment and every
need. Why do we worry so?
Each of us has an obligation to do our own duty
before God by making reparation for our own many sins that have worsened
the state of the Church Militant on earth and of the world-at-large in
many ways that we may understand fully only in eternity. We must live
more and more penitentially as the consecrated slaves of the Most Sacred
Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary,
praying as many Rosaries each day as our state-in-life permits,
especially during this month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
This era of apostasy and betrayal will pass. The true sensus Catholicus will be restored. Catholics will once again have a true sense of the
horror of personal sin and they will seek voluntarily to make reparation
for their own sins and those of the whole world as the slaves of the
Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. Men and their nations will
submit themselves to the Social Reign of Christ the King as It must be
exercised by Holy Mother Church.
Yes, there will be the Triumph of the Immaculate
Heart of Mary when her Fatima Message is fulfilled. We may not live to
see this with our own eyes. Moses was given a glimpse of the Promised
Land, but died before entering there. The Apostles and the martyrs of
the first centuries of Holy Mother Church did not live to see the glory
of Christendom that resulted from their fidelity and their
sacrifices. We must not look for "results" in our own lifetimes.
May the Rosaries we pray each day help to bring about
the restoration of the Church Militant on earth and of Christendom in
the world
Our Lady stands by the tomb of her Divine Son, Who has been buried mystically by the conciliarists' contempt for the truths that He has revealed exclusively through His Catholic Church and have been taught infallibly by her without any hint or shadow of change from Pentecost Sunday. We must keep her company at that tomb in our prayers, being ever willing to take on more penances and to renounce our own comfort and convenience and all attachment to human respect in order to help to usher in the day when the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will make it possible for the enemies of her Divine Son in the modern world and in the grips of Modernism will be vanquished, permitting the restoration of all things in Christ the King as we honor her as our Immaculate Queen.
Vivat Christus Rex! Viva Cristo Rey!
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.
Pope Saint Hyginus, pray for us.
See also: A Litany of Saints
Appendix A
Words of Our Lady to the Venerable Mary of Agreda as recorded in The Mystical City of God
427. My daughter, when in the course of this history
I so often call thy attention to the lamentable state of
the world and to that of the holy Church in which thou
livest, and when I so often express my maternal solicitude that thou imitate me, remember, my dearest, that I
have great reasons for obliging thee to lament with me
and for wishing thee to weep over that which I bewailed
in my mortal life; and which would afflict me in my present state, if in it I were capable of sorrow. I assure
thee, soul, thou hast reached times, in which thou
oughtest to shed tears of blood because of the calamities
coming over the children of Adam. Since thou canst
not at one and the same time attain a full knowledge
of them all, I remind thee of what from my place in
heaven I see going on in the whole world among the believers of the holy faith. Turn then thy eyes upon those
multitudes and behold the greater part of the children
of Adam in the darkness and errors of unbelief, rushing
without hope of salvation to eternal perdition. Behold
also the children of the faith and of the Church, how
heedless and forgetful of this damage they continue to
be, so that there are none who seem to deplore it. For in
contempt of their own salvation, they care not about
that of others and, their faith being dead and their love
extinct, they sorrow not for the loss of souls created by
God and redeemed by the blood of the incarnate Word.
428. All are the children of the eternal Father who is
in heaven (Matth 23, 9) and all are obliged to have a
care of their brethren according to each one's condition.
This obligation rests more especially upon the children of
the Church, who can live up to it by their prayers and
supplications. But this duty lies still more directly upon
those who have influence, upon those who are nourished
by the Christian faith, and who enjoy more of the benefits of the liberal hand of the Almighty. Those who
through the law of Christ are favored with temporal
advantages and who make use of them for the service
and the delights of the flesh, are they who, as the powerful, are to be more powerfully tormented (Matth 23, 9).
If the pastors and the chiefs of the house of the Lord
seek only a life of ease, without caring to engage in true
earnest labor, they will make themselves accountable for
the ruin of the flock of Christ and for the carnage brought
on by the infernal wolves. O my daughter, into what a
lamentable state has the Christian people been cast by the powerful, by the pastors, and by the wicked ministers,
whom God has given them in his secret judgments ! O
what confusion and chastisements await them! Before
the tribunal of the just Judge they will have no excuse;
since the Catholic truth undeceives them, their conscience
loudly protests, while they wilfully remain deaf to all
429. The cause of God remains neglected and without
a champion; his possessions, which are the souls, are left
without increase; all as it were look but to their own
interest and preservation, each one according to his own
diabolical cunning and according to his state of life.
Truth is obscured, flattery raises its voice, avarice is unbridled, the blood of Christ is trodden under foot, the
fruits of the Redemption are held in contempt; no one
wishes to risk his own comfort or interest in order to
save what has cost the Savior his blood and life. Even
the friends of God are influenced by the evils; for they do
not make use of their charity and its holy liberty as they
ought; and most of them allow themselves to be overcome by their cowardice and content themselves with
working for themselves alone, forsaking the common
cause of the souls of others. Hence thou mayest understand, my daughter, that now, after the evangelical
Church has been established by my divine Son and fertilized by his own blood, those unhappy times have come,
of which the Lord himself complains through his holy
Prophets, saying : what the palmerworm hath left the
locust has eaten, and what the locust left the bruchus
consumed, and the residue is destroyed by the mildew;
(Joel 1, 4) and in order to gather some fruits from his
vineyard, the Lord goes about like the gleaner after the
vintage, who seeks some remaining grape, or some olive,
which is not dried up, or carried away by the demons
(Is. 24, 13).
430. Tell me now, my daughter, how is it possible, if
thou still hast a true love for my divine Son and for me,
that thou find consolation or rest in thy heart at the sight
of the loss of souls, which He redeemed by his blood and
I have sought with blood-mingled tears? Even today,
if I could shed them, I would begin to do so with new
weeping and compassion; and since it is not possible for
me now to weep over the dangers threatening the Church,
I wish that thou do it and that thou spurn consolation in
a misfortune so calamitous and so worthy of lament.
Weep bitterly then, and lose not the merit of such a
sorrow; and let it be so deep, that thou findst no relief
except in affliction for the sake of the Lord whom thou
lovest Think of what I did, in order to stave off the damnation of Herod and to prevent it for those who wish
to avail themselves of my intercession. In the beatific
vision I pray without ceasing for the salvation of my
clients. Let not the labors and tribulations sent to thee
by my divine Son intimidate thee from helping they brethren and acquiring them for the possession of Christ
Amidst the injuries done to Him by the children of
Adam, do thou labor to recompense them in some measure by the purity of thy soul, which I desire shall be
rather that of an angel than of an earthborn woman.
Fight the battles of the Lord against his enemies and in
his name and mine, crush their head, reign over their
pride and cast them into hell. Do thou also counsel the
ministers of Christ with whom thou conversest, to use
their power in doing the same, to defend the souls in
lively faith and, in them, the honor and glory of the
Lord; for thus shall they repress and vanquish them
with divine power.
(The Venerable Mary of Agreda, The Mystical City of God: Book IV: The Coronation, pp. 282-285.)
Appendix B
A Review of Catholic Teaching About the Nature of God's Love for Us
In order to once again help readers to combat the
sloganeering and sentimentality that are used to promote the agenda of
perversity, perhaps even by some of our own family members and friends
and associates, permit me to summarize some salient points that are
simply simple statements of Catholic truth that are not open to debate
and from which no one can dissent unless a person can prove that he is
not a contingent being (that is a person who has created himself) and
that is body is not destined one day for the corruption of the grave
until the General Resurrection on the Last Day:
1) God's love for us is an act of His divine will, the ultimate expression of which is the salvation of our immortal souls.
2) Our love for others
must be premised on willing for them what God wills for us: their
salvation as members of the Catholic Church.
3) We love no one
authentically if we do or say anything, either by omission or
commission, which reaffirms him in a life of unrepentant sin.
4) Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ hates
sin. He wills the sinner to repent of his sins by cooperating with the
graces He won for them on the wood of the Holy Cross and that flow into
his heart and soul through the loving hands of Our Lady, she who is the
Mediatrix of All Graces.
5) One of the Spiritual Works of Mercy is to
admonish the sinner. We have an obligation to admonish those who are in
lives on unrepentant sin to turn away from their lives of sin and to
strive to pursue the heights of sanctity.
6) God has compassion on all erring sinners,
meaning each one of us. He understands our weakness. He exhorts us, as
He exhorted the woman caught in adultery, to "Go, and commit this sin no
7) It is not an act of "love" for people to persist in unrepentant sins with others.
8) It is not an act of "judgmentalness" or
"intolerance" to exhort people who are living lives of unrepentant sin
to reform their lives lest their souls wind up in Hell for eternity.
9) Mortal Sins cast out Sanctifying Grace from the
soul. Those steeped in unrepentant mortal sin are the captives of the
devil until they make a good and sincere Confession to a true priest.
9) Certain sins cry out to Heaven for vengeance. Sodomy is one of the four sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance.
10) Those engaged in natural or unnatural acts
against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments do not "love" the individuals
with whom they are sinning. Authentic love cannot exist in a soul
committed to a life against the Commandments of God and the eternal
welfare of one's own soul, no less the souls of others.
11) Those engaged in natural or unnatural acts against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments are not fit to adopt children.
12) Those engaged in natural or unnatural acts
against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments are not fit to adopt children
because their very sinful lives put into jeopardy the eternal of the
souls of the children they seek to adopt. It is not possible for people
who are sinning unrepentantly to teach children to hate sin as God hates
sin. They are immersed in sin. Pope Pius XI put it this way in Casti
Connubii, December 31, 1930:
But Christian parents must also understand that
they are destined not only to propagate and preserve the human race on
earth, indeed not only to educate any kind of worshippers of the true
God, but children who are to become members of the Church of Christ, to
raise up fellow-citizens of the Saints, and members of God's household,
that the worshippers of God and Our Savior may daily increase.
13) Those engaged in
unnatural, perverse acts against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments are
further unfit to adopt children because they have no right in the Divine
Positive Law or the natural law to live together as a "couple." Once
again, Pope Pius XI's Casti Connubii:
Nor must We omit to remark, in fine, that since
the duty entrusted to parents for the good of their children is of such
high dignity and of such great importance, every use of the
faculty given by God for the procreation of new life is the right and
the privilege of the married state alone, by the law of God and of
nature, and must be confined absolutely within the sacred limits of that
state. (Pope Pius XI, Casti Connubii, December 31, 1930.)
14) Those engaged in
unnatural, perverse acts against the Sixth and Ninth Commandment have no
right in the Divine Positive Law or the Natural Law to present a
"model" of parenthood that is from the devil himself. The words that
Saint Paul wrote about perversity in Rome in his own day are quite
apropos of our own:
Wherefore God gave them up to the desires of
their heart, unto uncleanness, to dishonour their own bodies among
themselves. Who changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped and
served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever.
For this cause God delivered them up to shameful
affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use
against which is their nature.
And in like manner, the men also, leaving the
natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards
another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in
themselves the recompense which was due to their error.
And as they liked not to have God in their
knowledge, God delivered them up to a reprobate sense, to do those
things which are not convenient; being filled with all iniquity, malice,
fornication, avarice, wickedness, full of envy, murder, contention,
deceit, malignity, whisperers, detractors, hateful to God, contumelious,
proud, haughty, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
foolish, dissolute, without affection, without fidelity, without mercy.
Who, having known the justice of God, did not
understand that they who do such things are worthy of death; and not
only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do
them. (Romans 1: 24-32)
15) Matrimony was elevated to a Sacrament by Our
Lord at the wedding feast in Cana. The Holy Sacrament of Matrimony is
entered into by one man and by one woman to achieve these ends: the
procreation and education of children, the mutual good of the spouses, a
remedy for concupiscence. Pope Pius XI noted this in Casti Connubii:
This conjugal faith, however, which is most aptly
called by St. Augustine the "faith of chastity" blooms more freely,
more beautifully and more nobly, when it is rooted in that more
excellent soil, the love of husband and wife which pervades all the
duties of married life and holds pride of place in Christian marriage.
For matrimonial faith demands that husband and wife be joined in an
especially holy and pure love, not as adulterers love each other, but as
Christ loved the Church. This precept the Apostle laid down when he
said: "Husbands, love your wives as Christ also loved the Church," that
Church which of a truth He embraced with a boundless love not for the
sake of His own advantage, but seeking only the good of His Spouse. The
love, then, of which We are speaking is not that based on the passing
lust of the moment nor does it consist in pleasing words only, but in
the deep attachment of the heart which is expressed in action, since
love is proved by deeds. This outward expression of love in the home
demands not only mutual help but must go further; must have as its
primary purpose that man and wife help each other day by day in forming
and perfecting themselves in the interior life, so that through their
partnership in life they may advance ever more and more in virtue, and
above all that they may grow in true love toward God and their neighbor,
on which indeed "dependeth the whole Law and the Prophets." For all men
of every condition, in whatever honorable walk of life they may be, can
and ought to imitate that most perfect example of holiness placed
before man by God, namely Christ Our Lord, and by God's grace to arrive
at the summit of perfection, as is proved by the example set us of many
This mutual molding of husband and wife, this
determined effort to perfect each other, can in a very real sense, as
the Roman Catechism teaches, be said to be the chief reason and purpose
of matrimony, provided matrimony be looked at not in the restricted
sense as instituted for the proper conception and education of the
child, but more widely as the blending of life as a whole and the mutual
interchange and sharing thereof. (Pope Pius XI, Casti Connubii, December 31, 1930.)
16) It is never permissible to put even one child
into spiritual, if not physical, jeopardy by claiming that so many
others would be helped if the Church did not cooperate with an unjust
law. Our Lord said that it would be better for one to have a millstone
thrown around his neck and thrown into a lake than to lead one of his
little ones astray. He was not joking.
17) The civil state has no authority from God to
sanction illicit relationships, whether between a man or a woman (such
as Andrew Cuomo's relationship with his current girlfriend, which he is
publicly flaunting) or between those of the same gender who are
committing sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance. What Pope Pius XI
wrote in Casti Connubii about "civil unions" between unmarried men and women applies just as equally to those who are committed the sin of Sodom:
To begin at the very source of these evils, their
basic principle lies in this, that matrimony is repeatedly declared to
be not instituted by the Author of nature nor raised by Christ the Lord
to the dignity of a true sacrament, but invented by man. Some
confidently assert that they have found no evidence of the existence of
matrimony in nature or in her laws, but regard it merely as the means of
producing life and of gratifying in one way or another a vehement
impulse; on the other hand, others recognize that certain beginnings or,
as it were, seeds of true wedlock are found in the nature of man since,
unless men were bound together by some form of permanent tie, the
dignity of husband and wife or the natural end of propagating and
rearing the offspring would not receive satisfactory provision. At
the same time they maintain that in all beyond this germinal idea
matrimony, through various concurrent causes, is invented solely by the
mind of man, established solely by his will.
How grievously
all these err and how shamelessly they leave the ways of honesty is
already evident from what we have set forth here regarding the origin
and nature of wedlock, its purposes and the good inherent in it. The
evil of this teaching is plainly seen from the consequences which its
advocates deduce from it, namely, that the laws, institutions and
customs by which wedlock is governed, since they take their origin
solely from the will of man, are subject entirely to him, hence can and
must be founded, changed and abrogated according to human caprice and
the shifting circumstances of human affairs; that the generative power which is grounded in nature itself is more sacred and has wider range than matrimony -- hence
it may be exercised both outside as well as within the confines of
wedlock, and though the purpose of matrimony be set aside, as though to
suggest that the license of a base fornicating woman should enjoy the
same rights as the chaste motherhood of a lawfully wedded wife.
Armed with these principles, some men go
so far as to concoct new species of unions, suited, as they say, to the
present temper of men and the times, which various new forms of
matrimony they presume to label "temporary," "experimental," and
"companionate." These offer all the indulgence of matrimony and
its rights without, however, the indissoluble bond, and without
offspring, unless later the parties alter their cohabitation into a
matrimony in the full sense of the law.
Indeed there are some who desire and
insist that these practices be legitimatized by the law or, at least,
excused by their general acceptance among the people. They
do not seem even to suspect that these proposals partake of nothing of
the modern "culture" in which they glory so much, but are simply hateful
abominations which beyond all question reduce our truly cultured
nations to the barbarous standards of savage peoples. (Pope Pius XI, Casti Connubii, December 31, 1930.)