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                August 31, 2010

Not So "Deplorable" After All

by Thomas A. Droleskey

This is what I wrote sixty-four days ago in Live By Separation of Church and State? Die By Separation of Church and State on the Feast of Saint Irenaeus, June 28, 2010:

"Pope" Benedict XVI has gone all atwitter over the raid on a conciliar "bishops'" conference in Mechelen, Belgium by police on Thursday, June 24, 2010.

The "bishops" were detained in the chancery office while the police conduct their search, removing files and computers in the process. The "bishops" had their cellular telephones confiscated during the search, apparently out of fear that they might use them to warn others or to complain about the search to representatives in secular media, being unaware that the residence of the ultra-progressive conciliarist, Godfried "Cardinal" Danneels, was being searched or that the body of two deceased "cardinals," including the notorious "charismatic" and archconciliar revolutionary who was one of the principal architects of what he himself called a "revolution" at the "Second" Vatican Council who was doing the direct bidding of "good" "Pope" John XXIII, Leo "Cardinal" Suenens, interred at the Cathedral of Mechelen, were to be exhumed and examined before being reinterred (Police detained members of the Belgian Bishops' Conference).

Andre-Joseph Leonard, the conciliar "archbishop" of Mechelen-Brussels (also referred to as Malines-Brussels), denounced the raid, which prompted an immediate denunciation from various conciliarists in the Vatican, including Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict's spokesflack, Father Federico Lombardi, S.J.. A strong note of protest was delivered to Belgium's ambassador to the Holy See. And Ratzinger/Benedict himself sent the following letter to and prompted the false "pontiff" to send him, Andre-Joseph Leonard, the following letter yesterday, Sunday, June 27, 2010, expressing his own outrage at what took place on Thursday, June 24, 2010:

At this sad time I wish to express my special closeness and solidarity to you, dear brother in the episcopate, and to all the bishops of the Church in Belgium, for the surprising and deplorable manner in which searches were carried out at the cathedral of Mechelen and at the site where the Belgian episcopate was gathered in a plenary assembly which, among other things, also intended to consider questions associated with the abuse of minors by members of the clergy. On a number of occasions I myself have highlighted how these serious matters should be dealt with by both civil law and canon law, while respecting the specific nature and autonomy of each. In this context, I trust that justice may run its course in order to guarantee the fundamental rights of persons and of institutions, at the same time respecting victims, showing unconditional recognition for those who undertake to collaborate, and rejecting everything that obscures the noble goal with which justice is assigned.

"While assuring you that I accompany the progress of your Church with my daily prayers, I willingly impart an affectionate apostolic blessing". (BENEDICT XVI'S SOLIDARITY WITH BISHOPS OF BELGIUM.--August 31, 2010 notation: This link, I have discovered, no longer takes you to this press release. It is evidently the case that Pravda, I mean, the Vatican Information Service, has "taken down" the page because it is just a complete and total embarrassment at complete odds with the truth.)


Although we know that Ratzinger/Benedict is not a true and legitimate Successor of Saint Peter and that his "bishops," save for most of those in the Eastern rites and for the four bishops of the Society of Saint Pius X who pray for him as the "pope" in the Canon of the Mass, are not true and and legitimate Successors of the Apostles, all but a infinitesimally minute number of people in the world, many of whom are making war upon each other on an unremitting basis, believe that Joseph Ratzinger is indeed Pope Benedict XVI and that the men serving in once Catholic chancery offices are indeed the officials of the Catholic Church. The investigators who raided the conciliar "bishops'" meeting in Mechelen, Belgium, on Thursday, June 24, 2010, believe that the men who were present as the raid took place are the legitimate representatives of the Catholic Church. Legitimate concerns of a respect for the integrity of what appears to be the Catholic Church cannot be dismissed without a consideration of the fact that it is the conciliarists themselves who have placed themselves in such legal jeopardy.


Well, it turns out that what the false "pontiff," Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, called "deplorable" had a foundation in fact after all. This is no surprise to those of who investigated and reported on the crimes of clerical abusers in the counterfeit church of conciliarism in the 1990s. Conciliar "bishop" after conciliar "bishop" have told lies upon lies as they have sought to play the "victim card" by using clever games of psychological manipulation in an effort to make the victims of clerical abuse appear the malefactors rather than admitting that the root cause of clerical abuse in the clerical structures has been and continues to be the systematic recruitment, retention and promotion of men who are steeped in abject, unrepentant sins of perversity against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments into the conciliar presbyterate and into the highest echelons of the conciliar hierarchy.

PARIS — The former leader of the Roman Catholic Church in Belgium urged a victim of serial sexual abuse by a bishop to keep silent for a year, until the bishop — the victim’s own uncle — could retire, according to tapes made by the victim last April and published over the weekend in two Belgian newspapers.

Cardinal Godfried Danneels pressed a sexual abuse victim to either accept a private apology or wait until the bishop retired, according to tapes.

The tapes, which church authorities have verified as accurate, are among the more revealing documents in the continuing scandal of sexual abuse by clerics and subsequent cover-ups by the church. And having a record of a cardinal entreating an abuse victim to keep his silence is another embarrassment for the Catholic Church.

Cardinal Godfried Danneels, 77, who retired as the archbishop of Brussels in January after 30 years, met with the victim, now 42, and his uncle, Bishop Robert Vangheluwe, 73, on April 8 to press the victim either to accept a private apology or to wait until the bishop retired, according to the tapes.

“The bishop will resign next year, so actually it would be better for you to wait,” the cardinal told the victim. “I don’t think you’d do yourself or him a favor by shouting this from the rooftops.” The cardinal warned the victim against trying to blackmail the church and suggested that he accept a private apology from the bishop and not drag “his name through the mud.”

The victim responded, “He has dragged my whole life through the mud, from 5 until 18 years old,” and asked, “Why do you feel sorry for him and not for me?”

The fact of the April meeting was reported by The International Herald Tribune and The New York Times in July after an interview with the victim, who said he had sought for many years to alert the church about the molesting by his uncle. He did not mention then that he had made a tape of that meeting and another one of another meeting.

The tapes, which were published Saturday in the Flemish daily newspapers De Standaard and Het Nieuwsblad, display the tactics the church used to try to hush up the scandal and placate the victim by appealing to his feelings for his family and the larger church.

De Standaard said in an editorial that the cardinal’s “only aim is to avoid having the case made public so many years after the facts,” adding, “It is containment, nothing more.”

The Belgian cases are special in part because of an extensive police inquiry, not just an investigation by the church, into allegations of sexual abuse by the clergy and subsequent cover-ups.

Cardinal Danneels has been subject to at least 10 hours of police questioning in the matter, and the police raided church headquarters to seize documents, a raid criticized by the Vatican.

In the end, Bishop Vangheluwe retired within two weeks of the April meeting, on April 23, admitting he sexually abused “a boy in my entourage” 20 years earlier. He quit after a friend of the nephew e-mailed Belgian bishops threatening to expose the bishop and demanding his resignation.

In a second tape, of the other meeting, the bishop apologizes to his nephew and says he has tried for years to make up for his sin. “This is unsolvable,” the victim said. “You’ve torn our family completely apart.”

The victim told the newspapers he released the tapes, apparently made secretly, to prove that he had not demanded hush money.

A spokesman for the cardinal, Toon Osaer, said no attempt had been made to cover up the meeting itself. Tribune reporters were told in July that the family was angry because Cardinal Danneels accompanied the bishop to the April meeting, and not the new head of the Belgian church, Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard.

A retired priest, the Rev. Rik Devillé, said he tried to warn Cardinal Danneels about the bishop’s abuse of his nephew 14 years ago, but was berated by the cardinal for doing so.

It is not known whether Cardinal Danneels or others informed the Vatican when they learned of the abuse by Bishop Vangheluwe. The Vatican accepted the bishop’s resignation in June, but said nothing about the case until the Belgian police raided church properties on June 24, seizing evidence and files that the church had assembled in its own belated investigation of sexual abuse. Pope Benedict XVI at the time called the police actions “deplorable.

Bishop Vangheluwe has retreated to a Trappist monastery where he has kept his silence. The Belgian police are investigating him in this case and others, as well as looking into charges that he concealed similar complaints of abuse made against other clerics. (Belgian Church Leader Urged Abuse Victim to Keep Silent)


This is no surprise to those of who investigated and reported on the crimes of clerical abusers in the counterfeit church of conciliarism in the 1990s. Conciliar "bishop" after conciliar "bishop" have told lies upon lies as they have sought to play the "victim card" by using clever games of psychological manipulation in an effort to make the victims of clerical abuse appear the malefactors rather than admitting that the root cause of clerical abuse in the clerical structures has been and continues to be the systematic recruitment, retention and promotion of men who are steeped in abject, unrepentant sins of perversity against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments into the conciliar presbyterate and into the highest echelons of the conciliar hierarchy. (See Of Worldwide Scope, Always Evading Root Causes, Swinging Clubs To Protect The Club, Surely He Jests, "Canonizing" A Man Who Protected Moral Derelicts, More Than A Matter of Legality, Audio Presentation: Scandal In a Church of Apostasy.WMA, "Fall Guys" Aren't Usually "Stand-Up Guys", Apologizing to Everyone Save For God Himself, Not Going Down With the Conciliar Ship, Touchy, Touchy, and Chastisements Under Which We Must Save Our Souls, part two.)

Godfried "Cardinal" Danneels has shown himself to be a particularly insidious promoter of grave crimes against the innocence and purity of children who have had the great misfortune of being "educated" in conciliar schools and religious miseducation programs in Belgium. He has been fiercely arrogant in the face of objections raised to the graphic programs he has authorized that come from the devil and are outright incentives to the commission of sins of thought, word and deed against the Sixth Ninth Commandments and that have served as a means of propagandizing and mainstreaming the "lavender" agenda of those steeped in unrepentant sins of unnatural vice.

Let me refresh your memories with this report that I included in an article two months ago now:

That is the shocking allegation by Alexandra Colen, an orthodox Belgian Catholic, who details her long fight with Cardinal Danneels and the Belgian Catholic hierarchy (including the pedophile recently retired bishop Vangheluwe) over a pedophilic sex-ed book approved for Belgium's Catholic schools. Excerpt:

His predecessor, the liberal Cardinal Danneels, who was very popular with the press in Belgium and abroad, was Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels and Primate of Belgium from 1979 until 2010. The sympathy for pedophile attitudes and arguments among the Belgian bishops during this period was no secret, especially since 1997 when the fierce controversy about the catechism textbook Roeach made the headlines. The editors of Roeach were Prof. Jef Bulckens of the Catholic University of Leuven and Prof. Frans Lefevre of the Seminary of Bruges. The textbook contained a drawing which showed a naked baby girl saying: "[Unspeakable act} makes me feel groovy," "I like to take my knickers off with friends," "I want to be in the room when mum and dad have sex." The drawing also shows a naked little boy and girl that are "playing doctor". . . .

The drawing also showed three pairs of parents. Those with the "correct" attitude reply: "Yes, feeling and stroking those little places is good fun." This "catechism textbook" was used in the catechism lessons in the catholic schools, until one day I discovered it among the schoolbooks of my eldest daughter, then 13 years old. On 3 September 1997 I wrote a letter to Cardinal Danneels, saying:

"When I see this drawing and its message, I get the distinct impression that this catechism textbook is designed intentionally to make 13 and 14 year olds believe that toddlers enjoy [forbidden acts]. In this way one breeds pedophiles that sincerely believe that children actually think that what they are doing to them is 'groovy', while the opposite is the case."

I told Cardinal Danneels that, although I was a member of Parliament for the Flemish-secessionist party Vlaams Blok, I was addressing him as a Catholic parent "who wishes to remain faithful to the papal authority and also wishes to educate her children this way." I insisted that he forbid the use of this book in the catechism lessons: "This is why I insist - yes, the days of meekly asking are over - that you forbid the use of this 'catechism book' in our children's classrooms."

Today this case, that dates from 12 years ago, assumes a new and ominous significance. Especially now that I know that Mgr Roger Vangheluwe, the pedophile child molesting Bishop of Bruges, was the supervising bishop of both institutions - the Catholic University of Leuven and the Seminary of Bruges - whence came the editors in chief of this perverted "catechism" textbook.



After I started my campaign against the Roeach textbook, many parents contacted me to voice their concerns. Stories of other practices in the Catholic education system poured in. There were schools where children were taught to put [certain contraceptive devices]. . . .and where they had to watch videos showing techniques of [acts omitted].

Because Cardinal Danneels refused to respond to requests to put an end to these practices, I and hundreds of concerned parents gathered in front of his palace on 15 October 1997. We carried placards with the text "Respect for parents and children," and we said the rosary.

Cardinal Danneels refused to receive a delegation of the demonstrators. "I shall not be pressured," he said in the libertine magazine Humo on 21 October 1997. The Archbishop's door remained closed when we demonstrated again on 10 December 1997.

... On 18 February 1998 we were at Cardinal Danneels's door again, myself and a group of parents. Again the door remained closed. So on 18 March 1998 a group of two hundred parents went to the Papal Nuncio, the ambassador of the Vatican, in Brussels. But the Nuncio, who was a friend of Danneels, also refused to meet us. He had, however, alerted the police, who had several water cannons at the ready just around the corner.

Meanwhile Danneels's friends in the press started a campaign against me. "Colen continues to pester the bishops," was the headline in Gazet van Antwerpen. One evening Toon Osaer, Danneels's spokesman at the time, phoned me to tell me that as a Catholic I had to "be obedient" to the bishops.

If this is true, then it certainly puts the Belgian police raid into context, does it not? And it also puts Benedict's response into context -- one that is not flattering to the Holy Father.


I am reminded of a Dutch Catholic mother I met eight years ago after mass in suburban Amsterdam. She told me about having volunteered to teach catechism to Catholic schoolchildren, and being sent to a diocesan training seminar for lay teachers. What she and the others got was just bizarrely heretical. She protested to the bishop, and got absolutely nowhere. In some parts of this world, lay Catholics who wish to be faithful to the Church's teachings really are on their own. (Read more: http://blog.beliefnet.com/roddreher/2010/06/danneels-approved-pedophilic-catechism.html#ixzz0sMls5dLR)


Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI does not seem to care that Godfried Danneels sanctioned this outrageous program and stonewalled those parents who complained about it. No, it has been more important to him to call "deplorable" a thoroughly justified police investigation into the vast criminal enterprise known as the hierarchy of the counterfeit church of conciliarism in Belgium.

The vast criminal enterprise known as the conciliar hierarchy of Belgium is just part of a worldwide criminal enterprise against Faith and Morals that is without parallel in salvation history, an enterprise whose conspirators think nothing of blaspheming the honor and glory and majesty of the Most Blessed Trinity by participating in "inter-religious prayer" services and of esteeming the symbols of false religions and entering into and calling places of false worship as "sacred."

The worldwide criminal enterprise that is the conciliar hierarchy offends God day in and day out by staging a liturgical offense, the Protestant and Masonic Novus Ordo service, that celebrates the spirit of the world and has robbed Catholics of Sanctifying Grace and everyone else in the world of Actual Grace. This bogus liturgical service has resulted in the loss of belief in the Real Presence of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament, the sacerdotal nature of the priesthood, and of the immutability of the truths contained in the Deposit of Faith.

The worldwide criminal enterprise that is the conciliar hierarchy is composed of men who think nothing of undermining the innocence and the purity of the young or of protecting clerical abusers, including themselves in many cases, and victimizing the victims as they appeal for "sympathy" by shooting the message and blaming the anti-Catholic secular media for using the very live ammunition that they themselves gave to these anti-Catholics to use so gleefully and with such careful documentation.

No matter the clerical garb in which the conciliar criminals cloak themselves falsely in the mantle of the Catholic Church, they are human beings whose scheming misdeeds that they have cooked up to protect themselves have now blown up in their very faces. Cover-ups almost always unravel. Not always. Almost always. "True believers" will never believe any objective evidence that proves their conciliar heroes to be nothing other than scheming, perverted liars who have abused the dignity of either their priesthood (in the case of the conciliar "bishops" who are true priests) or of the appearance of that dignity (in the case of the conciliar "bishops" who are merely presbyters). In the end, however, the truth generally gets known sooner rather than later, although the truth about each one of our lives will be laid bare for all to see at the General Judgment of the Living and the Dead on the Last Day. There will be no place for any of us to hide at that time as the Justice and Mercy of God is made manifest for the just to praise prior to their entry body and soul into Heaven for the damned to flee in fright body and soul into Hell.

To be sure, technology has now made it more difficult for the fiends in the counterfeit church of conciliarism to use their despicable, low-life tactics of browbeating the victims of clerical abuse and their families and of threatening them with lawsuits and even the full weight of conciliar "canonical" sanctions without having all of their nefarious schemes of thorough self-protection blow up in their faces. It does not take the use of surreptitiously recorded conversations to know the truth from a lie. God has blessed with common sense, a commodity, as the old saying goes, that is not so common nowadays. The conciliarists have shown themselves to be deceives about matters of Faith, Morals, and Worship. They have shown themselves to brutal thugs who will stop at nothing to protect their reputations and their "work," being willing to resort to the worst form of vile character assassinations and the employment of half-truths and whole lies to prevent the world from knowing what will be revealed for one and all to see on the Last Day and that all too frequently is made known well before then so that God can humiliate them into reforming their lives and thus saving their souls as members of the Catholic Church who are ready at all times to die in a state of Sanctifying Grace.

We must, of course, pray for these enemies of Christ the King and of the immortal souls for whom He shed every single drop of His Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross, recognizing that we have been enemies of Divine King and Redeemer all too frequently, which is why we must live more and more penitentially with each passing day as His consecrated slave through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of His Most Blessed Mother, Mary our Immaculate Queen, accusing ourselves frequently in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance and praying as many Rosaries each day as our state-in-life permits. Many of us have said and done things that are truly deplorable in our lives. We must be ashamed of our own sins and ever so grateful that we have been given access in this state of apostasy and betrayal to true bishops and true priests to provide us with the sacramental helps necessary to sanctify and save our souls so that we can know the gratuitous Mercy that God Himself desires shower upon us in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance if only we approach Him on bended knees and a contrite heart with a firm purpose of amending our lives.

Obviously, we must, as always, spend time in prayer before Our Lord's Real Presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament as we pray our daily Rosaries, using the shield of Our Lady's Brown Scapular of Mount Carmel and the weapon of her Rosary to protect us from the contagion of apostasy and betrayal that is all around us. We must also, of course, make reparation for our own many sins by offering up all of our prayers and sufferings and sacrifices and humiliations and penances and mortifications and fastings to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.

This will all pass. The triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will be made manifest, and it will be a triumph beyond all telling.

As Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Himself said to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque:

"I will reign in spite of all who oppose Me." (quoted in: The Right Reverend Emile Bougaud. The Life of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, reprinted by TAN Books and Publishers in 1990, p. 361.)


Yes, Our Lord will indeed reign in spite of the liars and deceives in the counterfeit church of conciliarism, men who have no credibility on matters of Faith, Morals and Worship or in matters pertaining to the accusations against them as criminal thugs whose religion is amorality and their glory is indeed their shame.

Viva Cristo Rey! Vivat Christus Rex!

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and the hour our death.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.


Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us, on this your feast day!

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.

Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.

Saint Raymond Nonnatus, pray for us.

See also: A Litany of Saints

Isn't it time to pray a Rosary now?

© Copyright 2010, Thomas A. Droleskey. All rights reserved.