Thomas A. Droleskey
There was just about twelve years ago now when I was driving from Reno, Nevada, where I had been visiting a generous Catholic who funded my "Living in the Shadow of the Cross" and "To Be Catholic from the Womb to the Tomb" lecture programs from September of 2000 to April of 2003, to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to give a lecture there. The drive was long, over a thousand miles. About half of the drive took me through desert roads in the wasteland known as Nevada. It's a drive I never want to make again even though I made great time driving at breakneck speeds during the middle of the night. Let me explain why.
Although I do not get overcome by feelings of oppression on a regular basis, I did have a palpable sense of evil as I drove through the Nevada desert late at night into the early hours of the next morning (and, no, I can't recall the exact dates as there has been some "slippage" of the memory on some details while others are retained unfailingly, at least up until now). The reason for this palpable sense of evil became clear as I saw little red lights stationed at the driveways of "ranches" alongside US-95 and US-93 in those Nevada counties that permit human beings to sell themselves to engage in the commission of various sins against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments. "Wow," I said to myself, this is a mockery of the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament and of His Most Sacred Heart that beats within It."
Red vigil lamps burn near that Real Presence of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament, signifying that the One Who redeemed us by the shedding of every single drop of His Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross because of His love of His Co-Eternal and Co-Equal Father in Heaven and his love of us awaits our acts of adoration, thanksgiving, reparation and petition as His Most Sacred Heart pulsates radiant beams of that Divine love to warm us in the midst of the chills of this passing world, full of so many problems, many of which, of course, we cause for ourselves, especially by refusing to accept God's will for us in our lives and refusing to embrace the crosses that He sends us, each of which has been perfectly fitted by Him for us from all eternity. Each cross we are given is the means by which we can give honor and glory to the Most Blessed Trinity through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, out of which the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus that beats for us with such love in the tabernacle was formed.
It is thus understandable that the devil would want to mock the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament by having people of bad reputation, shall we say, advertise themselves by means of a red light and that their districts of sin be known as "red light districts." It is also understandable that the devil would want to make this month of June, the month of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus into a celebration of perverse sins against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments as all manner of lewd, vulgar, obscene and disgusting spectacles take place in city after city in the United States of America and elsewhere in the so-called "civilized" or "developed" world.
Unspeakable and unprintable displays and sounds that come straight from Hell will make themselves particularly present in front of the Cathedral of Saint Patrick on the parade route, Fifth Avenue, on Sunday, June 24, 2011. Thousands of cheering spectators will be watching along the sidewalks, applauding furiously when reprehensible sins are committed right on Fifth Avenue in front of the Cathedral of Saint Patrick. There will be whistles and drums. It is all straight from Hell, every single bit of it.
Politicians aplenty of both organized crime families of naturalism in this country, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, will be marching. The reprobate nanny-state pro-abortion "straight billionaire playboy" (a phrase he used to describe himself when campaigning for his first term as New York City Mayor in 2001), Michael Bloomberg, who lives off and on with a woman, Diana Taylor, a pro-abort who had been courted unsuccessfully by Republican naturalists in 2010 to consider a run against the pro-abortion Methodist Hillary Rodham Clinton's replacement in the United States Senate, United States Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, yet another pro-abortion Catholic. United States Senator Charles H. Schumer, a militantly pro-abortion adherent of the Talmud, will be marching, replete with his Cymric smile, undaunted by the demise of his smarmy, perverted protege, former United States Representative Anthony Weiner (D-Brooklyn, New York; see Caligula's Got Nothing On This Crowd).
At the forefront of next week's parade, which will take place on the Sunday in the Octave of the Ascension (the Second Sunday after Pentecost), will be the Catholic pro-abort, pro-perversity Governor of the State of New York, Andrew Mark Cuomo, whose defections from the Faith have been chronicled any number of times on this site in the past year, including in Memo to Andrew Cuomo, So Much Confusion, So Little Time, If Only Catholics Spoke This Way, "Lucky" Mario May Not Be So "Lucky" In The End and Memo To Howard Hubbard: Public Scandal Is Never A Private Matter, will be at the head of the parade, heralded as the "champion" of "marriage equality" for those engaged in unrepentant acts of perversity in violation of the Sixth and Ninth Commandments.
Even though the New York "Catholic" Conference lobbied against the passage of the bill, albeit belatedly, before it was passed on Friday, June 24, 2011, by the New York State Legislature, against the passage of this bill, the fact that the matter was considered debatable in the first place is the result of the overthrow of the Social Reign of Christ the King wrought by the Protestant Revolution against the Divine Plan that Our King instituted to effect man's return to Him through His Catholic Church, a revolution whose consequences helped to give rise to the welter of naturalistic forces that can be described collectively as Judeo-Masonry. The fact that large numbers of Catholic support this odious measure is the result of the sacramental barrenness of the conciliar church's liturgical rites, making Catholics more and more susceptible to the slogans used by those engaged in perversity to sport themselves as leaders of a "civil rights" movement to protect a "bullied minority" from living as "second class citizens" in a "free" country.
The "agonizing" of New York state senators on the matter of "marriage" between persons of the same gender was all-too-reminiscent of what occurred forty-one years ago when the New York State Legislature was considering a measure to permit the surgical assassination of children in the first twenty-four weeks of their development in their mothers' wombs. It was a Catholic state senator, the late Edward Speno, who cast the deciding vote in favor of baby-killing.
Speno voted for that
original baby-killing law in New York on March 18, 1970, and maintained his
"good standing" what he thought was the Catholic Church. His bishop,
Bishop Walter Philip Kellenberg, who was named by Pope Pius XII as the
founding bishop of the Diocese of Rockville Centre on April 16, 1957,
did not discipline him in the slightest. God, however, had other plans
for Speno, who died suddenly of a heart attack at the age of fifty, less
than a year after he voted to permit baby-killing under cover of the
civil law in the State of New York. This is the section from Speno's
obituary in The New York Times:
Although the Senator, a Catholic, was identified with his church on school aid, he
broke with the hierarchy last year and voted for abortion
liberalization. He explained his stand by saying that he did not want
to impose his personal beliefs on others. (The New York Times,
"Senator Edward Speno Dies; Favored Parochial School Aid, February 17,
1971. This is one of those articles that I had to purchase to get the
exact quote that I wanted before typing in the text manually. I may not
be--and have never claimed to be an intellectual., great or otherwise. I
am, however, a pretty decent researcher.)
Edward Speno did not "want to impose his personal
beliefs on others." He was reminded at the moment of his own Particular
Judgment that morality exists in the very nature of things. The tenets
of the Natural Law are knowable by reason. The Catholic Church is merely
the eternal guardian and infallible explicator of those tenets so as to
remove confusion from the minds of men so clouded by, at least in some
instances, Original Sin (and its vestigial after-effects in the souls of
the baptized) and Actual Sins to aid them in understanding the Natural
Law more clearly and to strengthen their wills by means of Holy Mother
Church's sanctifying offices to speak up in their defense. There also
happens to be Fifth Commandment: Thou shalt not kill.
As Pope Leo XIII explained in Sapientiae Christianae, January 11, 1890:
Now, if the natural law enjoins us to love
devotedly and to defend the country in which we had birth, and in which
we were brought up, so that every good citizen hesitates not to face
death for his native land, very much more is it the urgent duty of
Christians to be ever quickened by like feelings toward the Church. For
the Church is the holy City of the living God, born of God Himself, and
by Him built up and established. Upon this earth, indeed, she
accomplishes her pilgrimage, but by instructing and guiding men she
summons them to eternal happiness. We are bound, then, to love dearly
the country whence we have received the means of enjoyment this mortal
life affords, but we have a much more urgent obligation to love,
with ardent love, the Church to which we owe the life of the soul, a
life that will endure forever. For fitting it is to prefer the good of
the soul to the well-being of the body, inasmuch as duties toward God
are of a far more hallowed character than those toward men.
Moreover, if we would judge aright, the
supernatural love for the Church and the natural love of our own country
proceed from the same eternal principle, since God Himself is their
Author and originating Cause. Consequently, it follows that between the
duties they respectively enjoin, neither can come into collision with
the other. We can, certainly, and should love ourselves, bear
ourselves kindly toward our fellow men, nourish affection for the State
and the governing powers; but at the same time we can and must cherish
toward the Church a feeling of filial piety, and love God with the
deepest love of which we are capable. The order of precedence of these
duties is, however, at times, either under stress of public calamities,
or through the perverse will of men, inverted. For, instances occur
where the State seems to require from men as subjects one thing, and
religion, from men as Christians, quite another; and this in reality
without any other ground, than that the rulers of the State either hold
the sacred power of the Church of no account, or endeavor to subject it
to their own will. Hence arises a conflict, and an occasion, through
such conflict, of virtue being put to the proof. The two powers are
confronted and urge their behests in a contrary sense; to obey both is
wholly impossible. No man can serve two masters, for to please the one
amounts to contemning the other.
As to which should be preferred no one
ought to balance for an instant. It is a high crime indeed to withdraw
allegiance from God in order to please men, an act of consummate
wickedness to break the laws of Jesus Christ, in order to yield
obedience to earthly rulers, or, under pretext of keeping the civil law,
to ignore the rights of the Church; "we ought to obey God rather than
men." This answer, which of old Peter and the other Apostles
were used to give the civil authorities who enjoined unrighteous things,
we must, in like circumstances, give always and without hesitation. No
better citizen is there, whether in time of peace or war, than the
Christian who is mindful of his duty; but such a one should be ready to
suffer all things, even death itself, rather than abandon the cause of
God or of the Church. (Pope Leo XIII, Sapientiae Christianae, January 10, 1890.)
Did Edward Speno know this?
Well, perhaps he was taught this at Niagara University, which is under
the control of the Congregation of the Mission (the Vincentian Fathers
of Saint Vincent de Paul) when he studied there from 1938 to 1944.
Perhaps. He sure did not learn it from his own bishop, Walter P.
Kellenberg (who was the bishop who confirmed me at Saint Aloysius Church
on March 21, 1961). Why not? Well, the bishop who consecrated Father
Walter P. Kellenberg, a native of the Borough of the Bronx in the City
of New York, as a auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of New York on
October 5, 1953, was none other than Francis Cardinal Spellman, an Americanist who had undermined the efforts of the bishops of Puerto Rico in 1960 to oppose a referendum that sought to permit the sale of contraceptives on this once Catholic island that was defaced by the introduction of Protestant "churches" and Masonic lodges there following the American triumph in the Spanish-American War of 1898 (see As New Dog and Pony Shows Come To Town, part three.)
Although Bishop Walter Kellenberg did not insist that
the pastor, Father Francis Bain, Saint Raphael's Church in East Meadow, New York, who
refused Speno a "Mass of Christian Burial" reverse himself, he did
permit such a "service" to be staged at Sacred Heart Church in North
Merrick, New York. This was the first known instance, at least to me, of
a Catholic who cooperated formally in making surgical baby-killing
"available" under cover of the civil law receiving what purported to be a
Catholic funeral service. Many have been the occasions since this that
this has been done, scandalizing "pro-life" Catholics and "pro-life"
non-Catholics alike. Apart from William Brennan and Daniel Patrick
Moynihan and Thomas P. O'Neill and Edward Moore Kennedy (Another Victim of Americanism; Behold The Free Rein Given to Error; Behold The Free Rein Given to Error; Unfortunate Enough to Be A Baby; Unfortunate Enough to Be A Baby; Beacon of Social Justice?; Spotlight On The Ordinary; What's Good For Teddy Is Good For Benny; Sean O'Malley: Coward and Hypocrite: More Rationalizations and Distortions just in case you have forgotten what happened just about twenty-two months ago now).
Thus it was that the "agonizing" by some New York state senators over a matter that is so fundamentally perverse, defying the laws of God and nature, is just a replay of what happened forty-one years ago as another of the four sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance, willful murder, was permitted under cover of the civil law. Lost on all of those caught in the grip of this "agony" is the simple fact that this matter is quite simple to understand. God created males and females as mutually complementary to each other, giving them the awesome power to procreate the species in order to welcome as many or as few children He sees fit to bestow upon them and to educate their offspring in the Catholic Faith so that they can populate Heaven for all eternity by seeking to please God with every beat of their hearts, consecrated as they must be to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
What sanctions were imposed by any conciliar "bishop" in the State of New York against Catholic legislators who voted for the bill to "legalize" "marriage" between persons of the same gender? None. None at all.
What penalties did Timothy "Cardinal" Dolan, the conciliar "archbishop" of New York since April 15, 2009, impose upon Andrew Mark Cuomo, who championed the "gay marriage" bill last year and who lives with a woman who is not his wife within the boundaries of his archdiocese? Yes, you know the answer very well. Nothing.
As is the case with almost every conciliar "bishop" on the face of this planet, Timothy Michael Dolan is very "gay sensitive." So much so that he gave perverted priests and presbyters in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee a "golden parachute" of $20,000 of they decided not to fight the laicization process, which, of course, was entirely unnecessary in the cases of conciliar presbyters as they were never priests in the first place. Dolan lied about doing this when questioned at the time, saying that such an allegation was "false, preposterous and unjust" (see Watch A False Church Implode Before Your Very Eyes.)
The man who has made "nice, nice" with the pro-abortion, pro-perversity Andrew Mark Cuomo and who is so very "sensitive" on "gay issues" and about the "needs" of perverted clergyman, Timothy Michael Dolan, turns out to be a tiger of a disciplinarian when it comes to whistle-blower priests/presbyters who report the immoral acts of their perverted confreres. Dolan gets out the rod in such cases in order to shoot the messenger, something that occurs, quite sadly, even in some traditional Catholic venues when clergymen they "like" and thus have a vested interest in protecting and a desire to defend are accused of inappropriate behavior, if not of "grooming" men in a predatory manner.
Mrs. Randy Engel sent out the following story:
If Catholics wish
to live by the axiom, “once a priest, always a priest,” than I guess I am still
a priest despite the fact that I was voluntarily laicized in December,
2011. So, I write as a priest, ex-priest, inactive priest, renegade
priest, or gadfly priest. I have been called all of these and more.
The verbiage is irrelevant. What is relevant is that pedophile priests
are not laicized as quickly as I was and most of them will always be priests
despite their dastardly deeds which would have gotten them kicked out of most
organizations by now.
The archbishop of
my diocese wrote to me when I first requested laicization and told me he would
highly recommend that my petition to the Vatican be approved. It was –
in record time. His “glee” at my request was centered on the fact that I
had been working with victims since 1981 when I reported sexual abuse of
students by a priest at a large Catholic high school in Boston. I also have uncovered numerous
cases of pedophilia in my home archdiocese and beyond. I asked to be
freed to do this work full-time. The archbishop refused.
I told him I had
to respond to the Holy Spirit and the law of the Church, which allows and
encourages the faithful to establish charitable works and organizations.
Canon law was written to protect bishops and whatever they determine to be the
“law” for the rest of the faithful. Currently, God’s law is subservient
to whatever law the bishops wish to utilize.
I informed the
archbishop that it was the Holy Spirit who was calling me to do the work I was
doing, and the last time I looked, the Holy Spirit is still God, according to
Catholic theology. God’s call wasn’t good enough for the archbishop, it
seems. The archbishop knew better than God, and herein lies the problem
with bishops.
most bishops believe they are on a par with God rather than humble servants who
facilitate the spread of the Gospel and good works toward all. If these
men were more “facilitating” than “dictatorial,” the Church wouldn’t be in the
mess it’s in today. And pedophile priests wouldn’t have received payouts
from at least one bishop to get them out of their hair and hide their crimes.
To pressure me to
cease my charitable works, the archbishop fired me from inner-city school
ministry after I testified before a state legislature and called for the
resignation of any bishop who has covered up sexual abuse of children. He
also put me on administrative leave after I filed a lawsuit against him and my
abusers and suspended my priestly faculties.
He lowered my
salary twice, took away some of my benefits, and pressured me to stop engaging
in a work that is sorely needed in the Church and about which he could have
boasted to his fellow bishops. His archdiocese could have been the model
program for helping victims of clergy sexual abuse. Instead, he chose
darkness over light.
What happened to
pedophile priests in the same archdiocese? In most cases, their salaries,
benefits and even assignments were maintained and are to this day. They
were and are treated kindly, compassionately, and with respect. In one
case, the pedophile priest was described by one bishop as “that poor man, what
he’s been through.” The whistle-blower priest is harassed, fired,
retaliated against, and strangled financially. He doesn’t know if his
next check will even be sent.
Whereas Vatican matters can take years to decide, my laicization
was successfully completed in a matter of months, largely because the
archbishop was full-force behind it. The only thing missing in his letter
was a check for $20,000.00. Isn’t that what priests who leave the
priesthood receive or are these “gifts” relegated only to pedophile priests?
M. Hoatson, Ph.D. was a priest of the Archdiocese of Newark for nearly fifteen years and an Irish
Christian Brother for twenty-three years. He was sexually propositioned,
groomed or abused several times as a religious and seminarian, beginning in
1970 and concluding in 1996. He founded Road to Recovery in 2003 to
assist victims of sexual abuse and has helped over one thousand survivors and
their families. He is also a founding member of the National Survivor
Advocates Coalition, based in Dayton, Ohio. Currently, he is a
complainant/creditor in the bankruptcy procedure of the North American Province of the Irish
Christian Brothers. He resides in West
Orange, New Jersey.
He may be reached at or 862-368-2800. )
Although Dr. Hoatson was never ordained to the Catholic priesthood and his understanding of the obedience that a priest owes his bishop is sadly deficient, his case does illustrate the duplicity of the conciliarists, men who ooze with such great "compassion" for the "suffering" of perverted, abusive clergymen, for whom they have been willing to lie and engage in all manner of cover-ups and obfuscation to protect from public exposure and to shield from criminal prosecution, but who lower the hammer on those who dare to report the abusers and, worse yet, who decide to go public about their crimes in order to warn those souls who might be victimized by them in the future. Dr. Hoatson did not suffer the conciliar "canonical" penalties as has "Father" James Haley, a whistle-blower in the Diocese of Arlington, Virginia (see Canonizing A Man Who Protected Moral Derelicts), he was not treated by Timothy Michael Dolan with the same deference and concern as were abusive clergymen in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.
Ah, yes, the conciliar revolutionaries are oh so very concerned about "justice" and "mercy" for those who have used their apparent clerical authority as a cloak for malice.
It is no wonder, therefore, that the conciliar revolution that was spawned at least in part by those inclined to the commission of perverse sins against nature, something that can be demonstrated in the art, architecture and music of the conciliar liturgy as well as by its orations, most of which mention nothing about a God who judges or about the possibility of eternal damnation or even the necessity of doing penance for one's sins, has created given diocesans and schools and hospitals in the control of the conciliar officials a decidedly lavender slant, if you will.
As the conciliar church is "all inclusive," except to those who reject its blasphemies, outrages and sacrileges without agreeing to silence as a price of "admission" and tolerance, it is not surprising to find clerics and lavender activists in the conciliar structures who justify their support for unrepentant sins against nature to as to justify themselves before men. They are as militant and as "in your face" as they are because their mission is convince everyone, including God Himself, that they are right, that anyone who opposes them is "hateful" and opposed to "human rights." Thus it is that they must protest that the following warning that Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ gave about the fate of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha wasn't really spoken by Him but was placed in His mouth by others, which is utter blasphemy against God the Holy Ghost, Who inspired every word of Sacred Scripture to be written exactly as we read them today:
And into whatsoever city or town you shall enter, inquire who in it is worthy, and there abide till you go thence. And when you come into the house, salute it, saying: Peace be to this house. And if that house be worthy, your peace shall come upon it; but if it be not worthy, your peace shall return to you. And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words: going forth out of that house or city shake off the dust from your feet. Amen I say to you, it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city. (Matthew 10: 11-15.)
Our Lord was wrong? The destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha by fire and brimstone as a just punishment for the vile sins of their inhabitants? Can this be?
Of course.
It is impossible to pursue the common temporal good while supporting those things that are repugnant to the peace and happiness of eternity:
The more closely the temporal power of a nation aligns itself with the
spiritual, and the more it fosters and promotes the latter, by so much
the more it contributes to the conservation of the commonwealth. For it
is the aim of the ecclesiastical authority by the use of spiritual
means, to form good Christians in accordance with its own particular end
and object; and in doing this it helps at the same time to form good
citizens, and prepares them to meet their obligations as members of a
civil society. This follows of necessity because in the City of God, the
Holy Roman Catholic Church, a good citizen and an upright man are
absolutely one and the same thing. How grave therefore is the
error of those who separate things so closely united, and who think that
they can produce good citizens by ways and methods other than those
which make for the formation of good Christians. For,
let human prudence say what it likes and reason as it pleases, it is
impossible to produce true temporal peace and tranquillity by things
repugnant or opposed to the peace and happiness of eternity. (Silvio Cardinal Antoniano, quoted by Pope Pius XI in Divini Illius Magistri, December 31, 1929.)
Please, please, please. Do not claim that the conciliar Vatican's condemnation of a thoroughly heterodox book, Just Love: A Framework for Christian Social Ethics, on matters pertaining to the Sixth and Ninth Commandments represents some kind of "sea change" on these matters. It does not. Vatican officials have told us in their own well-chosen words that no penalties will be imposed on the book's author, Sister Margaret Farley, R.S.M. None other than "Father" Federico Lombardi, S.J., the "papal" spokesflack and spinmeister, has told us this for himself on behalf of the ever-so-tolerant Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI:
The Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said the Vatican had
not called for any sanctions against Sister Farley and was not expected
to do so because she has retired from teaching. (Sister Margaret Farley Denounced by Vatican.)
In other words, Sister Margaret Farley will remain in perfectly "good standing" within the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism, which is just a swell place to exchange a "diversity" of views even when one gets his or her hands slapped by Vatican officials.
After all, nothing is going to happen to the members of the Sisters of Mercy who have expressed their support for Farley, a past president of the so-called Catholic Theological Society of America, in the following terms"
Sister Margaret Farley, RSM, is a highly respected and valued member of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas.
I know that I speak for our membership in expressing our profound regret
that a Notification has been issued by the Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith regarding her book, Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics.
Sister Margaret's reputation as scholar, ethicist, educator and
spiritual guide has enlivened the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas and
enriched the entire Church. She is a Christian ethicist, an emerita professor at Yale University, and a prominent teacher invited to speak
nationally and internationally.
Sister Margaret has given witness to the highest quality of academic
work and compassionate presence. She assiduously attempts to present
the Catholic tradition as formative of her own rich experience while
recognizing the ecumenical audience she often engages. While being
faithful to her own faith tradition and commitments, her sensitivity to
the varied circumstances, realities and needs of her students is the
context she consistently honors.
Sister Margaret is an extraordinary teacher and pastoral minister who is
deeply committed to the Gospel and the following of Jesus Christ. For
more than 50 years, Margaret has given her life in exceptional
scholarship and remarkable pastoral service to those who are most in
The process initiated by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
has been lengthy, arduous and extremely difficult. I am deeply saddened
that Sister Margaret has had to engage in this process for more than
three years and that the Congregation has rendered this Notification
concerning the significant pastoral and ethical thinking that are
represented in her book, Just Love.
Patricia McDermott, RSM
President, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas (Statement from Sister Pat McDermott, RSM.)
Nope. Nothing is going to happen to Sister Patricia McDermott.
Remember, Father Hans Kung is still in "good standing."
Father Charles Curran in still in "good standing."
"Archbishop" Robert Zollitsch is still in "good standing."
Why not?
The man who keeps them in "good standing" is himself an apostate and blasphemer (for a very interesting analysis of Joseph "Cardinal" Ratzinger's Modernist theology, see They Think They've Won Part IV). It's all right that Sister Margaret Farley continues to walk without any the conciliar church imposing "canonical" penalties on her because the man who heads this false entity does not believe in much that has been defined authoritatively by the authority of the Catholic Church.
The result of such tolerance, at least on the level of pastoral praxis, leads to a loss of the sensus Catholicus, starting with a loss of the sense of the horror of personal sin. It is no accident that support for "gay marriage" in states such as New York and Connecticut, both of which have sizable numbers of Catholics, is now at a majority level. A false church that does not condemn sin as sin and seeks to accommodate unrepentant sinners at every turn while refusing to state that is abnormal to be attracted impurely to members of his own gender is going to reap the rotten fruit of its own complete indifference to the promotion of sin under cover of the civil law and within every nook and cranny of popular culture.
Nothing ever happened to New York State Senator Edward Speno or to United States Senator Edward Moore Kennedy for supporting the surgical assassination of innocent preborn children in their mothers' wombs.
Nothing has happened to Andrew Mark Cuomo's loudmouth father, Mario Matthew Cuomo.
Nothing will happen to those who are attached to the conciliar structures who support and promote evil under cover of the civil law and/or in the midst of popular culture because those run this false church are themselves possessed of one falsehood after another.
To wit, could you imagine the conciliar "bishops" calling for a boycott of J. C. Penney stores because they are now advertising with "gay couples" as models in advance of Father's Day?
The conciliar "bishops" did nothing when the Swedish junk furniture store known as Ikea featured a "gay couple" in a television commercial in 1990 when its stores opened in the United States of America, and they did nothing against General Motors when the company's marketing geniuses decided to target the otherwise fine Saturn vehicle to the "gay community" in magazines published by those immersed in unnatural vice to cater to their own.
No talk of conversion of life. No true charity for the eternal salvation of those caught up lives of unrepentant sin even though Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ shed every single drop of His Most Precious Blood to redeem them and calls them to such a conversion of life.
No, the counterfeit church of conciliarism is still intent on helping others to pervert the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus while at the same time demonstrating rank intolerance towards those who are unwilling to be silent about its own multiple apostasies and blasphemous actions and sacrilegious liturgies.
God cares about matters of moral integrity just as much as He cares about doctrinal integrity, and it is indeed very telling that the conciliarists, who scoff in many instances at the perennial teaching of the Catholic Church and who openly blaspheme and betrayal Our Lord by entering into false places of worship without ever saying a word about the fact that those who "worship" there need to convert to the true Faith, are "easy" on hardened sinners who flaunt their sins in public and who are very "easy" on themselves as they commit gross sacrileges and are manifestly negligent in their duties to perform the Spiritual Works of Mercy that are necessary for one to show forth his charity for others in a concrete way when circumstances call for them to be performed.
That which is false, founded in one condemned proposition after another, will show forth its sterility over the course of time as it tolerates all manner of errors on a practical level that, at least theoretically, are condemned "officially" but without, at least for the most part, any disciplinary actions imposed upon those who hold and promote those errors publicly. It is pretty difficult for the lords of conciliarism to have a consistent policy of discipline with those who defect from articles contained in the Deposit of Faith and who promote grave moral evils when each of them, without exception, defies the ancient anathemas of the Catholic Church concerning the nature of dogmatic truth, false ecumenism and "inter-religious prayer services" and as they support openly such things as separation of Church and State and religious liberty while pretending to "worship" God by means of the Protestant and Masonic Novus Ordo service.
We have much reparation to make to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary for our sins and for those of the whole world. Much reparation to make, especially in this month of June that has been so perverted by ecclesiastical practitioners of perverse liturgies and doctrines and by the practitioners of perverse sins against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments.
With Our Lady as our sure guide and intercessor, may we indeed be ever earnest about making reparation for our own many sins, each of has contributed to the worsening of the state of the Church Militant here on earth and of the world-at-large. Once again, make no mistake about it: our own sins and our ingratitude and our lukewarmness have exacerbated, that is, worsened, the state of the Church Militant on earth. We cannot be content to wallow in spiritual mediocrity. We must accept whatever penances and humiliations that God chooses to send us so that we can give them back to His Most Sacred Heart through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of His Most Blessed Mother as her consecrated slaves, especially by means of praying as many Rosaries as our states-in-life permit.
Our Lady stands by the tomb of her Divine Son, Who has been buried mystically by the conciliarists' contempt for the truths that He has revealed exclusively through His Catholic Church and have been taught infallibly by her without any hint or shadow of change from Pentecost Sunday. We must keep her company at that tomb in our prayers, being ever willing to take on more penances and to renounce our own comfort and convenience and all attachment to human respect in order to help to usher in the day when the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will make it possible for the enemies of her Divine Son in the modern world and in the grips of Modernism will be vanquished, permitting the restoration of all things in Christ the King as we honor her as our Immaculate Queen.
Vivat Christus Rex! Viva Cristo Rey!
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.
Saint Norbert, pray for us.
See also: A Litany of Saints