Blood Money Talks Loud and Clear
Part Three
Thomas A. Droleskey
Wednesday's article, which was tweaked several times after it was posted, focused on the extent to which those who claim to be "pro-life" are willing to look the other way at disturbing facts in order not to interfere with the ability of one of their "secular saviors" to slay the latest dragon from the false opposite of the naturalist "left."
The silence on the part of "pro-life" leaders about former Commonwealth of Massachusetts Governor Willard Mitt Romney's investment, both with Bain Capital and then with his own holding firm, Sankaty, in Stericyle that paid him handsome dividends in order to defeat President Barack Hussein Obama on Tuesday, November 6, 2012, is very analogous to the silence that these very people keep when their "pope" offends the honor and glory of the Most Blessed Trinity by esteeming the symbols of false religions with his own priestly hands and by praising the nonexistent ability of these religions to "contribute" to a better world, to that mythical "civilization of love" built on a foundation of "solidarity." Some of those who do so for fear of losing access to the modernized version of the Immemorial Mass of Tradition. As I noted two years ago now when the Transalpine Redemptorists, now "reconciled" to the counterfeit church of conciliarism, The Cost of "Recognition" Keeps Getting Higher and Higher.
Similarly, the pro-life establishment leaders willing to trade silence for "access" and "a place at the table" in an administration of President Willard Mitt Romney and Vice President Paul Davis Ryan must accept increasingly higher and higher doses of a so-called "lesser evil" over the course of time, something that I have tried to hammer home for over sixteen years now and that I summarized in When Lesser is Greater. Those who are willing to compromise on matters of truth thus choose to fight their battles on the devil's terms, and this is always--and I mean always--a losing proposition now and quite possibly for all eternity (see A World of Sisyphuses and It's Still a World of Sisyphuses).
The common phenomenon of trading for silence for some alleged good is very much a part of the daily modus operandi of many "conservatives" and "traditionally-minded" Catholics in the counterfeit church of conciliarism.
To wit, apart from the patently absurd efforts to portray Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI as a "traditionalist," which is true only in the sense that he is a very traditional devotee of Modernism, there are many priests and presbyters in the conciliar structures who just do not believe that it is in their "job description" to say anything about things that their "pope" does and says that they know offends the honor and glory of the Most Blessed Trinity and thus harmful to the sanctification and salvation of souls and to the right ordering of men and their nations.
Esteem the symbols of false religions?
Engage in inter-religious prayer?
Deny the nature of dogmatic truth?
Promote anathematized propositions?
Protect and promote known clerical predators?
None of that matters to those who are willing to stay on Ratzinger/Benedict's dole as they believe, falsely, that it's not up to them to contradict the "pope." Some of these priests and presbyters know right from wrong. It is too important to maintain one's "good standing" and to make a show of "obedience" to their very unlawful superiors, even going so far as to publicly boast about how obedient and deferential they are to these spiritual robber barons.
What does it matter that these unlawful superiors, men who are false claimants to ecclesiastical positions, reaffirm and enable the blood merchants of Modernity as they call down upon themselves the Most Precious Blood of the Divine Redeemer, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, by offending God every daily at their tables of false worship, thus depriving Him of the honor and glory that are His due and the world of the supernatural helps that men need to save and sanctify their souls. The reasons that the barbarians control the levers of law and public policy and run amok in our popular culture is that spiritual barbarians are at work in a counterfeit ape of the Catholic Church and are themselves being enabled by their clerical subordinates who would rather be silent about things they know to be wrong rather than risk losing a title or, perhaps more to the point, their stipends/salaries, health insurance benefits and pensions. In other words, many priests and presbyters in the conciliar structures are willing to sacrifice a defense of truth for the sake of
It is no surprise, therefore, that spiritual barbarians are more than willing to take the blood money of those who support the killing of the innocent preborn, if not engage in this killing directly themselves. There is no need to conduct "sting" operations to discover what is readily on the record.
To wit, some well-meaning Catholics sent an e-mail that misrepresented themselves as members of a pro-death organization who desired to purchase tickets for the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner on Thursday, October 18, 2012, at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in the Borough of Manhattan of the City of New York, New York, that will feature such speakers as President Barack Hussein Obama, who supports the chemical and surgical assassination of innocent preborn children on an unrestricted basis, and former Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Willard Mitt Romney, who supports the chemical assassination of innocent preborn children in all instances ("contraception is working just fine") and the direct, intentional killing of the innocent preborn in certain "hard cases," as it is hosted by Timothy Michael "Cardinal" Dolan, the conciliar "archbishop" of the Archdiocese of New York (see Making Everyone Happy Except God, Whatever You Want, Silence, Extra! Extra! Read All About It! Dolan Finally Speaks The Truth, Ominous Offenders Offending Ominously, Memo To David Axelrod And Other Social Engineers, John Carroll's Caesar, Victims of Compromise, Taking A Figure Of Antichrist At His Worthless Words, Prisoners Of Their Own Apostasy, Timothy Dolan, Meet Timothy Dolan (And Friends), Still Celebrating Half A Century Of Apostasy, Candidate For Man Of The Year?, From John Carroll To James Gibbons To Timothy Dolan, To Help The Children? and Fake, Phony, Sanctimonious Fraud.)
Here is the letter from the Catholics who misrepresented themselves and the response that was sent by a representative of the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner, which is not "officially" sponsored by the Archdiocese of New York even though the foundation's representative has an e-mail address of "," which belongs to the archdiocese:
Dear Al Smith Dinner,
I am writing to inquire about reserving a table at the 67th Annual
Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner on Thursday, October 18, 2012
at the Waldorf Astoria.
If spaces are still available we would like to reserve a table for
ten or twelve people for the Religious Coalition for Reproductive
Could you let me know if this can be done by credit card on the Internet or over the phone.
You have our full support in the invitation issued to President Obama
and we want to financially show our support for this decision to move
past the corrosive political fighting that often accompanies the issue
of reproductive choice. We stand with you.
We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you on October 18.
Rev. Susan Beil
From: Al Smith Foundation <>
To: ‘Susan Beil’ <>
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 7:10 PM
Subject: RE: Ticket information
Hi Rev. Beil,
Thank you so much for your email and your kind words. Tickets to the
event are $2,500 each and tables start at $25,000. If you are still
interested please send me your mailing address and I can send you an
invitation when they go out in late August.
Many thanks,
Meghan (Al Smith Dinner Willing To Accept Pro-Abortion Group.)
As I noted last year when members of a pro-life organization used hidden cameras to try to uncover information about Planned Parenthood's nefarious practices that have been well-known for decades, there is never any need for hidden cameras or for "sting" letters to know the truth. Why commit sins against the Eighth Commandment in order to "out" those breaking the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Commandments. Shouldn't to be enough to know that Timothy Michael "Cardinal" Dolan has seen fit to invite two men who have no regard for the binding precepts of the Divine Positive Law and the Natural Law, including one that is waging war on the Catholic Faith and upon ordinary Catholics at this time? Isn't that enough?
There is a long tradition, long antedating the rise of the counterfeit church of conciliarism and its false "bishops" and "priests," of Americanist clergymen succumbing to the blandishments of American public officials, being ever willing to defy the Vatican if they had to do so.
As is well known, Bishop Bernard McQuaid of the
Diocese of Rochester, New York, conflicted with the infamous Americanist
archbishop of Saint Paul, Minnesota, John Ireland, who took it upon
himself in the Spring of 1894 to write letters to the members of the New
York State Legislature to urge them to vote for Father Sylvester
Malone, a supporter of suspended priest Father Edward McGlynn, who
promoted the Knights of Labor, which had been condemned by the Vatican
in a letter Elzear-Alexandre Cardinal Tascherau, the Archbishop of
Quebec from March 19, 1871, to April 12, 1898 (a condemnation
Americanists contended applied only to Canada and thus defied, later
petitioning the Vatican successfully in the person of the longtime
Americanist Archbishop of Baltimore, James Cardinal Gibbons to reverse),
rather than for McQuaid for what was called the "Catholic seat" on the
New York State Board of Education. Malone won, angering McQuaid and the
Archbishop of New York, Michael Corrigan, another anti-Americanist of
Irish descent. Ireland was a support of public schools as a means of
"Americanizing" Catholic students. McQuaid and Corrigan wanted the Faith
to be protected against the secularizing elements of a culture that
they knew posed dangers to the life of the faithful. Sound familiar.
The McQuaid-Ireland dispute occurred when all
diocesan bishops, quite of course, had ordinary, territorial
jurisdiction, something that no traditional Catholic bishop possesses
(unless one accepts the claims made by Bishop Louis Vezelis, who,
ironically, is located in Rochester, New York). And the McQuaid-Ireland
dispute flared up anew later in 1894 when Ireland absented himself from
his archdiocese for a month to campaign for Republican Party candidates
in the State of New York, appearing alongside such notorious Masons as
then United States Senator William McKinley (R-Ohio) and the then head
of the United States Civil Service Commission, Theodore Roosevelt.
McQuaid denounced Ireland from the pulpit in Rochester. That was a
little much for the papal delegate, Monsignor (later Cardinal) Francesco
Satolli, who wrote to McQuaid to tell him to stop the public criticism
of Ireland, who was, to be sure, no favorite of Rome's.
The late Dr. Justin Walsh, who died last year, wrote the following in The Angelus twelve years ago about this dispute:
On the First Sunday of Advent in 1894 (the third Sunday
after Election Day) Bernard McQuaid, "mitered and with crozier in
hand," rose in his cathedral to denounce the interloper from Minnesota.
"John Ireland was guilty of unseemly action contrary to episcopal
dignity, and one which is a scandal for right-minded Catholics,"
McQuaid began. He continued:
If we are to believe the newspapers, Minnesota stands
in great need of being purified and His Grace might have found ample
scope there for the exercise of his political zeal. was not
love of good government which induced Archbishop Ireland to spend so
many weeks in New York, away from his diocese, where the law relative
to residence obliged him to be.
No, McQuaid insisted, Ireland came "to acquit himself
of a debt to the Republican party [for electing Fr. Malone to the board
of regents.]" McQuaid added that an appeal to Rome might be necessary
to teach the "conspirators" - his term for Ireland, Gibbons,
Keane, and O'Connell - to stay home and tend their respective flocks.
To forestall action by Rome, Ireland wrote to Propaganda [i.e.,
The Sacred Congregation of Propaganda, established for dealing with all
ecclesiastical affairs in missions of the Latin rite throughout the world
and having jurisdiction over all foreign missions - Ed.] about
McQuaid's pique: "My letters, had...more effect than all the effort
he and his friends made in their own state. He was defeated, and he won't
forgive me for that."
It was clear by 1895 that Americanist views were incompatible
with orthodox Catholicism. In the spiritual realm Keane was hell-bent
on fostering interdenominational congresses. In the temporal realm Ireland,
and to a lesser extent Gibbons, had peculiar penchants for meddling in
things better left alone by Churchmen. In such a situation action by Rome
was inevitable. It came on January 6 when Leo XIII addressed Longinqua
Oceani to American bishops. (Heresy Blossoms Like a Rose.)
Although many more examples will be given in volume two of Conversion in Reverse when the funds are available to subsidize my continuing work on it (something I hope my new book can accomplish), perhaps it would be good to recall that fact that many in the American hierarchy treated all efforts to support the Cristeros in Mexico with complete contempt. Typical of the indifferent attitude of the American bishops was that
encountered by Mexican student leader, Rene Capistran Garza, associated
with the League for the Defense of Religious Liberty in Mexico who
attempted to garner support from them for the cause of the suffering
Catholics to their south:
In an open second-hand Studebaker in the dead of
winter he and a bilingual companion made their way to Texas armed with
letters of recommendation to bishops and regional commanders of the
Knights of Columbus. Stopping first in Corpus Christ they stood waiting
for the bishop to read their credentials when they told their story.
Concluding, they heard words they could scarcely believe, "Nothing
doing, sorry." In Galveston the bishop took out a ten-dollar bill of out
of his pocket and handed it to them. Houston, Dallas, Little Rock
brought hardly enough to pay for their gasoline at 1926 prices. Then in
the prosperous German diocese of St. Louis the bishop gave them one
hundred dollars of his own. But at that point the Studebaker broke down
and in order to repair it the youths had to pawn an heirloom gold watch
and a new pistol. Meeting constant rejection they drove through sleet
and snow to Indianapolis, Dayton, Pittsburgh and finally to the great
[arch]diocese of Boston, already famed for its covey of Irish Catholic
Cardinal [William] O'Connell received their letters
and listened to their tale. Then he made his contribution. It took the
form of advice, "I exhort you and your people to suffer in patience the
trials that God has sent you." He added that if either of them felt like
abandoning their project in order to look for jobs in Boston he would
be happy to given the letters of recommendation.
When two months later Rene and his friend Jose,
were here home in Mexico, their hope was to soar for a last time. The
Texas oilman William F. Buckley [yes, the father of William F. Buckley,
Jr., who had spent much time in Mexico] notified them that he had
persuaded his good friend Nicholas Brady, the Knight of St. Gregory and
Duke of the Papal Court, to donate one million dollars to the cause.
Arriving in New York after the long train journey Capistran found that
the Vatican's no placet had got to Brady ahead of him. One can
only conclude that to have turned men like Brady and O'Connell [who was
an anti-Ameicanist, it should be noted] away from helping so Catholic a
cause as that of the Cristeros the Vatican message must have been not
only peremptory but noxious (Mary Ball Martinez, The Undermining of the Catholic Church, 1991, p. 54.)
Who in the Vatican was responsible for this
treachery? Well, the same man who was responsible for the supposed
"peace" accord in 1929 that was rejected by Cristero General Enrique
Gorostieta: Pietro Cardinal Gasparri, the Secretary of State for the
Holy See. Cardinal Gasparri was an Americanist and never wanted to do
anything to offend the sensibilities of the American government,
certainly not to aid the Cristeros. Pope Pius XI later regretted having
taken Gasparri's advice to urge the Cristeros to lay down their arms in
1929. Yet it was, you see, that it was Cardinal Pietro Gasparri and his
friends in the American hierarchy who also bear responsibility for the
undermining of the Cristero cause and for the triumph of Plutarco Elias
Calles over them.
Blood money talks loud and clear.
It talked very well for the likes of Francis Cardinal Spellman, the Archbishop of New York from 1939 to 1967, and Archbishop Richard Cushing, the Archbishop of Boston from 1944 to 1970, when it came to openly undermining the efforts of Catholic bishops in Puerto Rico to garner popular support for a referendum to overturn the population control/"family planning" practices of the then-named Territory of Puerto Rico's first elected governor, Luis Munoz Marin:
In 1960, the Puerto
Rico hierarchy decided to make one last concerted effort to drive the
Sangerite forces from the island. The Catholic resistance was lead by
two American Bishops--James F. Davis of San Juan and James E. McManus of
Ponce. The Catholic Church in Puerto Rico helped to organize a national
political party--the Christian Action Party (CAP). The new political
front was composed primarily of Catholic laymen and its platform
included opposition to existing permissive legislation on birth control
and sterilization.
When increasing numbers of CAP flags began to fly from the
rooftops of Puerto Rico's Catholic homes, the leaders of the opposition
parties, who favored turning Puerto Rico into an international Sangerite
playground for massive U.S.-based
contraceptive/abortifacient/sterilization experimental programs, became
increasingly concerned for their own political futures. Then unexpected
help arrived in the unlikely person of His Eminence Francis Cardinal
Spellman of New York.
One month before the hotly contested national election, Spellman
arrived in Puerto Rico ostensibly to preside over two formal Church
functions. While on the island, Spellman agreed to meet with CAP's major
political rival, Governor Luis Munoz Marin, leader of the Popular
Democratic Party (PDP) and a supporter of federal population control
programs for Puerto Rico.
In an interview that followed his meeting with Munoz, Spellman,
known for years as FDR's errand boy with a miter, claimed that politics
were outside his purview. The cardinal's statement was interpreted by
the press as an indictment of the partisan politics of Bishops Davis and
McManus. To underscore his message, as soon as Spellman returned to the
States he made a public statement in opposition to the latest
directives of the Puerto Rico bishops prohibiting Catholics from voting
for Munoz and his anti-life PDP cohorts. Catholic voters in Puerto Rico
should vote their conscience without the threat of Church penalties,
Spellman said.
Boston's Cardinal Cushing, John F. Kennedy's "political
godfather," joined Spellman in expressed "feigned horror" at the thought
of ecclesiastical authority attempting to dictate political voting.
"This has never been a part of our history, and I pray God that it will
never be!" said Cushing. Cushing's main concern was not the Puerto Rican
people. His main worry was that the flack caused by the Puerto Rican
birth control affair might overflow into the upcoming presidential
campaign and hurt John Kennedy's bid for the White House.
The national election turned out to be a political disaster for
CAP. Munoz and the PDP won by a landslide. Bishop Davis was forced to
end the tragic state of confusion among the Catholic laity by declaring
just before the election that no penalties would be imposed on those who
voted for PDP.
Two years later, with the knowledge and approval of the American
hierarchy and the Holy See , the Puerto Rican hierarchy was pressured
into singing a secret concordat of "non-interference" in
government-sponsored birth control programs--a sop being that the
programs would now include instruction in the "rhythm method." While
insisting on their right to hold and express legitimate opposition to
such programs, the Puerto Rican bishops promised they would "never
impose their own moral doctrines upon individuals who do not accept the
Catholic teaching."
When the Sangerite storm hit the mainland in the late 1960s,
AmChurch would echo this same theme song, opening the floodgates to a
multi-billion dollar federal-life-prevention (and destruction) program.
(Randy Engel, The Rite of Sodomy, pp. 647-649)
It should be noted that the Holy See was under the control of the spiritual robber baron and false "pope," Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII, in 1962 and not the Catholic Church.
Neither Spellman or Cushing wanted to do anything in 1960 to harm the chances of Untied States Senator John Fitzgerald Kennedy (D-Massachusetts) from becoming the first Catholic to be elected President of the United States of America.
Ever desirous of aiding and abetting his friends and bankrollers in the Democratic Party, Cushing went so far in 1965 as to state on radio that he would not ask Catholic legislators in the Massachusetts General Court, the state's legislature, to oppose a bill legalizing the sale of contraceptives to married couples, and actually encouraged them to vote in behalf of it if their constituents desired it, something that makes it very difficult for me to believe that Cushing, who once boasted of never having made a convert in his entire priestly life, might have had a bit of a rough time at his Particular Judgment:
Early in the summer of 1965, the Massachusetts
legislature took up a proposal to repeal the state's Birth Control law,
which barred the use of contraceptives. . . . In a state where Catholics
constituted a voting majority, and dominated the legislature, the
prospects for repeal appeared remote. Then on June 22, Cardinal Cushing
appeared on a local radio program, 'An Afternoon with Haywood Vincent,'
and effectively scuttled the opposition. Cardinal Cushing announced: 'My
position in this matter is that birth control in accordance with
artificial means is immoral, and not permissible. But this is Catholic
teaching. I am also convinced that I should not impose my position upon
those of other faiths'.
Warming to the subject, the cardinal told his
radio audience that 'I could not in conscience approve the legislation'
that had been proposed. However, he quickly added, 'I will make no
effort to impose my opinion upon others.' So there it was: the
'personally opposed' argument, in fully developed form, enunciated by a
Prince of the Church nearly 40 years ago!
Notice how the unvarying
teaching of the Catholic Church, which condemned artificial
contraception as an offense against natural law, is reduced here to a
matter of the cardinal's personal belief. And notice how he makes no
effort to persuade legislators with the force of his arguments; any such
effort is condemned in advance as a bid to 'impose' his opinion.
Cardinal Cushing conceded that in the past, Catholic leaders had opposed
any effort to alter the Birth Control law. 'But my thinking has changed
on that matter,' he reported, 'for the simple reason that I do not see
where I have an obligation to impose my religious beliefs on people who
just do not accept the same faith as I do'. . . . Before the end of his
fateful radio broadcast, Cardinal Cushing gave his advice to the
Catholic members of the Massachusetts legislature: 'If your constituents
want this legislation, vote for it. You represent them. You don't
represent the Catholic Church.' Dozens of Catholic legislators did vote
for the bill, and the Birth Control law was abolished. Perhaps more
important in the long run, the 'personally opposed' politician had his
rationale." (Catholic World Report, 2003.)
As noted recently, Barack Hussein Obama received funding from the Archdiocese of Chicago to attend a conference in Los Angeles, California, to learn more about the Marxist ways of Saul Alinsky's "industrial areas foundation" (see Conciliar Church Paid for Obama to Take Alinsky Training), a blood money investment that is reaping some very expensive dividends for conciliar officials and, of course, for us all in this time of apostasy and betrayal.
The so-called "Catholic Campaign for Human Development" continues to fund pro-abortion, pro-perversity, statist causes despite receiving a few slaps on the wrist now and again from the misnamed United States Conference of Catholic Bishop. (See American Life League's comprehensive report on this continuing blood money scandal and Mrs. Stephanie Block's groundbreaking work on the Catholic Campaign for Human Development.)
It is also not uncommon for conciliar "bishops" to be personally friendly with known baby-killers and drug runners.
Sylvester Ryan, the conciliar "bishop" of Monterey, California, from 1992 to 2007 and a colleague of Roger "Cardinal" Mahony, the conciliar "archbishop" of Los Angeles from 1985 to 2011, permitted a known baby-killer to serve on a diocesan review board dealing with clerical predators (see Stonewalling from Another Bishop Ryan).
Sylvester Ryan also permitted the pro-abortion Leon Panetta, who serves now as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency after promoting abortion as a member of the United States House of Representatives from 1977 to 1993 and after having done a stint as the head of the Office of Management and the Budget and White House Chief of Staff under President William Jefferson Blythe Clinton, to remain in "good standing" in the Diocese of Monterey. Panetta was even appointed in 2002 by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to serve on the advisory board to review the handling of clerical abuse cases. Panetta's support for baby-killing under cover of the civil law meant nothing, and he put in a pretty good piece of coin at the Basilica of Saint Charles Borromeo in Carmel, California, where he is a parishioner (and where the body of Father Junipero Serra is buried in the sanctuary).
Blood money spoke loud and clear in 1997 It was in 1997 in the case of the pro-abortion United States Senator Christopher Dodd (D-Connecticut), who made a $5,000 donation to
to St. Joseph's School in North Grovernorsdale, Connecticut. It was so important to the conciliar "bishop" of Norwich, Connecticut, Daniel Hart, to avoid offending Dodd,6 that the
parish's temporary administrator, Father George Parker, was told he
would not be considered as the parish's permanent pastor after he
had returned Dodd's blood money contribution, something I wrote about extensively for The Wanderer at the time. Blood money talks. It talks
real loud.
Then there is Roger Mahony, who has been in retirement for eighteen months now, even took blood money from a known drug dealer, something that I wrote about in 2001 (five years before coming to recognize the true state of the Church Militant in this time of apostasy and betrayal) in article that survives to this very day on The Daily Catholic:
Cardinal Mahony has not only looked the other way at all of this. No, he has done far more than that. Cardinal Roger Mahony has close friendships with powerful forces in the Democratic Party, some of which felt close enough to him to importune him to write a letter in support of the pardon application of a convicted drug dealer (whose father is a major donor to the Democratic Party and to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles).
How interesting it is to note that a Prince of the Church does not care to recognize that those who donate to the fully pro-abortion political party have the blood of the innocent on their hands. To do their bidding in any way is to do the bidding of the Devil himself. However, modernist cathedrals and modernist catechetical conventions do not get funded with the contributions of the ordinary schnooks in the pew alone. Those thirty pieces of silver must be accepted in order to accomplish the destruction of reverence in worship and integrity of doctrine in lavish style.
Cardinal Mahony expressed shock when the full facts of the drug dealer's pardon story became known. He was particularly incensed that former White House Chief of Staff John Podesta, who is still working for the now beleaguered former forty-third president, misled him about how his letter in support of the pardon application would be used. Why the shock, your Eminence? If you lie down with pro-abortion dogs and take their money, you are going to wake up with the dirt left by their pro-abortion fleas.
Cardinal Mahony was the first bishop in the United States to endorse then President-elect Bill Clinton's decision in November of 1992 to seek to change the military's longstanding policy concerning practicing homosexuals and lesbians in the military. He had Clinton speak from the pulpit at St. Vibiana's Cathedral on Palm Sunday one year. His functionaries in the Los Angeles archdiocesan chancery office are alleged by press reports to have been involved in helping illegal aliens to register to vote in 1996 so that they could vote for the pro-abortion Catholic Loretta Sanchez against the pro-life Robert K. Dornan. Mahony even went so far as to bestow Papal honors on two purveyors of indecency and filth in the media: Rupert Murdoch, a thirty-third degree Mason, and Roy Disney. Nothing like a little blood money from those who have produced motion pictures and television programs glorifying sin, eh? And this is to say nothing of how he has used the money of ordinary Catholics to try to "de-Europeanize" the liturgy, which has been the subject of many commentaries and analyses in the last few years.
Cardinal Roger Mahony has no one but himself to blame for the embarrassment he is suffering at present. He does not care to learn the simple fact that those who support the promotion of sin under cover of law are unfit to hold any office-and that they should be given no quarter in the Church whatsoever.
Many are the good and sincere people who have come by their money honestly, people who want to use the treasure God has bestowed upon them for the promotion of reverence in worship and integrity of doctrine. How sad it is that those good people are mocked and reviled as reactionaries while the supporters of the baby-killing political party and soul-killing entertainment fare are honored as great supporters of the "progressive" Church. Says a lot right there, doesn't it?
Naturally, the fact that Bill and Hillary Clinton, who promised to run the most ethical administration in history, sold everything they could to the highest bidder should come as absolutely no surprise. They are base, coarse, vile, vulgar, greedy, prideful human beings who believe in all utter arrogance and righteousness that they can do whatever it is they want whenever it is they want with complete and total impunity, responding with indignity when even forced to answer questions about their corrupt practices (Blood Money Talks.)
I may not have recognized the true state of the Church Militant eleven years ago. However, I was no friend of the conciliar "bishops" and had ceased defending Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II publicly.
No, there is simply no need for anyone to conduct "sting" operations" in order to play a "gotcha" moment with the lords of the counterfeit church of conciliarism, the men who cash the checks of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., Mario Matthew Cuomo, Richard Durbin, Thomas Harkin, Susan Collins Robert Menendez, George Elmer Pataki, Carolyn McCarthy, John Kerry, Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi, Kirsten Gillebrand, Robert Menendez,
Susan Collins, Patricia Murray, Kathleen Sebelius, Sonya Sotomayor,
Patrick Leahy, Linda McMahon, Christopher Dodd, Thomas Ridge, William Blaine Richardson,
Patrick Quinn, Robert Duffy, James Doyle, Thomas Barrett, John Francis
"Jack" Reed, Loretta Sanchez, Linda Sanchez, Mark Begich, Maria
Cantwell, John Kerry, Lisa Murkowski, Martin O'Malley, Daniel Patrick
Malloy, Donna Shalala, among, many others, whenever it is that these pro-abort Catholics attend the Protestant and Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical service (and some do so weekly). The lords of concilairism are always willing to take blood money so that they can continue their revolution against Faith, Worship and Morals that has enabled the rise to power of men such as Barack Hussein Obama.
Timothy Michael "Cardinal" Dolan can make all of the offers that he wants to "pray" at meetings of pro-abortion politicians in order to show that he is not a "partisan" of the organized crime family of the false opposite of the naturalist "right," at whose forthcoming soiree in Tampa, Florida, he is scheduled to offer a closing prayer. As I noted recently, Dolan is a Fake, Phony, Sanctimonious Fraud. Go ahead. Invite Obama. Invite Romney. Take the money of anyone who can cough up the big bucks to attend the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner. It's all about "dialogue" and "engagement," not truth, right?
Does any reader of this site believe that any true pope would have claimed a public official who supported the chemical and surgical execution of innocent babies under cover of the civil law to be a serious practitioner of the Catholic Faith?
Of course not.
Who does?
Timothy Michael "Cardinal" Dolan:
“We’ve got two men who - and you can disagree with one of them or both
of them - say they take their faith seriously, who don’t try to hide it,
and who say, ‘Hey, my Catholic upbringing and my Catholic formation
influences the way I think.’ Not bad. Not bad.” (USCCB President Happy, Whatever You Want Dolan celebrates Catholicism of VP picks Biden and Ryan.)
Are you crying or laughing out loud?
Not bad? Not bad?
Timothy Michael "Cardinal" Dolan is bereft of the Catholic Faith. He is a carbon copy of the man who transferred him from Milwaukee to New York three and one-half years ago now, Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, as neither Dolan or the conciliar "pontiff" would ever speak in these clear terms as Pope Pius XI did in Casti Connubii, December 31, 1930, about the justice of God that will be visited upon those in public life who support abortion:
Those who hold the reins of government should not forget that it
is the duty of public authority by appropriate laws and sanctions to
defend the lives of the innocent, and this all the more so since those
whose lives are endangered and assailed cannot defend themselves. Among
whom we must mention in the first place infants hidden in the mother's
womb. And if the public magistrates not only do not defend them, but by
their laws and ordinances betray them to death at the hands of doctors
or of others, let them remember that God is the Judge and Avenger of
innocent blood which cried from earth to Heaven. (Pope Pius XI, Casti Connubii, December 31, 1930.)
Not bad. Not bad. Wouldn't you say? Not bad.
Dolan and his boss from Bavaria would never speak in such stark terms. Never.
No one who supports the direct, intentional killing of an innocent human life from the moment of conception through all subsequent stages in even one circumstance, no less on an unrestricted basis, is any kind of "serious Catholic." It is nothing other than a grave offense against truth and even simple decency to say otherwise. Then again, that's what the conciliar officials specialize in as they take the blood money of men such as Biden and praise them as serious Catholics do when they promote their false doctrines and their false liturgical rites, which will be the subject of the next commentary on this site.
Pope Leo XIII reminded us all that no one who makes a distinction between his "private" beliefs and public actions is any kind of a "serious Catholic":
Hence, lest concord be broken by rash charges, let this be understood by
all, that the integrity of Catholic faith cannot be reconciled with
opinions verging on naturalism or rationalism, the essence of which is
utterly to do away with Christian institutions and to install in society
the supremacy of man to the exclusion of God. Further, it is
unlawful to follow one line of conduct in private life and another in
public, respecting privately the authority of the Church, but publicly
rejecting it; for this would amount to joining together good and evil,
and to putting man in conflict with himself; whereas he ought always to
be consistent, and never in the least point nor in any condition of life
to swerve from Christian virtue. (Pope Leo XIII, Immortale Dei, November 1, 1885.)
How can Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., whose "personally opposed to abortion but" position that he has taken ever since the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States of America in the cases of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, January 22, 1973, was foreseen and condemned by Pope Leo XIII two hundred twenty-seven years ago now, be called as "serious Catholic"? He can't. It is impossible.
It is impossible for the blood money merchants of the counterfeit church of conciliarism to be Catholic. Simply impossible.
Why do we continue to believe that "things" are going to get better as God Himself is blasphemed by the conciliar "pope" and "bishops" and by conciliar presbyters. Do we not think that the crimes against God committed by the conciliarists and the silence about, if not active support of, them by ordinary Catholics in the conciliar structures is not going to be punished by God. Crimes against the Fourth through Tenth Commandments in civil society are made more possible when men who pose, albeit falsely, as shepherds of the Catholic Church commit crimes against the First through Third Commandments. How can it be otherwise?
"Sting operations are not going to save the day here, ladies and gentleman. It is only a conversion of men and their nations to the Catholic Faith that can save the day nothing else.
Obviously, this does not mean that we remain inert and passive in the face of the advance of grave evils. It is nevertheless important to understood root causes and the reality of our particular situation in order not to get so agitated by the events of our day that we become despondent when certain measures designed to retard the advance of various evils do not become enacted into law or when other legislative measures that do advance various evils, such as ObamaCare, do get enacted into law.
We are, as noted just above, suffering through a chastisement that cannot be "defeated" in the voting booth. The evils of the day will only be defeated when the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is made manifest, which is why we must first of all be about the business of restoring right order in our own immortal souls, especially during this penitential season of Lent, by spending more and more time, if at all possible, before Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's Real Presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament and by praying as many Rosaries each day as our state-in-life permits.
We need to accept every single personal penance that comes our way, thanking God for them as we rejoice in our crosses as they are the means by which we can give honor and glory to the Most Blessed Trinity while seeking to do penance for our sins as the consecrated slaves of Christ the King through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary our Immaculate Queen.
It is to keep us humble that God does not permit us to see much, if any, of the fruit that will flower as a result of the seeds that we seek to plant by whatever merits we earn from patiently enduring the personal, social and ecclesiastical crosses of our times. We are, though, to remember these words of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Himself:
[6] And the Lord said: If you had faith like to a grain of mustard seed,
you might say to this mulberry tree, Be thou rooted up, and be thou
transplanted into the sea: and it would obey you. [7] But which of you having a servant ploughing, or feeding cattle, will
say to him, when he is come from the field: Immediately go, sit down to
meat: [8] And will not rather say to him: Make ready my supper, and gird thyself,
and serve me, whilst I eat and drink, and afterwards thou shalt eat and
drink? [9] Doth he thank that servant, for doing the things which he commanded him? [10] I think not. So you also, when you shall have done all these things that are commanded you, say: We are unprofitable servants; we have done that which we ought to do. (Luke 17: 6-10.)
The Bishop Challoner Commentary on the Douay-Rheims Bible explains what Our Lord meant when He called us unprofitable servants for simply doing our duty every day as befits redeemed creatures:
[10] "Unprofitable servants"... Because our service is of no
profit to our master; and he justly claims it as our bounden duty. But
though we are unprofitable to him, our serving him is not unprofitable
to us; for he is pleased to give by his grace a value to our good works,
which, in consequence of his promise, entitles them to an eternal
That's good enough for me. What about you? There's work to do to convert ourselves, others and our nation. Why murmur about the work given us by Christ the King Himself for us to do in order to save our immortal souls that He redeemed at the cost of shedding every single drop of His Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross on Good Friday?
Remember that today is the Feast of Saint Louis IX, King of France, who was such a valiant exemplar of the Social Reign of Christ the King, It is his shining example of Catholic sanctity as the foundation of true justice that serves as our inspiration in these times, not the likes of blood merchants such as Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., who are praised by spiritual robber barons such as Timothy Michael Dolan.
Our Lady appeared to Jacinta and Francisco Marto and to Lucia dos Santos just a little under seven years after Pope Saint Pius X anticipated the essence of the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart with these telling words:
. . . . For there is no true civilization without a moral civilization,
and no true moral civilization without the true religion: it is a proven
truth, a historical fact. (Pope Saint Pius X, Notre Charge Apostolique, August 15, 1910.)
Immaculate Heart of Mary, triumph soon!
Yes, Timothy Michael Dolan, we are partisans after all is said and done.
We are partisans of Christ the King. You are not.
Viva Cristo Rey! Vivat Christus Rex!
Isn't it time to pray a Rosary now?
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, Patron of Departing Souls, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.
Saint Louis IX, King of France, pray for us. .
See also: A Litany of Saints