Donations (February 10, 2024)

Februry 10, 2024

Feast of Saint Scholastica 

In an effort to avoid having to make private appeals to the small number of those who have given much in the past, this updated donations page appeal is being written because there is an urgent need to raise $1500, most, although not all, of which is for the second part of the dentail treatment that the youngest member of our family must undergo on the Thursday after Ash Wednesday and the Commemoration of Saints Faustinus and Jovita, in St, Louis, Missouri. 

Please consider making a non-tax-deductible financial gift at this time. The work of this site, which has been online since February 20, 2004, is entirely dependent upon the largesse of its readers. 

Thank you for your consideration of this appeal, and it is my prayer that the requested funds can be raised in a timely manner.

Sincerely yours in Christ the King and His Most Blessed Mother,

Thomas A. Droleskey, Ph.D.
