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Catholic Doctrine Has Been Under Attack For Fifty-Six Years
One of the advantages of having been unable to write much in the past two months is that I not had to deal with the predictable deluge of daily hysteria flooding out of the walls of the Occupied Territory of the State of Vatican City on the West Bank of the Tiber River. Incessant commenatary on the insanity that most people on the face of this earth today think is the Catholic Church is truly unnecessary at this point, although I commend those who still have the energy and the desire to do so. After all, how many times can be it pointed out that the counterfeit church of conciliarism is not the Catholic Church and that Jorge Mario Bergoglio is just the sixth in a line of antipopes that date back to the "election," such as it was, of Angelo "Cardinal" Roncalli on October 28, 1958, the Feast of Saints Simon and Jude.
Alas, Jorge Mario Bergoglio is not a progenitor of the conciliar revolution. "Saint John XXIII" and "Blessed Paolo Sicko," aided by the likes of the now retired and probably future "blessed" "Benedict XVI," were the ones who put into motion what the Argentine Apostate is only bringing to its logical conclusion. Bergoglio is merely a vulgar, coarse populizer of the conciliar revolution, intent on purging the supposedly "conservative" "bishops" from the ranks of the counterfeit church of conciliarism in the name of "maturity."
"Maturity" means, of course, accepting "new" "pastoral solutions" to "minister" with "mercy" to those living in sin, excuse me, "new" ways of "being family," whether the sin involves natural or unnatural vice in violation of the binding precepts of the Sixth and the Ninth Commandments. Jorge Mario Bergoglio is going to spend the next year giving endless harangues during his daily sessions at the Ding Dong School Of Apostasy to further browbeat the "rigid Pharisees" who are not open to "God's surprises," which are not from God at all but the adversary himself, in order to condition Catholic minds into realizing the "spirit filled" "wonders" contained in the following three paragraphs that were the subject of Ignoring Pope Leo XIII and Pope Saint Pius X ten days ago now:
Homosexuals have gifts and qualities to offer to the Christian community: are we capable of welcoming these people, guaranteeing to them a fraternal space in our communities? Often they wish to encounter a Church that offers them a welcoming home. Are our communities capable of providing that, accepting and valuing their sexual orientation, without compromising Catholic doctrine on the family and matrimony?
The question of homosexuality leads to a serious reflection on how to elaborate realistic paths of affective growth and human and evangelical maturity integrating the sexual dimension: it appears therefore as an important educative challenge. The Church furthermore affirms that unions between people of the same sex cannot be considered on the same footing as matrimony between man and woman. Nor is it acceptable that pressure be brought to bear on pastors or that international bodies make financial aid dependent on the introduction of regulations inspired by gender ideology.
Without denying the moral problems connected to homosexual unions it has to be noted that there are cases in which mutual aid to the point of sacrifice constitutes a precious support in the life of the partners. Furthermore, the Church pays special attention to the children who live with couples of the same sex, emphasizing that the needs and rights of the little ones must always be given priority. (Synod on Family: Midterm report presented, 2015 Synod announced.)
Although some "conservative" and "traditionally-minded" Catholics thought that a "victory" fought by the "good, moderate revolutionaries" (sort of like Glinda, the "Good Witch of the North" in the hideous anti-Catholic mockery of religion, The Wizard of Oz, I suppose) had been won at the now-concluded "extraordinay synod of 'bishops' on the family" by having those three paragraphs struck from the final report (the relatio) of the synod. Even disregarding, at least for a few moments, Jorge Mario Bergoglio's desire to have those "moderates" "mature" in the next year, the truth is, of course, that the three paragraphs remain in the final report, albeit in slightly modified form so as to make the "maturation" process that much easier to accept in the conciliar "tradition" of "gradualness" that is all too frequently not very gradual:
VATICAN — In an electronic vote this afternoon, the synod fathers approved the final report — relatio synodi — of the synod of bishops, with two paragraphs on administering holy Communion to divorced and “remarried” couples and one on welcoming homosexuals failing to reach a two-thirds majority.
The final document of the Oct. 5-19 extraordinary synod on the family contains 62 points and the voting numbers for each of these was published. The most contentious paragraph, on allowing some remarried divorcees to receive communion after a period of penitence, received 104 votes in favor and 74 against.
A second paragraph on divorced and remarried persons, spiritual communion and a call to deepen understanding of this question received 112 votes in favor, 64 against — also failing to make obtain a two-thirds majority.
A third paragraph on the same issue, which states that situations of married divorcees “require careful reflection and respectful accompaniment, avoiding the kind of language and attitudes that may make them feel discriminated against,” received over a two-thirds majority (155 votes to 19).
A point on homosexuality received 118 votes in favor and 62 against. No longer did it say, as the interim report proposed, that homosexuals have gifts to offer the Church. Instead it says they must be “received with respect and gentleness” and that “every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided.”
Another issues that received a large number of negative votes concerned cohabitation and the matter of declarations of nullity, commonly called annulments.
Aside from the three paragraphs that lacked the two-thirds majority, the other 58 points passed. Despite the lack of agreement on certain paragraphs, they were “not completely rejected,” Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi told reporters today. “They cannot be considered an expression of synodal consensus”, he said, but rather show a “work in progress” and areas that “still have a ways to go.”
The fact that these three points remain in the document despite only having a “qualified majority” has surprised some observers. In common law in the Anglophone world, these paragraphs would be rejected from the final document. “This is moving into new territory,” a legal expert told the Register on condition of anonymity. “Where now is the legitimacy of these causes as an expression of the synod? They should be fully rejected.”
Father Robert Gahl, professor of moral philosophy at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, said that comments made from a senior synod official this week that “doctrine can change” is “confusing and unsettling for all Christians because our faith is received from the revelation of Jesus, not from the consensus from a group of bishops meeting in Rome.”
Pope Francis gave a closing speech in which he spoke of the need to have “animated discussions” and set our eyes at the good of the Church but without “ever putting into question the fundamental truths of the sacrament of marriage.”
He stressed that there is still a year before the ordinary synod of bishops, set to take place in October 2015, “to mature, with true spiritual discernment, the proposed ideas and to find concrete solutions to so many difficulties and innumerable challenges that families must confront.”
The final report was drafted by Cardinal Peter Erdo, general rapporteur of the synod, plus Cardinals Gianfranco Ravasi, Donald Wuerl, Msgr. Victor Manuel Fernandez, Msgr. Carlos Aguiar Retes, Msgr. Peter Kang U-ILL, Jesuit Father Adolfo Nicolas Pachon, South African Archbishop Wilfrid Napier and Australian Archbishop Denis Hart. (Synod of Apostates Lacks Consenus on Supposedly "Controversial" Topics.)
So much for voting, which is as much of a farce at these "bishops'" meetings as they are in the realm of electoral politics in the world. What was thought to be a "victory" was, of course, no "victory" at all.
Inded, this is all so similar to the meaningless battles that take place between the false opposites of the naturalist "right" and the naturalist "left" in American politics. As noted in Jorge Builds A Coalition In Support of Evil, the supposedly "good" naturalists, those on the "right," have made their peace with the "social issues" as they concentrate on, of course, "the money, the money, the money." Endless efforts to keep the "pro-life" plank in the Republican Party's national platform have done nothing to keep this organized crime family of naturalism's presidential nominees from distancing themselves from the supposedly "divisive" matter of chemical and surgical child-killing under cover of the civil law (see Blood Money Talks Loud And Clear) during general elections or when in office (see Where The Lesser Of Two Evils Lead: The Gates Of Hell). What Rabbi Mayer Schiller calls the "Stupid Party" is concerned only about one thing, winning elections while giving the illusion of being some kind of "opposition" to the "Evil Party" (see Chronicles: A Voice from Internal Exile on the Evil Party, the Stupid Party, and the Futility of Elecetions.)
The so-called "good" conciliar revolutionaries accomplished nothing as Jorge Mario Bergoglio is intent on making it impossible for them to oppose him by continuing to "make a mess" of things in his own screeds and as he encourages his "bad" revolutionaries to throw open wide "the doors of mercy" to those who have no intention of reforming their lives by quitting their sins and seeking to do penance for them.
Moreover, the so-called "good" conciliar revolutionaries conceded that individuals can be identified by their tendencies to commit sins of unnatural vice, thereby reaffirming the popularly held belief that an inclination to commit and/or persistence in the commission of the sin of Sodom is a legitimate means of human self-identification. This is no kind of "victory" whatsover.
Perhaps even more to the point is the fact that one of the supposedly "good" conciliar revolutionaries, the soon-to-be-exiled Raymond Leo Burke, let a man who had undergone the surgical mutilation of his body to "become" a "woman" start a religious community in the Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin, over ten years ago now:
At times his theological allegiance with these orders placed Bishop Burke in some compromising positions. Most striking, perhaps, was the case of Sister Julie Green, a member of the Franciscan Servants of Jesus:
"Julie Green is living a lie!" writes Mary Therese Helmueller in an October 25, 2002, letter to Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo, Papal Nuncio to the United States. "[She] is a transsexual, a biological male. He is really Joel Green, who had a sex operation to make him physically appear as a woman.... I fear that The Church in America will suffer another 'sex scandal' if Julie Green continues to be recognized as a Catholic Religious Sister, and if Bishop Raymond L. Burke receives his final vows, as a religious sister, on November 23rd, 2002."
Montalvo forwarded the letter to Burke, who on November 20, 2002, replied to Helmueller. "With regard to Sister Julie Green, F.S.J., the recognition of the association of the faithful which she and Sister Anne LeBlanc founded was granted only after consultation with the Holy See," he writes. "These are matters which are confidential and do not admit of any further comment.... I can assure you that Sister Julie Green in no way espouses a sex change operation as right or good. In fact, she holds it to be seriously disordered. Therefore, I caution you very much about the rash judgments which you made in your letter to the Apostolic Nuncio."
Adds Burke: "I express my surprise that, when you had questions about Sister Julie Green, you did not, in accord with the teaching of our Lord, address the matter to me directly." (Bishop Takes Queen.)
To hang one's hopes on the likes of Raymond Leo Burke, soon-to-be taking up work at the offices of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta in Rome (although I would not put it past Bergoglio to move those headquarters to Malta itself, which might become the Siberia of Jorge's "peope's revolution" for other "Pharisaical" "bishops"), and Gerhard Ludwig Muller, the prefect of the soon-to-be dismantled and downgraded conciliar Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (why have a congregation about doctrine when God is said not care about such "rules" that do not leave room open for His "surprises?), who denies the Perpetual Virginity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (see Deft? Daft Is More Like It, part two, Daft? Deft Is More Like It, part three, Does The Defense of Catholic Truth Matter To You?, When Will The Madness End?, part one, Memo To Bishop Fellay: Ratzinger/Benedict Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Loves Gerhard Ludwig Muller and Integral Denial of Our Lady's Integrity, Having More Integrity Than Catholics and Forever Preserving False Traditions"on this site and Muller denies Dogma of Perpetual Virginity of Our Lady, Muller denies Dogma of the Resurrection of Our Lord, Muller denies Dogma of Transubstantiation and CDF Head Muller: Vatican War with Liberation Theology is over at the Novus Ordo Watch Wire site), in order to "stop the 'pope'" from "destroying the Faith" is such a mind-boggling, head-spinning exercise in total irrationality as to defy accurate description.
When has it ever been necesssary for whole groups of "cardinals" and "bishops" to stop a true pope from doing that which is impossible for a true and legitimate Successor of Saint Peter to do, namely, to alter Catholic doctrine, including Catholic moral teaching and its application in concrete circumstances in even the slightest degree imaginable?
Indeed, those who assert that the "good" conciliar revolutionaries "prevailed" during what has been described by a few commentators to be something that has not been done prior to this time, that is, to debate the Sacred Deposit of Faith, is to be utterly blind to the simple truth that Catholid doctrine has been debated and denied and altered for the past sixty-five years since the corpulent old Angelo Roncalli appeared on the balacony of the Basilica of Saint Peter fifty-six years ago this coming Tuesday, October 28, the Feast of Saints Simon and Jude. It is to also to be blind to the fact that the very Divine Constitution of Holy Mother Church was denied fifty years, one week, one day from today as "Blessed Paolo Sicko" issued Lumen Gentium on November 21, 1964, the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, that contained the following heretical passage:
This Church constituted and organized in the world as a society, subsists in the Catholic Church, which is governed by the successor of Peter and by the Bishops in communion with him,(13*) although many elements of sanctification and of truth are found outside of its visible structure. These elements, as gifts belonging to the Church of Christ, are forces impelling toward catholic unity. (Lumen Gentium, November 21, 1964.)
The presence of this passage in Lumen Gentium was engineered in large part by none other than a German peritus at the "Second" Vatican Council, Father Joseph Alois Ratzinger, who was acting upon a recommendation by a German Lutheran "observer" at the "Second" Vatican Council, suggested should be placed into the text of Lumen Gentium, November 21, 1964, in order to give formal recognition to the "elements" of "sanctification" that exist the "ecclesial" (Protestant) "communities" and in the Orthodox churches. In other words, the man who is considered the "great dogmatist" helped to attack the Sacred Deposit of Faith at the "Second" Vatican Council to help to give birth to the heresy that is the "new ecclesiolgy," whose principal contention was refuted prophetically by Pope Pius XII in Mystici Corporis, June 29, 1943:
Actually only those are to be included as members of the Church who have been baptized and profess the true faith, and who have not been so unfortunate as to separate themselves from the unity of the Body, or been excluded by legitimate authority for grave faults committed. "For in one spirit" says the Apostle, "were we all baptized into one Body, whether Jews or Gentiles, whether bond or free." As therefore in the true Christian community there is only one Body, one Spirit, one Lord, and one Baptism, so there can be only one faith. And therefore, if a man refuse to hear the Church, let him be considered - so the Lord commands - as a heathen and a publican. It follows that those who are divided in faith or government cannot be living in the unity of such a Body, nor can they be living the life of its one Divine Spirit. (Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis, June 29, 1943.)
Oh, yes, who was present at the soiree four days ago when Giovanni Montini/Paolo Sicko, the man who presided over the contradiction of the Catholic Faith at the "Second" Vatican Council, was "beatified" by Jorge Mario Bergoglio?
Well, each of the supposedly "good" conciliar revolutionaries, including the now-retired Joseph Alois Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, Gerhard Ludwig Muller and Raymond Leo Burke.
Those who want to believe that the "heresy" threshold has not been crossed yet is living in a fantasy world, perhaps missing the memorandum on their desks about Nostra Aetate, October 28, 1965, and Gaudium et Spes and Dignitatis Humanae, December 7, 1965, is buried somewhere under Joseph Ratzinger's Principles of Catholic Theology and Introduction to Christianity.
Mind you, this is to say nothing about the one-man motor mouth of heresy, the Argentine Apostate, who wrote the following in Evangelii Gaudium, November 26, 2013:
247. We hold the Jewish people in special regard because their covenant with God has never been revoked, for “the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable” (Rom 11:29). The Church, which shares with Jews an important part of the sacred Scriptures, looks upon the people of the covenant and their faith as one of the sacred roots of her own Christian identity (cf. Rom 11:16-18). As Christians, we cannot consider Judaism as a foreign religion; nor do we include the Jews among those called to turn from idols and to serve the true God (cf. 1 Thes 1:9). With them, we believe in the one God who acts in history, and with them we accept his revealed word.
248. Dialogue and friendship with the children of Israel are part of the life of Jesus’ disciples. The friendship which has grown between us makes us bitterly and sincerely regret the terrible persecutions which they have endured, and continue to endure, especially those that have involved Christians.
249. God continues to work among the people of the Old Covenant and to bring forth treasures of wisdom which flow from their encounter with his word. For this reason, the Church also is enriched when she receives the values of Judaism. While it is true that certain Christian beliefs are unacceptable to Judaism, and that the Church cannot refrain from proclaiming Jesus as Lord and Messiah, there exists as well a rich complementarity which allows us to read the texts of the Hebrew Scriptures together and to help one another to mine the riches of God’s word. We can also share many ethical convictions and a common concern for justice and the development of peoples. (Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Evangelii Gaudium, November 26, 2013.)
There is no need to rewrite what I wrote eleven months ago now in Continuously Denying The Catholic Faith as this is heresy. If you doubt this statement, then please read or re-read that older article, save for repeating the following passage from Pope Pius XII's Mystici Corporis, June 29, 1943:
28.That He completed His work on the gibbet of the Cross is the unanimous teaching of the holy Fathers who assert that the Church was born from the side of our Savior on the Cross like a new Eve, mother of all the living. [28] "And it is now," says the great St. Ambrose, speaking of the pierced side of Christ, "that it is built, it is now that it is formed, it is now that is .... molded, it is now that it is created . . . Now it is that arises a spiritual house, a holy priesthood." [29] One who reverently examines this venerable teaching will easily discover the reasons on which it is based.
29.And first of all, by the death of our Redeemer, the New Testament took the place of the Old Law which had been abolished; then the Law of Christ together with its mysteries, enactments, institutions, and sacred rites was ratified for the whole world in the blood of Jesus Christ. For, while our Divine Savior was preaching in a restricted area -- He was not sent but to the sheep that were lost of the house of Israel [30] -the Law and the Gospel were together in force; [31] but on the gibbet of his death Jesus made void the Law with its decrees, [32] fastened the handwriting of the Old Testament to the Cross, [33] establishing the New Testament in His blood shed for the whole human race. [34] "To such an extent, then," says St. Leo the Great, speaking of the Cross of our Lord, "was there effected a transfer from the Law to the Gospel, from the Synagogue to the Church, from many sacrifices to one Victim, that, as our Lord expired, that mystical veil which shut off the innermost part of the temple and its sacred secret was rent violently from top to bottom." [35]
30. On the Cross then the Old Law died, soon to be buried and to be a bearer of death, [36] in order to give way to the New Testament of which Christ had chosen the Apostles as qualified ministers; [37] and although He had been constituted the Head of the whole human family in the womb of the Blessed Virgin, it is by the power of the Cross that our Savior exercises fully the office itself of Head in His Church. "For it was through His triumph on the Cross," according to the teaching of the Angelic and Common Doctor, "that He won power and dominion over the gentiles"; [38] by that same victory He increased the immense treasure of graces, which, as He reigns in glory in heaven, He lavishes continually on His mortal members it was by His blood shed on the Cross that God's anger was averted and that all the heavenly gifts, especially the spiritual graces of the New and Eternal Testament, could then flow from the fountains of our Savior for the salvation of men, of the faithful above all; it was on the tree of the Cross, finally, that He entered into possession of His Church, that is, of all the members of His Mystical Body; for they would not have been united to this Mystical Body. (Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis, June 29, 1943.)
No, the Sacred Deposit of the Faith has been on the conciliar "table" for discussion and debate since its revolution began fifty-six years ago, and only the willfully blind at this point can refuse to assess the heresy that surrounds us all in order ot reject in its entirety.
We must beg Our Lady to stay in a state of Sanctifying Grace, clinging to her by means of her Most Rosary Rosary as we prepare ourselves to good witnesses of her Divine Son, Christ the King, in these terrible times of apostasy, betrayal, statism and rampant immorality.
Cheer up!
Things are just going to get worse
We need to pray for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to be manifest in these wicked times,
sn’t it time to pray a Rosary now?
Viva Cristo Rey! Vivat Christus Rex!
Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.