From "Apostolic Visitation" to "Papal" Evisceration

There was a report, which proved to be spurious, on the Rorate Caeli blogspot nearly four months ago that Jorge Mario Bergoglio was going to prohibit the staging of the modernized version of the Immemorial Mass of Tradition more than he had done so in Traditiones Custodes, July 16, 2021, which was the subject of a detailed analysis that I wrote at the time (Jorge Mario Bergoglio Bares His Teeth to Do the Work of Baal).

Although the Rorate Caeli report turned out to be spurious, the possibility of a near-total prohibition of the Missale Romanum as revised by Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII sent the former indult/Motarian world into apoplexy. Some believe, perhaps not without merit, that a letter sent by an ecumenical group of famous people to Jorge Mario Bergoglio might have helped to quash the putative prohibition. Although others believe that the document was prepared to effect a “papal” fait accompli that Jorge decided not to approve because of his plans for the now ongoing synod on mainstreaming perversity and overthrow hierarchy in favor of a selective ecclesiastical democracy.

Whatever the case was is of no real significance to anyone who recognizes that the counterfeit church of conciliarism is not and can never be the Catholic Church, although it is always useful to point out the most of the changes reflected in the “1962 Missal” (referred to as such because of the insertion of the name of Saint Joseph into the Canon of the Mass) were contained in Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII’s Rubicarum Instructum, July 25, 1960, to incorporate his Jansenist, anti-liturgical suppressions of such feasts as the Saint Peter’s Chains in Rome (January 18), Saint Peter’s Chair at Antioch (February 22, changed to the Chair of Saint Peter). the Finding of the Holy Cross (May 3), Saint John the Evangelist at the Latin Gate (May 6), the Apparition of Saint Michael the Archangel (May 8), Pope Saint Leo II (July 3), Saint Peter’s Chains (August 1), the Finding of the Body of Saint Stephen the Protomartyr (August 3), and Saint Philomena the Wonderworker (August 11). Other feasts, even including the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, were downgraded. This latter feast was downgraded even further in the calendar of the Protestant and Judeo-Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical service to an “optional memorial,” meaning that presbyters can stage the ferial service or the feast day at their own choosing. The same is true of the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which was instituted by Pope Pius XII in 1944 and assigned it to the Octave Day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 22, which was changed in the Novus Ordo abomination to the Saturday after the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and downgraded as an "optional memorial." Oh, the conciliar revolutionaries will pay dearly for the hatred of Our Lady and for their othe anti-liturgical Janenist heresies if they do not repent and convert before they die.

The “1962 Missal” was chosen by Karol Joszef Wojtyla/John Paul II in Abhinc Quattor Annos, October 3, 1984 and Ecclesia Dei Adflicta, July 2, 1988, to be the “gold standard” of approved offerings/stagings of the Tridentine Mass because it contained the abolitions and suppressions mentioned above and was meant serve as a bridge to the further reforms instituted by Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini/Paul VI with the Ordo Missae, which went into effect on Sunday, November 29, 1964, and then the Protestant and Judeo-Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical travesty, went into effect on Sunday, November 30, 1969.

Why is this important?

Well, this is important because, rather than issue an outright prohibition of the modernized version of the Immemorial Mass of Tradition, Jorge Mario Bergoglio is using his own “kiss of death” by seeking to demand “reforms” within the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter by authorizing an “apostolic visitation” that will be conducted by the conciliar “archbishop” of Dublin, Ireland, Diarmuid Martin, who is a friend of all things lavender:

Vatican journalist Diane Montagna is reporting that Ireland’s Archbishop Emeritus of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin, and France’s Archbishop Emeritus of Tours, Bernard-Nicolas Aubertin, have been tapped to carry out the Vatican’s recently announced apostolic visitation of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP).

Founded in 1988 for priests who want to offer the Latin Mass with the Vatican’s approval, the FSSP announced the visit at the end of September in a press release.  

“This visit does not originate in any problems of the Fraternity but is intended to enable the Dicastery to know who we are, how we are doing and how we live, so as to provide us with any help we may need,” the group said at the time. 

The announcement has been viewed as a worrisome sign of a possible crackdown on the FSSP by Pope Francis, as previous apostolic visits of traditional-minded communities and clergy, including Bishop Joseph Strickland, the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, and the Fairfield Carmelites, have ended in suppression.  

rmerly under the purview of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, which was abolished by Francis in 2019, the FSSP has been overseen for the past three years by the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, whose prefect is Brazilian Cardinal João Braz de Aviz. The group has nearly 370 priests and last underwent an apostolic visit in 2014. 

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin has issued a number of problematic public statements that indicate he has a less than orthodox understanding of Catholic teaching.

In 2005, Martin told The Tablet during a bishops’ conference that “you don’t write off a candidate for the priesthood simply because he is a gay man.”

In 2016, in remarks leading up to the 2018 World Meeting of Families, Martin said Catholics must not “allow ourselves to become entangled in trying to produce definitions of the family” because different cultural values mean family “cannot be defined simply.”

During Holy Week and on Easter in April 2017, Martin criticized the Church for its “harsh exclusion” and “judgmental” treatment of “gay and lesbian people” at “various times in history, and not only in a distant past.” 

In 2018, he said he was “happy” that former Irish President Mary McAleese quoted a remark he had made previously during a speech she delivered at a feminist conference where she alleged that Irish citizens have a negative view of the Church because it is an “empire of misogyny” where “women are invisible and voiceless in Church leadership, legal and doctrinal discernment and decision-making.” 

In 2019, Martin criticized pro-lifers who were protesting outside an abortion clinic. Abortion became legal in the country thanks to a massive campaign funded by George Soros in 2018. Many Irish Catholics blame Martin and his fellow bishops for not being more outspoken against that proposal, as well as the recent vote on homosexual “marriage.” Martin also previously banned from his archdiocese a book on LGBT ideology written by Bishop Athanasius Schneider.  

In recent years, Irish citizens have suffered many criminal attacks committed by foreigners imported to their country as “refugees.” On New Year’s Day of 2019, the day on which abortion became legal in Ireland, Martin delivered a homily on Brexit and the so-called threat of nationalism instead of on the need to protect Irish citizens as well as the unborn.  

Leaders of the FSSP had a private audience with Pope Francis at the Vatican on February 29. They said in a press release that Francis “confirmed the liturgical specificity of the Fraternity of St. Peter” to them but that they also shared “with him the difficulties encountered in its application.” At present, the group has a presence in nearly 150 dioceses, celebrates Mass in almost 250 locations, and has 48 personal parishes across the world, along with two seminaries, one in Nebraska and the other in Germany. (Liberal Irish archbishop will reportedly help conduct apostolic visitation of FSSP.)

Perhaps it is quite useful to note that Diarmuid Martin’s friendliness towards those inclined to the commission of and/or steeped in unrepented sins of perversity reflects the fact that the entire he Montinian revolution closeted queers out into the open and began what could be called the “queering” of what passed for Catholic liturgy, art, architecture, music, doctrine and pastoral practice. It is not for nothing that an increasing number of parishes worldwide in the counterfeit church of conciliarism call themselves “inclusive” and/or “LGBTQ-friendly,” and this is but the fruit of Montini’s appointments between 1963 and 1968. Seminaries and religious communities of men became overrun with sodomites in the decades thereafter.

Diarmuid Martin’s own public statements would seem to indicate that he does not look favorably upon even the modernized version of the Mass of all time as it includes many references to a God who judges, to the need of man to fast and sacrifice in reparation for his sins, to the possibility of losing one’s soul in hell for all eternity, and to a moral certitude and liturgical exactitude that are anathema to the Modernist mind.

Perhaps the forthcoming “visitation” will not result in the outright suppression of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter, some of whose presbyters told me decades ago that they hated the Protestant and Judeo-Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical travesty and the “Second” Vatican Council but had to keep their mouths shut in order to offer what they thought was a true Mass to their parishioners without jeopardizing the fraternity’s existence. At the very least, however, Diarmuid Martin will probably insist that the fraternity’s clergy stage the Protestant and Judeo-Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical travesty regularly and to start what he refers to as “gay and lesbian ministries” and “outreaches” and that its candidates for the presbyterate be installed in the conciliar rite of presbyteral installation.

Sure, this is all speculation.


However, these “apostolic visitations” never end well for those who believe that they are defending “tradition” on the island of Mindanao within the conciliar structures, and it is therefore useful to review Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s own hatred of Catholic Faith, Worship, and Morals, which hater has compelled him to order “visitations” of revanchist cells within his false religious sect.

The Argentine Apostate and his fellow fiends have used some of the same methods as employed by Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev, Leonid Brezhnev, Mao Zedong, and Xi Jinping to stigmatize those guilty of “thought crimes” with diagnoses of “mental illness” in order to break down their resistance to ideological “truth” by means of psychiatric reprogramming, which is why he sought to persecute the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate by placing them under the supervision of the late “Father” Fidenzio Volpi, O.F.M., even only twenty-one of three hundred fifty members of the Immaculate had desired any kind of visitation at all, a visitation which ultimately stripped them of being able to stage the Immemorial Mass of Tradition. Bergoglio also persecuted the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate (see the appendix below for the truly despicable details). It is also why he was merciless and scandalous in his treatment of a group of traditional religious sisters in Argentina when he was Jorge Mario “Cardinal” Bergoglio:


"Msgr." Bergoglio is a cold and authoritarian man, in the service of a part of a certain modernist ideology. Now he is a "pope." A change in mentality perhaps, even if our degree of respect for him changes, given the loftiness of his office? 

Let us look at the story of the excellent periodical "Página Católica". During the times of his being "archbishop" of Buenos Aires he disbanded the holy Order of nuns that was founded in the 18th century by Mother Antula, María Antonia de Paz y Figueroa, the Congregation of the Daughters of the Divine Savior, that had various colleges and constructed a House of Exercises in Buenos Aires, a jewel of colonial architecture and a placed blessed with so much graces.

Now, coming from the "Holy See", follows another act of despotism towards another Congregation, the Franciscans of the Immaculata with the same ferocity. 

Reading the story demonstrates that there isn't any line added because it is sufficient for any Catholic heart to understand and repudiate such a horrible spectacle of ecclesiastical tyranny against the Faith, to holy vocations, and good customs. 

Lamentably, it is not possible to reproduce the interviews given to the nuns thrown out on the streets by "Msgr." Bergoglio. But the can be found by opening the webpage of

Cosme Beccar Varela
July 30, 2013

Friars of the Immaculate and a "porteño" drama. 

The nuns of the Holy House of Exercises, an analogous case with the Franciscans of the Immaculata? 

Modernism demands that the poor pay for their own destruction.

Today the walls of the Holy House of Exercises breathe in solitude.

"Your preferred option has to be the poor," the Neo-Modernists tell us who are abundantly governing the Church, every time there is a clamor to celebrate the true Catholic Mass. 

Thus, they foment an ideological animosity between Traditionalism and Charity, on one hand and an erroneous and automatic identity between Progressive Neo-Modernism and true charity towards the needy.

In effect, as sound Catholic doctrine teaches, Charity firstly corrects the erring and showing them the pathway to salvation. Thus true love is yearns for the good of the beloved; the good which is ultimately nothing other than to merit everlasting life. 

By this, those who long for the diffusion of the traditional doctrine and liturgy, are the first who have opted preferentially for the poor, by trying to provide them the Mass that has brought holiness upon millions of Catholics throughout the last 2,000 years; and even in the mere human order, it is a monument of good taste and the most exquisite of human arts; incomparably more splendid than that "witches' sabbath" of the Neo-Modernists of the Novus Ordo that they have accustomed the universal church.

But those who proclaim themselves advanced in the solicitude of the poor, many times drop their mask without them knowing it.
We know that "pope" Francis has taken that name in order to demonstrate a life developed in poverty. Therefore, we must suppose that the Friars of the Immaculata are truly poor. 

Notwithstanding, the decree signed in July 11 by which was intervened upon the Congregation by means of a Pontifical Commissary, that includes only three established conditions: 

1. Designate Fr. Fidenzio Volpi, OFM Cap, Apostolic Commissar ad nuntum Santae Sedis of the Congregation, with all the applicable powers. 

2. Dispose "that it corresponds upon the Institute of Franciscan Friars of the Immaculata, to reimburse all the expenditure incurred by the Commissary and the personnel that will be eventually designated, as honorary for their services." 

3. Besides what has been mentioned, the "Holy" Father Francis has disposed that everyone of the religious of the Congregation of the Friars of the Immaculata are obliged to celebrate the liturgy according to the "ordinary" form and that eventually, the use of the "extraordinary" form (Vetus Ordo) has to be explicitly authorized by the corresponding authorities, for every religious and/or community that asks for it."

Thus, we see the knavishness as it manifests itself. Then, in the end, some poor monks will be bereft of the greatest of all treasures, the Traditional Liturgy of the Church. They have to pay for such a great price! 

Those who might have doubts as to what this intervention can possibly mean should consider the following: the decree that we have analyzed can only have two dispositions: rob the Tridentine Mass and determine who will pay for the cost of such operation.

Go forth, standard bearers of the poor knowing that God will repay you abundantly and immediately for your great generosity! 

The situation that has been raised has had a similarity with a dramatic case that occurred in Buenos Aires under the "archbishopric" of "Cardinal" Bergoglio. We have spoken for some time about this lamentable subject matter, but let us allow ourselves to return to it even if it be succinctly, then we can illustrate to ourselves about what to expect from the Institute of the Friars of the Immaculata.

Founded in the 18th century by Mother Antula and Maria Antonia de Paz y Figueroa, the Congregation of the Daughters of the Divine Savior has reached a degree of prosperity that, in our time, it has been possessor of various Catholic Colleges with thousands of students, one located in the exclusive Avenue of the Liberator in San Isidro, over all, of the terrain where they erected the Sanctuary of St. Cayetan in Liniers (a lot of money in alms) whose revenue was administered by the nuns. 

At an opportune moment, "Cardinal" Bergoglio asked of the Mother Superior to transfer the property of the Sanctuary to the Archbishopric of Buenos Aires. Days later, after consulting her councilor Mother Hilda Ledesma responded to the Cardinal in the negative. 

Having had a crystal ball maybe would have avoided the catastrophe of ceding to the disposal of the now "pope" Francis, in order to avoid the despoliation of all the goods and the near extinction of the order, as later accounted. 

Because, in no time, he designated an apostolic visitor in the person of a Jesuit friend of Bergoglio: the current bishop Hugo Salaberry de Azul, in the province of Buenos Aires. The excuse: that close to 30 nuns lived in the Holy House of Exercises, some young women who in the majority are from Paraguay won for Christ by the zeal of one nun of that nationality, were there detained against their wills and isolated from society.

The isolation is concluded by the fact that these sisters were instructed in the same convent by professors designated as ad hoc, that which was made to avoid excessive contact with the world in which many nuns are used to nowadays.

A little later, in the first hours of the morning, when some nuns haven't yet groomed themselves, an unfolding of unusual Curial functions informed them that the "Holy See," with the signature of "Cardinal" Re, has designated as Apostolic Commissar on "Msgr." Horacio Garcia, Pro Vicar General of the Archdiocese. The lettered "priest" that was supposed to accompany him excused himself for not being in agreement. In his place came "Fr." Alejandro Russo, current Rector of the Cathedral of Buenos Aires (a favor in return for a favor?)

"Cardinal" Re reigned over the Congregation of the Religious and Institutes of Consecrated Life, who lived here and had one relative in the Archbishopric Curia. A man very close to Bergoglio, who was the one who earned for him the ring of the Fisherman is being flaunted by Francis and that he inherited from a secretary of Paul VI.

The end of this long story, that would give an argument by its vicissitudes to a drama that will be a sure best seller in book stores, ended with the Mother Superior confined to in Cordoba, the sisters returned to the world in such a manner that it can be said that the congregation ceased to exist, and the money and properties in the hands of the "Apostolic Commissariate" whose intervention is prolonged sine die.

An eminent example if how these Pharisees care for the poor, is the case of Mirna, a young Paraguayan woman who had been in the convent since 14 years of age and was bidden farewell by "Msgr." Garcia who put her in the streets without informing her parents, and without even giving her a single cent to look after her needs.

We put on video all of her declarations and we invite our readers to reread an old post of this blog where she tells her story.
At this point of the story our readers allow us to vent with a phrase that is quite irreverent: to those who want to cheat, are good for nothing losers. You who call yourselves progressive, not only do you put souls in grave danger, neither do you know how to look after the needs of the body.

According to the very victims, the Apostolic Commissary disposed that the nuns and novices find out their true vocation, with a method that we can call an immersion in the world: psychoanalysis and including exposure to eroticism. About this, it has already been written in this blog. (Translation provided by the late Mr. Juan Carlos Araneta.)

This persecution of anyone who is in least bit devoted to the immutable truths of the Catholic Faith and to the Immemorial Mass of Tradition represents a total rejection of everything to do with the “no church” that he believes had shackled him. Those he denounces as Pelagians, Pharisees, restorationists, "rigid,” "dead," and "cold-hearted" and "corrupt" are reproaches to his conscience and a reminder to him of all that he despised in his youth, all that kept “Bergoglio from being Bergoglio” prior to March 13, 2013.

Bergoglio’s goal is to break by whatever means necessary, including sheer tyranny and psychological terrorism, any and all “counter-revolutionary cells” such as the one his obsessed, pathological mind that seethes with hatred for the true Catholic Faith believed that the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate represented. He used the late “Father” Volpi to send a clear, unmistakable signal that this will happen to every other community in the Motu world if their clergy dare to utter word one about the "Second" Vatican Council and theProtestant and Judeo-Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical travesty. He didn’t even wait until his predecessor, Joseph Alois Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, died before rescinding Summorum Pontificum, and it was less than two years thereafter that he had targeted Joseph Strickland, the conciliar “ archbishop” of Tyler, Texas, with a visitation by “bishops” who covered up clerical crimes that resulted in his being deposed nearly a year ago:

On Saturday, November 11, Bishop Joseph Strickland was formally removed from the pastoral governance of the diocese of Tyler, Texas. The lawless process employed to remove him from office resembled a script from a gangster film.

The Players

The story began with an apostolic visitation ordered by the new prefect of the Dicastery of Bishops, Archbishop Robert Prevost. Prevost, a Chicago native, served as a missionary in Peru. On September 26, 2015, Pope Francis appointed him bishop of Chiclayo (Northern Peru.) On November 21, 2020, Francis appointed Prevost as a member of the Congregation for the Bishops upon the recommendation of Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago.

The visitation was conducted by Bishop Dennis Sullivan of Camden and Bishop Gerald Kicanas of Tucson in June of this year.

Bishop Sullivan gained national attention in 2014 when his diocese purchased a The New Jersey diocese purchased a 7,000 square foot mansion with eight bedrooms and six bathrooms. In 2020, Sullivan’s diocese filed for bankruptcy protection as a result of sexual abuse claims and later agreed to an $87 million payout in 2022.

Bishop Kicanas of Tuscon was formerly an appointed an auxiliary bishop in Chicago under Cardinal Joseph Bernardin. Kicanas was head of Catholic Relief Services in 2012 when they were funding pro-abortion pro-abortion groups. In 2010, Kicanas lost his bid to become president of the USCCB due to his radical position on several issues.

US Papal Nuncio Archbishops Christophe Pierre and Robert Prevost,head of the Dicastery for Bishops, met with Pope Francis in September to discuss the removal of Bishop Strickland. Both men were promoted to be cardinals later that month by Pope Francis.

Christophe Pierre is a French prelate who was named as Apostolic Nuncio to the United States in 2016. Pierre reportedly threatened Bishop Strickland at the USCCB fall meeting in 2021, “wagged his finger” at Strickland while saying “Bishop Strickland, we’re watching you — stop talking about the deposit of faith.” Pierre has also recently come under fire for disparaging comments regarding cassocks and the Traditional Latin Mass.

Pope Francis dropped the hammer on Bishop Strickland on Saturday, November 11, issuing a terse statement on the Vatican’s website announcing Strickland’s removal and the appointment of an apostolic administrator. The Vatican announcement did not provide a reason for the bishop’s removal. Strickland reportedly was not inform of his removal until he read the statement on Saturday morning.

Galveston-Houston Archbishop Cardinal Daniel DiNardo issued a statement later the same day stating that “continuation in office of Bishop Strickland was not feasible.” DiNardo serves as the metropolitan bishop responsible for dealing with governance matters in several Texas dioceses, including Tyler. (Strickland’s Take-Down Looks Like Something Out of a Gangster Movie.)

Leaving aside this article’s acceptance of the nonexistent legitimacy of the conciliar church’s orders and the fact that the conciliar sect is not the Catholic Church, the information provided above is a fairly accurate summary of how “Bishop” Strickland came to be removed, it overlooks the fact that the results of the “apostolic visitation” were as predetermined as were the results of the 2014 and 2015 “synods” that produced Amoris Laetitia, March 19, 2016, and as the results of the 2023 “synod,” which will be continued in 2024, has already resulted in calls for “changes” at odds with what Christophe Pierre warned Strickland not to discuss, the Sacred Deposit of Faith. No investigation of any religious community or conservative/traditional “bishop” within the conciliar structures is intellectually honest. Each has a predetermined result: the removal and demonization of men who are opposed to Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s agenda to bring conciliarism to his logical conclusion: its “evolution” into being but a quasi-religious subsidiary of the Judeo-Masonic New World Order, which is why Senor Jorge enforced lockdowns upon the Catholic churches in conciliar captivity in Italy, endorsed and required anyone traveling with him on the antipapal plane to be fully vaccinated with the killer poisons, and has served as the waterboy for Klaus Schwab and George Soros, especially by means of supporting the 2030 “sustainable development goals” and serving as a clerical cheerleader for the transhumanist pantheism that is part and parcel of the “climate change” junk science (see Otto von Bergoglio’s Kulturkampf (or Jorge Mario Zedong’s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution), part oneOtto von Bergoglio's Kulturkampf (or Jorge Mario Zedong's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, part twoOtto von Bergoglio’s Kulturkampf (or Jorge Mario Zedong’s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution), part three, and Otto von Bergoglio's Kulturkampf (or Jorge Mario Zedong's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution), part four).

One of the “apostolic visitators, Gerald Kicanas, protected a known homosexual clerical predator, “Father” Daniel McCormack, when he, Kicanas, was an auxiliary “bishop” under the sodomite named Joseph Bernardin:

The documents name several Catholic leaders who were aware of the allegations against accused priests, and chose to not report it to authorities.

Among many others, Tucson Diocese Bishop Gerald Kicanas was one of the leaders in the Chicago Diocese at the time of these allegations.

The new information comes to light after the archdiocese handed the documents over to victims' attorneys, who said they wanted to show how the archdiocese concealed abuse for decades, including moving priests to new parishes where they molested again.

The records date back to the 1980's and 1990's, a time when Kicanas was a leader in a Chicago seminary that was home to some of the accused priests.

Tucson News Now attempted to talk to Bishop Kicanas at the diocese office, but we were told that unless we kept the case of convicted priest Daniel McCormack out of our story, the Bishop would not grant our request for an interview.

A diocese spokeswoman said the Bishop was under court order not to discuss specifics in that case.  We agreed not to ask questions about that particular case, but were told the Bishop would not interview with us unless we kept that case completely out of our story tonight.

The Bishop said it was unfair of us to mention the details, when he could not comment.  Former priest Daniel McCormack was charged and convicted of child abuse involving several young boys.  He was sentenced to five years in prison, all to be served concurrently.

In the 6,000 pages of investigative reports and court documents, Bishop Kicanas is mentioned in at least two cases: They involved Father Daniel McCormack and Father Russ Romano.

Lawyers say Bishop Kicanas was one of many Catholic Church leaders involved in a massive cover-up related to the priest sex-abuse cases.

In the Father McCormack case, court documents state Bishop Kicanas was aware of the allegations against McCormack but still supported his ordination to become a priest.  In an interview with the Sun-Times in 2007, Kicanas is quoted as saying, "It would have been grossly unfair not to have ordained him. There was a sense that his activity was part of the developmental process and that he had learned from his experience.  I was more concerned about his drinking.  We sent him to counseling for that." (Documents released: Bishop Kicanas named in priest sex scandal cover up.)

“Bishop” Joseph Strickland’s most grievous “crime” in Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s eyes is that he was adamantly opposed to the admission of homosexuals and the effeminate into the conciliar clergy and was opposed to the ever-evolving and ceaselessly mutating agenda of the alphabet soup collected of people who are not only to content to practice sodomy and its related vices but who demand that everyone accept and celebrate their “lifestyle” lest they singe their tender feelings and cause them even a moment of something approaching a qualm of conscience, thus replicating what Saint Paul the Apostle saw and condemned in pagan Rome and described as follows in his Epistle to the Romans:

For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error. And as they liked not to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them up to a reprobate sense, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all iniquity, malice, fornication, avarice, wickedness, full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, malignity, whisperers, Detractors, hateful to God, contumelious, proud, haughty, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, foolish, dissolute, without affection, without fidelity, without mercy. Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them. (Romans 1: 18-32.)

Many there are within the “hierarchy” of the counterfeit church of conciliarism who are “filled with all iniquity, malice, fornication, wickedness, full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, malignity, and whisperers who are truly hateful of God, “proud, haughty, inventors of evil inventions” and completely without mercy.” Jorge Mario Bergoglio boasts of being so very “tolerant” and “merciful,” but he seethes with livid anger against men such as Joseph Strickland who think that they are defending the Catholic Faith even though they themselves have endorsed dogmatic evolutionism wrapped up and relabeled in the late Joseph Alois Ratzinger/Benedict XVI’s “hermeneutic of continuity,” are full-throated supporters of “religious liberty,” believe that Protestant “ministers” have a “mission” from Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Christ to serve and to sanctity souls, have practiced false ecumenism, and have helped to propagate explicit classroom instruction in matters pertaining to the Sixth and Ninth Commandments in violation of Pope Pius XI’s explicit prohibition of such instruction as contained in Divine Illius Magistri, December 31, 1929, while seeking to hold as “orthodox” the conciliar church’s inversion of the ends proper to Holy Matrimony.

No matter all this, though, Jorge Mario Bergoglio wants every one of his “bishops” to support what he supports, namely, welcoming unrepentant sinners who are steeped in lives of an unapologetic perversity and proving them with access to what purports to be Holy Communion without going to confession and to “bless” that “stable, loving” relationships if the occasion arises for them to do so. The real reason why “Pope Francis” sacked “Bishop Strickland” is the latter’s outspokenness against sodomy, including his trip to Los Angeles, California, to denounce the fiends and bullies known as the Los Angeles Dodgers’ presentation of a “community service” award to the blasphemous “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence."

Although Diarmuid Martin has been outspoken against the abuses perpetrated by Irish clergymen, he is, as noted above, very much in the made mode as Dennis Sullivan, Gerald Kicanus, Blase Cupich, Robert McElroy, Thomas Tobin, John Stowe, Jean-Claude Hollerich, most of the German conciliar “bishops,” and Jorge Mario Bergoglio himself in showing great “sensitivity” towards who identify by a predisposal to the commission of sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance and has scolded pro-life Irish Catholics in a manner worthy of Kamala “The Mocker” Harris:

I was initially reluctant to accept an invitation from The Irish Times to comment further on Friday’s marriage referendum. I do not wish the debate to be seen as predominantly a religious issue or just as a Church-State debate.

As a bishop I have strong views on marriage based on my religious convictions. I have, however, no wish to stuff my religious views down other people’s throats, but I also have a right to express my views in the reasoned language of social ethics. In airing my views in public debate, I do not expect to be listened to on the basis of dogmatic utterance, but on the reasonableness of my argument. (Sham "Archbishop" Martin: ‘I encourage everyone to vote and reflect carefully.)

“Stuff my religious views down other people’s throats.”

There’s a profile in courage for you.

How about appealing to Irishmen to obey God?

Here’s another gem from the poisoned pen of Diarmuid Martin:

I write then primarily as a citizen of Ireland. I have no affiliation with any group of No campaigners. Some such groups will quote me, but I know how short-lived such affirmation can be. I have said that I intend to vote No, yet there are those of the ecclesiastical right-wing who accuse me of being in favour of a Yes vote, since I do not engage in direct condemnation of gay and lesbian men and women.

My position is that of Pope Francis, who, in the debates around same-sex marriage in Argentina, made it very clear that he was against legalising same-sex marriage, yet he was consistent in telling people not to make judgments on any individual. I know the manner with which the Irish Church treated gay and lesbian people in the past – and in some cases still today – and that fact cannot be overlooked. (Sham "Archbishop" Martin: ‘I encourage everyone to vote and reflect carefully.)

Diarmuid Martin manages to play the role of the demagogue by using a disparaging label, “the ecclesiastical right wing” to refer to his Catholic critics. This is the same old demagogic tool that is used on an almost daily basis by Jorge Mario Bergoglio himself at the Casa Santa Marta during his daily sessions of his Ding Dong School of Apostasy. It is also quite similar to then First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton’s having said that her scandalously faithless ne’er do well of a husband, President William Jefferson Blythe Clinton, was the victim of a “vast right wing conspiracy.”

Catholics in Ireland who opposed “gay marriage” did so despite the silence of their conciliar hierarchy, men they believe to be legitimate bishops of the Catholic Church, and despite the family pressures brought upon many of them to “go along with the times.”

Additionally, many of these courageous Catholics had to deal with relatives and friends who had turned away from the conciliar church because of how the conciliar hierarchy had consistently protected sodomite clerical abusers, a protection that extended to Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, who personally refused to discipline any of the “bishops” guilty of spiritual and moral malfeasance in Ireland. Yet it is that they are labeled as members of the “right wing” for having the temerity to call out Diarmuid Martin’s refusal to boldly oppose and to campaign actively against the odious referendum that passed yesterday with a margin in excess of three-fifths of those who voted.

Moreover, aping Jorge Mario Bergoglio, whose own silence on the Irish “marriage” referendum spoke volumes about how unimportant he considered its outcome to be to him or to the good of the Irish nation, Diarmuid Martin attempted to demonize those of the “ecclesiastical right wing” by claiming that they sought to “condemn” “gay and lesbian people.” What self-righteous hubris on the part of this craven coward.

To denounce the sin of Sodom is a duty as it is repugnant in the sight of the true God of Divine Revelation, the Most Blessed Trinity. This will make those steeped in unrepentant sins of perverse vice against the binding precepts of the Sixth and Ninth Commandments unhappy and quite angry. Our Lord, however, did not become Man in Our Lady’s Virginal and Immaculate Womb by the power of God the Holy Ghost to reaffirm hardened sinners in their lives of sin.

Faithful to Him, Saint Paul the Apostle was moved by God the Holy Ghost to write these words in his Epistle to the Romans that have been quoted many times on this website:

Wherefore God gave them up to the desires of their heart, unto uncleanness, to dishonour their own bodies among themselves. Who changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use against which is their nature.

And in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error.

And as they liked not to  have God in their knowledge, God delivered them up to a reprobate sense, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all iniquity, malice, fornication, avarice, wickedness, full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, malignity, whisperers, detractors, hateful to God, contumelious, proud, haughty, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, foolish, dissolute, without affection, without fidelity, without mercy.

Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things are worthy of death; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them.  (Romans 1: 24-32)

Should what Jorge Mario Bergoglio and Diarmuid Martin believe to be the Catholic Church “apologize” for the way that Saint Paul the Apostle, chosen out of time by Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Himself to be the Apostle to the Gentiles, denounced practitioners of moral depravity?

No believing Catholics dares to judge the subjective state of anyone’s soul, which is known to God alone and to those few genuine mystics who have the character of reading souls.

However, Catholics can and must exercise the Spiritual Works of Mercy to warn those engaged in what are, objectively speaking, Mortal Sins to repent, go to Confession, and convert. This is not “damning” anyone. Indeed, it is a fundamental work of mercy to help someone to realize that their behavior places the salvation of their immortal soul in jeopardy.

Diarmuid Martin does not want anyone to “judge” those he terms as “gays and lesbians, but I think he will be very quick to judge the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter as being in need of liturgical “updating” and to be more inclusive.

It is a relatively short step between an “apostolic visitation” and a “papal” evisceration.

Although I pray for those priests and presbyters within the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter whom from the 1990s to around 2004, I cannot pray for their “protection” from the upcoming “visitation” as I pray for their conversion to see their way out of the conciliar sect, to be conditionally ordained, if necessary, and then to speak firmly with the help of Our Lady’s graces to realize that the counterfeit church of conciliarism is a false religious sect that continues to be headed by Antichrists who are enemies of Christ the King and thus of the sanctification and salvation of the souls for whom He shed every single drop of His Most Precious Blood to redeem during His Passion and Death on the wood of the Holy Cross on Good Friday.

As someone I know said many years ago to fence-straddling independent presbyter, “May Our Lady push you over the edge” to see the truth without regard for personal safety and human respect.

On the Feast of Saint Hilarion and the Commemoration of Saint Ursula and her Companions

This is a time for Catholic heroes, and the heroic life of Saint Hilarion, whose feast we celebrate today, Wednesday, October 21, 2020, and of Saint Ursula and her companions, whose feast is commemorated today, provide us with sterling examples of Saint Hilarion’s self-abnegation and Saint Ursula’s courage in the face of martyrdom in Cologne, Germany, in the year 451 A.D.

Here is Dom Prosper Gueranger’s summary of the life of Saint Hilarion, which draws heavily upon Saint Jerome’s biography of him:

Monks were unknown in Syria before St. Hilarion,” says his historian St. Jerome. “He instituted the monastic life in that country, and was the master of those who embraced it. The Lord Jesus had his Anthony in Egypt and his Hilarion in Palestine, the former advanced in years, the latter still young.” Now our Lord very soon raised this young man to such glory that Anthony would say to the sick, who came to him from Syria attracted by the fame of his miracles: “Why take the trouble to come so far when you have near you my son Hilarion?” And yet Hilarion had spent only two months with Anthony, after which the patriarch had said to him (according to the Greek translation): “Persevere to the end, my son, and thy labor will win thee the delights of heaven.” Then, giving a hairshirt and a garment of skin to this boy of fifteen whom he was never to see again, he sent him back to sanctify the solitudes of his own country, while he himself retired farther into the desert.

The enemy of mankind, foreseeing a formidable adversary in this new solitary, waged a terrible war against him. Even the flesh, in spite of the young ascetic’s fasts, was Satan’s first accomplice. But without any pity for a body so frail and delicate, as his historian says, that any effort would have seemed sufficient to destroy it, Hilarion cried out indignantly: “Ass, I will see that thou kick no more; I will reduce thee by hunger, I will crush thee with burdens, I will make thee work in all weathers; thou shalt be so pinched with hunger that thou wilt think no more of pleasure.”

Vanquished in this quarter, the enemy found other allies, through whom he thought to drive Hilarion, by fear, back to the dwellings of men. But to the robbers who fell upon his poor wicker hut, the Saint said smiling, “He who is naked has no fear of thieves.” And they, touched by his great virtue could not conceal their admiration, and promised to amend their lives.

Then Satan determined to come in person, as he had done to Anthony; but with no better success. No trouble could disturb the serenity attained by that simple, holy soul. One day the demon entered into a camel and made it mad, so that it rushed upon the Saint with horrible cries. But he only answered: “I am not afraid of thee; thou art always the same, whether thou come as a fox or a camel.” And the huge beast fell down tamed at his feet. 

There was a harder trial yet to come from the most cunning artifice of the serpent. When Hilarion sought to hide himself from the immense concourse of people who besieged his poor cell, the enemy maliciously published his fame far and wide, and brought to him overwhelming crowds from every land. In vain he quitted Syria and travelled the length and breadth of Egypt; in vain, pursued from desert to desert, he crossed the sea, and hoped to conceal himself in Sicily, in Dalmatia, in Cyprus. From the ship, which was making its way among the Cyclades, he heard, in each island, the infernal spirits calling one another from the towns and villages and running to the shores as he passed by. At Paphos, where he landed, the same concourse of demons brought to him multitudes of men; until at length God took pity on his servant, and discovered to him a place inaccessible to his fellow men, where he had no company but legions of devils, who surrounded him day and night. Far from fearing, says his biographer, he took pleasure in the neighborhood of his old antagonists whom he knew so well; and he lived there in great peace the last five years before his death. (Dom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B., The Liturgical Year. See also Saint Jerome’s biography of Saint Hilarion.)

Most of us cannot even begin to approach the mortifications that Saint Hilarion imposed upon himself that equipped him at all times to do battle with satan himself very directly.

However, we ought to consider the holy example of Saint Ursula and her companions in the face of real martyrdom of the sort that we can only pray to be able to accept with the equanimity and joy that they did:

On the 21st day of October 451, Cologne was made equal to the most illustrious cities by a spiritual glory. Criticism, and there is no lack of it, may dispute the circumstances which brought together the legion of virgins; but the fact itself that eleven thousand chosen souls were martyred by the Huns in recompense for their fidelity is now acknowledged by true science. From the earth where so many noble victims lay concealed, they have more than once been brought to light by multitudes, bearing about them evidence of the veneration of those who had buried them; for instance, by a happy inspiration, the arrow that had set free the blessed soul, would be left, as a token of victory, fixed in the breast or forehead of the martyr.

St. Angela of Merici confided to the patronage of this glorious phalanx her spiritual daughters, and the numberless children whom they will continue till the end of time to educate in the fear of the Lord. The grave Sorbonne dedicated its church to the holy virgins as well as to the Mother of God; and here, as in the Universities of Coimbra and Vienna, an annual panegyric was pronounced in praise of them. Portugal, enriched with some of their precious relics, carried their cultus into the Indies. And pious confraternities have been formed among the faithful for obtaining their assistance at the hour of death. Let us address to them these verses from a beautiful Office composed in their honor by the blessed Herman, their most devout client. (Dom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B., The Liturgical Year.)

Taking our inspiration from the mortified life of Saint Hilarion and the martyrdom of Saint Ursula on her companions, let us remain ever reliant upon Our Lady as we pray in reparation for our own sins and those of others and for the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart and thus the restoration of right order in Holy Mother Church and the world.

Viva Cristo Rey!

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Ursula and her Companions, pray for us.


Persecuting the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate

(Excerpted from "Reviling the Immaculate Heart of Mary," January 2015)

Conciliarism has been let loose upon us by the devil. God is permitting this to occur to chastise and purify us. We must, however, recognize the devil’s handiwork for what it is and stop pretending that there can be some “Catholic way” to “understand” “papal” words and actions that are in perfect conformity with the speech and action of Protestants, Jews and the hedonists of the world.

The devil knows that Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart will triumph in the end, which is why he has inspired such hatred in the hearts of men such as Jorge Mario Bergoglio for the life’s work of Father Maximilian Kolbe to build up the City of Mary Immaculate against the onslaughts of all false religions and all forms of naturalism, including Judeo-Masonry, Liberalism, Socialism, Marxist-Leninist Communism, Nazism, Fascism and Zionism. Bergoglio has singled out the Franciscan Friars and Sisters of the Immaculate precisely because they represent the sort of
“pre-conciliar” Mariology that is opposed to the “ecumenical” spirit of conciliarism.

Bergoglio knows that Father Kolbe was opposed to all forms of ecumenism. He knows that Father Kolbe sought to crush false ecumenism through the work of the Immaculata herself. We have Father Kolbe’s own words to prove that this is so:

"Only until all schismatics and Protestants profess the Catholic Creed with conviction, when all Jews voluntarily ask for Holy Baptism – only then will the Immaculata have reached its goals.”

“In other words” Saint Maximilian insisted, “there is no greater enemy of the Immaculata and her Knighthood than today’s ecumenism, which every Knight must not only fight against, but also neutralize through diametrically opposed action and ultimately destroy. We must realize the goal of the Militia Immaculata as quickly as possible: that is, to conquer the whole world, and every individual soul which exists today or will exist until the end of the world, for the Immaculata, and through her for the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.” (Father Karl Stehlin, Immaculata, Our Ideal, Kansas City, Missouri, Angelus Press, 2007, p. 37.)

This is one of the reasons that the “apostolic visitor” appointed to “reform,” “update” and “renew” the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate showed her revulsion at seeing an image of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary before demanding that it be removed out of sight.

We have Mr. Juan Carlos Araneta to thank for translating the Spanish-language original of the following important report, which appeared first on Miles Christi  also on Catolicos Alerta, into English:



The Franciscan nuns of the Immaculate have been accused of praying in Latin, being poor, ignoring the "theology of gender," and their Marian vow.

Maria Virginia Olivera de Cristelli tells InfoCatolica, that the female section of the Franciscans of the Immaculate have been the subject of peculiar accusations by the current officials in charge of their congregation, assigned by the "Holy" See. The religious sisters were blamed of not understanding their prayers due to their preference to do them in Latin, the type of poverty that they are practicing, choosing not to receive formation on the "theology of gender," and their Marian vow.

The following is the recent fully accredited list of accusations against the religious sisters:

1.  The sisters do not understand what they are praying, alluding to their choosing to pray the traditional rite of the Divine Office in Latin.

3. There is an inconvenience in the practice of poverty as practiced by the Sisters, that is, they follow according to the magisterially approved and praiseworthy original Rule of St. Francis of Assisi. Renouncing totally all earthly possessions, hence their belongings ending up with whoever receives them (conciliar "bishops" and do-gooders). The argument being brandished is that they contribute to the enrichment of their family members and friends instead of them (conciliar "bishops").

4. It has been finally raised to them that their "Marian vow" is inadmissible (Fourth vow of the congregation), manifesting to them that "they do not owe any obedience to the Virgin, but God only."

The last accusation is in concord with the surprising disgust of Sr. Fernanda Barbiere (ex-directress of the Pontifical Regina Mundi), who is the inspector assigned by the Vatican for the Franciscan Sisters. In one of her visits, referring to the image of the Immaculate Heart on the table, she said: "take THIS out of here" before beginning the meeting.

Commentary of Jorge Rondón Santos: What is evident to all is the bad appearance being received by "Tradition" within the Montini-Bergoglian church; and also the anti-Marianism of the latter (to recall John XXIII's refusal to publish the Third Secret of Fatima, that in which Montini saw the devotion to the Virgin as something superfluous, the Wojtylian "Luminous Mysteries" and the blasphemies being spat out by Bergoglio against Her). There are also those @$$holes who say: "Rome will gladly embrace Tradition," as they claim to negotiate with the religion of Antichrist which is the conciliar Vatican.

This is an urgent call to all those perplexed traditionalists within and the FSSPX: LEAVE THIS SHIPWRECKED ROME!

Post-data: The demons and the damned refer to Most Holy Mary with the article "This," since Her Name is terrifying to them, such that they prefer the torments of Hell with a thousand times more intensity instead of hearing or saying Her Name. ( and Miles Christi.)

Whose Catholic heart does not break when reading of such a contempt for the Immaculate Heart of Mary?

I have read this account several times now. Tears still come to my eyes each time I read it.

We owe Our Lady the very fact of our salvation by her perfect fiat to the will of God the Father at the Annunciation, and her Divine Son has seen fit to send her to us in these troubling times to show us that devotion to her own Immaculate Heart is one of the two last remedies to help poor sinners convert and to save their souls.

Revulsion at an image of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is diabolically inspired. The adversary is doing everything imaginable to mock and to deconstruct Our Lady’s Fatima Message, which has everything to do with her Most Holy Rosary and devotion to her Immaculate Heart.

Father Kolbe chose to launch the Knights of the Immaculata when he saw a group of Freemasons marching in Rome on January 20, 1917, the seventy-fifth anniversary of the apparition of Our Lady in the image of Immaculata as she appears on the Miraculous Medal to the Catholic-hating Jew named Alphonse Ratisbonne at the Church of San Andrea delle Fratte.

Although the account below from Dr. Robert Royal’s The Catholic Martyrs of the Twentieth Century erroneously associates the January 20, 1917, date with the seventy-fifth anniversary of Our Lady’s first apparition to Saint Bernadette Soubirous in the Grotto of Massabielle near Lourdes, France (which took place on February 11, 1858, sixteen years after Our Lady appeared to the future Father Maria-Alphonse Ratisbonne), it does contain information concerning why Father Kolbe launched the Knights of Immaculata and thus, inadvertently for Dr. Royal, proves what Bergoglio and friends seek to destroy Father Kolbe’s Mariology of the City of Mary Immaculate:

But perhaps the most far-reaching of [then-seminarian] Kolbe's activities during his stay in Rome was the founding of the Militia Immaculatae, the Army of Mary Immaculate. The immediate inspiration came to him on January 20, 1917, the day that the seventy-fifth anniversary of the apparition of Lourdes was being celebrated in Rome. The simple group devoted itself evangelizing under the aegis of the Virgin as Christ's immaculate mother. It was approved by Kolbe's superiors in Rome when it still consisted of only six members, plus Kolbe. By the time he was arrested by the Nazis twenty years later, Kolbe would have enrolled tens of thousands of members in his little army from countries all around the world. Though the group's name sounds conventionally pious and somewhat odd to modern ears, those who collaborated with Kolbe on this and his other projects did so with wild dedication and enthusiasm--and fun. Like his patron Saint Francis, Kolbe seems to have had a gift for doing humble work, organizing large enterprises, and practicing poverty with a rare spirit of joy that communicate itself to large numbers of people.

Some have described his gift as naïveté combined with deep spirituality: others, more charitably, as a deep simplicity that recognized no limitations on what he felt he was called upon to do, not even when the objections came from other Franciscans who thought Kolbe's activism a disturbance to traditional Franciscan life. He returned from Rome to Cracow to become a professor of church history at the seminary he had once attended. But academic life was not a full enough challenge for a man with Father Kolbe's talents, energy, and dedication. Soon he was engaged in spreading the word of salvation to the world. As he later described his mission: "The earth needs to be flooded with a mighty deluge of Christian and Marian literature, written in every language and reaching every country, so as to dawn in the waves of truth all those voices of error that have been using the printing press as their most powerful ally. The globe must be enriched by words of life in printed form, so that the world may once again experience the joy of living.

Awash in a glut of information generated by the ease of desktop publishing and access to the Internet, we may find it hard to appreciate Kolbe's achievement and how it appeared to his contemporaries. But it is worth looking at carefully. He formed Marian "focus groups" in Cracow for university students, women, and soldiers. He wore himself out giving lectures to groups and taking the time to talk with unbelieving individuals--with astounding effects. But he soon felt the need of a publication and, therefore, a printing press. HIs Franciscan superior did not oppose the idea. In fact, he thought it a good one, "but only on the condition that you raise the necessary funds yourself, because the community is too poor to help you."

So in the great tradition of the poverello of Assisi, Kolbe went out and begged for the money to start up his enterprise. The first issue of The Knight of the Immaculate came out in January 1922, even though the country was going through an economic crisis that forced the closing of established publications. Kolbe had big dreams, but he was honest with his readers. "Due to financial difficulties, we cannot guarantee that our readers will receive the magazine regularly. The magazine relies on free offerings." Indeed, owing to a sharp devaluation of the currency, he did not have enough money to pay for the second issue. His Franciscan superiors could not help; in fact they more or less chided him "we told you so." Kolbe went and prayed in front of the statue of the Virgin. Whether by miraculous intervention or coincidence, when he returned later he found an envelope on the altar with the exact amount he needed marked, "For you, my Immaculate Mother." In similarly uncertain fashion, five thousand copies of The Knight wound up in print every month for two years.

Kolbe decided he need a printing press of his own. Many of the Franciscans believed owning such machinery, even for good purposes, was contrary to Franciscan poverty. Their job was to pray and care for the poor, not to build publishing houses, however modest. But another providential help to Kolbe's enterprises came at this moment. An American Franciscan, Father Lawrence Cyman, was travelling through Poland and stopped at Cracow. When he heard Kolbe's plans, he offered one hundred dollars toward the press. Kolbe was allowed to buy a rickety old machine that had to be cranked by hand. But to remove a potential source of distraction, the Cracow Franciscans also suggested that Kolbe move the entire operation to another friary in the distant city of Grodno.

It moved and turned into a enormous success. If the work was grueling--writing and turning the press crank for long hours--it paid off, at least in terms of influence. Subscriptions increased with every issue. But because Poland was experiencing runaway inflation, Kolbe actually lost more money, the more subscriptions he got. Still, he was successful because he appeared to common Poles in common language. Sometimes he made the arguments easier to follow by casting them as dialogues among several characters. Something in the formula must have touched a neve among the Polish population. By 1936, The Knight of the Immaculate had a circulation of eight hundred thousand and had given birth to two related publications, also with large circulations. And an almanac he published for the Holy Year in 1925 was such a financial success that he brought another, more modern press. (Robert Royal, The Catholic Martyrs of the Twentieth Century, Crossroad Publishing Company, New York, 2000, pp. 201-203.)

After establishing the City of the Immaculata on a tract of land outside of Warsaw that was given to him in 1927 by Prince John Drucki-Lubecki that he called Niepokalonow, Father Kolbe set off for Asia in 1930. He purchased six acres of land outside of Nagasaki, Japan (one can see why the devil directed his minions in the government of the United States of America to target Nagasaki on August 9, 1945), calling it the Garden of the Immaculate. The great Father Kolbe returned to Niepokalonow on a permanent basis in 1936 at a time when the City of the Immaculate had grown to include five hundred religious. By this time, as described in Dr. Royal's book, the "Nazi menace was becoming palpable." His first arrest occurred shortly thereafter, followed by the arrest that would take him to Auschwitz, where he gave up his life to save a Jewish man who had been chosen for execution in retribution for prisoners who had escaped.

The Nazis, steeped in the Satanic occult, hated the work of Father Kolbe as it was opposed to the spread of the Nazi ideology just as much as it was opposed to all other forms of naturalism. Dr. Royal's book describes the events that led up to Father Kolbe's arrests:

But Kolbe was not a man to rest on past achievements. He drew up a new plan for the city to make it more effective both as a spiritual center and as a public apostolate. In 1938, The Knight reached a circulation of 800,000. Two susbsidiaries--Young Knight and Little Knight--sold 170,000 and 30,000 copies respectively each month. He was sending out 15,000 copies of an international quarterly in Latin for priests. A "mission bulletin" sought to reach non-Catholics. The city itself published a weekly paper, and soon a daily national Catholic paper, Maly Dryiennik ("The Little Journal") was arriving at 135,000 homes during the week and 225,000 on Sundays. On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8, 1938, a radio station went on the air, and Kolbe was making plans for producing Catholic films.

That would remain one of Kolbe's few unrealized dreams. The Nazis invaded Niepokalanow the following year. For reasons of safety, Kolbe had dispersed almost all his flock back to their families before the Nazi arrival. The rest were taken to the Armitz concentration camp. Kolbe's parting words to his people before they went off to face various threats and uncertainties was: "Do not forget love." For some unknown reason, they were all released, again on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, in 1939. Kolbe returned to Niepokalanow with his friends and told them: "Let us pray. Let us lovingly accept all our crosses, and let us love every neighbor, whether friend or enemy, without distinction." It was a twofold rule that Kolbe had lived by all his life, both accepting others as neighbors and accepting all crosses as manifestations of God's will.

These principles were soon put to the test again. Because Kolbe had a German last name, he was offered a Satanic bargain: if he adopted German citizenship, he would be spared any further trouble from the Rich. He refused both on religious and Polish patriotic grounds. Shortly, the SS arrived and were greeted with Kolbe's "Praised be Jesus Christ!" This time, they sent him to another infamous camp at Pawiak. There he was abused and beaten for wearing a crucifix, but did not protest. Before long, he was transferred to Auschwitz. One sign of the impact Kolbe had on Poland through his various activities was that it was noticed when his name was read upon arrival at the camp. Many people, of course, knew about him, and were upset that the Nazis had arrested so eminent and benevolent a figure. But his presence gave courage to the others. One later said," We were glad to have such a real man, a fight--a fighter for truth--with us." But fighter for truth or not, like the other prisoners, he had his head shaved and his warm clothing taken away, and put on the rough, striped prison uniforms at Auschwitz. (Robert Royal, The Catholic Martyrs of the Twentieth Century, Crossroad Publishing Company, New York, 2000, pp. 206-207.)

Father Maximilian Kolbe, M.I., willingly accepted suffering and cruel treatment for the sake of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and Maria Regina Immaculatae. He was willing to die for the Faith, and it was for his defense of the Holy Faith that he was placed in Auschwitz even if he had not specifically given up his life for It when volunteering to take the place of a married Jewish man who had been chosen for execution by starvation and dehydration. Father Kolbe accepted the cruel death to which he was subjected with love and serenity. He was hated by the Nazis for his devotion to the City of Mary Immaculate. It is very ironic that Father Kolbe’s devotion is hated equally by Bergoglio and his “visitors” to the Franciscan Friars and Sisters of the Immaculate, “Father” Fidenzio Volpi, O.F.M., and Sister Fernanda Barbiere.

Leaving aside the fact that Bergoglio is a layman and a heretic who is not a true and legitimate Successor of Saint Peter, anyone who believes that “Pope Francis” will be “the pope” to consecrate Russia with all of the world’s bishops to her Immaculate Heart and makes this claim to others publicly is engaged in a work of deception. A man who makes war upon those dedicated to the Immaculata herself has no interest in seeking the conversion of anyone save for those “Pharisees” who have yet to “convert” to conciliarism.

Our Lady has told us that the way to avoid sin and to grow in holiness is by total consecration to Divine Son through her own Immaculate Heart. Saint Louis de Montfort wrote out his formula of consecration appended below, three hundred years ago. Father Maximilian Kolbe popularized total Marian consecration in the first half of the Twentieth Century. Indeed, it is written of this apostle of the City of Mary Immaculate:

In order to move souls to love Mary, St. Maximilian ventured to make great, self-effacing personal sacrifices. He made exhausting journeys on missions that seemed foolish, so much so that a saying circulated that he wanted “to make a trip to the moon on a hoe.” But he went ahead undaunted, carrying on with hard work and privation: fainting spells on the train, having to celebrate Mass while supported by two friars, repeatedly coughing up blood, becoming emaciated, even proving himself unpopular with certain persons. His love for the Immaculate would not let him rest from his feverish activity. There was a time in Japan when people, upon seeing his tireless activity, thought he must be part of what they called the “myth of immortality”. . . .  He was tireless and daring, and when someone told him to lighten up a little, he answered smilingly, “I have no time to rest here below. I will take my rest in Paradise.” This is the way with true love.” (Father Stefano M. Manelli, F.I. Devotion to Our Lady, Academy of the Immaculate, pp. 113-144; as we now, Father Kolbe has not been canonized legitimately by the authority of the Catholic Church. I pray that he will be so canonized one day upon the restoration of a true pope on the Throne of Saint Peter.)

Total Consecration to Our Lady means that we unite ourselves completely to her as her slaves, pledged to honor her Immaculate Heart by living lives that are totally worthy of disciples of her Divine Son. Remember, we are the adopted children of Our Lady. No child would want to do anything deliberately to displease his mother. We must be ever conscious of the fact that we are Our Lady’s children and that nothing displeases her more than the coldness and indifference we exhibit concerning the obligations imposed upon us when we were baptized into the true Church, outside of which there is no salvation. She wants us to live in a manner befitting our dignity as redeemed creatures. She wants us to reject the ways of the secular, godless, materialistic, pleasure-seeking world in which we live. She wants us to be seen as her children who proudly wear her Miraculous Medal as a sign of our total consecration–and thus as our pledge to help, as Father Maximilian Kolbe wrote, to build the City of Mary Immaculate, which is the only antidote to the poisons of Modernism running rampant throughout the counterfeit church of conciliarism and the poisons of sin spreading at a rapid pace in the world as a result.

The work of Father Kolbe’s disciples in the Franciscan Fathers and Sisters of the Immaculate is hated by the conciliar revolutionaries as they, the revolutionaries, seem to have preternatural knowledge of the fact that devotion to the City of Mary Immaculate foreshadows Our Lady’s conquering all heresies, including theirs.

Father Kolbe himself noted:

There are people who do not understand how it can be said that "She [Our Lady] alone has destroyed all heresies in the whole world" when heresies still exist. It is something like this: When during one of the battles, Napoleon was informed that for some unknown reason, the enemy's cavalry was approaching, he said, "The enemy lost the battle" although the battle was still raging. And it turned out to be true. His plan worked. So, and even more so, it is with all heresies. They are already doomed. "The enemy is lost. She won, because she destroyed them." (Father Anselm W. Romb, ed., O.F.M. Conv., The Kolbe Reader, Franciscan Marytown Press, Libertyville, Illinois, 1987, p. 74.)

The conciliar revolutionaries are doomed. They simply do not know that this is so.

All of this having been noted, we must pray to Our Lady for the conversion of the members of Franciscan Friars and Sisters of the Immaculate so that they come to recognize that the counterfeit church of conciliarism is false from top to bottom and that is officials do not possess any authority from the Catholic Church to compel them to obey doctrines and to stage liturgical rites that are hideous in the sight of the Most Blessed Trinity and harmful to the souls redeemed by every single drop of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’s Most Precious Blood.

Our Lady herself told Jacinta and Francisco Marto and their cousin, Lucia dos Santos, on July 13, 1917, that it was to save poor sinners from Hell, which she had just shown them, that she wanted them to spread devotion to her Immaculate Heart:

You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war is going to end: but if people do not cease offending God, a worse one will break out during the Pontificate of Pius XI. When you see a night illuminated by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that he is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions of the Church and of the Holy Father. To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of reparation on the First Saturdays. If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated. In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she shall be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world."

Our Lady was sent to earth at Fatima to establish a more widespread devotion to her Immaculate Heart than had been practiced theretofore (although Saint Anthony Mary Claret was quite an apostle of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Spain and Cuba before his death in 1870, establishing the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in 1849), to demonstrate her Divine Son's great desire to save the sinners for whom He shed every single drop of His Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross. Numerous prayers, two of which were taught to Jacinta, Francisco and Lucia directly by Our Lady during her Fatima apparitions, are now prayed that invoke the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. Here are the two that were taught by the Mother of God herself:

O my Jesus, forgive us our sins! Save us from the fires of Hell! Lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in most need.

Sacrifice yourselves for sinners and say many times, especially when you make some sacrifice: "O Jesus, it is for Thy love, for the conversion of sinners and in reparation for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary."

If the consecration of Russia by a pope with all of the world's bishops is necessary, as I believe is the case, what greater triumph of the devil can there be than to place antipopes in the conciliar Vatican and false bishops in chancery offices to attempt to prevent or delay the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, no less to demand that an image of the very Heart out of which the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus was formed be removed from view!

Each of us can and must plant seeds to usher in the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in our daily lives. This is what Father Maximilian Kolbe did in his apostolate of the Militia of the Immaculata, desirous of establishing the City of Mary Immaculate. The day may be coming, sooner than we might like to think possible, when we will be rounded up and imprisoned for speaking as Catholics publicly, especially by calling sinners to conversion through a love of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, all to the delight of the ever-merciful mocker and blasphemer, Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his wrecking crew of fellow revolutionaries.

May it be our privilege to plant a few seeds for the day when the enemies of the Immaculata in the world and the counterfeit church of conciliarism are defeated for all to see as glory is given to the Most Holy Trinity through her Immaculate Heart that was pierced with Seven Swords of Sorrows because of our sins.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, triumph soon!

(From Reviling the Immaculate Heart of Mary, January 21, 2015. The late Mr. Juan Carlos Araneta was kind enough to translate this commentary into Spanish: El Diabolico Nueven Orden Mundial Desprecia El Corazon Immaculado de Maria.)