On the Feast of Saint Patrick, March 17, 2025

This is a tribute to our glorious Saint Patrick, Bishop and Confessor, whose work in behalf of the conversion of the Irish clans from paganism stands in very sharp contrast to the obeisance that has been paid by the conciliar “popes” and their “bishops” to every false religion and pagan superstition imaginable. It was to wipe out paganism that Saint Patrick spent his life as a missionary to the Emerald Isle, that land of Saints and Scholars which has fallen back into paganism in no small measure because of the false doctrines and sacramental barrenness of the liturgical rites of the counterfeit church of conciliarism. Saint Patrick stands ready to convert each one of us away from our own sins if only we beg his intercession to help make us saints, especially now in the middle of the Fourth Week of Lent.

We are privileged to have a relic of Saint Patrick that is venerated each night before sleep. This relic was given to us most unexpectedly by a good friend of ours some years ago now.

It is my hope, perhaps furtive, to have the next original article by tomorrow, the Feast of Saint Cyril of Jersualem ad the Commemoration of Tuesday in the Second Week of Lent.

For those who have been away for a while, the latest original commentaries have been: Benedictus Qui Venit in Nomini Domini, Hosanna in Excelsis, part twelveNo Certitude, No Reverence, No PeopleJorge Mario Bergoglio: The End Result of Sixty-Six Years of Falsehoods, part one, and Jorge Mario Bergoglio: The End Result of Sixty-Six Years of Falsehoods, part two.

Finally, I remind you that a Go Fund Me Appeal for Used Car  was posted two days ago. Thank you.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Patrick, pray for us.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio: The End Result of Sixty-Six Years of Falsehoods, part two

Although certainly not an exhaustive review of the many ways that the now hospitalized Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who is still plotting from his hospital room to continue his work of destruction as he recovers from double pneumonia, bronchospasms, and other breathing problems (Francis, showing plans to stay on, starts new Catholic reform process) has done the work of Antichrist in the past twelve years, three days, my two part review, which concludes with today’s commentary, has attempted to highlight at least a few examples of how he, Bergoglio, is but the end product of sixty-six and one-half years of falsehoods.

I did not include anything about the Abu Dhabi accords of six years ago as those who are interested in reviewing the details can do by reviewing the commentary I wrote at the time: Republished: Jorge Signs Off on the One World Religion.

Finally, once again, I remind the readership of this website that I have started a “Go Fund Me” appeal to raise funds to replace my 2000 Ford Econoline van after its transmission died while I was driving it on Tuesday, March 11, 2025. The complete details can be found here: Fundraiser by Thomas Droleskey: Donate to Dr. Thomas Droleskey for a Used Car. Please direct all questions or observations about this to me alone.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saints Peter, James, and John, pray for us.


Donations may be made through PayPal as well, of course, but please share with those who you might think would be open to donating. Thank you.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio: The End Result of Sixty-Six Years of Falsehoods, part one

[To be honest, I am pretty much sick and tired of writing about Jorge Mario Bergoglio, and even though this is the season of extra penances, I will not have part of my two-part series published by the Second Sunday of Lent, March 16, 2025. I will be working on a commentary in the meantime about how former United States Representative Dr. David Weldon has been thrown under the bus by President Donald John Trump, who would not let this intelligent and articulate pro-life advocate and opponent of the Wuhan Virus poisoned jab even make his case in Senate confirmation hearing before he, Trump, withdrew Weldon’s nomination. Trump still believes in the vaccines. Sober up, friends, sober up.

[The purpose of this update is to inform the readership of this website that I have started a “Go Fund Me” appeal to raise funds to replace my 2000 Ford Econoline van after its transmission died while I was driving it on Tuesday, March 11, 2025. The complete details can be found here: Fundraiser by Thomas Droleskey : Donate to Dr. Thomas Droleskey for a Used Car. Please direct all questions or observations about this to me alone.

[Donations can be made through PayPal as well, of course, but please share with those who you might think would be open to donating. Thank you.]

This is part one of an effort to discuss thematically some of the many ways in which Jorge Mario Bergoglio has used his presidency of the counterfeit church of conciliarism to take a wrecking ball to the last remaining bastions of most anything recognizably Catholic within the structures of his false sect that most people in the world believe is the Catholic Church.

As bad as "Pope Francis" has been, though, he is only the end product of sixty-six year of falsehoods. He is only bringing the conciliar revolution against Catholic Faith, Worship, and Morals to its logical conclusions.

Part two should appear tomorrow, Ember Friday in Lent, March 14, 2025.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

No Certitude, No Reverence, No People

A recent Pew Survey on Religion showed that 8.4 Catholics leave what they think is the Catholic Church for every one convert thereto. This means that 840 baptized Catholics leave the Holy Faith for every 100 that convert.

Today’s commentary’s title is very self-explanatory in this regard.

Most of today, the Feast of Pope Saint Gregory the Great and the Commemoration of Ember Wednesday in Lent, will be spent revising the review of Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s twelve years in charge of the conciliar wrecking ball.

What has to be revised?

References to Jorge Mario Bergoglio in the past tense as he has been the beneficiary of medical care that should be given anyone and everyone in his condition but is generally denied in favor of “palliative care,” which is euthanasia by another name (see Chronicling the Adversary's Global Takeover of the Healthcare Industry, which is included in a book published five years ago, Life, Death, and Truth: Under Attack by Medicine and Law).

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Pope Saint Gregory the Great, pray for us.

Pope Saint Pius X's Praise of Pope Saint Gregory the Great

This is a republished reflection on Pope Saint Gregory the Great, whose feast is celebrated today Wednesday, March 12, 2025 (which is also Ember Wednesday in Lent), that draws principally upon Pope Saint Pius X's Iucunda Sane, March 12, 1904.

A new commentary will be published almost immediately hereafter.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Pope Saint Gregory the Great, pray for us.

Benedictus Qui Venit in Nomini Domini, Hosanna in Excelsis, part twelve

President Donald John Trump continues to insist upon his immoral social-engineering scheme in Gaza. European leaders, who are as wrong about Ukraine as Trump is correct about the situation in Kyiv (Kiev), are opposing the plan with one of their own to rebuild Gaza not as a “Riveria” for the world’s rich and famous but for the Palestinians themselves. Then again, there is a long Anglo-Saxon and American history of social engineering and regime change.

This commentary provides just a bit of that history.

My next conciliar-themed commentary should appear tomorrow, Tuesday, March 11, 2025, Tuesday in the First Week of Lent.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

The Forty Holy Martyrs of Sebaste, pray for us.

We Cannot Live by the Siren Sound of Bread and Circuses in Lent (2025)

Unfortunately, I am too exhausted from the article posted about twenty-one hours, fifteen minutes ago to complete work on my next original commentary.

Instead, however, I am offering a few brief words to bookend Dom Prosper Gueranger’s reflections on the First Sunday of Lent (on which is also commemorated the Feast of Saint Frances of Rome this year), followed by three appendices containing Father Francis X. Weninger’s three sermons for the First Sunday of Lent.

Finally, although I will write about the subject within the next few days, Jorge Mario Bergoglio is getting the sort of intensive care to facilitate his breathing as he recovers from double pneumonia and at least three other respiratory “crises” that is, at least for the most part, denied to those who are around Bergoglio’s age. Most other people whose ability to breathe has been compromised would be told that it is time for “hospice” so as to have a “compassionate,” painless death.

My point is this: everyone in the same condition as Jorge Mario Bergoglio should have the exact same care that he is getting without any “medical professional” mentioning “hospice” at any time. Although I am not unconvinced that the false “pontiff” might ask for such “compassionate care,” which he supports erroneously as morally justifiable, the fact that he is being treated proactively and not being subjected to the Hemlock cocktails that are nothing other than euthanasia under the euphemism of “compassionate care” (hospice) demonstrates that many within the medical industry believe that some patients are entitled to a level care that is denied to most others.

Pray daily for the restoration of a true pope on the Throne of Saint Peter.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Frances of Rome, pray for us.

Behold the State of the Union When Most Men Are Not in a State of Sanctifying Grace

The hour is late. The title is self-explanatory.

I hope to have a conciliar-related commentary by tomorrow afternoon, the First Sunday of Lent and the Commemoration of Saint Frances of Rome.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint John of God, pray for us.

Brother Zero: Saint John of God (March 8, 2025)

This article in honor of Saint John of God, whose feast is celebrated today, was written eighteen years ago now. A lot of hard work went into its completion. I believe it to be one a piece that will give great consolation to those who have not as of yet read it.

Saint John of God was little understood during his life. It was the case that even his longtime spiritual director, Saint John of Avila, who knew him fairly well, did not understand his decisions. Saint John of God suffered from all manner of slanders and even beatings in his life. He suffered slanders even up to the point of his own death. It was enough for him to be understood by God. It should be enough for us as well, especially during this time of apostasy and betrayal when so many of us are misunderstood and castigated by relatives and friends and acquaintances as being "outside of the Church" for our refusal to make any concessions to conciliarism or its false shepherds. We should be grateful that we are as misunderstood and hated and calumniated as was Saint John of God!

A new commentary will be published in about twenty minutes. Although containing a lot of familir points, the commentary is a new composition. However, this having been noted, I think that, upon its publication, I will have exhausted my efforts to discsus the inability of naturalism to "resolve" social problems until I next think it relevant and useful to do so yet again. 

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint John of God, pray for us.

On the Feast of the Angelic Doctor, Saint Thomas Aquinas, O.P. (March 7, 2025)

This is a revised and expanded, although still entirely inadequate, commentary on the Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas, O.P., Friday,  March 7, 2025.

The next original article should be published within twenty-four hours as it is going to be another "root causes" commentary. These take a while to complete.  

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Thomas Aquinas, O.P., pray for us.


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