Americans are always looking for "good guys" to root for against the "bad guys" without ever realizing that both groups of supposed combatants believe in the same underlying falsehoods.
This is as true in the counterfeit church of conciliarism as it is in the world-at-large. To think that Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI is a "good guy" to Jorge Mario Bergoglio's "bad guy," for instance, is to fail to recognize that both men are revolutionaries who reject the Catholic Faith and are thus outside of the bosom of Holy Mother Church. They belong to a false church professing a false faith that is accompanied with false, sacrilegious liturgical rites and pastoral practices that sanction every manner of indecency imaginable.
This is a lengthy commentary, dealing first the the return to glory of the noted Jacobin/Bolshevik, Archbishop John Raphael Quinn, who was honored by "Archbishop" Blase Cupich during the latter's installation as the conciliar "archbishop" of Chicago, Illinois, two days ago, Tuesday, November 18, 2014, the Feast of the Dedication of the Basilcas of Saint Peter and Paul. Cupich is a man after Jorge Mario Bergoglio's own heart. Although some tried to posit a phony war between Archbishop Quinn, who is a true bishop, and Karol Josef Wojtyla/John Paul II, the two men agreed on some very important revolutionary presuppositions, including the "reform of the papacy." Quinn's proposals in that regard are almost identical to those of Bergoglio's.
Similarly, whatever differences exist between Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI and Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis on various matters, including marriage, are merely matters of emphasis and styles of presentation.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
Saint Felix of Valois, pray for us.