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June 16, 2011


So Much For Charles Martel, So Much For the Crusades, So Much For St. Pius V and Jan Sobieski, So Much For Catholic Truth

by Thomas A. Droleskey

Charles Martel defeated the Mohammedans at the Battle of Tours (also known as the Battle of Poitiers) on October 10, 732, as the infidels who followed the false prophet Mohammed attempted move northward from southern France. Today, however, the Mohammedans are present in France in large numbers, creating a "multiculturalism" there that had not previously existed. The French, victims of the falsehoods of the French Revolution that were "baptized" by the Sillon and then incorporated into the liturgy and pastoral praxis of the counterfeit church of conciliarism, have contracepted and aborted themselves, something that has been exploited by the Mohammedans, who are welcoming children in abundance.

What does this mean to the conciliar revolutionaries? Nothing. Nothing at all. So much for Charles Martel.

Pope Urban II preached the First Crusade on November 27, 1095 at the Council of Clermont to wage a war, sanctioned by God Himself, in defense of the Catholic churches and holy places in the Holy Land that had been sacked and taken over by the bloodthirsty Mohammedans. Here is an account of his speech:

"If among the churches scattered about over the whole world some, because of persons or location, deserve reverence above others (for persons, I say, since greater privileges are accorded to apostolic sees; for places, indeed, since the same dignity which is accorded to persons is also shown to regal cities, such as Constantinople), we owe most to that church from which we received the grace of redemption and the source of all Christianity. If what the Lord says namely, 'Salvation is from the Jews,' accords with the truth, and it is true that the Lord has left us Sabaoth as seed, that we may not become like Sodom and Gomorrah, and our seed is Christ, in whom is the salvation and benediction of all peoples, then, indeed, the very land and city in which He dwelt and suffered is, by witnesses of the Scriptures, holy. If this land is spoken of in the sacred writings of the prophets as the inheritance and the holy temple of God before ever the Lord walked about in it, or was revealed, what sanctity, what reverence has it not acquired since God in His majesty was there clothed in the flesh, nourished, grew up, and in bodily form there walked about, or was carried about; and, to compress in fitting brevity all that might be told in a long series of words, since there the blood of the Son of God, more holy than heaven and earth, was poured forth, and His body, its quivering members dead, rested in the tomb. What veneration do we think it deserves? If, when the Lord had but just been crucified and the city was still held by the Jews, it was called holy by the evangelist when he says, 'Many bodies of the saints that had fallen asleep were raised; and coming forth out of the tombs after His resurrection, they entered into the holy city and appeared unto many,' and by the prophet Isaiah when be says, 'It shall be His glorious sepulchre,' then, surely, with this sanctity placed upon it by God the Sanctifier Himself, no evil that may befall it can destroy it, and in the same way glory is indivisibly fixed to His Sepulchre. Most beloved brethren, if you reverence the source of that holiness and I . you cherish these shrines which are the marks of His footprints on earth, if you seek (the way), God leading you, God fighting in your behalf, you should strive with your utmost efforts to cleanse the Holy City and the glory of the Sepulchre, now polluted by the concourse of the Gentiles, as much as is in their power.

"If in olden times the Maccabees attained to the highest praise of piety because they fought for the ceremonies and the Temple, it is also justly granted you, Christian soldiers, to defend their liberty of your country by armed endeavor. If you, likewise, consider that the abode of the holy apostles and any other saints should be striven for with such effort, why do you refuse to rescue the Cross, the Blood, the Tomb? Why do you refuse to visit them, to spend the price of your lives in rescuing them? You have thus far waged unjust wars, at one time and another; you have brandished mad weapons to your mutual destruction, for no other reason than covetousness and pride, as a result of which you have deserved eternal death and sure damnation. We now hold out to you wars which contain the glorious reward of martyrdom, which will retain that title of praise now and forever.

"Let us suppose, for the moment, that Christ was not dead and buried, and had never lived any length of time in Jerusalem. Surely, if all this were lacking, this fact alone ought still to arouse you to go to the aid of the land and city -- the fact that 'Out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of Jehovah from Jerusalem!' If all that there is of Christian preaching has flowed from the fountain of Jerusalem, its streams, whithersoever spread out over the whole world, encircle the hearts of the Catholic multitude, that they may consider wisely what they owe such a well-watered fountain. If rivers return to the place whence they have issued only to flow forth again, according to the saying of Solomon, it ought to seem glorious to you to be able to apply a new cleansing to this place, whence it is certain that you received the cleansing of baptism and the witness of your faith.

"And you ought, furthermore, to consider with the utmost deliberation, if by your labors, God working through you, it should occur that the Mother of churches should flourish anew to the worship of Christianity, whether, perchance, He may not wish other regions of the East to be restored to the faith against the approaching time of the Antichrist. For it is clear that Antichrist is to do battle not with the Jews, not with the Gentiles; but, according to the etymology of his name, He will attack Christians. And if Antichrist finds there no Christians (just as at present when scarcely any dwell there), no one will be there to oppose him, or whom he may rightly overcome. According to Daniel and Jerome, the interpreter of Daniel, he is to fix his tents on the Mount of Olives; and it is certain, for the apostle teaches it, that he will sit at Jerusalem in the Temple of the Lord, as though he were God. And according to the same prophet, he will first kill three kings of Egypt, Africa, and Ethiopia, without doubt for their Christian faith: This, indeed, could not at all be done unless Christianity was established where now is paganism. If, therefore, you are zealous in the practice of holy battles, in order that, just as you have received the seed of knowledge of God from Jerusalem, you may in the same way restore the borrowed grace, so that through you the Catholic name may be advanced to oppose the perfidy of the Antichrist and the Antichristians then, who can not conjecture that God, who has exceeded the hope of all, will consume, in the abundance of your courage and through you as the spark, such a thicket of paganism as to include within His law Egypt, Africa, and Ethiopia, which have withdrawn from the communion of our belief? And the man of sin, the son of perdition, will find some to oppose him. Behold, the Gospel cries out, 'Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.' 'Times of the Gentiles' can be understood in two ways: Either that they have ruled over the Christians at their pleasure, and have gladly frequented the sloughs of all baseness for the satisfaction of their lusts, and in all this have had no obstacle (for they who have everything according to their wish are said to have their time; there is that saying: 'My time is not yet come, but your time is always ready,' whence the lustful are wont to say 'you are having your time'). Or, again, 'the times of the Gentiles' are the fulness of time for those Gentiles who shall have entered secretly before Israel shall be saved. These times, most beloved brothers, will now, forsooth, be fulfilled, provided the might of the pagans be repulsed through You, with the cooperation of God. With the end of the world already near, even though the Gentiles fail to be converted t the Lord (since according to the apostle there must be a withdrawal from the faith), it is first necessary, according to their prophecy, that the Christian sway be renewed in those regions either through you, or others, whom it shall please God to send before the coming of Antichrist, so that the head of all evil, who is to occupy there the throne of the kingdom, shall find some support of the faith to fight against him.

"Consider, therefore, that the Almighty has provided you, perhaps, for this purpose, that through you He may restore Jerusalem from such debasement. Ponder, I beg you, how full of joy and delight our hearts will be when we shall see the Holy City restored with your little help, and the prophet's, nay divine, words fulfilled in our times. Let your memory be moved by what the Lord Himself says to the Church: 'I will bring thy seed from the East and gather thee from the West.' God has already brought our, seed from the East, since in a double way that region of the East has given the first beginnings of the Church to us. But from the West He will also gather it, provided He repairs the wrongs of 1 Jerusalem through those who have begun the witness of the final faith, that is the people of the West. With God's assistance, we think this can be done through you.

"If neither the words of the Scriptures arouse you, nor our admonitions penetrate your minds, at least let the great suffering of those who desired to go to the holy places stir you up. Think of those who made the pilgrimage across the sea! Even if they were more wealthy, consider what taxes, what violence they underwent, since they were forced to make payments and tributes almost every mile, to purchase release at every gate of the city, at the entrance of the churches and temples, at every side journey from place to place: also, if any accusation whatsoever were made against them, they were compelled to purchase their release; but if they refused to pay money, the prefects of the Gentiles, according to their custom, urged them fiercely with blows. What shall we say of those who took up the journey without anything more than trust in their barren poverty, since they seemed to have nothing except their bodies to lose? They not only demanded money of them, which is not an unendurable punishment, but also examined the callouses of their heels, cutting them open and folding the skin back, lest, perchance, they had sewed something there. Their unspeakable cruelty was carried on even to the point of giving them scammony to drink until they vomited, or even burst their bowels, because they thought the wretches had swallowed gold or silver; or, horrible to say, they cut their bowels open with a sword and, spreading out the folds of the intestines, with frightful mutilation disclosed whatever nature held there in secret. Remember, I pray, the thousands who have perished vile deaths, and strive for the holy places from which the beginnings of your faith have come. Before you engage in His battles, believe without question that Christ will be your standard-bearer and inseparable forerunner."

The most excellent man concluded his oration and by the power of the blessed Peter. absolved all who vowed to go and confirmed those acts with apostolic blessing. He instituted a sign well suited t so honorable a profession by making the figure of the Cross, the stigma of the Lord's Passion, the emblem of the soldiery, or rather, of what was to be the soldiery of God. This, made of any kind of cloth, he ordered to be sewed upon the shirts, cloaks, and byrra of those who were about to go. He commanded that if anyone, after receiving this emblem, or after taking openly this vow, should shrink from his good intent through base change of heart, or any affection for his parents, he should be regarded an outlaw forever, unless he repented and again undertook whatever of his pledge he had omitted. Furthermore, the Pope condemned with a fearful anathema all those who dared to molest the wives, children, and possessions of these who were going on this journey for God. . . .  (Guibert de Nogent: Historia quae dicitur Gesta Dei per Francos.)


What does this mean to the conciliar revolutionaries? Nothing. Nothing at all:

4. Let us forgive and ask forgiveness! While we praise God who, in his merciful love, has produced in the Church a wonderful harvest of holiness, missionary zeal, total dedication to Christ and neighbour, we cannot fail to recognize the infidelities to the Gospel committed by some of our brethren, especially during the second millennium. Let us ask pardon for the divisions which have occurred among Christians, for the violence some have used in the service of the truth and for the distrustful and hostile attitudes sometimes taken towards the followers of other religions.

Let us confess, even more, our responsibilities as Christians for the evils of today. We must ask ourselves what our responsibilities are regarding atheism, religious indifference, secularism, ethical relativism, the violations of the right to life, disregard for the poor in many countries.

We humbly ask forgiveness for the part which each of us has had in these evils by our own actions, thus helping to disfigure the face of the Church.

At the same time, as we confess our sins, let us forgive the sins committed by others against us. Countless times in the course of history Christians have suffered hardship, oppression and persecution because of their faith. Just as the victims of such abuses forgave them, so let us forgive as well. The Church today feels and has always felt obliged to purify her memory of those sad events from every feeling of rancour or revenge. In this way the Jubilee becomes for everyone a favourable opportunity for a profound conversion to the Gospel. The acceptance of God's forgiveness leads to the commitment to forgive our brothers and sisters and to be reconciled with them. (Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II, Day of Pardon, March 12, 2000.)


Pope Saint Pius V, a spiritual son of Saint Dominic de Guzman, the founder of the Order of Preachers, begged that Catholics everywhere pray Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary, which she had given to Saint Dominic in the year 1208, for the defeat of the Turkish fleet in the Battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571:


We have already met with the names of several Pontiffs on the Paschal Calendar. They form a brilliant constellation around our Risen Jesus, who, during the period between his Resurrection and Ascension, gave to Peter, their predecessor, the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Anicetus, Soter, Caius, Cletus and Marcellinus, held in their hands the palm of martyrdom: Leo was the only one who did not shed his blood in the cause of his divine Master. To-day there comes before us a holy Pope who governed the Church in these latter times; he is worthy to stand amidst the Easter group of Pontiffs. Like Leo, Pius V was zealous in combating heresy; like Leo, he saved his people form the barbarian yoke.

The whole life of Pius V was a combat. His pontificate fell during those troubled times when Protestantism was leading whole countries into apostasy. Italy was not a prey that could be taken by violence: artifice was therefore used, in order to undermine the Apostolic See and thus develop the whole Christian world in the darkness of heresy. Pius defend the Peninsula with untiring devotedness from the danger that threatened her. Even before he was raised to the Papal Throne he frequently exposed his life by his zeal in opposing the preaching of false doctrines. Like Peter the Martyr, he braved every danger and was the dread of the emissaries of heresy. When seated on the Chair of Peter, he kept the innovators in check by fear, roused the sovereigns of Italy to energy and by measures of moderate severity drove back beyond the Alps the torrent that would have swept Christianity from Europe had not the Southern States thus opposed it. From that time forward, Protestantism has never made any further progress: it has been wearing itself out by doctrinal anarchy. We repeat it: this heresy would have laid all Europe waste, had it not been for the vigilance of the pastor who animated the defenders of truth to resist it where it already existed, and who set himself as a wall against its invasion in the country where he himself was the master.

Another enemy, taking advantage of the confusion caused in the West by Protestantism, organized an expedition against Europe. Italy was to be its first prey. The Ottoman fleet started from the Bosphorus. This again would have meant the ruin of Christendom but for the energy of the Roman Pontiff, our Saint. he gave the alarm, and called the Christian Princes to arms. Germany and France, torn by domestic factions that had been caused by heresy, turned a deaf ear to the call. Spain alone, together with Venice and the little Papal fleet, answered the summons of the Pontiff. The Cross and the Crescent were soon face to face in the Gulf of Lepanto. The prayers of Pius V decided the victory in favor of the Christians, whose forces were much inferior to those of the Turks. We shall return to this important event when we come to the Feast of the Rosary in October. But we omit to mention to-day the prediction uttered by the holy Pope, on the evening of the great day of October 7, 1571. The battle between the Christian and Turkish fleets lasted from six o'clock in the morning till late in the afternoon. Towards evening, the Pontiff suddenly looked up towards heaven, and gazed upon it in silence for a few seconds. Then turning to his attendants, he exclaimed: 'Let us give thanks to God! The Christians have gained the victory!' The news soon arrived at Rome; and thus, Europe once more owed her salvation to a Pope! The defeat at Lepanto was a blow from which the Ottoman Empire has never recovered: its fall dates from that glorious day. (Dom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B., The Liturgical Year.)


What does this mean to the conciliar revolutionaries. Nothing. Nothing at all. Here is a brief account of Giovanni Montini/Paul VI's act of treachery in 1964 in which he returned the flag of the flagship of the Turkish fleet that had been captured during the Battle of Lepanto:

Indeed, such subtlety [Paul VI's removal of his tiara] seemed designed to bear a very special sort of fruit. So did Paul's visit one year later to the United Nations headquarters in New York, where he told delegates:

"We are conscious that you are the interpreters of all that is paramount in human wisdom. We would almost say: of its sacred character. For your concern is first and foremost with the life of man, and man's life is sacred: no one may dare to interfere with it."


Presumably "no one" does not included God. Paul's performance at the United Nations, an organization long viewed with suspicion by the Church for the obvious reasons, sent many a Catholic reeling. So did papal act just two months later, when Paul gave back to the Muslims the Standard of Lepanto. The history of the flag was venerable. It was taken from a Turkish admiral during a great naval battle in 1571. While Pope St. Pius V fasted and prayed the Rosary, an out-numbered Christian fleet defeated a much larger Moslem navy, thus saving Christendom from the infidel. In honor of the miraculous victory, Pius V instituted the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary to commemorate Her intercession.

In one dramatic act Paul renounced not only a remarkable Christian victory, but the prayers and sacrifices of a great Pope and saint. Worse, he appeared to be rejecting the intercession of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary--again. "The wars of religion are finished for good." Paul told the Turks by way of explanation. Their immediate response was not recorded, but the rise of militant Islam in the last three decades indicates that yet another of Pope Paul's prophecies has gone awry. (Mark Fellows, Fatima in Twilight, Marmion Publications, 2003, p. 193.)


King Jan Sobieksi of Poland used Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary to lead his Catholic forces in battle against the Turks as they attempted to storm the Gates of Vienna on September 12, 1683, defeating the last effort by the Mohammedans to invade Europe until they were welcomed in recent decades by the formerly Catholic nations of Europe where the labor pool had shrunk as a result of contraception and abortion:


In 1683 Turkish forces threatened once again to overrun Europe. They carried the war into Austria for the purpose of annihilating the Catholic religion. Kara Mustapha, Grand Vizier of Mahomet IV, had boasted that he would not rest until he had stabled his master's horses at Saint Peter's in Rome. With an army 300,000 strong, the leader of the infidels arrived at the gates of Vienna and laid siege to the city. Days of enemy assaults, fire, and disease had reduced the Austrian capital to the last extremity. A small garrison of exhausted men, under the command of the courageous Imperial General, Count Starhemberg, himself wounded in the attack, fought desperately, with no earthly help in sight.

Pope Innocent XI urgently appealed to the princes of Europe on behalf of the beleaguered city and, on the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, the "Unvanquished Lion of the North", John Sobieski, King of Poland, mounted his war-horse, going forth to battle for the glory of the cross and the preservation of all Christendom. (Letter to Blessed Pope Innocent XVI)

Before Our Lady's altar in Her sanctuary in Czestochowa, the King raised his sword and vowed not to sheathe it until the mighty Queen of Heaven had given victory. The army asked Her blessings on their enterprise. Marching towards Vienna, the men prayed the Holy Rosary, Sobieski, wearing an image of Our Lady of Czestochowa, gave his soldiers their battle cry: In the Name of Mary: Lord God, help!

Joining up with the Imperial army, under the command of Charles, Duke of Lorraine, John Sobieski, whose tranquil presence in the midst of fiercest combat had such power with his own forces, had been unanimously chosen to lead the united armies of Europe. Many a time had his fearless leadership routed the Moslem invaders!

At five o'clock on the morning of September 12, the Holy Sacrifice was celebrated by the papal legate, Father Marco d'Aviano, on the heights of Mount Kalemberg, overlooking the Austrian capital. The King yielded to no one in the honor serving that Mass. The armies of Christendom knelt in humble prayer. Later on that same day, Father Marco was to see a white dove hovering over this very king and his men while the battled raged, a sign of the victory to come.

The King gave a signal. Drums rolled, cannons roared and the great human avalanche plunged down the steep mountain precipices shouting, Jesus! Mary! Sobieski! Jesus! Mary! Sobieski!

Many were the separate and terrible combats on that memorable day, but suffice it to say that by five in the afternoon, the warrior king brandished his sword and charged upon the tent of the Turkish leader, shouting the words of the prophet king [David], Non nobis Domine exercituum, non nobis, sed Nomini tuo da gloriam. Not to us, O Lord of Host, not to us, but to Thy name give the glory. [Psalm 113:9]

The name of Sobieski spread panic throughout the enemy camp. Kara Mustapha, trembling in his boots, turned to the Tarter Khan, Selim Gieray, Can you not save me? he pleaded. I know the Polish king, Selim replied, where he is, flight is our only refuge. Look out upon the firmament and you will see that God Himself is against us. (The two armies saw the crescent moon fade in the skies.) The Moslem army fled in terror. Sobieski and his men attributed their victory to God and the power of Our Lady's name.

We are now on our march to Hungary, the king wrote, taking advantage of their distraction to defeat the remainder of their scattered troops. I have all the princes of the Empire my companions in this enterprise, who tell me they are ready to follow such a leader not only into Hungary but to the end of the world...Thanks be to Heaven, now the half-moon triumphs no longer over the Cross.

Blessed Pope Innocent XI, established the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary to be celebrated on the twelfth of September each year as a perpetual memory of the victory of Vienna.  (The Garland of Roses.)


What does this mean to the conciliar revolutionaries? Nothing. Nothing at all.

These victories against the false religion of Mohammedanism meant a lot to the Catholic Church. They were included in a summary of the history of Christendom provided by Pope Leo XIII in Immortale Dei, November 1, 1885:


21. There was once a time when States were governed by the philosophy of the Gospel. Then it was that the power and divine virtue of Christian wisdom had diffused itself throughout the laws, institutions, and morals of the people, permeating all ranks and relations of civil society. Then, too, the religion instituted by Jesus Christ, established firmly in befitting dignity, flourished everywhere, by the favour of princes and the legitimate protection of magistrates; and Church and State were happily united in concord and friendly interchange of good offices. The State, constituted in this wise, bore fruits important beyond all expectation, whose remembrance is still, and always will be, in renown, witnessed to as they are by countless proofs which can never be blotted out or ever obscured by any craft of any enemies. Christian Europe has subdued barbarous nations, and changed them from a savage to a civilized condition, from superstition to true worship. It victoriously rolled back the tide of Mohammedan conquest; retained the headship of civilization; stood forth in the front rank as the leader and teacher of all, in every branch of national culture; bestowed on the world the gift of true and many-sided liberty; and most wisely founded very numerous institutions for the solace of human suffering. And if we inquire how it was able to bring about so altered a condition of things, the answer is-beyond all question, in large measure, through religion, under whose auspices so many great undertakings were set on foot, through whose aid they were brought to completion. (Pope Leo XIII, Immortale Dei, November 1, 1885.)


As we know so very well, the conciliar revolutionaries are celebrating the virtual conquest of Europe by the Mohammedans, using the slogan of "multiculturalism" to do so, going so far as to praise the "inculturation" of Mohammedanism on the soil of once Catholic Europe. The conciliar "bishops" of Italy have been particularly aggressive in this regard lately:

The second meeting of delegates from the Bishops Conferences in Europe for relations with Muslims in Europe took place in Turin (Italy) from May 31 to June 2, 2011.  The Council of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe (known by its French initials CCEE) brings together the presidents of the 33 European bishops’ conferences.  Presiding over this meeting was Cardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard, Archbishop of Bordeaux and vice-president of the CCEE.  Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, was also present.

On June 1, Archbishop Maroun Lahham, Archbishop of Tunis, spoke, emphasizing that the number of initiatives from the Muslim side in the Islamic-Christian dialogue is clearly increasing.  “In this there is an overcoming of a psychology of fear or doubt with regard to a topic,” he remarked somewhat optimistically.  Archbishop Lahham does not forget that there are violent demonstrations when an Islamic personage or dogma is called into question (caricatures of Muhammad, the pope’s lecture in Regensburg….), while noting that this sort of violent action is becoming less frequent.  But he declared:  “the family, the school and the mosque do not educate people in a basic view of equality between Arab Christian and Arab Muslim.”  Later in his talk he added, “We must not forget that Islam presents itself as a unique, all-encompassing system in which everything is related (faith, worship, family, children, morality, prophet, economic life, inheritance, etc.).  Therefore it is enough to touch just one point in this larger system, and Islam per se feels that is it threatened or offended.”  In the same way, the notion of religious freedom has quite different meanings for Christians and Muslims.  According to Abp. Lahham, “In Muslim countries (with rare exceptions), the Christian minorities have freedom of worship, in other words, the freedom to practice their faith, in private and in public.  Now the Christian concept of religious freedom, especially after Vatican II, means freedom of conscience, in other words, the freedom to choose one’s religion or to choose not to have any religion.”

After this second meeting, the delegates of the Bishops’ Conference published a newsletter online on the CCEE’s website.  The bishops confirm that the Catholic Church is following with much interest the “progressive enculturation of Islam in Europe, with a tendency to manifest more its religious and moral than its political dimension.”  And that “in order to provide their religious leaders – imams or teachers – with a theological and cultural formation that will allow them suitably to play their religious role in the European context.”  In the perspective of the creation of a chair of Islamic theology in the State universities, the Church – they go on to say – is in favor of confessional teaching of religion in public schools being made available to other religious traditions, including Islam.

The bishops candidly declare that they “share with sympathy in the expressions of a desire for democracy, freedom,  and of a call for respect of persons, of which the youth from different Arab countries have made themselves the promoters during these months of great political changes, and they express a wish that the process underway may lead to the establishment of a true freedom of religion in these countries, so that Arabian Christians may also enjoy this freedom in the context of an egalitarian citizenship.” – Which only goes to show that, far from what Archbishop Lahham claims, freedom of religion is not guaranteed to the Christian minorities in these countries.

These delegates next claim to have made “a critical evaluation of the term ‘islamophobia’ used to describe the reactions of hostility towards Islam”, and to prefer the terms ‘fear’ and ‘hostility’.  They also “exhort Muslims to form positive and transparent relations”…in order to dissipate a hostile attitude towards them.  To conclude, the bishops repeated “their conviction that the Catholic Church will pursue the dialogue with the Muslims with renewed commitment, in the footsteps of Vatican Council II and following the teaching of Benedict XVI”, in which Christians and Muslims are finally called to express their faith sincerely without imposing it. – No comment.

One goal among others of the Counsel of the Episcopal Conferences of Europe (CCEE), is to assure the exercise of collegiality in the hierarchical communion cum et sub romano pontifice; the promotion of the new evangelization on the European level; the support for the ecumenical collaboration in Europe, and to reestablish the unity of Christians.  These meetings generally take place every three years, and examine the principal questions related to evangelization and the enculturation of the Gospel in the European context. (sources: ccee/apic – DICI#236, June 11, 2011) (Conciliar "Bishops" in Italy Favor "Inculturation of Islam" in Europe.)


This is madness. Sure, it is a madness that is, quite sadly, very commonplace in the counterfeit church of conciliarism. It is madness nevertheless.

Aping the false "pontiff," Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, the conciliar "bishops" of Italy, the conciliar "bishops" of Italy believe that it is important for "Christians" in Europe to welcome Mohammedans in the name of "religious liberty," believing that their own gestures of warmth and support for the propagation of the blasphemous lies of this false religion will be reciprocated by the Mohammedans in their own countries. In other words, Mohammedans must be "converted" to the conciliar falsehood of "religious liberty," in and of itself a rejection of the immutable teaching of the Catholic Church, and not to the Catholic Faith. Indeed, this completely mad, insane belief is the very foundation of Ratzinger/Benedict's call for Assisi III (see Another Year of the Same Conciliar Apostasy, Part One 1-3 Another Year of the Same Conciliar Apostasy, Part Two, Another Year of the Same Conciliar Apostasy, Part Three, Not Interested in Assisi III, American Pots Lecturing Egyptian Kettles and Blood Flows Freely in America and Libya).

The true God of Divine Revelation, the Most Holy Trinity, in Whom Mohammed could not believe, hates each and every false religion. The Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity made Man in His Most Blessed Mother's Virginal and Immaculate Womb, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, did not become Man and then suffer and die on the wood of the Holy Cross so that the rational creatures He redeemed by the shedding of every single drop of His Most Precious Blood could be left in errors of one sort of the other. He commissioned the Eleven to convert men and their nations to the true Faith, the Catholic Faith, outside of which there is no salvation and without which there can be no true social order. False religions have no right from God to exist, less yet to propagate themselves publicly or to have their false doctrines taught to Catholics in the concentration camps of propaganda known as "public schools."

Alas, the conciliar revolutionaries have "thanked" the Mohammedans for having brought "God" back to Europe even though the Mohammedans do not worship the true God of Divine Revelation, the Most Holy Trinity, and that their goal is the elimination of all other religions and the triumph of Mohammedanism. This is what Jean-Louis "Cardinal" Tauran, the President of the "Pontifical" Council for Interreligious Dialogue, said in 2008:

PARIS (Reuters) - A senior Vatican cardinal has thanked Muslims for bringing God back into the public sphere in Europe and said believers of different faiths had no option but to engage in interreligious dialogue.

Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, head of the Catholic Church's department for interfaith contacts, said religion was now talked and written about more than ever before in today's Europe.

"It's thanks to the Muslims," he said in a speech printed in Friday's L'Osservatore Romano, the official daily of the Vatican. "Muslims, having become a significant minority in Europe, were the ones who demanded space for God in society."

Vatican officials have long bemoaned the secularisation of Europe, where church attendance has dwindled dramatically in recent decades, and urged a return to its historically Christian roots. But Tauran said no society had only one faith.

"We live in multicultural and multireligious societies, that's obvious," he told a meeting of Catholic theologians in Naples. "There is no civilisation that is religiously pure."

Tauran's positive speech on interfaith dialogue came after a remark by Pope Benedict prompted media speculation that the Vatican was losing interest in it. Some Jewish leaders reacted with expressions of concern and the Vatican denied any change.

The "return of God" is clearly seen in Tauran's native France, where Europe's largest Muslim minority has brought faith questions such as women's headscarves into the political debate after decades when they were considered strictly private issues.

Tauran said religions were "condemned to dialogue," a practice he called "the search for understanding between two subjects, with the help of reason, in view of a common interpretation of their agreement and disagreement."

That seemed to clarify Benedict's statement on Sunday that interfaith dialogue was "not possible in the strict sense of the word". Church officials said a strict definition would include the option that one side is ultimately convinced by the other.

Dialogue participants could not give up their religious convictions, Tauran said, but should be open to learning about the positive aspects of each others' faith.

"Every religion has its own identity, but I agree to consider that God is at work in all, in the souls of those who search for him sincerely," he said. "Interreligious dialogue rallies all who are on the path to God or to the Absolute."

The uncertainty about the Vatican view coincided with increasing contacts among world religions.

Early this month, the Vatican held a pioneering conference with a delegation from the "Common Word" group of Muslim scholars who invited Christian churches to a new dialogue.

A week later, Saudi King Abdullah gathered world leaders at the United Nations as part of a dialogue he launched with a conference of faith leaders in Madrid last July.

Christianity and Islam are the world's two largest faiths, with two billion and 1.3 billion followers respectively. The latest interfaith efforts are meant to counter growing tensions between these two after the Sept. 11 attacks.

An Indian prelate, speaking after the Mumbai attacks began, said in Rome that a lack of courage to meet across faith lines was often behind religious violence in his country.

Archbishop Felix Machado of Nashik diocese, just east of Mumbai, told Italian priests the violence was caused by "inequality, a lack of justice and understanding and, above all, a lack of courage to dialogue," the Vatican daily reported. (Vatican thanks Muslims for returning God to Europe.)


"Interreligious dialogue rallies all who are on the path to God or to the Absolute"? This is not what the Catholic Church teaches:

Beware, Venerable Brethren, of that growing abuse, in speech as in writing, of the name of God as though it were a meaningless label, to be affixed to any creation, more or less arbitrary, of human speculation. Use your influence on the Faithful, that they refuse to yield to this aberration. Our God is the Personal God, supernatural, omnipotent, infinitely perfect, one in the Trinity of Persons, tri-personal in the unity of divine essence, the Creator of all existence. Lord, King and ultimate Consummator of the history of the world, who will not, and cannot, tolerate a rival God by His side.

No faith in God can for long survive pure and unalloyed without the support of faith in Christ. "No one knoweth who the Son is, but the Father: and who the Father is, but the Son and to whom the Son will reveal Him" (Luke x. 22). "Now this is eternal life: That they may know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou has sent" (John xvii. 3). Nobody, therefore, can say: "I believe in God, and that is enough religion for me," for the Savior's words brook no evasion: "Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father. He that confesseth the Son hath the Father also" (1 John ii. 23). . . .

Faith in Christ cannot maintain itself pure and unalloyed without the support of faith in the Church, "the pillar and ground of the truth" (1 Tim. iii. 15); for Christ Himself, God eternally blessed, raised this pillar of the Faith. His command to hear the Church (Matt. xviii. 15), to welcome in the words and commands of the Church His own words and His own commands (Luke x. 16), is addressed to all men, of all times and of all countries. The Church founded by the Redeemer is one, the same for all races and all nations. Beneath her dome, as beneath the vault of heaven, there is but one country for all nations and tongues; there is room for the development of every quality, advantage, task and vocation which God the Creator and Savior has allotted to individuals as well as to ethnical communities. The Church's maternal heart is big enough to see in the God-appointed development of individual characteristics and gifts, more than a mere danger of divergency. She rejoices at the spiritual superiorities among individuals and nations. In their successes she sees with maternal joy and pride fruits of education and progress, which she can only bless and encourage, whenever she can conscientiously do so. But she also knows that to this freedom limits have been set by the majesty of the divine command, which founded that Church one and indivisible. Whoever tampers with that unity and that indivisibility wrenches from the Spouse of Christ one of the diadems with which God Himself crowned her; he subjects a divine structure, which stands on eternal foundations, to criticism and transformation by architects whom the Father of Heaven never authorized to interfere.  (Pope Pius XI, Mit Brennender Sorge, March 17, 1937.)


The conciliar revolutionaries, not content to blaspheme God by praising false religions and urging civic officials to permit them to teach their error in schools subsidized by taxpayer dollars, promote sacrilege by demanding that mosques be built in Europe in order to demonstrate how committed they are to the insidious lie of "religious liberty":

Bishop Mariano Crociata, secretary general of the Italian Bishops Conference (IBC) gave his support to the construction of a large mosque in Milan, which Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi, Archbishop of Milan, had spoken in favor of.  “This is about a fundamental right to freedom of religion,” the secretary general declared in the Italian press on May 25.  “Mosques are not just places of prayer, but a point of social and cultural encounter, which responds to the needs of the Islamic community.”  Bishop Crociata considers it important, however, that activities in mosques not be contrary to the Italian Constitution and law.  This statement was made during the campaign preceding local elections on May 29-30, during which Letizia Moratti, the outgoing mayor and former Minister of Education and Teaching (2001-2006) declared that she was against the building of new mosques.

In response, Magdi Cristiano Allam, a convert to Catholicism three years ago, denounced in the May 25 issue of the daily newspaper Il Giornale the cardinal’s alliance with the Socialist candidate in the municipal elections, concerning plans for a gigantic mosque, the dome and minaret of which would loom over Milan, which is considered to be the result of the multicultural model of society.  “How can Cardinal Tettamanzi support, not discreetly but publicly, a candidate for mayor who is in favor of abortion, euthanasia, homosexual marriage, and State-distributed drugs?  Does he realize that the message being sent is that of a Christianity which has become a desert, no longer anchored in our Judeo-Christian roots, and doomed to yield to the determination, the arrogance and the violence of the Islamists?  Cardinal Tettamanzi and the (Socialist) candidate Pisapia are children of the ideology of relativism, who chase after the dream of a multicultural city of Milan, … which was described just yesterday by Cardinal Tettamanzi in these terms:  ‘Milan is strongly urged to become once again Medio-lanum, in other words, the land of the middle, a crossroads for peoples who seek in the living God the only true answer to their questions in life.’  If Milan presents itself as a deserted territory, it is not surprising that it is seen by the Muslims as territory for conquest.”

One month earlier, in the April 24 issue of Il Giornale, Magdi Cristiano Allam recalled that “Cardinal Tettamanzi had already expressed hopes for the construction of a large mosque in Milan on September 4, 2010, with the support of Bishop Ambrogio Spreafico, president of the IBP Committee for the Evangelization of Peoples and Cooperation among Churches.” (Conciliar "Bishops" of Italy Support the Construction of Mosques.)


"How can Cardinal Tettamanzi support, not discreetly but publicly, a candidate for mayor who is in favor of abortion, euthanasia, homosexual marriage, and State-distributed drugs?"

Well, Signore Allam, all things are possible in the world of the false church into which you have been received in the belief that it is the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church cannot, however, endorse the building of mosques or to praise "crossroads for peoples who seek in the living God the only true answer to the questions in life" as to do so is to violate the First Commandment very directly.  It is impossible for the Catholic Church to issue statements of praise the building of false places of worship as being a help to those who "seek in the living God the only true answer to the questions in life" as false religions come from the devil and lead to only one place, Hell. While she may make various concessions in the practical order of things for the sake of the common temporal good and to avoid doing violence to the consciences of unbelievers, she never concedes the legitimacy of any false religion or gives any impression that they have God's favor or that their places of false worship are "sacred" to Him.

Pope Pius XII made this point clear in Ci Riesce, December 6, 1953:



Thus the two principles are clarified to which recourse must be had in concrete cases for the answer to the serious question concerning the attitude which the jurist, the statesman and the sovereign Catholic state is to adopt in consideration of the community of nations in regard to a formula of religious and moral toleration as described above. First: that which does not correspond to truth or to the norm of morality objectively has no right to exist, to be spread or to be activated. Secondly: failure to impede this with civil laws and coercive measures can nevertheless be justified in the interests of a higher and more general good. .

. .

The Church must live among them and with them [the nations and peoples of the world]; she can never declare before anyone that she is "not interested." The mandate imposed upon her by her divine Founder renders it impossible for her to follow a policy of non-interference or laissez-faire. She has the duty of teaching and educating in all the inflexibility of truth and goodness, and with this absolute obligation she must remain and work among men and nations that in mental outlook are completely different from each other.

Let Us return now, however, to the two propositions mentioned above: and in the first place to the one which denies unconditionally everything that is religiously false and morally wrong. With regard to this point there never has been, and there is not now, in the Church any vacillation or any compromise, either in theory or in practice.

Her deportment has not changed in the course of history, nor can it change whenever or wherever, under the most diversified forms, she is confronted with the choice: either incense for idols or blood for Christ. The place where you are now present, Eternal Rome, with the remains of a greatness that was and with the glorious memories of its martyrs, is the most eloquent witness to the answer of the Church. Incense was not burned before the idols, and Christian blood flowed and consecrated the ground. But the temples of the gods lie in the cold devastation of ruins howsoever majestic; while at the tombs of the martyrs the faithful of all nations and all tongues fervently repeat the ancient Creed of the Apostles.

Concerning the second proposition, that is to say, concerning tolerance in determined circumstances, toleration even in cases in which one could proceed to repression, the Church - out of regard for those who in good conscience (though erroneous, but invincibly so) are of different opinion - has been led to act and has acted with that tolerance, after she became the State Church under Constantine the Great and the other Christian emperors, always for higher and more cogent motives. So she acts today, and also in the future she will be faced with the same necessity. In such individual cases the attitude of the Church is determined by what is demanded for safeguarding and considering the bonum commune, on the one hand, the common good of the Church and the State in individual states, and, on the other, the common good of the universal Church, the reign of God over the whole world. In considering the "pro" and "con" for resolving the "question of facts," as well as what concerns the final and supreme judge in these matters, no other norms are valid for the Church except the norms which We have just indicated for the Catholic jurist and statesman. (Pope Pius XII, Ci Riesce, December 6, 1953.)

Toleration is a far, far different concept than asserting that religious falsehoods have the ability to "contribute" to the common good, a concept that was mocked roundly by Pope Saint Pius X in Notre Charge Apostolique, August 15, 1910. And no one who is intellectually honest can say that there has not been "any vacillation or any compromise, either in theory or in practice" on the part of the leaders counterfeit church of conciliarism concerning an unconditional denial of everything that is religiously false and morally wrong. Happy Vesakh? Happy Diwali? (See Vesakh, Not Miller, Time at the Vatican.) A most precious and dear document (the Koran)? Esteeming the symbols of false religions? There has been little but vacillation and compromise both in theory and in practice on the part of the leaders of the counterfeit church of conciliarism concerning the nature of false religions.

Conciliarists such as Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI and his immediate predecessor in the counterfeit church of conciliarism, Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II, have gone far, far beyond the mere toleration of false religions by means of their words and, more importantly, their actions. They have extolled the ability of these false religions to contribute to the common good and to build "world peace." Both Wojtyla and Ratzinger have esteemed the symbols of false religions, the former with his episcopal hands, the latter with his priestly hands. There is no way, ladies and gentlemen, for anyone to find "continuity in discontinuity" between the esteeming of false religions and Pope Pius XII's firm exhortation against any semblance of esteem being shown unto their idols. A review of Bishop George Hay's The Laws of God Forbidding All Communication in Religion With Those of a False Religion will show that the Catholic Church has consistently condemned the actions undertaken by the conciliar "pontiffs." Indeed, we must make many acts of reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary for those offenses to the honor and majesty and glory of God.

Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI has entered into mosques, treating them as "holy" places by removing his shoes. Infamously, he turned in the direction of Mecca at the behest of his Mohammedan host at the Blue Mosque in Constantinople, Turkey, on November 30, 2006, as he assumed the Mohammedan prayer position. He has also dared to refer to mosques as "jewels" and "sacred." It is a relatively minor matter, therefore, for a prince of darkness ("cardinal") in the counterfeit church of conciliarism to openly endorse a politician who supports baby-killing and perversity and other evils when the "pope" openly violates the First and Second Commandments in the most flagrant, scandalous ways possible. Violations of the First, Second and Third Commandments make more possible violations of the others seven commandments.

Pope Leo XIII, writing in Custodi di Quella Fede, December 8, 1892, has provided us with a perpetual reminder that the conciliar approach to and promiscuous relationships with false religions has been condemned:

Everyone should avoid familiarity or friendship with anyone suspected of belonging to masonry or to affiliated groups. Know them by their fruits and avoid them. Every familiarity should be avoided, not only with those impious libertines who openly promote the character of the sect, but also with those who hide under the mask of universal tolerance, respect for all religions, and the craving to reconcile the maxims of the Gospel with those of the revolution. These men seek to reconcile Christ and Belial, the Church of God and the state without God. (Pope Leo XIII, Custodi Di Quella Fede, December 8, 1892.)


What more needs to be said? Catholicism is not conciliarism. Conciliarism, although it might contain some "elements" of the Catholic Faith, is not Catholicism. It is that simple. Truth always is.

We must look beyond the apostasies and blasphemies and sacrileges of the present moment as we trust completely in the mercies of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, rendering unto that Heart of Hearts all of our prayers and penances and mortifications and sufferings and humiliations through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart out of which It was formed, the Immaculate Heart of Mary itself. Our trust must be in the Eucharistic piety and total Marian consecration as we pray as many Rosaries each day as our freely chosen states in life permit. We must resolve, once and for all, not to be anxious about anything in the world as we trust totally in the mercies of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and and the intercessory power of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

We must stand up to evil in our own lives, rooting it out from our souls in cooperation with the graces sent to us by Our Lord through Our Lady's loving hands as the Mediatrix of All Graces, and fear never to call it by its proper name in the world or in the counterfeit church of conciliarism that has made its reconciliation with its false, anti-Incarnational and religiously indifferentist premises.

May the offerings we make in this month of June to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary help to transform a world of lies into a world where He, the Way, the Truth and the Life, is recognized as the One and only Redeemer of men, that His truths have been entrusted for all eternity to the authority of the Catholic Church, which will forever champion His Social Reign over men and nations as the conciliar revolutionaries and their insane schemes are vanquished once and for all.

Vivat Christus Rex! Viva Cristo Rey!

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!

Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.


Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.

Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.

Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.

See also: A Litany of Saints


© Copyright 2011, Thomas A. Droleskey. All rights reserved.