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                 August 23, 2013

Francis Really, Really Means It, Boys and Girls

by Thomas A. Droleskey

As can be expected, there are some out there in the peanut gallery who just cannot accept the fact that Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis does not want to make converts to the Catholic Faith even though he said the following in a video message to his fellow countrymen on August 7, 2013, the Feast of Saints Cajetan and Donatus:

Thank you for listening to me. Thank you for coming here today. Thank you for all that you bear in your heart. Jesus loves you very much. Saint Cajetan loves you very much. He only asks one thing of you: that you come together! That you go out and seek and find one in greater need! But not alone - with Jesus, with Saint Cajetan! Am I going to go out to convince someone to become a Catholic? No, no, no! You are going to meet with him, he is your brother! That's enough! And you are going to help him, the rest Jesus does, the Holy Spirit does it. Remember well: with Saint Cajetan, we the needy go to meet with those who are in greater need. And, hopefully, Jesus will direct your way so that you will meet with one in greater need. (Francis the Insane Dreamer, Rebel and Miscreant's Message for the Feast of Saint Cajetan.)


For those in the peanut gallery who want to live in never-never land, I suppose that it is easier to believe that Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis really, really means what he says.

However, what Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis said sixteen days ago is nothing new. He merely repeated on that occasion what he has said a gazillion times before, including what he did on Wednesday, May 8, 2013, in his general audience address that served as the foundation of Francis Takes Us To Ding Dong School Of Apostasy:

(Vatican Radio) Evangelization is not proselytizing. This was the focus of Pope Francis’ remarks to faithful gathered for Mass on Wednesday morning in the Chapel of the Domus Sanctae Marthae residence in the Vatican. The Pope reiterated that the Christian who wants to proclaim the Gospel must dialogue with everyone, knowing that no one owns the truth, because the truth is received by the encounter with Jesus.

Pope Francis stressed the courageous attitude of Paul St Paul at the Areopagus, when, in speaking to the Athenian crowd, he sought to build bridges to proclaim the Gospel. The Pope called Paul’s attitude one that “seeks dialogue” and is “closer to the heart” of the listener. The Pope said that this is the reason why St Paul was a real pontifex: a “builder of bridges” and not of walls. The Pope went on to say that this makes us think of the attitude that a Christian ought always to have.

“A Christian,” said Pope Francis, “must proclaim Jesus Christ in such a way that He be accepted: received, not refused – and Paul knows that he has to sow the Gospel message. He knows that the proclamation of Jesus Christ is not easy, but that it does not depend on him. He must do everything possible, but the proclamation of Jesus Christ, the proclamation of the truth, depends on the Holy Spirit. Jesus tells us in today's Gospel: ‘When He shall come, the Spirit of truth, shall guide you into all the truth.’ Paul does not say to the Athenians: ‘This is the encyclopedia of truth. Study this and you have the truth, the truth.’ No! The truth does not enter into an encyclopedia. The truth is an encounter - it is a meeting with Supreme Truth: Jesus, the great truth. No one owns the truth. The we receive the truth when we meet [it].

But why did Paul act as he did? First, the Pope said, because “this is the way” of Jesus who “spoke with everyone” with sinners, publicans, teachers of the law. Paul, therefore, “follows the attitude of Jesus”:

“The Christian who would bring the Gospel must go down this road: [must] listen to everyone! But now is a good time in the life of the Church: the last 50 or 60 years have been a good time - for I remember when as a child one would hear in Catholic families, in my family, ‘No, we cannot go to their house, because they are not married in the Church, eh!’. It was as an exclusion. No, you could not go! Neither could we go to [the houses of] socialists or atheists. Now, thank God, people do not says such things, right? [Such an attitude] was a defense of the faith, but it was one of walls: the LORD made bridges. First: Paul has this attitude, because it was the attitude of Jesus. Second, Paul is aware that he must evangelize, not proselytize.

Citing his predecessor, Pope Benedict, Francis went on to say that the Church “does not grow by means of proselytizing," but “by attraction, by witnessing, by preaching,” and Paul had this attitude: proclamation does not make proselytization – and he succeeds, because, “he did not doubt his Lord.” The Pope warned that, “Christians who are afraid to build bridges and prefer to build walls are Christians who are not sure of their faith, not sure of Jesus Christ.” The Pope exhorted Christians to do as Paul did and begin to “build bridges and to move forward”:

"Paul teaches us this journey of evangelization, because Jesus did, because he is well aware that evangelization is not proselytizing: it is because he is sure of Jesus Christ and does not need to justify himself [or] to seek reasons to justify himself. When the Church loses this apostolic courage, she becomes a stalled Church, a tidy Church a nice, a Church that is nice to look at, but that is without fertility, because she has lost the courage to go to the outskirts, where there are many people who are victims of idolatry, worldliness of weak thought, [of] so many things. Let us today ask St Paul to give us this apostolic courage, this spiritual fervor, so that we might be confident. ‘But Father,’ [you might say], ‘we might make mistakes…’ ... ‘[Well, what of it,’ I might respond], ‘Get on with you: if you make a mistake, you get up and go forward: that is the way. Those who do not walk in order not to err, make a the more serious mistake. (Miss Frances at Wednesday Liturgical Travesty: build bridges, not walls.)


Even this was nothing new at all as the soon-to-be "canonized" Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II said such things all of the time, including when he visited Sri Lanka in 1995:


1. I am very pleased to have this opportunity during my visit to Sri Lanka to meet representatives of the various religions which have lived together in harmony for a very long time on this Island: especially Buddhism, present for over two thousand years, Hinduism, also of very long standing, along with Islam and Christianity. This simultaneous presence of great religious traditions is a source of enrichment for Sri Lankan society. At the same time it is a challenge to believers and especially to religious leaders, to ensure that religion itself always remains a force for harmony and peace. On the occasion of my Pastoral Visit to the Catholics of Sri Lanka, I wish to reaffirm the Church’s, and my own, deep and abiding respect for the spiritual and cultural values of which you are the guardians.



Especially since the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church has been fully committed to pursuing the path of dialogue and cooperation with the members of other religions. Interreligious dialogue is a precious means by which the followers of the various religions discover shared points of contact in the spiritual life, while acknowledging the differences which exist between them. The Church respects the freedom of individuals to seek the truth and to embrace it according to the dictates of conscience, and in this light she firmly rejects proselytism and the use of unethical means to gain conversions. (Meeting with representatives of other religions (January 21, 1995)

Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI spoke in exactly the same manner during his annual "Ratzinger Year in Review" address to members of the conciliar curia in December 22, 2011:



The key theme of this year, and of the years ahead, is this: how do we proclaim the Gospel today? How can faith as a living force become a reality today? The ecclesial events of the outgoing year were all ultimately related to this theme. There were the journeys to Croatia, to the World Youth Day in Spain, to my home country of Germany, and finally to Africa – Benin – for the consignment of the Post-Synodal document on justice, peace and reconciliation, which should now lead to concrete results in the various local churches. Equally memorable were the journeys to Venice, to San Marino, to the Eucharistic Congress in Ancona, and to Calabria. And finally there was the important day of encounter in Assisi for religions and for people who in whatever way are searching for truth and peace, representing a new step forward in the pilgrimage towards truth and peace. The establishment of the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization is at the same time a pointer towards next year’s Synod on the same theme. The Year of Faith, commemorating the beginning of the Council fifty years ago, also belongs in this context. Each of these events had its own particular characteristics. In Germany, where the Reformation began, the ecumenical question, with all its trials and hopes, naturally assumed particular importance. Intimately linked to this, at the focal point of the debate, the question that arises repeatedly is this: what is reform of the Church? How does it take place? What are its paths and its goals? Not only faithful believers but also outside observers are noticing with concern that regular churchgoers are growing older all the time and that their number is constantly diminishing; that recruitment of priests is stagnating; that scepticism and unbelief are growing. What, then, are we to do? There are endless debates over what must be done in order to reverse the trend. There is no doubt that a variety of things need to be done. But action alone fails to resolve the matter. The essence of the crisis of the Church in Europe is the crisis of faith. If we find no answer to this, if faith does not take on new life, deep conviction and real strength from the encounter with Jesus Christ, then all other reforms will remain ineffective.

On this point, the encounter with Africa’s joyful passion for faith brought great encouragement. None of the faith fatigue that is so prevalent here, none of the oft-encountered sense of having had enough of Christianity was detectable there. Amid all the problems, sufferings and trials that Africa clearly experiences, one could still sense the people’s joy in being Christian, buoyed up by inner happiness at knowing Christ and belonging to his Church. From this joy comes also the strength to serve Christ in hard-pressed situations of human suffering, the strength to put oneself at his disposal, without looking round for one’s own advantage. Encountering this faith that is so ready to sacrifice and so full of happiness is a powerful remedy against fatigue with Christianity such as we are experiencing in Europe today. (Christmas greetings to Alleged Cardinals, Putative Archbishops, Phony Bishops and Apostate Directors of the Incompetent Governorate of the Occupied Vatican City State, December 22, 2011.)

Quite unlike the conciliar "popes," Pope Pius XII praised the efforts of the missionaries to convert barbaric and pagan peoples to the Catholic Faith:

34. During the barbarian invasions of the Middle Ages, we see men and women of royal rank and even workmen and valiant Christian women of the common people using every endeavor to convert their fellow citizens to the religion of Jesus Christ and to fashion their morals according to its pattern, so as to safeguard both religion and the state from approaching danger. Tradition tells us that when our immortal Predecessor, Leo the Great, courageously opposed Attila, when he invaded Italy, two Roman consuls stood by his side. When formidable hordes of Huns were besieging Paris, the holy virgin Genevieve, who was given to a life of continuous prayer and austere penance, cared for the souls and bodies of her fellow citizens with wondrous charity. Theodolinda, Queen of the Lombards, zealously summoned her people to embrace the Christian religion. King Reccaredus of Spain endeavored to rescue his people from the Arian heresy and to lead them back to the true Faith. In France, there were not only bishops, such as Remigius of Rheims, Caesarius of Arles, Gregory of Tours, Eligius of Noyon and many others, who were eminent for virtue and apostolic zeal, but queens also can be found during that period who taught the truths of Christianity to the untutored masses and who gave food and shelter and renewed strength to the sick, the hungry and the victims of every human misfortune. For example, Clotilda so influenced Clovis in favor of the Catholic religion that she had the great joy of bringing him into the true Church. Radegunda and Bathilda cared for the sick with supreme charity and even restored lepers to health. In England, Queen Bertha welcomed St. Augustine when he came to evangelize that nation and earnestly exhorted her husband Ethelbert to accept the teachings of the Gospel. No sooner had the Anglo-Saxons, of both high and low degree, men and women, young and old, embraced the Christian faith, than they were led as though by divine inspiration to unite themselves to this Apostolic See by the closest bonds of piety, fidelity and devotion.

35. In Germany, we witness the admirable spectacle of St. Boniface and his companions traversing those regions in their apostolic journeys and making them fruitful by their generous labors. The sons and daughters of that valiant and noble land felt inspired to offer their efficient collaboration to monks, priests and Bishops in order that the light of the Gospel might be daily more widely diffused throughout those vast regions and that Christian doctrine and Christian virtue might ever make greater advances and reap a rich harvest of souls. (Pope Pius XII, Evangelii Praecones, June 2, 1951.)


Evangelization of peoples is not some kind of Modernist "encounter" that does not involve an effort to use the Corporal Works of Mercy in order to fulfill the Spiritual Works of Mercy for the souls for whom Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ shed every single drop of His Most Precious Blood to redeem.

It is true that there are a myriad variety of ways by which to convert souls, starting, of course, with prayer (and the understanding that different approaches have to be used with different people at different times), the good example and charity of Catholics can do much to inspire others to convert. Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ does indeed expect us, however, to invite those whom God's Holy Providence places into or paths to become Catholics. A word of invitation, accompanied by a truly blessed Green Scapular, can work miracles of grace upon grace when watered by prayer, sacrifice, fasting, almsgiving and penance. We cannot be indifferent to the salvation of the souls of others as conversions do not occur when those steeped in error are reaffirmed in their errors and/or told that they are "fine" where they are, which is, after all, the actual way in which most Catholics actually deal with non-Catholics today after decades of ecumaniacal brainwashing.

This is why Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis's emphatic exhortation that Catholics should not seek to convert non-Catholics is yet another red herring employed in his relentless war against anyone attached to the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism in the belief that they represent those of the Catholic Church who are in the least tiny bit considered to be traditionally-minded.

There are not large numbers of Catholics in the conciliar structures who are seeking the conversion of non-Catholics as most of those in that false church believe in false ecumenism and "inter-religious" prayer service as a means to "unite" men of "differing" opinions in order to bring about the "betterment" of the world. This false belief, condemned by true pope after true pope, is hideous in the sight of God, to be sure. It is entirely Judeo-Masonic.

However, the ethos of religious indifferentism that has been engendered by conciliarism's embrace and proselytism, if I can use the phrase, in behalf of false ecumenism is at the essence of the whole ethos of Americanism. Catholics in the United States of America just learned to "live and let live" with their Protestant and Jewish neighbors, coming over the course of time in the Nineteenth Century and into the Twentieth Century to view the Church through the lens of "democracy" and "egalitarianism" rather viewing the world through the eyes of the true Faith, something explored in detail in Conversion in Reverse: How the Ethos of Americanism Converted Catholics and Contributed to the Rise of Conciliarism.

It is religious indifferentism that plagues the lives of most Catholics in the world, which is why Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis's obsessive preoccupation with seeking to eradicate and condemn all remaining vestiges of the sensus fidei has no relationship to reality whatsoever. He is stuck in the time warp in which he come to age as a Modernist in the 1960s and then put his false beliefs into pastoral praxis in the 1970s and thereafter as a cartoon figure, a poster child, if you will, of a Jesuit revolutionary.

Far from the Modernist mind of Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis is any hint of a thought to condemn the absolute paganism being expressed by supposedly professed religious sisters in the counterfeit church of conciliarism:

ORLANDO — Sister of St. Francis Ilia Delio, melding science and theology, took her fellow women religious on a journey through the cosmos yesterday in her two-part keynote speech, “Religious Life on the Edge of the Universe,” at the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) here. In the second part, following lunch, Sister Ilia emphasized love and authenticity.

“If we are to rethink in terms of religion, we have to think in terms of cosmology,” Sister Ilia said.

“We have to understand the order of the whole,” adding, “There is no cosmos without God, and no God without cosmos.”

Sister Ilia, director of Catholic studies and visiting professor at Georgetown University in Washington, has a doctorate in pharmacology as well as historical theology.

The 825 attendees of the LCWR 2013 assembly — titled “Leadership Evolving: Graced, Grounded & Free” — listened as Sister Ilia discussed the evolving philosophical, theological and scientific theories that she said are shaping man’s outlook of God and nature.

Dionysius proposed everything has its place in the spiritual order, Sister Ilia said. What brought about disorder? Laughter ensued when Sister Ilia stated, “It was sin that led to disorder, and it was attributed to a woman who shows up in Genesis and was never heard from again.”

A mixture of Scripture, philosophy from Plato and other Greek thinkers helped develop our theory of Jesus Christ — unchanging, static — a mechanical God.

Sir Isaac Newton contributed a world of law and order where everything is autonomous and related. Sister Ilia remarked that Newton’s God is the “Florida God. He charges it up, sets it in motion and then retires — probably to Orlando.”

The audience again laughed.

Sister Ilia’s description of her belief as a young postulant about keeping order brought nods of affirmation. “As a postulant I thought — 'If I pray and obey, I can keep my part.'”

God is more than mechanical, and the universe is far from static. “We have an incredible, dynamic, expanding universe. Simply from the point of science, this is awesome,” Sister Ilia said, adding, “Literally, we are stardust.”

Teilhardian Ideas

Sister Ilia is a devotee of Jesuit scholar Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and his theories on evolution and love, reminding the audience the Church is not opposed to evolution.

Sister Ilia asked, “Does evolution continue through us? The physical structure of the universe is love. The way physical life works, it is not background to the human story. It is the human story.”

Sister Ilia added, “This universe will have its future based on our decisions. When the level of our awareness changes, we start attracting a new reality. Our challenge this day is to begin to name that new reality.”

In part two of her presentation, Sister Ilia talked more about God’s love.

“God is in love with his creation. He is not a stay-at-home God. God is a communion of Persons in love, eternally and dynamically in love,” Sister Ilia said.

“Creation and incarnation — one act of God’s self-giving love. To be created is to be related,” Sister Ilia said.

Quoting de Chardin, she said Christianity is a religion of evolution. “Gospel life is now life. God is the God of the now."

“We are on the cusp of an evolutionary breakthrough — one that requires our conscious participation as co-creative agents of love, midwives of the new creation,” Sister Ilia stated

‘Giving Birth to God’

Ending her presentation, Sister Ilia reminded the attendees, “God is within and up ahead — not above. God is the power of the future. To rest on God is to rest on the future."

“Nothing is more awesome than to give birth to God,” she said.

In response to Sister Ilia’s talk, Daughters of the Heart of Mary Sister Anita Baird told the Register: “I think what I love the best is how she situated Christ in the very center as the cosmic Christ. And that term is used a lot. But I think she really gave it new meaning: that Christ is the love of God. He is the fullness of life, and so he is at the very center and core and what that calls us to, in terms of being a part of God’s ongoing plan.”

During the afternoon question-and-answer session, the sisters, gathered at tables in regional groups, pondered and discussed the day’s lessons and how they are challenged or confirmed by them in understanding and living out the religious life.

After the table discussions, sisters stepped up to the open microphones to ask Sister Ilia questions of particular interest to them or their communities.

One sister asked how, after all these years of Christianity, does one reconcile the violence in the world? Sister Ilia acknowledged that we are coming out of one of the most violent centuries ever. She noted that, after 2,000 years of Christianity, there are still wars and violence.

Sister Ilia asked, “How do we model what we hope for?”

Her advice was that the way is not to solve problems, but to model love. “We are complicit — silence, nonparticipation give credence to what is going on.”

Sister of Charity Rosemary Smith of New Jersey posed another question, “If we were open systems, what would we look like?”

Sister Ilia asked, “What are your desires? What’s pulling us to talk together?”

She added, “Freedom to create anew is the source of something new. Let go. Let God.” (LCWR Keynote Apostle Advocates Embrace of Star Trek Theology.)


You will not hear Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis condemn such talk as he believes in it as well. He must focus his attention on those nasty, terrible Catholics who belong to the "old church."

Those seeking to defend Bergoglio/Francis by dismissing news reports about his apostasies as "inaccurate" are living in delusional worlds of their own making. They are living in abject denial, for which they will have to answer to Christ the King at the moment of their Particular Judgment for their refusal to stand up to reconize reality for what it is and to defend the integrity of the Catholic Faith without regard for human respect and without regard for their own creaturely comforts and reputation. Worse yet is the fate of those who know that Bergoglio/Francis is wrong but choose not to inform those who depend upon them for "direction" or "news" because they do not want to "demoralize" others or, more probably, they do not want to lose the donations that provide them truly extravagant lifestyles of ease and comfort.

Pope Leo XIII explained to us that atheism is the only result of the religious indifferentism of the modern civil state with the lords of conciliarism have made their "official" reconciliation:

To hold, therefore, that there is no difference in matters of religion between forms that are unlike each other, and even contrary to each other, most clearly leads in the end to the rejection of all religion in both theory and practice. And this is the same thing as atheism, however it may differ from it in name. Men who really believe in the existence of God must, in order to be consistent with themselves and to avoid absurd conclusions, understand that differing modes of divine worship involving dissimilarity and conflict even on most important points cannot all be equally probable, equally good, and equally acceptable to God. (Pope Leo XIII, Immortale Dei, November 1, 1885.)


As always, you see, Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis is tilting at mythical windmills of the past in order to make it appear as though he is a "liberator" of the "true" Christian spirit that was "lost" that "terrible" period known as the High Middle Ages and the birth of Scholasticism that drove a "wedge" between theology and "spirituality."

Those who do see this truth will find themselves become more and more able to serve as apologists for Antichrist in their own right, and they will provide no resistance whatsoever when the Antichrist himself arises on the seen because they have permitted themselves to be swayed by his precursors in the world of Modernity and in the world of Modernism in the counterfeit church of conciliarism with each incremental advance of heresy, blasphemy, sacrilege, apostasy and moral evil.

Although the Church Militant on earth has undergone her Mystical Passion, Death and Burial in recent decades, she will, like her Divine Founder out of Whose Wounded Side she was born, know her Resurrection. We must simply and faithfully continue to cleave exclusively to the Catholic Faith while making who make no concessions to conciliarism or to the nonexistent legitimacy of its apostate "officials," men who are most casual in their acceptance of outrages that have become commonplace in their false church that gives so much offense to Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and to His Most Blessed Mother.

We must also recognize that our sins have contributed mightily to the worsening of the state of the Church Militant and to the state of the world. We have much for which to make reparation, especially those of us who were slow to embrace the truth that those who defect from the Faith expel themselves from the Church and cannot hold office within her legitimately. Our Rosaries of reparation today may help to plant the seeds for the restoration of the Church Militant at some point in the future.

We may not be skinned alive as was Saint Bartholomew,whose feast we celebrate today, Saturday, August 24, 2014. However, we must be willing to suffer all as the consecrated slave of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.

We must be willing to be wrapped in the new wineskin of the Catholic Faith as we shed the old skin of our sins, each of which we must detest and seek to make reparation for, especially by means of our fidelity to the Immemorial Mass of Tradition in the catacombs (offered by true bishops and true priests who make no concessions to conciliarism or to the legitimacy of its false shepherds), by our use of the Sacred Tribunal of Penance, by the time we spend in prayer before Our Lord's Real Presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament outside of Holy Mass, and by our faithful and meditative recitation of as many sets of Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary that our states-in-life permit us to pray.

May the courageous witness and holy death of Saint Bartholomew inspire us to seek the conversion of all men, including the conciliarists, to the true Faith, imploring our dear Blessed Virgin Mary to help us be so purified of our own sins that our prayers will be heard more readily and our hearts will respond more promptly to seek out the true Faith in the catacombs, far, far away from those who want to appease false religions and who call the places where devil worshipers worship as sacred.

Vivat Christus Rex! Viva Cristo Rey!

Isn't it time to pray a Rosary now?

Immaculate Heart of Mary, triumph soon!

Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.

Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us, especially on your feast day today!

Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.

Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.

Saint Philip Benizi, pray for us.

Saint Bartholomew, pray for us.


© Copyright 2013, Thomas A. Droleskey. All rights reserved.