Far More Serious Charges Await Those Who Arrogantly Defy God's Laws

Another day, another verdict. 

The case in which the Chief Grifter's grifter son was found guilty on three felony counts in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware was not the most serious one that could have been brought against him. It is indeed ironic that the prosecutors who gained the conviction were responsible for letting the statute of limitations on the more serious charges run out before they could be persented before a Federal grand jury and had tried to make everything disappear with a sweetheart plea deal that Judge Maryeeen Noreika rejected last year as unprecedented. 

The really serious charges that should concern us all are those that will be brought against us at the moment of our Particular Judgment, at which time there will no place for privilege, honor, or wealth, no, not even if one is named "Biden." 

Our Lady of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us.

Saint John of San Facundo, pray for us.

Saints Basilides, Cyrinius, Nabor, and Nazrius, pray for us.

Governed by Remorseless Sociopaths Intent on Death and Destruction

although not entitled "Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus," this commentary is in the same genre. It is a lengthy, detailed examination of some of the latest evidence that has come to light on both the origins of the Wuhan Virus and the continued harm being caused by what Dr. Francis Boyle has called biological weaons of mass destruction (the mRNA poisoned jabs). 

The hour is late. 

I am sorry that this took so long to complete. However, I think that this commentary provides useful references that readers can use for their own purposes or share with their friends, relatives, acquaintances, or co-workers. 

Our Lady of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us.

Saint Margaret of Scotland, pray for us.

On the Transferred Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, June 8, 2024

Bring flowers of the fairest,
Bring flowers of the rarest,
From garden and woodland
And hillside and dale;
Our full hearts are swelling,

The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: Remedy for the Cruelty of a Truly Cruel Age

On this Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I have four republished reflections to offer those who still access this webiste, this fourth of which is centered around Pope Pius XI's Caritate Christi Compulsi, which was issued on May 3, 1932.

I expect that the long commentary I am working on concerning the latest news about the coronascam will be published on Sunday, June 9, 2024, the Third Sunday after Pentecost and the Commemoration of Saints Primus and Felician.

A blessed Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to you all.

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us.

No One Is a Stranger to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

One of the saddest developments in this time when we lack the Principle of Unity that is a true and legitimate Successor of Saint Peter is the spirit of excluding Catholics from the reception of Holy Communion because they have had a falling out with a clergyman or who have gone to an "unapproved" Mass venue. Even first-timers in some venues are viewed upon with suspicion as possible spies or infiltrators.

We must always remember, however, that no one is a stranger to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us.

Home Enthronement to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

Each of our homes and our families should be blessed with the Enthronement of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and totally consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary through that Heart of hearts that was formed in her own Virginal and Immaculate Womb.

This, therefore, is a brief exhortation about home enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us.

On the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, June 7, 2024

Today's feast, which was extended to the universal church by Pope Pius IX, is the result of at least six centuries of devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus that culminated with the apparitions of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque at the height of Jansenism in the late-Seventeenth Century. 

None of us deserves the mercies of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Yet it is that Our Divine Redeemer does indeed shower us with those mercies if we approach Him with a contrite heart, especially by making regular use of the Sacred Tribunal Penance to make good, integral confessions of our sins to a true priest as we promise to amend our lives, to do penance and to sin no more. We are loved by Love Himself. We are loved particularly by Love Incarnate, Who died for us on the wood of the Holy Cross to redeem us.

Our Lord's love for us is an act of His Divine Will, the ultimate expression of which is the salvation of our immortal souls as members of His Catholic Church. What an obligation we have to return love unto Love Himself as we seek to serve Him as His consecrated slaves through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Several other reflections on this feast day that have been posted on this site in the past are: , and .

I expect that the long commentary I am working on concerning the latest news about the coronascam will be published on Sunday, June 9, 2024, the Third Sunday after Pentecost and the Commemoration of Saints Primus and Felician.

A blessed Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to you all.

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us.

Belief in the "Right" to Contraception Leads to the Belief in a "Right" to the Artificial Creation of Children

United States Senators Rafael Edward Cruz (Republican-Texas) and Katie Britt (Republican-Alabama) have introduced legislation to make the artificial conception of children by means of the immoral practice called in vitro fertilization a Federally guaranteed "right." One false "right" leads to the invention of other false "rights." Legitimate rights are bestowed by God, not by His rational creatures.

The next original commentary on this site may take four or five days to complete as it will be another one of my comprehensive studies on the ways in the coronascam lies are unfolding and how the "vaccines" are producing a continuing genocide of innocent human beings who swallowed the bait and have either "died suddenly" or have been stricken with life-threatening conditions such as myocarditis.

A republished reflection on Saint Boniface was posted a short while ago.

Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, pray for us.

Saint Boniface, pray for us.

Saint Boniface: Apostle to Germany (June 5, 2024)

Today's republished offering is a revised and expanded reflection on the missionary work of Saint Boniface, the Apostle to Germany, who stands as a rebuke to the conciliar "popes" and their embrace of false religions. 

The next original article will be published in about fifteen minutes.

Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, pray for us.

Saint Boniface, pray for us.

The Only Verdict That Matters Belongs to Christ the King

This is a commentary about the conviction of former President Donald John Trump on the bogus charges invented by New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who prosecuted the former president on misdemeanor charges whose statute of limitations had expired but which were brought to life by claiming the misdemeanors were part of a felonious scheme to shield illegal activity in furtherance of a crime whose identity was kept a secret until just before jury deliberations, and even the conflicted judge, Juan Merchan, gave the jurors a choice of which felony they might use to find the defendant guilty even if they did NOT agree amongst themselves about which felony Trump violated.

This manifest injustice, and it is just that, is just the logical result of living in a world where men, untethered from any fear of treating others unjustly and thus from any fear of their own going to hell for all eternity, do not live for Christ the King and His Catholic Church. In other words, this manifest injustice is just another consequence of the Protestant Revolution against the Social Reign of Christ the King and of the rise of the welter of Calvinist-Judeo-Masonic errors that are expressed in the Constitution of the United States of America. There can be no justice when men are personally unjust, especially as they commit Mortal Sins in the objective order of things about which they boast while expressing their belief that the ends justify means.

Many secular commentators have stated their sadness upon the trial and conviction of a former president, in this case a former president whose only real crime was to have defeated Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton on November 8, 2016, and thus interrupted what had been (and continues to be under Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.) Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro’s regime of “transformative politics” (Marxism with an American face). 

I, though, am saddened that so many Catholics do not see the diabolical farce that is the America constitutional regime and still fall for the tricks of the devil to distract them into believing that the tide of evil that has swept over the world because of the Protestant and all subsequent theological and social revolutions, including of the anti-Theistic French and Bolshevik Revolutions and the anti-Incarnational revolutions upon which the modern civil state, including the United States of America, is founded and that have been aided abetted by Modernism and the lords of conciliarism, by means merely human. Not so.

The world is too far gone.

Conciliarism has made its peace with a world that is at war with Christ the King and His true Church, reviving paganism and institutionalizing practical atheism in its wake.

Sure, it is sad that Donald John Trump has been convicted unjustly, but it is sadder still he does not realize human injustices are a means used by Christ the King to effect his own conversion and thus to make reparation for the many things he has said and done that are injurious to his own salvation and that of others.

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen once commented that he would say to himself “All that wasted suffering” when he either visited or passed by hospitals.

Well, Donald John Trump has been given an opportunity to use a natural injustice for the benefit of his own soul, and it is truly sad that the does not realize this to be the case. Pray for his conversion to the Catholic Church.

Sadder to me, however, is that only a relative handful of people are aware that courageous Catholics such as John Hinshaw and Joan Andrews Bell have sentenced to and are serving monstrous jail terms for trying to save preborn babies from the baby butchers. They are using their injustice to good purpose as they pray for the conversion of those who have persecuted them and those who continue to slaughter the preborn. They are the ones to be admired as there is no one to admire in the case of New York v. Trump as it was the defendant himself who gave his political enemies the ammunition they needed to bring completely bogus charges against him based upon his notorious disregard for the binding precepts of the Sixth Commandment.

May our daily consecration to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary and our fidelity to Our Lady’s Most Holy Rosary plant the seeds for the conversion of all men and all nations to the true Faith.

Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, pray for us.


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