On The Last Day of the Year in 2014

Today is the last day of the year, the liturgical year, that is. It is also a very short day, liturgically speaking, as is the case with almost every Saturday of the liturgical year. Our current liturgical year ends with First Vespers for the First Sunday of Advent this evening.

Anticipating Advent in 2014

The principal focus of Advent is on Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’s First Coming in time when His Blessed Mother gave Birth to Him painlessly in the cradle in the stable in the cave in Bethlehem.

In Ways That Baffle the Minds of "Modern Men"

Thursday, November 27, 2014, is a Ferial Day on which the Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal may be observed. Although this feast is not observed on the General Roman Calendar of the Catholic Church, it is nevertheless an important one to observe as this powerful sacramental is yet another sign of the love that pours out from the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the hands of Our Lady, she who is the Mediatrix of All Graces, despite our own ingratitude and infidelities.

This reflection was written in 2010 and published in two parts. It has combined into one part and revised slightly in a few places.

Yesterday's original article, "Doing the Bidding of Antichrist," was posted late in the afternoon.

Part two of "Caesar's Latest Power Grab" should appear within a day or two.

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, pray for us.

Saint Virgilius, pray for us.

Doing The Bidding of Antichrist

Felled by a case of the flu yesterday, Tuesday, November 25, 2014, the Feast of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, that lingers yet today, Wednesday, November 26, 2014, the Feast of Saint Sylvester the Abbot and the Commemoration of Saint Peter of Alexandria (and, in some places, the Commemoration of Saint Leonard of Port Maurice), there is time and strength only to comment in a brief way on Antichrist’s Antipope’s addresses to the European Council and the European Parliament yeste

Caesar's Latest Power Grab, part one

Although many commentators are decrying Caesar Barackus Obamus Ignoramus's latest power grab in full violation of Article I, Section 8, Subsection 4 ("Congress shall have the power. . .

No Good Guys or Bad Guys, Just Shades of Revolutionaries

Americans are always looking for "good guys" to root for against the "bad guys" without ever realizing that both groups of supposed combatants believe in the same underlying falsehoods.

This is as true in the counterfeit church of conciliarism as it is in the world-at-large. To think that Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI is a "good guy" to Jorge Mario Bergoglio's "bad guy," for instance, is to fail to recognize that both men are revolutionaries who reject the Catholic Faith and are thus outside of the bosom of Holy Mother Church. They belong to a false church professing a false faith that is accompanied with false, sacrilegious liturgical rites and pastoral practices that sanction every manner of indecency imaginable.

This is a lengthy commentary, dealing first the the return to glory of the noted Jacobin/Bolshevik, Archbishop John Raphael Quinn, who was honored by "Archbishop" Blase Cupich during the latter's installation as the conciliar "archbishop" of Chicago, Illinois, two days ago, Tuesday, November 18, 2014, the Feast of the Dedication of the Basilcas of Saint Peter and Paul. Cupich is a man after Jorge Mario Bergoglio's own heart. Although some tried to posit a phony war between Archbishop Quinn, who is a true bishop, and Karol Josef Wojtyla/John Paul II, the two men agreed on some very important revolutionary presuppositions, including the "reform of the papacy." Quinn's proposals in that regard are almost identical to those of Bergoglio's.

Similarly, whatever differences exist between Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI and Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis on various matters, including marriage, are merely matters of emphasis and styles of presentation.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Felix of Valois, pray for us.

In Almost Every Family

This is a brief reflection on the suffering enduring by one of the earliest members of the Third Order of Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, who suffered much at the hands of her family members and even at the hands of the poor whose welfare she provided so generously when her husband, Louis, was the Landgrieve of Thuringia. Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us. Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, pray for us. Pope Saint Pontianus, pray for us.

Work on the next article has started. It is not on Sean O'Malley, who will just have to wait. No, the next article reviews a few of the false "good guys versus bad guys" fights in the counterfeit church of conciliarism that keep many well-meaning Catholics from recognizing that a revolutionary is a revolutionary no matter the shadings of differences that have more to do with the direction and speed of the revolution than with even any vestige of legitimate Catholic doctrine.

Still Puzzled?

This is a follow-up to my commentary of a few days ago, "Puzzled?", focusing once again on the attack on the nature of dogmatic truth, which is nothing other than an attack on the very nature of God and on the Divine Constitution of Holy Mother Church, by Albert "Cardinal" Meyer, who did, of course, continue the work of his predecessor as Archbishop of Chicago, Samuel Cardinal Stritch in support of the Communist "community organizer," Saul Alinsky, the then Father Joseph Ratzinger and the "Faith and Order Commission" of the pro-contraception, pro-abortion, pro-perversity World Council of Churches. This long commentary also includes an very important analysis offered by the late Monsignor Joseph Clifford Fenton in 1960 to demonstrate in his own powerful words, far better than any that have appeared in my own work, to be sure, of the direct connection between Americanism and Modernism's undermining of the nature of dogmatic truth.

The articles may not be coming as frequently any longer. However, I am trying to provide useful information in the ones that can be written in the time available to me giving the book writing projects that are as of yet ongoing. Next up is Sean "Cardinal" O'Malley. However, the care that needs to be taken with the next article may preclude its publication until Thursday or Friday.

A blessed Feast of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul to you all.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.


This is an effort to help solve the "puzzle" that the outgoing conciliar "archbishop" of Chicago, Francis "Cardinal' George, seems to have in knowing where Jorge Mario Bergoglio is leading what is thought to be the Catholic Church even though it, the counterfeit church of conciliarism, is its counterfeit ape.

Our Lady of Divine Providence, pray for us.

Saint Albert the Great, pray for us.

Well, it took almost thirty-six hours, interrupted by about give hours of sleep, to figure out how to post my post-election commentary, not that too many people will be pleased with it as what most people think is a "victory" for "conservatism" is nothing of the sort. One can never retard the evils advanced by naturalism with naturalism. Catholicism is the one and only foundation of personal and social order. Then again, that's why this site is so popular, right?

Anyhow, the Drupal "content management system" that has been used since a very knowledgeable Catholic gentleman, who has given a great deal of time over to the revamping and maintaining of the technical aspects of this website, has wound up preventing me from saving content time and time again in the past week. This has delayed my work on other projects tremendously, recognizing that all is within the Providence of God. Penance is indeed better than ever in 2014!

As one who is very "low tech," though, I did not figure out a way around this problem, which has defined even the vast expertise of the man wo revamped this site until early this evening after endless efforts to format and re-format the article produced the same result: its disappearance. The thought occurred to me to load the old Contribute software into the notebook computer that was purchased shortly after the site was revamped. That presented challenges in its own right as I had to get the correct serial number from Adobe and then download the software into the computer before being able to work on doing something that I have not been able to do in the past ten months: enter into the original site.

More labor had to expended to format the commentary in Contribute before I copied all of the links from www.NewChristorchaos.com and this curent site over to the Articles page of the original site so that I could have a place on which to publish the new article.

Thus it is that I am able to provide you a link to the long-awaited (tongue-in-cheek, folks) Sin Maketh Nations Miserable.

My next task is to see whether this page gets published!

Thank you for your patience.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

All the Saints and Angels, pray for us.


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