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Jorge the Demon Just Never Rests
Jorge Mario Bergoglio is like unto a demon, a man whose work reaffirming hardened sinners in their lives of perdition knows no respite. The Argentine Apostate is as ceaseless in his efforts to demonize believing Catholics who exercise the Spiritual Works of Mercy by admonishing sinners as he is ceaseless in his efforts to make a persistence in sin to be a show of “love” for the Divine Redeemer, Christ the King.
Bergoglio must, therefore, stoop to the most vile and blasphemous distortions of Sacred Scripture to make it appear as though that Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is as sanguine about a sinner’s persistence in sin as he, a veritable revolutionary against every single precept of the Divine Positive Law and the Natural Law, has been throughout the entire course of his wretched career as a lay Jesuit revolutionary.
Do not think that the use of the word “revolutionary” is hyperbolic.
It is not.
Everything about the counterfeit church of conciliarism has been founded on a revolution against the doctrines, liturgy, moral teaching, theology, philosophy, and pastoral practices and traditions of the Catholic Church. The conciliar revolutionaries have shown nothing but contempt for the true meaning of the Sacred Deposit of Faith. Bergoglio himself might as well just come right out and say that he does not believe in Sacred (Apostolic) Tradition as he is clearly one who relies on Martin Luther’s “Scriptura sola” heresy in coming up with his own “interpretations” of Holy Writ that have no foundation in any of Holy Mother Church’s true general councils or the writings of the Church Fathers and Doctors.
Although countless examples of Bergoglio’s blasphemous and heretical “interpretations” of Sacred Scripture have been discussed on this site (and have been the subject of numerous expositions at Novus Ordo Wire Watch, March, 2016), one from five days ago during his daily screed at the Casa Santa Marta inside the walls of the Occupied Vatican on the West Bank of the Tiber River deserves a bit of scrutiny and refutation as it is nothing other than a direct attack upon the sacredness of Our Divine Redeemer’s propitiatory offering of Himself to His Co-Equal and Co-Eternal God the Father in atonement for our sins:
(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis said the story of God’s love for us can be found on the Cross where Jesus emptied himself of his divinity and dirtied himself with sin in order to save humanity. He said that the biblical story of salvation features the serpent, an animal he describes as both a powerful symbol of damnation and mysteriously of redemption as well. The Pope was speaking at his morning Mass on Tuesday at the Santa Marta Residence.
The mystery of the serpent
Using the day’s readings from the Book of Numbers and the gospel of St. John, Pope Francis’s homily reflected on the link between the meaning of Jesus’ annihilation of himself on the Cross and the story of how the people of Israel implored Moses to pray to God to take away the serpents that had been sent among them as punishment by the Lord.
Pope Francis pointed out that the symbol of the serpent features twice in this story from the Book of Numbers.
“The Lord said to Moses: ‘make a bronze serpent and mount it on a pole and whoever looks at it after being bitten will live.’ It’s a mystery: God doesn’t kill the serpents but leaves them alone. But if one of these (serpents) harms a person, look at that bronze serpent and he will be healed. Lift up the serpent.”
The Pope noted that this verb, ‘lift up’ is at the heart of the argument between Christ and the Pharisees described in the reading by the gospel of St. John. At a certain point, Jesus says: ‘When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will realise that I AM.” First of all, he explained, ‘I AM’ is also the name that God used to describe himself and gave to Moses for communicating with the people of Israel. And, then there is that recurring expression: ‘Lift up the Son of Man…”
God’s annihilation
“The serpent is a symbol of sin. The serpent that kills but also a serpent that saves. And this is the Mystery of Christ. Paul, when speaking about this mystery, said the Jesus emptied himself, humiliated himself and destroyed himself in order to save us. And (what’s) even stronger, ‘he became sin. Using this symbol, he became a serpent. This is the prophetic message of today’s reading. The Son of Man, who like a serpent, ‘became sin,’ is raised up to save us.”
Pope Francis went on to explain that this is “the story of our redemption, this is the story of God’s love. If we want to know God’s love, let us look at the Cross, a man tortured” a God, “emptied of his divinity,” “dirtied by sin.” But at the same time, he concluded, a God who through his self-annihilation, defeats forever the true name of evil, that Revelation calls 'the ancient serpent.'
“Sin is the work of Satan and Jesus defeats Satan by “becoming sin” and from there he lifts up all of us. The Cross is not an ornament or a work of art with many precious stones as we see around us. The Cross is the Mystery of God’s annihilation for love. And the serpent that makes a prophecy in the desert is salvation, it is raised up and whoever looks at it is healed. And this is not done with a magic wand by a God who does these things: No! This is done through the suffering of the Son of Man, through the suffering of Jesus Christ.” (Jorge Blaspehemes Yet Again.)
This quite a work of apostasy that cleverly blurs the distinction between the serpent whose venomous bite killed many of the Jews in the desert and the bronze serpent that God instructed Moses to place on a rod to be lifted high so that all who looked upon it would be saved after having been bitten by the seraph serpents.
Father George Haydock’s Commentary on Our Lord’s on Chapter Three of the Gospel according to Saint John provided an interpretation that is unequivocally Catholic without any efforts to blur the distinction between the poisonous serpents and the bronze serpent:
Ver. 14. ; (exaltari) by which form of expression he would teach us, that he does not consider the cross as a disgrace, but as a glory; (Theophylactus and St. Chrysostom) and moreover, that as the Israelites, bitten by the fiery serpents, were cured by looking upon the brazen serpent, so are Christians cured by looking up with an active faith, replete with love and confidence, on Jesus Christ crucified. (hHaydock Commentary)
Our Lord used the imagery of the bronze serpent on Moses’s rod to indicate that He would be lifted high on the wood of the Cross to redeem sinful men, who must reform their lives. Bergoglio believes that it is too “judgmental” not to “accept” people where “they are,” which is why he wants unrepentant sinners to believe that Our Lord Himself stands ready to reaffirm them through the counterfeit church of conciliarism’s so-called “missionaries of mercy.”
Saint Thomas Aquinas’s commentary on the same Gospel passage explained the the true meaning of bronze serpent and the rod as symbolic of Our Lord’s Redemptive Act on the wood of the Cross that makes it possible for us to be healed of our sins and of reforming our lives in cooperation with the merits He won for us atop Calvary at great length:
473 He takes the symbol from the old law, in order to adapt to the understanding of Nicodemus; so he says, Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert. This refers to Numbers (21:5) when the Lord, faced with the Jewish people saying, “We are sick of this useless food,” sent serpents to punish them; and when the people came to Moses and he interceded with the Lord, the Lord commanded that for a remedy they make a serpent of bronze; and this was to serve both as a remedy against those serpents and as a symbol of the Lord’s passion. Hence it says that this bronze serpent was lifted up as a sign (Nm 21:9).
Now it is characteristic of serpents that they are poisonous, but not so the serpent of bronze, although it was a symbol of a poisonous serpent. So, too, Christ did not have sin, which is also a poison: “Sin, when it is fully developed, brings forth death” (Jas 1:15); but he had the likeness of sin: “God sent his own Son, in the likeness of sinful flesh” (Rom 8:3). And thus Christ had the effect of the serpent against the insurgence of inflamed concupiscences.
474 He shows the manner of the passion when he says, so must the Son of Man be lifted up: and this refers to the lifting up of the cross. So below (12:34) when it says, “The Son of Man must be lifted up,” it also has, “He said this to indicate the manner of his death.”
He willed to die lifted up, first of all, to cleanse the heavens: for since he had cleansed the things on earth by the sanctity of his life, the things of the air were left to be cleansed by his death: “through him he should reconcile all things to himself, whether on earth or in the heavens, making peace through his blood” (Col 1:20). Secondly, to triumph over the demons who prepare for war in the air: “the prince of the power of the air” (Eph 2:2). Thirdly, he wished to die lifted up to draw our hearts to himself: “I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all to myself” (below 12:32). And fourthly, because in the death of the cross he was lifted up in the sense that there he triumphed over his enemies; so it is not called a death, but a lifting up: “He will drink from the stream on the way, therefore he will lift up his head” (Ps 109:7). Fifthly, he willed to die lifted up because the cross was the reason for his being lifted up, i.e., exalted: “He became obedient to the Father even to death, the death of the cross; on account of which God has exalted him” (Phil 2:8).
475 Now the fruit of Christ’s passion is eternal life; hence he says, so that everyone who believes in him, performing good works, may not be lost, but have eternal life. And this fruit corresponds to the fruit of the symbolic serpent. For whoever looked upon the serpent of bronze was freed from poison and his life was preserved. But he who looks upon the lifted up Son of Man, and believes in the crucified Christ, he is freed from poison and sin: “Whoever believes in me will never die” (below 11:26), and is preserved for eternal life. “These things are written that you may believe ... and that believing you may have life in his name” (below 20:3 1). (htSaint Thomas Aquinas Commentary on Chapter Three of the Gospel According to Saint John.)
It was the thought of coming into contact in His Sacred Humanity with the very antithesis of His Sacred Divinity, sin, that Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ sweated droplets of His Most Precious Blood during His Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane on the evening of Maundy Thursday. Our Lord’s Redemptive Act on the wood of the Holy Cross cures souls from sin, the guilt of which He took upon Himself without having committed any “sin.”
Quite to the contrary of what Jorge Mario Bergoglio contended, Our Lord was not “dirtied” by our sins, which makes it appear that Our Lord takes a casual approach to the true self-annihilation that is Mortal Sin. The words of the Prophet Isaias that will be read on the Prophecy on Good Friday foretold that the Messias would be wounded by our sins and bruised for our iniquities:
Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? [2] And he shall grow up as a tender plant before him, and as a root out of a thirsty ground: there is no beauty in him, nor comeliness: and we have seen him, and there was no sightliness, that we should be desirous of him: [3] Despised, and the most abject of men, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with infirmity: and his look was as it were hidden and despised, whereupon we esteemed him not. [4] Surely he hath borne our infirmities and carried our sorrows: and we have thought him as it were a leper, and as one struck by God and afflicted. [5] But he was wounded for our iniquities, he was bruised for our sins: the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and by his bruises we are healed.
[6] All we like sheep have gone astray, every one hath turned aside into his own way: and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. [7] He was offered because it was his own will, and he opened not his mouth: he shall be led as a sheep to the slaughter, and shall be dumb as a lamb before his shearer, and he shall not open his mouth. [8] He was taken away from distress, and from judgment: who shall declare his generation? because he is cut off out of the land of the living: for the wickedness of my people have I struck him. [9] And he shall give the ungodly for his burial, and the rich for his death: because he hath done no iniquity, neither was there deceit in his mouth. [10] And the Lord was pleased to bruise him in infirmity: if he shall lay down his life for sin, he shall see a long-lived seed, and the will of the Lord shall be prosperous in his hand.
[11] Because his soul hath laboured, he shall see and be filled: by his knowledge shall this my just servant justify many, and he shall bear their iniquities. [12] Therefore will I distribute to him very many, and he shall divide the spoils of the strong, because he hath delivered his soul unto death, and was reputed with the wicked: and he hath borne the sins of many, and hath prayed for the transgressors. (Isaias 53:1-12.)
Our sins wounded Our Lord once in time, and they wound His Mystical Body, Holy Mother Church, today. Our Lord want us to quit our sins, to confess them to a true priest and then to amend our lives. Bergoglio, though, makes it appear as though Our Lord is ready to accept anyone and everyone who begs forgiveness even if they are unwilling to reform their lives. This is a patent lie.
Moreover, Bergoglio also distorted the meaning of Saint Paul’s Second Epistle to the Corinthians by stating that Our Lord “became sin,” thus making it appear once again that Our Lord is quite comfortable with those who sin and who do not continue sinning but who want to be reaffirmed in their “goodness” while doing so.
Our Lord’s Sacrifice on the wood of the Holy Cross was an act of atonement for our sins. He offered Himself for our sins without having sinned, something that the Council of Toledo made very clear in the year 675 A.D.
We believe also that He was sent by Himself, because we acknowledge that not only the will but also the works of the whole Trinity are inseparable. For, He who before all ages was called the only begotten, in time became the first born; the only begotten on account of the substance of the Godhead, the first born on account of the nature of the body which He assumed.
[The Redemption] In this form of assumed human nature we believe according to the truth of the Gospels that He was conceived without sin, and died without sin, who alone for us became sin [II. Cor. 5:21], that is, a sacrifice for our sin. And yet He endured His passion without detriment to His divinity, for our sins, and condemned to death and to the cross, He accepted the true death of the body; also on the third day, restored by His own power, He arose from the grave. (Council of Toldeo XI, 675, No. 286, Denizger, p. 111.)
Our Lord was a sacrifice for our sins, but not as a detriment to His Sacred Divinity. He permitted Himself to be abased by His sinful creatures because He loved them and desired to win for them their redemption. Although thought guilty of sin, he did not “become” that which is the antithesis of His Sacred Divinity, sin.
Saint Thomas Aquinas’s discourse on Saint Paul’s Second Epistle to the Corinthians explained in very precise terms that Our Lord became a sacrifice for sin and was considered to be that which he was not, a sinner and a blasphemer:
201. – Where we get the faculty to reconcile to God is indicated by the fact that he gave us the power to live justly and abstain from sins. By doing this we are reconciled to God. Hence he says, for our sake, he made him to be sin who knew no sin. As if to say: you can be reconciled to God, because he, namely, Christ, who knew no sin: “He committed no sin; no guile was found on his lips” (1 Pet. 2:22); “Which of you convicts me of sin?” (Jn. 8:46). For our sake, he made him to be sin. This can be explained in three ways. In one way because it was the custom of the Old Law to call a sacrifice for sin “sin”: “They feed on the sin of my people” (Hos. 4:8), i.e., the offerings for sin. Then the sense is: he made him to be sin, i.e., the victim of sacrifice for sin. In another way, because sin is sometimes taken for the likeness of sin, or the punishment of sin: “God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh” (Rom. 8:3). Then the sense is: he made him to be sin, i.e., made him assume mortal and suffering flesh. In a third way, because one thing is said to be this or that, not because it is so, but because man considers it such. Then the sense is: he made him to be sin, i.e., made him regarded a sinner: “He was numbered with the transgressors” (Is. 53:12).
202. – He did this, so that in him we might become the righteousness [justice] of God, i.e., justified by God. Or justice, because he not only justified us, but also willed that others be justified by us. The justice, I say, of God, not ours. And in Christ, i.e., through Christ. Or another way, that Christ himself be called justice. Then the sense is this: that we might become the righteousness [justice], i.e., cling to Christ by love and faith, because Christ is justice itself. But he says, of God, to exclude man’s justice, by which a man trusts in his own merits: “For, being ignorant of the righteousness that comes from God, and seeking to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness” (Rom. 10:3). In him, namely, in Christ, i.e., by Christ, because he was made justice for us (1 Cor. 1:30). (Saint Thomas Aquinas's Commentary on the Second Epistle to the Corinthians.)
A similar explanation had been given by Saint John Chrysostom over nine centuries before Saint Thomas Aquinas provided his own discourse on the Saint Paul’s Second Epistle to the Corinthians:
For Him who knew no sin He made to be sin on our account.
I say nothing of what has gone before, that you have outraged Him, Him that had done you no wrong, Him that had done you good, that He exacted not justice, that He is first to beseech, though first outraged; let none of these things be set down at present. Ought ye not in justice to be reconciled for this one thing only that He has done to you now?' And what has He done? Him that knew no sin He made to be sin, for you. For had He achieved nothing but done only this, think how great a thing it were to give His Son for those that had outraged Him. But now He has both well achieved mighty things, and besides, has suffered Him that did no wrong to be punished for those who had done wrong. But he did not say this: but mentioned that which is far greater than this. What then is this? Him that knew no sin, he says, Him that was righteousness itself , He made sin, that is suffered as a sinner to be condemned, as one cursed to die. For cursed is he that hangs on a tree. Galatians 3:13 For to die thus was far greater than to die; and this he also elsewhere implying, says, Becoming obedient unto death, yea the death of the cross. Philippians 2:8 For this thing carried with it not only punishment, but also disgrace. Reflect therefore how great things He bestowed on you. For a great thing indeed it were for even a sinner to die for any one whatever; but when He who undergoes this both is righteous and dies for sinners; and not dies only, but even as one cursed; and not as cursed [dies] only, but thereby freely bestows upon us those great goods which we never looked for; (for he says, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him;) what words, what thought shall be adequate to realize these things? 'For the righteous,' says he, 'He made asinner; that He might make the sinners righteous.' Yea rather, he said not even so, but what was greater far; for the word he employed is not the habit, but the quality itself. For he said not made [Him] a sinner, but sin;not, 'Him that had not sinned' only, but that had not even known sin; that we also might become, he did not say 'righteous,' but, righteousness, and, the righteousness of God. For this is [the righteousness] of God when we are justified not by works, (in which case it were necessary that not a spot even should be found,) but by grace, in which case all sin is done away. And this at the same time that it suffers us not to be lifted up, (seeing the whole is the free gift of God,) teaches us also the greatness of that which is given. For that which was before was a righteousness of the Law and of works, but this is the righteousness of God.
6. Reflecting then on these things, let us fear these words more than hell; let us reverence the things [they express] more than the kingdom, and let us not deem it grievous to be punished, but to sin. For were He not to punish us, we ought to take vengeance on ourselves, who have been so ungrateful towards our Benefactor. Now he that has an object of affection, has often even slain himself, when unsuccessful in his love; and though successful, if he has been guilty of a fault towards her, counts it not fit that he should even live; and shall not we, when we outrage One so loving and gentle, cast ourselves into the fire of hell? Shall I say something strange, and marvellous, and to many perhaps incredible? To one who has understanding and loves the Lord as it behooves tolove Him, there will be greater comfort if punished after provoking One so loving, than if not punished. And this one may see by the common practice. For he that has wronged his dearest friend feels then the greatest relief, when he has wreaked vengeance on himself and suffered evil. And accordingly David said, I the shepherd have sinned, and I the shepherd have done amiss; and these the flock, what have they done? Let Your hand be upon me, and upon my father's house. 2 Samuel 24:17. Septuagint And when he lost Absalom he wreaked the extremest vengeance upon himself, although he was not the injurer but the injured; but nevertheless, because he loved the departed exceedingly, he racked himself with anguish, in this manner comforting himself. Let us therefore also, when we sin against Him Whom we ought not to sin against, take vengeance on ourselves. See you not those who have lost true-born children, that they therefore both beat themselves and tear their hair, because to punish themselves for the sake of those they loved carries comfort with it. But if, when we have caused no harm to those dearest to us, to suffer because of what has befallen them brings consolation; when we ourselves are the persons who have given provocation and wrong, will it not much rather be a relief to us to suffer the penalty and will not the being unpunished punish? Every one in a manner will see this. If any love Christ as it behooves to love Him, he knows what I say; how, even when He forgives, he will not endure to go unpunished; for you undergo the severest punishment in having provoked Him. And I know indeed that I am speaking what will not be believed by the many; but nevertheless it is so as I have said. If then we love Christ as it behooves to love Him, we shall punish ourselves when we sin. For to those who love any whomsover, not the suffering somewhat because they have provoked the beloved one is unpleasing; but above all, that they have provoked the person loved. And if this last when angered does not punish, he has tortured his lover more; but if he exacts satisfaction, he has comforted him rather. Let us therefore not fear hell, but offending God; for it is more grievous than that when He turns away in wrath: this is worse than all, this heavier than all. And that you may learn what a thing it is, consider this which I say. If one that was himself a king, beholding a robber and malefactor under punishment, gave his well-beloved son, his only-begotten and true, to be slain; and transferred the death and the guilt as well, from him to his son, (who was himself of no such character,) that he might both save the condemned man and clear him from his evil reputation ; and then if, having subsequently promoted him to great dignity, he had yet, after thus saving him and advancing him to that glory unspeakable, been outraged by the person that had received such treatment: would not that man, if he had any sense, have chosen ten thousand deaths rather than appear guilty of so great ingratitude? This then let us also now consider with ourselves, and groan bitterly for the provocations we have offered our Benefactor; nor let us therefore presume, because though outraged He bears it with long-suffering; but rather for this very reason be full of remorse. For among men too, when one that has been smitten on the right cheek offers the left also, he more avenges himself than if he gave ten thousand blows; and when one that has been reviled, not only reviles not again but even blesses, he has stricken [his adversary] more heavily, than if he rained upon him ten thousand reproaches. Now if in the case of men we feel ashamed when offering insults we meet with long-suffering; much rather, in respect to God, ought they to be afraid who go on continually sinning yet suffer no calamity. For, even for evil unto their own heads is the unspeakable punishment treasured up for them. These things then bearing in mind, let us above all things be afraid of sin; for this is punishment, this is hell, this is ten thousand ills. And let us not only be afraid of, but also flee from it, and strive to please God continually; for this is the kingdom, this is life, this is ten thousand goods. So shall we also even here obtain already the kingdom and the good things to come; whereunto may we all attain, through the grace and love towards men of our Lord Jesus Christ; with Whom to the Father, with the Holy Spirit, be glory, might, honor, now and for ever, and world without end. Amen. (Commentary of Saint John Chrysostom on Saint Paul's Second Epistle to the Corinthians.)
Our Lord was a victim for sin, a sin-offering. Yet it is that “Pope Francis” wants to make it appear that Our Lord became “sin” without making any kind of distinctions whatsoever.
Bergoglio did this, of course, to help prepare the way for the “welcoming” of those in “irregular situations” by means of the “exhortation” he signed yesterday, Saturday, March 19, 2016, the Feast of Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, an “exhortation” that Walter “Cardinal” Kasper, still going strong in his apostasy at age eighty-three, says is “revolutionary”:
The apostolic exhortation which will draw together all that emerged from the two Synods on the family, will be dated 19 March but will be published after Easter. The document will respond to the expectations of today’s world with regard to the pastoral care of the family, starting with the request for a greater openness towards irregular couples. This is according to Vatican spokesman, Fr. Federico Lombardi, who said the exhortation could be presented in the second or third week of April.
It is worth quoting a statement made by the theologian cardinal Walter Kasper, who gave the speech to the Consistory on February 2014, which marked the start of the renewal process: “The document will mark the start of the greatest revolution experienced by the Church in 1500 years.” (Kasper Promises Jorge's Exhortation by way of Victor Fernandez Will Be Revolutionary.)
Am I missing something?
What kind of "revolutionary" event took place in the Sixth Century?
Well, this is not unexpected when one considers the fact that Walter Kasper has been a pioneering revolutionary apostate for many decades now (see Forever Prowling the World Seeking the Ruin of Souls, part 1 and Forever Prowling the World Seeking The Ruin of Souls, part 2) and that Bergoglio himself handpicked him to deliver an address a consistory of “cardinals” on Friday, February 21, 2014, to help prepare the way for his “year of mercy” that will be crowned by an exhortation designed to tickle the itching ears of fornicators, adulterers, “transgendered” mutants and practitioners of the sin of Sodom.
It is no accident at all that Bergoglio has chosen to liken Our Lord to those who are unrepentant sinners as he, Bergoglio, believes that the only real “sin” is to be “inhospitable” to those he contends are on the “existential peripheries” by adhering to stuffy “doctrines” that do not reach “into the hearts of men” and choke off the “channels of mercy” while seeking to “cage the Holy Spirit.”
Bergoglio’s demonically inspired and driven revolution against Faith, Worship and Morals is, though, just the culmination of the work of fifty-eight years of “preparatory” work, shall we say, which accustomed Catholics to a blitzkrieg of ceaseless changes in what purported to be the Sacred Liturgy as a normal, natural feature of Catholic life. We are simply witnessing the ultimate conclusion of the revolution began with the usurper named Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII on October 28, 1958, the Feast of Saints Simon and Jude.
Part of this revolution has been the steady warfare against the sensus Catholicus, starting with the Protestant and Judeo-Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical service’s elimination of almost every reference to sin, to a God Who judges, and to eternal perdition in its collects. That at least one of the architects of this “reformed” liturgy was himself a homosexual, Father Rembert George Weakland, O.S.B., helps to explain why their guilty consciences desired not to be “judged” as they felt themselves to be by the collects found in the Immemorial Mass of Tradition.
Such insidious revolutionaries sought to prepare the way for the acceptance of perversity and indecency throughout the 1970s to the time that Jorge Mario Bergoglio, himself one of the homosexual collective’s longtime enablers, and they insinuated themselves into religious communities of men and women, into schools, universities and seminaries, and into the very upper reaches of chancery offices. These are simply indisputable facts, which Mrs. Randy Engel documented in her massive The Rite of Sodomy, and anyone who does not understand the gravity of the sin of Sodom and its embrace by many within the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism ought to consider Mrs. Engel’s two part-series on Saint Peter Damian’s The Book of Gommorha (see The Book of Gommorha.)
It was within a short period of his accession to the conciliar “Petrine Ministry” that Jorge Mario Bergoglio signaled that lavender was “in” and that opposite to it was “hateful” and “bigoted.” Five little words—“Who am I to judge?”—gave the “papal” green light to all of conciliar enclaves of perversity that had existed prior to his accession but had to make their way around the rhetorical opposition and “frowny faces” from “conservative” bishop on occasion.
The show of maintaining Catholic morality is over. The new show of the “new conciliar man” with a “new liturgy” and a “new morality” has received “papal” approval.
Witness the open celebration of perversity that took place on Thursday, March 17, 2016, the Feast of Saint Patrick and the Commemoration of Thursday of Passion Week, at the annual Saint Patrick’s Day Parade in the Borough of Manhattan in the City of New York, New York:
NEW YORK, March 17, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – The 255th annual parade meant to celebrate the Feast of St. Patrick in New York City is instead being touted as a victory for the homosexual movement.
"I never thought I'd see the day when I could march up Fifth Avenue in the St. Patrick's Day Parade with my husband," said Brendan Fay, chairman of the Lavender and Green Alliance, the second homosexual activist group allowed to march in the NYC Saint Patrick’s Day Parade. "When we started in 1991, after getting arrested so many times for protesting the parade, wow, what a moment this is."
The Lavender and Green group follows OUT@NBCUniversal, a pro-homosexual group for NBC employees that was allowed to march in the 2015 parade after decades of pressure from homosexual activists demanding to be allowed to march with an identifying banner, and organizers disposing of the parade’s long-standing policy to maintain focus on Irish heritage.
“We Won!” was the headline of the Irish Queers press release last fall after the Lavender and Green group was approved, with a spokesperson calling the move “a total victory.”
The New York City Saint Patrick’s Day Parade website states the parade is held “in honor of St. Patrick, the Patron Saint of Ireland and of the Archdiocese of New York.”
However officials were impervious to Catholics scandalized by their changing the event to one celebrating the homosexual lifestyle.
The deviation from previous policy was to include also acceptance of a pro-life group to march as well, a commitment made by the parade committee that has not been kept, with the last two years having homosexual activist groups march, but no pro-life group.
The Children First Foundation (CFF) had applied for the 2015 parade and been rejected.
The parade committee never returned Personhood Education New York founder Dawn Eskew’s phone calls or emails inquiring into how her pro-life group could apply to march in this year’s parade, Eskew told the National Catholic Register.
“What bothers me is that they never responded,” she said.
“This will be the most inclusive parade in the 255-year history of the parade,” parade chair John Lahey said before this year’s event, according to an NBC New York report. “And really I think it will be the most unifying parade in the past 25 years.”
Lahey, president of Quinnipiac University, is the one who publicly backtracked on the parade committee promise to allow a pro-life group last year, telling the media, “That won’t be happening.”
“What we want to do is keep 2015 focused on the gesture of goodwill we made towards the gay community with the inclusion of OUT@NBCUniversal.”
The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights (Catholic League) pulled out of the parade last year after 20 years of participation, the group’s president Bill Donohue calling it indefensible that parade organizers had promised him a pro-life group would be allowed but then only permitting the pro-homosexual group.
“We were double-crossed,” CFF President Elizabeth Rex said. “I would never apply again because I fear they could then actually use our entrance to allow pro-abortion groups to march. It’s going to be the end of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, which it already is.”
“They’re claiming a complete victory for tolerance,” she said, “but no, they are intolerant to Catholics who believe that life is sacred at the moment of conception.”
Rex was part of a group of Catholics who held a prayer protest today on the 5th Avenue, praying the rosary during the parade.
After organizers turned from the parade’s Irish Catholic focus last year Catholics were further disheartened when New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan not only did not condemn the parade committee decision, but actually called it wise, and then took part in the parade as the 2015 grand marshal.
Cardinal Dolan tried this year to reclaim the parade’s religious foundation, writing on his blog on March 15, “We cannot observe the St. Patrick’s Day Parade without celebrating both our ethnic and religious heritage.”
He pointed out in his column how the parade was established to honor St. Patrick.
“It is important, especially given the strong secular currents in our society today, that we not forget why this parade exists,” the cardinal wrote. “It is not just the Irish Parade: We march to honor St. Patrick. That is why so many cringe at and resist pleas to weaken the Catholic origins of the parade.”
“While everyone is invited to march in the parade and all are welcome,” he continued, “no one is permitted to use it for causes that are extrinsic to its origins.”
But the cardinal went on to thank parade organizers for “assuring us all that the original intent of the parade, which has flourished for over two-and-a-half centuries – – to celebrate the faith, heritage, culture, and tradition of Ireland – – is preserved.”
Pro-abortion, pro-homosexual New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the whole New York City Council took part in the 2016 parade as well, as did New York City MayorBill de Blasio, also an abortion proponent who previously boycotted the parade for not allowing homosexual activist groups to march.
An estimated 2 million-plus spectators watched the New York parade on the streets of Manhattan, and in another first, it was also broadcast live in Ireland and the U.K. by the Irish TV television channel. (Mocking Saint Patrick In Front of His Cathedral.)
Children First Foundation president Elizabeth Rex was double-crossed, all right, but the organizers of the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade were only following the “path” that has been blazed for them by the man they claim is “Pope Francis,” who believes that one can rebel against Our Lord by means of unrepentant sins while remaining in “full, active and consciously active” members in what is said to be the Catholic Church. Mrs. Rex was also double-crossed by the double-talking “happy” non-bishop, Timothy Michael Dolan, whose efforts to “reclaim” ceded ground is both laughable and pathetic at the same time. Nothing ceded to error can be “reclaimed” lest one denounces error and calls to correction those steeped in it.
Although the celebration of the Feast of Saint Patrick has become an occasion to rejoice in the paganism that characterized Ireland before Saint Patrick began his missionary work there, the plain fact of the matter is that Saint Patrick hated sins, starting with his own, and sought to eradicate it from the hearts, minds, bodies, and souls of the Irish people. Saint Patrick knew that one cannot say that he loves God by persisting in, no less celebrating, a life of unrepentant sin, no less to demand acceptance of his life of perdition in the name of “tolerance,” “diversity,” and “mercy.”
How can say he loves Our Lord by persisting in that which caused Him to suffer in His Sacred Humanity during His Passion Death, sin?
He cannot.
Remember these highlighted words from Saint John Chrysostom’s discourse above:
If any love Christ as it behooves to love Him, he knows what I say; how, even when He forgives, he will not endure to go unpunished; for you undergo the severest punishment in having provoked Him. And I know indeed that I am speaking what will not be believed by the many; but nevertheless it is so as I have said. If then we love Christ as it behooves to love Him, we shall punish ourselves when we sin. For to those who love any whomsover, not the suffering somewhat because they have provoked the beloved one is unpleasing; but above all, that they have provoked the person loved. And if this last when angered does not punish, he has tortured his lover more; but if he exacts satisfaction, he has comforted him rather. Let us therefore not fear hell, but offending God; for it is more grievous than that when He turns away in wrath: this is worse than all, this heavier than all. (Commentary of Saint John Chrysostom on Saint Paul's Second Epistle to the Corinthians.)
This is not exactly the same kind of “warm and fuzzies” that Jorge has given to unrepentant sinners and that he will give them in his upcoming “exhortation” for Catholics to accept them just “the way they are” as they are on a “path to Our Lord.” No, they are on a path to eternal perdition.
Another antidote to Bergoglio’s dismissive attitude about sin can be found in Saint Patrick’s letter to the soldiers of Coriticus, who were guilty of apostasies and of killing innocent Christians. Saint Patrick used uncharacteristically sharp words to convince sinners to convert lest they perish in their sins:
I am Patrick, yes a sinner and indeed untaught; yet I am established here in Ireland where I profess myself bishop. I am certain in my heart that "all that I am," I have received from God. So I live among barbarous tribes, a stranger and exile for the love of God. He himself testifies that this is so. I never would have wanted these harsh words to spill from my mouth; I am not in the habit of speaking so sharply. Yet now I am driven by the zeal of God, Christ's truth has aroused me. I speak out too for love of my neighbors who are my only sons; for them I gave up my home country, my parents and even pushing my own life to the brink of death. If I have any worth, it is to live my life for God so as to teach these peoples; even though some of them still look down on me. I Cor. 15:10 Phil. 2:30
I myself have composed and written these words with my own hand, so that they can be given and handed over, then sent swiftly to the soldiers of Coroticus. I am not addressing my own people, nor my fellow citizens of the holy Romans, but those who are now become citizens of demons by reason of their evil works. They have chosen, by their hostile deeds, to live in death; comrades of the Scotti and Picts and of all who behave like apostates, bloody men who have steeped themselves in the blood of innocent Christians. The very same people I have begotten for God; their number beyond count, I myself confirmed them in Christ.
The very next day after my new converts, dressed all in white, were anointed with chrism, even as it was still gleaming upon their foreheads, they were cruelly cut down and killed by the swords of these same devilish men. At once I sent a good priest with a letter. I could trust him, for I had taught him from his boyhood. He went, accompanied by other priests, to see if we might claw something back from all the looting, most important, the baptized captives whom they had seized. Yet all they did was to laugh in our faces at the mere mention of their prisoners.
Because of all this, I am at a loss to know whether to weep more for those they killed or those that are captured: or indeed for these men themselves whom the devil has taken fast for his slaves. In truth, they will bind themselves alongside him in the pains of the everlasting pit: for "he who sins is a slave already" and is to be called "son of the devil." Jn. 8:34, 44 (O.L.) (http:/Saint Patrick's Letter to The Soldiers of Coritcus.)
This is not what Jorge Mario Bergoglio believes, and it is not what most of his “bishops” preach, making them accomplices in the proliferation of sin and of its widespread acceptance—to the detriment of the souls (and the bodies), to the common good of nations and to the spread of violence within and among nations.
There is no way that any “conservative” or quasi-traditional group of Catholics is going to reverse this course any more than “Anglo-Catholics” have been able to reverse the course of the Anglican sect that was founded by a lustful, adulterous, bigamous king and has descended to point of abject paganism. Licentiousness is now out in the open, and Jorge tells us that God looks favorably upon this all because of His “mercy,” because he “dirtied” Himself with sin.
Complete and utter apostasy that blasphemes Our Lord and mocks His Passion, Death, and Resurrection.
The Anglican sect degenerated gradually into paganism over the course of centuries; the conciliar sect has degenerated into paganism in a matter of five short decades, compressing the course of nearly half of a millennium into half of a century. Remarkable work by tireless demons, each of whom is a precursor of the man of sin himself, Antichrist.
This is, of course, Palm Sunday, the first full day of Holy Week. Today is the day on which Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, entered Jerusalem astrode a donkey as He was greeted with shouts of “Hosanna to the Son of David. Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord.”
Thanks to the convergence of the forces of both Modernism in the world and Modernity in the counterfeit church of conciliarism, every day is a perpetual Good Friday, if you will, a day on which most people alive constantly choose Barabbas as they plunge further and further down into the abyss, thereby showing yet again the prophetic nature of Pope Gregory XVI’s warning about the dangers of the very false “liberties” that are the foundation of the errors of the day, including those of conciliarism itself:
"This shameful font of indifferentism gives rise to that absurd and erroneous proposition which claims that liberty of conscience must be maintained for everyone. It spreads ruin in sacred and civil affairs, though some repeat over and over again with the greatest impudence that some advantage accrues to religion from it. "But the death of the soul is worse than freedom of error," as Augustine was wont to say. When all restraints are removed by which men are kept on the narrow path of truth, their nature, which is already inclined to evil, propels them to ruin. Then truly "the bottomless pit" is open from which John saw smoke ascending which obscured the sun, and out of which locusts flew forth to devastate the earth. Thence comes transformation of minds, corruption of youths, contempt of sacred things and holy laws -- in other words, a pestilence more deadly to the state than any other. Experience shows, even from earliest times, that cities renowned for wealth, dominion, and glory perished as a result of this single evil, namely immoderate freedom of opinion, license of free speech, and desire for novelty.
Here We must include that harmful and never sufficiently denounced freedom to publish any writings whatever and disseminate them to the people, which some dare to demand and promote with so great a clamor. We are horrified to see what monstrous doctrines and prodigious errors are disseminated far and wide in countless books, pamphlets, and other writings which, though small in weight, are very great in malice. We are in tears at the abuse which proceeds from them over the face of the earth. Some are so carried away that they contentiously assert that the flock of errors arising from them is sufficiently compensated by the publication of some book which defends religion and truth. Every law condemns deliberately doing evil simply because there is some hope that good may result. Is there any sane man who would say poison ought to be distributed, sold publicly, stored, and even drunk because some antidote is available and those who use it may be snatched from death again and again? (Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos, August 15, 1832.)
Pope Leo XIII echoed this clear teaching in Immortale Dei, November 1, 1885, as he explained that the misuse of liberty leads to the ruin of men and their nations, something that even a lot of Catholics do not seem to understand today in the midst of the agitation stirred up by farce of one set of naturalists appearing to be the antidote to another set of naturalists:
So, too, the liberty of thinking, and of publishing, whatsoever each one likes, without any hindrance, is not in itself an advantage over which society can wisely rejoice. On the contrary, it is the fountain-head and origin of many evils. Liberty is a power perfecting man, and hence should have truth and goodness for its object. But the character of goodness and truth cannot be changed at option. These remain ever one and the same, and are no less unchangeable than nature itself. If the mind assents to false opinions, and the will chooses and follows after what is wrong, neither can attain its native fullness, but both must fall from their native dignity into an abyss of corruption. Whatever, therefore, is opposed to virtue and truth may not rightly be brought temptingly before the eye of man, much less sanctioned by the favor and protection of the law. A well-spent life is the only way to heaven, whither all are bound, and on this account the State is acting against the laws and dictates of nature whenever it permits the license of opinion and of action to lead minds astray from truth and souls away from the practice of virtue. To exclude the Church, founded by God Himself, from the business of life, from the making of laws, from the education of youth, from domestic society is a grave and fatal error. A State from which religion is banished can never be well regulated; and already perhaps more than is desirable is known of the nature and tendency of the so-called civil philosophy of life and morals. The Church of Christ is the true and sole teacher of virtue and guardian of morals. She it is who preserves in their purity the principles from which duties flow, and, by setting forth most urgent reasons for virtuous life, bids us not only to turn away from wicked deeds, but even to curb all movements of the mind that are opposed to reason, even though they be not carried out in action. (Pope Leo XIII, Immortale Dei, November 1, 1885.)
Most of those in the crowd who cried out “Hosanna to the Son of David!” on Palm Sunday cried out “Give us Barabbas!” on Good Friday five days later. It cannot be that way with us.
We must come to realize that there is no way to ameliorate the evils of our times other than the daily conversion of souls away from sin, starting with our own daily conversion.
We must quit our sins and we must make reparation for them as the consecrated slaves of Our Divine Redeemer through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, praying as many Rosaries each day as our state-in-life permits. No believing Catholic should doubt the power of Our Lady’s Most Holy Rosary to convert souls—and no believing Catholic can say that “just” praying the Holy Rosary is doing “nothing” in a concrete sense to stop evils. Our Lady’s Most Holy Rosary is second only to the perfect prayer that is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in its efficacy to win back sinners for Christ the King and His true Church. The essence of Our Lady’s Fatima Message involves devotion to her Most Holy Rosary and to her Immaculate Heart.
As terrible as our times may be—and they are very terrible, the chastisements of the moment will only increase in time as no one in the realm of naturalism or in the realm of concilairism recognizes that men cannot sin wantonly and expected that “things” will get better. We are going to have suffer much in coming years, and no amount of wishing it away can stop the current chastisements from become more boldly fierce as sin and its celebration invade every single precinct of popular culture.
The only standard of true liberty is the Holy Cross of the Divine Redeemer, Christ the King, and those who place their trust in any other kind of “liberty” are fools.
The Holy Cross awaits our veneration in a special way on Good Friday, and it was to die atop the dung heap of Gologotha to redeem us that Our Lord, desiring to bestow His ineffable mercy upon us erring sinners, entered Jerusalem on this day, something that Pope Leo the Great made clear in a sermon that is included in the readings for today’s Divine Office:
Dearly beloved brethren, the jubilant and triumphal day which ushereth in the commemoration of the Lord's Passion is come; even that day for which we have longed so much, and for whose yearly coming the whole world may well look. Shouts of spiritual exultation are ringing, and suffer not that we should be silent. It is indeed hard to preach often on the same Festival, and that always meetly and rightly, but a Priest is not free, when we celebrate so great and mysterious an out-pouring of God's mercy, to leave his faithful people without the service of a discourse. Nay, that his subject-matter is unspeakable should in itself make him eloquent, since where enough can never be said, there must needs ever be somewhat to say. Let man's weakness, then, fall down before the glory of God, and acknowledge herself ever too feeble to unfold all the works of His mercy. We may jade our emotions, break down in our understanding, and fail in our speech it is good for us, that even what we truly feel in presence of the Divine Majesty is but little, (compared to the vastness of the subject.)
For when the Prophet saith: Seek the Lord and be strong; seek His face evermore, Ps. civ. 4, let no man thence conclude that he will ever have found all that he seeketh, lest he which hath ceased to come near should cease to be near. But among all the works of God which foil and weary the steadfast gaze of man's wonder, what is there that doth at once so ravish and so exceed the power of our mind's eye as do the sufferings of the Saviour? He it was Who, to loose man from the bands wherewith he had bound himself by the first death-dealing transgression, spared to bring against the rage of the devil the power of the Divine Majesty, and met him with the weakness of our lowly nature. For if our proud and cruel enemy had been able to know the counsel of God's mercy, it had been his task rather to have softened the minds of the Jews into gentleness, than to have inflamed them with unrighteous hatred; and so lost the service of all his slaves, by pursuing for his Debtor One That owed him nothing.
But his own hate dug a pit-fall for him he brought upon the Son of God that death which is become life to all the sons of men. He shed that innocent Blood, Which hath reconciled the world unto God, and become at once the price of our redemption and the cup of our salvation. The Lord hath received that which according to the purpose of His Own good pleasure He hath chosen. He hath let fall on Him the hands of bloody men but while they were bent only on their own sin, they were servants ministering to the Redeemer's work. And such was His tenderness even for His murderers that His prayer to His Father from the Cross, as touching them, was, not that He might be avenged upon them, but that they might be forgiven. (Pope Leo the Great, Matins, The Divine Office, Palm Sunday.)
It is a good thing that Jorge does not seek new followers for his false church, whose “ideas” are diabolically-inspired fairy tales, although sermons such as the one he gave five days ago really do seek to make those Catholics who pay any attention to his daily screeds of his Ding Dong School of Apostasy believe themselves to daft if reject any aspect of the conciliar revolution.
We need to pray, fast and make more reparation for our sins, especially during this Holy Week. While there will be numerous outrages committed by the false “pope” this week of weeks, we must concentrate on our own preparations to enter deep in the mysteries of Our Lord’s saving love for us sinners, a love that impelled Him to redeem us by the shedding of every single drop of His Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross, a love that gave us His own Blessed Mother, she who suffered in perfect communion with Him throughout the course of Paschaltide, to be our mother to help us get home Heaven.
Heaven is where our only permanently dwelling is meant to be. May Our Lady’s assistance this Holy Week of 2016 help us to yearn for Heaven and to do all that we can to make reparation for our sins and those of the whole world while we still have time to do so.
A blessed Holy Week to you all!
Vivat Christus Rex!
Viva Cristo Rey!
Isn't it time to pray a Rosary now?
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, Patron of Departing Souls, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.