Christ the King Is Still Sovereign Over Men and Their Nations No Matter Who Wins Elections

Well, it turns out that Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., the career politician who has supplemented his taxpayer-funded income since January 3, 1973, when he was sworn in as the junior senator from the State of Delaware at the age of thirty, with a little “help” from the grifting of his family members—and who has marketed himself as a “Catholic” despite his public dissent from the binding precepts of the Fifth, Sixth, and Ninth Commandments, was not whistling dixie when he “warned” President Donald John Trump not to declare victory on election night, Tuesday, November 3, 2020 (see Biden Warns Trump Against Declaring An Early White  House Victory). Biden’s own internal polls must have shown that the election was going to be far closer than the fabled pollsters of the mainslime media had been predicting as a means of voter suppression, which is why he was so confident that he would win with the “mail-in” ballots that he just happened to intuit, you understand, were going to be guaranteed votes for winning various states where President Donald John Trump had a precarious lead on election night. The fix was in. The books were cooked. There is no question that the same people who support baby-killing from the moment of conception through all subsequent stages, including after birth, and sodomy will be never be bothered by a single qualm of conscience about manufacturing votes, knowing full that they will be indemnified by the mainslime media and the Federal courts, up to and perhaps including the Supreme Court of the United States of America.

This should not surprise or shock anyone as, no matter what transpires in the litigation that the Trump campaign files in the States of Michigan, Nevada, Georgia and/or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, election fraud is a grand American tradition that goes as far back as to colonial days as even George Washington, then all of twenty-six years of age, bought drinks for voters in a 1758 election to the Virginia House of Burgesses after having decried the practice earlier:

George Washington, the father of our country, could arguably be regarded as the first action hero. While he garners much respect and reverence, his humble beginnings were, at times, somewhat comical. Early politics in America was vastly different by today’s standards. There were things politicians could do then that they are absolutely forbidden to do today. Following two successive political defeats, Washington quickly learned a thing or two about campaigning. He learned that to win an election sometimes a politician had to stoop to the level of his opponent.

The first election George Washington won was not for President of the United States. It was for a seat in the Virginia House of Burgesses under British Colonial rule. His technique for winning the election was questionable. He got many of the voters drunk.

The House of Burgesses was the first elective assembly Great Britain established in its overseas possessions. In 1755, before the United States declared her independence, 23-year-old George Washington decided to run for burgess in Frederick County, Virginia.

Winning would not be an easy task. He was unpopular with the voters because, as commander-in-chief of Virginia’s frontier forces, he had seen it necessary to seize horses and wagons from the locals to bolster his own forces. He had also conducted a campaign against the local saloons where his soldiers became unfit for service. Washington lost in 1755. He tried again in 1757, but, to no avail. He began to study his opponents and their tactics for winning. He noticed that his opponents would appear at the polling place as the votes were being cast. Here they would do a little last minute campaigning. Most often his opponent was armed with a jug of whiskey or rum. His opponent would offer the voter a quick drink to ease their thirst and remind the voters to vote for him.

In 1758, Washington ran for burgess again. This time he had a political strategy he knew wouldn’t fail. He would simply outdo his opponents in their offering of whiskey. In the process he would get the voters thoroughly liquored up. Whether or not he intended to get the voters thoroughly inebriated is subject to debate. But, the fact remains a lot of liquor was consumed that day.

On Election Day, Washington was away with the militia. Therefore he sent a friend, Lieutenant Charles Smith, to tend to the election in his absence. Smith appeared at the polling place in Frederick County ready for some last minute campaigning. Unlike Washington’s opponents, who showed up armed with a single gallon of liquor, Smith arrived with a horse drawn wagon loaded with 160 gallons of various liquors. This included 28 gallons of rum, 50 gallons of rum punch, 34 gallons of wine, 46 gallons of beer and two gallons of hard cider. He also had a number of mugs from which the voters could drink.

Washington had spent several weeks making the liquor himself. That’s right! George Washington, like many farmers of the day, was a moonshiner. He was ready to kick this campaign into high gear and give new meaning to the term political party.

As the voters appeared Smith offered them a few drinks to quench their thirst. He invited them to drink to their heart’s content. Many of the voters who appeared that day clearly were not Washington supporters. But, after a few large mugs of whiskey they began to warm up to ol’ George. Smith took this last opportunity to make one final speech on Washington’s behalf to the inebriated constituents. The drunks, that is, the voters who had only hours before disliked George Washington, were now applauding him. No one knows how many voters got drunk that day. But all 160 gallons of liquor was consumed in the festive event.

Washington won the election receiving 310 votes. He beat out 3 other opponents. One has to wonder if the voters woke up the next morning with a hangover and asked, “I voted for whom?”

In 1761, Washington was reelected to the House of Burgesses. This time there was no drinking involved. He employed a different tactic. He had a dinner party complete with fiddler in which he entertained his constituents. Today, handing out drinks at the polls is strictly forbidden. (Jefferson County Post.)

Ballot stuffing, one political party’s intimidation of another party’s voters, up to and using physical violence (beatings, tarring and featherings, verbal threats), dead people voting, the destruction, usually by burning, of “unfavorable” ballots in polling places, substitution of one set of votes or vote tallies for another (for a fictionalized version of this, please see an hourlong 1944 “Hopalong Cassidy” motion picture, Hopalong Cassidy: Forty Thieves, which featured Jimmy Rogers, the son of the late Will Rogers, as the juvenile lead to William Boyd’s Cassidy and Andy Clyde’s “California Jack Carlson,” the comic relief) and, of course, the omnipresent phenomenon of dead voters whose “appearance” at voting places have always evoked images of the legendary (emphasis on legendary) stories about Lincoln’s ghost wandering about the Lincoln Suite at the White House (see Sightings of “Abraham Lincoln” in the White House.)

Famously, of course, “Landslide Lyndon” Baines Johnson won a heated senatorial nomination battle in 1948 over Governor Coke Stevenson as a result of massive voter fraud:

WASHINGTON, Feb. 10— A study of Lyndon B. Johnson provides new evidence that the 36th President stole his first election to the United States Senate, in 1948.

The book, ''Means of Ascent,'' by Robert A. Caro, is the second volume of a projected four-volume study, ''The Years of Lyndon Johnson.'' With a first printing of 250,000 copies, it is to be published on March 15 by Knopf, and excerpts have appeared in The New Yorker.

Mr. Caro maintains that although ballot fraud was common in the late 1940's in some parts of Texas, the Johnson campaign of 1948 raised it to a new level. Mr. Caro supports his charge with an interview with Luis Salas, an election judge in Jim Wells County who said he acknowledged his role only after all others involved in the theft had died.

Determined to Win at All Costs

It has been alleged for years that Johnson captured his Senate seat through fraud, but Mr. Caro goes into great detail to tell how the future President overcame a 20,000-vote deficit to achieve his famous 87-vote victory in the 1948 Democratic runoff primary against a former Governor, Coke Stevenson. A South Texas political boss, George Parr, had manufactured thousands of votes, Mr. Caro found. Johnson died in 1973, Stevenson and Parr in 1975. Mr. Caro says the election showed Johnson's determination to win at all costs as well as his coolness under fire and his ability to select gifted lieutenants, whom he then manipulated.

''The point is that the 1948 election shed light on Johnson's character,'' Mr. Caro said in an interview. ''People have been saying for 40 years, 'No one knows what really happened in that election,' and 'Everybody does it.' Neither of those statements is true. I don't think that this is the only election that was ever stolen, but there was never such brazen thievery.''

Some Johnson loyalists refuse to accept Mr. Caro's conclusions. For example, Horace Busby, who was a 24-year-old aide to the Johnson Senate campaign, said he agreed with the historian's factual presentation but said it should be put in a broader context.

''I don't disagree with the accuracy of anything Bob has in there,'' said Mr. Busby, now a political analyst. But he went on, ''There was a lot of stealing in that election.''

Mr. Busby said: ''The irregularity in the voting was caused in most instances by the local races - for a county commissioner, sheriff and county judge. It was just incidental that there were also votes stolen for Johnson and Stevenson.''

The Dead, the Halt, the Unaware

''I don't think that either Johnson or Stevenon were directing any of this,'' Mr. Busby said. ''But if there had been no stealing, Johnson would have won that election by 5,000 votes.''

Mr. Caro not only reviewed thousands of pages of court records, but also interviewed Mr. Salas, the election judge of Precinct 13 in Jim Wells County. Under Mr. Salas's supervision, Mr. Caro said, Johnson received the votes of the dead, the halt, the missing and those who were unaware that an election was going on.

On primary night, a Saturday, the first tallies of the Democratic primary showed Johnson trailing his opponent by 20,000 votes. Still unreported, however, were the votes from San Antonio, where Stevenson had defeated Johnson 2 to 1 in the first primary. When those votes finally came in, Johnson had won a stunning victory, carrying San Antonio by 10,000 votes.

Later that evening, the rural counties in the Rio Grande Valley further eroded the Stevenson lead, which was reduced to 854 votes.

A Precinct Is 'Discovered'

The next day, county officials ''discovered'' that the returns from one precinct had not yet been counted, Mr. Caro said, and those votes went overwhelmingly to Johnson. On Monday, there were more new returns from the Rio Grande Valley.

But on Tuesday, the state's Election Bureau announced that complete returns had given Stevenson a 349-vote victory, with 40 votes still uncounted.

There were no significant changes Wednesday, and Stevenson still led on Thursday. On Friday, the Rio Grande Valley precincts made ''corrections'' in their election returns, cutting Stevenson's lead to 157.

Also on Friday, Jim Wells County telephoned in its amended return, ''and suddenly, with virtually all the counting in the election over, Coke Stevenson was no longer ahead,'' Mr. Caro said. Johnson had won by 87 votes. Challenge and Affirmation Mr. Caro confirmed the charges made at the time by Stevenson supporters that county officials had cast the votes of absent voters and had changed the numbers on the tallies. For example, he said, Jim Wells County provided an extra 200 votes for Johnson merely by changing the 7 in ''765'' to a 9.

Johnson's victory was upheld by a 29-to-28 vote of the Texas Democratic Party's executive committee, and he went on to defeat Jack Porter, the Republican candidate, in the general election. And although a Federal District Court had ordered his name off the ballot pending an investigation, the order was voided by Associate Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black on a petition from Abe Fortas, who was Johnson's chief lawyer.

Mr. Caro's book also belies Johnson's contention that he played no role in buying and managing KTBC, a radio station purchased by his wife, Lady Bird, that flourished after the purchase. Months later, the Federal Communications Commission approved Mrs. Johnson's request to operate 24 hours a day on a more desirable frequency. Subsequently, the F.C.C. increased the station's wattage and profitability and KTBC became a CBS affiliate.

Cornerstone of an Empire

''Lyndon Johnson was always to maintain that his wife's radio interests were totally divorced from politics and that he, the politician in the family, had absolutely nothing to do either with acquiring KTBC's license or, once it was licensed, with its operations,'' Mr. Caro wrote.

He cites documents that contradict Johnson. Johnson is seen as involved in virtually every aspect of the enterprise, from payroll to frequencies to sales of commercials. The radio station formed the cornerstone of his financial empire. 

''It was a case study of political influence,'' Mr. Caro said in the interview. (How Lyndon Baines Johnson Won The Election He Lost.)

Johnson brought his particular skill at changing election results to the presidential election of 1960 when he was running for vice president with a fellow United States Senator he, Johnson, despised, John Fitzgerald Kennedy (D-Massachusetts) against then Vice President Richard Milhous Nixon and Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, whom Kennedy had defeated in 1952 to win his first term in the United States Senate. Johnson and his cronies did the dirty work in Texas while Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley, who was also the Chairman of the Cook County Democratic Committee, performed his well-known electoral sleights of hand in the Windy City.

In 1960 the presidential election was between young Democratic Senator John F. Kennedy and the Vice-President of the outgoing administration, Richard Nixon. The race was close, divisive and often dirty. Although there was little mud-slinging done by the two candidates, who maintained at least a semblance of decorum, their campaigns and supporters were less concerned with professional courtesy and polite discourse.

Following Kennedy’s narrow victory accusations of voter fraud were immediate and widespread, particularly in Texas – where Kennedy’s running mate Lyndon Johnson had a long history of questionable political practices – and in Chicago, home of the Daley Democratic political machine.

In Chicago alone, Kennedy eventually carried by a margin of more than 450,000 votes, enough that the New York Herald-Tribune (which was pro-Nixon) “…claimed to have discovered sufficient evidence of vote fraud to prove that the state was stolen for Kennedy.”

Subsequent rumors that the election was stolen on Kennedy’s behalf by organized crime figures such as Sam Giancana have long been repeated and never proven, often linked to rumors of Joseph Kennedy maintaining ties to the mob since his own bootlegging days. Joseph Kennedy Sr. has never been evidentially linked to either bootlegging or the mob, but that has done nothing to stop the rumors.

What has been established evidentially is the power of the Cook County Democratic Party – then run by Richard Daley – and its ability to get out the vote and to alter its results. Daley didn’t release the results of the Chicago area balloting until late morning of the following day, after the number of votes needed to overcome the results of the voting in the rest of the state was known.

New York Herald-Tribune reporter Earl Mazo later investigated in Chicago using voter registration rolls and found registered names on the rolls of people who had voted which matched names found on tombstones in Chicago cemeteries. Daley later responded to the accusations of voter fraud by accusing several Republican counties in the southern part of the state of doing the same thing for Nixon. These accusations were found by the same reporter to have been true, but on a lesser scale than what had occurred in Chicago. How the people of Illinois actually voted in 1960 will likely never be known.

While it is generally acknowledged that John F. Kennedy loathed Lyndon Johnson, the election of 1960 was too close to risk losing the State of Texas, and Johnson on the ticket with him would help ensure a Kennedy win. In this judgment Kennedy was relying not so much on Johnson’s popularity but on his knowledge of how to manipulate the electoral machinery in Texas. As the election unfolded and the results were analyzed it became clear that Johnson had delivered.

Kennedy carried the state by a margin of 46,000 votes, achieving a majority in the state, which defenders have long cited as evidence that there was little, if any, voting irregularity. They have contended that the margin of victory was too large to have been from illegal votes. Kennedy defeated Nixon in Texas by 51% to 49%. It should be remembered that if Nixon had carried the electoral votes from both Texas and Illinois. he would have won the presidency.

In several Texas counties, later analysis revealed that there had indeed been questionable vote totals. Fannin County in 1960 contained 4,895 registered voters. Fannin County’s returns for the 1960 election counted a total of 6,138 votes for President. About 75% of the ballots cast were for Kennedy/Johnson. In one district of Angelina County where only 86 registered voters were on the voter rolls, 187 votes for Kennedy were counted against 24 for Nixon.

Johnson’s long established political base in Southern Texas centered around Duval County was notorious throughout the 20th century for delivering large numbers of illegal votes, many from Mexicans brought in from across the border, and the region, as expected, went solidly for the Democratic ticket. Republican demands for a statewide recount were thwarted by the Democratic run State Board of Elections’ rapid certification of Kennedy as the winner, supported in their view by the size of his victory margin.

Richard Nixon announced three days following the election in 1960 that he would not contest the results with recounts, a decision no doubt influenced by reports of irregularities in numerous Republican carried districts in many states. The 1960 election may be remembered as the one stolen by Kennedy and Johnson, but it is clear from the efforts of dozens of scholars and historians that both sides used illegal means to build their vote totals, with the real loser being the American voting public. (High Stakes Elections That Were Bought and/or Rigged

It had been six months before the 1960 presidential election that Joseph Patrick Kennedy, Sr., saw to it that his eldest surviving son, the aforementioned John Fitzgerald Kennedy, was able to defeat Senator Hubert Horatio Humphrey (D-Minnesota), who was mistakenly referred to two years after his death by then President James Earl “The Appeaser” Carter, Jr., as “Hubert Horatio Hornblower, I mean, Humphrey,” in an embarrassing slip of the tongue in his acceptance address at the Democratic National Convention at Madison Square Garden in the City of New York on Thursday, August 14, 1980 (the appendix contains a news story about that slip of the tongue and the other problems that went wrong during and after The Appeaser’s speech), decisively in the West Virginia Primary after he had made sure that local sheriffs were paid off with crisp fifty dollar bills. Kennedy’s win in that primary “demonstrated” that he could win in a highly Protestant and Masonic state and left poor Humphrey, an old-guard, free-spending but anti-Communist liberal, in tears as he conceded defeat. (I remember. I watched the coverage.):

HAMLIN, W.Va. (AP) _ According to political lore, just before John F. Kennedy’s momentous win in the 1960 West Virginia primary, the Democratic boss of Logan County asked the Kennedy campaign for ``35″ _ meaning $3,500 _ to buy votes for the presidential candidate. In an apparent misunderstanding, Kennedy’s people delivered $35,000 in cash in two briefcases.

West Virginia’s coal country has a long and rich history of vote-buying _ which explains why many folks in Lincoln County all but shrugged over the indictment last month of five people on federal charges they secured votes for liquor or a $20 bill or two.

harrell Lovejoy, 83, said he has heard rumors of vote-buying since he opened his Bobcat Restaurant on Hamlin’s main drag, in 1948.

``It’s gone on for ages,″ said Lovejoy, behind his diner’s hand-cranked register. ``I’m sure they’re still doing it. They’re just more careful about it.″

As with past election fraud probes, the latest case targets solely Democrats, who dominate the voter rolls and local governments through the region. In Lincoln County, population 22,100, Democrats outnumber Republicans 4-to-1; the indictment focuses largely on the party’s primary elections, going back to 1990.

Not that the GOP has clean hands. Republican former Gov. Arch Moore pleaded guilty to five corruption-related charges in 1990, including one that alleged he spent $100,000 in unreported campaign cash during his successful 1984 campaign.

``This seems to be something that is just in the blood of people in southern West Virginia. They’re always looking for ways to get away with this,″ said Ken Hechler, who fielded election fraud complaints as West Virginia’s secretary of state from 1985 to 2000.

With Hechler’s help, a state-federal task force secured more than two dozen election-related convictions in Mingo County in the 1980s. Ensnared officials included a former sheriff, a county commissioner, a school board president and a Democratic Party chairman.

In the 1990s, politicians in neighboring Logan County found themselves on the defensive. Two state legislators, the county assessor and a Circuit Court judge, among others, went to jail on corruption charges that included vote-buying.

Federal investigators revisited Logan County last year. The sheriff and a city police chief resigned and pleaded guilty to exchanging money for votes. Three other people were convicted on related charges. (Buying Votes in West Virginia.)

Yes, vote fraud is a grand American tradition. As I used to note to my students in those thrilling days of yesteryear of my college teaching career, “Vote totals in the Nineteenth Century are merely advisory. There was so much vote fraud then, including voting by immigrants who had not become naturalized citizens before they voted, that the precise results of those elections may be one of those mysteries we will know about only in eternity.”

Oh, and while on the subject of 1960, a pertinent fact missed by most historians and political scientists is the fact that Vice President Richard Milhous Nixon actually won the national popular vote, which most observers believe he lost very narrowly to Kennedy. This is because that anti-Catholicism was so rampant in the State of Alabama at the time that the Alabama State Democratic Committee ran a blank slate of electors rather then list Kennedy’s name on the ballot. That is right, John F. Kennedy’s name did not appear on the Alabama ballot on November 8, 1960. The Democratic slate of electors won the statewide vote, of course, but, as Kennedy’s name did not appear on the ballot there, the popular vote totals should not be in his total national popular vote total. (Look, I am not getting any younger. I might as well put all this information down on paper as I am not receiving too many invitations these days to give political science lectures. The phone is not ringing off the hook.)

The Situation As It Stands on Friday, November 6, 2020

As it stands now in our current post-election mess, it may take numerous court filings to try to find out the extent of the vote fraud that has taken place in the “swing” states. However, the existence of such vote fraud is beyond question, especially when one considers the fact that election officials in the City of Detroit, Michigan, have not permitted representatives of the Trump campaign to monitor the opening and counting of absentee and mail-in ballot, something prompted the campaign to file what is surely to be the first of many lawsuits in the coming weeks (see Trump Campagin Files Lawsuit in Michigan to Demand to Full, Unfettered Access to Ballot Counting). However, Judge Cynthia Stevens denied the campaign’s demand (see Judge Denies Trump Campaign Ballot Counting Lawsuit). As I have noted so frequently in the past, do not expect justice from those who are personally unjust. Do not expect justice from those who believe that the levers of the civil law can be used to whatever advantage they desire. Those who care not for their Particular Judgment can be however unjust they believe is necessary as the only thing that matters to them is the pursuit  of a particular end, not in the end of their lives and how their actions in this life look in light of eternity.

Other lawsuits have been filed by the Trump campaign in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Nevada, where nonresidents have voted and deceased persons, eager to fulfill their moral obligations to vote, of course, are alleged to have exercised their electoral franchise (Lawsuits Filed in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin and Trump Campaign Files Lawsuit Over Voting Irregularities in Nevada.) The Jacobins/Bolsheviks in the City of the Brother Love, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, are also refining their fabled techniques of manufacturing votes. It is simply corrupt. Then again, as noted just above, why should any of those involved in such fraud care? Their “cause” is “righteous,” and anyone who disagrees with their “woke” agenda is the problem, not them. They believe that they are fully justified to use whatever means available to them to prevent the man they consider a veritable “threat” to democracy” and an “authoritarian,” Donald John Trump, from serving one more minute after noon on January 20, 2021. This is the insanity into which people must descend when they are divided by ideologies and personalities rather than being united together in the Holy Faith in the pursuit of the common temporal good to advance those conditions society conducive to the sanctification and salvation of souls.

However, the vote counting and the challenges to it are not going to end anytime soon, meaning that the attention of Americans, including Catholics, of course, will be riveted to all the news and commentary that they can get even if this stretches into the penitential season and, although unlikely, extends all the way to Christmas. After all, Donald John Trump will pursue this for as long as the court battles drag out, permitting him to hold lots of rallies in the meantime.

Speaking of the meantime, though, the descript old demagogic gasbag from Delaware, who turns seventy-eight years of age on November 20, 2020, has kind of, sort of, almost but not quite declared himself he winner of the presidential election, but he, being a creature of the deepest and most mucky part of the marshy swamp that sits beneath the landfill known as the District of Columbia, has had his transition team put together a thorough list of potential nominees for the White House staff and for every single appointive position in the sub-Cabinet so that he can hit the ground, well, if not exactly “running,” without falling down. Unlike Donald John Trump four years ago, Biden knows the structure of the Federal government very well, and he is going to leave nothing to chance when it comes to personnel decisions if he does indeed wind up winning the presidency:

If news organizations declare Joe Biden the mathematical president-elect, he plans to address the nation as its new leader, even if President Trump continues to fight in court, advisers tell Axios.

Why it matters: Biden advisers learned the lesson of 2000, when Al Gore hung back while George W. Bush declared victory in that contested election, putting the Democrat on the defensive while Bush acted like the winner.

So if Biden is declared the winner, he'll begin forming his government and looking presidential — and won't yield to doubts Trump might try to sow.

  • Biden's schedule for Tuesday includes a clue to this posture: He "will address the nation on Election Night in Wilmington, Delaware."
  • Biden campaign manager Jen O'Malley Dillon told reporters Monday that even if all the votes aren't counted tonight, the campaign should have "a very good sense of where we're headed":
  • "We're not really concerned about what Donald Trump says. ... We're going to use our data, our understanding of where this is headed, and make sure that the vice president is addressing the American people."

  • To show momentum, Biden may begin transition announcements quickly, starting with senior staff appointments.

  • That way, core aides won't have to worry about their own jobs, but will immediately be able to get to work.

  • Biden plans to adopt what one confidant called "a healing tone," and begin talking about the path forward in battling the coronavirus.

  • Look for Biden to embrace science, and talk up the role of Dr. Anthony Fauci, after Trump threatened Sunday to try to fire the trusted official.

From there, the transition would move with unprecedented speed:

  • Biden had eight years in the White House, and he's surrounded by aides with decades of government experience.
  • So the transition has made the most thorough agency-by-agency preparations in history, including offices no one's thinking about.

Biden has blueprints for staffing every single agency, and has extensive plans for executive orders, including ones to undo Trump actions.

  • Look for Biden to send all-business signals: He won't pack the courts, and is unlikely to push for repeal of the Senate's filibuster rule and its 60-vote requirement anytime soon.
  • Instead, look for Biden to push to pass as much as possible under the banner of budget reconciliation, which requires just a simple majority. (Biden Has Detailed Transition Plan.)

At the end of this process, however, at least this much is clear: Neither Donald John Trump nor Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., will have won in a landslide. The pollsters were wrong again. The only ones who came close, as noted in “Naturally Absurd, part four,” three days ago, were the IBD/TIPP and Trafalgar poll organizations. The vote remains as divided now in 2020 as it was in 2016, and the reason for this is quite simple: The United States was founded in a welter of anti-Incarnational errors that have, inexorably and inevitably, metastasized in many different and variegated ways that entire families have been divided over election results as never before. Such needless divisions and useless wrangling is a foretaste of hell, not of Heaven, where the souls of the just are united as members of the Church Triumph singing praises of the Most Holy Trinity as they united on earth by the lingua franca, the common language, of the Holy Faith that forms the only true bond of men here and for eternity. You may have read this somewhere before, perhaps even on this site. Error divides, Catholicism unites.

Thus, Americans are quarreling over matters that men should never be divided about as the Catholic Faith brings unity on matters pertaining to the good souls. While human nature is wounded by the vestigial aftereffects of Original Sin and the effects of our own Actual Sins, divisions over matters contained in the binding precepts of the Divine Positive and the Natural Law are the “gift” of the Protestant Revolution and the rise of Judeo-Masonry that just keep on “giving” and will “give” us Antichrist sooner rather than later.

Perhaps it would be useful to review a few basis facts about these divisions and our current electoral mess before taking a step back to explain their proximate root causes.

Demographics: As I have been trying to point out in my writing for decades now, the demographics of Western nations, including the United States of America, are changing, an undeniable reality that is the result of the chemical and surgical execution of the innocent preborn and of the deliberate effort at social engineering represented by the Hart-Cellar immigration act of 1965 that did precisely the opposite of what a then thirty-three year-old United States Senator from Massachusetts said that it would not do. The handiwork of the late United States Senator Philip Hart and the late United States Representative Emmanuel Cellar was aided immeasurably by the aforementioned Senator Edward Kennedy, who warned against the alarmists of his own day with these truly remarkable words:

"First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same.... Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset.... Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and deprived nations of Africa and Asia.... In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think.... The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs." (U.S. Senate, Subcommittee on Immigration and Naturalization of the Committee on the Judiciary, Washington, D.C., Feb. 10, 1965. pp. 1-3.)

Immigration, legal and illegal, has changed the demographics in many states and created a new dependency class that lives off the largesse of the bloated bureaucracy of the Federal government of the United States of America. This is irreversible, and will be expedited if “President” Biden grants amnesty to all eleven million illegal immigrants, thus indebting them to the organized crime family of the naturalist “left” and thus permanently changing the farce that has always been an American election into foregone conclusions no matter how many times Catholics may incant “the lesser of two evils” that keeps increasing the level of the supposed “lesser evil” with which we are willing to tolerate out of fear of the supposedly “greater evil” and no how many times they ignore the qualifications stated by Pope Pius XII in his allocution on the moral requirement to vote. While this may be difficult for a “President Biden” to do if  the United States Senate remains in the control of the organized crime family of the naturalist “right,” an outcome that itself might be affected by the massive vote fraud in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Detroit, Michigan, Atlanta-Fulton County, Georgia, and Las Vegas, Nevada, please, please, please, do not discount the possibility that another seventy-eight year-old man, Addison Mitchell McConnell, the Senate Majority leader who just won reelection to a seventh term in the upper chamber of Congress, might want to cut a “deal” with Biden to do the bidding of the United States Chamber of Commerce, which has been a driving force support illegal immigration and amnesty for those who have entered the country illegally. Obviously, an administration of Joesph Robinette Biden, Jr., and Kamala Harris would be completely unrestrained if the "vote counting" winds up given their organized crime family of the naturalist "left" control of the United States Senate. There would be amnesty for illegal immigrants and statehood for the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, thus assuring permanent Democratic Party control of Congress in perpetuity.

The demographic changes have been such since 2008 that the Commonwealth of Virginia is now a permanently “blue” state and the State of Arizona, which was called premature for Biden by Fox News and the Associated Press on Tuesday night, November 3, 2020, has not voted for a Democratic candidate since President William Jefferson Blyth Clinton on Tuesday, November 5, 1996, and had done so before 1996 since giving its electoral votes to President Harry S. Truman on Tuesday, November 3, 1948. The fact that the Grand  Canyon State might “flip” for the Catholic apostate Joseph Robinette Biden and his fire-breathing anti-Catholic and rabidly pro-baby killing running mate, Kamala Harris is, quite obviously, the result of changing demographics of the sort that moved Virginia permanently into the Democratic Party stronghold statewide in 2008. In the case of these two states, demographics changed because of the influx of northerners to states that were once part of the Confederate States of America. The State of Georgia may be in such demographic flux now, and the State of North Carolina certainly appears to be going the way of its neighbor to the north, the Commonwealth of Virginia.

The Plandemic. Basement Dwelling Biden, if he prevails in the election, will do everything possible to circumvent the legislative process by the use of executive orders and presidential directive to empower “science” so that the country, as he sees it, can endure a “dark winter,” which refers to the necessity of “keeping us safe” from a manufactured virus that is not as deadly as portrayed and whose numbers have been, none other than the man who help to cook up the virus and who has played his part in the plandemic perfectly as “gamed out” by Event 201 thirteen months ago, the “esteemed” Dr. Anthony Fauci, inflated by false positives from the “all-important and “infallible” test results (see Fauci Concedes Most Covid-19  Positive Tests are False), and also to the “dark winter” of permanent rule by the organized crime family of the naturalist “left.”

Indeed, it was Event 201 that made “necessary” “mail-in” ballots to keep voters “safe” and to provide the Democratic Party nomination with a nice “rainy day” stash of votes that could be pocketed in the swing states, Oh,  did I mention that the man who came up with idea of mail-in ballots to accomplish this end is Marc Elias, a leftist legal genius who was also a major player in the discredited Steele Dossier and has made a career of reversing and/or protecting “victories” by candidates of the organized crime family of the false opposite of the naturalist “left” (see Legal Activist Marc Elias Has Spent a Caeer Preparing for the 2020 Election Fight).

Evil  Keeps Metastasizing No Matter Who Wins: As has been noted so repeatedly in my writing, no matter how many times Catholics may incant “the lesser of two evils” that keeps increasing the level of the supposed “lesser evil” with which we are willing to tolerate out of fear of the supposedly “greater evil” and no how many times they ignore the qualifications stated by Pope Pius XII in his allocution on the moral requirement to vote, grave evils continue to be institutionalized, popularized and protected under cover of the civil law no matter who wins an election in Western "democracies." The only difference between the organized crime families of the false opposites of the naturalist "left" and "right" is that the "left" advances evil openly and unapologetically while the "right" does so incrementally as otherwise well-meaning, sane, rational human beings are lulled to sleep and either refuse to see the evil their "lesser evil" does or, worse yet, justify by saying, "Well, things could be worse." Over time, however, things do get worse no matter who holds office. Why is it not possible to see that thtis is do? We are only witnessing the manifestation of the perfection of the founding's inherent degeneracy as Christ the King is going to let men and their nations reap the rotten fruit of their naturalism if they persist in their sins, including those of blasphemy, and refuse to submit to Him and His true Church in all that pertains to the good of souls.

The Imperial Presidency Will Keep Expanding. If Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., does wind up winning the presidency when all the vote manufacturing/counting and legal challenges are said and done, noting that it is possible, not probable at this point, that a protracted battle over the election might create a situation where no candidate receives two hundred seventy votes outright or where two more slates of electors are “certified” by a state (one slate by a Democratic state secretary of state and the other by a Republican-controlled state legislature), thus throwing the election in the United States House of Representatives (which would then vote for president with every state having but a single vote, something that has happened twice, in 1800 and 1824), the imperial presidency will continue, firing up “conservative” fund-raising machines to fight again in 2022 and then again in 2024 as the effects of religious indifferentism, naturalism, Judeo-Masonry and its misbegotten progeny (liberalism, conservatism, socialism, communism, nihilism, utilitarianism, positivism, relativism, secularism, humanism, humanitarianism, globalism, evolutionism, environmentalism, rationalism, atheism, agnosticism, immanentism, libertarianism, egalitarianism, majoritarianism, totalitarianism, etc.) continue to contend against each other while even good Catholics waste their time, energies and possibly even their money on trying to find something short of Catholicism to “unite” men and do away with the forces of evil in the world that have been unleased precisely because of the Protestant Revolution’s overthrow of the Social Reign of Christ the King.

Trump Refuses to See Reality Clearly

Now, admitting that there has been a massive amount of voter fraud this year that may never be proved but will become part of the long history of such fraud about which a few examples were cited earlier in this commentary, it is also true that President Donald John Trump does not want to accept the fact that the idiotic, inept, careerist, crooked, venal, decrepit support of every moral evil under the sun, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., did receive around 3,800,000 more popular votes nationally than he received. Trump is only complaining about voter fraud in states where he was leading while at the same time wanting to continue the vote count in states such as Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin and Michigan where he appears to have lost this year by around the same margin, if not more, than he had won Wisconsin and Michigan against Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton in 2016. Vote counts do not stop just because one candidate is ahead on election night and they do not continue simply because one candidate is behind, noting that the plandemic has made it possible for election laws to be “bent” by the courts, including the Supreme Court of the United States of America, for ballots to be mailed on the day of an election. This is unprecedented. While absentee ballots from overseas have arrived late historically, it is without precedent that “voters” can mail ballots up to 11:59:59 p.m. on the night that election returns are already being reported, no less being "dropped off" in major cities in the middle of the night with no votes for a certain candidate, namely,  Donald John Trump.

Nonetheless, however, it is baseless for the president to insist elections are always decided on election night, thus again demonstrating he has as little knowledge of American political history as he does of the Constitution under which he has governed.

The framers of the Constitution chose March 4 as the original date for the inauguration of the president because they knew that it would take time for the results of presidential and congressional elections to be gathered, certified, and then dispatched via horseback to the nation’s capital (New York City between 1788 and 1790, Philadelphia between 1790 and 1800, and then Washington, District of Columbia after it had been according to a Masonic design out of swampland ceded by the State of Maryland the Commonwealth of Virginia) to be counted. In other words, transportation and communication were primitive in the late-Eighteenth and early-Nineteenth Centuries, and it was not until 1933 that the Twentieth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America was ratified to, among provisions (including formally stating that the vice president of the United States becomes president upon the death, removal or resignation of a president rather than simply assuming the duties of the presidency as provided for in Article II as written in 1787), change the date of the presidential inauguration from March 4 to January 20 and the beginning of term of Congress from the beginning of December in the year after an election (thirteen months, in other words; thus the term “lame duck Congress”) to January 3.

Similarly, there were many close presidential elections when the results were not known for a day or more even after the Twentieth Amendment became effective. Leaving aside the notorious events of 2000 during the stalemate over “hanging chads” in Florida in the contest between then Governor of Texas George Walker Bush and then Vice President Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., there was considerable doubt in 1960 about whether Richard Nixon or John Kennedy had won given vote count “manipulations” in Illinois and Texas, and it was just eight years thereafter that the race between Nixon and then Vice President Hubert Horatio Humphrey was not known until around midday on Wednesday, November 6, 1968.

Poor President Trump has no knowledge of these facts. However, he has warned the American public all along about the dangers of mail-in balloting, but he should let his Congressional allies and his lawyers handle the situation to whatever conclusion is within the Providence of God to occur.

Even absent the real vote fraud that  is taking place, however, the president simply cannot accept the fact that he is as intensely and irrationally hated by even more people than are attached to him intensely and even, in all too many cases, irrationally, seeing in him something equivalent to a secular savior. The president should be prepared for any possibility and then, if he loses, promise his unworthy successor as smooth a transition of power as can be undertaken between now and January 20, 2021. While it is undoubtedly the case that countless numbers of fraudulent or “bundled” (ballots gathered by Democratic Party operatives at the state and local level after collecting them door to door) were cast this year, the phenomenon, although more technologically advanced and more easily manipulated than in the past, is hardly new. One can pursue a just cause to the end, but in the end, one must be willing to carry the cross and to recognize that eternal life in Heaven is the only victory that matters.

Sure, it is thoroughly understandable that Trump feels aggrieved by all the obstacles he had to face while campaigning four years ago and throughout the course of his term (the Russian collusion hoax, the constant assaults against him and his family by the mainslime media, the baseless Robert Mueller coup attempt, a bogus, kangaroo impeachment process, the undermining of his own policies from within his administration by various appointees he did not know to positions at the sub-Cabinet level he never knew existed) and now by the election farce. Granted. However, even more important than his ignorance of American political history and the provisions of the Constitution of the United States of America is his utter ignorance of First and Last Things, which  means that he is incapable of accepting God’s Holy Will as it is manifested in his life, especially when he does not “win.” Alas, he only thing that matters is that a man wins his eternal salvation by persisting until the end of his life in a state of Sanctifying Grace as a member of the Catholic Church, outside of which there is no salvation and without which there can be no true social order.

President Trump, however, understands nothing of this. Indeed—and I hate to break the news to anyone who thinks that the president is a new Constantine or is doing the work of Cyrus, who rescued the Chosen People when they were in captivity in Babylon, but the last time I looked the United States of America is not the “chosen nation,” but it is important to consider how Trump is helping, whether or not he realizes it, to build the "Greater Jerusalem" that will be the seat of Antichrist himself, as it was on September 15, 2020, the Feast of the Seven Dolors of Our Lady in September, mind you, that the president announced a “peace deal” to make the Middle East more safe for Zionism and that made possible a Talmudic prayer service on the South Lawn of the White House conducted by rabbis who uttered the following blasphemous prayers:

‘Amidah’ - Birkat Ha’Minim invocation

So what exactly is the ‘Amidah’ prayer?  This invocation is 1927 years old and in the 12th ‘benediction’ the Talmudic Jews curse Christians.  The Talmudists are required to pray this by Halachic law not once, not twice, but three times a day in order to be considered Jewish!

And for Christians let there be no hope, and may all the evil in an instant be destroyed and all thy enemies be cut down swiftly; and the evil ones uproot and break and destroy and humble soon in our days. Blessed are you lord who breaks enemies and humbles sinners. (Birkat HaMinim, "Benediction" #12 of the Shmone Esreh (18 Benedictions) mandated by halacha to be prayed by every Orthodox Judaic male three times daily).

source: Maurice Pinay, Hypocrites!

The Amidah prayer in its section twelve (formerly section nineteen) contains the Birkat HaMinim, the curse on Christians ("Ha' or 'la' 'minim"): Kerega karishah v'khol tikvah tehi al ve laminim ("Let there be no hope for the wicked and for Christians"). The curse has since been disguised by telling inquiring gentiles that the text is targeted not at laminim but at lamalshinim ("slanderers") and is aimed at malicious gossips, not Christians. The goyim usually believe this nonsensical cover story. It would be "antisemitic" not to believe it. The truth, however, may be discovered in any uncensored edition of BT Berakhot 28b-29a. The failure to recite this section of the Amidah "prayer" was considered a sure indication that the Judaic who failed to say it was a crypto-Christian. Hence, recitation of the Birkat HaMinim was a litmus test to determine if a Judaic was secretly harboring Christian beliefs. In the past, Judaics who failed this test were subject to the rabbinic penal laws of the cherem, including beating, whipping and in extreme cases, execution. The Birkat HaMinim prayer also consists in the supplication that Christians be "swiftly cut down (m'heriah... yika reitu)... doomed (toveid)... destroyed (ut mahgeir)" and "uprooted (fe'akeir)." Judeo-Churchians refer to this curse as a "blessing" — "the blessing of the Amidah." Source: Michael A. Hoffman II, Judaism Discovered (2008), footnote #272, p. 279

The patristic authority Jerome (342-420) complained bitterly, in his commentary to Isaiah, about the Jews’ condemnation of notsrim (believers in Jesus, “the Nazarite”), in the benediction of the daily Amidah known as Birkat ha-Minim: "The Jews . . . after having been invited by the Lord to do penitence . . . up to the present day persevere in blasphemy and three times a day in all their synagogues they anathemize the Christian name."

His complaint echoes even harsher early Christian polemics, such as that of the Church Father Epiphanius (315-403): "Not only do Jewish people have a hatred of their enemies; they even stand up at dawn, at midday, and toward evening, three times a day when they recite their prayers in the synagogue, and curse and anathemize them. Three times a day they say, 'God curse the Nazoreans.' For they harbor an extra grudge against them . . . because, despite their Jewishness, they preach that Jesus is the Christ, the opposite of those who are still Jews, for they have not accepted Jesus."  Source: Jewish Ideas Daily, Do Jews Curse Christians?

For those who need more background on this ‘benediction’ which ritually curses Christianity and its civilization as malkhut zadon, see the Encyclopedia Judaica (1977): AMIDAH - Volume 2, pp. 841-2; BIRKAT HA-MINIM - Volume 4, p. 1035; JABNEH - Volume 9, p. 1176; MIN - Volume 12, p. 3; and SAMUEL HA-KATAN - Volume 14, pp. 815-6. (Please read the entire webpage at: Call Me Jorge.)

“And for Christians let there be no hope, and may all the evil in an instant be destroyed and all thy enemies be cut down swiftly”?

While President Trump knows nothing of this prayer, it was prayed in Hebrew on the South Lawn of the White House by the blaspheming, hateful men who enjoy his favor, thus calling down demons aplenty in the process. Remember, Donald John Trump, who has popularized presidential profanity and blasphemy, taking the Holy Name of God publicly on numerous occasions, has said “Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish people.” Hardly. Jerusalem belongs to Christ the King and His true Church.

Sober up.

Christ the King is still the Sovereign over men and their nations even men may never realize this until they see Him face to face at the Particular Judgment.

Sober up.

Facing the Reality of a Nation Founded in Error and that Has Multiplied Those Errors

It takes a lot of dodging on the part of those who have made demigods out of the framers of the Constitution of the United States of America to refuse to admit that it is entirely logical for contemporary jurists and elected officials to have has little regard for the plain meaning of the words contained in that document's text as Protestants and modernist Catholics have shown for the plain meaning of the words of Sacred Scripture as they have been given and explained to us by the infallible teaching authority of the Catholic Church. Why should we have any more reverence for the words of mere men, whose bodies have long since decayed after their deaths, when the written Word of God can be deconstructed of Its plain meaning to suit the arbitrary whims of men?

It is important to remember this fact as the Constitution is utterly defenseless against being misinterpreted as its framers did not accept the fact that there is an ultimate teaching authority to be found in the Catholic Church to guide men as they pursue the common temporal good in light of man's Last End: the possession of the glory the Beatific Vision of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. Although Holy Mother Church leaves it to the prudence of men to form the specific institutional arrangements by which they will govern themselves in a particular body politic, she does insist that men defer to her in all that pertains to the good of souls and that they seek to pursue virtue in their own lives by cooperating with the graces won for them by Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on the wood of the Holy Cross that flows into their hearts and souls through the loving hands of Our Lady, she who is the Mediatrix of All Graces.

Men who do not accept this, however, will find that all of their efforts to provide for a just social order, no matter how well-intentioned, will decay over the course of time. The fact that the specific institutional arrangements to be found in the Constitution of the United States of America, none of which is objectionable in se to the Catholic Faith, have been used to pursue more and more manifest injustices that are at odds even the words found in the document's text and are opposed to written thought of the framers themselves is the result of the anti-Incarnational premises which formed their intellectual perspectives. We are witnessing a more open and thus obvious collapse of the order that was meant to be provided by the Constitution for a variety of reasons, including, of course, the fact that there has been a deprivation of Sanctifying and Actual Graces in the world as a result of the doctrinal and liturgical revolutions of conciliarism.

The proximate root cause of this decay was caused by the false premises of the American founding that have led jurists and politicians to make as much short work of the text of the Constitution as the plain words of Holy Writ have been made by the Scriptural and dogmatic relativism that Protestantism let loose on the world nearly five hundred years ago. The framers of the American Constitution were but the victims of Protestantism's revolution against the objective nature of Revealed Truth.

The men who framed the Constitution of the United States of America were products of the Protestant Revolt and of the so-called Age of Reason (or Enlightenment). They accepted without question the belief that it was possible for men of divergent religious beliefs–or the lack thereof–to work together reasonably for the common good without referencing any one church as the foundation of a country’s civil order. They believed further in the heresy of semi-Pelagianism, which contends that men have enough inherent grace in themselves to be good, that we do not need belief, in access to or cooperation with sanctifying grace to be virtuous. The framers of the Constitution believed that men of “civic virtue” would present themselves for public service and would, after a long process of compromise, negotiation and bargaining amongst the diverse interests and opinions represented in the United States Congress, make decisions that redounded to the common good (see, for example, James Madison, The Federalist, Numbers 10 and 51).

James Madison himself quite specifically believed that there was no one “opinion” that could unite men of such divergent backgrounds as found themselves in the United States of America at the end of the Eighteenth Century. Thus, a dialectical process of conflict amongst divergent interests (religious, sectional, economic, occupational) had to be created to force those who took positions that constituted a majority “view” at any time to at least consider the viewpoints of those who were in the minority of a given issue. In this way, Madison reasoned, whatever majorities emerged in Congress on any piece of legislation would be transient, indigenous to one particular issue at one particular time, and sensitive to and concerned about the rights of those who disagreed with them. Such a system, which was premised on the exercise of statesmanship on the part of those elected to serve in Congress and as President, would create the “extended commercial republic” where no one person or interest could predominate on all issues at all times.

The institutional arrangements created to effect this “extended commercial republic” were very complex. A division of powers between the central government and the state governments (Federalism). A separation of powers amongst the three branches of the central government involving a number of checks and balances. Different powers given to each of the two chambers of the Congress (bicameralism). Staggered elections for the members of the United States Senate, a body whose members were elected by state legislatures until the ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment in 1913. Popular election originally of only one body, the House of Representatives. A President elected by electors appointed by whatever method deemed best by state legislatures. All of this was supposed to produce a tension that resulted in internal safeguards to prevent, although not absolutely make impossible, the abuse of power and the rise of the tyranny of the majority.

There is only one little problem with this schemata: it was premised on the belief that matters of civil governance do not have to be founded in a reliance on the Deposit of Faith that Our Lord has entrusted to His true Church and that the Church herself has no role to play to serve as the ultimate, divinely-instituted check on the abuse of temporal governmental power. It was difficult enough for the Church at times during the Middle Ages, when she exercised the Social Reign of Christ the King, to restrain certain rulers. It is impossible for any purely human institution to restrain the vagaries of fallen human nature over the course of time. Men who are not mindful of their First Cause and their Last End as He has revealed Himself solely through His true Church will descend to their lower natures sooner rather than later.

This is what happened in short order following the ratification of the Constitution.

Political parties arose during President George Washington’s tenure in office. Although Washington himself abhorred the rise of political parties and saw the dangers that would threaten national order if professional, career politicians emerged as a caste undo themselves, he was powerless to stop them from forming and taking over the entirety of the governmental process. Although the names of the political parties have changed over the last two hundred ten years, the partisan political divisions that developed during the Washington Administration have come to define the very nature of American electoral politics and the making of public policy. What is best for a particular political party is best for the nation. So much for the pursuit of the common temporal good on a purely naturalistic level, no less in light of man's Last End.

The era of “Jacksonian Democracy” from 1828 to 1836 spelled the death-knell for the founders’ misplaced hopes that the Constitution itself would serve as a safeguard against the dangers posed by raw majoritarianism, the essence of Andrew Jackson’s political beliefs, which were derived from the American Revolution’s foreign cousin, the French Revolution. All notion of a political system that restrained the exercise of raw political power was pure mythology from Jackson’s time forward.

Abraham Lincoln had little regard for Constitutional restraints.

Woodrow Wilson, an Anglophile, believed that he was a Prime Minister entitled to reflexive support of the Congress.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt broke every law imaginable to pursue his statist policies of the New Deal and the involvement of the United States in World War II.

John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro each have seen fit to make the Constitution suit their own purposes, sometimes by ignoring it entirely or, at least in some cases, by getting a compliant Supreme Court of the United States of America to ratify their abuses of power.

Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States have justified the creation of so-called “independent regulatory agencies, which violate the principles of “separation of powers” by exercising each of three powers of government (legislative, executive, judicial), applied the provisions of the Bill of Rights, written to restrain the powers of the central government and not the state governments, to the state governments through the Fourteenth Amendment’s “due process of law” clause, thereby expanding the power of the central government greatly, circumscribed the legitimate powers of the states to supervise their own elections, and have served as laboratories of rank social engineering by making it impossible to prevent the sale of contraceptives and to permit the execution of the innocent unborn by abortion and the elderly by means of the withdrawal of food and water and by “doctor-assisted suicide.” And this is to say nothing about how the "commerce clause" (subsection eight of section eight of Article I of the Constitution) has been used to justify expansions of the power of the Federal government that make poor King George III seem like quite an amateur in the practice of abusing executive powers.

Many of the various people who have served as justices of the Supreme Court of the United States over the years have believed that the words of the Constitution represent either the ultimate authority pertaining to the exercise of governmental power or are so fungible as to admit of constant re-interpretation. Cases involving various constitutional principles may be decided one way at one time and another way at another time. Few things are ever "settled" entirely the Supreme Court decisions unless the naturalists of the "left" are satisfied. We have too much evidence of how the naturalists of the "right" talk about "reversing" various Supreme Court decisions (such as the decisions in the cases of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, January 22, 1973) at one time to wind up "settling" for what their counterparts in the "left" believe is "settled" law. How much talk have you heard this year from candidates on the "right" about reversing Roe v. Wade? Point made, thank you very much.

Such is the inevitable, inexorable result of a country that rejects the belief that all civil law, whether exercised by a central government or state governments, must be subordinated in all things at all times to the binding precepts of the Divine positive law and the natural law as those laws have been entrusted to and explicated by Holy Mother Church.

No level of government, whether central or state, has any authority to permit any action contrary to God’s law and thus injurious to the sanctification and salvation of the souls of its citizens. No mere human constitution is above God’s law. No mere human being has the right to decide for himself that he is exempt from the immutable doctrine of the Social Reign of Christ the King. Thus, those men, including the framers of the Constitution of the United States of America, no matter how well-intentioned, who believed that it is possible for “reasonable men” to pursue the “common good” absent a subordination of their lives and their work to Our Lord as He has revealed Himself through His true Church are bound to set their descendants on a downward spiral that will

Absent the unifying force provided a nation by the Holy Faith, however, men will be more divided on matters of temporal concerns than they would otherwise be as a result of their fallen human natures and the after-effects of their own Actual Sins. This division among men breeds contempt for anything that is considered immutably binding, including the words of the provisions of the Constitution governing the separation of powers among the three branches of the Federal government and the division of powers between the Federal government and the state governments, to which the Tenth Amendment reserves those powers not specifically delegated to the Federal government nor denied to them.

The Founding Fathers of the United States of America did not believe that it was necessary to refer all things in civil life to Christ the King as He had revealed Himself through His true Church, believing that men would be able to pursue “civic virtue” by the use of their own devices and thus maintain social order in the midst of cultural and religious pluralism. This leads, as Pope Leo XIII noted of religious indifferentism, to the triumph of the lowest common denominator, that is, atheism.  

As the Constitution of the United States of America admits of no authority higher than its own words, it, like the words of Holy Writ are for a Protestant or to a Modernist, is utterly defenseless when the plain meanings of its words are distorted and used to advance ends that its framers would have never thought imaginable, no less approved in fact. We are governed by men who are contemptuous or law or wholly ignorant of it. Quite a state of affairs.

This is but the secular version of Antinomianism: the belief advanced by those who took the logic of Luther’s argument of being “saved by faith alone” to its inexorable conclusion that one could live a wanton life of sin and still be saved. Luther himself did not see where the logic of his rejection of Catholic doctrine would lead and fought against the Antinomians. In like manner, you see, the Constitutionalists and Federalists of today do not see that what is happening today in Federal courts, including the Supreme Court of the United States, is the inexorable result of a Constitution that rejects Christ the King and the Catholic Church. These Constitutionalists and Federalists will fight time and time again like Sisyphus pushing the bolder up a hill. They will always lose because they cannot admit that the thing they admire, the Constitution, is the proximate problem that has resulted in all the evils they are trying to fight.

A nation founded on false premises, no matter the "good intentions" of those whose intellects were misinformed by several centuries of naturalist lies and Protestant theological heresies and errors, is bound to degenerate more and more over time into a land of materialism and hedonism and relativism and positivism and utilitarianism and naturalism and paganism and atheism and environmentalism and feminism and barbarism. Many evils, including the daily carnage against the preborn, both by surgical and chemical means, continue to be committed in this country. American "popular culture" destroys souls and bodies both here and abroad. Full vent is given each day to a panoply of false ideas that are from Hell and confuse even believing Catholics no end as they try to find some "naturalist" hero or idea by which to win the "culture wars," oblivious to the fact that it is only Catholicism that can do so.

Widespread vote fraud must, you see, become even more widespread and universal. After all, Americans who are not concerned about the daily slaughter of the preborn have shown themselves all too willing to overlook such "minor" things as undeclared wars, unconstitutional executive orders and directives, unjust judicial decisions, a ceaseless surrender of legitimate national sovereignty, and illegal actions that put into jeopardy the nation's national security interests.

 Why should vote fraud matter at all to people willing overlook crimes against God and man from which they, whether or not they realize it, must suffer as the state of the nation worsens over time?

It was in his first encyclical letter, Ubi Arcano Dei Consilio, December 23, 1922, that Pope Pius XI described the true nature of modern political parties:

To these evils we must add the contests between political parties, many of which struggles do not originate in a real difference of opinion concerning the public good or in a laudable and disinterested search for what would best promote the common welfare, but in the desire for power and for the protection of some private interest which inevitably result in injury to the citizens as a wholeFrom this course there often arise robberies of what belongs rightly to the people, and even conspiracies against and attacks on the supreme authority of the state, as well as on its representatives. These political struggles also beget threats of popular action and, at times, eventuate in open rebellion and other disorders which are all the more deplorable and harmful since they come from a public to whom it has been given, in our modern democratic states, to participate in very large measure in public life and in the affairs of the government. Now, these different forms of government are not of themselves contrary to the principles of the Catholic Faith, which can easily be reconciled with any reasonable and just system of government. Such governments, however, are the most exposed to the danger of being overthrown by one faction or another. (Pope Pius XI, Ubi Arcano Dei Consilio, December 23, 1922.)

We must remember that Catholicism is the one and only foundation of personal and social order, a point made by so many of our true popes in the past two hundred years, including Pope Pius XI in Ubi Arcano Dei Consilio:

Because the Church is by divine institution the sole depository and interpreter of the ideals and teachings of Christ, she alone possesses in any complete and true sense the power effectively to combat that materialistic philosophy which has already done and, still threatens, such tremendous harm to the home and to the state. The Church alone can introduce into society and maintain therein the prestige of a true, sound spiritualism, the spiritualism of Christianity which both from the point of view of truth and of its practical value is quite superior to any exclusively philosophical theory. The Church is the teacher and an example of world good-will, for she is able to inculcate and develop in mankind the "true spirit of brotherly love" (St. Augustine, De Moribus Ecclesiae Catholicae, i, 30) and by raising the public estimation of the value and dignity of the individual's soul help thereby to lift us even unto God.

Finally, the Church is able to set both public and private life on the road to righteousness by demanding that everything and all men become obedient to God "Who beholdeth the heart," to His commands, to His laws, to His sanctions. If the teachings of the Church could only penetrate in some such manner as We have described the inner recesses of the consciences of mankind, be they rulers or be they subjects, all eventually would be so apprised of their personal and civic duties and their mutual responsibilities that in a short time "Christ would be all, and in all." (Colossians iii, 11)

Since the Church is the safe and sure guide to conscience, for to her safe-keeping alone there has been confided the doctrines and the promise of the assistance of Christ, she is able not only to bring about at the present hour a peace that is truly the peace of Christ, but can, better than any other agency which We know of, contribute greatly to the securing of the same peace for the future, to the making impossible of war in the future. For the Church teaches (she alone has been given by God the mandate and the right to teach with authority) that not only our acts as individuals but also as groups and as nations must conform to the eternal law of God. In fact, it is much more important that the acts of a nation follow God's law, since on the nation rests a much greater responsibility for the consequences of its acts than on the individual.

When, therefore, governments and nations follow in all their activities, whether they be national or international, the dictates of conscience grounded in the teachings, precepts, and example of Jesus Christ, and which are binding on each and every individual, then only can we have faith in one another's word and trust in the peaceful solution of the difficulties and controversies which may grow out of differences in point of view or from clash of interests. An attempt in this direction has already and is now being made; its results, however, are almost negligible and, especially so, as far as they can be said to affect those major questions which divide seriously and serve to arouse nations one against the other. No merely human institution of today can be as successful in devising a set of international laws which will be in harmony with world conditions as the Middle Ages were in the possession of that true League of Nations, Christianity. It cannot be denied that in the Middle Ages this law was often violated; still it always existed as an ideal, according to which one might judge the acts of nations, and a beacon light calling those who had lost their way back to the safe road.

There exists an institution able to safeguard the sanctity of the law of nations. This institution is a part of every nation; at the same time it is above all nations. She enjoys, too, the highest authority, the fullness of the teaching power of the Apostles. Such an institution is the Church of Christ. She alone is adapted to do this great work, for she is not only divinely commissioned to lead mankind, but moreover, because of her very make-up and the constitution which she possesses, by reason of her age-old traditions and her great prestige, which has not been lessened but has been greatly increased since the close of the War, cannot but succeed in such a venture where others assuredly will fail. (Pope Pius XI, Ubi Arcano Dei Consilio, December 23, 1922.)

This site exists to promote Catholic truth in order to help its few remaining readers to rise above the agitation. 

We must remember these words, inspired directly by the Third Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, God the Holy Ghost, contained in Saint Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians:

Put you on the armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the deceits of the devil. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high place. Therefore take unto you the armour of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and to stand in all things perfect. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of justice, And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace:

In all things taking the shield of faith, wherewith you may be able to extinguish all the fiery darts of the most wicked one. And take unto you the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit (which is the word of God). By all prayer and supplication praying at all times in the spirit; and in the same watching with all instance and supplication for all the saints. (Ephesians 6: 11-18.)

Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary is our weapon and her Brown Scapular of Mount Carmel is our shield in this time when the forces of Antichrist in the worlds of Modernity and Modernism have are aligned as one against the Holy Faith and those who adhere to it despite their own sins.

The worst thing that can happen to us is the loss of our immortal souls for all eternity, not the transitory schemes of those whose ascent to power has been rigged by the devil himself to tempt us into the throes of despair.

Viva Cristo Rey!

Viva La Virgen de Guadalupe!

Isn't it time to pray a Rosary now?

Immaculate Heart of Mary, triumph soon!

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.

Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us

Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.

All the Saints, pray for us.

Appendix A

James Earl Carter, Jr.’s “Hubert Horatio Hornblower” Moment Forty Years Ago

“We’re the party . . . of a great man who should have been president, who would have been one of the greatest presidents in history, Hubert Horatio Hornblower!” he shouted. The crowd reacted with confused applause, and Carter reached for the words to pull them back in with a shouted correction: “Humphrey!” He had mistakenly referred to the former vice president, senator and Democratic nominee for president, who had died of cancer in 1978, as the fictional protagonist of C.S. Forester’s popular series of novels.

The rest of the evening foreshadowed the trouble on the horizon for Carter and the Democrats.

Carter finished his speech at 10:19 p.m., and the band struck up “Happy Days Are Here Again” as his wife Rosalynn, and then Vice President Walter Mondale and his wife, Joan, joined the president onstage. But comedic disaster struck almost immediately. The balloons held on the ceiling became stuck when the mechanism to release them wouldn’t work. Only a trickle of balloons fell to the floor.

“Whoever’s in charge of balloons at this convention had better find themselves a new job,” cracked ABC’s Ted Koppel. Even Carter came in for abuse from some in the crowd. “Forget the [American] hostages [that were being held in Iran since November 3, 1979, the same day that Edward Moore Kennedy gave a fumbling answer to Roger Mudd about why he wanted to be president], he can’t get the balloons down,” said one person on the floor, according to Dan Rather. (The Humiliating Handshake, Hubert Horatio Hornblower, A Failed Balloon Drop.)

Appendix B

From the Printed Pages of Christ or Chaos: “Hey, Al, I Want a Recount, Too”

November 10, 2000

In order to provide a bit of perspective about the long and fabled history of vote fraud in the history of the United States of America, permit me to dust off an article that I wrote in the aftermath of the electoral stalemate that occurred as the results of the November 7, 2000, presidential election between incumbent Vice President Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., and then Texas Governor George Walker Bush became a matter of various court battles. The brief article, which was entitled “Hey, Al, I Want A Recount, Too,” ran in the printed pages of Christ or Chaos at the time:

The recount of the popular vote for the selection of presidential electors in Florida is going on and on and on as this is being written in Lafayette, Indiana, on Friday, November 10. No end appears to be in sight. As noted in the lead commentary in the current issue of Christ or Chaos, leftists use any and all means available to them to browbeat others into complete and total submission. Vice President Al Gore and his minions are using all manner of ever-shifting arguments to justify their effort to win the presidency by brute intimidation.

The allegations of voting irregularities in Florida are nothing new in the history of American electoral politics. The lowering of the voting age to eighteen has resulted in lots more stupid people going to the polls, joining those already in line. Addle-brained people find it difficult to follow directions in all walks of their daily lives. Many people on the roadways these days cannot follow simple directional signs, especially at toll booths for bridges or tunnels or toll roads. Others find a menu in a restaurant impossible to decipher. Lots of people live in states of continuous bewilderment.

That is partly the result of a lack of intellectual ability, and it is partly the result of the dumbing down of the American populace in our schools and in our popular culture — the cultural degradation owing much to so many Americans’ habit of letting their lives revolve around the television, which has become the new tabernacle of our secular era. And a good many such people want others to indemnify them whenever they make mistakes in their lives, an attitude that many of my college students exhibited rather predictably in the past decade or so. It was my fault, you see, that they did not read the clear directions I placed on the top of each examination. I was wrong for holding all students to one standard of competence.

The claim (not yet established as an actual fact) that some voters in Palm Beach County in Florida were “confused” by a ballot devised by a local Democratic Party election official is yet another example of people seeking to establish a right to “correct” whatever mistakes they make in life. It is frequently the case that we have to live with our mistakes. Indeed, we are supposed to learn from them — learn how not to repeat them over and over again. That is part of what we mean when we talk about the learning process.

But voter mistakes are quite a different thing from allegations of actual fraud and/or voter intimidation. Recall what happened in 1960, when it was fairly evident that Richard Nixon’s election to the presidency was stolen from him by Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., working hand in glove with Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley and Senate majority leader Lyndon Baines Johnson to manufacture the votes necessary to make Kennedy’s eldest surviving son president of the United States (and Johnson vice president). By contrast, the current situation in Florida hinges on a narrow margin between the two major-party presidential candidates produced, in part, by what appears to be simple voter carelessness. Not even Gore campaign chairman William Daley, son of the late Chicago mayor (and brother of Richard M. Daley, the current Chicago mayor), has alleged that George W. Bush’s campaign stole any votes.

Once again, the hypocrisy of the Left is on full display for all to witness. Loretta Sanchez defeated then-Representative Robert K. Dornan in 1996 largely as a result of voter fraud. Resident aliens who were not citizens of the United States were permitted to register as voters and vote for Sanchez. Republicans in Congress, eager to be rid of Dornan, did not investigate the situation vigorously, and U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno said that she knew of no specific laws forbidding resident aliens from voting. Similarly, Woody Jenkins lost to Mary Landrieux in Louisiana’s U.S. Senate race that same year. Charges of wholesale election fraud were dismissed by Senate Republicans, most of whom did not want to be seen as “bashing” another woman just five years after they’d placed Anita Hill under justifiably intense scrutiny during the Judiciary Committee’s confirmation hearings on Clarence Thomas.

Actual election fraud has been a common phenomenon in the history of this nation. The stuffing of ballot boxes was common in the nineteenth century when paper ballots were used. Voters were intimidated by means of physical threats. People voted two or three times. Ballots cast for some candidates were thrown out or burned. Dead people voted, a phenomenon still to be found in certain precincts in the country. Most of the popular vote totals of the nineteenth century are merely advisory. They do not truly reflect the actual votes cast by voters.

The tradition of election fraud has continued into this century. It was somewhat attenuated by the traditional voting machine, which is much more difficult (although not entirely impossible) to tamper with than the paper ballot of yesteryear or the computer punch card now being used by a number of states. But even the old voting machine can be “adjusted” in such a way as to make it difficult for voters to vote for the candidate of their choice.

To wit, on the day of my primary election against Sen. Alfonse M. D’Amato to be the U.S. senatorial nominee of the Right to Life Party, in 1998, I received reports from all over the state of New York indicating that people who wanted to vote for me had difficulty doing so. Eleven or so people told me that the lever they needed to pull down to vote for me did not work. One man, a lawyer from the Borough of the Bronx, said that an election judge refused even to hear the complaint he brought about the situation. Several long-time enrollees in the Right to Life Party were told at their polling places that there was no record of their voter registration.

It was clear that something was happening. Lacking the resources, however, to mount any legal challenge to the results, I just went about my business, accepting the fact that it was entirely possible that the Republican machine in New York found the threat of my candidacy to be so real that it had to place obstacles in the path of voters who desired to support me in the Right to Life Party.

Frequently sloth in the counting of votes is encountered, as was the case when I served as a Republican poll watcher in a voting precinct in Laurel Hollow, New York, on election day in 1972. When official Republican and Democratic registrars came up with different totals from the absentee ballots, they averaged the differences in the vote totals and then went home! (The registrars are employed by the Nassau County Board of Elections to record the names of voters as they cast their ballots, and to count and report the results to the board; poll watchers are party workers who merely observe the work of the registrars and report back to party officials.)

I was also an eyewitness to the counting of the votes in the presidential caucus in Dubuque County, Iowa, on February 12, 1996 (after serving as a surrogate speaker that nightin behalf of Patrick Buchanan’s candidacy). Buchanan won Dubuque County handily over Bob Dole. But the vote totals from Dubuque County were never reported to the Voter News Service by the Iowa Republican Party. The same thing happened in Woodbury County, Iowa. Knowing the extent to which careerist Republicans went to rig the process against Buchanan in 1996, I was not surprised when a similar effort was made against me two years later.

However, in light of what is happening in Florida right now, which could drag on indefinitely, perhaps I should hold a press conference and demand from Al — D’Amato, that is — a recount from the 1998 Right to Life Party primary. I could argue I lacked the resources to investigate the claims but now realize that I have the obligation to see that the vote is counted over and over and over again. If the recount showed that I had won the primary, there would have to be a new election for the seat now held by Sen. Charles Schumer. Trading on my persona as one of the better-known Mets fans in New York, I would defeat Schumer and D’Amato, taking my place in the Senate next to New York’s recently elected senator, some woman named Rodham or Clinton or something like that. If the presidential election in Florida can go on and on and on, why can’t I reopen my primary from two years ago? Indeed, why can’t the estate of the late Richard Nixon reopen the results of the 1960 election?

Vice President Gore and his minions will do anything to hold and acquire power. As is well known, I do not carry any brief for George W. Bush. Gore is demonstrating just how important it is for us to support candidates who are capable of demonstrating the extent to which the Left believes in mobocracy, not representative democracy or the rule of law. Bush fails that test. You can’t blame Buchanan for electing Gore if it turns out that the vice president prevails in the election. Most of Ralph Nader’s Green Party votes would have gone to Gore if Nader hadn’t run, handing him the popular vote by a comfortable margin and giving him Florida’s electoral votes without question. Gore has come close to winning the presidency because he was faced with an opponent who was either unable or unwilling to make the case against him in clear, articulate, and convincing terms.

The answer is quite simple: dishonesty of any sort is prohibited by the Seventh Commandment (“Thou shalt not steal”) and the Eighth Commandment (“Thou shalt not bear false witness”). A nation founded on the Social Kingship of Jesus Christ would be composed of people who understood that we can never steal that which does not belong to us, and we can never misrepresent the truth.

Yes, the only safeguard against election fraud and manipulation is a nation that lives in the shadow of the Cross. A nation immersed in the confusion that prevails all around us, you see, winds up making a religion out of electoral politics. And when politics becomes a religion, its secular foundation justifies the use of Machiavellian means to acquire and retain power. All the more reason to work for the Catholicization of our land, folks. There’s no other way out of this mess.

In the meantime, however, tell Al D’Amato I want a recount! ("Hey, Al, I Want A Recount, Too!", November 10, 2000, from the printed pages of Christ or Chaos.)

Appendix C

How Representative Robert K. Dornan Was Robbed of His Congressional Seat in 1996

As alluded to “Hey, Al, I Want A Recount, Too,” officials in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Diocese of Orange worked with illegal immigrants to oust the outspoken opponent of baby-killing, Robert K. Dornan, from his seat in the United States House Representatives twenty years ago this year in order to elect the pro-abortion Loretta Sanchez-Brixey to Congress:

The case of former United States Representative Robert K. Dornan is quite instructive here. The Immigration and Naturalization Service conducted an investigation of the 1996 general election between Dornan and Sanchez-Brixey and discovered that over 4,000 voters voted without proper documentation. That was not enough, however, for investigators working for the United States House of Representatives, to which Dornan had appealed his "loss" to Sanchez on the grounds of election fraud, because the "fix," was in, as an article in The American Spectator reveals:

A recap, in case you're interested in that long-ago Republican surrender: If you can lay your hands on a recording or a transcript of Michael Reagan's radio show from the night of and the day after the November 1996 elections, you'll hear Reagan interviewing Dornan. Dornan told Reagan he'd been assured by the then-congressional leaders that they'd get to the bottom of the illegal voting that had put Sanchez Brixey in Dornan's rightful seat, and that they'd give Dornan whatever support he needed. After this phone-in interview ended, Reagan resignedly informed the listeners that he himself had spoken to the congressional leaders, who'd confided to Reagan they had no intention of a serious investigation into Sanchez Brixey's illegal "win," and confirming that they had been outright lying to Dornan. For one thing, she was a "double-whammy mammy" -- both Hispanic and female, and the Republicans had no ... uh, "stomach" for refuting false cries they were racist and sexist. Second, then-House Majority Leader Newt Gingrich was attempting to craft a relationship of comity with Bill Clinton, and Dornan had been one of Clinton's fieriest critics. (From The American Spectator.)

National Review article from 1997 provides more details into the way in which Bob Dornan's 1996 election was stolen from him with the help of an Alinsky-based organization that had ties to "Catholic" Charities of the Diocese of Orange and received funding from the "Catholic" Campaign for Human Development:

Ousted Republican Congressman Robert Dornan claims, with considerable justification, that his narrow loss in the Nov 96 election to Loretta Sanchez is due to ballots cast by ineligible voters. The election fraud investigation could lead to a new election in the Orange County, CA district.

A MID January ad in the Washington Blade, a paper for the capital's homosexual community, announced the "Red Ribbon Inaugural Gala," organized by AIDS lobbyist Tom Sheridan. The aim: to aid Loretta Sanchez, the new Democratic congresswoman from Orange County, whose social-issue liberalism gets gay activists cheering almost as robustly as they boo the man she upset on November 5.

The ad described the Red Ribbon affair as a "benefit for Loretta's legal defense against Bob Dornan's continued challenge to overturn his defeat. Let's send him home once and for all."

Five weeks later, that goal of Dornan's foes looks increasingly elusive. Attorneys and investigators working with the ousted nine-term congressman continue to pile up evidence of fraud in an election decided by fewer than one thousand votes. Try as some of them might, journalists in a competitive, two-newspaper county haven't been able to ignore the smell of something rotten in the ballot results. And the Orange County district attorney is on the case.

In short, Miss Sanchez might have need of a few more fundraisers before it's all over -- and even then, there's a real chance that she, not Dornan, could be the one sent "home once and for all."

Dornan's people have compiled a knapsack full of what you might call standard-issue irregularities, the kind that made Cook County famous, and that California's lax election rules, which don't require identification from would-be voters, seem to invite in abundance. Dornan points, for instance, to at least 38 double voters, 128 absentee ballots turned in illegally, and more than 900 ballots for which there are no corresponding names on the county registrar's computer tape which is supposed to indicate who voted. Does that numbers gap reflect clerical error -- or ballot-box stuffing? Or a bit of both?

Most investigation so far has focused on noncitizens allegedly recruited to the polls by the Latino advocacy group Hermandad Mexicana Nacional, which is a sub-contractor providing citizenship classes for the Immigration and Naturalization Service.

The law says you must be a citizen to register to vote, a fact declared prominently, and repeatedly, on registration forms in California. Yet the Los Angeles Times reported on February 8 that 600 resident aliens were signed up to vote through the efforts of Hermandad, and that 407 of those people went on to cast ballots on November 5.

In addition, the paper found 105 apparently illegal aliens who also voted after registering through Hermandad.

In an affidavit produced to get a warrant to search Hermandad's Santa Ana offices, the D.A. quotes five unnamed informants, all noncitizens who were registered to vote by Hermandad. Two of them say that every person who completed an INS interview at Hermandad's headquarters was then registered to vote by Hermandad employees, before any of these registrants had become a citizen.

If that is true, it could mean hundreds or thousands more illegal votes, because as many as 12,000 people went through Hermandad classes in the months prior to the election.

The investigators working on behalf of Dornan's election challenge are frustrated that the INS won't release the citizenship status of voters, or, apparently, won't do any investigating on its own. "If the INS would be open and forthright enough to give us this data, we could get this investigation over with in a couple of days," attorney Michael Schroeder, who heads Dornan's effort, told me in early February.

On Valentine's Day, Schroeder's wish was partially fulfilled -- but not courtesy of INS officialdom. Rather, he was visited on the quiet by an INS agent who angrily complained that the agency acquiesced in illegal voting. The whistleblower brought thousands of names of people who had been enrolled in citizenship classes in Dornan's district -- many of whom hadn't become citizens by November 5. Hermandad was not the only group giving citizenship classes under INS contract. And, the whistleblower claims, Hermandad wasn't the only organization that registered noncitizens.

The Dornan team is now cross-checking the names delivered by this INS Deep Throat against the voter-registration rolls. The number of verifiably illegal votes cast in the 46th district seems certain to climb.

One of the most astute -- and cautious -- members of the Dornan investigative squad has said to me, without qualification, "We've won." He cites four developments that he believes will eventually guarantee that a new election will be called.

First, he sees indications that the district attorney's office isn't conducting a narrow inquiry, but is casting its net beyond Hermandad to other immigrant-activist groups that might have registered people illegally.

Second, the House Oversight Committee seems poised to act aggressively on Dornan's election challenge. Chairman Bill Thomas personally signed a subpoena ordering the D.A.'s office to share with the panel all data it got from its January 14 search of Hermandad's headquarters.

Third, Dornan's people are now empowered to issue their own subpoenas as part of the election-challenge process. And last, there is the stealthy assistance they're getting from INS staffers who allege that their agency was turned into a tool for the Democratic election machine.

On February 24, a subcommittee of Rep. Thomas's oversight panel is due to make an initial decision on how to handle the Dornan case. At some point it could conduct a trial-like hearing in Orange County, calling witnesses and sifting evidence, and present its judgment to the full committee, and ultimately, the full House.

Meanwhile, another House panel -- the Government Reform and Oversight Committee, chaired by Dan Burton of Indiana -- might pay a visit of its own to Orange County. Among its concerns: the millions in federal dollars showered on Hermandad and other immigrant-rights groups that have 501(c)3 tax-exempt status but nevertheless push an openly partisan agenda. (Hermandad's newspaper, for instance, carried endorsements of Clinton and Sanchez.)

Did Loretta Sanchez know anything about noncitizens registering and voting? "I want to see her asked that question under oath by one or more House committees," a local GOP congressman told me.

Some observers doubt that she was in the loop. But her record isn't hound's-tooth clean. The Los Angeles Times, no friend of Dornan, stayed neutral in the November congressional election. It declined to endorse Sanchez because she showed "questionable judgment" in becoming a business associate with Howard O. Kieffer, a Democratic activist sentenced in 1989 to five years in prison for swindling the Federal Government out of more than $200,000. Sanchez even used his office as her campaign headquarters in last March's primary.

The potency of Dornan's challenge can be gauged by the fact that a counter-offensive against investigators has begun. Hermandad supporters have picketed the Los Angles Times each time it has run stories exposing noncitizen voting. And the group's attorney accused the D.A.'s office of "strong-arm" tactics for seizing citizenship-class lists when the search-warrant was served on the group's offices.

Strong-arming? Hermandad might know a thing or two about that concept. Two of the confidential informants quoted in the D.A.'s affidavit asked to have their names withheld out of fear for their safety, according to the affidavit. One of them said, "Hermandad Mexican Nacional is very powerful and would harm [me] if it was known [I] was cooperating with law enforcement."

The affidavit also said Hermandad officials contacted individuals who had signed up to vote, "advising them not to cooperate with anyone who comes to their home asking questions about their citizenship."

There is much hyperventilating from Hermandad sympathizers about their "civil rights" being under siege.

But whose freedoms are really subverted when invalid ballots pollute the system? Surely not the polluters'.

"Hermandad is endeavoring to transmute the First Amendment into a sword to repulse legitimate criminal investigations and the prosecution of those who commit criminal acts," argued Deputy District Attorney E. Thomas Dunn Jr., in response to Hermandad's claim that the search of its offices violated constitutional protections.

Whatever else the Dornan challenge accomplishes, it will perform a service if it reminds us of the genuine civil-rights interest that attends the ballot box: the right of legitimate voters, of all colors, not to have their ballots diluted by the introduction of phony votes.

Bob Dornan never tires of recounting how he participated in the 1963 civil-rights march on Washington. Thirty-four years later, in challenging fraudulent voting, he is essentially singing another chorus of "We shall overcome."

A February 4, 1998, article by David Stout in The New York Times indicates that the investigation by the Ethics Committee of the United States House of Representatives did indeed whitewash the matter of election fraud in the Dornan-Sanchez Brixey race in 1996, although it did find evidence of such fraud, being unable to conclude that there was enough fraud to have changed the results of the election:

Her [Representative Sanchez Brixey's] joy notwithstanding, the task force's decision was not that clear-cut. Its chairman, Representative Vernon J. Ehlers, Republican of Michigan, said tonight that ''an extremely thorough examination'' had shown there was considerable fraud, but that task force members ''could not conclusively prove there were enough illegal votes to vacate the seat or overturn the election.''

Other members of the panel were Representatives Bob Ney, Republican of Ohio, and Steny Hoyer, Democrat of Maryland.

Mr. Dornan, in a statement issued by his lawyer, Michael J. Schroeder, chairman of the California Republican Party, said: ''While I am disappointed that the committee will not call for a special election, nonetheless it is clear that the committee findings vindicated what I have stated all along, which is that the citizens of the 46th Congressional District were victimized by systematic, widespread voter fraud,''Mr. Schroeder said Mr. Dornan had a month until the filing deadline to decide whether to challenge Ms. Sanchez in November.

The task force will give its recommendation to the full Committee on House Oversight on Wednesday. The committee is virtually certain to go along with the task force and ask that the House drop the matter.

Mr. Ehlers said that his panel had found ''substantial voter fraud in the 46th District,'' but that there was no way to know exactly how many votes were illegally cast.

Mr. Dornan had argued unsuccessfully that the election in the 46th was replete with fraud, including voting by noncitizens. The charges infuriated many Hispanic people and helped focus a spotlight on Ms. Sanchez.

A California grand jury investigated the 1996 contest but found insufficient evidence to return indictments.

The nexus linking "Catholic" Charities and "Catholic" Campaign for Human Development with Hermandad Mexicana Nacional was much reported in the wake of the Dornan-Sanchez Brixey race of 1996. Mrs. Block sent the following information that she found in an article written by The Wanderer's Paul Likoudis. Here is part of her note containing that information.

The 5-8-97 Wanderer published an article by Paul Likoudis, "Catholic Charities, Parishes at Hub of Vote Fraud Schemes."  He writes that CC "claims to have distributed 16,000 voter registration forms to groups throughout Orange County and some officials boasted 'that they turned the election.'""

"We have a witness who says he heard a Catholic Charities worker boasting to Auxiliary Bishop Michael Driscoll [of Orange, CA] that they 'turned the election in the 46th district' -- that's my district, and we have further evidence that Catholic Charities passed out voter registrations that contained perjured statements."

Among the source documents I have in my files are papers - I think obtained by Dornan during the legal disclosure process -- that show CC of Santa Ana submitting and then resubmitting the same names (as new voter registrants gathered during the Active Citizenship Campaign) on two consecutive days. (Please see the late Mr. Paul Likoudis's May 8, 1997, report in The Wanderer).