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Silence in the White House and at Casa Santa Marta
Chaldean Rite Catholics and Orthodox Christians are being slaughtered in Iraq and in Syria by the forces of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), killers who are being perfectly faithful to the text of the Koran. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, however, says that they are being unfaithful to the text of the blasphemous Koran. Jorge Mario Bergoglio is nothing other than an sloganeering ideologue. They are not. They are being entirely faithful to their false religion's insistence on killing. Jorge lives in a an imaginary world of "dialogue" where "peace" ends violence. The man is mad. So is each of the members of his supporting cast of characters.
Similarly, there is silence in the White House as Islamophile Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro emphasizes the killing of the Yazidis, a strange sect associated with the diabolical Zoroastrian religion, and equates this killing with the systematic displacement of slaughter of Christians, making just one limited statement on the matter in recent days as he ordered "limited" air strikes to stop the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. He is just as mad as is Bergoglio.
You see, both men are mass murderers.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a murderer of souls and of the truths contained in the Sacred Deposit of Faith.
Barack Hussein Obama is an enabler of the slaughter of millions of innocent preborn babies by chemical and surgical means here and around the world.
They have a lot in common, and they are both headed to the same end if they do not repent and convert to the Catholic Faith before they die. (See Smiling Themselves Into the Very Depths of Hell.)
Indeed, Obama/Soetoro is so indifferent to displacement and slaughter of Chaldean Rite Catholics and Orthodox Christians and the systematic destruction of their churches, most of which are very ancient, and their shrines, their homes and their villages that he dared to call ISIS the "jayvee," that is, "junior varsity," of terrorists. Some junior varsity, Mister President:
Admittedly, he couldn't have predicted the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in 2007 any more than he could have predicted the debacle of his Syria policy and his vacillating "red line" rhetoric, which partly led to the rise of ISIS.
But as recently as last November, Obama dismissed ISIS and other al-Qaeda affiliates as nothing more than a jayvee squad. While interviewing Obama, The New Yorker's David Remnick noted that "the flag of al-Qaeda is now flying in Fallujah, in Iraq, and among various rebel factions in Syria," and that "al-Qaeda has asserted a presence in parts of Africa, too."
The president shot back: "If a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn't make them Kobe Bryant."
Now, that same junior varsity team controls more territory than any terrorist organization in history, has some 5,000 battle-hardened jihadists with Western passports, hundreds of millions of dollars at its disposal, and is earning millions more every day by selling oil on the black market. It is slaughtering Shiites, Christians and other "infidels" with a medieval abandon that makes the alleged A-team of al-Qaeda blanch with horror. At this moment it has cornered tens of thousands of Yazidi villagers on a mountaintop. ISIS presents them with a choice: convert to Islam at gunpoint or die of thirst.
On Thursday night, the president announced that he will offer humanitarian aid to the Yazidis and "allow" military strikes on forces that put American troops at risk, "if necessary." It was clear how reluctant the president was to get involved at all, though we did indeed proceed with some bombing.
It remains to be seen whether he'll stay involved beyond a news cycle or two, or once it becomes clear that ISIS won't behave like a jayvee squad anymore. (Obama Remains Consistent in His Indifference to Slaughter.)
Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro cares nothing about the slaughter or Chaldean Rite Catholics and Orthodox Christians. As an Islamophile whose father was a Mohammedan and who had spent time in a state-run Mohammedan school in his childhood in Indonesia with his socialist mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, Obama/Soetoro is concerned principally about the "transformation" of the United States of America into a full expression of Eurosocialism, replete with the sort of demographic changes that he desires to effect by means of failing to enforce this nation's just immigration laws so as to create a new constituency of voters eager to institutionalize this "transformation" beyond any human means to change. Obama/Soetoro hates those who "stand in the way" of "women's rights" (baby-killing") and "marriage rights" (the acceptance of "gay marriage") as a "civil right" beyond the ability of any citizen to even criticize lest he be charged with a "hate crime" the Thought-Control General of the United States of America, Eric Holder, and/or audited by the forces of his corrupt Internal Revenue Service.
Not to be outdone in the passive indifference to the slaughter of our co-religionists in Iraq and Syria are the insane purveyors of "dialogue" and "reconciliation" in the counterfeit church of conciliarism, led by the ever-smiling narcissist and 1970s "flower child," Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who is not even calling for humanitarian aid, no less a Rosary Crusade, to aid those who are, quite unlike himself, truly devoted to Our Lady. Bergoglio's impassive silence to the plight of Catholics and other Christians in Iraq and Syria and elsewhere in the Mohammedan world has drawn a stern rebuke from Italian journalist Antonio Socci (see The Persecution of Catholics and Other Christians at Call Me Jorge.)
No, it is enough for Bergoglio, who is a doctrinal, liturgical, social and moral revolutionary, to have Loopie Louie, Jean-Louis "Cardinal" Tauran, the president of the "Pontifical" Council for Interreligious Dialogue, to issue the following statement that will be the focus of a few choice remarks below, placed in between parts of Loopie Louie's words:
The whole world has witnessed with incredulity what is now called the "Restoration of the Caliphate," which had been abolished on October 29,1923 by Kamal Ataturk, founder of modern Turkey. Opposition to this "restoration" by the majority of religious institutions and Muslim politicians has not prevented the "Islamic State" jihadists from committing and continuing to commit unspeakable criminal acts.
This Pontifical Council, together with all those engaged in interreligious dialogue, followers of all religions, and all men and women of good will, can only unambiguously denounce and condemn these practices which bring shame on humanity: (Madman speaks out against terror in name of religion.)
An interjection.
Followers of "all religions."
Conciliarism has helped to enable these massacres by praising false religions as agents of "peace" and "brotherhood." Conciliar "popes" have spoken as though they were members of Masonic lodges in this regard (see To Blot Out the Holy Name Forever, part one and To Blot Out the Holy Name Forever, part two), contemptuous as they are of these words of Pope Leo XIII:
Everyone should avoid familiarity or friendship with anyone suspected of belonging to masonry or to affiliated groups. Know them by their fruits and avoid them. Every familiarity should be avoided, not only with those impious libertines who openly promote the character of the sect, but also with those who hide under the mask of universal tolerance, respect for all religions, and the craving to reconcile the maxims of the Gospel with those of the revolution. These men seek to reconcile Christ and Belial, the Church of God and the state without God. (Pope Leo XIII, Custodi di Quella Fede, December 8, 1892.)
Back to the loopey one's statement:
-the massacre of people on the sole basis of their religious affiliation;
-the despicable practice of beheading, crucifying and hanging bodies in public places;
-the choice imposed on Christians and Yezidis between conversion to Islam, payment of a tax (jizya) or forced exile;
-the forced expulsion of tens of thousands of people, including children, elderly, pregnant women and the sick;
-the abduction of girls and women belonging to the Yezidi and Christian communities as spoils of war (sabaya);
-the imposition of the barbaric practice of infibulation;
-the destruction of places of worship and Christian and Muslim burial places;
-the forced occupation or desecration of churches and monasteries;
-the removal of crucifixes and other Christian religious symbols as well as those of other religious communities;
-the destruction of a priceless Christian religious and cultural heritage;
-indiscriminate violence aimed at terrorizing people to force them to surrender or flee. (Madman speaks out against terror in name of religion.)
The conciliar revolutionaries have done many of the same things, both actually and by way of anaology.
The conciliar revolutionaries have forced the explusion of tens of thousands of believing Catholics from the pews of formerly Catholic churches as they has sought refuge as hated exiles in the catacombs in the past fifty-five years.
The conciliar revoltionaries have undermined the innocence and purity of the young by subjecting them to explicit classroom instruction in matters pertaining to the Sixth and Ninth Commandments from their tenderest years, doing so in many instances as a condition for them to receive the conciliar version of the Sacrament of Confirmation,
The conciliar revolutionaries have given or sold, sometimes to the Mohammedans themselves, places of Catholic worship and burial. They have forcibly occupied and desecrated formerly Catholic churches and monasteries. They have removed crucifixes and statues and other Christian religious symbols in a truly Puritanical, Jansenistic quest to rid themselves of anything that is considered to be part of the "triumphalistic" "past" of the Catholic Church. They have thus destroyed any memory of the true meaning of the Catholic Faith and of the glories of Christendom from the souls of most Catholics alive today. And they have sometimes resorted to psychological hospitalizion of priests, presbyters and consecrated religious who have opposed any part of the advance of the conciliar revolution. The number of victims who have been so persecuted is known only to God. However, that number is considerable.
Those who want to speak of "Taliban Traditionalists" ought to using such demagoguery as they keep their mouths shut about offenses to God committed by their "popes" who have blasphemed Him by personally esteeming the symbols of false religions with their own hands and treating places of false worship of "sacred" in His eyes, thus making a mockery of the sacrifices made by millions of Catholic martyrs throughout the course of the past nearly two millennia who preferred all manner of torture and death to even given the appearance of doing such things. Shameful.
Some might protest that Jorge Mario Bergoglio does not want to make matters "worse." Such a contention is obscene. It is verbal sewage.
I mean, how much worse can the situation get for the Catholics and Orthodox of Iraq and Syria and elsewhere? (See Monsters of Modernism, Monsters of Modernity and Accepting Apostasy in Increments, part two.)
Remember, this is the man who hosted that "prayer for peace" in the Vatican Gardens on Pentecost Sunday, June 8, 2014 (see Antichrist Has Shown Us His Calling Card? Do You Care?), as a Mohammedan imam prayed to his false god, Allah, for "victory over the infidels," a "prayer" that the spin machine run by "Father" Federico Lombardi, S.J., tried to claim was a prayer for the victory of "believers" over secularists, a contention that is beneath conempt as a believing Mohamemdan believes his false religion is the true one and that all others are false, hence making everyone outside of Mohammedanism an unbeliever. (See Behold the Self-Righteous Righteously Defend Error, which contains a link to a post at Novus Ordo Watch Wire on this scandal.)
Back to the statement from the "Pontifical" Council for Interreligious Dialogue:
No cause, and certainly no religion, can justify such barbarity. This constitutes an extremely serious offense to humanity and to God who is the Creator, as Pope Francis has often reminded us. We cannot forget, however, that Christians and Muslims have lived together - it is true with ups and downs - over the centuries, building a culture of peaceful coexistence and civilization of which they are proud. Moreover, it is on this basis that, in recent years, dialogue between Christians and Muslims has continued and intensified.
The dramatic plight of Christians, Yezidis and other religious communities and ethnic minorities in Iraq requires a clear and courageous stance on the part of religious leaders, especially Muslims, as well as those engaged in interreligious dialogue and all people of good will. All must be unanimous in condemning unequivocally these crimes and in denouncing the use of religion to justify them. If not, what credibility will religions, their followers and their leaders have? What credibility can the interreligious dialogue that we have patiently pursued over recent years have?
Religious leaders are also called to exercise their influence with the authorities to end these crimes, to punish those who commit them and to reestablish the rule of law throughout the land, ensuring the return home of those who have been displaced. While recalling the need for an ethical management of human societies, these same religious leaders must not fail to stress that the support, funding and arming of terrorism is morally reprehensible.
That said, the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue is grateful to all those who have already raised their voices to denounce terrorism, especially that which uses religion to justify it.
Let us therefore unite our voices with that of Pope Francis: "May the God of peace stir up in each one of us a genuine desire for dialogue and reconciliation. Violence is never defeated by violence. Violence is defeated by peace. " (Madman speaks out against terror in name of religion.)
False religions have no "credibility," including the false religion of conciliarism that has jettisoned the immutable doctrine of the Social Reign of Christ the King and desconstructed Our Lady's Fatima Message, which is nothing other than Heaven's Peace Plan for our times, in favor of the Judeo-Masonic insanity of "dialogue and "reconciliation."
Alas, the forces of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria are being completely faithful to the violent tenets of Mohammed as they evolved over time, especially after he had spent time in Medina in what is now western Saudi Arabia:
It was in Medina that Muhammad attained power and transformed Islam from a relatively benign form of monotheism into an militant expansionary political ideology that persists to this day. In Medina we see a very different Muhammad and a very different concept of Islam and a very different Allah. Here Muhammad gradually became radicalized in accordance with the commands of God and became a political ruler and military commander. The Allah of Medina guided his prophet to become a warlord, seeking military conquests. In Medina, Muhammad used the threat of the sword to compel people to embrace Islam. Gone was message of verse 2:256: Let There Be In Compulsion In Religion. It was replaced by such teachings as 9:5, 9:29:
(1) Fight the unbelievers until religion is for Allah only:
"And fight them until there is no more fitnah (disbelief and polytheism, i.e. worshiping others besides Allah) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allah alone (in the whole world). But if they cease (worshiping others besides Allah) then certainly, Allah is All-Seer of what they do." (Sura 8.39).
(2) No more choice in religion
As for him who opposes the messenger, after the guidance has been pointed out to him, and follows other than the believers' way, we will direct him in the direction he has chosen, and commit him to Hell; what a miserable destiny! [4:115]
Then should they turn back (meaning: apostized), seize them and kill them wherever you find them; and do not take from them any companion or supporter (Quran, Chapter 4: 89)
(3) No more patience with unbelievers. Now must curse them:
[22.72] When Our Clear Signs are rehearsed to them, thou wilt notice a denial on the faces of the Unbelievers! they nearly attack with violence those who rehearse Our Signs to them. Say, "Shall I tell you of something (far) worse than these Signs? It is the Fire (of Hell)! Allah has promised it to the Unbelievers! and evil is that destination!"
[33:57] Surely, those who oppose GOD and His messenger, GOD afflicts them with a curse in this life, and in the Hereafter; He has prepared for them a shameful retribution.
(4) Tolerance no more; coerce the kafirs:
"In order that Allah may separate the pure from the impure, put all the impure ones [i.e. non-Muslims] one on top of another in a heap and cast them into hell. They will have been the ones to have lost." (Sura 8.37)
Certainly! Allâh will admit those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh Islâmic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, to Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise), while those who disbelieve enjoy themselves and eat as cattle eat, and the Fire will be their abode. 47:12
(5) No more pacifism. Time to terrorize, torture, murder:
The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom (5:33)
"Allah revealed His will to the angels, saying: 'I shall be with you. Give courage to the believers. I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers!' That was because they defied Allah and His apostle. He that defies Allah and his apostle shall be sternly punished by Allah." (Sura 8.12-13)
(6) No tolerance for critics. Just kill them:
9.061 Among them are men who molest the Prophet and say, "He is (all) ear." Say, "He listens to what is best for you: he believes in Allah, has faith in the Believers, and is a Mercy to those of you who believe." But those who molest the Messenger will have a grievous penalty. (In the link 'leaving Islam' you will find many events where Muhammad had numerous critics murdered )
(7) Do not associate even with your parents and siblings if they reject Islam:
9.023 O ye who believe! take not for protectors your fathers and your brothers if they love infidelity above Faith: if any of you do so, they do wrong
(8) Time to cursed who reject Islam for eternity
9:73 O Prophet! Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites! Be harsh with them. Their ultimate abode is hell, a hapless journey's end.
22:19 These twain (the believers and the disbelievers) are two opponents who contend concerning their Lord. But as for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be cut out for them; boiling fluid will be poured down on their heads [103, Medina ]
22:20 Whereby that which is in their bellies, and their skins too, will be melted; [103, Medina ]
22:21 And for them are hooked rods of iron. [103, Medina ]
22:22 Whenever, in their anguish, they would go forth from thence they are driven back therein and (it is said unto them): Taste the doom of burning.
Muhammad's 13 years of preaching in Mecca was out and out a failure, mastering only 100-dd followers. Had he continued walking the same path in Medina, Islam would have died a natural death, probably in his life-time itself. But the militant radicalization of Muhammad that changed Islam into a plundering Mafia enterprise, offering its prospective followers a share of the loot and captured women, as well as forcing those who would reject Islam to embrace it on the pain of death, that Islam became a lasting and expanding successful religious enterprise as it continues today.
In Medina Muhammad re-invented Allah and turned Him into a criminal Godfather Whom Muhammad would use to hand over earthly political power to him, and utilize His supposed teachings as religious and legal justification for his evil criminality. That is how Islam turned itself into a successful cult.
Abrogation: The complete and ultimate radicalization of Islam and its followers
Most Muslims are like ordinary people, and the Mecca part of the Quranic revelations could offer them a peace basis of religious life. But Allah did not leave that option open to them. The radical Muhammad of Medina faced a huge problem with the initial non-militant teachings of the Quran. Had his followers appealed to those nonviolent teachings of the Quran, his desire for plunder, power and dominion could not be realized. And Allah, ever ready to satisfy Muhammad's every desire, came to his rescue by abrogating the entire Mecca teachings of the Quran:
Quran 2:106. “Whatever a Verse (revelation) do We {Allah} abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring a better one or similar to it. Know you not that Allah is able to do all things?
Quran 16:101 “And when We change (one) communication for (another) communication, and Allah knows best what He reveals.”
This abrogation doctrine nullifies the earlier teachings, namely the pacifist Meccan revelations by the radicalized and militant later revelations of Medina, which turns Islam into an absolutely radical and militant religious faith. It gave Muslims no option to appeal to the apparently peaceful verses revealed in Mecca. For a detailed listing of the verses of the Quran that were canceled by the doctrine of abrogation, go to http://www.islamreform.net/new-page-27.htm.
Through the process of aborgation, 71 Suras of the Quran out of 114 in total, i.e. 62.28% of the suras of the Quran, have become null and void (Abu Ja'afar al Nakhass' al Nasikh wal Mansukh'). Therefore, only 43 later Surahs revealed in Medina stand valid. And this valid part of Islam teaches Muslims only deceit, torture, murder, assassination, massacre, genocide, pillage, robbery, enslavement and rape as divinely sanction halal (legal) acts that would earn Muslims a ticket to Islamic paradise, as long as those are perpetrated upon kafirs.
In sum, Muhammad initiated Islam as a relatively benign and nonviolent religious faith, but as he grew in power, he radicalized it into an evil ideology whose sole purpose is to conquer the world for Allah. The Quran became a declaration of war against the kafirs. This war is permanent until ALL kafirs have converted to Islam, or are in dhimmitude (institutionalized discrimination akin to second class slavery status) or have been murdered.
From a humble preacher, Muhammad, after turning into a radical, went on order more than 60 raids and invasion, some involving massacres, and he personally participated in 27 of those. The worst sufferer of Muhammad's militant radicalization was the Jews of the Arab Peninsula, who suffered whole-sale exile, execution and enslavement. Some of the most chilling utterances of Muhammad concerning the Jews are:
...the Apostle of Allah said, “Kill any Jew that falls into your power.” (Ibn Ishaq, Life of Muhammad, p. 553)
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar: Allah's Apostle said, "You (i.e. Muslims) will fight with the Jews till some of them will hide behind stones. The stones will (betray them) saying, 'O 'Abdullah (i.e. slave of Allah)! There is a Jew hiding behind me; so kill him.” (Bukhari 4:52:176)
And the radicalization of Muhammad saw its climax in the Massacre of Banu Quraiza, where he ordered the beheading of 600 to 900 men, and personally initiated the slaughter by beheading 2 Jewish leaders. To read about this very great Banu Quraiza tragedy, go to: http://www.islamreform.net/new-page-209.htm
Therefore, the so-called self-radicalization of Muslims is nothing but their following the teachings and commands of the holy Quran and emulating the examples of Prophet Muhammad, the only perfect man ever to appear on the earth. (Mohammed, the First Radical Muslim.)
Mohammedanism is a blasphemous, false religion that is violent of its very nature. The members of ISIS are faithful to the Koran by killing infidels as the murderous Zionists of the State of Israel are being faithful to the dictates of Talmudism and Judeo-Masonry to make the innocent suffer with the guilty when Jewish blood has been shed. Mohammedanism is no more a "religion of peace" than Talmudism or even conciliarism itself, whose lords make warfare upon Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Mohammedanism remains now as it was at its origins, however, a heresy based upon a rejection of the doctrine of the Most Blessed Trinity, someting that Hillaire Belloc explained in "The Great and Enduring Heresy of Mohammed:"
Mohammedanism was a heresy: that is the essential point to grasp before going any further. It began as a heresy, not as a new religion. It was not a pagan contrast with the Church; it was not an alien enemy. It was a perversion of Christian doctrine. It vitality and endurance soon gave it the appearance of a new religion, but those who were contemporary with its rise saw it for what it was not a denial, but an adaptation and a misuse, of the Christian thing. It differed from most (not from all) heresies in this, that it did not arise within the bounds of the Christian Church. The chief heresiarch, Mohammed himself, was not, like most heresiarchs, a man of Catholic birth and doctrine to begin with. He sprang from pagans. But that which he taught was in the main Catholic doctrine, oversimplified. It was the great Catholic world on the frontiers of which he lived, whose influence was all around him and whose territories he had known by travel which inspired his convictions. He came of, and mixed with, the degraded idolaters of the Arabian wilderness, the conquest of which had never seemed worth the Romans' while. . . .
But the central point where this new heresy struck home with a mortal blow against Catholic tradition was a full denial of the Incarnation.
Mohammed did not merely take the first steps toward that denial, as the Arians and their followers had done; he advanced a clear affirmation, full and complete, against the whole doctrine of an incarnate God. He taught that Our Lord was the greatest of all the prophets, but still only a prophet: a man like other men. He eliminated the Trinity altogether. With that denial of the Incarnation went the whole sacramental structure. He refused to know anything of the Eucharist, with its Real Presence; he stopped the sacrifice of the Mass, and therefore the institution of a special priesthood. In other words, he, like so many other lesser heresiarchs, founded his heresy on simplification. Catholic doctrine was true (he seemed to say), but it had become encumbered with false accretions; it had become complicated by needless man-made additions, including the idea that its founder was Divine, and the growth of a parasitical caste of priests who battened on a late, imagined, system of Sacraments which they alone could administer.
All those corrupt accretions must be swept away. There is thus a very great deal in common between the enthusiasm with which Mohammed's teaching attacked the priesthood, the Mass and the sacraments, and the enthusiasm with which Calvinism, the central motive force of the Reformation, did the same. As we all know, the new teaching relaxed the marriage laws but in practice this did not affect the mass of his followers who still remained monogamous. It made divorce as easy as possible, for the sacramental idea of marriage disappeared. It insisted upon the equality of men, and it necessarily had that further factor in which it resembled Calvinism: the sense of predestination, the sense of fate; of what the followers of John Knox were always calling "the immutable decrees of God." (The Great and Enduring Heresy of Mohammed. Also see the appendix on Mohammedanisim.)
It is no wonder that the conciliar revolutionaries have such an affinity for Mohammedanism as its blasphemous founder, the false prophet Mohammed, attacked the same things that they have: "the priesthood, the Mass and the sacraments." Jorge Mario Bergoglio is chief among those alive today who did these things with the "same enthusiasm" as the Calvinists had done in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, driven by the "central motive force of the Reformation," a hatred of the visible, hierarchical church in favor of an amporhous mass of believers.
Mohammedanism is not worthy of any kind of respect. Neither is its blasphemous book, the Koran, which is just as offensive to God as is every single Protestant version of the Bible, each of which is filled with distortions that do not represent but indeed pervert the Sacred Word of God that was written under the direct inspiration of the Third Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, God the Holy Ghost.
Just as Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro is concerned principally with his coercive transformation of the United States of America into Eurosocialism and not with the slaughter of "haters" such as Catholics and Orthodox Christians, so is Jorge Mario Bergoglio concerned principally with the advancement of his own revolutionary transformation of the counterfeit church of conciliariasm away from everything that can be see as connected to the "past." This is, after all, the whole purpose of the upcoming "extraordinary synod" of conciliar "bishops" on the family, and no petition drive is going to stop Jorge's career-long desire to transform the family to conform to the "reality" of where the "people live" in the "existential peripheries."
While we respect the persons of false religions as we pray for their unconditional conversion to the true Faith, the Catholic Faith, before they die, we do not show "respect" for the Koran or for Mohammedanism. We show respect for all others because they are human beings who have, whether or not they realize it, been redeemed by the shedding of every single drop of the Most Precious Blood of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on the wood of the Holy Cross on Good Friday. We love the true God of Divine Revelation above everyone and everything else. It is for love of Him, Christ the King, that we must hate the Koran and hate Mohammedanism as He hates them while we pray for the conversion of Mohammedans and as we seek to make reparation for our sins, which are so very responsible for worsening the state of the Church Militant in this time of apostasy and betrayal, and the world, especially by seeking to fulfill Our Lady's Fatima Message, praying as many Rosaries as we can each day as the consecrated slaves of Christ the King through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Yesterday, Tuesday, August 12, 2014, was the Feast of Saint Clare of Assisi, the great co-worker of Saint Francis of Assisi, who had himself journeyed to the land of the Saracens to seek the conversion of the Mohammedans (see Mr. Frank Rega's St. Francis of Assisi and the Conversion of the Muslims), repelled an invasion of Saracens when they attacking Assisi in 1239 by showing forth the Most Blessed Sacrament held aloft in the vessel in which It was contained in a tabernacle:
When the Saracens (attached to the army of Frederick II.) attacked Assisi, in the year 1239, and were fain to break into Clare's monastery, she being sick, caused herself to be carried to the door, and likewise the vessel in which was held the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist, and there she prayed, saying O Lord, deliver not unto beasts the souls of them that praise thee, but preserve thine handmaids whom Thou hast redeemed with thy Precious Blood. Whereupon a voice was heard which said I will always preserve you. Some of the Saracens took to flight, and others who had mounted the wall became blind, and fell down headlong. (The Divine Offie, Matins, Feast of Saint Clare of Assisi.)
Imitating Saint Clare and her love of Holy Poverty, we must be detached from the things, people, and places of this world as we seek to do reparation for our sins and those of the whole world, spending much time in fervent prayer before Our Lord's Real Presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament, if this is at all possible where you live, and as we pray as many Rosaries each day as our states-in-life permit. Saint Clare, who was canonized just two years after her death in 1253 at the age of fifty-nine, knows full well in Heaven the power of the Rosary and the importance of True Devotion to Mary. We must ask Saint Clare to be poor enough in spirit that we can be rich unto all eternity by accepting all of the penances sent to us in this passing, mortal vale of tears as opportunities to console the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary as we separate ourselves entirely from the contagion of conciliarism and the nonexistent legitimacy of this false religion's blasphemous revolutionaries.
Vivat Christus Rex!
Isn't it time to pray a Rosary now?
Our Lady, Refuge of Sinners, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.
Saints Hippolytus and Cassian, pray for us.
Saint John Berchmanns, pray for us.
Saint Lawrence the Deacon, pray for us.
(Do Catholics and Muslims worship the same God, by Raymond Taouck.)
From a purely objective point of view, regardless of the doctrinal teaching professed by Mohammedans and Catholics, it is evident that Almighty God is the God over both. God exists. His existence is not dependent on the acknowledgement of mankind that He exists. Nor is God's existence dependent upon any religion. He is the Creator and the Providence of the Universe: the whole of creation, the entire cosmos, of all existing things, whether they be angels, human beings, animals or plants, animate or inanimate. He is also the Savior and the Judge of the living and the dead, having redeemed mankind and must judge Catholics and Mohammedans, believers and atheists. Their god is but another strange god. On every essential point concerning the true God and the nature of the true God, the Mohammedan belief radically and seriously conflicts with the established and revealed Dogma of the Catholic Church.
Again from a purely subjective thinking the Muslims might think and believe with a firm confidence that they are worshiping the true God, "Allah" yet the reality is quite the contrary as objectively speaking we can only affirm the contrary. This point is clear from Scripture "Whosoever does not continue in the doctrine of Christ does not have God". - II St. Jn 1:9
The teaching and the beliefs of Catholicism and Mohammedanism are different and contrary. Their concept of, and their approach to God, diverge and conflict. Catholics indeed accept as dogmatic truth the Holy Trinity, the Incarnation and the Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Moslems vehemently and vociferously deny the Blessed Trinity [2], the Incarnation [3], the Crucifixion of our Divine Lord and the Divinity of Christ [4]. The Mohammedans have such a carnal notion of heaven that St. Alphonsus did not hesitate to declare "The Mohammedan Paradise, is only fit for beasts; for filthy sensual pleasure is all the believer has to expect there." [5]
The Catholic and Christian God is 'The Trinity,' and our Lord Jesus Christ, the second Person of that Trinity, is the Creator and One true and merciful God. Despite monotheistic appearances, we do not have the same God; we do not have the same mediator. How then can it be that " together with us they (The Moslems) adore the one, merciful God." [6] This is incredible!
The Catholic Teaching: "Without faith it is impossible to please God." - Heb. 11:6
Mohammedans are infidels for "broadly speaking, infidels are those who do not possess the true faith; while in the strict sense infidels are the un-baptized"[7]. They are divided into monotheists (Jews and Moslems), polytheists (Hindus, Buddhists, etc.), and atheists.
From a Catholic perspective the Islamic worship is another form of false worship given to a "strange god" for as we read in scripture "All the gods of the Nations are Idols" - I Para 16:26
It would be blasphemous to declare that these false religions are the working of God. On the Contrary ''all faithful disciples of Jesus Christ well know that the false religions are only instruments of the devil to deceive souls and place them beyond Salvation" - [8a]
Pope Pius X long ago put forward that the modernist if they take logically there doctrine, would have no grounds for denying the Muslims there "experience" of " god" as being just as valid as that of another "believer" and hence he states:
"Here it is well to note at once that, given this doctrine of experience united with that of symbolism, every religion, even that of paganism, must be held to be true. What is to prevent such experiences from being found in any religion? In fact, that they are so is maintained by not a few. On what grounds can Modernists deny the truth of an experience affirmed by a follower of Islam? [8b]
What a prophetic insight, Pope Pius X was so accurate that not even the Modernist came to deny what he stated, but only affirm the above with great audacity.
The Baltimore Catechism (No. 3) states as follows:
Q. 1148. How do we offer God false worship?
A. We offer God false worship by rejecting the religion He has instituted and following one pleasing to ourselves, with a form of worship He has never authorized, approved or sanctioned.
Islam clearly comes under the notion of false worship that (objectively speaking) is not render to God.
The psalmist tells us that "All the Gods of the Gentiles are Devils" (Psalm 96:5) and hence to whom do they render their worship? The Scriptures tell us clearly " They provoked him by strange gods, and stirred him up to anger, with their abominations. They sacrificed to devils and not to God: to gods whom they knew not: that were newly come up, whom their fathers worshipped not. " (Deut 32:16- 17 Cf. also Baruch 4:7)
They "sacrificed to devils and not to God" - regardless of whether or not they might have believed they were rendering homage to the True God, the reality is quite the contrary! It is an erroneous proposition to qualify a prayer addressed to the devil as authentic prayer.
Islam is a false Religion. A false religion is any non-Christian religion "in so far as it is not the religion that God revealed and wants to see practiced. Moreover, every non-Catholic Christian sect is false in so far as it neither accepts nor faithfully practices the entire content of Revelation." [9]
Christ tells us who the true worshipers shall be: "But the hour cometh and now is, when the true adorers shall adore the Father in spirit and in truth." (Jn. 4:23).
These words go directly against the terminology now used by the modernist hierarchy. They speak from a subjective position wishing to dogmatize and "opinion" which goes directly against the mind of the Church on this point.
This religious subjectivism, which she has always condemned under the names of indifferentism or latitudinarianism, and which "seeks to justify itself under the pretended claims of liberty, failing to recognize the rights of objective truth which are made manifest either by the lights of reason or by Revelation." [10]
This subjectivism only leads to that Religious indifferentism, which is "one of the most deleterious heresies" and which "places all religions on an equal footing," inevitably leads one to consider the truth of religious belief as merely a matter of utility for a well-regulated life.... "One ends by considering religion as an entirely individual thing which can be adapted to the dispositions of each one, letting everyone form his own personal religion, and by concluding that all the religions are good even though they contradict each other." [11]
The Church is not concerned with the subjective dispositions of men. This is for God to Judge. The Church is concerned with objective facts. Her judgments are objective. Pope St. Pius X, for this reason declared that "those who die as infidels are damned." [11a]
1907 “In answer to a question as to whether Confucius could have been saved,wrote:’It is not allowed to affirm that Confucius was saved. Christians, when interrogated, must answer that those who die as infidels are damned.’ ”
Revelation is a reality, a fact, a truth accredited by God by sure signs. This revelation of God can in no way be placed on the same footing as those erroneous beliefs of infidels. We may say that the Mohammedans worship a false god, the god of their own making, which a deviation from the right worship of the true God.
Further we might rightly ask with St. Paul, "How then shall they call upon Him in whom they have not believed?" - Rom 10: 14
Although the modern terminology used might not seem to be "explicitly heretical" in nevertheless leads one down this path to apostasy. This vague terminology, which has been employed to put forward an erroneous notion of the faith so that we may be deceived along the path of syncretism. Yves Marsaudon, in his book Ecumenism as seen by a Traditional Freemason, commented favorably on the ecumenism that was nurtured at Vatican II. He said:
"Catholics and especially the conservatives must not forget that all roads lead to God. And they will have to accept that this courageous idea of free-thinking, which we can really call a revolution, pouring forth from our Masonic lodges has spread magnificently over the dome of Saint Peter’s." [12]
This is precisely path of deception to which the enemies of the Church hope to direct her. For this reason St. Pius X, who could see where this disorientation in precise terminology was leading, required every would-be Catholic priest to recite the following words at the feet of his Ordinary:
"I condemn and reject premises from which it follows that dogmas are either false or doubtful". [13]
The Council of Florence, clearly sets down the four notes of heresy as follows:
1) a pertinacious adherence to teachings expressly contradictory to that which has been defined by the Church;
2) an opinion opposed to a doctrine not explicitly defined by the Church nor clearly proposed dogmatically as an article of Faith;
3) a proposition that, although not directly contradictory to the Faith, nonetheless necessarily entails logical consequences against it; and
4) a speculation which reaches a certain degree of probability of being against the Faith.
The Modernist's in using these subjective terms to formulate their erroneous notions that "We together with the Muslims worship the same God" go directly against the above statements of the Council of Florence. This formulation works directly against the Churches dogma "Outside the Church there is No Salvation" [14]
Pope Leo XIII, affirms in his encyclical "Satis Cognitum": "Nothing is more dangerous than the heretics who, while conserving almost all the remainder of the Church's teaching intact, corrupt with a single word, like a drop of poison, the purity and the simplicity of the faith which we have received through tradition from God and through the Apostles."
Although it is true to say that the reason that those outside the Church are not saved is not purely because they worship a false 'god' nevertheless there is still a clear connection. When Christ states, "No one comes to the Father but through me" (Jn. 14:6), this precisely means, if you don't posses Christ, you can't posses the Father (God) for Christ is that door to the Father. Hence without Christ there is no salvation from God. The relation is evident. Again this is confirmed by St. Irenaeus who wrote, "Thus, without the Holy Spirit, we cannot see the Word of God; and without the Son no one can go to the Father." [15a]
The only authentic prayer is true prayer addressed to the true God. Pope Leo XIII declares without hesitation that "the fitting and devout worship of God, which is to be found chiefly in the divine sacrifice and in the dispensation of the sacraments, as well as salutary laws and discipline . . . The (Catholic) Church alone offers to the human race that religion" [15b]
Pope Pius XI declares the same saying that "In her (the Catholic Church) alone is Christ believed with a faith whole and entire, worshiped with sincere homage of adoration, and loved with the constant flame of ardent Charity" [15c]
What happened to the 1st Commandment?
I am the Lord thy God...Thou shalt not have strange gods before me....Thou shalt not adore them, nor serve them..." (Ex. 20:2-5).
If all religions worship the true God by simply claiming to be doing so, then one could not violate the 1st Commandment since all worship of any “god” would be tantamount to worshiping the true "God" according to the post the modernist element in the hierarchy, yet this would not only render the 1st Commandment obsolete but make it seem as though God had given us and absurd command. God does not command anything in vain.
The first commandment is not optional. A man cannot worship in any way that which he does not believe in, for the Law of Praying determines the law of believing, and vice-versa. If Mohammedans believe in a one-person deity, that is what they worship, and in no way can we logically argue that they worship with us the Holy Trinity.
We are not unfamiliar with the notion that claims that they implicitly worship the trinity, yet we cannot maintain this from an objective stand point for the simple reason that we can not hold that one worships implicitly what he explicitly rejects.
In our day and age it is often too easily forgotten that all non-Catholic worship is offensive to God and clearly violates the first commandment. This is because the "first commandment may be broken by giving to a creature the honor which belongs to God alone or by false worship." [16a]
The Church has always regarded the worship of Non Catholics as mere acts of superstitions since "there are four kinds of superstition, namely, illegitimate worship of the true God, idolatry, divination, and superstitious practices. The first consists in a false worship, though applied to the living God; for instance, if you worship Him (God) according to the Mosaic law, which is contrary to all the precepts of the Gospel; or if you adopt a new religion in opposition to the doctrine if the universal Church." [16b] Hence it is clear that "any public worship of the true God, outside the Catholic Church constitutes a superstitious worship of God as no other Church is authorized to give public worship to God. [16c]
Religion has an intellectual foundation, that is, it is based on knowledge. To be true religion its basis must be truth. The basis must be true both speculatively and practically. In other words, true religion must be based on a correct knowledge of God as existing and worthy of all honor, and of the manner and obligation of worshipping Him. On the other hand, religion is false if what is not God is considered to be God, and worshipped as God, or if there is error in the worship of the true God. Therefore, God is not truly worshipped when erroneous signs are used in His worship, as those of the Jews, or when superfluous ceremonies are employed, as by pagans and may heretics. [16d]
Although subjectively, it is the virtue of religion which prompts a man to render to God the worship and reverence that is His by right. [16e]
It is to be noted that an act based on a false religion cannot be really an act of virtue. For a virtue requires a morally good work. But in the cult (worship) of a false god, or in the false and superstitious worship of the true God, there can be no moral goodness, since such worship is opposed to right reason. [16f]
St. Pope Pius X, truly the Pope of our Age, could see where such absurd reason of the Modernists was leading the Church as he affirmed:
"... a great movement of apostasy being organized in every country for the establishment of a One-World Church which shall have neither dogmas, nor hierarchy, nor discipline for the mind, nor curb for the passions, and which, under the pretext of freedom and human dignity, would bring back to the world the reign of legalized cunning and force, the oppression of the weak, and of those who toil and suffer." [17a]
True ecumenism with the Muslims
"Those who have learned theology well," says St. Basil, “will not allow even one iota of Catholic dogmas to be betrayed. They will, if necessary, willingly undergo any kind of death in their defense." [17b]
One of the greatest frauds presented to us by a great number of the current hierarchy is the false notion of ecumenism, which in reality is not ecumenism but simple "syncretism" going by the name of "ecumenism. True Ecumenism requires all those outside the Church to come to the Ark of Salvation so that they may not perish.
True ecumenism can be effectively defined as follows:
"The unity of Christians cannot otherwise be obtained than by securing the return of the separated to the one true Church of Christ from which they once unhappily withdrew. To the one true Church of Christ, we say, that stands forth before all and that by the will of its Founder will remain forever the same as when He Himself established it for the salvation of all mankind." [18]
This has been the constant teaching of the Church. Holy Mother Church has always taught that true unity cannot be effected, except by a unity in faith and government. [19]
Pope Pius IX condemned in his syllabus of errors the following false notions:
"Every man is free to embrace and profess that religion which, guided by the light of reason, he shall consider true." (Proposition XV).
"Man may, in the observance of any religion whatever, find the way of eternal salvation and arrive at eternal salvation." (Proposition XVI).
The real problem with this false ecumenism (which lead to indifferentism) is not only the fact that Catholics are being deceived but in the same process so are the infidels and non-believers and they sadly continue on the road to perdition without being told to recant their errors.
Catholics often forget that those faithful living on earth come under the title of "Church Militant". What is a Catholic who does not confess his faith or worse yet a Catholic who does not believe his faith?
St. Peter Canisius puts it this way: "Who is to be called a Christian? He who confesses the doctrine of Christ and His Church. Hence, he is truly a Christian thoroughly condemns and detests, the Jewish, Mohammedan, and the heretical cults and sects." [20]
What did St. Peter Mavimenus tell the Mohammedans? Did he say, "We worship the same God, all is well" No! He told them the truth, he put it this way to them "Whoever does not embrace the Catholic Christian religion will be damned, as was your false prophet Mohammed." [21]
Again we read that Blessed Nicholas Tavilich was just as stern as he openly states, "You Mohammedans are in a state of everlasting damnation. Your Koran is not God's law nor is it revealed by Him. Far from being a good thing, your law is utterly evil. It is founded neither in the Old Testament nor in the New. In it are lies, foolish things, buffooneries, contradictions, and much that leads not to virtue and goodness but to evil and to all manner of vice." [22]
St. Alphonsus attests to the fact how the Holy Monk St. Goerge of San Saba openly confessed to the Mohammedans: "But the holy monk (St. George of San Saba) having declared that Mahomet was a disciple of the devil, and that his followers were in a state of perdition, he also was condemned (to martyrdom) with his companions." [23]
The same we read in the testimony of the five disciples of St. Francis of Assisi, who when reproached by the followers of Koran for preaching against Mohammed, simply responded by saying "We have come to preach faith in Jesus Christ to you, that you will renounce Mohammad, that wicked slave of the devil, and obtain everlasting life like us" [23a]
Further we read in the life of St. John Vianney how he stated openly to a Protestant who believed that his worship rendered to God should do him just as well in his Protestant Sect as it would have in the Catholic faith, The Saint responded to him with the contrary advice saying "My friend, there are not two ways of serving Our Lord; there is only one good way, and it is to serve Him as He wishes to be served".[24]
This is the truth we must speak in charity and honesty to these lost souls who without the grace and redemption of Christ can't be saved for By nature, men are "children of wrath" (Eph. 2:3); by Him, we have been reconciled with the Father (Col. 1:20), and it is only by faith in Him that we can have the boldness to approach God with entire confidence (Eph. 3:12). To Him was given all power in heaven and on earth (Mt. 28:18), and at His name every knee must bend, in heaven, on earth, and under the earth (Phil. 2:10,11). No one goes to the Father save by Him (Jn. 14:6), and there is no other name under heaven given to man by which he must be saved (Acts 4:12). He is the Light that enlightens every man who comes into the world (Jn.1:9), and whoever does not follow Him wanders in darkness (Jn. 8:12). Who is not with Him is against Him (Mt. 13:30), and who does not honor Him also dishonors His Father who sent Him (as the Jews do) (Jn. 5:23).
Christ says, " Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No I tell you but division?" With the truth, division must come. This should not dishearten the man of God for "If God is for us, who is against us" - Rom 8:31 (Do Catholics and Muslims worship the same God, by Raymond Taouck.)