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Jorge Blazes Montini's Trails Once Again
Much is being made now of the news that the homosexual-friendly Blase Cupich, the conciliar "Archbishop" of Chicago, has been appointed to the conciliar Congregation of Bishops, which means that he will be in a position to recommend like-minder friends of all things lavender to the conciliar episcopate here in the United States of America. Details of this appointment can be found at Novus Ordo Watch Wire.
Various articles on this site in the past two years or so have highlighted the thoroughly corrupt nature of Blase Cupich's moral theology, which has made excuses for the killing factory that is known as Planned Barrenhood (see Willing Servants of Antichrist) and seeks to indemnify hardened sinners, up to and including those steeped in perversity, and is a friend of pro-abortion politicians that surpasses even the cameraderie with them that was enjoyed by the likes of one of his most infamous predecessors, Joseph Louis Bernardin, and the retired conciliar Archbishop” of Los Angeles, California, and that is enjoyed also at present with the one of Jorge’s Commissars, Donald Wuerl, the conciliar “Archbishop” of Washington, District of Columbia. This is precisely as Bergoglio desires things to be as he, a figure of Antichrist, seeks to take the conciliar revolution to where it has been destined to go from its very beginnings: to the point of abject naturalism that celebrates all that is untrue, unnatural and anti-Catholic.
Indeed, Bergoglio’s appointment of Cupich represents a fulfillment of his desire, expressed in a recent interview with Argentine journalist Joaquin Morales Sola of La Nacion, to replace his “ultra-conservative” critics in the conciliar “episcopate” by removing “nails” by applying “pressure from the top:
The June 28 conversation was with journalist Joaquín Morales Solá, who writes for La Nacion in Argentina. It was Morales who used the word “ultra-conservative” to describe internal resistance to the pope, and Francis said he “rejects conflict” with them.
“They do their job, and I do mine,” the pope said.
“I want a Church that is open, understanding, that accompanies wounded families,” he said. “They say no to everything. I go ahead, without looking over my shoulder.”
Yet with what Morales described as a “wide smile,” the pontiff continued: “Nails are removed by applying pressure to the top … or, you set them aside to rest when the age of retirement arrives.”
The “nails” reference is often heard in Rome, used to refer to prelates who, having been bad administrators in their diocese – not criminally so, but simply inefficient – get appointed to a Vatican office. The suggestion appeared to be that Francis is slowly getting rid of people he perceives as problems, in many cases by waiting for them to reach the normal retirement age and then appointing someone else. (Antipope Says He's Not Looking Over the Shoulder at Ultra-Conservative Critics.)
Blase Cupich’s job, therefore, is to replace any lingering Girondist/Meshevik conciliar revolutionaries in the American conciliar hierarchy with those of his own Jacobin/Boleshevik variety to place them completely in line with Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s “open church” agenda.
Actually, however, this is nothing new as Bergoglio is only doing what was done before him by Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria/Paul the Sick, who appointed one lavender friendly prelate after another to the conciliar hierarchy around the world, including here in the United States of America. This is not simply speculation. This is a well-documented fact, and those who doubt this would do well to read the actual documentation as found in Mrs. Randy Engel’s The Rite of Sodomy, which was published ten years ago now and remains unrefuted by any critic.
Montini/Paul VI made it possible for what Mrs. Engel refers to as the “homosexual collective” to rise to the forefront. Montini chose young men, either in their late thirties or early forties, to foster a lavender friendly environment. One of the most prominent of these young priests was the notorious Joseph Louis Bernardin, whom Montini chose to be an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Atlanta on March 9, 1966, less than a month before his thirty-eighth birthday. Together with John “Cardinal” Dearden, the Archbishop of Detroit, Michigan, who had been appointed by Pope Pius XII as a Coadjutor Bishop of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on March 13, 1948 (assuming the role as diocesan ordinary on December 22, 1950), Bernardin worked hard to create here the same sort of “open church” here in the United States of America that Jorge Mario Bergoglio desires to institutionalize in order to wipe away the last remaining vestiges of anything recognizably Catholic in the false conciliar religious sect. (More facts about Bernardin can be found in Willing Servants of Antichrist.)
Bernardin’s revolutionary work was aided and augmented when Montini appointed the Belgian Destroyer, “Archbishop” Jean Jadot, as the conciliar apostolic delegate to this country, a position he held from May 23, 1973, to June 27, 1980. Jadot helped to shepherd the names of numerous ultra-conciliar, sodomite-friendly revolutionaries into the conciliar hierarchy in the United States of America.
Among those personally "consecrated" by Jadot was "Archbishop" Robert Sanchez, who had to resign from the conciliar ordinary of Sante Fe, New Mexico, on April 6, 1993, after it was revealed on 60 Minutes that he engaged in natural vice with five different women, and none other than the notorious, self-professed "gay" (but celibate, of course) Rembert George Weakland, a direct acolyte on the Consilium of Bugnini himself, who persecuted faithful Catholic priests and the laity during his terroristic reign as "Archbishop" of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, from September 20, 1977, to the time of his own scandal-prompted "retirement" on May 24, 2002 (see Weak In Mind, Weakest Yet In Faith and Just A Matter of Forgiveness?). Gee, who was that who succeeded Weakland in 2002? Yes, yes, a chap from Saint Louis, Missouri, a fellow named Timothy Michael Dolan.
Among the men advanced or promoted within the ranks of the American conciliar "hierarchy," including "auxiliary bishops," during the time of Jean Jadot, were men such as Howard Hubbard of Albany, New York, Matthew Clark of Rochester, New York, Kenneth Untener of Saginaw, Michigan, Bernard Francis Law of Cape Giradeau, Missouri, Peter Rosazza, an auxiliary of Hartford, Connecticut, known for this Marxist views, Walter Sullivan of Richmond, Virginia, the infamous Thomas Gumbleton, another self-confessed "gay" bishop," an acolyte of Call to Action's own John Cardinal Dearden from Detroit, Joseph Imesch of Joliet, Illinois, Joseph Fiorenza of Galveston-Houston and, among so many others, Robert Sanchez and Rembert Weakland themselves. Weakland was good enough to admit that the type of men favored by Jadot were "pastoral," "open-minded" and "independent thinkers" (see A Pilgrim in a Pilgrim Church: Memoirs of a Catholic Archbishop - Rembert G. Weakland, Rembert Weakland--this link will take you directly to Weakland's discussion of Jadot begins near the bottom of the page).
Weakland's name is not unimportant as hewas one of the "liturgical experts" who played a major role in bringing the revolutionary Protestant and Judeo-Masonic Novus Ordo service into being. Weakland, at age forty, was then the governing abbot (Abbot Primate) of the Order of Saint Benedict, then as now in its conciliar captivity, when he was appointed to the Consilium to destroy the Catholic liturgy with a revolutionary synthetic concoction designed to reaffirm men, himself included, in their sins:
Rembert G. Weakland was a key confidant of the pope [Giovanni Montini/Paul VI] in January 1968 as one of the most profound changes in Roman Catholic Church history was about to take place. The Second Vatican Council had adopted a document on sacred liturgy, but Paul VI had to implement it — and in doing so, replace the 400-year-old Tridentine Mass.
Resistant Vatican officials were pressuring him. He didn't want a schism. To resolve doubts, the Pope tried three versions of the new Mass. Five people, mainly bishops and cardinals, attended each. Only two were at every session — Weakland, then the abbot primate or worldwide head of the Benedictine order of monks and priests, and the late Annibale Bugnini, then a monsignor and secretary of the Vatican liturgical commission. Weakland termed the sessions "decisive." (Archbishop Weakland's Legacy)
Apart from the misinformation that the Protestant and Judeo-Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical service "replaced the 400-year-old Tridentine Mass," implying that the Immemorial Mass of Tradition was not known prior to Pope Saint Pius V's Papal Bull Quo Primum, July 19, 1570, this brief passage establishes for readers of this commentary the well-documented fact that Weakland, who is weak in mind and weakest yet in the Catholic Faith, had a major hand in creating a "liturgy" whose basic spirit, defined by Paragraph Fifteen of the General Instruction to the Roman Missal (G.I.R.M.):
The same awareness of the present state of the world also influenced the use of texts from very ancient tradition. It seemed that this cherished treasure would not be harmed if some phrases were changed so that the style of language would be more in accord with the language of modern theology and would faithfully reflect the actual state of the Church's discipline. Thus there have been changes of some expressions bearing on the evaluation and use of the good things of the earth and of allusions to a particular form of outward penance belonging to another age in the history of the Church. (Paragraph Fifteen, General Instruction to the Roman Missal, 1997.)
Who says that forms of "outward penance" belong to "another age in the history of the Church?
Revolutionaries, that's who.
Revolutionaries whose hatred for the need to do personal penance for one's sins is indicative of their lack of appreciation for the horror of personal sin (see Having No Regard for the Horror of Sin and Just A Matter of Forgiveness?).
Revolutionaries who, although they would be loath to see the analogy, are just as much in league with the adversary, who hates the Holy Cross and the fact that believing Catholics, despite their own sins and failings, embrace It and love It as they attempt to lift It high with joy and gratitude in their own daily lives, as the social revolutionaries who make no pretense at all of their open hatred for Christ the King and the very instrument upon which He redeemed sinful human beings.
The whole ethos of the Protestant and Judeo-Masonic liturgical service, including the architecture, art and music that were planned to destroy any sense of the Sacred Liturgy as being the unbloody re-presentation of perpetuation of Our Lord’s ineffable Sacrifice of Himself to His Co-Eternal, Co-Equal God the Father on the wood of the Holy Cross in atonement for our sins. Various networks of homosexualists within the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism insinuated themselves in key positions in every major religious community of men and were more or less recognized as the key constituency of more than a handful of parishes around the country. Some of these parishes include (among so many others Saint Francis Xavier Church in the Greenwich Village section of the Borough of Manhattan, New York, New York, Saint Paul the Apostle Church in the Lincoln Center section of the same borough, the Church of Saint Brigid in Westbury, New York, Saint Joan of Arc Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and, of course, Most Holy Redeemer Church in the Castro district of San Francisco, California.
The conciliar liturgy, whose design was aided by a self-confessed “gay man,” Weakland, who was “consecrated” in the worthless conciliar rite of episcopal consecration by none other than the Belgian Destroyer, Jean Jadot, himself, on November 8, 1977, was imposed with such lightning speed—a veritable Britzkreig—that even many older Catholics began to lose their belief in the stability of Catholic doctrine and moral teaching. After all, the liturgical revolutionaries knew that it stood to reason that many Catholics would come to doubt the certainty of anything that had been taught in the “past” once they came to see the changes that took place so endlessly in what purported to be a valid offering of Holy Mass.
One of the ways in which Catholics became confused and bewildered in the first years of the implementation of the Protestant and Judeo-Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical service was by the emphasis given what is called “The Liturgy of the Word” by including two lessons, sandwiched around the “Responsorial Psalm,” prior to the Gospel on Saturday evening/Sunday liturgies. Moreover, the revolutionaries took great pains to expand the sheer volume of readings during weekday services by including long passages from Books of the Old Testament.
This was all done to prove to Protestants that Catholics had not “abandoned” Sacred Scripture and were using more of it in the “renewed liturgy” than in the “old Mass.” Nearly ninety percent of the verses from the four Gospels are read at some point in the triennial cycle of Sunday liturgies and the biennial cycle of weekday services. The following chart, http://catholic-resources.org/Lectionary/Statistics.htm, demonstrates a comparison between the number of verses of Sacred Scripture found in the Novus Ordo service as opposed to those contained in the Immemorial Mass of Tradition. (The chart is a bit intellectually dishonest as it does not include the readings found in the Common and Votive Masses in the Missal of the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church.)
Ah, it is interesting to note, though, that the likes of Rembert George Weakland, a forerunner of Blase Cupich and Jorge Mario Bergoglio, were quite selective about the passages they chose to include in the supposedly “renewed” liturgy with its increased use of the words of Holy Writ, much of it read by lectors who are unfamiliar with the names found in the Old Testament and thus pronounce them in a butchered manner as those assembled nod off into slumber land before responding “Thanks be to God.” (There were some parishes on Long Island where lectors were known to say “This is the Woyd of the Lord” at the end of their butchered readings, whereupon the people responded with a collective “Tanks be to God.” Ah, yes, the joys of “full, active, and conscious participation in the liturgy.”)
One of the passages omitted by Bugnini’s Consilium was the following from the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Romans:
For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error. And as they liked not to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them up to areprobate sense, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all iniquity, malice, fornication, avarice, wickedness, full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, malignity, whisperers, Detractors, hateful to God, contumelious, proud, haughty, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Foolish, dissolute, without affection, without fidelity, without mercy. Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them. (Romans 1: 26-32)
Guilty consciences?
One would have to conclude that this is the case as the readings for Wednesday in the “Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time” of Cycle I including verses 16-25 of Chapter One of Saint Paul’s Epistle to the Romans. The readings for following day, Thursday, start with Romans 2:1, which means that the verses considered “offensive” to the ever so tender ears of those steeped in sins unnatural vice have been excised.
This having been noted, though, the passages are not to be found in the Immemorial Mass of Tradition either. Then again, it was never the intent of God the Holy Ghost, Who inspired every word of Sacred Scripture and Whose infallible guidance directed the organic development of the liturgy in the first centuries of the Church, to include every Scriptural verse in the Sacred Liturgy.
The Consilium’s exclusion of Romans 1: 26-32 and its removal of orations that might remind sinners that they face eternal damnation if they do not reform and repent make perfect sense when one considers the man who created the Consilium and appointed its members, Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Mario/Paul VI, who did not want his conscience to be pricked by prayers and readings that were not in tune with “modern theology.”
Perhaps a reminder is in order:
Montini, moreover, it is murmured in Rome and in all of Italy, is a homosexual. Hence subject to blackmail. Hence in the hand of those who intend to maneuver him to their own ends.
In Milan, as archbishop, he was often stopped, at night, by the police, in plain clothes and in dubious company. For years he has been tied by a particular friendship to an actor who paints his hair red, and who makes no mystery of his relations with the future Pope. The relationship would continue for years, staunch and constant. It was confided to me by an official of the Vatican security service that this favorite of Montini’s had been granted authorization to enter or exit the papal chambers as he pleased.
So much so that often they would see him arrive in the elevator in the middle of the night!
The ‘banana skin’ on which he, Paul VI, slipped, provoking the official end to this open secret (reference to his homosexuality), was the homily that he delivered in January of 1976 on “sexual ethics,” peppered with many points regarding homosexuality, thus provoking the reaction of the French writer Roger Peyrefitte.
In fact the weekly “Il Tempo,” issue no. 13 of April 4, 1976, published an interview with the literary writer (Roger Peyrefitte), who describes himself as “the most liberal man of all of France,” in which this celebrated homosexual sharpens his pen, and rebukes the Pope with the Pope’s own homosexuality, and thus denies him the right of holding himself up as a censor. Paul VI acknowledges officially the wound of this rapier thrust. A day of prayer was called to “make reparation for the affront made against the Pope,” but all of Italy laughed long over this episode. The English television interviewed Peyrefitte who aggravated the situation still further by declaring himself surprised at having obtained so much unhoped-for publicity, at such a good price.
The first blackmail will clutch Montini by the throat as he climbs the See of Peter. When freemasonry will promptly obtain the abolition of the excommunication with which the Church hits those in favor of cremation, threatening to reveal the secret meetings between Montini, archbishop of Milan, and “his” actor, in a hotel of Sion, in the Swiss Valais Canton. Later in Paris, the behind-the-scene-activity relating to that first, clamorous papal act of Paul VI, and to the activity of a gendarme, patient collector of the incontrovertible evidence, will be made known. (Nikita Roncalli.)
Mrs. Randy Engel has other details about the Montini the Sick in The Rite of Sodomy:
[Atila[ Guimarães quotes Franco Bellegrandi, a former member of the Vatican Noble Guard, part of the papal military corps, who witnessed the unfortunate changes that occurred at the Vatican after Pope Paul VI took office.
Bellegrandi repeats the charge that while Archbishop of Milan, Montini, dressed in civilian clothes, was picked up by the local police on one of the archbishop's nocturnal visits to the male brothels of the city.
The former Vatican guard describes the homosexual colonization process that he says began under Pope John XXIII, but which accelerated under Montini's rule--a process with [which] the reader should by now be thoroughly familiar. Bellegrandi says that old employees were turned out of their jobs at the Vatican to make room for Montini's favored brethren afflicted with the same vice. They in turn brought along their favorite catamites--"effeminate young men wearing elegant uniforms and make-up on their faces to dissimulate their beards," says Bellegrandi.
Bellegrandi says that he was told by an official of the Vatican security service that Montini's actor friend was permitted free access to the pontifical apartments and was seen taking the elevator late at night.
One of the statements made by Bellegrandi that attracted my attention was that Montini no sooner took office than he was subject to blackmail by Italian Freemasons. In exchange for their silence regarding Archbishop Montini's furtive sojourns to Switzerland to rendezvous with his actor-lover, who appears to have been quite open about his relationship with the prelate, the Masons demanded that the pope eliminate the Church's traditional ban on cremation after death. The pope complied. (Mrs. Randy Engel, The Rite of Sodomy, p. 1156)
An elderly gentleman from Paris who worked as an official interpreter for high-level clerics at the Vatican in the early 1950s told this writer that the Soviets blackmailed Montini into revealing the names of priests whom the Vatican had clandestinely sent behind the Iron Curtain to minister to Catholics in the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The Soviet secret police were on hand as soon as the priests crossed over the Russian border and the priest infiltrators were either shot or sent to the gulag.
The extent to which Pope Paul VI was subject to blackmail by the enemies of the Church will probably never be known. It may be that, in so far as the Communists and the Socialists were concerned, blackmail was entirely unnecessary given Montini's cradle to grave fascination and affinity for the Left. On the other hand, the Italian Freemasons, M16, the OSS and later the CIA and the Mafia were likely to have used blackmail and extortion against Montini beginning early in his career as a junior diplomat, then as Archbishop of Milan and finally as Pope Paul VI.
There can be no question that Pope Paul VI's homosexuality was instrumental in the paradigm shift that saw the rise of the Homosexual Collective in the Catholic Church in the United States, at the Vatican and around the world in the mid-20th century.
Pope Paul VI played a decisive role in the selection and advancement of many homosexual members of the American hierarchy, including Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, Terence Cardinal Cooke, John Cardinal Wright and Archbishop Rembert Weakland and Bishops George H. Guilfoyle, Francis Mugavero, Joseph Hart, Joseph Ferrario, James Rausch and their heirs.
The knowledge that a homosexual sat in the Chair of Peter--knowledge that spread like wild-fire on the "gay" gossip circuit--would certainly have served as an inducement for homosexual men to aspire to the priesthood and even prompt them to contemplate the unthinkable--a religious order or community composed exclusively of sodomites.
Most important, the long-guarded quasi-secret of Paul VI's homosexual life has, for decades, contributed to the silence and cover-up by the American hierarchy on the issue of homosexuality in general and the criminal activities of pederast priests in particular.
But it is a secret no longer.
The final piece of the puzzle has been put in place.
"Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us." Mrs. Randy Engel, The Rite of Sodomy, pp. 1156-1157)
No, there is nothing new about what Jorge Mario Bergolio wants Blase Cupich, who was appointed by none other than “Saint John Paul II, who protected moral rerelicts, of course, to do as the Argentine Apostate is only doing what the very queer man who posed as “Pope Paul VI” did throughout the wretched fifteen years, fifty-one days as the universal face of public apostasy.
A false church with false doctrines, false and sacramentally barren liturgical rites and false pastoral practices has helped to devastate one formerly Catholic country after another. These devastation was long in the planning by the adversary, and it has taken over fifty years of careful propagation to prepare the way for what is only the logical public manifestation of what was intended all along: the overthrow of the Catholic Faith in favor of a naturalistic “religion of man.”
Blase Cupich is merely a product of what has gone on before him and a mirror image of what Jorge Mario Bergoglio intends to do with the time that the adversary has given him to lead the false church of universal apostasy that most people in the world believe is the Catholic Church. Jorge has made it impossible for believing Catholics who are still attached to the structures of their false church to "appeal to Rome" about such men as Cupich as he is doing precisely what his "pope" wants done. This is simply the convergence of the forces of Modernity in the world and of Modernism in the counterfeit church of conciliarism.
Our Lady promised Jacinta and Francisco Marto and Lucia dos Santos that her Immaculate Heart would triumph in the end. We must do our part to bring this about by praying for a restoration of a true pope on the Throne of Saint Peter as we seek to console the good God, Who is so grieved by our sins and those of the world, by praying as many Rosaries each day as our state-in-life permits and by making more sacrifices for the conversion of sinners, offering up the tribulations of the moment to Him as the consecrated slaves of His Co-Eternal, Co-Equal Divine Son, Christ the King, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Vivat Christus Rex! Viva Cristo Rey!
Immaculate Heart of Mary, triumph soon!
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.
Saint Elizabeth of Portugal, pray for us.