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The Green Jorge Strikes Again
The news of Pietro the Red Parolin’s upcoming appearance at the Parolin to Attend Bilderberg Conference in Turin, Italy, was hardly “old” before Jorge the Red put on his “green” cap once again to try to “save” humanity from supposed extinction from the use of “dirty fuels.” Ladies and gentlemen, apart from rolling one’s eyes, it is beyond belief that rational human beings find themselves having to comment on a supposed “pope’s” open embrace of the anti-population agenda of the so-called “green” movement, which is simply a cover for world socialism by means of global governance agencies.
For what it is worth, though, here is an excerpt from the speech that Jorge Mario Bergoglio delivered Saturday, June 9, 2018, in the Clementine Hall of the Apostolic Palace (it appears he does have some use for the palace’s facilities now and again) on Conference on “Energy Transition and Care for our Common Home” that featured an assembly of chief executives from the oil and natural gas industries:
We know that the challenges facing us are interconnected. If we are to eliminate poverty and hunger, as called for by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the more than one billion people without electricity today need to gain access to it. But that energy should also be clean, by a reduction in the systematic use of fossil fuels. Our desire to ensure energy for all must not lead to the undesired effect of a spiral of extreme climate changes due to a catastrophic rise in global temperatures, harsher environments and increased levels of poverty.
As you know, in December 2015, 196 Nations negotiated and adopted the Paris Agreement, with a firm resolve to limit the growth in global warming to below 2° centigrade, based on preindustrial levels, and, if possible, to below 1.5° centigrade. Some two-and-a-half years later, carbon dioxide emissions and atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases remain very high. This is disturbing and a cause for real concern.
Yet even more worrying is the continued search for new fossil fuel reserves, whereas the Paris Agreement clearly urged keeping most fossil fuels underground. This is why we need to talk together – industry, investors, researchers and consumers – about transition and the search for alternatives. Civilization requires energy, but energy use must not destroy civilization!
Coming up with an adequate energy “mix” is essential for combating pollution, eliminating poverty and promoting social equality. These aspects are often mutually reinforcing, since cooperation in the energy field affects the relief of poverty, the promotion of social inclusion and the protection of the environment. These are goals that, if they are to be attained, demand respect for the rights of peoples and of cultures (cf. Laudato Si’, 144).
Fiscal and economic measures, the transfer of technological capacities and, more generally, regional and international cooperation in areas such as access to information, should be consistent with these goals. The latter should not be viewed as the product of a particular ideology, but rather as goals of a civilized society that contribute to economic growth and social order.
Any exploitation of the environment that would refuse to consider these long-term issues could only attempt to stimulate a short-term economic growth, but in the long run would certainly have a negative impact, affecting intergenerational equality and the process of development.
A critical evaluation of the environmental impact of economic decisions will always be needed, in order to take into proper account their long-term human and environmental costs. To the extent possible, such an evaluation should involve local institutions and communities in decision-making processes. (The Green Jorge Strikes Again. For musical accompaniment, see The Horn--Alois Maxwell Hirt--Meets The Hornet .)
As has been noted many times on this site, the Argentine Apostate is a pantheist who has no regard for the first law of the Church, the salvation of souls. Then again, why should the salvation of souls matter to this pantheist since he has no regard for the honor and glory of the true God of Divine Revelation, the Most Blessed Trinity, nor for His immutability and His omnipotence over the whole of creation? Indeed, Bergoglio has shown his contempt for God by blaspheming Him regularly and scoffing at the binding nature of the Ten Commandments and even the existence of the Natural Law.
It is no accident at all that Bergoglio was entirely mute prior to and after the referendum in the Republic of Ireland to repeal that country’s Eighth Amendment to its constitution to permit the Irish parliament to pass legislation, desired by the nation’s sodomite prime minister, to decriminalize the surgical slaughter of the innocent preborn, although he does speak out consistently and loudly against the death penalty, both as a matter of principle and in fact. “Pope Francis” desires to save the “planet,” and he has as much stated that he does not want to align himself with “pro-life” politicians, most of whom support the surgical execution of children within their mothers’ wombs, because he fears being associated with their alleged “corruption” and the supposed “heartlessness” represented by a desire oppose open borders and globalist schemes of statism designed to produce “income equality,” “social inclusion” and the protection of the environment. Silence is the order of the day on any moral issue that Jorge Mario Bergoglio believes would align him with anyone who belongs to the organized crime families of the naturalist “right.” His “papal” agenda for the world is socialism, which is what the globalist, anti-life “sustainable development goals” are in fact an effort to implement.
A scholar who works with Human Life International explained the anti-life, anti-population agenda of the United Nations’ “Sustainable Development Goals” in very simple term three years ago:
We should all be concerned about the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals[i](SDGs). What are they? A series of worldwide “development” goals and targets conceived and promoted by the UN for the period 2015-2030 as an expansion and follow-up to the UN’s Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for 2000-2015.
Though they have not been completely finalized yet, it seems increasingly certain that there will be 17 SDGs (as opposed to the eight MDGs). The first SDG reads: “End poverty in all its forms everywhere.” From there, SDGs include eradicating hunger, keeping humans healthy, and expanding educational opportunities for all.
However, the fifth SDG states: “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.” Under that heading is a vast malevolent target which essentially “ensures universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights.” That is UN-specific language calling for universal access to abortion and others services geared for population control efforts.
Many of the SDGs focus on environmental concerns, reflecting the fact that they were conceived at the Rio de Janeiro +20 UN conference – an event held on the 20th anniversary of the Rio “Earth Summit.”
Why are the SDGs significant and not just ineffectual rhetoric? As in most UN initiatives, behind the utopian vision, platitudes, and specialized jargon, there is a cold hard fact. Billions will be poured into implementing the SDGs. International non-government organizations (NGOs) are seeking these funds, including the population control advocates.
Sadly, an influential current within the Environmentalist Movement sees human beings as a cancer on the planet. “Zero Population Growth,” the group founded by Paul Ehrlich, changed its name to the less revealing “Population Connection.” Their mission, however, remains unchanged: reduce world population to a level that can be sustained by Mother Earth. In other words, implement draconian population control tactics like sterilizing most people and aborting the majority of preborn babies.
Isn’t it interesting that the population myth and mission arise from the discredited man who screamed in his 1968 best-seller The Population Bomb: The battle to feed all of humanity is over? He promised millions of people would starve to death (in the time frame of the 1970s) in spite of any crash programs embarked upon then.[ii] “Consistent food surpluses in the last few decades mean that another threat besides mass starvation is needed to justify population control.”
When the UN gathers in New York this September to finalize the Sustainable Development Goals, pro-life governmental delegations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) will have to resolutely oppose the inclusion of abortion-promoting code language. A prudent and responsible stewardship of creation must be supported in the SDGs. Eco-radicalism, with attendant hatred of humanity, cannot be accepted.
Please join me in praying for these efforts and also for the conversion of Paul Ehrlich. At age 83, the ideological Pol Pot of eco-population control will meet his maker soon and runs the risk of fulfilling his doomsday predictions of an extremely hot climate for all eternity. (The Hidden Agendas Within Sustainable Development Goals.)
Unfortunately for the author of the article above, his “pope” has thoroughly endorsed the agenda of “sustainable development goals,” which received has received his full support on numerous occasions. Indeed, he even “worries” about efforts to implement those goals. Among those “worries” have been the “deforestation” of the Amazon jungle to plant soy! I kid you not. This what the head of the counterfeit church of conciliarism said in an interview just nine weeks after the scholar's article had appeared on July 20, 2015:
Pope Francis criticized the destruction of forests in order to plant soy in an interview with an Argentine radio station on Saturday, reinforcing his message that the environment should take precedence over financial gain.
"It hurts me in my soul when I see deforestation to plant soy," said the pope in an interview with two priests at Radio Parroquial Virgen del Carmen in Campo Gallo, a tiny parish radio station in the poor northern province of Santiago del Estero in his native Argentina.
"It will take thousands of years to recover. Look after the woods and water."
Argentina is the world's largest supplier of soymeal and soyoil, and much of its vast pampas that were once given over to cattle ranches now grow the plant, used for animal feed and in foodstuffs, with China the leading importer.
In neighboring Brazil, also a major soy supplier, environmentalists claim that its cultivation has led to the destruction of rainforest.
The head of the 1.2 billion member Catholic Church has caused controversy before by weighing into debates on the environment and condemning speculation in food commodities.
He visited South America last month and gave passionate speeches in which he censured capitalism, championed the rights of the poor, and warned of irreversible damage to the planet.
In an encyclical dedicated to the environment in June, Francis, the first pope from a developing nation, advocated a change of lifestyle in rich countries and demanded swift action to save the planet from environmental ruin. (Apostate laments destruction of forests to plant soy.)
Undaunted, the heresiarch repeated his “concerns” while expressing open support for the “sustainable development” goals in address that he delivered to the “environmental ministers” of the European Union on September 16, 2015:
Thank you very much for having called this meeting which gives me the opportunity to share with you, if only briefly, some thoughts also in view of important international events in the coming months: the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals at the end of this month and the Cop 21 Summit in Paris.
I would like to focus on three principles. First of all, the principle of solidarity, a word that is sometimes forgotten and others abused in a sterile manner. We know that those who are most vulnerable to environmental degradation are the poor; they are the ones who suffer its most serious consequences. Thus, solidarity means the implementation of effective tools that are able to fight environmental degradation and poverty at the same time. There are many positive experiences in this regard. For example the development and transfer of appropriate technologies that are able to make the best possible use of the human, natural and socio-economic resources that are most readily available at a local level, in order to ensure their long-term sustainability.
Second, the principle of justice. In the "Laudato si’" encyclical I spoke of "ecological debt", especially between North and South connected to trade imbalances with consequences in the context of ecology, as well as the disproportionate use of natural resources historically exploited by some countries. We must honor this debt. These nations are called upon to contribute to solving this debt by setting a good example: limiting in a big way consumption of non-renewable energy; providing resources to countries in need for the promotion of policies and programmes for sustainable development; adopting appropriate systems for the management of forests, transportation, waste; seriously addressing the grave problem of food waste; favouring a circular model of economy; encouraging new attitudes and lifestyles.
Thirdly, the principle of participation, which requires the involvement of all stakeholders, even of those who often remain at the margins of decision-making. We live, in fact, in a very interesting historical time: on the one hand science and technology give us unprecedented power; on the other, a proper use of this power requires that we adopt a more integral and inclusive vision. This demands that we open the door to dialogue, a dialogue that is inspired by a vision which is rooted in that of integral ecology, the very subject of the “Laudato si’" encyclical. This is obviously a big cultural, spiritual and educational challenge. Solidarity, justice and participation for the respect of our dignity and for respect of creation.
Dear Ministers, the Cop21 summit is fast approaching and there is still a long way to go to achieve a result that is capable of bringing together the many positive stimuli that have been offered as a contribution to this important process. I strongly encourage you to intensify your work, along with that of your colleagues, so that in Paris the desired result is achieved. On my part and on the part of Holy See there will be no lack of support for an adequate response to the cry of the Earth and to the cry of the poor. Thank you. (Antipope urges EU Environment Ministers to work hard in view of SDGs.)
Concern for the rainforests and for “sustainable development goals” is what hurts Jorge’s pantheistic soul that is the product of rank naturalistic sentimentality.
What doesn’t hurt Jorge’s soul, however, is to deny Catholic doctrine and to deride those who attempt to defend it without compromise, calling them, among other choice names, “fundamentalists.”
However, it got worse as it was just sixteen months ago that none other than Paul Ehrlich, the notorious proponent of “zero population growth” (see Jorge's Band of Theological Racketeers Legitimize Paul Ehrlich), who received a justified mention in the HLI article, was invited to speak at a Vatican conference on “Biological Extinction” that was held between February 27, 2017, and March 1, 2017:
ROME, March 3, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) -- "We need at some point to have a limited number of people which is why Pope Francis and his three most recent predecessors have always argued that you should not have more children than you can bring up properly," a panelist at a Vatican-run workshop on “how to save the natural world” claimed on Thursday.
This solution to securing the world’s sustainability was presented by botanist and environmentalist Peter Raven during a press conference that concluded the “Biological Extinction” workshop that took place at the Vatican earlier this week.
Greg Burke, director of the Holy See Press Office, moderated a panel, which included Raven, President of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS), Werner Arber, University of Cambridge Professor Emeritus of Economics Partha Dasgupta, and PAS chancellor Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo.
“We do not endorse any of the artificial birth control [methods] that the Church does not endorse,” said Raven.
The Church condemns every method of artificial birth control.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that “every action which, whether in anticipation of the conjugal act, or in its accomplishment, or in the development of its natural consequences, proposes, whether as an end or as a means, to render procreation impossible is intrinsically evil” since it destroys the unitive and procreative integrity of the marital act.
The Church teaches that a married couple who wishes to postpone pregnancy for a “grave” reason may do so by not engaging in the marital act during the fertile period.
According to Raven, the central element of the solution for “overpopulation” is that “we need a more limited number of people in the world.” In addition, “the problem is one of inequality,” where the rich use more of the world’s resources than the poor.
“In the framework of social justice worldwide we need to find ways for natural resources to be distributed on the basis of compassion and love. We hope for support in our ongoing support for our endeavor to develop sustainability,” he said.
All four on the panel concurred that the survival of the planet is tightly linked to the number of people on the planet.
The Biological Extinction workshop drew particular controversy because it featured a paper by notorious pro-abortion population control advocate Dr. Paul Ehrlich. At the event Ehrlich, and co-author Dasgupta, said that the Catholic teaching of “responsible parenthood” in determining family size has “result[ed] in collective failure” in reducing the world’s population.
The authors suggested that one way to stop the exhaustion of “humanity’s natural capital” is by imposing a system of “taxes and regulations” that would help modify “social norms of behaviour.”
Just days before the conference, Ehrlich, who has defended forced abortion and mass forced sterilization as legitimate means to control the world’s population, advocated in an interview with The Guardian for cutting the world's population by 6 billion people to bring it down to 1 billion.
In the paper's words, he said doing so would have an “overall pro-life effect.” The paper indicated he believed this could “sustain many more human lives in the long term compared with our current uncontrolled growth and prospect of sudden collapse."
When LifeSiteNews asked the panelists at the Vatican press conference if any scientists were invited to the conference who held an alternative view on the world’s population, Bishop Sorondo replied: “You can see the papers, since everything was published on the website, the texts and the discussions.”
Sorondo said that while “there were different opinions on population” during the conference’s discussions, the participants reached two conclusions: “That the carbonization (pollution) of the air is not caused by the number of human beings, but by the activity of humans who use the materials at hand” and that “in order to have an integral environment, biodiversity must be conserved – [and] that also depends on human activity.”
Dasgupta, Ehrlich's co-author, said during the panel that the number of humans on the planet is not sustainable. He added that humans must arrive at a point where their numbers are determined by how “the earth can replenish herself.”
Upon LifeSiteNews’ question about what this point would look like and how many people would be ideal for the planet, Dasgupta answered: “We should not calculate that. The number of humans depends on standards of living, or quality of life. It depends on the total demand that we make on Mother Nature. If humans were not here there would be other factors.”
While leaving the question essentially unanswered, Dasgupta presented the solution of “working backwards,” stating that “we have to figure out the human impact on Mother Nature on an annual basis: If the impact grows, we will be concerned. If the impact is reduced, then mother nature will replenish.”
He suggested that the “best step forward” to begin curbing “population growth” would be with a “focus on the family and education.” He did not clarify what such “education” might entail. (Jorge Praised By Population Controller at Vatican Workshop for Using Us to Have Fewer Childen If They Cannot Be Raised "Properly".)
Not much time needs to be spent on this completely naturalistic and pagan approach to viewing the human being, who is the very zenith of God’s creative handiwork, as an enemy of the earth and of the “sustainability” of biological “diversity.”
The Catholic Church was founded by Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ upon the Rock of Peter, the Pope, to save souls, not the earth and not lower species on it.
Although man must be a good steward of the earth and its resources, God spoke very directly about the fact that Adam and his descendants were given dominion over the earth and its vegetation and all of the animals, fishes and birds He created:
And he said: Let us make man to our image and likeness: and let him have dominion over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and the beasts, and the whole earth, and every creeping creature that moveth upon the earth.
And God created man to his own image: to the image of God he created him: male and female he created them.
And God blessed them, saying: Increase and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and all living creatures that move upon the earth.
And God said: Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed upon the earth, and all trees that have in themselves seed of their own kind, to be your meat:
And to all beasts of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to all that move upon the earth, and wherein there is life, that they may have to feed upon. And it was so done.
And God saw all the things that he had made, and they were very good. And the evening and morning were the sixth day. (Genesis 1: 26-31)
Jorge Mario Bergoglio and those anti-Theistic, anti-family pantheists who were invited to speak at the “Pontifical” Academy for the Science's conference on “Biological Extinction” last year reject this. So do the “environmental ministers” to whom he spoke a few days ago.
Catholics understand, however, that God Himself spoke these words. He has given His permission to us to eat the beats of the earth and the fowl of the air, subduing and ruling over the fishes of the sea, and all living creatures upon the earth. Animals are subordinate to the needs of human beings. This is what one can call real simple.
Alas, a world that has become naturalist and pantheistic and relativistic and positivistic and utilitarian and materialistic and hedonistic becomes so blinded by the falsehoods it embraces that men spend their entire lives trying to answer questions that have been answered by the true God Himself in the Revelation that He has entrusted exclusively to the Catholic Church for its eternal safekeeping and infallible explication.
To seek to limit population by any means, including by so-called "natural family planning" that is premised on an inversion of the ends proper to the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony (Forty-Three Years After Humanae Vitae, Always Trying To Find A Way and Planting Seeds of Revolutionary Change) is to deny the Providence of God for the care of His rational creatures. It is to place considerations of an anti-Theistic, anti-family, anti-human ideology ahead of the Supernatural Virtue of Faith, which teaches teaches us that God never permits us to endure any cross that is beyond our capacity to carry. "Family planning" is a lie, something that Alfred Cardinal Ottaviana, the prefect of the Holy Office, noted at the "Second" Vatican Council:
"I am not pleased with the statement in the text that married couples may determine the number of children they are to have. Never has this been heard of in the Church. My father was a laborer, and the fear of having many children never entered my parents' minds, because they trusted in Providence. [I am amazed] that yesterday in the Council it should have been said that there was doubt whether a correct stand had been taken hitherto on the principles governing marriage. Does this not mean that the inerrancy of the Church will be called into question? Or was not the Holy Spirit with His Church in past centuries to illuminate minds on this point of doctrine?" (As found in Peter W. Miller, Substituting the Exception for the Rule; The Rhine Flows into the Tiber, by Father Ralph Wiltgen, The Rhine Flows Into the Tiber, Tan Books and Publishers, 1967, is cited as the source of this quotation. See also my Forty-Three Years After Humanae Vitae, Always Trying To Find A Way and Planting Seeds of Revolutionary Change.)
Despite all the disclaimers and occasional and mostly gratuitous, “papal” lines about not using the environmentalists’ agenda to destroy human life, the fact remains that the conciliar Vatican’s alliance with allies of George Soros and his well-founded anti-life forces that are represented at Vatican-sponsored conferences and on the “Pontifical” Academy for Life and “Pontifical” Academy for the Sciences—when taken together with “Pope Francis’s” consistently deafening silence about abortion whenever he speaks before world ministers or before such “political issues” as the recent referendum in Ireland—speaks volumes about the extent to which pantheism reigns supreme in the never, never land that is conciliarism. Then again, attack dogmatic truth, open the doors wide for George Soros.
God created the world, which will end on His terms, not man’s terms. The world has always had environmental problems. Forest fires caused smoke pollution after lightning strikes. Flies and other pests abounded in the streets of urban areas in the days when the horse was the only major means of locomotion. The disposal of human waste has posed a problem that is still not resolved.
There has never been a time since the Original Sin entered the world as a result of the disobedience of Adam and Eve that a perfect ecological balance existed. The delicate balance that existed in the physical world prior to the sin of our first parents was rent asunder by their rebellion against the One who had created them, making man the steward of everything on the face of the earth. The fact that men may despoil the environment more at one time than another is the result of fallen human nature, and a believing Catholic understands that fallen human nature is completely out of control in this era of state-sponsored and state-mandated bloodshed of the innocent and the celebration of indecency blasphemy and perversion as legitimate “human rights” from which no can dissent legitimately.
The truth is, of course, that it is the sins of men that unleash the wrath of God upon us as He let loose the forces of nature to chastise us as our sins deserve, teaching us of the necessity of reforming our lives and of making reparation to Him through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary for our sins and those of the whole world. The chastisements of nature are visited upon us by God are reminders of his Omnipotence over us, His rational creatures, and of the very created world in which we live in order to give Him honor and glory as the consecrated slaves of Christ the King through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. Such chastisements remind us of our nothingness before the Most Blessed Trinity and of our absolute need to pray with fervor to kept safe unto eternity from the moral perils of the day that are celebrated by the lords of Modernity in the world and by Jorge and his band Modernists in the counterfeit church of conciliarism.
In the meantime, of course, souls immersed in sin and the public celebration thereof, especially during this month of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, are lost for eternity because the voice of a true and legitimate Successor of Saint Peter is lacking, and the false “pope” makes it appear as though the only people who can be lost are those who do not support his agenda of panetheism, statism, globalism, religious indifferentism and moral relativism.
We are suffering he results of that dethronement of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as the King of men and their nations and not even legitimate measures to limit pollution can undo the harm caused by the moral pollution let loose by the Protestant Revolution against the Divine Plan that God Himself personally instituted to effect man's return to Him through the Catholic Church. It goes without saying that Jorge Mario Bergoglio has added this moral pollution exponentially in the past sixty-three months.
Pope Saint Pius X’s Notre Charge Apostolique, August 15, 1910, condemned the false principles of The Sillon that are at the heart of conciliarism's pantheistic world view:
Here we have, founded by Catholics, an inter-denominational association that is to work for the reform of civilization, an undertaking which is above all religious in character; for there is no true civilization without a moral civilization, and no true moral civilization without the true religion: it is a proven truth, a historical fact. (Pope Saint Pius X, Notre Charge Apostolique, August 15, 1910.)
No, Venerable Brethren, We must repeat with the utmost energy in these times of social and intellectual anarchy when everyone takes it upon himself to teach as a teacher and lawmaker - the City cannot be built otherwise than as God has built it; society cannot be setup unless the Church lays the foundations and supervises the work; no, civilization is not something yet to be found, nor is the New City to be built on hazy notions; it has been in existence and still is: it is Christian civilization, it is the Catholic City. It has only to be set up and restored continually against the unremitting attacks of insane dreamers, rebels and miscreants. omnia instaurare in Christo. (Pope Saint Pius X, Notre Charge Apostolique, August 15, 1910.)
Holy Mother Church is not unconcerned about the created world. However, she recognizes that the created world has been despoiled by the sins of men. Human souls are immortal. The created world is destined for doom on the Last Day when Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ will come to judge the living and the dead. It is precisely because the lords of conciliarism more concerned first and foremost about the created world and inequalities that exist in the very nature of things, leaving the ordinary observer that those who persist in sins against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments and those who are outside the Catholic Church are not in peril of losing their souls for all eternity.
Consider these words of Father Edward Leen as found in the introduction of Why the Cross? concerning those who want Holy Mother Church to be an instrument of social reform rather than what she is, the means of human sanctification and salvation:
For men, as a rule, have but shown themselves too eager to manage their own temporal affairs. They resent what they call the Church's interference. This resentment culminates in a deliberate exclusion of the Church from the councils of peoples. Even at the best of times, when States were not yet professedly secularist, what jealousy was always manifested with regard to the action of the Church in secular matters! How slow men were to take her advice! How her efforts for procuring the temporal welfare of men were hampered, thwarted and positively resisted!
The gradual silencing of the voice of Christianity in the councils of the nations is the evil cause of the chaotic conditions of modern civilized life. This issue was inevitable. For though the Church's wisdom is primarily in the domain of things of the world to come, yet she is wise, too, with regard to the things of the world that is. She is not for the world, and yet she is able and even ready to act as if she were equipped specially to procure the temporal good of men. [See Maritain, St. Thomas Aquinas, p. 134.] She is able and willing to give men directions in temporal matters, which, if followed, will result in temporal prosperity. She is too wise to promote unrealizable Utopias, from which all suffering and toil will be banished. She can give prudent directions how to devise measures for the mitigation of inevitable hardships and the elimination of unnecessary evils. If rulers and ruled alike listened to her voice, the authentic voice of Christianity, what a change would come over the world! It would not cease to be a vale of tears but would cease to be a vale of savage strife. It would not become an earthly Paradise but would become an earth where man's dreams of a satisfying order of things could be realized.
But when all this has been said, it remains true that the sphere of activity in which the Church's efficacy is to be tested is not the sphere of economics. That is not her proper province. There, nothing more than relative success can attend human efforts, whereas, in that work which is properly belongs to Christianity to accomplish no failure can attend on its efforts. The function of Christianity is not to reform or devise economic or social systems: her function is to reform and to transform the economists themselves. The Church, the organ of Christianity, is well aware that a change in social conditions, unaccompanied by a change in the disposition of people, will only result in the substitution of one set of wrongdoers for another. “And the last state of men is made worse than the first.” [Mt 12: 45.] The Church undertakes to change people, not systems. She knows that if individuals become what they ought, systems will become what they ought. The dictum of her Divine Founder remains her own and voices her wisdom as well as her experience. “Seek first the kingdom of God and His justice and all these things shall be added unto you.” [Mt. 6: 33, LK 12:31]
There is so much clamorous abuse of the Church for not remedying social evils, that both her friends and her enemies gradually have their minds dulled to the apprehension of what the Church's essential function is in the world. But it must be repeated that the creation of satisfactory social conditions is far from being the primary, much less the only, aim of Christianity. What that aim is – what promises Christianity holds out to people – what it guarantees to effect for them-- what means and processes it offers for the realization of these hopes – what is the reason that these means and processes take the form that they actually assume – and finally, what a wondrous life, satisfying every desire and aspiration, it infallibly provides for all, if people will only consent to make use of the resources it puts at their disposal. In short, to set forth the real message of Christianity, its promises, its methods and its guarantees, is the purport of the following pages. (Father Edward Leen, S.J., Why the Cross?, originally published by Sheed & Ward in 1938, and republished in 2001 by Scepter Publishers, Princeton, New Jersey, pp. 9-17.)
Father Leen was a true Jesuit concerned about the salvation of souls.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a lay revolutionary Jesuit concerned about everything but the salvation of souls.
Pay no attention to the collection of men behind those curtains in the conciliar Vatican. They are frauds. Pay attention only to the Faith as we embrace the crosses of the present moment, thanking God ceaselessly for giving them to us so that we can give him honor and glory through the Immaculate Heart of Mary as we strive to sanctify our own souls and to quit our own sins once and for all, resolving to make reparation for each of them more fully until the day we die with our Brown Scapulars draped over our shoulders so that we can die in Our Lady's loving embrace with her Most Holy Rosary clasped firmly between our fingers as we implore with her to “pray for us now, and the hour of our death.”
We must remember these words that Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Our King, spoke to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque:
"I will reign in spite of all who oppose Me." (quoted in: The Right Reverend Emile Bougaud. The Life of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, reprinted by TAN Books and Publishers in 1990, p. 361.)
Viva Cristo Rey! Vivat Christus Rex!
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
Saints Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar, pray for us.
Saint Barnabas, pray for us.