Deeds Must Match Rhetoric

One of the most pernicious aspects of the endless battle between the competing organized crime families of naturalism concerns the fact that the members of the false opposite of the naturalist “left” have become such an extreme caricature of Jacobin/Bolshevik revolutionaries who believe that the protection of the demigod of “democracy” requires crushing all dissenting voices and subjecting of their most vocal opponents to prosecution and imprisonment that all someone in the false opposite of the naturalist “right” has to do is to end the left’s extremism without doing anything of substance that would correct grave injustices such as the chemical and surgical execution of the innocent preborn and receive the adoration of the multitudes.

Thus, even though President Donald John Trump has made it abundantly clear that (a) it is to be an “extremist” to oppose all surgical executions of preborn children without except; (b) it is up to the “mutable will of the people” to “decide that which is beyond their moral authority to “decide” concerning whether to restrict or permit baby-slaughter rather than insist upon a faithful adherence to the binding precepts of the Fifth Commandment concerning the absolute inviolability of all innocent human life; (c) it is considered to be “pro-life” and “pro-family” to support the immoral, baby-killing practice of in vitro fertilization; and (d) it is not going to be the policy of his second administration to either rescind the United States Food and Drug Administration’s decision in 2000 to market the human pesticide (the abortion pill) or to enforce Federal law prohibiting this murderous pharmaceutical product from being shipped to “customers” via the United States Postal Service, all he had to do to curry favor with those who attended the March for Life on Friday, January 24, 2025, the Feast of Saint Timothy, was to celebrate his very correct pardoning of the twenty-three pro-life champions who were persecuted by the administration of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., and Kamala Harris Emhoff, and subject to “enhanced sentencing” for making workers at a baby-killing mill feel “vulnerable” and say a few words about protecting “every life” while insisting that babies can be killed in cases of bodily assault upon a woman, incest, or alleged threats posed to a mother’s life by carrying her baby. No one at the March for Life seemed to notice these disconnects between the president’s well-meaning words and the anti-life policies, including support contraception, he has consistently in the past two and one-half years.

Here, therefore, is the text of the President’s prerecorded video message for those assembled for the March for Life on the National Mall, Washington, District of Columbia, Friday, January 24, 2025. I will interject at various points:

Hello to everyone at the March for Life. It’s a pleasure to speak to you from the beautiful Oval Office. That’s where we are right now, the magnificent Oval Office. And thank you for turning out once again to show your extraordinary love and compassion for the unborn. 

Each year, Americans of every age, color and background travel to our nation’s capital by the tens of thousands to stand up for precious little babies who cannot stand up for themselves. I am proud to be the first president ever to have joined you in person.

As you know, this annual march started 52 years ago, on the first anniversary of the disastrous ruling known as Roe v. Wade. That unconstitutional decision took power away from the states and the voters, kicking off 50 years of division and anger. But thanks to your tireless work and devotion across five decades, that historic wrong was set right three years ago. I was so proud to be a participant. Six courageous justices of the Supreme Court of the United States returned the issue to the state legislatures and to the people, where it belongs. It became a vote of the people

Interjection Number One:




The “people,” whether acting individually on their own or collectively with others in their institutions of civil governance, have no moral authority over the binding precepts of the Fifth Commandment other than to conform themselves and the civil law to those precepts. The only legitimate power that men have as regards the Fifth Commandment is to determine what penalties should be imposed upon those who undergo, solicit, perform, assist, or suborn willful murder. This is the only area where men are free to disagree with each other, but there is moral freedom for anyone to “decide” to permit the chemical or surgical killing babies under the cover of the civil law.

This is not a matter of states’ rights.

This is not a matter of the “rights” of the “people.”

This is a matter of the immutable laws of God, not the so-called "The Mutable Will of the People".

All right, back to the president’s address to the March for Life attendees:

In my second term, we will again stand proudly for families and for life. We will protect the historic gains we have made and stopped the radical Democrat push for a federal right to unlimited abortion on demand up to the moment of birth, and even after birth: Think of that, after birth; and some people want that, can you believe it? We will work to offer a loving hand to new mothers and young families, and we will support adoption and foster care. We will protect women and vulnerable children.

Interjection Number Two:

Yes, it is important to oppose the killing of babies after birth, but there is no moral distinction between killing a baby in the womb or shortly after he has been born. An innocent human being is killed in either instance.

While it is true that it is permissible for the civil law to make a distinction in the sort of penalties that are imposed upon the conditions under which a child is killed, a human being comes into existence at the moment of conception. There is never any moral distinction to be made between the age at which an innocent human being is murdered. The invisible child in the womb is just as human as he is when visible after birth.

The murderous members of the organized crime family of the false opposite of the naturalist “left,” the Democratic Party, are perfectly consistent in their unremitting absolutist support for baby-killing at all times without exception. Their opposite number, however, are inconsistent as, no matter how much there are rightly repulsed by letting a child who has survived an abortion die by neglect by direct means to kill him, all but a handful on the “right” are moral relativists when it comes to support the destruction of innocent human life in the so-called “hard cases,” which are not “hard” for anyone who loves God as He has revealed Himself to us exclusively through His Catholic Church and knows that the ineffable graces won for us by His Divine Son, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, during His Passion and Death on the wood of the Holy Cross on Good Friday and that flow into our hearts and souls through the loving hands of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary are more than sufficient to give love rather than to deal death as a “solution” to a “problem” that should be no “problem” at all.

Returning to the President’s address to the March for Life:

Under my leadership, a reformed Department of Justice will finally investigate the radical left attacks on churches and crisis-pregnancy centers, and we will bring perpetrators to justice. We will get them to justice, one way or the other. I will also end the weaponization of law enforcement against Americans of faith, and I’m releasing the Christians and pro-life activists who were persecuted by the Biden regime for praying and living out their faith. I just signed that document, and they’re being released. 

One such American was Paula Harlow. At 75 years old, Paula was sentenced to two years in prison, after praying outside of a clinic; that’s why she was sentenced to two years. That’s what happened under the Biden regime; in her sentencing, the judge mocked her Christian faith while her husband pleaded to be thrown in jail with his wife, fearing she would die alone behind bars. This week it was my honor to grant a full and complete pardon to Paula and many others who were the victims of this horrific weaponization. Never again will religious persecution be allowed to happen in America.

Interjection Number Three:

As I noted two days ago in Grateful for the Pardon of Pro-Life Prisoners of Conscience, Mindful of Catholic Truth as the Means to End Baby-Killing, I am very grateful to President Trump for the pardoning of the pro-life prisoners of conscience, for whom I have been praying by name daily. I am also personally grateful that those of us who were listed on the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s “domestic terrorist” list of “radical traditional Catholics” will no longer be the target of government investigations or harassment and that the attacks upon churches and pro-life pregnancy centers by pro-death militants will be investigated.

However, the point of the pro-life movement is not to avoid prosecution or imprisonment but to seek to stop the chemical and surgical execution of all preborn babies without exceptions.

Have we gotten to the point of naturalist madness wherein it is considered a pro-life “victory” to be left alone to exercise our legitimate liberties without fear of government prosecution.

It is one thing to be grateful for an end, at least for the next four years, of the ferocious hatred of innocent human life and those who defend it by the administration of the newly minted honorary Freemason, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., and Kamala Harris Emhoff, but it is quite another to think that to be free from persecution, investigation, and prosecution is the ultimate end of the pro-life movement. The defense of the innocent preborn—and of all innocent life thereafter—is the point, noting as I always do that the full restoration of legal protection of all innocent life, including those lives being killed by “brain death”/human organ vivisection, starvation and dehydration, and “palliative care” will not occur until men and their nations are converted to the Catholic Faith, outside of which there is no salvation and without which there can be no true social order within nations or a just peace among them.

To the final part of President Trump’s address to the March for Life:

To all of the very special people marching today in this bitter cold, I know your hearts are warm and your spirits are strong because your mission is just very, very pure: to forge a society that welcomes and protects every child as a beautiful gift from the hand of our Creator

Thank you for never losing hope and never giving up. Thank you for your tremendous support. God bless you, and God bless America. (Full Text: President Trump Addresses the March for Life.)

Final Interjection:

This last passage is almost identical to what George Walker Bush said via telephone hookup to March for Life founder Nellie Gray from 2002-2007 (he bugged out in 2001 as his “brain,” Karl Rove, made sure to get him out of town so that Bush the Lesser would have an excuse not to be near the March for Life as it occurred) and in person at the White House to a group of two hundred pro-leaders.

That is, George Walker Bush kept saying that “every child should be welcomed in life and protected by law” even though he made a point throughout his wretched political career as neoconservative war monger and “conservative” statist to boast of supporting “exceptions” to the binding precepts of the Fifth Commandment. Bush’s rhetoric at the March for Life did not match his actual beliefs.

Similarly, President Donald John Trump says he wants “to forge a society that welcomes and protects every child as a beautiful gift from the hand of our Creator,” something that is impossible if one believes that some children can be targeted for execution even though they are beautiful gifts from the hands of our Creator.

There is an additional point to be made before moving on to Trump’s restoration of the 2017 iteration of the "Mexico City Policy,” which itself was nothing other than the restoration of George Walker Bush’s Mexico City Policy of January 22, 2001.

Although the current Trump administration has removed the “reproductive health” page from the website of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, the website has no listing whatsoever for pro-life” efforts. Not only that, good readers, neither the President’s nor the Vice President’s remarks, which were delivered in person on the National Mall, appear anywhere on the White House website. I looked repeatedly. I will look again right now, that is at 1:15 a.m. on Sunday, January 26, 2025, the Third Sunday after the Epiphany and the Commemoration of Saint Polycarp. Hold on. Thank you.

No, nothing at The Trump-Vance Administration Priorities about baby-killing.

Let’s move on.

Nope, nothing about the speeches at Briefings & Statements – The White House.

All right. I am going to look the “Remarks” page now.

Nothing at Remarks – The White House.

President Donald John Trump and those around, especially White House Chief of Staff Susie Wiles, want no permanent record of any pro-life remarks to appear on the White House website as they are focused on issues of border control, economics, government reform, energy independence, and national security.

Why do you think that is?

Time’s up.

The answer is simple: The forty-seventh President of the United States of America does not want the “divisive” issue of abortion to stymie his ambitious agenda to undo the great harm done to the United States of America and its institutions by Freemason Biden and Word Salad Harris. Donald John Trump will pay his political debts to pro-life voters every January 22nd, but he lacks the prophetic supernatural of the soul to see that no country can be made “great” on the blood of the innocent preborn and without a due submission to the Catholic Church in all that pertains to the good of souls.

Although I will have more to say about the president’s overall agenda next week, it is important for Catholics not to get taken in by empty rhetoric filled with inconsistencies and contradictions and not to think that the restoration of the Mexico City Policy is a triumph for the preborn. It is not.

Explaining the Mexico City Policy Once Again

Like each of his predecessors before him, of course, President Donald John Trump, however, he does not understand that American law has lost its primary authority and that justice has perished precisely because men and their nations severed themselves nearly half a millennia ago from the sweet yoke of the Social Reign of Christ the King as it was exercised by Holy Mother Church, thus bringing us to the point of such social decay that one is considered to be “pro-life” even though he supports the surgical slicing and dicing of innocent human beings in some circumstances and supports the chemical execution of innocent babies in all circumstances without exception. So many people, starved for decisive leadership of any type, are willing to overlook the simple fact that, no matter the new president’s efforts to restore economic prosperity and to secure the nation’s borders, there can be no true prosperity or national security if the civil law recognizes a nonexistent “right” to directly intend to kill innocent children under cover of the civil law in some cases and that it is perfectly normal and acceptable to frustrate the conception of children, no less to use the gift proper to the married state alone in all extramarital situations.

That is, far from being a triumph for the preborn, President Donald John Trump’s second restoration of the Mexico City Policy according to the terms included in then President George Walker Bush’s executive order of January 22, 2001, represents yet another needless concession that there are circumstances in which innocent preborn children may be put to death lawfully with funding provided by American taxpayer dollars.

Moreover, even though President Trump’s 2025 iteration of the Mexico City Policy, which is the same as his 2017 Mexico City Policy and George Walker Bush’s Mexico City Policy, extends to all Federal agencies and not just to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to forbid them from using American taxpayer dollars to promote surgical abortion as a means of “family planning,” “family planning” is itself odious to God, injurious to individuals, destructive to families and fatal to the welfare of nations. Most of our social problems are the direct result of the destruction of the stability of the family, the proliferation of unwed mothers and of children sent off to pre-school and after-school “care” programs, meaning that grow up never having experienced the meaning of a stable family and thus of the true love and sense of security to be found therein. Indeed, many of Federal entitlement programs exist to provide taxpayer assistance to children who live in poverty as a result of the consequences of contraception and the unstable situations in which they live.

Here is the text of President Trump’s January 23, 2017, presidential memorandum restoring the Mexico City Policy that was restored with a brief executive order on the current White House website at Memorandum for the Secretary of State the Secretary of Defense the Secretary of Health and Human Services the Administrator of the United States for International Development – The White House:

                                    THE SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES
                                    THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE UNITED STATES AGENCY
                                    FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT

SUBJECT:                    The Mexico City Policy

I hereby revoke the Presidential Memorandum of January 23, 2009, for the Secretary of State and the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (Mexico City Policy and Assistance for Voluntary Population Planning), and reinstate the Presidential Memorandum of January 22, 2001, for the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (Restoration of the Mexico City Policy).

I direct the Secretary of State, in coordination with the Secretary of Health and Human Services, to the extent allowable by law, to implement a plan to extend the requirements of the reinstated Memorandum to global health assistance furnished by all departments or agencies.

I further direct the Secretary of State to take all necessary actions, to the extent permitted by law, to ensure that U.S. taxpayer dollars do not fund organizations or programs that support or participate in the management of a program of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization.

This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

The Secretary of State is authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the Federal Register.

DONALD J. TRUMP  (Presidential Memorandum on The Mexico City Policy.)

The George Walker Bush version of the "Mexico City" policy, as the "gag" order is called, was fraught with holes and exceptions as to make it an utter sham that convinces the average "pro-life" American that "something" is being done to save lives when the truth of the matter is that Bush's executive order that Trump has now restored permits employees of international "family planning" agencies in foreign countries to refer for abortions on their own time in any off-site location of their choosing. In other words, the "Mexico City" policy permits an employee of the International Planned Parenthood chapter in Nairobi, Kenya, for example to say, "Look, there are things I can't tell you now. Meet me at the Nairobi McDonald's after I get out of work. I can tell you more then." The employee is then free to speak frankly about surgical abortion, to recommend the killing of a child as the only "sensible" option, to recommend a specific baby-killer and a specific place for the baby to be killed.

Mrs. Judie Brown, the president and founder of the American Life League, offered the following commentary eighteen years ago after the United States Congress had passed a bill containing the language of the Mexico City Policy:

While many are celebrating the Congressional passage of a bill that contains the Mexico City Policy, there are those of us who are not so quick to throw a party.

The policy was contained in a piece of legislation that also provides an increase in funding for Planned Parenthood. But that's not really the worst of it.

The Mexico City Policy contains exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother ... standard fare for the pro-life politicos these days. The problem is, they fail to point out that the Mexico City Policy does not and cannot prohibit our tax dollars from paying for abortion; it can only prevent our tax dollars from paying for some abortions. Why, you may ask, did I use the word "some"?

Well, the Mexico City Policy will pay for surgical abortion in the cases of rape, incest, and life of the mother in addition to paying for chemical abortions caused by RU-486, the morning-after pill and the various birth control methods that can cause abortion.

Further, it is not clear what happens when an organization agrees to refrain from paying for abortion with U.S. tax dollars, but chooses to use those dollars to pay for other "services," thus freeing up other money to subsidize the killing.

In other words, the Mexico City Policy is fraught with problems that result in death.

So when some claim that America is no longer an "exporter of death," they are really not being totally honest with the public. America is still the number one exporter and subsidizer of preborn child killing, period. Of that there is no doubt. (AMERICA'S DEADLY EXPORT

This analysis was correct eighteen years ago, and it is correct today, and it is worth stressing that nothing but nothing in the restored and revised Mexico City Policy issued by President Trump forbids the use of the human pesticide, RU-486, which former President George Walker Bush refused to take off of the market, thereby retaining the United States Food and Drug Administration's decision, announced on September 28, 2000, the Feast of Saint Wenceslaus, to market the baby-killing potion during the midst of that year's presidential election. 

To demonstrate the inherent harm of the Mexico City Policy in the version approved in its final form by President George Walker Bush on March 28, 2001, and published in the Federal Register on March 29, 2000, I ask the readers of this site to consider the contemporaneous analysis offered by the late Howard Phillips, the president and the founder of the Conservative Caucus Foundation. Though a Calvinist who rejected the claims of the Catholic Church to be the one and only true Church of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and thus did not accept the fact the Constitution of the United States of America, which admits of no higher authority than the text of its own words, is as defenseless against legal positivists as Holy Writ is in the hand of Protestants and of Modernist "Catholics," Phillips's dissection of then President George Walker Bush's restored Mexico City Policy is as applicable to the one issued by President Donald John Trump on Monday, January 23, 2017, the Feast of Saint Raymond of Penafort and the Commemoration of Saint Emerentiana:

Excerpted from Howard Phillips Issues & Strategy Bulletin of April 15, 2001


Previously, your editor has pointed out that President G.W.B.’s decision to restore the Reagan "Mexico City" policy, limiting the provision of your tax dollars flowing to overseas population control organizations was less significant than assumed by many well-intentioned pro-life leaders, in that, while the Bush policy does limit the direct use of U.S. subsidies to perform and promote abortion, nonetheless, the pro-abortion recipient organizations still get the money to which they are not Constitutionally or morally entitled, with these funds available to offset their other expenses, so long as the U.S. Treasury dollars are assigned to a separate bank account.

Now, in reviewing the policy as enunciated in the Federal Register (Vol. 66, No. 61, Thursday, March 29, 2001) Presidential Documents, "Memorandum of March 28, 2001: Restoration of the Mexico City Policy" over the signature of President Bush, it is clear that this is even less a pro-life victory than first believed.


GWB: "The Mexico City Policy announced by President Reagan in 1984 required foreign nongovernmental organizations to agree as a condition of their receipt of Federal funds for family planning activities that such organizations would neither perform nor actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in other nations….

"It is my conviction that taxpayer funds appropriated pursuant to the Foreign Assistance Act should not be given to foreign nongovernmental organizations that perform abortions or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in other nations…except as otherwise provided below...."


"The recipient agrees that it will not furnish assistance for family planning under this award to any foreign nongovernmental organization that performs or actively promotes abortion as a method of family planning in USAID-recipient countries or that provides financial support to any other foreign nongovernmental organization that conducts such activities. For purposes of this paragraph (e), a foreign nongovernmental organization is a nongovernmental organization that is not organized under the laws of any State of the United States, the District of Columbia or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. ..."


"Abortion is a method of family planning when it is for the purpose of spacing births. This includes, but is not limited to, abortions performed for the physical or mental health of the mother, but does not include abortions performed if the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term or abortions performed following rape or incest (since abortion under these circumstances is not a family planning act)."


"To perform abortions means to operate a facility where abortions are performed as a method of family planning. Excluded from this definition are clinics or hospitals that do not include abortion in their family planning programs. Also excluded from this definition is the treatment of injuries or illnesses caused by legal or illegal abortions, for example, post-abortion care. ..."


"([P]assively responding to a question regarding where a safe, legal abortion may be obtained is not considered active promotion if the question is specifically asked by a woman who is already pregnant, the woman clearly states that she has already decided to have a legal abortion, and the family planning counselor reasonably believes that the ethics of the medical profession in the country requires a response regarding where it may be obtained safely).…"


"Action by an individual acting in the individual’s capacity shall not be attributed to an organization with which the individual is associated, provided that the organization neither endorses nor provides financial support for the action and takes reasonable steps to ensure that the individual does not improperly represent that the individual is acting on behalf of the organization. ..."


"The recipient may request USAID’s approval to treat as separate the family planning activities of two or more organizations, that would not be considered separate under the preceding sentence, if the recipient believes, and provides a written justification to USAID therefor, that the family planning activities of the organizations are sufficiently distinct so as to warrant not imputing the activity of one to the other."


"Assistance for family planning may be furnished under this award by a recipient, subrecipient or sub-subrecipient to a foreign government even though the government includes abortion in its family planning program, provided that no assistance may be furnished in support of the abortion activity of the government and any funds transferred to the government shall be placed in a segregated account to ensure that such funds may not be used to support the abortion activity of the government."


"The requirements of this paragraph are not applicable to child spacing assistance furnished to a foreign nongovernmental organization that is engaged primarily in providing health services if the objective of the assistance is to finance integrated health care services to mothers and children and child spacing is one of several health care services being provided by the organization as part of a larger child survival effort with the objective of reducing infant and child mortality." (Excerpts on Pro-Life Issues in The Howard Phillips Issues and Strategies Bulletin. This is a very good resource that contains factual documentation of the consistent Republican betrayal of legitimate pro-life policy. There is even a lengthy quotation about President George Walker Bush's 2004 endorsement of the fully pro-abortion United States Senator Arlen Specter against a primary challenge being waged by the partly pro-life and partly pro-abortion United States Representative Patrick Toomey, who was elected to the Senate six years later after Specter, having switched parties to become a Democrat three months after Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro took office in 2009, lost the Democratic Party senatorial primary in Pennsylvania a year later. Mr. Phillips's lengthy quotation of the Bush the Lesser's endorsement of Specter seemed very familiar to me. It should have been familiar as the citation he provided was to a certain author in The Remnant who is no longer associated with that publication, and can be found referenced in Blame George Walker Bush.)

Howard Phillips's analysis of twenty-four years ago made it very clear that the Mexico City Policy has so many loopholes as to make any claim in its defense to be without rational foundation. It is a shallow policy that permits the chemical killing of babies in all instances and the surgical killing of them in some instances.

As I noted at the beginning of this commentary, it is not enough that the pro-life administration of Mason Biden and Vacuous Harris Emhoff is gone after suffering a humiliating defeat at the hands of the voters and that the Trump-Vance administration will do us no harm as harm is still being done to the Sovereignty of God over the sanctity and fecundity of Holy Matrimony and to the innocent babies under cover of the civil law.

Pray Our Lady’s Most Holy Rosary for President Donald John Trump’s conversion so that he ca see the world clearly through the eyes of the true Faith and then act as fearless on the inviolability of human life as is doing on so many other matters of genuine national importance but can never be the equal of a magistrate’s duty to stop the shedding of innocent blood without exception.

In addition to our daily Rosaries and the acts of reparation we make to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, who better to turn do in our efforts to restore the Faith in this time of barbarism in the world and apostasy and betrayal on the part of the Modernists than to our beloved Saint Joseph, the Patron of the Universal Church and the Protector of the Faithful:

O Blessed Saint Joseph, tenderhearted father, faithful guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of God, we pray and beseech thee to offer to God the Father, His divine Son, bathed in blood on the cross for sinners, and through the thrice-holy Name of Jesus, obtain for us from the eternal Father the favor we implore (mention your petitions):

Appease the Divine anger so justly inflamed by our crimes, beg of Jesus mercy for thy children. Amid the splendors of eternity, forget not the sorrows of those who suffer, those who pray, those who weep; stay the Almighty arm which smites us, that by thy prayers and those of thy most holy Spouse, the Heart of Jesus may be moved to pity and to pardon. Amen.

Christ the King must reign in our minds, not naturalism of the "left" or naturalism of the "right" or the naturalism of "populism," whether inchoate or fully developed. The "people" are not sovereign. Christ the King is sovereign. Everything else is a lie and an illusion

The Rome of the pagan emperors was not converted at the ballot box. It was converted by the missionary activity of the Apostles and those who followed them, over thirteen million of whom shed their blood in defense of the Holy Faith.

Why do we think the conversion of the modern civil state will take any less than that?

Why do we think that we are exempt from suffering for the Faith? Why do we even think that we deserve some respite from the inexorable growth of the size and power of the modern civil state that is has arisen in the wake of the overthrow of the Social Reign of Christ the King?

This is why we must fulfill that part of Our Lady's Fatima Message that we are able to fulfill, praying as many Rosaries each day as our states-in-life permit to make reparation for our sins and those of the whole world, being willing to suffer gladly anything and everything that we are asked to suffer for the restoration of the Church Militant on earth and for the restoration of Christendom in the world. Our Lady wants to protect us in the folds of her mantle in these troubling times. Will we let her? Will we run to her as we renew daily our total consecration to her Divine Son through her own Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart?

The following words of Pope Leo XIII, contained in Sapientiae Christianae, January 10, 1890, should give us cause before we continue to rush into the insanity of listening the naturalist babblers babble on and on about "issues" that they do not understand clearly or fully because they believe in one naturalist falsehood after another:

Nor can such misgivings be removed by any mere human effort, especially as a vast number of men, having rejected the Christian faith, are on that account justly incurring the penalty of their pride, since blinded by their passions they search in vain for truth, laying hold on the false for the true, and thinking themselves wise when they call "evil good, and good evil," and "put darkness in the place of light, and light in the place of darkness." It is therefore necessary that God come to the rescue, and that, mindful of His mercy, He turn an eye of compassion on human society. (Pope Leo XIII, Sapientiae Christianae, January 10, 1890.)

What can be a better description of the Judeo-Masonic electoral system in the United States of America?  

May the Rosaries we pray evert dat help to make reparation for the crimes of the baby-killers as well as for those of whose continue to kill the life of the soul and thus made more possible the daily war against all innocent human life, whether in the womb by means of chemical and surgical baby-killing or by the killing off of anyone after birth under the aegis of "brain death" or in the name of "compassion" by means of "palliative care." 

We can plant the seeds for the conversion of men and their nations to the true Faith, outside of which there is no salvation and without which there can be no true social order.

Viva Cristo Rey Long live Christ the King !

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.

Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.

Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar, pray for us.

Saint Polycarp, pray for us.


Dom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B., On the Feast of Saint Polycarp

Amidst the sweetness he is enjoying from the contemplation of the Word made Flesh, John, the Beloved Disciple, beholds coming towards him his dear Polycarp, the Angel of the Church of Smyrna, all resplendent with the glory of martyrdom. This venerable Saint has on his soul the fervent love that made him say, in the amphitheater, when asked by the Proconsul to curse his Divine Master: “Six and eighty years have I served Him, and he has never done me any wrong—nay, he has laden me with kindness. How could I blaspheme my King, who has saved me?” After having suffered fire and the sword, he was admitted into the presence of this King, his Savior, in reward for the eighty-six years of his faithful service, for the labors he had gone through in order to maintain faith and charity among his flock, and for the cruel death he endured.

He was a disciple of St. John the Evangelist, whom he imitated by zealously opposing the heretics who were then striving to corrupt the faith. In obedience to the command of his holy Master, he refused to hold intercourse with Marcion, the heresiarch, whom he called the first-born of Satan. This energetic adversary of the proud sect, that denied the mystery of the Incarnation, wrote an admirable Epistle to the Philippians, in which we find these words: Whosoever confesses not that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, is an Antichrist. Polycarp, then, had a right to the honor of standing near the Crib, in which the Son of God shows himself to us in all his loveliness, and clothed in flesh like unto our own. Let us honor this disciple of John, this friend of Ignatius, this Bishop of the Apostolic Age, whose praise was pronounced by Jesus Christ himself, in the Revelations of Patmos. Our Savior said to him by the mouth of Saint John: Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee the crown of life. Polycarp was faithful even unto death, and has received his crown; and while we are celebrating the coming of his King among us, he is one of the Saints who assist us to profit of the holy season.

The Church gives us a passage from St. Jerome’s book, On Ecclesiastical Writers, in which there is contained the following short notice of our holy Martyr:

Polycarp, a disciple of the Apostle John, who ordained him Bishop of Smyrna, was looked up to by all the Churches of Asia, inasmuch as he had not only known some of the Apostles, and those who had seen our Lord, but had been trained by them. He went to Rome, during the reign of the Emperor Antoninus Pius, and under the Pontificate of Anicetus, in order to have an answer to certain questions regarding Easter day. While there, he brought back to the faith several Christians who had been misled by the teaching of Marcion and Valentina. Having, on a certain occasion, casually met Marcion, who said to him: “Dost thou know us?” Polycarp replied: “Yes, I know thee as the first-born of Satan.” Some time after, under the reign of Marcus Antoninus and Lucius Aurelius Commodus, in the fourth persecution after that under Nero, he was cited before the Proconsul of Smyrna, who condemned him to be burnt alive; which sentence was carried into effect in the amphitheater, amidst the clamors of the whole people. He wrote an important Letter to the Philippians, which is still read in the Churches of Asia.

How well didst thou bear out the full meaning of thy name, O Polycarp! for thou didst produce many fruits for thy Saviour, during thy six-and-eighty years spent in his service. The numerous souls won over to Christ, the virtues which adorned thy life, and thy life itself, which thou didst present to thy Lord in its full maturity – these were thy fruits. And what happiness was thine, to have received instruction from the Disciple that leaned upon Jesus’ Breast! After being separated from him for more than sixty years, thou art united with him on this the day of thy martyrdom, and thy venerable master receives thee in a transport of joy. Thou adorest, with him, that Divine Babe, whose simplicity thou hadst imitated during life, and who was the single object of thy love. Ask of him, for us, that we, too, may be Faithful unto death.

Fertilise by thy prayers, now that thou art throned in heaven, the vineyard of the Church, which, when on earth, thou didst cultivate by thy labours, and water with the blood of thy glorious martyrdom. Re-establish faith and unity in the Churches of Asia, which were founded by thy venerable hand. Hasten, by thy prayers, the destruction of that degrading slavery of Mahometanism, which has kept the East in bondage so long, because her once faithful children severed themselves from Rome, by the great schism of Byzantium. Pray for the Church of Lyons, which regards thee as its founder, through the ministry of thy disciple Pothinus, and takes itself so glorious a share in the apostolate of the Gentiles, by the Work of the Propagation of the Faith.

Watch over the purity of our holy Faith, and preserve us from being deceived by false teachers. The error which thou didst combat, and which teaches that all the mysteries of the Incarnation are but empty symbols, has risen up again in these our days. There are Marcions, even now, who would reduce all religion to myths; and they find some few followers; may thy powerful prayers rid the world of this remnant of so impious a doctrine. Thou didst pay homage to the Apostolic Chair, for thou, too, wouldst see Peter, and didst journey to Rome, in order to consult its Pontiff on questions regarding the interests of thy Church of Smyrna. Defend the rights of this august See, whence alone are derived both the jurisdiction of our Pastors, and the authoritative teachings of Faith. Pray for us, that we may spend the remaining days of this holy Season in the contemplation and the love of our new-born King. May this love, accompanied with purity of heart, draw down upon us the merciful blessings of our God, and, at length, after our course is run, obtain for us the Crown of Life.