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Dear Abby Lives at the Casa Santa Marta
Is there no one inside of the walls of the Occupied Vatican on the West Bank of the Tiber River who cringes whenever he reads what Jorge Mario Bergoglio says, whether officially or "uofficially," especially in his endless interviews?
No one who has a modicum of intellectual honesty can claim that Jorge Mario Bergoglio thinks supernaturally, that he has any concept of the horror of personal sin, that, in plain English, he understands squat about the Catholic Faith. He would be incapable of answering question six in Chapter 1 of the Baltimore Catechism:
"Why did God make you?"
"God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in the next."
As far as Jorge is concerned, all that matters for man is to be "happy" in whatever way he can find it, although he must be careful to "protect nature." He is nothing other than a complete and total naturalist.
Although proof of this is very abundant at this point, the Argentine Apostate has given us more documentation of his complete commitment to the naturalism of Judeo-Masonry in yet another interview. The latest interview was given to an Argentine magazine, Viva, that an online search of the name revealed features nothing other than what can be described as rank pornography on many of its covers. Saint John Mary Vianney or Saint Alphonsus de Liguori or Padre Pio, to name just three believing Catholics, would have said let's just "live and let live" with such indeceny that lead souls into soul and degrade the poor women who permit themselves to be showcased in such a way.
Indeed, Our Lady herself told Jacinta Marto was she was hospitalized before her death:
Our Lady herself told Jacinta Marto between December 1919 and the time of death on February 20, 1920, while the chosen soul was she was hospitalized as a result of the Spanish influenza outbreak that would taken her earthly life:
"The sins of the world are very great ... If men only knew what eternity is, they would
do everything in their power to change their lives. "
"Fly from riches and luxury; love poverty and silence; have charity, even for bad people. "
"More souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason. "[1]
"Certain fashions will be introduced that will offend Our Lord very much. " "Woe to women lacking in modesty. "[2]
"The Mother of God wants more virgin souls bound by the vow of chastity. "
"Confession is a sacrament of mercy and we must confess with joy and trust. "
"Many marriages are not of God and do not please Our Lord "
"Our Lady can no longer uphold the arm of Her Divine Son which will strike the world. If people amend their lives, Our Lord will even now save the world, but if they do not, punishment will come. " "People must renounce sin and not persist in it, as has been done until now. It is essential to repent greatly. "
"Tell everybody that God gives graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Tell them to ask graces from Her and that the Heart of Jesus wishes to be venerated together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Ask them to plead for peace from the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the Lord has confided the peace of the world to Her. " (Full text of "The Message of Our Lady of Fatima.)
Jorge Mario Bergolgio has contempt for such words from the Mother of God.
After all, he does not believe in seeking the conversion of non-Catholics, thus disparaging the very work of Our Lady as she sought the conversion of the Catholic-hating Jew, Alphonse Ratisbonne on January 20, 1842, and as she has sought the conversion of Catholic apostate turned Calvinist, Pierre Port-Combet one hundred eighty-six years before:
Then the Lady said, "Where does that heretic live who cut the willow tree? Does he not want to be converted?"
Pierre [Port-Combet, who had become a Calvinist] mumbled an answer. The Lady became more serious, "Do you think that I do not know that you are the heretic? Realize that your end is at hand. If you do not return to the True Faith, you will be cast into Hell! But if you change your beliefs, I shall protect you before God. Tell people to pray that they may gain the good graces which, God in His mercy has offered to them."
Pierre was filled with sorrow and shame and moved away from the Lady. Suddenly realizing that he was being rude, Pierre stepped closer to her, but she had moved away and was already near the little hill. He ran after her begging, "Please stop and listen to me. I want to apologize to you and I want you to help me!"
The Lady stopped and turned. By the time Pierre caught up to her, she was floating in the air and was already disappearing from sight. Suddenly, Pierre realized that the Most Blessed Virgin Mary had appeared to him! He fell to his knees and cried buckets of tears, "Jesus and Mary I promise you that I will change my life and become a good Catholic. I am sorry for what I have done and I beg you please, to help me change my life…"
On August 14, 1656, Pierre became very sick. An Augustinian priest came to hear his confession and accepted him back into the Catholic Church. Pierre received Holy Communion the next day on the Feast of the Assumption. After Pierre returned to the Catholic Faith, many others followed him. His son and five daughters came back to the Catholic Church as well as many Calvinists and Protestants. Five weeks later on September 8, 1656, Pierre died and was buried under the miraculous willow tree, just as he had asked. (Our Lady of the Willow Tree.)
orge Mario Bergoglio would consider this ecclesiastically approved apparition as just a nice bedtime story, a fairy tale for children.
Here are his ten "tips" for having a "happy" life, based on a very rough translation that was provided to me by Mr. Mark Stabinski:
1) I lived and let live. “Here the Romans might have said and take it like a thread to pull the formula that says:. ‘Go ahead and let people go ahead’ lived and let live is the first step peace and happiness. ”
2) Join others . “If you are tight, you run the risk of being selfish. Standing water and is the first to be corrupted”
3) Move remansadamente. “In Don Segundo Sombra is a very beautiful thing, someone who rereads his life Performer Says Young was a rocky stream that had everything ahead,.. than adult was a river who was later and in old age he was moving, but slowly dammed. I use this poet and novelist Georges Braque image, that last adjective I dammed.’s ability to move with benevolence and humility, the haven of life. Elders have that wisdom, are the memory of a people. And a people who do not care for their elderly has no future. ”
4) Play with the kids. “Consumerism took us to the anxiety of losing healthy leisure culture, read, enjoy some art now confess, but confessed Buenos Aires much and there came a young mother asked him. ‘? many children do you have? Jugas with your children? ‘ And it was a question that was not expected, but I told him to play with the kids is key, is a healthy culture.’s Hard, the parents go to work early and return to times when your children are asleep, it is difficult, but there I do it.”
5) Share on Sundays with family . “The other day, in Campobasso, went to a meeting between the world of college and the working world, I demanding all nonworking Sunday. Sunday is family.”
6) Helping young people to find employment. “We have to be creative with this strip. If missing opportunities fall into drugs. Y is very high suicide rate among young people without work. The other day I read, but not me trust that is not a scientific fact, which had 75 million young people below 25 years for unemployed is not enough to feed them.. should inventarles year courses plumber, electrician, sewing Dignity gives you the carry bread home."
7) Take care of nature. “We have to care for creation and we are not doing. It’s one of the biggest challenges we have.”
8) Forget faster than negative. “the need to speak ill of another indicates low self-esteem, ie. I feel so down instead of up, under the other faster than negative Forgetting is healthy.”
9) Respect those who think differently. “We can worry the other from the testimony, that both progress in this communication, but the worst thing you can have is the religious proselytism, which paralyzes. ‘Yo dialogue with you to convince’, not every one dialogue from his identity. The Church grows by attraction, not proselytism. ”
10) Actively seek peace. “We are living in a time of great war. in Africa seem to tribal wars, but they are something else. War destroys. And the clamor for peace need to shout. Peace sometimes gives the idea of quiet, but it is never quiet, always an active peace. ” (Dear Abby's Advice for a Happy Life.)
As time is limited given the early-morning posting yesterday, permit me to dispatch with this Judeo-Masonic naturalism as quick as possible.
"Live and let live" can be dispatched by reminding Jorge Mario Bergolio that one of the Spiritual Works of Mercy is to admonish the sinner.
This is what a great Franciscan missionary of Argentina and Peru, Saint Francis Solano, did when he preached in Lima, Peru, moving people
By the time Francis had reached the market, the theme of his sermon was clear. God was love, yet man was constantly thwarting that love. Many times this was because of thoughtlessness, but there were also countless times when it was because of sheer selfishness, and even malice. Well, atonement for sin must be made by means of penance.
“Unless you do penance, you shall likewise,” Our Lord had said to his disciples.
“I will say these words, too,” Francis thought. “Oh, Heavenly Father, may they help some souls tonight to turn away from sin!”
Naturally many at the market were astonished when they saw the Father Guardian of Saint Mary of the Angels making his way through their midst. Since his return from Trujillo he had appeared in the streets only rarely, and certainly never in the evenings. Then in a little while there was even more astonishment. Father Francis had come not to buy for his friars, or even to beg. He had come to preach!
At first, however, since business was brisk, not much heed was paid to his words. Merchants vied with one another in calling out the merits of their wares while customers argued noisily for a lower price. Beggars whined for alms. Babies cried. Dogs barked. Donkeys brayed. Older children ran in and out of the crowd intent upon their games. Music was everywhere–weird tunes played by Indian musicians on their wooden flutes, gay Spanish rhythms played on guitar and tambourine. At the various food students succulent rounds of meat sizzled and sputtered as they turned over slow fires. Then suddenly a thunderous voice rang about above the noisy and carefree scene:
“For all that is in the world is the concupiscence of the flesh, and the concupiscence of the eyes, and the pride of life, which is not of the Father but is in the world.”
It was as though a bombshell had fallen. At once the hubbub died away, and hundreds of Lima’s startled citizens turned to where a grey-clad friar, cross in hand, had mounted an elevation in the center of the marketplace and now stood gazing down upon them with eyes of burning coals. But before anyone could wonder about the text from Saint John’s first epistle, Francis began to explain the meaning of concupiscence: that, because of Original Sin, it is the tendency within each person to do evil instead of good; that this hidden warfare will end only when we have drawn our last breath.
“If we were to die tonight, would good or evil be the victor within our hearts” he cried. “Oh, my friends! Think about this question. Think hard!
Within just a few minutes Lima’s marketplace was as hushed and solemn as a cathedral. All eyes were riveted upon the Father Guardian and all ears were filled with his words as he described God’s destruction of the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrha because of the sins committed within them.
“Who is to say that here in Lima we do not deserve a like fate?” he demanded in ringing tones. “Look into your hearts now, my children. Are they clean? Are they pure? Are they filled with love of God?”
As the minutes passed and twilight deepened into darkness, the giant torches of the marketplace cast their flickering radiance over a moving scene. As usual, crowds of people were on hand, but now no one was interested in buying or selling. Instead, faces were bewildered, agonized and fearful. Tears were streaming from many eyes as Francis’ words continued to pour out in torrents, urging repentance while there was still time.
“Can we say that we shall ever see tomorrow?” he cried, fervently brandishing his missionary cross. “Can we say that this night is not the last we shall have in which to return to God’s friendship?”
As these and still more terrifying thoughts struck home one after another, the speaker stretched out both arms, bowed his head, and in heartrending tones began the Fifth Psalm. At once the crowd was filled with fresh sorrow and made the contrite phrases their own:
“Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy.
“And according to the multitude of Thy tender mercies, blot out my iniquity.
“Wash me yet more from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.
“For I know my iniquity, and my sins is always before me.
“To Thee only have I sinned, and have done evil before Thee: that Thou mayest be justified in Thy words, and mayest overcome when Thou art judged . . .”
Soon wave upon wave of sound was filling the torch lit marketplace as priest and people prayed together. Then Francis preached again, doing his est to implant a greater sorrow for sin and an even firmer purpose of amendment in the hearts of his hearers. Finally, looking neither to right nor left, he prepared to depart for Saint Mary of the Angels. But on all sides men and women pressed about him, sobbing and begging for his blessing.
“Father, please pray for me!” cried one young girl. “I’ve deserved to go to Hell a thousand times!”
“Last year, I robbed a poor widow of ten pounds of gold!” declared a swarthy-faced Spaniard. “May God forgive me!”
“‘I’m worse than anyone,” moaned a wild-eyed black man. “Tonight, I was going to kill a man . . . and for money!”
So it was that first one, then another, cried out his fault and expressed a desire to go to Confession at once. But Francis had to refuse all such requests. Yes, he was a priest. It was his privilege and duty to administer the Sacraments. But he was also a religious, and bound by rule to various observances. One of them was that he must be in his cell at Saint Mary of the Angels by a certain hour each night.
“There are other priests in the city who can help you, though,” he said kindly. “Go them now, my children. And may the Holy Virgin bring you back to her Son without delay.” (Mary Fabyan Windeatt, Saint Francis of Solano: Wonderworker of the New World and Apostle of Argentina and Peru, published originally by Sheed and Ward in 1946 and republished by TAN Books and Publishers in 1994, pp. 167-172.)
This is just a slight contrast with the approach taken by Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his band of revolutionaries, who doubt the ability of the truths of the Divine Positive Law and the Natural Law, when preached with conviction for love of Christ the King and for the souls for whom He shed every single drop of His Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross to redeem, to touch hearts and to reform lives in an instant.
"Live and let live"?
Consider these words spoken by Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to his friend, Saint Mary Magdalene,
Go, and now sin no more. (John 8: 11.)
Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ never reaffirmed anyone in a life of sin.
"Live and let live"?
Jorge Mario Bergoglio does not understand that his irresponsible dismissal of the need to correct those who are living lives of sin and/or of the need of converting unconditionally to the true Faith before they die make him complicit in their sins:
1. By counsel.
2. By command.
3. By consent.
4. By provocation.
5. By praise or flattery of the evil done.
6. By silence.
7. By connivance.
8. By partaking.
9. By defense of the ill done.
Conciliarism is by its very false nature uncharitable as it makes a mockery of the authentic, immutable teaching that Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by making it appear that it is somehow opposed to tenderness and mercy to follow these words that Saint Paul wrote in his Second Epistle to Saint Timothy:
[1] I charge thee, before God and Jesus Christ, who shall judge the living and the dead, by his coming, and his kingdom: [2] Preach the word: be instant in season, out of season: reprove, entreat, rebuke in all patience and doctrine. [3] For there shall be a time, when they will not endure sound doctrine; but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears: [4] And will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables. [5] But be thou vigilant, labour in all things, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill thy ministry. Be sober. (2 Tim. 4: 1-15.)
To say simply that his first tip on being "happy" in on a purely natural level without a word of one's supernatural destiny is to "live and let live" shows Jorge Mario Bergoglio to be a man formed by the world of Modernity and the world of Modernism, not the Catholic Faith. He is an apostate.
Then again, Jorge wants us to get along the with the world, to respect others who "think differently" and to be "joiners" so that we won't stand out for being odd. So much for giving a counter-cultural witness to the truths of the Catholic Faith as soldiers in the Army of Christ the King.
His second and ninth "tips" on how to have a "happy life" thus call to mind Saint Louis de Montfort's description of those who want to "get along in the world" and the commandments that such people must live by as a result:
There are several kinds of Wisdom. First there is true and false wisdom. True wisdom is fondness of truth, without guile of dissimulation. False wisdom is fondness of falsehood, disguised under the appearance of truth. This false wisdom is the wisdom of the world, which, according to the Holy Spirit, is threefold "Earthly, sensual and devilish wisdom" (Jas. 3: 15). True wisdom is natural and supernatural. Natural wisdom is knowledge, in an eminent degree, of natural things in their principles; supernatural wisdom is knowledge of supernatural and divine things in their origin.
But we must be aware of being mistaken in our choice, for there are several kinds of wisdom. There is the Wisdom of God--the only true Wisdom, that deserves to be loved as a great treasure. There is also the wisdom of the corrupt world, which must be condemned and detested as evil and pernicious. Moreover, there is the wisdom of the philosophers, which we must despise wen it is not true philosophy and because it is often dangerous to salvation.
So far, following the advice of St. Paul, we have spoken of the Wisdom of God to chosen souls, but lest they should be deceived by the false luster of worldly wisdom, let us expose its deceit and malice. The wisdom of the world is that of which it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise" (1 Cor. 1: 19) according to the world. "The wisdom of the flesh is an enemy to God.... This is not the wisdom descending from above but earthly, sensual, devilish" (Rom. 8: 7, Jas. 3: 15).
This worldly wisdom consists in the exact compliance with the maxims and fashions of the world; in a continuous trend toward greatness and esteem. It is a secret and unceasing pursuit of pleasures and personal interests, not in a gross and open manner, so as to cause scandal, but in a secret, deceitful and scheming fashion. Otherwise, it would not be what the world calls wisdom, but rank licentiousness.
Those who process according to the wisdom of the world, are those who know how to manage well their affairs and to arrange things to their temporal advantage, without appearing to do so;
--who know the art of deceiving and how to cleverly cheat without it being noticed; who say or do one thing and have another in mind;
--who are thoroughly acquainted with the way and the flattery of the world;
--who know how to please everybody, in order to reach their goal, not troubling much about the honor and interests of God;
--who make a secret, but deadly, fusion of truth with untruth; of the Gospel with the world; of virtue with vice; of Jesus Christ with Satan;
--who wish to pass for honest people, but not as religious men; who despise and corrupt or readily condemn every religious practice which does not conform to their own.
In short, the worldly-wise are those, who being guided only by their human senses and reason, seek only to appear as Christian and honest folk, without troubling much to please God, or to do penance for the sins which they have committed against His divine Majesty. The worldling bases his conduct upon his honor, upon what people say, upon convention, upon good cheer, upon personal interest, upon refined manners, upon witty jokes. These are the seven innocent incentives, so he thinks, upon which he can rely, so that hey may lead an easy life. He has virtues of his own, for which is canonized by the world. These are manliness, finesse, diplomacy, tact, gallantry, politeness and sprightliness. He considers as serious sins such traits as lack of feeling, silliness, dullness and sanctimoniousness.
The Ten Commandments of the Worldly Man:
1. Thou shalt be well acquainted with the world.
2. Thou shalt appear to be an honest man.
3. Thou shalt be successful in business.
4. Thou shalt kept what is thine.
5. Thou shalt get on in the world.
6. Thou shalt make friends.
7. Thou shalt be a society man.
8. Thou shalt make merry.
9. Thou shalt not be a killjoy.
10. Thou shalt avoid singularity, dullness and an air of piety. (St. Louis de Montfort's True Devotion: Consecration to Mary, Complete Five-Week Preparation, compiled by Father Helmuts Libietus, Angelus Press, 1998, pp. 31-36, taken from Saint Louis de Montfort's book, The Love of Eternal Wisdom.)
One can see that numbers, one and five through ten describe Jorge Mario Bergoglio perfectly.
Be well-acquainted with the world.
Get along in the world.
Make friends.
Be sociable.
Make merry.
Don't be a killjoy,
Avoid singuarity, dulness and an air of piety.
Each of these apply to Jorge Mario Bergoglio with exactitude and they apply to the false religion which shaped his view of the world and thus his blithe acceptance of Judeo-Masonic naturalism as being perfectly compatible with what he thinks is a good "Catholic," a veritable "son of the Church" as he likes to think of himself.
Saint Louis de Montfort also wrote about the corruption extant in the world at the beginning of the Eighteenth Century. Imagine what he would say now!
Never was the world so corrupt as it is now, because it was never so astute, so wise in its own conceit and so cunning. It is so skillful in deceiving the soul seeking perfection, that it makes use of truth to foster untruth, of virtue to authorize vice and it even distorts the meaning of Christ's own truths, to give authority to its own maxims. "The number of those who are fools, according to God, is infinite" (Eccles. 1: 15)
The earthly wisdom, spoken of by St. James, is an excessive striving for worldly goods. The worldly-wise make a secret profession of this type of wisdom when they allow themselves to become attached to their earthly possessions; when they strive to become rich; when they go to law and bring useless actions against others, in order to acquire or to keep temporal goods; when their every thought, word and deed is mainly directed toward obtaining or retaining something temporal. As to working out their eternal salvation and making use of the means to do so--such as reception of the Sacraments and prayer--they accomplish these duties only carelessly, in a very offhanded manner, once in a while and for the sake of appearances.
Sensual wisdom is a lustful desire for pleasures, The worldly-wise make a profession of it, when they seek only the satisfaction of the senses; when they are inordinately fond of entertainment; when they sun whatever mortifies and inconveniences the body, such as fasting and other austerities; when they continually think of eating, drinking, playing, laughing, amusing themselves and having an agreeable time; when they eagerly seek after soft beds, merry games, sumptuous feasts and fashionable society.
Then, after having unscrupulously indulged in all these pleasures--perhaps without displeasing the world or injuring their health--they look for the "least scrupulous" confessor (such is the name they give to those easy going confessors who shirk their duty) that they may receive from him, at little cost, the peaceful sanction of their soft and effeminate life, and a plenary indulgence for all their sins. I say, at little cost, for these, sensually wise, want, as penance, the recitation of only a few prayers, or the giving of an alms, because they dislike what afflicts the body.
Devilish wisdom consists in an unlawful striving for human esteem and honors. This is the wisdom which the worldly-wise profess when they aim, although not openly, at greatness, honors, dignities and high positions; when they wish to be seen, esteemed, praised and applauded by men; when in their studies, their works, their endeavors their words and their actions, they seek only the good opinion and praise of men, so that they may be looked upon as pious people, as men of learning, as great leaders, as clever lawyers, as people of boundless and distinguished merit, or deserving of high consideration; while they cannot bear an insult, or a rebuke; or they cover up their faults and make a show of their fine qualities.
With Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, we must detest and condemn these three kinds of false wisdom if we wish to acquire the true one, which does not seek its own interest, which is not found on this earth, nor in the heart of those who lead a comfortable life, but which abhors all that which is great and high in the estimation of men.
To come to the perfect possession of Divine Wisdom, we must accept and follow His teaching. We must begin renouncing ourselves and keeping the great commandments of loving God and our neighbor. We must renounce the flesh, the world and its temporal goods. Above all we must renounce our self-will. To do this, we must humbly pray, we must do penance and suffer persecution. For all this we need the help of Divine Wisdom, Who invites us to go to Him.
With His help we need not fear, provided we be clean of heart. To succeed we must persevere and not look back; we must walk in the light and act according to the teachings of Divine Wisdom; we must be vigilant and avoid the maxims of the false prophets; we must not fear what may be done to our body and reputation, but only be solicitous about the kingdom of God, which we can only enter by the narrow gate. Therefore, we must keep in mind the Eight Beatitudes and we must be thankful to God for having taught us these heavenly truths. (St. Louis de Montfort's True Devotion: Consecration to Mary, Complete Five-Week Preparation, compiled by Father Helmuts Libietus, Angelus Press, 1998, pp. 31-36, taken from Saint Louis de Montfort's book, The Love of Eternal Wisdom.)
Does not much of this describe the very mind and heart of the visceral Argentine Apostate, Jorge Mario Bergolgio?
Ah, some might protest that Jorge told Viva that he is devoted to a medal of the Sacred Heart of Jesus that belonged to a parishioner of his in Argentina. Such devotions and acts of piety are worthless as he is constantly blaspheming Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and His Most Blessed Mother, denying and mocking articles contained in the Holy Faith as he very much and frequently speaks "negatively" of those who hold to the Faith in all of Its Holy Integrity and virginal Purity and even denying the very Divine Constitution of Holy Mother Church (see, for example, Blasphemer, Mr. Timothy Duff's Francis, The Historic Blasphemer and Bergoglio: Condemned by Pope Pius IX).
Finally, some might say that Jorge wants us to "work for peace."
Does he follow Our Lady's path to peace by means of her Fatima Message? Or does he not mock that message, which is nothing other than Heavan's Peace Plan, by making light of Faith and Morals and telling people to just along in the world and respect everyone with a "live and let live" attitude. (By the way, have you noticed that some of Dear Abby in the Casa Santa Marta's ten tips for "happiness" are repetittive? Quintessential Berogglio: redundant.)
Saint Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort taught us that we must pray the Rosary constantly to obtain the Heavenly graces that we need to reject the false "wisdom" of this world.
The chief concern of the Christian should be to tend to perfection. "Be faithful imitators of God, as his well-beloved children," the great Apostle tells us.
This obligation is included in the eternal decree of our predestination, as the one and only means prescribed by God to attain everlasting glory.
Saint Gregory of Nyssa makes a delightful comparison when he says that we are all artists and that our souls are blank canvasses which we have to fill in. The colors which we use are the Christian virtues, and the original which we have to copy is Jesus Christ, the perfect living image of God the Father. Just as a painter who wants to do a lifelike portrait places the model before his eyes and looks at it before making each stroke, so the Christian must always have before his eyes the life and virtues of Jesus Christ, so as never to say, think or do anything which is not in conformity with his model.
It was because Our Lady wanted to help us in the great task of working out our salvation that she ordered Saint Dominic to teach the faithful to meditate upon the sacred mysteries of the life of Jesus Christ. She did this, not only that they might adore and glorify him, but chiefly that they might pattern their lives and actions on his virtues.
Children copy their parents through watching them and talking to them, and they learn their own language through hearing them speak. An apprentice learns his trade through watching his master at work; in the same way the faithful members of the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary can become like their divine Master if they reverently study and imitate the virtues of Jesus which are shown in the fifteen mysteries of his life. They can do this with the help of his grace and through the intercession of his blessed Mother.
Long ago, Moses was inspired by God to command the Jewish people never to forget the graces which had been showered upon them. The Son of God has all the more reason to command us to engrave the mysteries of his life, passion and glory upon our hearts and to have them always before our eyes, since each mystery reminds us of his goodness to us in some special way and it is by these mysteries that he has shown us his overwhelming love and desire for our salvation. "Oh, all you who pass by, pause a while," he says, "and see if there has ever been any sorrow like to the sorrow I have endured for you. Be mindful of my poverty and humiliations; think of the gall and wormwood I took for you in my bitter passion.
These words and many others which could be given here should be more than enough to convince us that we must not only say the Rosary with our lips in honor of Jesus and Mary, but also meditate upon the sacred mysteries while we are saying it.
Saint Alphonsus de Ligouri, the founder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, who was a young boy when Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort was suffering much at the hands of true Jansenists in France at the beginning of the Eighteenth Century, explained that we must not fear "offending" others for eschewing the world and its vanities and, of course, because we seek, despite our own sins and failings, to defend the truths of the Catholic Faith, which include in our own time of apostasy, sacrilege and betrayal the truth that a heretic cannot sit legitimately on the Throne of Saint Peter (see The Chair is Still Empty, which is the definitive refutation of all of the repeated, sophomoric, sophistic efforts on the part of anti-sedevacantists to ignore the truth of this matter in order to maintain their own "respectability" before men by adhering to Gallican principles that were condemned by Pope Pius VI in Auctorem Fidei, August 28, 1794, and mocked by Bishop Emil Bougaud about eighty years later--see Integral Denial of Our Lady's Integrity):
Be attentive. Brethren, if we wish to save our souls, we must overcome human respect, and bear the little confusion which may arise from the scoffs of the enemies of the cross of Jesus Christ. "For there is a shame that bringeth sin, and there is a shame that bringeth glory and grace"-Eccl., iv. 25. If we do not suffer this confusion with patience, it will lead us into the pit of sin; but, if we submit to it for God's sake, it will obtain for us the divine grace here, and great glory hereafter. "As," says St. Gregory, "bashfulness is laudable in evil, so it is reprehensible in good"--hom. x., in Ezech.
But some of you will say: I attend to my own affairs; I wish to save my soul; why should I be persecuted? But there is no remedy; it is impossible to serve God, and not be persecuted. "The wicked loathe them that are in the right way"--Prov., xxix. 27. Sinners cannot bear the sight of the man who lives according to the Gospel, because his life is a continual censure on their disorderly conduct; and therefore they say: "Let us lie in wait for the just; because he is not for our turn, and he is contrary to our doings, and upbraideth us with transgressions of the law"--Wis., ii. 12. The proud man, who seeks revenge for every insult he receives, would wish that all should avenge the offences that may be offered to him. The avaricious, who grow rich by injustice, wish that all should imitate their fraudulent practices. The drunkard wishes to see others indulge like himself, in intoxication. The immoral, who boast of their impurities, and can scarcely utter a word which does not savour of obscenity, desire that all should act and speak as they do; and those who do not imitate their conduct, they regard as mean, clownish, and intractable--as men without honour and without education. "They are of the world; therefore of the world they speak"--I. John., iv. 5. Worldlings can speak no other language than that of the world. Oh! how great is their poverty and blindness! Sin has blinded them, and therefore they speak profanely. "These things they thought, and were deceived; for their own malice blinded them"--Wis., ii, 21. . . .
Wicked friends come to you and say: "What extravagancies are those in which you indulge? Why do you not act like others? Say to them in answer: My conduct is not opposed to that of all men; there are others who lead a holy life. They are indeed few; but I will follow their example; for the Gospel says: "Many are called, but few are chosen"--Matt., xx. 16. "If", says St. John Climacus, "you wish to be saved with the few, live like the few". But, they will add, do you not see that all murmur against you. and condemn your manner of living? Let your answer be: It is enough for me, that God does not censure my conduct. Is it not better to obey God than to obey men? Such was the answer of St. Peter and St. John to the Jewish priests: "If it be just in the sight of God to hear you rather than God, judge yet"--Acts, iv. 19. If they ask you how you can bear an insult? or who, after submitting to it, can you appear among your equals? answer them by saying, that you are a Christian, and that it is enough for you to appear well in the eyes of God. Such should be your answer to all these satellites of Satan: you must despise all their maxims and reproaches. And when it is necessary to reprove those who make little of God's law, you must take courage and correct them publicly. "Then that sin, reprove before all"--I. Tim., v. 20. And when there is question of the divine honour, we should not be frightened by the dignity of the man who offends God; let us say to him openly: This is sinful; it cannot be done. Let us imitate the Baptist, who reproved King Herod for living his brother's wife and said to him: "It is not lawful for thee to have her"--Matt., xiv. 4. Men indeed shall regard us as fools, and turn us into derision; but, on the day of judgment they shall acknowledge that they have been foolish, and we have shall have the glory of being numbered among the saints. They shall say: "These are they whom we had some time in derision. . . . . We fools esteemed their life madness, and their end without honour. Behold how they are numbered among the children of God, and their lot is among the saints"--Wis., v. 3, 4, 5. (Sixth Sunday After Easter: On Human Respect.)
So what if relatives think you daft for rejecting Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his band of doctrinally, liturgically and morally corrupt revolutionaries as spiritual robber barons who are enemies of the Christ the King--indeed, open and manifest enemies of the Social Reign of Christ the King?
So what if you are considered a "failure" by a relative or a friend for refusing to "go along" with the world?
So what if a Catholic woman is mocked and reviled for refusing to wear any form of masculine attire at any time and for wearing long sleeves and long skirts or dresses as befits the true femininity of Our Lady herself?
So what if we are considered nuts and fanatics for rejecting any form of naturalism as the means to resolve a single social or political problem?
So what if we are considered "uncharitable" for refusing to sit down on a regular, sustained basis with those who persist in grave sins while letting our children become corrupted, if only by indifference to the gravity of these sins, in the process?
So what?
Isn't our goal the possession of the glory of the Beatific Vision of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost for all eternity in Heaven?
Worldliness is not the path to Heaven.
Worldliness is not the path to Heaven.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio cannot help be worldly because his whole grasp of reality is visceral, colored, of course, by his perfect formation in the anti-Incarnational world of Modernity as has been adapted and propagted by the world of Modernism that is the counterfeit church of conciliarism.
We must never be discouraged or disheartened because others, be they relatives or friends or total strangers, calumniate us for our defense of Christ the King. It has been this way since the Sanhedrin sought to intimidate the first Pope, Saint Peter, into silence about the Holy Name of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ:
And calling in the apostles, after they had scourged them, they charged them that they should not speak at all in the name of Jesus; and they dismissed them.
And they indeed went from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were accounted worthy to suffer reproach for the name of Jesus. And every day they ceased not in the temple, and from house to house, to teach and preach Christ Jesus. (Acts 5: 40-42.)
We must, as the consecrated slaves of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray as many Rosaries each day as our states-in-life permit, confident that Our Lady will use whatever merits we earn and give them to the Most Sacred Heart of her Divine Son for the honor and glory of the Most Blessed Trinity and for the good, temporal and eternal, of the souls of all men on the face of this earth. Nothing should matter to us other than being faithful as we seek to be ready at all times to die in states of Sanctifying Grace as members of the Catholic Church and to be known at that moment as a friend of Christ the King in life and at the hour of our deaths.
Enough of Dear Abby in the Casa Santa Marta and his "tips for happiness."
Viva Cristo Rey! Vivat Christus Rex!
Immaculate Heart of Mary, triumph soon!
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, Patron of Departing Souls, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.
Saints Nazarius, Celsus, Victor and Pope Innocent, pray for us.