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Anti-Apostles Always Do Antichrist’s Anti-Apostolic Work of Apostasy
Although I did not intend to write about Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s current anti-apostolic journey to Indonesia until it ended, a mere glance at the headlines I saw on a secular website convinced me that I should prepare a brief commentary about the Argentine Apostate’s visit to a Mohammedan mosque yesterday, Thursday, September 5, 2024, the Feast of Saint Lawrence Justinian, in Jakarta, Indonesia.
As per usual in such settings, the man most people in the world believe is “Pope Francis” did not mention the Holy Name of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ even once and made it appear that all religions are equally good and equally pleasing to the “one God,” Who, it must be presumed, is the author of all such “religions” without distinction.”
However, it was on the previous day, Wednesday, September 4, 2024, the Feast of Saint Rose of Viterbo in some places, that Bergoglio gave the following “blessing” to an “ecumenical” gathering of young people at a Sillonist-type organization known as Scholas Occurrentes that he himself created in 2001 when he was the conciliar “archbishop” of Buenos Aires, Argentina:
Here, you are from diverse religions, but we have only one god, he is only one.
And in union, in silence, we shall pray to the lord and I shall give a blessing for all, a blessing valid for all religions.
May God bless each of you.
May he bless all your desires.
May he bless your families.
May he bless you present (here).
May he bless your future. Amen. (Pope Francis skips Sign of the Cross to impart blessing 'valid for all religions'.)
A “blessing valid for all religions.”
This is quite interesting except when one considers the fact that only one religion is true and thus valid, Catholicism. Nothing else.
The true God of Divine Revelation, the Most Blessed Trinity, has told us that there we must have no strange gods before us, and that means the devils worshiped as gods by adherents of false religions:
I am the LORD thy God: thou shalt not have strange Gods before me.
As Pope Pius XII noted in Ci Riesce, December 6, 1953:
Her deportment has not changed in the course of history, nor can it change whenever or wherever, under the most diversified forms, she is confronted with the choice: either incense for idols or blood for Christ. The place where you are now present, Eternal Rome, with the remains of a greatness that was and with the glorious memories of its martyrs, is the most eloquent witness to the answer of the Church. Incense was not burned before the idols, and Christian blood flowed and consecrated the ground. But the temples of the gods lie in the cold devastation of ruins howsoever majestic; while at the tombs of the martyrs the faithful of all nations and all tongues fervently repeat the ancient Creed of the Apostles. (Pope Pius XII, Ci Riesce, December 6, 1953.)
Obviously, the conciliar "popes" have long specialized in giving generic prayers and "blessings" that have not mentioned the Holy Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Bergoglio's predecessor, Joseph Alois Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, uttered at "Ground Zero" on Sunday, April 20, 2008:
O God of love, compassion, and healing, look on us, people of many different faiths and traditions, who gather today at this site, the scene of incredible violence and pain.
We ask you in your goodness to give eternal light and peace to all who died here— the heroic first-responders: our fire fighters, police officers, emergency service workers, and Port Authority personnel, along with all the innocent men and women who were victims of this tragedy simply because their work or service brought them here on September 11, 2001.
We ask you, in your compassion to bring healing to those who, because of their presence here that day, suffer from injuries and illness. Heal, too, the pain of still-grieving families and all who lost loved ones in this tragedy. Give them strength to continue their lives with courage and hope.
We are mindful as well of those who suffered death, injury, and loss on the same day at the Pentagon and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Our hearts are one with theirs as our prayer embraces their pain and suffering.
God of peace, bring your peace to our violent world: peace in the hearts of all men and women and peace among the nations of the earth. Turn to your way of love those whose hearts and minds are consumed with hatred.
God of understanding, overwhelmed by the magnitude of this tragedy, we seek your light and guidance as we confront such terrible events. Grant that those whose lives were spared may live so that the lives lost here may not have been lost in vain. Comfort and console us, strengthen us in hope, and give us the wisdom and courage to work tirelessly for a world where true peace and love reign among nations and in the hearts of all. (When Devils Pray to to Their Own.)
Jorge Mario Bergoglio uttered the same prayer at the same place on Friday, September 25, 2015:
O God of love, compassion, and healing, look on us, people of many different faiths and traditions, who gather today at this site, the scene of incredible violence and pain.
We ask you in your goodness to give eternal light and peace to all who died here— the heroic first-responders: our fire fighters, police officers, emergency service workers, and Port Authority personnel, along with all the innocent men and women who were victims of this tragedy simply because their work or service brought them here on September 11, 2001.
We ask you, in your compassion to bring healing to those who, because of their presence here that day, suffer from injuries and illness. Heal, too, the pain of still-grieving families and all who lost loved ones in this tragedy. Give them strength to continue their lives with courage and hope.
We are mindful as well of those who suffered death, injury, and loss on the same day at the Pentagon and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Our hearts are one with theirs as our prayer embraces their pain and suffering.
God of peace, bring your peace to our violent world: peace in the hearts of all men and women and peace among the nations of the earth. Turn to your way of love those whose hearts and minds are consumed with hatred.
God of understanding, overwhelmed by the magnitude of this tragedy, we seek your light and guidance as we confront such terrible events. Grant that those whose lives were spared may live so that the lives lost here may not have been lost in vain. Comfort and console us, strengthen us in hope, and give us the wisdom and courage to work tirelessly for a world where true peace and love reign among nations and in the hearts of all. (Prayer Service at Ground Zero, Sunday, April 20, 2008, text from the conciliar Vatican website .)
No, that link is no mistake. The text above was prayed by the great violator of the First and Second Commandments named Joseph Alois Ratzinger/Benedict XVI on Sunday, April 20, 2008, the Fourth Sunday after Easter. At least Ratzinger, for his part, silently made the Sign of the Cross after he read this prayer aloud, something that Jorge Mario Bergoglio pointedly omitted on Wednesday, September 4, 2024. Once again, you see, there is great outrage from the same "conservative" and semi-traditional voices over Bergoglio's apostasy who were completely silent whenever Ratzinger/Benedict did the exact same things.
Enough of this. It is time to start dissecting the address that Jorge Mario Bergoglio gave on Thursday, September 5, 2024, the Feast of Saint Lawrence Jusitinian, at a mosque in the presence of a Mohammedan iman whose hand he kissed:
I am happy to be here, in the largest Mosque in Asia, together with all of you. I greet the Grand Imam and thank him for his words, reminding us that this place of worship and prayer is also “a great house for humanity”, where everyone can enter and take time for themselves, in order to make space for that yearning for the infinite that each one of us carries in our hearts, and to seek an encounter with the divine and experience the joy of friendship with others. (Anti-Apostolic Journey to Indonesia: Interreligious Meeting in the Istiqlal Mosque. Jakarta, 5 September 2024.)
Interjection Number One:
A yearning for the infinite?
To seek an encounter with the divine and experience the joy of friendship with others?
False religions belong to the devil and their places of false worship are nothing other his theatres where he, not the true God of Divine Revelation, is worshiped by those who deny the Most Holy Trinity and, of course, the Incarnation of the Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
The only legitimate form of worship takes place in a Catholic church or chapel, and it consists of the unbloody re-presentation or perpetual of Our Lord’s bloody Sacrifice of Himself to His Co-Equal, Co-Eternal God the Father in Spirit and in Truth on the wood of the Holy Cross on Good Friday in atonement for our sins.
Everything else—including so-called Protestant “worship”—is of the devil.
As Pope Leo XIII noted in Immortale Dei, November 1, 1885:
To hold, therefore, that there is no difference in matters of religion between forms that are unlike each other, and even contrary to each other, most clearly leads in the end to the rejection of all religion in both theory and practice. And this is the same thing as atheism, however it may differ from it in name. Men who really believe in the existence of God must, in order to be consistent with themselves and to avoid absurd conclusions, understand that differing modes of divine worship involving dissimilarity and conflict even on most important points cannot all be equally probable, equally good, and equally acceptable to God. (Pope Leo XIII, Immortale Dei, November 1, 1885.)
The First Commandment means nothing to the conciliar revolutionaries as they endorse every false religion imaginable by placing one strange God after another before them:
I am the LORD thy God: thou shalt not have strange Gods before me.
Every strange god has a place at the table of the conciliar revolutionaries.
To the next passage from Bergoglio’s September 5, 2024, address:
Moreover, I would like to recall that this Mosque was designed by the architect Friedrich Silaban, a Christian who won the design competition. This testifies to the fact that throughout the history of this nation and in the very fabric of its culture, the Mosque, like other places of worship, are spaces of dialogue, mutual respect and harmonious coexistence between religions and different spiritual sensibilities. This is a great gift that you are called to cultivate every day, so that religious experiences may be reference points for a fraternal and peaceful society and never reasons for close-mindedness or confrontation. (Anti-Apostolic Journey to Indonesia: Interreligious Meeting in the Istiqlal Mosque. Jakarta, 5 September 2024.)
Interjection Number Two:
While Catholics are called to bear themselves kindly to all men, we are not to reaffirm anyone in their false religious beliefs or practices. It is not to be closed-minded to be unfailingly faithful to the true religion nor to plant the seeds for the conversion of non-Catholics to the true Church even if only by our example and certainly by means of our fervent prayers both in general and in particular for those non-Catholics who are known to us personally.
Although it is true that Catholics who find themselves in a country such as Indonesia must exercise prudence while seeking to develop friendships with Mohammedans in social life, it is never permissible for a Catholic to state that he believes in the same God as the Mohammedans.
As Hillaire Belloc pointed out over a century ago, the enduring heresy of Mohammedanism is the rejection of the doctrine of the Most Blessed Trinity:
Mohammedanism was a heresy: that is the essential point to grasp before going any further. It began as a heresy, not as a new religion. It was not a pagan contrast with the Church; it was not an alien enemy. It was a perversion of Christian doctrine. It vitality and endurance soon gave it the appearance of a new religion, but those who were contemporary with its rise saw it for what it was not a denial, but an adaptation and a misuse, of the Christian thing. It differed from most (not from all) heresies in this, that it did not arise within the bounds of the Christian Church. The chief heresiarch, Mohammed himself, was not, like most heresiarchs, a man of Catholic birth and doctrine to begin with. He sprang from pagans. But that which he taught was in the main Catholic doctrine, oversimplified. It was the great Catholic world on the frontiers of which he lived, whose influence was all around him and whose territories he had known by travel which inspired his convictions. He came of, and mixed with, the degraded idolaters of the Arabian wilderness, the conquest of which had never seemed worth the Romans' while. . . .
But the central point where this new heresy struck home with a mortal blow against Catholic tradition was a full denial of the Incarnation.
Mohammed did not merely take the first steps toward that denial, as the Arians and their followers had done; he advanced a clear affirmation, full and complete, against the whole doctrine of an incarnate God. He taught that Our Lord was the greatest of all the prophets, but still only a prophet: a man like other men. He eliminated the Trinity altogether. With that denial of the Incarnation went the whole sacramental structure. He refused to know anything of the Eucharist, with its Real Presence; he stopped the sacrifice of the Mass, and therefore the institution of a special priesthood. In other words, he, like so many other lesser heresiarchs, founded his heresy on simplification. Catholic doctrine was true (he seemed to say), but it had become encumbered with false accretions; it had become complicated by needless man-made additions, including the idea that its founder was Divine, and the growth of a parasitical caste of priests who battened on a late, imagined, system of Sacraments which they alone could administer.
All those corrupt accretions must be swept away. There is thus a very great deal in common between the enthusiasm with which Mohammed's teaching attacked the priesthood, the Mass and the sacraments, and the enthusiasm with which Calvinism, the central motive force of the Reformation, did the same. As we all know, the new teaching relaxed the marriage laws but in practice this did not affect the mass of his followers who still remained monogamous. It made divorce as easy as possible, for the sacramental idea of marriage disappeared. It insisted upon the equality of men, and it necessarily had that further factor in which it resembled Calvinism: the sense of predestination, the sense of fate; of what the followers of John Knox were always calling "the immutable decrees of God." (The Great and Enduring Heresy of Mohammed.)
It is no wonder that the conciliar revolutionaries have such an affinity for Mohammedanism as its blasphemous founder, the false prophet Mohammed, attacked the same things that they have: "the priesthood, the Mass and the sacraments." Jorge Mario Bergoglio is chief among those alive today who did these things with the "same enthusiasm" as the Calvinists had done in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, driven by the "central motive force of the Reformation," a hatred of the visible, hierarchical church in favor of an amorphous mass of believers.
Mohammedanism is not worthy of any kind of respect. Neither is its blasphemous book, the Koran, which is just as offensive to God as is every single Protestant version of the Bible, each of which is filled with distortions that do not represent but indeed pervert the Sacred Word of God that was written under the direct inspiration of the Third Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, God the Holy Ghost.
As noted just above, although we respect the adherents of false religions as we pray for their unconditional conversion to the true Faith, the Catholic Faith, before they die, we do not show "respect" for the Koran or for Mohammedanism. We show respect for all others because they are human beings who have, whether or not they realize it, been redeemed by the shedding of every single drop of the Most Precious Blood of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on the wood of the Holy Cross on Good Friday. We love the true God of Divine Revelation above everyone and everything else. It is for love of Him, Christ the King, that we must hate the Koran and hate Mohammedanism as He hates them while we pray for the conversion of Mohammedans and as we seek to make reparation for our sins, which are so very responsible for worsening the state of the Church Militant in this time of apostasy and betrayal, and the world, especially by seeking to fulfill Our Lady's Fatima Message, praying as many Rosaries as we can each day as the consecrated slaves of Christ the King through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
To third passage from Bergoglio’s anti-apostolic work on behalf of the apostasy that is inspired by and pleases only Antichrist, not Christ the King:
In this regard, mention should be made of the underground tunnel, the “tunnel of friendship”, connecting the Istiqlal Mosque and the Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption. This is an eloquent sign, allowing these two great places of worship not only to be “in front” of each other, but also “connected” to each other. Indeed, this passageway allows for encounter, dialogue and a real possibility for “finding and sharing a ‘mystique’ of living together, mingling and encounter […] stepping into this flood tide which, while chaotic, can become a genuine experience of fraternity, a caravan of solidarity, a sacred pilgrimage” (Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, 87). I encourage you to continue along this path so that all of us, together, each cultivating his or her own spirituality and practicing his or her religion, may walk in search of God and contribute to building open societies, founded on reciprocal respect and mutual love, capable of protecting against rigidity, fundamentalism and extremism, which are always dangerous and never justifiable. (Anti-Apostolic Journey to Indonesia: Interreligious Meeting in the Istiqlal Mosque. Jakarta, 5 September 2024.)
Interjection Number Three:
Senor Jorge always has to attack his own in front of non-Catholics by equating what he believes are “rigid,” “fundamentalist” with completely faithful Mohammedans who believe what their false, blasphemous “prophet,” Mohammed, taught, namely, that unbelievers are infidels who must be liquidated. Mohammedanism spread by the force of the sword in once Catholic North Africa in the Seventh Century, and it was by the force of the sword that they sought to conquer various places in Europe thereafter. One of the supreme ironies of the world in which we live today is that Mohammedans have conquered most of Europe by means of migration and procreation while most of the formerly Catholic countries of Europe have depopulated themselves by means of contraception, sterilization, and surgical baby-killing.
Insofar as the “tunnel” if concerned, suffice it say that no true Successor of Saint Peter has ever reaffirmed non-Catholics “to practice his or her religion” nor to cultivate “his or her own spirituality.”
The following words of Pope Leo XIII in Custodi di Quella Fede, December 8, 1892, are apropos once again:
The road is very short from religious to social ruin. The heart of man is no longer raised to heavenly hopes and loves; capable and needing the infinite, it throws itself insatiably on the goods of this earth. Inevitably there is a perpetual struggle of avid passions to enjoy, become rich, and rise. Then we encounter a large and inexhaustible source of grudges, discords, corruptions, and crimes. In our Italy there was no lack of moral and social disorders before the present events — but what a sorrowful spectacle we see in our days! That loving respect which forms domestic harmony is substantially diminished; paternal authority is too often unrecognized by children and parents alike. Disagreements are frequent, divorce common. Civil discords and resentful anger between the various orders increase every day in the cities. New generations which grew up in a spirit of misunderstood freedom are unleashed in the cities, generations which do not respect anything from above or below. The cities teem with incitements to vice, precocious crimes, and public scandals. The state should be content with the high and noble office of recognizing, protecting, and helping divine and human rights in their harmonious universality. Now, however, the state believes itself almost a judge and disowns these rights or restricts them at will. Finally, the general social order is undermined at its foundations. Books and journals, schools and universities, clubs and theaters, monuments and political discourse, photographs and the fine arts, everything conspires to pervert minds and corrupt hearts. Meanwhile the oppressed and suffering people tremble and the anarchic sects arouse themselves. The working classes raise their heads and go to swell the ranks of socialism, communism, and anarchy. Characters exhaust themselves and many souls, no longer knowing how to suffer nobly nor how to redeem themselves manfully, take their lives with cowardly suicide.
8. Such are the fruits which the masonic sect has borne to us Italians. And after that it yearns to come before you, extolling its merits towards Italy. It likewise yearns to give Us and all those who, heeding Our words, remain faithful to Jesus Christ, the calumnious title of enemies of the state. The facts reveal the merits of this guilty sect toward our peninsula, “merits” which bear repeating. The facts say that masonic patriotism is no less than sectarian egotism which yearns to dominate everything, particularly the modern states which unite and concentrate everything in their hands. The facts say that in the plans of masonry, the names of political independence, equality, civilization, and progress aimed to facilitate the independence of man from God in our country. From them, license of error and vice and union of faction at the expense of other citizens have grown. The easy and delicious enjoyment of life by the world’s fortunate is nurtured in the same source. A people redeemed by divine blood have thus returned to divisions, corruptions, and the shames of paganism.
9. That does not surprise Us. — After nineteen centuries of Christian civilization, this sect tries to overthrow the Catholic Church and to cut off its divine sources. It absolutely denies the supernatural, repudiating every revelation and all the means of salvation which revelation shows us. Through its plans and works, it bases itself solely and entirely on such a weak and corrupt nature as ours. Such a sect cannot be anything other than the height of pride, greed, and sensuality. Now, pride oppresses, greed plunders, and sensuality corrupts. When these three concupiscences are brought to the extreme, the oppressions, greed, and seductive corruptions spread slowly. They take on boundless dimensions and become the oppression, plundering and source of corruption of an entire people.
10. Let Us then show you masonry as an enemy of God, Church, and country. Recognize it as such once and for all, and with all the weapons which reason, conscience, and faith put in your hands, defend yourselves from such a proud foe. Let no one be taken in by its attractive appearance or allured by its promises; do not be seduced by its enticements or frightened by its threats. Remember that Christianity and masonry are essentially irreconcilable, such that to join one is to divorce the other. You can no longer ignore such incompatibility between Catholic and mason, beloved children: you have been warned openly by Our predecessors, and We have loudly repeated the warning.
11. Those who, by some supreme misfortune, have given their name to one of these societies of perdition should know that they are strictly bound to separate themselves from it. Otherwise they must remain separated from Christian communion and lose their soul now and for eternity. Parents, teachers, godparents, and whoever has care of others should also know that a rigorous duty binds them to keep their wards from this guilty sect or to draw them from it if they have already entered.
12. In a matter of such importance and where the seduction is so easy in these times, it is urgent that the Christian watch himself from the beginning. He should fear the least danger, avoid every occasion, and take the greatest precautions. Use all the prudence of the serpent, while keeping in your heart the simplicity of the dove, according to the evangelical counsel. Fathers and mothers should be wary of inviting strangers into their homes or admitting them to domestic intimacy, at least insofar as their faith is not sufficiently known. They should try to first ascertain that an astute recruiter of the sect does not hide himself in the guise of a friend, teacher, doctor or other benefactor. Oh, in how many families has the wolf penetrated in sheep’s clothing!
13. It is beautiful to see the varied groups which arise everywhere today in every order of social life: worker groups, groups of mutual aid and social security, organizations to promote science, arts, letters, and other similar things. When they are inspired by a good moral and religious spirit, these groups certainly prove to be useful and proper. But because the masonic poison has penetrated and continues to penetrate here also, especially here, any groups that remove themselves from religious influence should be generally suspect. They can easily be directed and more or less dominated by masons, becoming the sowingground and the apprenticeship of the sect in addition to providing assistance to it.
14. Women should not join philanthropic societies whose nature and purpose are not well-known without first seeking advice from wise and experienced people. That talkative philanthropy which is opposed to Christian charity with such pomp is often the passport for masonic business.
15. Everyone should avoid familiarity or friendship with anyone suspected of belonging to masonry or to affiliated groups. Know them by their fruits and avoid them. Every familiarity should be avoided, not only with those impious libertines who openly promote the character of the sect, but also with those who hide under the mask of universal tolerance, respect for all religions, and the craving to reconcile the maxims of the Gospel with those of the revolution. These men seek to reconcile Christ and Belial, the Church of God and the state without God. (Pope Leo XIII, Custodi di Quella Fede, December 8, 1892.)
The false religion known as conciliarism is wholly owned subsidiarity of Judeo-Masonry. It is a work of human respect, “fraternity,” and “solidarity” with everything that is inspired and controlled by the adversary himself.
Bearing in mind all that has been said, which is symbolized by the tunnel, I would like to leave you with two suggestions to encourage you on the path of unity and harmony that you have already embarked upon.
The first is always look deeply, because only in this way can we find what unites despite our differences. Indeed, on the surface there are spaces in both the Mosque and the Cathedral that are well defined and frequented by their respective faithful, but below ground in the tunnel, those same people can meet and encounter each other’s religious perspectives. This image reminds us of the important fact that the visible aspects of religions – the rites, practices and so on – are a heritage that must be protected and respected. However, we could say that what lies “underneath”, what runs underground, like the “tunnel of friendship”, is the one root common to all religious sensitivities: the quest for an encounter with the divine, the thirst for the infinite that the Almighty has placed in our hearts, the search for a greater joy and a life stronger than any type of death, which animates the journey of our lives and impels us to step out of ourselves to encounter God. Here, let us remember that by looking deeply, grasping what flows in the depths of our lives, the desire for fullness that dwells in the depths of our hearts, we discover that we are all brothers and sisters, all pilgrims, all on our way to God, beyond what differentiates us. (Anti-Apostolic Journey to Indonesia: Interreligious Meeting in the Istiqlal Mosque. Jakarta, 5 September 2024.)
Interjection Number Four:
Always the madness about an “encounter with the divine” and the “thirst for the infinite that the Almighty has placed in our hearts, the search for a greater joy and a life stronger than any type o death.”
Jorge Mario Bergoglio spoke as though the Incarnation of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has either not occurred or that it is so obscure to non-Christians as to state that everyone must “search for the infinite” even though authentic Divine Revelation is easily accessible by all men everywhere through His Holy Catholic Church. It is the job of Catholic missionaries to preach the truth in love and then to make the necessary sacrifices coupled with fervent prayer to the August Queen of Heaven so that non-Christians will reject falsehood and convert to the true Faith. There is no need to “search” of God as He has revealed Himself to us with clarity and certitude.
To the final passage from yesterday’s address at the mosque in Jakarta:
The second suggestion is to preserve the bonds between you. The tunnel was built in order to create a link between two different and distant places. This is what the tunnel does: it connects, creating a bond. Sometimes we think that a meeting between religions is a matter of seeking common ground between different religious doctrines and beliefs no matter the cost. Such an approach, however, may end up dividing us, because the doctrines and dogmas of each religious experience are different. What really brings us closer is creating a connection in the midst of diversity, cultivating bonds of friendship, care and reciprocity. These relationships link us to others, allowing us to commit ourselves to seek the truth together, learning from the religious tradition of others, and coming together to meet our human and spiritual needs. They are also bonds that allow us to work together, to move forward together in pursuit of the same goals: defence of human dignity, the fight against poverty and the promotion of peace. Unity is born from personal bonds of friendship as well as mutual respect and defence of the ideas of others and their sacred spaces. May you always cherish this!
Dear brothers and sisters, “fostering religious harmony for the sake of humanity” is the path that we are called to follow. It is also the title to the joint declaration prepared for this occasion. By adhering to it, we take on the responsibility to address the serious and sometimes dramatic crises that threaten the future of humanity such as wars and conflicts, which are unfortunately caused at times by the manipulation of religion, and the environmental crisis, which is an obstacle to the growth and coexistence of peoples. In the face of these crises, it is important that the values common to all religious traditions be effectively promoted in order to help society “defeat the culture of violence and indifference” (Joint Declaration of Istiqlal) and promote reconciliation and peace.
I thank you for the common path you are taking. Indonesia is a great country, a mosaic of cultures, ethnicities and religious traditions, a rich diversity, which is also reflected in the varied ecosystem. If it is true that you are home to the world’s largest gold mine, know that the most precious treasure is the determination that differences can be harmonized through concord and mutual respect instead of being a cause for conflict. You are known for this harmony. Do not lose this gift! Do not impoverish yourselves of this great treasure. On the contrary, cultivate it and pass it on, especially to the young. May no one succumb to the allure of fundamentalism and violence. May everyone instead be awestruck by the dream of a free, fraternal and peaceful society and humanity!
Thank you for your kind smiles, which always shine on your faces and are a sign of your beauty and inner openness. May God preserve this gift. With his help and blessing go forth, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, united in diversity. Thank you! (Anti-Apostolic Journey to Indonesia: Interreligious Meeting in the Istiqlal Mosque. Jakarta, 5 September 2024.)
Final Comment:
Only the bonds of the true Faith can unite men into a bond of genuine fellowship in the Communion of the Saints, and the only path to genuine peace is that which runs to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. True peace within nations and among them is the consequence of men whose souls are at peace with the true God of Divine Revelation by means of Sanctifying Grace. The souls of non-Christians are in a state of enmity with Him because they are slaves to the devil by means of Original Sin.
The conciliar "popes," though, have stressed the "service of man" and the service of "humanity" over the sanctification and salvation of souls, starting with Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini/Paul VI at the close of the "Second" Vatican Council on December 8, 1965, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary:
But one thing must be noted here, namely, that the teaching authority of the Church, even though not wishing to issue extraordinary dogmatic pronouncements, has made thoroughly known its authoritative teaching on a number of questions which today weigh upon man's conscience and activity, descending, so to speak, into a dialogue with him, but ever preserving its own authority and force; it has spoken with the accommodating friendly voice of pastoral charity; its desire has been to be heard and understood by everyone; it has not merely concentrated on intellectual understanding but has also sought to express itself in simple, up-to-date, conversational style, derived from actual experience and a cordial approach which make it more vital, attractive and persuasive; it has spoken to modern man as he is.
Another point we must stress is this: all this rich teaching is channeled in one direction, the service of mankind, of every condition, in every weakness and need. The Church has, so to say, declared herself the servant of humanity, at the very time when her teaching role and her pastoral government have, by reason of the council's solemnity, assumed greater splendor and vigor: the idea of service has been central. (Address During The Last General Meeting Of the "Second Vatican Council.)
The servant of humanity, not the Mystical Spouse of Christ the King to advance the work of the sanctification and salvation of souls.
Modern man as he is?”
This is important to bear in mind as the underlying presumptions of conciliar documents, no matter how modern reiterations of Catholic teaching they might contain, are based in various kinds of Modernist conceptions and propositions that were dissected, critiqued and condemned by Pope Saint Pius X in Pascendi Dominici Gregis, September 8, 1907, starting with a double-mindedness that provides something of an opaque cover of advancing concepts and approaches which contradict their own claims to defend doctrinal and moral orthodoxy. This is the bilge in which Jesuit scholastic Jorge Mario Bergoglio was formed, and it is this bilge that keeps being regurgitated over and over again, yesterdy in Indonesia, today in Papua New Guinea, and always at the Casa Santa Marta behind the Walls of the Occupied Vatican on the West Bank of the Tiber River.
Every religion other than Catholicism is false:
For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils: but the Lord made the heavens. (Psalm 95: 5)
The prophet Elias destroyed the devils of Ba’al atop Mount Carmel, signifying a direct connection between the Brown Scapular that Our Lady gave to Saint Simon Stock and firm opposition to any kind of false ecumenism, including any kind of recognition of “worth” accorded to any false religion and its beliefs, rituals and practices:
“‘Nevertheless send now, and gather unto me all Israel, unto Mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves four hundred, who eat at Jezebel’s table.’
“Achab sent to all the children of Israel, and gathered together the prophets unto Mount Carmel.
“And Elias coming to all the people, said: ‘How long do you halt between two sides? If the Lord be God, follow Him: but if Baal, follow him.’ And the people did not answer him a word.
“And Elias said again to the people: ‘I only remain a prophet of the Lord: but the prophets of Baal are four hundred and fifty men. Let two bullocks be given us, and let them choose one bullock and cut it in pieces and lay it upon wood, but put no fire under: and I will dress the other bullock, and lay it on wood, and put no fire under it. Call ye the names of your gods, and I will call on the name of my Lord; and the God that shall answer by fire, let him be God.’ And all of the people answering said: ‘A very good proposal.’
“Then Elias said to the prophets of Baal: ‘Choose you one bullock and dress it first, because you are many; and call on the names of your gods, but put no fire under.’
“And they took the bullock which he gave them, and dressed it; and they called on the name of Baal from morning even till noon, saying: ‘O Baal, hear us.’ But there was no voice, nor any that answered: and they leaped over the altar that they had made.
“And when it was now noon, Elias jested at them, saying: ‘Cry with a louder voice: for he is a God, and perhaps he is talking, or he is in an inn, or on a journey, or perhaps he is asleep, and must be awaked.’
“So they cried with a loud voice, and cut themselves after their manner with knives and lancets, till they were covered with blood. And after midday was past, and while they were prophesying, the time was come of offering sacrifice, and there was no voice heard, nor did any one answer, nor regard them as they prayed: Elias said to the people: ‘Come ye unto me.’ And the people coming near unto him, he repaired the altar of the Lord, that was broken down:
“And he took twelve stones according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, to whom the word of the Lord came, saying: ‘Israel shall be thy name.’ And he built with the stones an altar to the name of the Lord: and he made a trench for water, of the breadth of two furrows round about the altar. And he laid the wood in order, and cut the bullock in pieces, and laid it upon the wood.
“And he said: “Fill four buckets with water, and pour it upon the burnt offering, and upon the wood.’ And again he said: ‘Do the same the second time.’ And when they had done it the second time, he said: ‘Do the same also the third time.’ And they did so the third time. And the water run about the altar, and the trench was filled with water.
“And when it was now time to offer the holocaust, Elias the prophet came near and said: ‘O Lord God of Abraham and Isaac, and Israel, show this day that thou art the God of Israel, and I thy servant, and that according to they commandment I have done all these things. Hear me, O Lord, hear me: that this people may learn, that thou art the Lord God, and that thou hast turned their heart again.’
“Then the fire of the Lord fell, and consumed the holocaust, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench. And when all the people saw this, they fell on their faces, and they said: ‘The Lord he is God, the Lord he is God.’ And Elias said to them: ‘Take the prophets of Baal, and let not one of them escape.’ And when they had taken them, Elias brought them down to the torrent Cison, and killed them there” (3 Kings 18:19-40)
It was from Mount Carmel that many of the disciples of Elias and Eliseus were called by Our Lady to be present in Jerusalem on Pentecost Sunday, and thus to be added to the ranks of Holy Church to sing her own praises on Mount Carmel, as Dom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B. related in The Liturgical Year:
They saw this second Eve, they conversed with her, they felt for her that filial affection wherewith she inspired all of the disciples of Jesus. The Liturgy will speak to us at another season of these favoured ones. The promise is fulfilled to-day. In the lessons of the feast the Church tells us how the disciples of Elias and Eliseus became Christians at the first preaching of the Apostles, and being permitted to hear the sweet words of the Blessed Virgin and enjoy an unspeakable intimacy with her, they felt their veneration for her immensely increased. Returning to the loved mountain, where their less fortunate fathers had lived but in hope, they built, on the very spot where Elias had seen a little cloud rise up out of the sea, an oratory to the purest of virgins; hence they obtained the name of the Brothers of Blessed Mary of Mount Carmel. (Dom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B., The Liturgical Year.)
The readings for the Divine Office for the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel contains the following description of this call:
When on the holy day of Pentecost the apostles, through heavenly inspiration, spoke divers tongues and worked many miracles by the invocation of the most holy name of Jesus, it is said that many men who were walking in the footsteps of Elias and Eliseus, and had been prepared for the coming of Christ by the preaching of John the Baptist saw and acknowledged the truth, and at once embraced the faith of the Gospel. These new Christians were so happy as to be able to enjoy familiar intercourse with the Blessed Virgin, and venerated her with so special an affection, that they, before all others, built a chapel to the purest of Virgins on that very spot of Mount Carmel where Elias of old had seen the cloud, a remarkable type the Virgin ascending.
Many times each day they came together to the new oratory, and with pious ceremonies, prayers and praises honoured the most Blessed Virgin as the special protectress of their Order. For this reason, people from all parts began to call them the Brethren of the Blessed Mary of Mount Carmel; and the Sovereign Pontiffs not only affirmed this title, but also granted special indulgences to whoever called either the whole Order or individual Brothers by that name. (Matins, The Divine Office, Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, July 16.)
It was on Mount Carmel that Elias, who was battling King Achab's false ecumenism of worshiping false idols, thereby betraying the true religion of the time, Judaism, by violating the First Commandment, slew the prophets of Baal (3 Kings 18:19-40).
As a Catholic priest noted in 2007, Eliseus, the disciple of Elias, asked for a "double spirit" from his master prior to Elias's being taken up in a fiery chariot (4 Kings 2: 6-13). Elias's mantle fell on Eliseus as he, Elias, was being whisked away in the fiery chariot Elias's mantle was to protect Eliseus from the spirit of false ecumenism that had prevailed on Mount Carmel and was sponsored by the king himself, who as a figure of the Antichrist.
The priest also said that it was that same "double spirit" of Elias was given by Our Lady when she gave Saint Simon Stock her Brown Scapular of Mount Carmel on July 16, 1251, as a protection against all spiritual dangers, including the false ecumenism of our own day which so offends God in our day as it offended Him as it was practiced on Mount Carmel when Elias slew the prophets of Baal. False ecumenism makes a mockery of His First Commandment. The Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is thus a paramount protection against the false ecumenism of the Modernists that has been practiced with such abandon by the conciliar "popes" and their minions.
The only difference between Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his predecessors in the counterfeit church of conciliarism is that he is making no effort to mask his belief that all religions please God and provide a sure path to salvation. His false religion, conciliarism, is one of “feelings” and “universal salvation” based on a false concept of “mercy” that reaffirms hardened sinners, including those guilty of unbelief in Our Lord’s Sacred Divinity and/or guilty of unbelief in the Catholic Church as the true Church founded by God Himself.
Error divides, Catholicism alone unites, noting, of course, that there will always be conflicts among men and within and among nations because of fallen human nature. The effects of that fallen human nature can be ameliorated by a constant effort to pursue sanctity, avoid even the near occasions of sin, and to rely upon Our Lady’s maternal intercession to die to self in order that we may be instruments of the peace of her Divine Son, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus, as His consecrated slaves through her own Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s address at the mosque in Jakarta yesterday was just another example of his refusal to preach Christ and Him Crucified before men. It is a wicked thing for a Catholic to pretend as though one ignore these words with impunity:
Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me. (John 14: 6.)
I am the true vine; and my Father is the husbandman. [2] Every branch in me, that beareth not fruit, he will take away: and every one that beareth fruit, he will purge it, that it may bring forth more fruit. [3] Now you are clean by reason of the word, which I have spoken to you. [4] Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abide in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in me. [5] I am the vine: you the branches: he that abideth in me, and I in him, the same beareth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing.
[6] If any one abide not in me, he shall be cast forth as a branch, and shall wither, and they shall gather him up, and cast him into the fire, and he burneth. [7] If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you shall ask whatever you will, and it shall be done unto you. [8] In this is my Father glorified; that you bring forth very much fruit, and become my disciples. [9] As the Father hath loved me, I also have loved you. Abide in my love. [10] If you keep my commandments, you shall abide in my love; as I also have kept my Father's commandments, and do abide in his love. (John 15: 1-10.)
Bergoglio does not believe this. He believes that “peace” can be produced and maintained absent any proclamation of the Holy Name of Jesus by people who deny His Sacred Divinity, if not His very existence in some cases, and that men who break the First Commandment by worshiping false gods are nevertheless blessed by the true God of Divine Revelation because, as Bergoglio states repeatedly, all religions please God, making him, Bergoglio, the man most people believe is “Pope Francis,” the biggest violator of the First Commandment alive today.
Bishop George Hay, the Apostolic Administrator of Scotland at the beginning of the Nineteenth Century, has given us the perfect rebuttal to such apostasy:
Now it is the true religion of Jesus Christ, the true doctrine of His gospel, which is justice and light; all false doctrines are injustice and darkness; it is by our holy faith that we belong to Christ, and are temples of the living God; all false religions flow from the father of lies, and make those who embrace them unbelievers; therefore all participation, all fellowship, all communication with false religions, is here expressly forbidden by the Word of God. We have seen above 2 that we are obliged to love the persons of those who are engaged in false religions, to wish them well, and to do them good; but here we are expressly forbidden all communication in their religion — that is, in their false tenets, and worship. Hence the learned and pious English divines who published at Rheims their translation of the New Testament, in their note upon this passage, say: "Generally, here is forbidden conversation and dealing with unbelievers in prayers, or meetings at their schismatical service, or other divine office whatsoever; which the apostle here uttereth in more particular terms, that Christian people may take the better heed of it."
(2) The next general command to avoid all religious communication with those who are heretics, or have a false religion, is this, — "A man that is a heretic, after the first and second admonition, AVOID; knowing that he that is such a one is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned by his own judgment." (Tit. 3:10)
Here we see another general command to avoid all such — that is, to flee from them, to have no communication with them. But in what are we commanded to flee from them? Not as to their persons, or the necessary communications of society; for then, as the same holy apostle says upon a similar occasion, "You must needs go out of the world." [1] Cor. 5:10) Not as to the offices of Christian charity; for these we are commanded by Christ himself, in the person of the good Samaritan, to give to all mankind, whatever their religion be: therefore, in the most restricted and limited sense which the words can bear, the thing in which we are commanded to avoid them is in all matters of religion; in that in which they themselves are subverted and sin; in things relating to God and His service. In these they err, in these they are subverted, in these they are condemned; therefore in these we must avoid them.
Hence the pious translators of the Rheims New Testament, in their note on this text, say, "Heretics, therefore, must not wonder if we warn all Catholics, by the words of the apostle in this place, to take heed of them, and to shun their preachings, books, and conventicles."
(3) A third general command on this subject is manifestly included in this zealous injunction of the apostle: "We charge you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw yourselves from every brother walking disorderly, and not according to the tradition which they have received from us." (2 Thes. 3:6)
In this passage, all the different sects of false religions are particularly pointed out; for, however they may differ in other respects they generally agree in this, of rejecting apostolical traditions handed down to us by the Church of Christ; all such the apostle here charges us, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to avoid — to withdraw ourselves from them. Now it is evident that the most limited sense in which this command, so warmly laid on us by the apostle, can be taken, is to withdraw ourselves from them in everything relating to religion, — from their sacraments, prayers, preachings, religious meetings, and the like. It is in these things that they "do not walk according to the tradition received from the apostles". In these things, then, we are here commanded, in the name of Christ Himself, "to withdraw ourselves from them".
Seeing, therefore, that the Holy Ghost, by the mouth of this holy apostle, has so often, and in such strong terms, forbidden all manner of fellowship in religion with those who are out of His holy Church, let us not be deceived by the specious but vain sophistry of cunning men, who lie in wait to deceive; let us not offend our God, by transgressing these His express commands, by joining in the prayers or going to the meetings of such as are separated from His holy Church, lest He should withdraw His holy grace from US, and as we expose ourselves to the danger, leave us to perish in it.
Let us hear and follow the advice and command of the same holy apostle: "As therefore ye have received Jesus Christ the Lord, walk ye in Him; rooted and built up in Him, and confirmed in the faith; as also ye have learned, abounding in Him in thanksgiving. Beware lest any man impose upon you by philosophy and vain deceit according to the tradition of men, according to the rudiments of the world, and not according to Christ." (Col. 2:6) Wherefore, to all those arguments which may be brought from human, worldly, or interested motives, to induce us to join in or to partake of any religious duty with those of a false religion, though in appearance only, we ought to oppose this one, — "God has expressly forbidden it, therefore no human power can make it lawful” . . . .
St. Paul also exhorts us to "give thanks to God the Father, who hath made us worthy to be partakers of the lot of the saints in light, who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of His beloved Son." (Col. 1:12) Where it is manifest that as the true Faith of Jesus Christ is the only light that conducts to salvation, and that it is only in His Kingdom — that is, in His Church — where that heavenly light is to be found, so all false religions are darkness; and that to be separated from the Kingdom of Christ is to be in darkness as to the great affair of eternity. And indeed what greater or more miserable darkness can a soul be in than to be led away by seducing spirits, and "departing from the faith of Christ, give heed to the doctrine of devils". (1 Tim. 4:1) St. Paul, deploring the state of such souls, says that they "have their understandings darkened, being alienated from the life of God, through the ignorance: that is in them, because of the blindness of their hearts". (Eph. 4:18)
On this account the same holy apostle exhorts us in the most pressing manner to take care not to be seduced from the light of our holy Faith by the vain words and seducing speeches of false teachers, by which we would certainly incur the anger of God; and, to prevent so great a misery, He not only exhorts us to walk as children of the light in the practice of all holy virtues, but expressly commands us to avoid all communication in religion with those who walk in the darkness of error. "Let no man deceive you with vain words, for because of these things cometh the anger of God upon the children of unbelief; be ye not, therefore, partakers with them. For ye were theretofore darkness; but now light in the Lord; walk ye as the children of the light,
. . . and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness". (Eph. 5:6)
Here, then, we have an express command, not only not to partake with the unfruitful works of darkness — that is, not to join in any false religion, or partake of its rites or sacraments — but also, not to have any fellowship with its professors, not to be present at their meetings or sermons, or any other of their religious offices, lest we be deceived by them, and incur the anger of the Almighty, provoke Him to withdraw His assistance from us, and leave us to ourselves, in punishment of our disobedience.
(3) St. Paul, full of zeal for the good of souls, and solicitous to preserve us from all danger of losing our holy Faith, the groundwork of our salvation, renews the same command in his Epistle to the Romans, by way of entreaty, beseeching us to avoid all such communication with those of a false religion. He also shows us by what sign we should discover them, and points out the source of our danger from them: "Now I beseech you, brethren, to mark them who cause dissensions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned, and to avoid them; for they that are such serve not Our Lord Christ, but their own belly, and by pleasing speeches and good words seduce the hearts of the innocent". (Rom. 16:17)
See here whom we are to avoid — "those that cause dissensions contrary to the ancient doctrine"; all those who, hating, left the true Faith and doctrine which they had learned, and which has been handed down to us from the beginning by the Church of Christ, follow strange doctrines, and make divisions and dissensions in the Christian world. And why are we to avoid them? Because they are not servants of Christ, but slaves to their own belly, whose hearts are placed upon the enjoyments of this world, and who, by "pleasing speeches and good words, seduce the hearts of the innocent" — that is, do not bring good reasons or solid arguments to seduce people to their evil ways, so as to convince the understanding, for that is impossible; but practice upon their hearts and passions, relaxing the laws of the gospel, granting liberties to the inclinations of flesh and blood, laying aside the sacred rules of mortification of the passions and of self-denial, promising worldly wealth, and ease, and honors, and, by pleasing speeches of this kind, seducing the heart, and engaging people to their ways.
(4) The same argument and command the apostle repeats in his epistle to his beloved disciple Timothy, where he gives a sad picture, indeed, of all false teachers, telling us that they put on an outward show of piety the better to deceive, "having an appearance, indeed, of godliness, but denying the power thereof;" then he immediately gives this command: "Now these avoid: for of this sort are they that creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, who are led away with divers desires"; and adds this sign by which they may be known, that, not having the true Faith of Christ, and being out of His holy Church — the only sure rule for knowing the truth — they are never settled, but are always altering and changing their opinions, "ever learning, and never attaining to the knowledge of the truth"; because, as he adds, "they resist the truth, being corrupted in their mind, and reprobate concerning the Faith". (2 Tim. 3:5)
Here it is to be observed that, though the apostle says that silly weak people, and especially women, are most apt to be deceived by such false teachers, yet he gives the command of avoiding all communication with them in their evil ways, to all without exception, even to Timothy himself; for the epistle is directed particularly to him, and to him he says, as well as to all others, "Now these avoid", though he was a pastor of the church, and fully instructed by the apostle himself in all the truths of religion; because, besides the danger of seduction, which none can escape who voluntarily expose themselves to it, all such communication is evil in itself, and therefore to be avoided by all, and especially by pastors, whose example would be more prejudicial to others. (Bishop George Hay, The Laws of God Forbidding All Communication in Religion With Those of a False Religion.)
(5) Lastly, the beloved disciple St. John renews the same command in the strongest terms, and adds another reason, which regards all without exception, and especially those who are best instructed in their duty: "Look to yourselves", says he, "that ye lose not the things that ye have wrought, but that you may receive a full reward. Whosoever revolteth, and continueth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that continueth in the doctrine the same hath both the Father and the Son. If any man come to you and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, nor say to him, God speed you: for he that saith to him, God speed you, communicateth with his wicked works". (2 John, ver. 8)
Here, then, it is manifest, that all fellowship with those who have not the doctrine of Jesus Christ, which is "a communication in their evil works" — that is, in their false tenets, or worship, or in any act of religion — is strictly forbidden, under pain of losing the "things we have wrought, the reward of our labors, the salvation of our souls". And if this holy apostle declares that the very saying God speed to such people is a communication with their wicked works, what would he have said of going to their places of worship, of hearing their sermons, joining in their prayers, or the like? (Bishop George Hay, The Laws of God Forbidding All Communication in Religion With Those of a False Religion.)
Bergoglio, like Ratzinger and Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II before him, praises false religions and urges respect for their false beliefs and practices, thus further imperiling the salvation of his immortal soul while earning the deepest place and the most horrible torments in Hell imaginable if he does not repent of his crimes against Christ the King and the Holy Faith before he dies. Bishop George Hay explained this crime in no uncertain terms:
The spirit of Christ, which dictated the Holy Scriptures, and the spirit which animates and guides the Church of Christ, and teaches her all truth, is the same; and therefore in all ages her conduct on this point has been uniformly the same as what the Holy Scripture teaches. She has constantly forbidden her children to hold any communication, in religious matters, with those who are separated from her communion; and this she has sometimes done under the most severe penalties. In the apostolical canons, which are of very ancient standing, and for the most part handed down from the apostolical age, it is thus decreed: “If any bishop, or priest, or deacon, shall join in prayers with heretics, let him be suspended from Communion“. (Can. 44)
Also, “If any clergyman or laic shall go into the synagogue of the Jews, or the meetings of heretics, to join in prayer with them, let him be deposed, and deprived of communion“. (Can. 63) (Bishop George Hay, (The Laws of God Forbidding All Communication in Religion With Those of a False Religion.)
Yes, God the Holy Ghost teaches the same truth at all times because immutability is of His very Divine essence. This is why the conciliar "popes" have shown us that they really do not believe in the true God of Divine Revelation as He has revealed Himself to us through His true Church.
The following prayer, found in The Raccolta, is one that would never be prayed by Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his comrades in the counterfeit church of conciliarism. It should, however, be prayed by us:
O August Queen of victories, O Virgin-ruler of paradise at whose powerful name the heavens rejoice and hell trembles for fear, O glorious Queen of the most holy Rosary, all of us, thy highly favored children whom they goodness hath chosen to raise a temple to thee in Pompeii in this our day, here humbly kneeling at thy feet, on this most solemn day of the Feast of thy triumph on earth over false gods and devils, pour forth with tears the deepest affection of or hearts, and with the confidence of sons were show our miseries to thee.
Ah, from that throne of mercy where thou art seated in queenly state, turn thy pitying gaze upon us, O Mary, and upon our families, upon Italy, upon Europe and upon the universal Church; do thou have compassion upon us by reason of the miseries whereby we are encompassed, and the tribulations that make life bitter for us. See, dear Mother, how many perils to body and soul surround us, what calamities and afflictions oppress us! O Mother, stay the arm of thine unheeded Son’s justice and win the hearts of sinners by thy mercy; for they are our brethren and thy children, for whom the Precious Blood of Jesus was pierced by the sword of sorrow. Show unto all men this day that thou art indeed the Queen of Peace and forgiveness. (The Raccolta: A Manual of Indulgences, Prayers and Devotions Enriched with Indulgences: approved by Pope Pius XII, May 30, 1951, and published in English by Benziger Brothers, New York, 1957, pp. 290-291. This is one of three prayers to be prayed on May 8 and on the first Sunday of October each year.)
We must not lose heart in these difficult times. It is essential for us to maintain the true Catholic Faith in the underground no matter what anyone may think of us for doing so, and we can only do this with the help of Our Lady, she who is the very Blessed Mother of God, especially through her Most Holy Rosary, and of her Most Chaste Spouse, our Good Saint Joseph, who is the Patron of the Universal Church and the Protector of the Faithful.
The Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph in the end, and a glorious triumphant it may be, which is why we should be willing to suffer whatever Our Lord calls upon us to endure for its sake, upon which the good of both men and their nations depends.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.