This is a republished reflection on the life and martrydom of Saint Josaphat Kuncewicz, whose feast is celebrated today.
Saint Jospahat Kuncewicz did what conciliarism forbids, namely, seeking the conversion of the heretical and schismatic Orthodox to the Catholic Church, she who is the one and only true Church founded by Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ upon the Rock of Peter, the Pope.
The current pretender in Rome has carried on the conciliar "tradition" of claiming that the Orthodox churches are simply a branch of "Christianity." This brief reflection refutes that false contention. Indeed, the very life of Saint Jospahat Kuncewicz is a refutation of that false contention.
Although I have been busy writing election-themed commentaries, have started initial work on “Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part seven,” and will return to a book project that will comprise perhaps as many as sixteen volumes of selected commentaries about conciliarism from 2006 to 2020, I am not unaware of some of the news in the world of the fake, phony, fraud entity that has been referred to as the counterfeit church of conciliarism dating back to 2006, I am aware of several important developments in the never-never land of conciliarism, starting with the starting with the McCarrick Report.
While I will not be writing about the McCarrick Report for another three weeks or so, I do want to provide the few people who access this site regularly with a link to an article by Mrs. Randy Engel on what was omitted from the McCarrick Report. Please see The “Uncle Teddy” McCarrick Case. An article of my own from around twenty-seven months ago, "Uncle Teddy" McCarrick and the Conciliar Cesspool of Corruption, and one from ten and one-half years ago, "Canonizing" A Man Who Protected Moral Derelicts, might also be timely for those interested to re-read and review.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
Saint Josaphat Kuncewicz, pray for us.
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