Revised: No One is a Stranger to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

One of the saddest developments in this time when we lack the Principle of Unity that is a true and legitimate Successor of Saint Peter is the spirit of excluding Catholics from the reception of Holy Communion because they have had a falling out with a clergyman or who have gone to an "unapproved" Mass venue. Even first-timers in some venues are viewed upon with suspicion as possible spies or infiltrators.

We must always remember, however, that no one is a stranger to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us.

Saint Barnabas (whose feast is suppressed today), pray for us.

Saint John Chrysostom Says to "Pope Francis": "To this Table then let there draw nigh no Judas Iscariot, no Simon Magus."

It is approaching two o’clock in the morning. Thus, this introduction needs to be very brief.

Although I was working on what is turning out to be a detailed commentary about Fauci the Fraudster, an alert on my so-called “smart phone” included a news flash from the Vatican News Service about Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s Angelus address of yesterday, Sunday, June 6, 2021. The address was chock filled with several heresies and blasphemies.

Although the Argentine Apostate said nothing new as he loves to repeat himself in the manner of Ding Dong School, I interrupted my work on the Fauci article to prepare this commentary, which includes a direct refutation of Bergoglio’s blasphemous and heretical contention yesterday that Judas Iscariot was the beneficiary of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’s ineffable mercy. The refutation is found in a section of the reading for Matin’s in today’s Divine Office for Monday within the Octave of Corpus Christi that was written by Saint John Chrysostom himself:

Let us hear, all of us, both Priests and laymen, let us hear What Food it is whereof we are made worthy let us hear, I say, and let us quake. The Lord satisfieth us with His Own holy Flesh, setting Himself slain before us. What excuse therefore shall we have, if, being so fed as we are, we sin as we do If, eating of the Lamb, we are still wolves If, pastured as the sheep of the flock, we raven like lions This mysterious Sacrament forbiddeth unto us not outrage only, but any the least enmity it is the Mystery of peace. Upon the Jews God laid it to make year by year by solemn festivals a yearly commemoration of His mercies unto them, but upon thee to do this in remembrance of His love to thee, day by day. To this Table then let there draw nigh no Judas Iscariot, no Simon Magus. These men fell through covetousness let us fly that bottomless pit. (Saint John Chrysostom, as found in Matins, The Divine Office, Monday within the Octave of Corpus Christi.)

More is within this commentary.

For now, I must bid you adieu, give some baby chickens more water in their waterer and then get a few hours of sleep.

Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, pray for us.

Revised and Expanded: Saint Boniface, Apostle to Germany

Today's republished offering is a revised and expanded reflection on the missionary work of Saint Boniface, the Apostle to Germany, who stands as a rebuke to the conciliar "popes" and their embrace of false religions. 

The next original article, which deals with an alleged virologist, Dr. Anthony Fauci, is being written. I hope to make good progress on it today. However, the article may not appear until Monday, June 7, 2021. Thank you for your patience.

Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, pray for us.

Saint Boniface, pray for us.

Revised: On the Feast of Corpus Christi (2021)

Today is the great Feast of Corpus Christi. This article, written a long time ago now and slightly revised over the years, is an exhortation to the readers of this site to spend more and more time in adoration before Our Beloved before His Real Presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament if this is at all possible in your area. 

Adoration is the first end of prayer, including the perfect prayer that is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in which Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ becomes Incarnate under the appearances of bread and wine when a men man, uttering mere words over the elements of the earth, calls Him down from Heaven. We must adore God with our whole mind, soul, heart, body and strength. To spend time before the Most Blessed Sacrament in prayer is a foretaste of Heavenly glories.
Our goal in life is to behold the glory of the Beatific Vision of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost for all eternity in the company of Our Lady, Saint Joseph, our Guardian Angels (each of whom beholds the Beatific Vision as he tries to guide us home to Heaven!), our patron saints and all of the members of the Church Triumph, whose ranks we hope and pray will include our dearest and nearest relatives and friends.
We must make time for the foretaste of Heavenly glories by means of profound Eucharistic Adoration in this life is we want to enjoy the glories of Heaven itself for all eternity. There are infused graces that are flooded into the souls of those who spend time in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, those souls who are conscious of the need to make reparation for their sins as they give thanksgiving to God for all of the favors, both spiritual and temporal, they have received and who recognize the need to petition God for the favors we need, both spiritual temporal, starting with an earnest petition each day that we be given the grace to have a holy and sacramentally-provided-for death. 
Our Lord stands ready to send us this infusion of graces through the loving hands of His Most Blessed Mother, who is mystically with us when we pray before her Divine Son’s Real Presence. All we need to do is to arrange our lives in such a way as to make time for prayer before Our Eucharistic King and Lord. 
We must, of course, be conscious of our need to get to the Sacrament of Penance on a weekly basis in order that our reception of Our Lord’s Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in Holy Communion will be worthy and fervent. The frequent, devout and worthy reception of Our Lord in Holy Communion gives strength even to those souls who have been steeped in one sin after another, those souls who have refused to surrender to the devil’s attacks upon them over the years: 
And then come, and accuse me, saith the Lord: if your sins be as scarlet, they shall be made as white as snow: and if they be red as crimson, they shall be white as wool. If you be willing, and will hearken to me, you shall eat the good things of the land. (Isaias 1: 18-19.) 
We must ask Our Lady on this great feast day of Corpus Christi, which, of course, is celebrated as an Octave in those chapels that use the Missal of Saint Pius V before it was “reformed” by the revolutionary efforts of Annibale Bugnini and Ferdinando Antonelli in the 1950s, to help give us more and more graces to recognize the Most Sacred Heart of her Divine Son, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, beats for with great love in the Most Blessed Sacrament. 
We must ask Our Lady to help us approach the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through her own Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart with such fervor and devotion that we will consider it as a great loss if ever there is a day we are unable to get a true offering of Holy Mass and unable to spend at least some time with her Divine Son, Who is the Prisoner of Love in tabernacles today just as He was the Prisoner of her Virginal and Immaculate Womb from the time of His Incarnation to the day of His Nativity.
We must also thank Our Lord and His Most Blessed Mother for our true bishops and true priests who make it possible for us to have the Sacraments in this time of apostasy and betrayal, remembering to pray that more young men will have the courage to renounce the world and study to become an alter Christus so that he, acting in persona Christi in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, can make Our Lord present in the Most Blessed Sacrament and to bless us with that Most Blessed Sacrament on great feast days such as this one. 
The last original article on this site, Modernity's Religion of the Brave New World Has No Room for Dissenters, will undergo a bit of revision later today to incorporate new information that has arisen since it was published.

A blessed Feast of Corpus Christi to you all!

Today should be devoted entirely to gratitude to Eucharistic King for the great gift of Himself in Holy Communion and our ability worship Him in His Real Presence even though He sitteth at the right hand of God the Father in Heaven. 

What a mystery of love. 
Words fail. 

Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, pray for us. 

Modernity's Religion of the Brave New World Has No Room for Dissenters

This article, which has been in development for about four days, is quite lengthy.

As I have noted in the past, I am writing for the long term. My writing is not for those who would “sound bites” as my goal is move beyond the passions of the moment to provide a Catholic context to the fast-breaking events as we have entered Aldous Huxley’s “brave new world,” which has its “religious rites” of supposed “science” from which no one can dissent.

Even the supposedly “pro-life” United States Joseph Manchin (D-West Virginia, the only so-called “pro-life” Democrat in the United States Senate), a Catholic, chose not to vote on a Republican-sponsored amendment that would have banned Federal taxpayer funding of the creation of human-animal chimeras by truly mad scientists. Manchin put loyalty to his political party, which is committed institutionally to support every manner of moral evil imaginable, by not wanting to “embarrass” his fellow Democrats above what Pope Saint Pius X called in E Supremi, October 4, 1903, the “party of God,” that is, the Catholic Church.

The monsters of the brave new world know that they will face no insuperable obstacles from the politicians who drink at the trough of their campaign contributions and who fear behind labeled as “anti-science.” And this, you see, is simply the result of the anti-Incarnational world of Modernity wrought by the Protestant Revolution against the Divine Plan that Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Himself instituted to effect man’s return to Him through His Catholic Church. The Protestant Revolution, inspired in no small measure by Talmudic friends of Martin Luther, let loose the anti-Incarnational forces of Modernity that continues to make war against Christ the King and His true Church and, quite of course, has no room for dissenters.

The next original article will appear by Friday, June 5, 2021, which is the second day of the Octave of the Solemnity of Corpus Christi and the Commemoration of Saint Boniface, Apostle to Germany.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Angela Merici, pray for us.

On the Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary (2021)

Today is the Feast of transferred Feast of the of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary that was instituted by Pope Pius XII in 1954. 
Every person on the face of this earth is called to honor Mary our Immaculate Queen. Every nation on this earth is called to give public honor to the Queen of Heaven and of Earth, Our Lady, she who made possible our very salvation by her perfect Fiat to the Holy Will of God the Father at the Annunciation. It is fitting that we end her month, the month of May, with this great feast as we hope end our lives with the help of her prayers so that we can enjoy an unending Easter Sunday of glory in Paradise as we give all adoration and worship to the Most Blessed Trinity and give her our due love, honor and gratitude.
The next original  commentary is within a few more hours of completion, but it will be published  later today as the hour is now much later than I would have liked it to be.
Thank you.
Our Lady, Queen of Heaven and of Earth, pray for us.
Saint Petronilla, pray for us.

De Deo Uno et Trino

Today is Trinity Sunday and the Commemoration of the First Sunday after Pentecost, thus beginning the second half of the liturgical year that began with the First Sunday of Advent.

The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity was revealed to us by Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Although there are clear references in the text of the Old Testament to a plurality of Persons in the Divine Godhead ("Let us make man in our own image"), human reason, which can come to the conclusion that God exists, is insufficient to know about the existence of the Most Blessed Trinity. Our Lord Himself, the Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity made Man in Our Lady's Virginal and Immaculate Womb, had to reveal this to us. The doctrine of the Most Holy Trinity is rejected by all infidels and misrepresented by most Protestant sects.

To wit, many Protestants, especially in the evangelical and fundamentalist sects, are "baptized" in "the name of the Lord Jesus," not in "The Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost," which is invalid on its face. This means that many hundreds of thousands of Protestants are not even Christians despite their thinking that they are. We must defend the doctrine of the Most Blessed Trinity with our very lives if necessary, having frequent recourse to the making of the Sign of the Cross throughout the day. This is a custom that is held dear by many Spaniards and Latin Americans.

Remember, Jorge Mario Bergoglio did not want to give a "blessing," not that he is capable of giving one as a lay Jesuit revolutionary, that is, when address the crowd on the Capitol Mall in Washington, District of Columbia, on Thursday, September 24, 2015, the Feast of Our Lady of Ransom, for fear of offending "unbelievers."

The next article for this site is being written. I hope to have it published soon, but it will not be completed in time for posting today.

Today is also the sixty-second anniversary of my First Holy Communion at Saint Aloysius Church, Great Neck, New York. Please pray for my fellow First Communicants, living and deceased, and for the priests and religious of the parish who helped to prepare us for this blessed today.

A blessed Trinity Sunday to you all.

Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, pray for us.

Pope Saint Felix I,  pray for us.

King Saint Ferdinand III, pray for us.

Saint Joan of Arc, pray for us.

Republished: What One Antipope Giveth, Another Antipope Taketh Away

In light of the news that Jorge Mario Bergoglio has told Italian “bishops” that he plans “reforms” of Summorum Pontificum and that he has appointed a known enemy of Ratzinger/Benedict’s Motu Proprio, Arthur Roche, to be the new prefect of the conciliar Congregation for Divine Worship, I am hereby adapting an article published in March when an obscure office within the Secretariat of State consigned the staging/offering of the Immemorial Mass of Tradition to the Clementine Chapel of the Basilica of Saint Peter and banned all individual stagings of the Novus Ordo liturgical service in favor of “concelebration” for reconsideration and reflection.

Additionally, I am hereby providing links to a limited number of articles that I have written since the issuance of Summorum Pontificum on July 4, 2007, so that those who are younger may come to realize that Joseph Alois Ratzinger/Benedict’s motu proprio was a trap from the beginning and the trap has finally gone snap after a mere fourteen years:

  1. Mister Potter's Big Cigar
  2. Motu Plus Two
  3. Strictly by the Script
  4. "Reconciliations" at the Price of Truth
  5. Liturgy: The Final Frontier
  6. Hook, Line and Sinker
  7. A Shopworn Line: "He Just 'Had' to Say That"
  8. No Such Thing as a Small Sacrilege
  9. Submit to and Obey the One World Church
  10. Conciliar Theater of the Absurd
  11. Honesty from an Unlikely Source
  12. Answering to the Enemies of Christ the King
  13. Continuity Plus Discontinuity Equals Insanity
  14. High Church, Low Church
  15. Mocking the Faith
  16. Motu Madness Merry-Go-Round
  17. A Trap Goes Snap
  18. Once Again, It is All About Truth
  19. "Pacification of Spirits"
  20. Continuity Plus Discontinuity Will Always Equal Insanity
  21. Studied Silence, False Hopes
  22. Minimizing Evil Is Itself Evil
  23. Nothing to Negotiate
  24. Words Really Do Matter
  25. Refusing To Take Ratzinger At His Word
  26. As The Old German Fowler Sets More Snares, part one
  27. As The Old German Sets More Snares, part two
  28. As The Old German Fowler Sets More Snares, part three
  29. Transforming the Extraordinary Into the Ordinary
  30. "Yer Durn Tootin'"
  31. The Better Mousetrap
  32. There Is More to Life Than Just Doctrine?, part one
  33. One Rite To Enshrine All That Is Wrong
  34. Back To The Future
  35. Seeking Unity In Their Apostasy
  36. Perdition's Ally: Jorge Mario Bergoglio
  37. Next Stop On The Motu Madness Merry-Go-Round: 1969 And Beyond
  38. Jorge "Gives" What He Does Not Have
  39. Turning The Tables On Jorge
  40. Jorge the Juvenile Delinquent
  41. Francis: Apostle of Antichrist, part two
  42. Accepting Apostasy in Increments, part two
  43. "The Church That Flowed From The 'Second' Vatican Council
  44. Another Front in the Conciliar Civil War, part two
  45. Jorge and the Company He Chooses to Keep
  46. Nothing Random About This, part four
  47. Nothing Random About This, part five
  48. Just A Hypocritical Farce From Beginning to End
  49. A "Correction In Need of a Correction, part three of a series
  50. Stupendously Absurd and Bereft of Any Notion of Catholic Ecclesiology 

The battle that we fight is on behalf and in defense of the Holy Faith. It was to undermine and then supplant the true Faith with the false, condemned tenets of Modernism that the conciliar revolutionaries concocted the Novus Ordo liturgical service, which has served its purpose as a singular vessel of perdition to evangelize on behalf of those condemned tenets and to consign the true memory of the Catholic past to the Orwellian memory hole.

The Immemorial Mass of Tradition of the Latin Rite of Holy Mother Church is not the same thing as the modernized version of the “Latin Mass” that was made the “gold standard” of “traditionalism” by the Society of Saint Pius X and then by Karol Josef Wojtyla/John Paul II in Quattuor Abhinc Annos, October 3, 1984, and in Ecclesia De Ad Afflicta, July 2, 1988. What is called the “1962 Missal,” however, was in was in use universally in the counterfeit church of conciliarism from the First Sunday of Advent in 1961, December 3, 1961, to Saturday, November 28, 1964, before it was replaced by Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini/Paul VI with the Ordo Missae that eliminated Psalm 42 and, among other “novelties,” permanently abolished the Prayers after Low Mass, which had been made “optional” in the so-called “1962 Missal.” (Details of the Ordo Missae, which was known colloquially at the time as the “transitional Mass,” can be found in Experts in Dismissing Papal Primacy.)

Let the “resist while recognize” crowd perish on the battlefield of a missal that included Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII’s anti-liturgical, Jansenist changes that were made to prepare the way for a “new liturgy” for a “new faith.”

Noting that none of us who have come to see the true state of the Church in this time of apostasy are one whit better than anyone else, we must nevertheless, despite our own faults and failings, try to defend the Holy Faith that the conciliar revolutionaries continue to make war against, a defense that can only bear fruit in the future if we continue to do our work for the honor and glory of the Most Blessed Trinity as the consecrated slaves of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Each Rosary we pray can help to plant a few seeds for the restoration that is to come.

What are we waiting for?

A new article will appear by tomorrow, Trinity Sunday, in addition to a republished reflection for the feast day.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Augustine of Canterbury, pray for us.

Saint Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, pray for us.

The Endless Battle Between the False Opposites of Conciliar Revolutionaries

This is a follow-up commentary to Jorge Orders Protection for His Pro-Abortion, Pro-Perversity Statist Comrades, which was published a week ago today, as it deals with the attitude of so many Catholics, I being one among them, in the 1970s and 1980s who began to refer to what we believe were true “bishops” or priests as being “pro-life” and permitted ourselves to be duped by the adversary into believing that there was a battle between the “good” bishops and the “bad” bishops as the poor pope “suffered” this battle of false opposites that served only to demonstrate, to some sooner and to others of us much later, that those who defect the Faith in one thing defect from It in Its entirety.

Although this commentary is only one quarter of the size of Sin More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part twelve, which was published thirty-one days ago and revised along the way until its posting on May 7, 2021, it will require time to study and digest.

For present purposes, however, I would like to point out a passage included in this commentary’s  text that comes from the reflection in The Liturgical Year that Dom Prosper Gueranger wrote for Ember Wednesday in the Octave of Pentecost that speaks to our situation very directly nearly one hundred fifty years later:

Tomorrow, we will speak of what the Holy Ghost does for the maintaining Faith, one and unvarying, in the whole body of the Church; let us today limit our considerations to this single point, namely, that the Holy Spirit is the source of external union by voluntary submission to one center of unity. Jesus had said: Thou art Peter, and upon this Rock I will build my Church: now, Peter was to die; the promise, therefore, could not refer to his person only, but to the whole line of his successors, even to the end of the world. How stupendous is not the action of the Holy Ghost, who thus produces a dynasty of spiritual Princes, which has reached its two hundred and fiftieth Pontiff, and is to continue to the last day! No violence is offered to man’s free will; the Holy Spirit permits him to attempt what opposition he lists; but the work of God must go forward. A Decius may succeed in causing a four years’ vacancy in the See of Rome; anti-popes may arise, supported by popular favor, or upheld by the policy of Emperors; a long schism may render it difficult to know the real Pontiff amidst the several who claim it: the Holy Spirit will allow the trial to have its course and, while it lasts, will keep up the faith of his Children; the day will come when he will declare the lawful Pastor of the Flock, and the whole Church will enthusiastically acknowledge him as such. (Dom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B., The Liturgical Year, Reflection on Wednesday in Whitsun Week.)

Interesting, eh?

The next original article should be posted no later than Saturday, May 29, 2021, although it could be posted sooner as we have had our regular access to the internet restored. I am, however, embarking upon a major revision and rewriting of G.I.R.M. Warfare that will occupy much of my time during the month of June, the month of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Philip Neri, pray for us.sede

Pope Saint Eleutherius, pray for us.

Republished: Father Francis X. Weninger's Third Sermon for Whit Monday

Although my own next original article will not appear until Friday or Saturday because of other work commitments and the time that will be needed to write it, I am presenting to you a transcription of a very powerful sermon on Whit Monday that was written and delivered by Father Francis X. Weninger, S.J., here in the United States of America in the early 1880s. This sermon has great relevance to contemporary events unfolding right before our very eyes, and I will provide a bit of commentary on this sermon in one of my next original articles on this site.

For the moment, though, suffice it to consider the impact that Father Weninger’s books and sermons had upon Americans, including a Jewish man who converted to the Catholic Faith because of Father Weninger’s writings:

Weninger’s writings during his life time were extensive and varied across a wide spectrum of topics, including, but not limited to, scripture commentaries, works on canon law, sermons, mission techniques, and musical compositions. These works had a great impact their readers, as shown in a letter that was sent in memoriam by a Jewish man from New Orleans. In the letter, he writes:

“To my sincere sorrow, I read in to-day’s paper of the demise of Fr. Weninger of Cincinnati. Not having had the pleasure of knowing him personally, I have learned to love him from studying some of his works, and it was for some time a favorite idea of mine, when passing through Cincinnati, to call on him and that him for the great spiritual benefit I derived by perusing his books. His picture is hanging over my desk, and if the prayers of a poor sinful Hebrew convert, whom by his writings he has helped by to find again the true and only way that leads to salvation, are acceptable toward the repose of his soul, I will thus try and show him my gratitude.” “Father Weninger,” Woodstock Letters 18, no. 1 (1889): 123 (As found at Jesuit Archives: The Digital Collection of Father Francis X. Weninger, S.J. .)

The next orginal article on this site, which is a follow-up to the one posted five days ago, will be posted by either late this evening, Monday, May 24, 2021, or tomorrow, Whit Tuesday, May 25, 2021. Thank you.

Our Lady Help of Christians (whose feast, which falls on this date although it is not on the general calendar of the Roman Rite, is suppressed today, Whit Monday), pray for us.


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