Republished: Saint Francis Xavier, S.J.: A "Rigid" Catholic "Fundamentalist" Who Gave No Ground to False Religions

[Update on Saturday, December 5, 2020: The next commentary is being written. As much time needs to be taken to make various points in a methodical manner, I may need two or three more full days of writing before completing it. I thank you in the meantime for your patience and ask you to remember during this Advent season the ever-present need for non-tax-deductible financial gifts to support site's work. Please see Donations.]

This article, which was substantially revised and enlarged reflection four years ago, on the life and the tireless apostolic work of the great Jesuit missionary and one the original members of Saint Ignatius of Loyola’s Company of Jesus, Saint Francis Xavier.

The title of the revised article reflects the disparaging term that Jorge Mario Bergoglio used to compare believing Catholics with modern-day faithful, believing Mohammedans who take the words of the blasphemous Koran seriously by committing acts of wanton murder against “infidels.” Saint Francis Xavier worked tirelessly for the conversion of those who belonged to false religions. Then again, he was a true Jesuit priest. Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a lay Jesuit revolutionary masquerading as a “pope," a man who expelled himself from the bosom of the Catholic Church in his youth as he mocked the Immemorial Mass of Tradition and taught to disparage Catholic doctrine as being in opposition to the Gospel of Christ the King.

A Novena in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which begins today and ends on December 11, 2019, can be found in the appendix to this reflection.

The full, unabridged version of  From Emperor Rocky to Emperor Andy: An Empire State of Killing Innocent Human Beings was published yesterday after four days of true penance that it took to do so. 

The next original article will follow in about three days. Thank you.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Francis Xavier, S.J., pray for us.

From Emperor Rocky to Emperor Andy: An Empire State of Killing Innocent Human Beings

After over four full days of endless and truly penitential frustrations, I am now able to publish the entire, unabridged version of this commentary, which deals with the medical industry's manufacture, profit-making myth of "brain death" and how it is imposed by judges who are willing to ignore a patient's explicit advance health directives and testimonies of her health care proxies to impose death on an innocent human being who was denied all opportunity for medical treatment. This commenary contains a very thorough history of the State of New York's leadership in the execution of innocent human beings.

The next article on this site will turn to the nasty business of Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s op-ed commentary that was derived from his book length interview with fellow “progressive” Austin Invereigh and published in The New York Times on Friday, November 27, 2020, the Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. Bergoglio’s “as told to” op-ed commentary was an apologia for the lockdown state of totalitarianism and denounce those who are trying to defend their legitimate personal liberty.

The problems of the last few days have delayed the next article. All I can do is to apologize as this has been very penitential for me.My own commentary on Bergoglio's op-ed will extend to a few other related matters, including yet another barrage of insults against believing Catholics contained in the Bergoglio “as told to” Invereigh book.

Our Lady of  the Rosary, pray for us.

Blessed Edmund Campion, S.J.

Blessed John of Vercelli, O.P.

Saint Bibiana, pray for us.

Revised: At the Beginning of Advent

Update on Sunday evening, November 29, 2020After an enitre day spent trying to post a new article on this stupid, lousy, good-for-nothing Drupal platform, I have gone back to an old Word Press site that became the temporary home of this site from Janary to July of 2014 and managed to publish the new commentary: From Emperor Rockefeller to Emperor Cuomo II: An Empire State of Killing  I pray that this works! It did! Deo gratias. However, I will publish the commentary on this platform if the problems preventing me from posting new texts gets resolved. 

Sunday afternoon update, November 20, 2020: This is to notify readers of this site that I am having difficulty publishing my newest commentary, which is ready to be published but has been rejected five times now by the Drupal software platform on which this site has existed for the past six years.

Yes, you see, I had gone to sleep around 1:00 a.m. this morning with the confident assurance that I had published this article after having written a lengthy introduction. It was with astonishment that I discovered about fourteen hours later that the formatted article was nowhere to be found on my site, including among the “unpublished articles” files. It went “poof.” It vanished, and I am still trying to get the commentary published!  All is within the Providence of God.

Anyhow, this commentary deals with another execution of an innocent human being under the aegis of the medical industry’s manufactured, profit-making myth of “brain death.” Even though such killings take place regularly in my native state as well as elsewhere throughout the so-called “civilized” and gather no notice whatsoever as most family members and/or health care proxies raise no objection to what the trained emotional manipulators in white coats with medical degrees tell them, there are so people who do object now and again.

In this case, a woman whose brother was executed after being declared “brain dead” seven years ago was herself declared “brain dead” and sentenced to death by a judge because the woman, Sharon Frederick, had wrote her advance care directive that said she believed in life support, not, according to the judge, that she wanted it. It was with that judicial fiat—and in spite of the health care proxies’ valorous efforts to convince the judge of their friend’s true desires—that the judge accepted an order from Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital in Syracuse, New York, to remove her ventilator just two months after she had suffered a stroke. Yes, the United States of America is overdue for a chastisement. May God have mercy on us all.

The next article on this site will turn to the nasty business of Bergoglio’s op-ed commentary that was derived from his book length interview with fellow “progressive” Austin Invereigh and published in The New York Times on Friday, November 27, 2020, the Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. Bergoglio’s “as told to” op-ed commentary was an apologia for the lockdown state of totalitarianism and denounce those who are trying to defend their legitimate personal liberty.

My own commentary will extend to a few other related matters, including yet another barrage of insults against believing Catholics contained in the Bergoglio “as told to” Invereigh book.

I said this seven years ago, and I will say it again: Memo From Patrolman Ed Nicholson To Jorge Mario Bergoglio: SHUT UP!

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Saturninus, pray for.

Saint Andrew the Apostle, pray for us.

At The Beginning of Advent is a revised commentary about this holy season.

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

Saint Saturninus, pray for us.

Republished: On the Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Although not on the General Roman Calendar, today, Friday, November 27, 2020, is the Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. Although not observed universally on a mandatory basis, this feast is is nevertheless an important one to commemorate as this powerful sacramental is yet another sign of the love that pours out from the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the hands of Our Lady, she who is the Mediatrix of All Graces, despite our own ingratitude and infidelities. [This feast is one that, traditionally, had been celebrated solemnly in the Diocese of Brooklyn, and it was within the boundaries of that diocese that I was born on Saturday, November 24, 1951, three days before this feast day that year.]

This reflection was written in 2010 and published in two parts. It was four years ago now that it was combined into one part and revised slightly in a few places.

Work is about done on the next article, although I will need another five or six hours of writing this afternoon into the evening to complete it. A

Thank you.

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, pray for us.

Saint Catherine Laboure, pray for us.

Saint Catherine of Alexandria: As Rigidly Opposed to Idolatry as Moses Himself

This is a brief reflection for the feast day of Saint Catherine of Alexandria. 

Three other new articles are on the "flight deck." The first of those three articles will be published by Friday or Saturday. The third of the three will be a commentary on the junior varsity statists/globalists/nogoodniks who are being assembled to repopulate the District of Columbia swamp that resist draining in the past four years. As I wrote twelve years ago after the election of Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro, Chastisement Is A Silver Lining, and we are going to it get it but good this time around. 

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Catherine of Alexandria, pray for us.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio Makes A Mess of Things Again, All to His Utter and Perverse Delight

This commentary is about some of the fallout from the McCarrick Report and Jorge Mario Bergoglio's efforts to whitewash his own role in the protection of predators by seeking to cast Girondist/Menshevik conciliar revolutionaries as the ones who created problems that he is "cleaning up."

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint John of the Cross, pray for us.

Saint Chrysogonus, pray for us.

Saint John of the Cross: Model of All Those Who Suffer Unjustly

This reflection on the life of Saint John of the Cross was written for and published in To Live in Light of Eternity, Volume 6, and is being offered to readers of this site for the first time.

Our Lady of he Rosary, pray for us.

Saint John of the Cross, pray for us.

Sant Chrysognus, pray for us.

Republished: Pope Saint Clement Knew That No One Can Disobey A True Pope

This is a republished reflection about Pope Saint Clement that includes the following passage from Dom Prosper Gueranger's The Liturgical Year:

With only one exception, all of the documents which attest Clement's intervention in the affairs of distant churches have perished with time; but the one that remains shows us in full action the monarchical power of the bishop of Rome at that primitive epoch. The church of Corinth was disturbed with intestine quarrels caused by jealously against certain pastors. These divisions, the germ of which had appeared even in St. Paul's time, had destroyed all peace, and were causing scandal to the very pagans. The Corinthians at last felt the necessity of putting an end to a disorder which might be prejudicial to the extension of the Christian faith; and for this purpose it was requisite to seek assistance from outside. The apostle had all departed this life, except St. John, who was still the light of the Church. It was not great distance from Corinth to Ephesus where the apostle resided: yet it was not to Ephesus but to Rome that the church of Corinth turned. Clement examined the case referred to his judgment by that church, and sent to Corinth five commissaries to represent the Apostolic See. They were bearers of a letter, which St. Irenaeus calls potentissimas litteras. It was considered at the time so beautiful and so apostolic, that it was long read in many churches as a sort of continuation of the canonical Scriptures. Its tone is dignified but paternal, according to St. Peter's advice to pastors. There is nothing in it of a domineering spirit; but the grave and solemn language bespeaks the universal pastor, whom none can disobey without disobeying God Himself. These words so solemn and so firm wrought the desired effect: peace was re-established in the church of Corinth, and the messengers of the Roman Pontiff soon brought back the happy news. A century later, St. Dionysius, bishop of Corinth, expressed to Pope St. Soter the gratitude still felt by his flock towards Clement for the service he had rendered. (Dom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B., The Liturgical Year.)

Dom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B,, understood that was and can be no such thing as "resistance" to a true and legitimate Successor of Saint Peter.

Work on the next original article should be wrapped up after another four or five hours of writing. However, I will post it late this evening along with a reflection on the life of Saint John of the Cross, on whose feast day I was born in 1951, that made its debut in To Live in Light of Eternity, Volume 6.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Pope Saint Clement, pray for us.

Republished: Saint Cecilia: Valiant Model of Catholic Fidelity and Purity

This is a very brief, republished reflection on the heroic virtues of Saint Ceclia, whose feast is commemorated today, November 22, 2020, the Twenty-fifth and Last Sunday after Pentecost.

Work continues apace on the next original commentary.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Cecilia, pray for us.

Republished: On the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Today is the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is a short reflection on the feast day, which is followed by an appendix including the description of the Presentation of Our Lady as found in The New English Edition of The Mystical City of God.

The next original article for this site should be published on Monday,  November 23, 2020, the Feast of Pope Saint Clement I. Another one will follow in a few days thereafter. 

 has undergone some editing after a few remaining typographical errors had been brought to my attention. Please circulate the commentary widely as so many people are either living in fear now and/or are confused about the vaccines that have been heralded by the president, who believes whatever Big Pharma tells him is true even though its corporate executives mislead the public constantly and then, thanks to a bill signed into law by another "hero" or "secular savior" of the false opposite of the naturalist "right," Ronald Wilson Reagan, on November 14, 1986. Shallow men impressed by "experts" have done a lot of harm in the course of doing what they thought was "good." We need Our Lady's help to see the world clearly through the eyes of the true Faith, and one of the ways to do this is stop being agitated by talk radio and twenty-four hours a day news channels. The saints did not need these things. Why do we?

Finally, please pray for a former student of mine who turns fifty-three years of age today and for a friend of ours on Long Island who turns seventy-two years of age today. Thank you.

Our Lady, Ark of the New Covenant, pray for us.

Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.


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