Although much is going on in the madness of the world of Modernity and the world of Modernism, both of which are collapsing before our very eyes (see "Monsters of Modernism, Monsters of Modernity" below), my time has been spent principally on completing the insertion of corrections into the text of volume one of "Conversion in Reverse: How the Ethos Americanism Converted Catholics and Contributed to the Rise of Conciliarism," which should be ready for purchase as a print-on-demand book by the end of this coming week. Two other book projects should appear shortly thereafter before writing resumes on the second and third volumes on "Conversion in Reverse."
Today's featured article was published over three months ago at the New Christ or Chaos website. It is relevant once again as the chief agent for indemnifying crimes of state in the United States of America, Attorney General Eric Holder, once again blamed "racism" for the motivating factor behind all opposition to his statist superior, Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro, and to himself. There is really nothing more to say on this despicable exercise in demagoguery than what was written three months ago, which is why it is presented anew to the vast multitudes in cyberspace.
The world is falling apart before our very eyes.
Security at the border between the United States of American and Mexico no longer exist. The thousands who are entering illegally are being welcomed by the current administration, something that was explained in Thursday's late-afternoon posting. The conciliar "bishops," who rarely say anything about the daily slaughter of the preborn by chemical and surgical means and are positively supportive of the agenda of the homosexual collective, are in complete sympathy with the administration of Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro and its lawless disregard for the Natural Law right of a nation to maintain its sovereignty and its duty to assure an orderly process of immigration.
War is raging in Gaza and in Ukraine, where Russian separatists are preventing recovery teams from removing the bodies killed from the Maylasia Airline plane that was shot down with a surface--to-air missile three days ago and are actually celebrating the fact that the plane was shot down. So much for the conversion of Russia (a protracted study on the situation in Ukraine was published two months ago: "American Pots and Russian Kettles).
Through it all, though, the daily slaughter of the preborn continues and Jorge Mario Bergoglio's Vatican Radio even goes so far as to say that those steeped in sins of unnatural vice do not need to "convert," that they are perfectly permitted to identify themselves by their perverse inclinations.
Those who do not want to see that we are in living in the Great Apostasy can just go on being immersed merrily in worldliness and the blithe, irresponsible belief that one can simply ignore the heresies of the conciliar "popes" and live at peace as Catholics in "good standing" in the conciliar structures, are in need of our prayers.
Christ the King is trying to get our attention. Things cannot get much clearer, can they?
There should be a new article by tomorrow morning. Thank you for your patience.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
Saint Jerome Emiliani, pray for us.
Saint Margaret, Virgin and Martyr, pray for us.