We Must Do No Less

Today, Saturday, September 26, 2015, is the Feast of the North American Martyrs, the eight Jesuits who gave up their lives for the Holy Faith in what are now parts of Canada and upstate New York between 1642 and 1649, and the Commemoration of Saints Cornelius and Cyprian.

Although I am working on part six of my current series about the Argentine Apostate’s visit to the United States of America, I have chosen to reformat and slightly revise my reflection on the North American Martyrs as these brave Jesuits had a zeal for the salvation of souls that Jorge Mario Bergoglio lacks.

Even this brief reflection speaks volumes about the contrast between the life and martyrdom of the eight men killed between 1642 and 1649 and Bergoglio, who did not mention the Holy Name of the Divine Redeemer at any point during his address to the United Nations or at the National September 11 Memorial and Museum, “Ground Zero,” yesterday in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, New York. It is as though the Incarnation of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in Our Lady’s Virginal and Immaculate Womb by the power of God the Holy Ghost did not occur or is so offensive to those who deny His Sacred Divinity as to be shunted aside as some kind of embarrassment.

Each of the North American Martyr (Isaac Jogues, Rene Goupil, Jean Lalande, Gabriel Lalemant, Noel Chabanel, Anthony Daniel, Charles Garnier, and John de Brebeuf) shed their blood to Catholicize the upper reaches of North America. They were not interested in "inculturating" the Catholic liturgy with the pagan superstitions and barbaric practices of the Iroquois. They were concerned only about attempting to convert the heathens to the true Faith and to plant the seeds for the conversion of the land in which their noble missionary work had taken them. Can we do any less than they? We must seek to "keep it Catholic" at all times as we seek to plant the seeds for the conversion of this nation to become the Catholic States of America.

Our Lady of the North American Martyrs, pray for us.

Saint Isaac Jogues and Companions, pray for us!

Saints Cyprian and Justina, pray for us.

As part three of the current series was not posted until 3:00 a.m. yesterday and was followed in rapid succession by two other parts with almost no sleep, I cannot complete part six at this time, although I should have it completed by tomorrow afternoon. As noted before, detailed articles such as part three will be completed after Bergoglio is back in Rome. For the time being, however, the summary articles will have to serve as the means to highlight salient points. The sheer extent of the madness is mind-boggling. I really believe that this means that the adversary must know that his time is short, and he is making the best of it with his minion from Argentina, a veritable “lord of the world.” There is a preface to the revised article that compares the prayers used by Joseph Alois Ratzinger/Benedict XVI and Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis in their respective visits to "Ground Zero" eighty-nine months apart.

Polluting the Atmosphere With the Smoke of Antichrist, part five

This is but a brief commentary on the events that have unfolded in the last few hours. A fuller summary will follow later today.

Polluting the Atmosphere With the Smoke of Antichrist, part four

I was getting ready to get about two hours of sleep when I made the mistake of checking the New York Post for any coverage of Bergoglio in New York, and even I was amazed by what I found: "papal" praise for Mario Matthew Cuomo as a "great man.:

If you think Jorge is a true "pope," that's your problem. This man is an unbelievably bold agent of Antichrist.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us,

Polluting the Atmosphere With the Smoke of Antichrist, part three

It is now closing in on 4:00 a.m.

This is the detailed commentary about Bergoglio’s egregious Congressional address that was delivered yesterday, the Feast of Our Lady of Ransom.

A summary article on today’s events will be published later today. Longer commentaries, although perhaps not as long as this one, will follow as events in the next few days permit. These will focus on Bergoglio’s in-flight press conference, his address to Obama at the White House, and his address to the conciliar “bishops” at the Cathedral of Saint Matthew. I may be at this work long after Jorge has returned to Rome on Monday, September 28, 2015, the Feast of Saint Wenceslaus. Be patient. The work will get done, and I will provide summary commentaries as time permits each day.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Polluting the Atmosphere With the Smoke of Antichrist, part two

Another brief commentary. A longer one will follow by tonight.

Our Lady of Ransom, pray for us,

Polluting the Atmosphere With the Smoke of Antichrist, part one

Yes, I am capable of writing short articles. This one is necessitated by the late hours kept overnight Tuesday into Wednesday and the press of Jorge's insidiously relentless efforts to serve as an apologist for the Judeo-Masonic New World Order and to wipe out any remaining sense of the Catholic Faith from the souls of Catholics within the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism who might find his apostasies, heresies, blasphemies and sacrileges objectionable. A longer commentary will be published later today, the Feast of Our Lady of Ransom.

Our Lady of Ransom, pray for us!

"Humanity" Has Come to "Teach Us to be More Human"

You just can’t make any of this up.

“Father” Thomas Rosica, C.S.B. (Saint Basil, “Father” Rosica, wanted nothing to do with heretics; he opposed them, he was not “nice” to them), said in a televised interview three days ago that Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the very personification of “goodness” and “kindness” was coming to the United States of America to “teach us how to be more human.” The entire quotation in the body of this article, which focuses on Rosica’s revelation that Bergoglio will not raising “political issues” (namely, the daily slaughter of the preborn) when he meets with Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro at the White House in less than six hours from the time of the posting of this article. “Humanity” could not possibly do this to a man, Obama/Soetoro, who has laid out the red carpet for him.

Fresh off of his appeasement of the murderous Castros in Cuba, “Pope Francis” is going to appease Obama/Soetoro while oozing with such warmth for him and his “kindness.”

You just cannot make any of this up.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Pope Saint Linus, pray for us.

Saint Thecla, pray for us.

Previewing Bergoglio's Congressional Speech

This "preview" was written six months ago now when it was announced that the great appeaser of Communists and pro-aborts, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who is also an enabler of those engaged in the sin of Sodom and who have flaunted even the conciliar canonical rules that govern the indissolubility of a ratified and consummated marriage, was going to address a joint session of the Congress of the United States of America on Thursday, September 24, 2015, the Feast of Our Lady of Ransom. Although it is a caricature of what the hideous heretic will say in less than two days, one can rest assured that the Argentine Apostate will make many of the points below.

One's heart sinks when considering the depths to which this terrible man has gone to enable evil in the world. It is one thing to sin and to be sorry as one seeks out absolution from a true priest in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance. It is quite another to enable and promote sin while mocking those who try to do penance for their sins and who understand that evil is never the foundation of order within individual souls or within nations. Evil is never the foundation for peace.

Our Lady of Ransom, pray for us.

Saint Thomas Villanova, pray for us.

Saint Maurice and Companions, pray for us.

Revised: From Caesar's Collector of Tributes to God's Collector of Souls

Although late in the day, this is still the Feast of Saint Matthew the Apostle and Evangelist. Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ called Levi from his duties as a collector of tribute for Caesar to follow Him. Levi quit his position as a tax collector to become a collector of souls for God and His true Church.

Saint Matthew wrote His Gospel to convince his fellow Jews to accept Our Lord as the Divine Redeemer and to convert to the true Faith, Catholicism. This is quite a contrast with the work of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who esteems Talmudic Judaism as an instrument of "justice" although it denies the Sacred Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ and wages warfare upon those who seek to restore the Social Reign of Christ the King, to say nothing of the fact that many of its rabbis,including his pal Abraham Skorka, support abortion and perversity under cover of the civil law. Quite a difference. It's the difference between fidelity and apostasy, between Catholicism and conciliarism.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

Saint Matthew the Apostle, pray for us.

Today's original article, "Respect and Consideration for Fidel Castro?", was published around 1:30 a.m. Please scroll below. Be assured that there will be articles each day during Bergoglio's visit to the United States of America.

Thank you.

"Respect and Consideration" For Fidel Castro?

A self-explanatory commentary.

A revised reflection about Saint Matthew the Apostle will be published later today. The hour is simply too late to complete the revisions.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

Saint Matthew the Apostle, pray for us.


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