Rejoice! Maria Bambina Was Born This Glorious Day

Today is the great feast day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, she who is the fairest flower of our race.

The angels rejoiced around the crib where Good Saint Anne placed her all-holy daughter, who had been conceived without any stain of Original Sin nine months before, that is, on December 8. The New Eve, whose act of perfect obedience to the will of God the Father at the moment that Saint Gabriel the Archangel announced to her that she would be the very Mother of God untied the knot of the first Eve's prideful disobedience in the Garden of Eden, shone at her Nativity with exterior beauty and brightness that reflected the interior beauty and brightness of her immortal soul, filled with grace at the very moment of Immaculate Conception.

The favor of God rested upon Our Lady from all eternity. How can words capture our gratitude and joy to God for giving us Our Lady to be our own Heavenly Mother and Queen?

They can't.

Words can only approximate our gratitude and joy this day--and every day of our lives--over the fact that the Singular Vessel of Devotion in whose Virginal and Immaculate Womb would be conceived Our Divine Redeemer was born this day.

We would not have any chance of getting to Heaven if Our Lady had not been conceived and born.

We have no chance of getting to Heaven without Our Lady's help, which is why we, as the consecrated slaves of her Divine Son, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through her own Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, must cling to her at all times, especially by means of wearing--and the fulfilling the terms of our enrollment in--her Brown Scapular and by praying as many Rosaries each day as our states-in-life permit.

Perhaps the best birthday gift that we can give to Our Lady, apart from our worthy reception of her Divine Son in Holy Communion at a true offering of Holy Mass at the hands of a true bishop or a true priest if this is possible where one lives in this time of apostasy and betrayal, is to resolve now to do live more penitentially in reparation for our sins and those of the world world. By living more penitentially and by praying more Rosaries each day, you see, our souls might--emphasis on might--begin to be filled with more fervor and tenderness for Our Most Blessed Mother, she who made possible our salvation and who is the Mediatrix of All Graces.

A blessed Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary to you all.

Maria Bambia! We salute thee as the fairest flower of our race. Pray for us!

Jorge's Intellectually Dishonest Defense of the Indefensible, part two

It is a very late hour after a long day yesterday, Wednesday, September 6, 2017, that was spent taking Sharon to an endodontist for a root canal procedure on one of her teeth. (A generous reader made this procedure possible.) 

All that I have strength to write at this point is that this is the second part of my continuing series deals with another aspect of Jorge Mario Bergoglio's efforts to make the Protestant and Judeo-Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical service appear to be the natural fulfillment of the ends that Pope Saint Pius X had in mind to reform the Sacred Liturgy. 

Part three, which I hope, futher interruptions other than the a trip to the chiropractor on Friday, another all-day proposition nothwistanding, to have posed on Sunday, will examine Bergoglio's reference to Pope Pius XII's Mediator Dei and the liturgical changes he authorized in the 1950s. Very careful distinctions need to be made to demonstrate that, no matter the concessions that our last true pope, a man of eminent sanctity and unquestioned orthodoxy, made to the likes of Annibale Bugnini and Ferdinando Antonelli, the Argentine Apostate has as much regard for the doctrine and piety of Papa Pacelli as he has for Papa Sarto. 

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Cloud, pray for us.

Pope Saint Pius X: Modernism's Eternal Foe, Our Beloved Eternal Friend and Spiritual Father

[September 5, 2017, Update: Today, Tuesday, September 5, 2017, is the twenty-fifth anniversary of the death of my father, Dr. Albert Henry Martin Droleskey (see  One Man's Life Changed By Doctor Droleskey). Please pray for the repose of his immortal soul. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and all of the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. 

[Part two of my current series will appear tomorrow. Thank you for your patience as I continue to experience the after-effects of the injuries sustained on July 19, 2017,]

Unlike his immediate predecessor, Pope Leo XIII, and each of his three successors (Popes Benedict XV, Pius XI, and Pius XII), the former Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto was not in the diplomatic service of the Holy See at any time during the nearly forty-five years of his priesthood prior to his rather remarkable election as the Successor of Saint Peter on August 4, 1903. He was not prone to accept the word of diplomats, and he did not suffer lies and misrepresentations easily.

The farm boy from Riese, Italy, who served as a pastor of souls in a rough-and-tumble Italian cow town, Tombolo, and then in Salzano before becoming Bishop of Mantua and the Cardinal Patriarch of Venice, was always close to Our Lady. This tender devotion to Our Lady, which he learned from his saintly mother, helped him to keep close to the sheep even when he was the Vicar of Christ on earth.

Thanks to the sign given him by the life and death of Little Nellie of Holy God, Pope Saint Pius X was the advocate of early First Communion (and early Confirmation) and of frequent Communions. It is no accident at all that the now retired Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI made no reference to the centenary of Pascendi Dominci Gregis on September 8, 2007. Ratzinger/Benedict made absolutely no reference on August 15, 2010, to the centenary of Pope Saint Pius X's Notre Charge Apostolique, which was a ringing condemnation of the false philosophy of the Sillon that is of the essence of conciliarism. He has made no reference to the one hundredth anniversary of The Oath Against Modernism on September 1, 1010 (see Witness Against Benedict XVI: The Oath Against Modernism).

How could he?

He stands condemned by the very words in these documents issued by Pope Saint Pius X.

So does the man who ignored the one hundredth anniversary of Papa Sarto's death, Jorge Mario Bergolio, back on August 20, 2014.

The contrast between the Catholicism of Pope Saint Pius X, a defender of the Social Reign of Christ the King and the confessional Catholic civil state, and the conciliarism of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who has denounced "restorationists" as "Pelagian" and "hard-headed" Pharisees while defending "healthy laicism" and "religious liberty" and the "separation of Church and State, could not be more clear.

Here is the Collect for today's feast in the Immemorial Mass of Tradition:

"O God, who for the defense of the Catholic Faith and the restoration of all things in Christ didst fill Saint Pius, Supreme Pontiff, with heavenly wisdom and apostolic courage: grant in Thy loving kindness that by following his teachings and examples we may attain eternal rewards. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, forever and ever. Amen."

Pope Saint Pius X opposed Modernism.

So must we as we refuse any "communion" at all with conciliarism or its false shepherds who are at war with the Catholic Faith.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Pope Saint Pius X, pray for us!

Saint Stephen of Hungary: Patron of the Church, Propagator of the Faith

This is a republished reflection on Saint Stephen, King of Hungary, who was zealous to convert pagans to the true Faith and thus establish the peace and justice of Christ the King in his land. He is yet another contrast to concilairism's false doctrines of "religious liberty" and "separation of Church and State."

The second part of my current series will appear either tomorrow or Monday. Thank you,

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Stephen of Hungary, pray for us.

Pope Saint Pius X, pray for us.

Jorge's Intellectually Dishonest Defense of the Indefensible, part one

As my commentary on Jorge Mario Bergoglio's August 24, 2017, address to the Italian Liturgical Council, which began its revolutionary work seventy years ago as it began to undermine Pope Pius XII's Mediator Dei, November 20, 1947, soon after it was founded, is approaching a book-length manuscript just insofar as the documentation gathered thus far, I have decided to publish it in a segmented form. Mind you, I am still writing material for each segment. I did think it best, though, to provide readers with the study one part at a time. 

The first part of this study focuses on the Argentine Apostate's efforts to make it appear that Pope Saint Pius X was a progenitor of the conciliar revolution. Part two will continue to focus on this effort. Subsequent parts will explain how the Liturgical Movement that had been begun by Dom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B., and Pope Saint Pius X, was hijacked after World War I and made into an instrument of promoting the Sacred Liturgy as a vessel of false ecumenism. Oh, yes, there is much more to be discussed after that. Just bear with me. I will get this done in a methodical manner, and may even wind up offering it in book form.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Giles, pray for us.

Saint Rose of Lima, T.O.P.: The Difference Between Heaven and Hell

This is a brief and very sightly revised version of my reflection on the life of Saint Rose of Lima, a member of the Third Order of Penance of the Order of Preachers of Saint Dominic de Guzman.

Among many other works in her devout life of prayer and austere penances, Saint Rose, who lived among a cluster of saints in Lima, Peru, exhorted the people of Lima to gather in their churches and pray their Rosaries to turn back a pending invasion of their city by a fleet of those virulent anti-Catholics, the Dutch Calvinists. Those hideous people with their diabolical beliefs that have nothing at all to do with Christianity turned back as a result of the Rosaries that were prayed to repel them in their designs to invade Lima and to sack Catholic churches and to desecrated the Most Blessed Sacrament images of the Mother of God.

May we pray to Saint Rose of Lima so that we will remain faithful to the daily recitation of Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary as the powerful weapon, after Holy Mass itself, to turn back the enemies of Christ the King in the world and in the counterfeit church of conciliarism.

The next original article on this site should be published by tomorrow. Thank you.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Rose of Lima, pray for us. Saints Felix and Adauctus, pray for us. 

Saint John the Baptist: Beheaded by Those Who Would Enjoy Jorge's Favor Today

Today is the Feast of the Beheading of Saint John the Baptist and the Commemoration of Saint Sabina. I am republishing a reflection on this feast that was substantially enlarged and revised last year with a few new revisions.  

The next original article on this site is being written, but it will be lengthy and may take another day or two to complete. I want to use much care in its completion in order to make the distinctions are required by its subject-matter. Thank you for your patience.

The next original article has been slowed also by the fact that it was almost impossible to do much at the computer over the weekend because of the continuing effects of the spinal injury incurred a little after Midnight on July 19, 2017. However, I have collected most of the documentation for the commentary, which is on Jorge’s apologia in defense of a new liturgy for a new religion. I just need another two days of writing to compete it, and it was impossible to do any writing yesterday, Monday, August 28, 2017, the Feast of Saint Augustine of Hippo and the Commemoration of Saint Hermes, as I had another round of chiropractic treatments and Sharon had to see a dentist, who told her that a root canal and a crown are in order.

These, however, are minor health problems in comparison to those that others have, including our friend Mr. Michael Cain, who is the Executive Director of The Daily Catholic website.

A reader of this site wrote to me yesterday morning to inform me that Mr. Cain, who is seventy-four years of age, has been diagnosed with a malignant tumor in one of his lungs that is the size of a baseball. Radiation treatments will be employed as he is not considered to be a candidate for surgery. Please pray with us to Saint Peregrine for this zealous Catholic writer and apologist.

Finally, we have been paying very close attention to the effects of Hurricane/Tropical Storm Harvey in the Houston, Texas, area. We have relatives and many friends in the area, each of whom is uppermost in our prayers now. Indeed, we are praying for all those who are affected by this chastisement.

My eldest first cousin, the son of my late father’s late brother, texted me last evening to say that the water rose up very high around his house and property about thirty miles northwest of downtown Houston. Please pray for his safety and that of his wife, who is a cancer survivor. (Three other cousins are also in the same area, but I have no word about what has happened where they live).

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Saint Sabina, pray for us. 

Update on Our Lady's Saturday and the Commemoration of Pope Saint Zephrinus

Although I do not  have time to write a commentary on the Argentine Apostate's address about the state of the liturgical revolution, excuse me, "renewal," the fact that he referenced Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria/Paul VI's general audience address of Januay 13, 1965, caught my attention immediately as it was in yesterday's original article, The Catholic Church Contra Jorge's "God of Surprises,", that I referenced that address of Paolo Sicko. Indeed, I have done so on three different other occasions in the past five years, including in Making Revolutions Irreversible, which was published in February of 2015.

It is interesting that Jorge Mario Bergoglio, now in the fifth year of his masquerade as "Pope Francis," used his nonexistent magisterial authority to make the liturgical "renewal" irreversible as this it has been clear that this has been his intention all along.

Anyhow, I will spend most of today writing a commentary on this. In the meantime, however, Making Revolutions Irreversible can serve as a "refresher course" that not even Bergoglio's invocation of "magisterial authority" is new. Montini did the same over fifty-two and one-half years ago.

Please continue to pray for all those in the path of Hurricane Harvey.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Pope Saint Zephrinus, pray for us,

Saint Louis IX: Christ the King's Humble Exemplar

Although late in the day, this is still the Feast of Saint Louis IX, King of France, that great exemplar of the Social Reign of Christ the King. Saint Louis was taught by his holy mother, Blessed Blanche of Castile, to prefer death rather to commit a deliberate Mortal Sin. He heard two Masses a day and was a member of the Third Order of Saint Francis, whose patron saint he remains to this day.

Saint Louis strove to rule according to the Mind of Christ the King as He had deposited It exclusively in the Catholic Church, recognizing that he, Louis IX, would have to answer to Christ the King at the moment of his own Particular Judgment for how he ruled his subjects. His letter to his son Philip is a succinct summary of the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. It is a model for how everyone in public life should conduct himself in order to please Christ the King as the devoted client of Our Lady, she who is our Immaculate Queen.

Finally, a reader of this site sent me a link to an address that the Argentine Apostate, whose general audience address on Wednesday was the subject of an article posted at Midnight this morning (Catholic Church Contra Jorge's "God of Surprises"), gave yesterday, the Feast of Saint Bartholomew, on the "irreversible" nature of the Protestant and Judeo-Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical service. In doing so, the false "pontiff" tried to invoke Pope Saint Pius X and Pope Pius XII as witnesses in behalf of the conciliar revolution. There are careful distinctions /that need to be made and I will endeavor to do so in my next commentary.

Vivat Christus Rex!

Immaculate Heart of Mary, triumph soon.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Louis IX, pray for us.


The Catholic Church Contra Jorge's "God of Surprises"

Well, it is a late hour once again,

Jorge made yet another reference to his mythical "God of surprises" two days ago now.

Readers of this site will not be "surprised" by this commentary.

I will have a revised reflection on the life of Saint Louis IX, King of France, published later today, August 25, 2017, but the next orginal article won't appear until the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost because it is back to the chiropractic today after a blessedly penitential few days, Thank you for your prayers, and much more importantly, please pray for all those in the path of Hurricane Harvey.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Louis IX, King of France, pray for us.


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