There was a time a little over twenty-one years ago now when I was driving from Reno, Nevada, where I had been visiting a generous Catholic (who funded my "Living in the Shadow of the Cross" and "To Be Catholic from the Womb to the Tomb" lecture programs from September of 2000 to April of 2003), to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to give a lecture there. The drive was long, over a thousand miles. About half of the drive took me through desert roads in the wasteland known as Nevada. It's a drive I never want to make again even though I made great time driving at breakneck speeds during the middle of the night. Let me explain why.
Although I do not get overcome by feelings of oppression on a regular basis, I did have a palpable sense of evil as I drove through the Nevada desert late at night into the early hours of the next morning (and, no, I can't recall the exact dates as there has been some "slippage" of the memory on some details while others are retained unfailingly, at least up until now). The reason for this palpable sense of evil became clear as I saw little red lights stationed at the driveways of "ranches" alongside US-95 and US-93 in those Nevada counties that permitting human beings to sell themselves to engage in the commission of various sins against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments. "Wow," I said to myself, this is a mockery of the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament and of His Most Sacred Heart that beats within It."
Red vigil lamps burn near that Real Presence of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament, signifying that the One Who redeemed us by the shedding of every single drop of His Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross because of His love of His Co-Eternal and Co-Equal Father in Heaven and his love of us awaits our acts of adoration, thanksgiving, reparation and petition as His Most Sacred Heart pulsates radiant beams of that Divine love to warm us in the midst of the chills of this passing world, full of so many problems, many of which, of course, we cause for ourselves, especially by refusing to accept God's will for us in our lives and refusing to embrace the crosses that He sends us, each of which has been perfectly fitted by Him for us from all eternity. Each cross we are given is the means by which we can give honor and glory to the Most Blessed Trinity through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, out of which the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus that beats for us with such love in the tabernacle was formed.
It is thus understandable that the devil would want to mock the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament by having people of bad reputation, shall we say, advertise themselves by means of a red light and that their districts of sin be known as "red light districts." It is also understandable that the devil would want to make this month of June, the month of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus into a celebration of perverse sins against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments as all manner of lewd, vulgar, obscene and disgusting spectacles take place in city after city in the United States of America and elsewhere in the so-called "civilized" or "developed" world.
Unspeakable and unprintable displays and sounds that come straight from Hell have made themselves particularly present in front of the Cathedral of Saint Patrick on the day that perversity is celebrated every year in late June on Fifth Avenue, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, New York. I have seen some of these outrages with my own eyes in the 1980s and 1990s as I stood on the sidewalk to pray the Holy Rosary in reparation for these outrages and for the conversion of those committing them, and I was present in the cathedral during what I thought was Holy Mass on December 10, 1989, when members of Act-Up chained themselves to pews and then shouted with the cries of the sort that could only have emanated from hell itself.
Things have degenerated so much over the past four decades that many “mainstream” members of the false opposite of the naturalist right have participated in these parades. Republican participants in New York City have included Governor George Elmer Pataki, Mayor Rudolph William Giuliani, and United States Senator Alfonse M. D’Amato, among others. Indeed, the pro-sodomite organization called Human Rights Campaign even endorsed D’Amato over his Democratic opponent in 1998, a man named Representative Charles Schumer. Maybe you have heard of him. (I took a lot of heat from some “pro-lifers” for pointing this out in my unsuccessful primary campaign against D’Amato in the “Right to Life Party,” and a reporter for the Village Voice, Wayne Barrett, was astounded that I would call out D’Amato for his public support of sodomy as a “civil right.) It should also be recalled that former President Donald John Trump was rhetorically supportive of the homosexual agenda and took to “twitter” in 2019 to wish sodomites well during “pride month” even though his political aides kept him from making an official statement. Melania Trump even wanted to bathe the White House in the “rainbow” colors back in 2017, an idea many in the Trump White House thought would offend “evangelicals.” Who cares about offending God?
Well, the current President in Name Only, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., who makes Captain Peter Peachfuzz seem logical and coherent, knows that he can promote the sodomite agenda with absolute impunity as Jorge Mario Bergoglio has his back.
This commentary, therefore, is about the perversion of the month of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus by the lords of Modernity and the lords of Modernism, combining a commentary Bergoglio’s praise for the work of “Father” James Martin, S.J., with his one hundred thousandth gazillion condemnation of “rigid” Catholics. The commentary concludes with a section on today’s Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul.
Additionally, I have revised an older commentary, Memo from Two Popes and Monsignor Joseph Clifford Fenton to Bishop Richard Williamson: No One Can Resist a True and Legitimate Successor of Saint Peter, that I believe is appropriate for this great feast day.
I must “disappear” for a week or so to continue work on the revision of GIRM Warfare. Thank you. Republished articles will appear on Thursday and Friday.
Pray for a true pope every day!
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.