No One Has Killed More Israelis Than the Israelis Themselves

The title of this brief commentary is intriguing enough that I will, at a very late hour and in need of sleep, let it stand on its own.

Now, readers may have seen that the counterfeit church of conciliarism has once again reaffirmed authentic Catholic teaching prohibiting Catholics from joining Freemasonic sects.

Although I will write about this at length in my next commentary, suffice it to say for the moment that his apparent reaffirmation of Catholic teaching is rather hollow as the entire ethos of the counterfeit church of conciliarism’s ethos in liturgy and its relationship to the world and “other religions” is Judeo-Masonic to its very core.

As Pope Leo XIII explained in Humanum Genus, April 20, 1884:

For, from what We have above most clearly shown, that which is their ultimate purpose forces itself into view -- namely, the utter overthrow of that whole religious and political order of the world which the Christian teaching has produced, and the substitution of a new state of things in accordance with their ideas, of which the foundations and laws shall be drawn from mere naturalism.

What We have said, and are about to say, must be understood of the sect of the Freemasons taken generically, and in so far as it comprises the associations kindred to it and confederated with it, but not of the individual members of them. There may be persons amongst these, and not a few who, although not free from the guilt of having entangled themselves in such associations, yet are neither themselves partners in their criminal acts nor aware of the ultimate object which they are endeavoring to attain. In the same way, some of the affiliated societies, perhaps, by no means approve of the extreme conclusions which they would, if consistent, embrace as necessarily following from their common principles, did not their very foulness strike them with horror. Some of these, again, are led by circumstances of times and places either to aim at smaller things than the others usually attempt or than they themselves would wish to attempt. They are not, however, for this reason, to be reckoned as alien to the masonic federation; for the masonic federation is to be judged not so much by the things which it has done, or brought to completion, as by the sum of its pronounced opinions. (Pope Leo XIII, Humanum Genus, April 20, 1884.)  

Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s words and deeds have pleased Freemasonic leaders no end as no one needs to be a member to advance their ideology.

More in my next commentary.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Gertrude the Great, pray for us.

On the Feast of Saint Josaphat Kuncewicz

This is a republished reflection on the life and martrydom of Saint Josaphat Kuncewicz, whose feast is celebrated today.

Saint Jospahat Kuncewicz did what conciliarism forbids, namely, seeking the conversion of the heretical and schismatic Orthodox to the Catholic Church, she who is the one and only true Church founded by Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ upon the Rock of Peter, the Pope. 

The current pretender in Rome has carried on the conciliar "tradition" of claiming that the Orthodox churches are simply a branch of "Christianity." This brief reflection refutes that false contention. Indeed, the very life of Saint Jospahat Kuncewicz is a refutation of that false contention.

It is my expectation to have another original commentary published within twenty-four hours.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Josaphat Kuncewicz, pray for us.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio is Intent on Making the Protection of Sin Great Again

This is my commentary on Jorge Mario Bergoglio's removal of "Bishop" Joseph Strickland as the conciliar ordinary of the Diocese of Tyler, Texas.

Many of us kept waiting for Karol Josef Wojtyla/John Paul II to remove the "bad" bishops without realizing that he was the "worst" "bad" bishop (and he was a true bishop) of them all and that he not only kept appointing "bad" men as "bishops" but promoted others (Joseph Bernardin, Roger Mahony, Theodore McCarrick) while steadfastly refusing all entreaties made to him personally about the clerical abuse problem until the Boston Globe broke that story, which had been reported by such disparate outlets as The Wanderer and the National Catholic Reporter for nearly two decades previously, and even then the Polish Phenomenologist had the gall to promote Bernard "Cardinal" Law, who oversaw the protection and transfer of clerical abusers during his eighteen years as the conciliar "archbishop" of Boston, to be the archpriest of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major on the Esquiline Hill in Rome. 

Jorge Mario Bergoglio has no reservations about reshaping his "hierarchy" in his own warped image, and when you scrape away all the noise, the principal, though hardly exclusive, reason that he has acted against Joseph Strickland is because the latter criticized sodomy and its influence in what he thinks is the Catholic Church. That was his real "crime."

Then again, as is noted in this commentary, Catholics are not free to criticize a man they believe is a true and legitimate Successor of Saint Peter, and those who think that they have a duty to do have to reckon with the fact that a true pope is the guarantor of doctrinal orthodoxy, not its enemy.

Finally, as noted late Saturday evening, there is an urgent need to raise $1500. Although I have made few appeals in recent years, there are times when necessity requires me to so, and I hereby ask those who access this site to make a non-tax-deductible financial gift. I received $225 from two different donors, which leaves me $1275 short of what I need to raise by Thursday, November 16,m 2023, the Feast of Saint Gertrude the Great. Your assistance is very much needed at this time. Thank you.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Didacus, pray for us.

Saint Stanislaus Kostka, pray for us.


"Benedictus Qui Venit in Nomine Domnini, Hosanna in Excelsis," part three

[Update on late Saturday, November 11, 2023: Although circumstances prevented me from writing a commentary about Jorge Mario Bergoglio's forced removal of the concilar "bishop" of Tyler, Texas, Joseph Strickland, today, I will work on such a commentary all day tomorrow, Sunday, November 12, 2023, the Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost (Mass of the Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany) and the Commemoration of Pope Saint Martin I.

[As many readers probably know by now, Father Louis J. Campbell, who turned ninety-one years of age on All Saints Day, is in very grave condition and is expected to die soon. Please commend this hard working priest of Christ the King in your prayers. Father Campbell worked without cease until he was simply physically unable to continue. He is devoted to Our Lady, Saint Joseph, Saint Jude and our Wonder Worker, Saint Philomena, patterning the sixty-one years of his priestly life to promoting True Devotion to Mary after the example of his namesake, Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort. 

[November 12, 2023, is the ninety-fourth birthday of Father Kenneth Baker, S.J., and it is the one hundred eighth anniversary of the birth of the late Father Martin Stepanich, O.F.M., S.T.D. Please pray for Father Baker and for the repose of the soul of Father Martin.

[Finally, there is an urgent need to raise $1500. Although I have made few appeals in recent years, there are times when necessity requires me to so, and I hereby ask those who access this site to make a non-tax-deductible financial gift. Thank you.]

This is another commentary on the genocide taking place in the Holy Land at this time. The Ukraine-Russian conflict is also discussed at the beginning of this commentary.

Another original commentary should appaer by Monday, November 13, 2023, the Feast of Saint Didacus and, in some places, the Commemoratiion of Saint Stanislaus Kostka.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Martin of Tours, pray for us.

Saint Mennas, pray for us.

Live by "Popular Sovereignty," Die by "Popular Sovereignty"

The passage of Ohio Issue 1 and Ohio Issue 2 on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, prompted me to write this commentary, which will push  back the expected publication of "Benedictus Qui Venit in Nomine Domini, part three," until Saturday, November 11, 2023, the Feast of Saint Martin of Tours.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.

Saint Theodore, pray for us.

Otto von Bergoglio's Kulturkampf (or Jorge Mario Zedong's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution), part four

This commentary concludes a four part series.

The next commentary to appear on this site will be "Benedictus Qui Venit in Nomine Domini, Hosanna in Excelsis," part three.

Our Lady, Queen of All Saints, pray for us.

Otto von Bergoglio’s Kulturkampf (or Jorge Mario Zedong’s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution), part three

This commentary discusses Jorge Mario Bergoglio's Ad Theologiam Promovendam. Part four, which will deal with the document's application to the other branches of theology apart from moral theology as examined in this part, should appear by Tuesday, November 7, 2023. Suffice it to say for the moment that Ad Theologiam Promovendam is the death knell to the Catholic Church's true general councils prior to the death of Pope Pius XII, and to everything taught by Holy Mother Church that does not "correspond" to the "lived experiences" of the people. This is paganism writ large.

Kyrie eleison!

Our Lady, Queen of All Saints and Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us.

All the Saints, pray for us.

Blessed Martin de Porres, pray for us.

On the Commemoration of All Souls in 2023

[We lost internet service yesterday morning. It was not restored until about an hour before this posting, and it took no less than five technicians to resolve the problem. This is why my next article has not appeared yet. It is amazing how dependent we have become upon this technology!]

Our one and only goal in this life is to get home to Heaven by dying in a state of Sanctifying Grace as a member of the Catholic Church. Absolutely nothing else matters. The path to Heaven runs through the Cross of our Divine Redeemer, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, as we consecrate ourselves to Him totally through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of His Most Blessed Mother. We must embrace suffering and humiliation and hardship with equanimity, joy and gratitude, mindful of the fact that Our Lady desires use whatever merits we earn from our embrace of our sufferings for the honor and glory of the Most Blessed Trinity and for the good of souls, especially the Poor Souls in the Church Suffering in Purgatory, whose intentions we must remember every day and especially during this month of November. There is no other path to the triumph of the empty tomb other than the suffering of the Cross.

We must also forgive right readily those who have offended us in any way and to ask forgiveness from those whom we have offended, whether advertently or inadvertently. Nothing anyone does to us or says about us is the equal of what one of our least Venial Sins caused Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to suffer in His Sacred Humanity during his Passion and Death and that caused His Most Blessed Mother's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart to be pierced through and through with Seven Swords of Sorrow. The good, the bad and the ugly of ever person's life is revealed only on the Last Day at the General Judgment of the living and the dead. Let us be content to bear with suffering, humiliation, ostracism and mockery now as a means of so dying to self that we will consider it to be a great honor to be crushed and brought low in the sight of men. Suffering is indeed the path to triumph!

We must continue to pray for each other on a daily basis, praying especially that the disagreements of the present moment in this time of apostasy and betrayal will be washed away by the merits of the Most Precious Blood of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and by the maternal intercession of His Most Blessed Mother. If we want to be in Heaven for all eternity, you see, in the presence of the Most Blessed Trinity, Our Lady, Saint Joseph and all of the angels of the saints, then it is a pretty good idea to pray for everyone whom God's Providence has placed in our paths, hoping that those from whom we might be estranged at the present time, especially because of the divisions among Catholics created by conciliarism and its apostasies, will be united with us for all eternity in the glories of Heaven, please God that each of us dies in a state of Sanctifying Grace.

One of ways in which we can practice true Charity is to remember the Poor Souls every day in our prayers. Terrible, terrible sinner that I am, one of my devotions has long been to the Poor Souls. To help the Poor Souls repay the debt that they can no longer pay for themselves is to acquire friends for eternity who will help us at the moment of our own deaths. Charity to the Poor Souls can help to undo our own uncharity to others in this passing, mortal vale of tears. This is indeed the month of the Poor Souls. Let us show them our due attention each and every day of the year, especially in this month of November.

Remember, of course, that from noon yesterday, Monday, November 1, 2023, through midnight today, November 2, 2023, the Commemoration of All Souls, the Catholic faithful, as often as they visit a church or to pray for the dead, reciting six times during each visit the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be for the intentions of Holy Mother Church may gain a plenary indulgence applicable only to the souls in Purgatory, under the usual conditions of making a good Confession within a week before or after, worthily receiving Holy Communion within the week and having the right intention of heart. This is called the Toties Quoties Indulgence.

Also, courtesy of the Daily Catholic website, are the Thirty-Day De Profundis Prayers for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.

Our Lady of Deliverance, pray for the Poor Souls and for us.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. 

May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

By the way, I read a news story about Jorge Mario Bergoglio's latest "publication" in which he called for a "cultural revolution" in Catholic theology to make it "popularly based," meaning one that is completely subjectivist. I don't want to say that I am ahead of the curve on this. However, I did write Otto von Bergoglio’s Kulturkampf (or Jorge Mario Zedong’s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution), part one, and Otto von Bergoglio's Kulturkampf (or Jorge Mario Zedong's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, part two recently. Guess what? Part three takes priority over the article I have been working on in recent days. Stay tuned.

Revised: On the Feast of All Saints (2023)

Our one and only goal in this life is to get home to Heaven by dying in a state of Sanctifying Grace as a member of the Catholic Church. Absolutely nothing else matters. The path to Heaven runs through the Cross of our Divine Redeemer, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, as we consecrate ourselves to Him totally through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of His Most Blessed Mother.

We must embrace suffering and humiliation and hardship with equanimity, joy and gratitude, mindful of the fact that Our Lady desires use whatever merits we earn from our embrace of our sufferings for the honor and glory of the Most Blessed Trinity and for the good of souls, especially the Poor Souls in the Church Suffering in Purgatory, whose intentions we must remember every day and especially during this month of November. There is no other path to the triumph of the empty tomb other than the suffering of the Cross.

We must also forgive right readily those who have offended us in any way and to ask forgiveness from those whom we have offended, whether advertently or inadvertently. Nothing anyone does to us or says about us is the equal of what one of our least Venial Sins caused Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to suffer in His Sacred Humanity during his Passion and Death and that caused His Most Blessed Mother's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart to be pierced through and through with Seven Swords of Sorrow. 

The good, the bad and the ugly of ever person's life is revealed only on the Last Day at the General Judgment of the living and the dead. Let us be content to bear with suffering, humiliation, ostracism and mockery now as a means of so dying to self that we will consider it to be a great honor to be crushed and brought low in the sight of men. Suffering is indeed the path to triumph!

We must continue to pray for each other on a daily basis, praying especially that the disagreements of the present moment in this time of apostasy and betrayal will be washed away by the merits of the Most Precious Blood of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and by the maternal intercession of His Most Blessed Mother.

If we want to be in Heaven for all eternity, you see, in the presence of the Most Blessed Trinity, Our Lady, Saint Joseph and all of the angels of the saints, then it is a pretty good idea to pray for everyone whom God's Providence has placed in our paths, hoping that those from whom we might be estranged at the present time, especially because of the divisions among Catholics created by conciliarism and its apostasies, will be united with us for all eternity in the glories of Heaven, please God that each of us dies in a state of Sanctifying Grace.

One of ways in which we can practice true Charity is to remember the Poor Souls every day in our prayers. Terrible, terrible sinner that I am, one of my devotions has long been to the Poor Souls. To help the Poor Souls repay the debt that they can no longer pay for themselves is to acquire friends for eternity who will help us at the moment of our own deaths. Charity to the Poor Souls can help to undo our own uncharity to others in this passing, mortal vale of tears. This is indeed the month of the Poor Souls.

Let us show them our due attention each and every day of the year, especially in this month of November. Remember, of course, that from noon today on All Saints' Day through midnight of the Commemoration of All Souls tomorrow the Catholic faithful, as often as they visit a church or to pray for the dead, reciting six times during each visit the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be for the intentions of Holy Mother Church may gain a plenary indulgence applicable only to the souls in Purgatory, under the usual conditions of making a good Confession within a week before or after, worthily receiving Holy Communion within the week and having the right intention of heart. This is called the Toties Quoties Indulgence.

Also, I ask you to pray for Father Campbell on his ninety-first birthday today and to thank him for his sixty-two years of priesthood, including the last twenty-two as pastor of Saint Jude Shrine in Stafford, Texas, which was our own spiritual home whenever we were based in our motor home (which was sold twelve and one-half years ago, believe it or not) in Sugar Land, Texas. Father Campbell has been in poor health for much of this year. Please pray for his needs today and every day. Happy birthday, Father Campbell!

A blessed All Saints Day to you all!

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

All the Saints, pray for us.

Republished: Christ the King Wants Us to Avoid the Chronic Fear and Agitation of Naturalism

Two articles are being republished today as I was unable to complete the one upon which I am working at this time. 

This commentary was published last year and it makes many of the points that I am reiterating in the commentary I hope to have published by tomorrow, the Feast of All Saints.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

All the Saints, pray for us.


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