Ecce Ancilla Domini: Fiat Mihi Secundum Verbum Tuum, A Reflection on the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Today's republished reflection is about the feast we today, Tuesday, March 25, 2025, the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, signifies the moment when the Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, the very Word through Whom all things were made, personally entered into human history as He was made Incarnate in the Virginal and Immaculate Womb of His Most Blessed Mother by the power of the Third Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, God the Holy Ghost, Who overshadowed Our Lady after she had given her perfect Fiat to the Will of the First Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, God the Father, as that Will was made known to her by Saint Gabriel the Archangel.

The whole of human history is changed today--and no one can remain neutral about what happened on this day. If the Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity really did become Man this day in Our Lady's Virginal and Immaculate Womb so as to redeem us on the wood of the Holy Cross thirty-three years later, as we know is indeed the case, then every person and every nation on the face of this earth must acknowledge this fact and subordinate everything to the Deposit of Faith that He has entrusted exclusively to His Catholic Church for Its eternal safekeeping and infallible explication.

We must pray to Our Lady every day so that we will never lose sight of the centrality of the Incarnation in our own lives and in the lives of our nations, never lose sight of the fact that Holy Mass itself is Incarnational as the Word Who was made Incarnate in her Virginal and Immaculate Womb is made Incarnate on altars of sacrifice under the appearances of bread and wine by true bishops and true priests. Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ spent nine months in the tabernacle of Our Lady's Virginal and Immaculate Womb, thereby sanctifying the wombs of al mothers. He is in solidarity with every child in every mother's womb. Every abortion, whether by chemical or surgical means, is an indirect attack on the Incarnation that took place this very day.

A very brief new commentary will be published in a very few moments.

A blessed Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to you all.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Apostasy Continues to Have Consequences

The hour is late. I am tired.

This commentary discusses the results of a recent Pew Research Religious Landscape Survey that shows there is widespread acceptance of grave moral evils by self-identifying Catholics.

How did this happen?

Well, apostasy continues to have consequences, something that this commentary explains at length.

The next commentary on this site, other than my republished reflection for the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, may not appear until Thursday, March 27, 2025, the Feast of Saint John Damascene and the Commemoration of Saints Cosmas and Damian on the Thursday in the Third Week of Lent. 

A reminder:  Go Fund Me Appeal for Used Car was posted eight days ago. Three people have given via the appeal and six others have given through PayPal (and one via the snail mail). There is still a considerable amount to be raised. Thank you for your consideration of the appeal.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Benedictus Qui Venit in Nomine Domini, Hosanna in Excelsis, part thirteen

I have said this before and I will keep on saying it: no matter how many bombs the Israeli Defense Forces drop on Gaza, no matter how many residential homes they destroy, no matter how many innocent civilians are killed, there will never be peace in the Holy Land or anywhere else in the world until and unless all men are converted to the true Faith and then exclaim una voce dicentes:

Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dóminus, Deus Sábaoth. Pleni sunt cæli et terra glória tua. Hosánna in excélsis. Benedíctus, qui venit in nómine Dómini. Hosánna in excélsis.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Benedict of Nursia, pray for us.


On the Feast of Saint Benedict of Nursia, March 21, 2025

This reflection contrasts the work of Saint Benedict of Nursia with that of the two most recent conciliar “popes.”

Much time is spent in this reflection giving attentionto Bergoglio’s denial of the commission that Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ gave to the Eleven on Ascension Thursday to convert all men to the true Faith. Saint Benedict of Nursia, the father of western Monasticism and thus of Europe itself, had an intolerance for such teaching. So should we.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us. 

Saint Benedict of Nursia, pray for us.

Sober Up in 2025

Dr. David Weldon’s nomination to serve as the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was withdrawn by President Donald John Trump just twelve hours before Weldon was to face his first confirmation hearing before the members of the United States Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP).

This commentary explains the power of Big Pharma and that the nearly invisible but nevertheless very powerful Susan Summerall Wiles, the White House Chief of Staff and former lobbyist for Big Pharma, played in the demise of Weldon’s confirmation.

As always, the commentary includes a supernatural perspective to help readers keep focused on the consequences of world where men do not submit themselves with docility and humility to Christ the King and His true Church in all that pertains to the good of souls.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

On the Feast of Saint Joseph, the Just and Quiet Man of the House of David

Today, of course, is the great Feast of Saint Joseph, the Chaste Spouse of Our Lady, the just and silent man of the House of David. Saint Joseph denied himself his biological fatherhood in order to serve as the ever-virginal spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the most loving foster-father to Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

In him, Saint Joseph, is to be found every virtue for a husband and father to imitate: patience, charity, forbearance in all difficulties, fortitude, perseverance, temperance, and total self-abnegation. Those of us who are husbands and fathers must learn to be more silent, to learn to be more loving, to learn to be more patient, to learn to be more meek, to learn to be ever-ready to worker harder and harder at our life's work so as to help our wives and our children to live as redeemed creatures here below in order to know eternal happiness hereafter in Heaven. Saint Joseph is the model of home life and the patron of artisans, the protector of widows and orphans, the patron of those who are in danger of death. May we invoke his patronage each day after we invoke that of his Most Chaste Spouse, Our Lady, and never be slow to turn to him in our spiritual and temporal needs:

"O Saint Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in thee all my interests and desires. O thou Saint Joseph, do assist me by thy powerful intercession, and obtain for me from thy divine Son all spiritual blessings, through Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; so that, having engaged here below thy heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of fathers. O Saint Joseph, I never weary contemplating thee, and Jesus asleep in thy arms; I dare not approach while He reposes near thy heart. Press Him in my name and kiss His fine head for me, and ask Him to return the kiss when I draw my dying breath. Saint Joseph, Patron of departing souls, pray for me. Amen!"

The next original article is proceeding and should be ready for publication in less than twenty-four hours. 

Finally, here is a link to Father Francis X. Weninger's Three Sermons on the Feast of Saint Joseph.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.

A blessed Feast of Saint Joseph to you all! 

Saint Cyril of Jerusalem: A True Catholic Educator Par Excellence

As I was unable to complete the next original commentary yesterday, Monday, March 17, 2025, the Feast of Saint Patrick and the Commeoration of Monday in the Second Week of Lent, I am excerpting a section from an article on the true purposes of education from six years ago to include the section concerning Dom Prosper Gueranger's reflection on Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, whose feast we celebrate today, Tuesday, March 18, 2025, and the Commemoration of Tuesday in Lent, and our Saint's contribution to Catholic catechesis and education. This is a relatively short commentary that is interspersed with my own interjections on a subject about which I had dedicated over three decades of a college professor of political science, although, of course, I have always considered the work of Christ or Chaos, whether in its printed life (1996-2004) and in its digital existence (February 20, 2004, to the present) as educative in nature.

Today, March 18, 2025, is the forty-third anniversary of the death of my mother, +Mrs. Norma Florence Red Fox Droleskey, who was the adoptive daughter of Chief Red Fox, at the then named Spohn Hospital in Corpus Christi, Texas, where she had spent her adolescent years until she joined the Women’s Army Corps in 1943 at the age of twenty-two, at the age of sixty-one years, twelve days. My mother died of stomach and esophageal cancer that had been diagnosed on Friday, January 29, 1982, just six weeks before she died. Most of that time was spent at the M. D. Anderson Cancer Hospital in Houston, Texas. It is hard to believe that I am now over twelve years older than she was at the time of her death. How the time has flown. Prayers for the repose of her immortal soul would be very much appreciated. Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul and all of the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Today is also the eighthteenth anniversary of the death of the late +Father Daniel Johnson, who was ordained to the Holy Priesthood in 1954 and served as the pastor of Saint Mary by the Sea Church in Huntington Beach, California, form 1979 to 2004. Father Johnson was very zealous for souls. He personally walked the boundaries of the parish three times during his quarter-century pastorate, visiting (or leaving his card with an invitation to join the Catholic Church if no one was present to answer his knock) every residence and business to encourage fallen away Catholics to the return to the Faith and to invite non-Catholics to convert. Father Johnson brought five hundred fifty-four souls into the Faith, including Mohammedans, Jews, and Mormons. Sharon herself was baptized at the hands of Father Johnson on July 31, 1999, nearly twenty months before I met her on March 11, 2001 at Saint Mary by the Sea Church as I was giving the “Living in the Shadow of the Cross” lecture program. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and all of the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

It was also on this date in 2008 that Mrs. Theresa Colgan, the mother of a former student of mine from Saint Francis College in Brooklyn, New York, during the 1985-1986 academic year, died. Please pray for her immortal soul as well. Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul and all of the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen,

There are also several birthday intentions that will be remembered in our own prayers today. 

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, pray for us.

On the Feast of Saint Patrick, March 17, 2025

This is a tribute to our glorious Saint Patrick, Bishop and Confessor, whose work in behalf of the conversion of the Irish clans from paganism stands in very sharp contrast to the obeisance that has been paid by the conciliar “popes” and their “bishops” to every false religion and pagan superstition imaginable. It was to wipe out paganism that Saint Patrick spent his life as a missionary to the Emerald Isle, that land of Saints and Scholars which has fallen back into paganism in no small measure because of the false doctrines and sacramental barrenness of the liturgical rites of the counterfeit church of conciliarism. Saint Patrick stands ready to convert each one of us away from our own sins if only we beg his intercession to help make us saints, especially now in the middle of the Fourth Week of Lent.

We are privileged to have a relic of Saint Patrick that is venerated each night before sleep. This relic was given to us most unexpectedly by a good friend of ours some years ago now.

It is my hope, perhaps furtive, to have the next original article by tomorrow, the Feast of Saint Cyril of Jersualem ad the Commemoration of Tuesday in the Second Week of Lent.

For those who have been away for a while, the latest original commentaries have been: Benedictus Qui Venit in Nomini Domini, Hosanna in Excelsis, part twelveNo Certitude, No Reverence, No PeopleJorge Mario Bergoglio: The End Result of Sixty-Six Years of Falsehoods, part one, and Jorge Mario Bergoglio: The End Result of Sixty-Six Years of Falsehoods, part two.

Finally, I remind you that a Go Fund Me Appeal for Used Car  was posted two days ago. Thank you.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Patrick, pray for us.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio: The End Result of Sixty-Six Years of Falsehoods, part two

Although certainly not an exhaustive review of the many ways that the now hospitalized Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who is still plotting from his hospital room to continue his work of destruction as he recovers from double pneumonia, bronchospasms, and other breathing problems (Francis, showing plans to stay on, starts new Catholic reform process) has done the work of Antichrist in the past twelve years, three days, my two part review, which concludes with today’s commentary, has attempted to highlight at least a few examples of how he, Bergoglio, is but the end product of sixty-six and one-half years of falsehoods.

I did not include anything about the Abu Dhabi accords of six years ago as those who are interested in reviewing the details can do by reviewing the commentary I wrote at the time: Republished: Jorge Signs Off on the One World Religion.

Finally, once again, I remind the readership of this website that I have started a “Go Fund Me” appeal to raise funds to replace my 2000 Ford Econoline van after its transmission died while I was driving it on Tuesday, March 11, 2025. The complete details can be found here: Fundraiser by Thomas Droleskey: Donate to Dr. Thomas Droleskey for a Used Car. Please direct all questions or observations about this to me alone.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saints Peter, James, and John, pray for us.


Donations may be made through PayPal as well, of course, but please share with those who you might think would be open to donating. Thank you.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio: The End Result of Sixty-Six Years of Falsehoods, part one

[To be honest, I am pretty much sick and tired of writing about Jorge Mario Bergoglio, and even though this is the season of extra penances, I will not have part of my two-part series published by the Second Sunday of Lent, March 16, 2025. I will be working on a commentary in the meantime about how former United States Representative Dr. David Weldon has been thrown under the bus by President Donald John Trump, who would not let this intelligent and articulate pro-life advocate and opponent of the Wuhan Virus poisoned jab even make his case in Senate confirmation hearing before he, Trump, withdrew Weldon’s nomination. Trump still believes in the vaccines. Sober up, friends, sober up.

[The purpose of this update is to inform the readership of this website that I have started a “Go Fund Me” appeal to raise funds to replace my 2000 Ford Econoline van after its transmission died while I was driving it on Tuesday, March 11, 2025. The complete details can be found here: Fundraiser by Thomas Droleskey : Donate to Dr. Thomas Droleskey for a Used Car. Please direct all questions or observations about this to me alone.

[Donations can be made through PayPal as well, of course, but please share with those who you might think would be open to donating. Thank you.]

This is part one of an effort to discuss thematically some of the many ways in which Jorge Mario Bergoglio has used his presidency of the counterfeit church of conciliarism to take a wrecking ball to the last remaining bastions of most anything recognizably Catholic within the structures of his false sect that most people in the world believe is the Catholic Church.

As bad as "Pope Francis" has been, though, he is only the end product of sixty-six year of falsehoods. He is only bringing the conciliar revolution against Catholic Faith, Worship, and Morals to its logical conclusions.

Part two should appear tomorrow, Ember Friday in Lent, March 14, 2025.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.


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