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                  April 13, 2012



Witnessing Naturalism's Many Triumphs

by Thomas A. Droleskey

We live in a world of naturalism, a world that runs counter to what should be the overriding instincts of a well-defined sensus Catholicus that each of us is supposed to have as a result of our Baptism and Confirmation. We permit ourselves to be influenced, if ever so gradually, by this worldly trend or that worldly fashion to such an extent that we are not even aware that we are betraying the Faith as we surrender to the "dictates" of a world that is in the grip of the devil himself.

There are so many examples of how we have been influenced in a gradualistic manner into accepting the false premises of the naturalism of Judeo-Masonry, starting, of course, with the exaltation of the utter false and diabolical premises of religious indifferentism and semi-Pelagianism that are at the very foundation of the modern civil state, including the United States of America. Most believing Catholics across the vast expanse of the ecclesiastical divide have permitted themselves to be catechized by the culture of naturalism into which we are steeped--and by which we are most frequently bombarded--and recoil in utter fright when told that their blithe acceptance of one falsehood after another is contrary to the good of their immortal souls. The "world," therefore, becomes the eternal repository of infallible "truths" from which it would be almost unpatriotic to dissent in the slightest. And it is certainly the case that those who attempt to view everything in the world through the eyes of the true Faith and who are not at all willing to "bend" to the "trends of the time" must be just a little crazy, right?

Thus it is that another false debate is raging in the farce that is American electoral politics. The current debate rages around an insulting comment made by a consultant to the Democratic National Committee, Hilary Rosen, about the wife of former Commonwealth of Massachusetts Governor Willard Mitt Romney, who is the putative 2012 Republican Party nominee for the office of President of the United States of America. Miss Rosen (no, I have never ever recognized the false "title" of "Ms.," thank you very, very much) disparaged Mrs. Ann Romney's ability to advise her husband on issues relating to women and the state of the national economy because Mrs. Romney "had never worked a day in her life," by that meaning that Mrs. Romney had never been employed outside of the home.

This is, of course, not an uncommon view amongst those of the false opposite of the naturalist "left." However, commentators of the false opposite of the naturalist "right" do not understand that contemporary feminism has its proximate root causes in the French Revolution, although as is the case with every other disordering of human nature, it has its remote root cause in Eve's prideful disobedience to God when she ate of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil when tempted to do so by the serpent, our ancient adversary.

The French Revolution proclaimed the "liberation" of women from the "shackles" of the past. The Bolshevik Revolution did the same, helping to pave the way for the "Roaring Twenties" in the West as Talmudic sympathizers of the Bolshevik Revolution produced motion pictures and magazines designed to introduce Bolshevik standards as the basis of undermining the role of men in society and to take women out of the home so that their children will be trained from infancy through young adulthood by the agents of all forms of naturalism (Judeo-Masonic and Bolshevik in particular). Contemporary feminism is but an outgrowth of the devil's efforts to replace Our Lady as the model of femininity with that of the "Eve" of modernity, fully liberated from "man" and from God Himself.

Pope Pius XI explained this in Divini Redemptoris, his encyclical letter on atheistic communism issued on March 19, 1937, two days after he issued his encyclical letter, Mit Brennender Sorge, condemning Nazi nationalism and racialism:

Refusing to human life any sacred or spiritual character, such a doctrine logically makes of marriage and the family a purely artificial and civil institution, the outcome of a specific economic system. There exists no matrimonial bond of a juridico-moral nature that is not subject to the whim of the individual or of the collectivity. Naturally, therefore, the notion of an indissoluble marriage-tie is scouted. Communism is particularly characterized by the rejection of any link that binds woman to the family and the home, and her emancipation is proclaimed as a basic principle. She is withdrawn from the family and the care of her children, to be thrust instead into public life and collective production under the same conditions as man. The care of home and children then devolves upon the collectivity. Finally, the right of education is denied to parents, for it is conceived as the exclusive prerogative of the community, in whose name and by whose mandate alone parents may exercise this right.  (Pope Pius XI, Divini Redemptoris, March 19, 1937.)


Forcing women out of the family and into the sweatshops and the factories was a goal of not only the French and Bolshevik Revolutions, but also of the Industrial Revolution of Calvinist capitalism. Wives and mothers whose husbands worked long hours in factories for substandard wages were forced in many instances to go to work themselves in order to supplement their husbands' meager incomes. This is what prompted Popes Leo XIII and Pius XI to insist that the man, the principal breadwinner of the family, to be paid a "living wage," that is, to be paid enough to support their families without forcing their wives to abandon the home and to enter unnecessarily into the work force. The living wage is not a flat sum of money. Indeed, Holy Mother Church teaches that a just employer will pay his employees a sum proportionate to the work that they do and proportionate to the number of children with which he has been blessed by God.

Pope Pius XI, reviewing and elaborating upon the principles outlined by Pope Leo XIII in Rerum Novarum, May 15, 1891, summarized Catholic teaching on this matter in Quadragesimo Anno, May 15, 1931:

The just amount of pay, however, must be calculated not on a single basis but on several, as Leo XIII already wisely declared in these words: "To establish a rule of pay in accord with justice, many factors must be taken into account."

By this statement he plainly condemned the shallowness of those who think that this most difficult matter is easily solved by the application of a single rule or measure -- and one quite false.

For they are greatly in error who do not hesitate to spread the principle that labor is worth and must be paid as much as its products are worth, and that consequently the one who hires out his labor has the right to demand all that is produced through his labor. How far this is from the truth is evident from that We have already explained in treating of property and labor.

It is obvious that, as in the case of ownership, so in the case of work, especially work hired out to others, there is a social aspect also to be considered in addition to the personal or individual aspect. For man's productive effort cannot yield its fruits unless a truly social and organic body exists, unless a social and juridical order watches over the exercise of work, unless the various occupations, being interdependent, cooperate with and mutually complete one another, and, what is still more important, unless mind, material things, and work combine and form as it were a single whole. Therefore, where the social and individual nature of work is neglected, it will be impossible to evaluate work justly and pay it according to justice.

Conclusions of the greatest importance follow from this twofold character which nature has impressed on human work, and it is in accordance with these that wages ought to be regulated and established.

In the first place, the worker must be paid a wage sufficient to support him and his family. That the rest of the family should also contribute to the common support, according to the capacity of each, is certainly right, as can be observed especially in the families of farmers, but also in the families of many craftsmen and small shopkeepers. But to abuse the years of childhood and the limited strength of women is grossly wrong. Mothers, concentrating on household duties, should work primarily in the home or in its immediate vicinity. It is an intolerable abuse, and to be abolished at all cost, for mothers on account of the father's low wage to be forced to engage in gainful occupations outside the home to the neglect of their proper cares and duties, especially the training of children. Every effort must therefore be made that fathers of families receive a wage large enough to meet ordinary family needs adequately. But if this cannot always be done under existing circumstances, social justice demands that changes be introduced as soon as possible whereby such a wage will be assured to every adult workingman. It will not be out of place here to render merited praise to all, who with a wise and useful purpose, have tried and tested various ways of adjusting the pay for work to family burdens in such a way that, as these increase, the former may be raised and indeed, if the contingency arises, there may be enough to meet extraordinary needs.

In determining the amount of the wage, the condition of a business and of the one carrying it on must also be taken into account; for it would be unjust to demand excessive wages which a business cannot stand without its ruin and consequent calamity to the workers. If, however, a business makes too little money, because of lack of energy or lack of initiative or because of indifference to technical and economic progress, that must not be regarded a just reason for reducing the compensation of the workers. But if the business in question is not making enough money to pay the workers an equitable wage because it is being crushed by unjust burdens or forced to sell its product at less than a just price, those who are thus the cause of the injury are guilty of grave wrong, for they deprive workers of their just wage and force them under the pinch of necessity to accept a wage less than fair.

Let, then, both workers and employers strive with united strength and counsel to overcome the difficulties and obstacles and let a wise provision on the part of public authority aid them in so salutary a work. If, however, matters come to an extreme crisis, it must be finally considered whether the business can continue or the workers are to be cared for in some other way. In such a situation, certainly most serious, a feeling of close relationship and a Christian concord of minds ought to prevail and function effectively among employers and workers.

Lastly, the amount of the pay must be adjusted to the public economic good. We have shown above how much it helps the common good for workers and other employees, by setting aside some part of their income which remains after necessary expenditures, to attain gradually to the possession of a moderate amount of wealth. But another point, scarcely less important, and especially vital in our times, must not be overlooked: namely, that the opportunity to work be provided to those who are able and willing to work. This opportunity depends largely on the wage and salary rate, which can help as long as it is kept within proper limits, but which on the other hand can be an obstacle if it exceeds these limits. For everyone knows that an excessive lowering of wages, or their increase beyond due measure, causes unemployment. This evil, indeed, especially as we see it prolonged and injuring so many during the years of Our Pontificate, has plunged workers into misery and temptations, ruined the prosperity of nations, and put in jeopardy the public order, peace, and tranquillity of the whole world. Hence it is contrary to social justice when, for the sake of personal gain and without regard for the common good, wages and salaries are excessively lowered or raised; and this same social justice demands that wages and salaries be so managed, through agreement of plans and wills, in so far as can be done, as to offer to the greatest possible number the opportunity of getting work and obtaining suitable means of livelihood. (Pope Pius XI, Quadragesimo Anno, May 15, 1931.)


It is indeed a grave injustice to force wives and mothers into the work force when their place is in the home to help to train their children to be canonizable saints.

Feminism goes beyond the Industrial Revolution's coercion of "market forces" to place wives and mothers into the work force as a result of substandard wages and/or part-time employment offered to husbands and fathers. Feminism considers it a necessity for women to enter the work force so as to "fulfill" themselves and to compete with men (as they dress, act and speak like men) for jobs and promotions in the factory, in the corporate boardroom, in the courtroom, in hospitals, and in politics, among other places. This has made it more difficult for men to obtain and retain good paying positions, thereby forcing wives and mothers who want to stay at home into the work force.

Feminism has also convinced women that it is a "virtue" to postpone childbearing in order to fulfill their career desires and/or to place newborn children into day-care programs soon after birth so that they can return to the work place and "fulfill" themselves while others care for their children. Feminism, which is exalted in almost every elementary and secondary school in the United States of America, including most, although not all, of the schools under the control of the counterfeit church of conciliarism, brainwashes young girls from their tenderest years that they must have "careers" in the world. Oh, if they "choose" to be wives and mother, that's all well and good. However, the "career" must come first in order for them to fulfill themselves (and/or have the "extra money" to buy loads and loads and loads of material things or to have "second" house" or a luxury boat or take exotic vacations) and to break the various "barriers" of the "glass ceiling."

Many of the economic problems we face today have been caused as a direct result of the planned, Judeo-Masonic assault upon the integrity and structure of the family that has caused young women to eschew marriage and child-bearing and child-rearing for "careers." Men, who should be the principal breadwinners of their families, have thus found it more difficult to obtain jobs and then to secure promotions because of competition in the work force that did not exist until around forty-five years ago or so.

This has forced many women who want to stay at home to raise their children to find some kind of employment in cases where their husbands have been forced out of their own jobs and unable to find a new position because of the presence of increased competition from women, who are given special preferences in accordance with the reverse discrimination program known as "affirmative action." And this is so say nothing of the reality that God does not mean for men and women who are unrelated to each other to work in close proximity to each other, thereby exposing the married and unmarried alike to the near occasions of sin that have resulted in so many instances in the breakup of families, the abandonment of spouses and children, the feminization of poverty, increasing reliance upon social programs administered by the civil state, latch-key children, day-care centers, pre-school and after-school programs. God alone knows the number of children who have been been killed by chemical and surgical means as a result of the actual sins caused by the near occasions of sin represented by the working situation found in the perverse, anti-Incarnational world of Modernity that has been celebrated so much by the conciliar "pontiffs and their "bishops."

Many men have succumbed to feminism. They have abdicated their own roles as the head of their families and have sought to try to prepare their daughters to act as as boys, dressing them as boys, expecting them to do engage in masculine activities in order to "prepare" them for that "real" world of which we hear so very much from those who are steeped in the naturalism of Judeo-Masonry even though they might consider themselves to be, of all people, "traditional" Catholics. It thus becomes very natural even for well-meaning women of the "conservative" bent of naturalism to believe that they are do everything that men do, including running for elected office when they have young children at home. Why give this even a "second" thought? Hasn't the world "changed" in the past four decades.

Well, the "world" may have changed. The truths of the Order of Creation (Nature) and the Order of Redemption (Grace) have not changed. Women are to dress as women at all times (exceptions such as those of Saint Joan of Arc have been noted on this site from time to time). Wives and mothers are supposed to stay at home with their children until they, the children, embark upon their own particular vocation, acknowledging full well the fact that there are women with young children who are forced to work because of their husbands' meager salaries or because they have been abandoned by their husbands or because of the death of their husbands. This is no diminution of women or a disparagement of their intellectual abilities. This is no "enslavement" of women to their husbands and their children. This is but a simple truth of the Order of Creation and the Order of Redemption that no one is free to ignore without peril to the right ordering of society itself.

Ah, behold the wreckage of a society where the naturalist ideology of feminism prevails even to a large extent in the minds of believing Catholics, including traditionally-minded Catholics across the vast expanse of the ecclesiastical divide. This wreckage is such that "pro-life" Catholics (can a Catholic be anything other than pro-life and yet be a member of the Catholic Church in good standing?) did not bat so much as an eyelash nearly four years ago now when the mother of a four month old baby boy with Down's Syndrome was selected to run for Vice President of the United States of America. The desire to defeat the hideous long-time disciple of the Communist Frank Marshall Davis and the egregious "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright, United States Senator Barack Hussein Obama (D-Illinois), trumped what should have been a Catholic's supernatural sense of recoiling in horror at the thought of a mother with a young son, no less one with Down's Syndrome, serving in one public office while running for the second highest office in the United States of America. We have simply lost our Catholic minds, ladies and gentlemen.

Pope Pius XII issued a set of Papal Directive for Women of Today on September 11, 1947 in which he addressed this exact issue:


There remains to be considered the domain of political life. In many circumstances, We have already touched upon it. This domain has several distinct aspects: the safeguard and care of the sacred interests of woman, by means of legislation and administration that respects her rights, dignity, and social function -- the participation of some women in political life for the good, the welfare, and the progress of all.

Your own role is, in general, to work toward making woman always more conscious of her sacred rights, of her duties, and of her power to help mold public opinion, through her daily contacts, and to influence legislation and administration by the proper use of her prerogatives as citizen. Such is your common role. It does not mean that you are all to have political careers as members of public assemblies. Most of you must continue to give the greater part of your time and of your loving attention to the care of your homes and families. We must not forget that the making of a home in which all feel at ease and happy, and the bringing up of children are very special contributions to the common welfare. So we rejoice in the fact, which you yourselves rightly recorded, that among rural families, which are still such a large part of society, woman's work in the home still goes hand in hand with her contribution to the social and national economy.

Those among you who have more leisure and are suitably prepared, will take up the burden of public life and be, as it were, your delegated representatives. Give them your confidence, understand their difficulties, the hard work and sacrifices their devotion entails; give them your help and support. (Pope Pius XII, Papal Directives for Women of Today, September 11, 1947.)

Lest those naturalists of the "conservative" bent protest that they can ignore such a papal allocution, which is merely a reiteration of the basic precepts of the Order of Creation and the Order of Redemption concerning the roles befitting the dignity and true femininity of wives and mothers, perhaps its is prudent to explain that Pope Pius XII preempted such a protest in the same set of directives quoted immediately above:

But under the pretense of saving the Church from the risk of being led astray in the "temporal" sphere, a slogan launched some ten years ago, continues to gain acceptance: return to the purely "spiritual." And by that is understood that the Church should confine her activities to a purely dogmatic teaching, to the offering of the Holy Sacrifice, the administration of the sacraments, and that all incursion into, or even the right of examination in the domain of public life, all intervention in the civil or social order, should be denied her. As if dogma did not have a bearing upon every aspect of human life, as if the mysteries of the faith with their supernatural wealth, were not to maintain and invigorate the lives of individuals and, as a logical consequence, to harmonize public life with the law of God, to impregnate it with the spirit of Christ! Such vivisection is nothing short of being anti-Catholic. (Pope Pius XII, Papal Directives for Women of Today, September 11, 1947.)


Yet it is that most Catholics, including most traditionally-minded Catholics no matter where they find themselves along vast expanse of the ecclesiastical divide, permit themselves to separate the Faith from the affairs of the world, believing that there is some kind of naturalistic "short-cut" to retard social evils that have grown over the past five centuries as a result of the forces unleashed by the Protestant Revolution against the Social Reign of Christ the King and the subsequent rise and institutionalization of the naturalism associated with the interrelated "philosophies" and ideologies that can be termed as Judeo-Masonry.

While Miss Hilary Rosen's attack on Mrs. Ann Romney is deplorable, the fact that so many Catholics accept the premise that women of child-bearing age should be in the work place as a matter of routine, not as a matter of necessity. Young women should be inspired in their teens to consider the consecrated religious life or to be prepared to be good Catholic wives and mothers, not to be prepared to embark upon a "career" where they can be "fulfilled."

Although there will be lots of discussion in the next two hundred six (206) days about the state of the economy, the battling naturalists of the false opposite of the "left" and of the "right" simply do not understand the simple truth that all of the focus on the "money," although it appeals to the voters and their immediate concerns, will not solve a blessed thing as the "money" problems are the result of a whole economic system that is premised on reducing man to an instrument of profit in the "market" or a slave to the czars and commissars of the civil state as that which is repugnant to the good of eternity and thus of temporal prosperity, sin, is promoted under cover of the civil law:

The more closely the temporal power of a nation aligns itself with the spiritual, and the more it fosters and promotes the latter, by so much the more it contributes to the conservation of the commonwealth. For it is the aim of the ecclesiastical authority by the use of spiritual means, to form good Christians in accordance with its own particular end and object; and in doing this it helps at the same time to form good citizens, and prepares them to meet their obligations as members of a civil society. This follows of necessity because in the City of God, the Holy Roman Catholic Church, a good citizen and an upright man are absolutely one and the same thing. How grave therefore is the error of those who separate things so closely united, and who think that they can produce good citizens by ways and methods other than those which make for the formation of good Christians. For, let human prudence say what it likes and reason as it pleases, it is impossible to produce true temporal peace and tranquillity by things repugnant or opposed to the peace and happiness of eternity. (Silvio Cardinal Antoniano, quoted by Pope Pius XI in Divini Illius Magistri, December 31, 1929.)


To recall the words of Saint Augustine, quoted by Pope Gregory XVI in Mirari Vos, August 15, 1832, "But the death of the soul is worse than freedom of error." The United States of America, built on one naturalistic error after another, is a land that celebrates the "freedom of error" masquerading as "virtue" under the slogan of "religious liberty" that has been embraced with gusto by the counterfeit church of conciliarism, is something good rather than a trap from the devil to convince people that the true Faith is not the one and only foundation of personal and social order. (The American "bishops" have just reiterated this theme in a new document of apostasy, Our First, Most Cherished Liberty, that is full of Americanist lies and myths that are so predictable that all one has to do is to read Conversion in Reverse: How the Ethos of Americanism Converted Catholics and Contributed to the Rise of Conciliarism, now offered to you at the price of $3.99.)

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2012/04/12/4408884/bishops-issue-call-to-action-to.html#storylink=cpy


Once again, good readers, let us remember the words of Pope Saint Pius X, contained in Notre Charge Apostolique, August 15, 1910:


This, nevertheless, is what they want to do with human society; they dream of changing its natural and traditional foundations; they dream of a Future City built on different principles, and they dare to proclaim these more fruitful and more beneficial than the principles upon which the present Christian City rests.

No, Venerable Brethren, We must repeat with the utmost energy in these times of social and intellectual anarchy when everyone takes it upon himself to teach as a teacher and lawmaker - the City cannot be built otherwise than as God has built it; society cannot be setup unless the Church lays the foundations and supervises the work; no, civilization is not something yet to be found, nor is the New City to be built on hazy notions; it has been in existence and still is: it is Christian civilization, it is the Catholic City. It has only to be set up and restored continually against the unremitting attacks of insane dreamers, rebels and miscreants. omnia instaurare in Christo. (Pope Saint Pius X, Notre Charge Apostolique, August 15, 1910.)


Do and believe as you want. For my part, however, I, a weak vessel of clay who is no better than anyone and far worse than most others, will continue to point out the inconvenient truths of Catholicism and to remind my readers that we cannot accept the false premises of naturalism, that we must pray and work for the Social Reign of Christ the King as we pray as many Rosaries each day as our states-in-life will permit, as we offer all of our prayers and sufferings and sacrifices and humiliations and penances and mortifications to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, triumph soon!


Viva Cristo Rey!

Isn't it time to pray a Rosary now?

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the after of our death.

Saint Joseph, Patron of Departing Souls, pray for us.


Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.

Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.

Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.

Saint Hermenegild, pray for us. .

See also: A Litany of Saints


© Copyright 2012, Thomas A. Droleskey. All rights reserved.