Sides of the Same Unholy Coin
Thomas A. Droleskey
The American
bishops have issued a statement about Catholics in public life who support
abortion. To the surprise of no one, the document, though denouncing
abortion as a grave evil, stated that while Catholic politicians who
supported abortion should refrain from the reception of Holy Communion
the ultimate decision as to whether to bar them from such reception
belonged to diocesan ordinaries, not to the United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops. In other words, the battle lines were drawn before
the bishops met in Englewood, Colorado, and those lines were unaltered
by what happened in their several days of meetings. Archbishop Raymond
Leo Burke and the five other bishops who have followed his lead in saying
that they will not administer Holy Communion to pro-abortion politicians
remain on one side; the likes of Roger Cardinal Mahony remain on the
other. An upcoming article of mine in Catholic Family News
discusses the role (or lack of same) of Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger in
this surrender of the Faith to the demands of human respect.
this is more than a surrender of the Faith. The failure to protect against
sacrileges committed against Our Lord in His Real Presence in the Most
Blessed Sacrament and to prevent scandal being given to the faithful
thereby signifies a fundamental loss of the Catholic Faith on the part
of most of the bishops of the United States. How we treat Our Lord in
His Real Presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament is a telltale sign of
the level of our belief in that Real Presence, which is why
the whole ambiance of the Novus Ordo Missae serves as the breeding
ground for irreverence and sacrilege, a subject treated in an upcoming
article of mine, "The Time to Flee is Now," to be published
in the June 30 issue of The Remnant. A loss of belief in the
Real Presence (signified by a refusal to genuflect before the tabernacle,
the use of a table rather than an altar, insisting that people stand
to receive Holy Communion, permitting immodest attire to be worn and
inappropriate conduct to be tolerated in church) is itself a "leading
indicator" of a loss of belief in almost everything else contained
in the Deposit of Faith, including the horror of personal sin
and the necessity of doing penance for one's sins. It is clear that
most of the American bishops do not have any appreciation for the unchanging
nature of the Faith and of the fact that they who have received the
fullness of the priesthood have the obligation to defend the Faith against
all comers.
This loss
of Faith is signified also by the series of stories that will be published
in the coming months by the Dallas Morning News. Those stories
center on the shifting of sodomite priests from one country to another
to place them beyond the scope of legal prosecution while the faithful
in those priests' countries of refuge know nothing about their background.
This is once again simply a manifestation of the worldwide apostasy
within the Church, that one bishop after another in one country after
another does not accept the fact that a sodomite priest must be withdrawn
from public ministry and placed in a secluded place to do penance for
his sins and for the conversion of his fellow sodomites in the priesthood.
A priest who has immersed himself in the perverse evil that is sodomy
must redefine all matters pertaining to the Faith, including the Mass,
in a manner that will not make him feel "uncomfortable" about
his predilections. Indeed, although a discussed more fully in my forthcoming
book, G.I.R.M. Warfare, the Novus Ordo itself contains
prayers that make almost no reference to the reality of personal sin
or the inevitability of Divine Judgment on one's soul at the moment
of bodily death. This leads to a loss of the sense of personal
holiness as the sine qua non for a priest to discharge his
duties as an alter Christus and its replacement by a sense
of narcissistic self-centeredness that seeks to reaffirm everyone in
their sins and that everyone (except traditional Catholics, that is)
goes to Heaven.
The state
of the Church today is the result of a carefully orchestrated effort
to infiltrate her with the principles of Protestantism and Freemasonry.
John Vennari notes that this infiltration was detected as early as the
pontificate of Pope Pius XI. Writing in his masterful The Permanent
Instruction of the Alta Vendita: A Masonic Blueprint for the Subversion
of the Catholic Church, Mr. Vennari first of all discussed
the plans of Freemasons to infiltrate the Church:
In his book Athanasius
and the Church of Our Time, Bishop Rudolph Graber quoted a Freemason
who declared that "the goal [of Freemasonry] is no longer the destruction
of the Church, but to make use of it by infiltrating it.
other words, since Freemasonry cannot completely obliterate Christ's
Church, it plans not only to eradicate the influence of Catholicism
in society, but also to use the Church's structure as an instrument
of "renewal," "progress" and "enlightenment"
to further many of its own principles and goals.
strategy advanced in The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita
is astonishing in its audacity and cunning. From the start, the document
tells of a process that will take decades to accomplish. Those who drew
up the document knew that they would not see its fulfillment. They were
inaugurating a work that would be carried on by succeeding generations
of the initiated. The Permanent Instruction says, "In
our ranks the soldier dies and the struggle goes on."
Instruction called for the dissemination of liberal ideas and axioms
throughout society and within the institutions of the Catholic Church
so that laity, seminarians, clerics and prelates would, over the years,
gradually be imbued with progressive principles.
time, this mind-set would be so pervasive that priests would be ordained,
bishops would be consecrated and cardinals would be nominated whose
thinking was to be in step with the modern thought rooted in the French
Revolution's Declaration of the Rights of Man and other "Principles
of 1789" (equality of religions, separation of Church and State,
religious pluralism, etc.)
a Pope would be elected from these ranks who would lead the Church on
the path of "enlightenment" and "renewal." They
stated that it was not their aim to place a Freemason on the Chair of
Peter. Their goal was to effect an environment that would eventually
produce a Pope and a hierarchy won over to the ideas of liberal Catholicism,
all the while believing themselves to be faithful Catholics.
Catholic leaders, then, would no longer oppose the modern ideas of the
Revolution (as had been the consistent practice of the Popes from 1789
until 1958--the death of Pope Pius XII--who condemned these liberal
principles) but would amalgamate them into the Church. The end result
would be a Catholic clergy and laity marching under the banner of the
Enlightenment, all the while thinking they are marching under the banner
of the Apostolic keys. [John Vennari, The Permanent Instruction
of the Alta Vendita: A Masonic Blueprint for the Subversion of the Catholic
Church, pp. 1-3.]
Specifically, Mr.
Vennari goes on to state that some cardinals had recognized the success
of this plan of infiltration as early as the pontificate of Pope Pius
XI (1922-1939):
little-known drama that unfolded during the reign of Pope Pius XI demonstrates
that the underground current of Modernist thought was alive and well
in the immediate post-Pius X period.
Raymond Dulac relates that at the secret consistory of May 23, 193,
Pope Pius XI questioned the thirty Cardinals of the Curia on the timeliness
of summoning an ecumenical council. In attendance were such illustrious
prelates as Cardinals Merry del Val, De Lai, Gasparri, Boggiani and
Billot. The Cardinals advised against it.
Billot warned, "The existence of profound differences in the midst
of the episcopacy itself cannot be concealed . . . [They] run the risk
of giving place to discussions that will be prolonged indefinitely."
recalled the Modernist theories from which, he said, a part of the clergy
and of the bishops were not exempt. "This mentality can incline
certain Fathers to present motions, to introduce methods incompatible
with Catholic traditions."
was even more precise. He expressed his fear of seeing the council "maneuvered"
by the worst enemies of the Church, the Modernists, who are already
getting ready, as certain indications show, to bring forth the revolution
in the Church, a new 1789."
discouraging the idea of a council for such reasons, these Cardinals
showed themselves more apt at recognizing the "signs of the times"
than all the post-Vatican II theologians combined. Yet their caution
may have been rooted in something deeper. They may also have been haunted
by the writings of the infamous illumine, the excommunicated Canon Roca
(1830-1893), who preached revolution and Church "reform" and
who predicted a subversion of the Church that would be brought about
by a council. [John Vennari, The Permanent Instruction of the Alta
Vendita: A Masonic Blueprint for the Subversion of the Catholic Church,
pp. 15-16.]
The inaction
of the American bishops about pro-abortion Catholic politicians and
the continued failure on the part of bishops worldwide to recognize
the horror of sodomy in the priesthood are just two sides of the same
unholy coin. There is no easy remedy to this cowardice and apostasy.
Indeed, as I have noted so frequently in the recent past, we are not
likely to see any amelioration of these problems until some pope actually
consecrates Russia to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart, thereby ceasing the
spread of Russia's errors, which are the errors of Modernity, in the
Church and in the world. That does not mean that we are to be passive
and quiet. Not at all. We must do penance for our own sins as well as
for those of our ecclesiastical officials. We must spend time on our
knees in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament and to the Mother of God.
We must be ceaseless in our efforts to restore the Traditional Latin
Mass as the instrument by which the Deposit of Faith is best expressed
and protected. We must be totally consecrated to the Immaculate Heart
of Mary and to implore her for the restoration of the Social Reign of
her Divine Son, Christ the King. We must never surrender to despair,
which is a tool of the Devil to dispirit and demoralize us. Indeed,
we must be conscious at all times of the fact that God has known from
all eternity that each of us would be alive at this particular moment
in the history of His Holy Church. The graces He won for us by means
of the shedding of every single drop of His Most Precious Blood are
as powerful now as they were nearly two millennia ago when the Apostles
left the Upper Room in Jerusalem after having received the fruits and
the gifts of the Holy Ghost on Pentecost Sunday. We have not been abandoned.
We are not alone.
a traditional priest, whose identity probably would not be prudent to
divulge, said in March that one of the worst chastisements God can send
His people is bad priests. One can take that a step further: the ultimate
chastisement God can visit upon His people is bad popes and bad bishops.
The Church is being chastised because our recent popes and most of the
world's bishops have rejected the fullness of Tradition and have made
engaged in novelties, including the Novus Ordo Missae, that
have confused the faithful and devastated the vineyard of Christ's flock,
permitting the forces that have been at work in the world for the past
half of a millennium to exercise their sway more fully than ever before
as a result of the Church's own embrace of many of the errors of modernity.
We are getting what we deserve. We have much reparation to do as a result,
giving all to Our Lady's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart as her consecrated
It is the
restoration of Tradition, the penultimate fruit of the Triumph of Our
Lady's Immaculate Heart, that will bring about an end to the lack of
Faith and to the actual apostasies we are witnessing at present. May
Our Lady assist us in this regard, helping us to be ever faithful to
Tradition no matter who assails us for disloyalty to a doctrinal and
liturgical agenda that has come from Hell and is intent on taking as
many souls there as possible.
Our Lady of
Fatima, pray for us.
Saint Maximilian
Kolbe, pray for us.
Blessed Miguel
Augustin Pro, pray for us.