This Is No Longer The Subject of Parody
Thomas A. Droleskey
A lot of parodies have been written since the election of layman Jorge Mario Bergoglio as the sixth director of the One World Ecumenical Church of Conciliarism on Wednesday, March 13, 2013.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis has made himself the subject of many parodies by showing contempt for the papal office that, of course, he does not hold, and for all of the accoutrements and perquisites of what he considers be "earthly power," ignoring the fact that a true pope is the Vicar of Our Lord Jesus Christ, He Who is God and Who must reign supreme over men and their nations in the very person of the Supreme Pontiff. Catholics are to render unto a true and legitimate Successor of Saint Peter the obedience due to Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Himself, which is why the Gallicanism of the Society of Saint Pius X is itself as much a mockery of the papacy as is the conciliar misrepresentation and reinvention of it.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis has condemned what he calls a "self-referential church" while ostentatiously showing himself to be a "special man" who is very much unlike those old, supposedly "distant" and "cold-hearted" "triumphalistic" popes who wore triple-tiered tiaras and sat on thrones and presided over elaborate liturgical ceremonies that have been handed down to us from time immemorial. "See, I'm better. I'm your pal. I'm simply Francis. I love the poor. I am meek and humble and always going out of myself, and if you don't believe me, why, you can just ask me. I will tell you how humble, meek and charitable I am."
Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis demonstrated just yesterday, Maundy Thursday, March 28, 2013, that he has a Judeo-Masonic view of the Holy Priesthood that Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, He Who is the Chief Priest and Victim of every true offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which is the unbloody perpetuation of His One Sacrifice to His Co-Equal and Co-Eternal Father on the wood of the Holy Cross on this very day, Good Friday, in atonement for the sins of men, including you and men. Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis that the Holy Priesthood is centered around "getting out of self" to "serve" the poor and those in need, a sort of clerical "peace corps," if you will.
This is what Bergoglio/Francis at what is called the morning "Chrism Mass" of the Protestant and Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical service in the Basilica of Saint Peter yesterday morning:
The priest who seldom goes out of himself, who anoints little –
I won’t say “not at all” because, thank God, the people take the
oil from us anyway – misses out on the best of our people, on
what can stir the depths of his priestly heart. Those who do not
go out of themselves, instead of being mediators, gradually
become intermediaries, managers. We know the difference: the
intermediary, the manager, “has already received his reward”,
and since he doesn’t put his own skin and his own heart on the
line, he never hears a warm, heartfelt word of thanks. This is
precisely the reason for the dissatisfaction of some, who end up
sad – sad priests - in some sense becoming collectors of
antiques or novelties, instead of being shepherds living with
“the odour of the sheep”. This I ask you: be shepherds, with the
“odour of the sheep”, make it real, as shepherds among your
flock, fishers of men. True enough, the so-called crisis of
priestly identity threatens us all and adds to the broader
cultural crisis; but if we can resist its onslaught, we will be
able to put out in the name of the Lord and cast our nets. It is
not a bad thing that reality itself forces us to “put out into
the deep”, where what we are by grace is clearly seen as pure
grace, out into the deep of the contemporary world, where the
only thing that counts is “unction” – not function – and the
nets which overflow with fish are those cast solely in the name
of the One in whom we have put our trust: Jesus. (28 March 2013: Fake Chrism Service Stage by Layman Bergoglio.)
The only "that counts is 'unction'--not function"?
For Layman Jorge Mario Bergoglio, his fellow laymen in the conciliar presbyterate must not permit themselves to be reduced to "liturgical functionaries." No, they must be "with the people" to give them the "unction" of "joy."
Yeah, let's make everyone "happy," Jorge.
Let's make everyone "feel good about himself," Jorge.
Souls steeped in Mortal Sin?
Souls to be taught to give honor and glory to God in a Sacred Liturgy that fulfills the four ends of Divine Worship: Adoration, Thanksgiving, Reparation and Petition?
My, my, what "self-referential" thoughts?
Perhaps I can just write these "social sins" on a piece of paper and have them burned at a "general absolution" "penance service" somewhere (I actually have seen this done, much to my complete and utter horror).
Here, Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis is the purpose of the Holy Priesthood in a nutshell: To serve as the mediator between God and man in the person of His Divine Son in Whose Person they act to administer unto men the supernatural helps to sanctify and save their immortal souls.
The Catholic Church, Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis, was founded by Our Lord and vivified by the Blood and Water that gushed forth from His Wounded Side on this very day, Good Friday, to save souls. The salvation of souls is the first law of the Church, and souls cannot be saved by apostates who have no regard for the Sacred Deposit of Faith and the traditions that have been handed down to us from Apostolic times, including those regarding the fit worship that is due God as Our Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier.
Pope Pius XI explained the true nature of the Holy Priesthood in Ad Catholici Sacerdotii, December 20, 1935:
13. For, in the first place, as the Council of Trent teaches, Jesus Christ at
the Last Supper instituted the sacrifice and the priesthood of the New Covenant:
"our Lord and God, although once and for all, by means of His death on the altar
of the cross, He was to offer Himself to God the Father, that thereon He might
accomplish eternal Redemption; yet because death was not to put an end to his
priesthood, at the Last Supper, the same night in which He was betrayed in order
to leave to His beloved spouse the Church, a sacrifice which should be visible
(as the nature of man requires), which should represent that bloody sacrifice,
once and for all to be completed on the cross, which should perpetuate His
memory to the end of time, and which should apply its saving power unto the
remission of sins we daily commit, showing Himself made a priest forever
according to the order of Melchisedech, offered to God the Father, under the
appearance of bread and wine, His Body and Blood, giving them to the apostles
(whom He was then making priests of the New Covenant) to be consumed under the
signs of these same things, and commanded the Apostles and their successors in
the priesthood to offer them, by the words 'Do this in commemoration of Me.' "
14. And thenceforth, the Apostles, and their successors in the priesthood,
began to lift to heaven that "clean oblation" foretold by Malachy, through which
the name of God is great among the gentiles. And now, that same oblation in
every part of the world and at every hour of the day and night, is offered and
will continue to be offered without interruption till the end of time: a true
sacrificial act, not merely symbolical, which has a real efficacy unto the
reconciliation of sinners with the Divine Majesty.
15. "Appeased by this oblation, the Lord grants grace and the gift of
repentance, and forgives iniquities and sins, however great." The reason of this
is given by the same Council in these words: "For there is one and the same
Victim, there is present the same Christ who once offered Himself upon the
Cross, who now offers Himself by the ministry of priests, only the manner of the
offering being different."
16. And thus the ineffable greatness of the human priest stands forth in all
its splendor; for he has power over the very Body of Jesus Christ, and makes It
present upon our altars. In the name of Christ Himself he offers It a victim
infinitely pleasing to the Divine Majesty. "Wondrous things are these," justly
exclaims St. John Chrysostom, "so wonderful, they surpass wonder."
17. Besides this power over the real Body of Christ, the priest has received
other powers, august and sublime, over His Mystical Body of Christ, a doctrine
so dear to St. Paul; this beautiful doctrine that shows us the Person of the
Word-made-Flesh in union with all His brethren. For from Him to them comes a
supernatural influence, so that they, with Him as Head, form a single Body of
which they are the members. Now a priest is the appointed "dispenser of the
mysteries of God," for the benefit of the members of the mystical Body of
Christ; since he is the ordinary minister of nearly all the Sacraments, -- those
channels through which the grace of the Savior flows for the good of humanity.
The Christian, at almost every important stage of his mortal career, finds at
his side the priest with power received from God, in the act of communicating or
increasing that grace which is the supernatural life of his soul.
18. Scarcely is he born before the priest baptizing him, brings him by a new
birth to a more noble and precious life, a supernatural life, and makes him a
son of God and of the Church of Jesus Christ. To strengthen him to fight bravely
in spiritual combats, a priest invested with special dignity makes him a soldier
of Christ by holy chrism. Then, as soon as he is able to recognize and value the
Bread of Angels, the priest gives It to him, the living and life-giving Food
come down from Heaven. If he fall, the priest raises him up again in the name of
God, and reconciles him to God with the Sacrament of Penance. Again, if he is
called by God to found a family and to collaborate with Him in the transmission
of human life throughout the world, thus increasing the number of the faithful
on earth and, thereafter, the ranks of the elect in Heaven, the priest is there
to bless his espousals and unblemished love; and when, finally, arrived at the
portals of eternity, the Christian feels the need of strength and courage before
presenting himself at the tribunal of the Divine Judge, the priest with the holy
oils anoints the failing members of the sick or dying Christian, and
reconsecrates and comforts him.
19. Thus the priest accompanies the Christian throughout the pilgrimage of
this life to the gates of Heaven. He accompanies the body to its resting place
in the grave with rites and prayers of immortal hope. And even beyond the
threshold of eternity he follows the soul to aid it with Christian suffrages, if
need there be of further purification and alleviation. Thus, from the cradle to
the grave the priest is ever beside the faithful, a guide, a solace, a minister
of salvation and dispenser of grace and blessing.
20. But among all these powers of the priest over the Mystical Body of Christ
for the benefit of the faithful, there is one of which the simple mention made
above will not content Us. This is that power which, as St. John Chrysostom
says: "God gave neither to Angels nor Archangels" -- the power to remit sins.
"Whose sins you shall forgive they are forgiven them: and whose sins you shall
retain they are retained"; a tremendous power, so peculiar to God that even
human pride could not make the mind conceive that it could be given to man. "Who
can forgive sins but God alone?" And, when we see it exercised by a mere man
there is reason to ask ourselves, not, indeed, with pharisaical scandal, but
with reverent surprise at such a dignity: "Who is this that forgiveth sins
also?" But it is so: the God-Man who possessed the "power on earth to forgive
sins" willed to hand it on to His priests; to relieve, in His divine generosity
and mercy, the need of moral purification which is rooted in the human heart.
21. What a comfort to the guilty, when, stung with remorse and repenting of
his sins, he hears the word of the priest who says to him in God's name: "I
absolve thee from thy sins!" These words fall, it is true, from the lips of one
who, in his turn, must needs beg the same absolution from another priest. This
does not debase the merciful gift; but makes it, rather, appear greater; since
beyond the weak creature is seen more clearly the hand of God through whose
power is wrought this wonder. As an illustrious layman has written, treating
with rare competence of spiritual things: ". . . when a priest, groaning in
spirit at his own unworthiness and at the loftiness of his office, places his
consecrated hands upon our heads; when, humiliated at finding himself the
dispenser of the Blood of the Covenant; each time amazed as he pronounces the
words that give life; when a sinner has absolved a sinner; we, who rise from our
knees before him, feel we have done nothing debasing. . . We have been at the
feet of a man who represented Jesus Christ, . . . we have been there to receive
the dignity of free men and of sons of God."
22. These august powers are conferred upon the priest in a special Sacrament
designed to this end: they are not merely passing or temporary in the priest,
but are stable and perpetual, united as they are with the indelible character
imprinted on his soul whereby he becomes "a priest forever"; whereby he becomes
like unto Him in whose eternal priesthood he has been made a sharer. Even the
most lamentable downfall, which, through human frailty, is possible to a priest,
can never blot out from his soul the priestly character. But along with this
character and these powers, the priest through the Sacrament of Orders receives
new and special grace with special helps. Thereby, if only he will loyally
further, by his free and personal cooperation, the divinely powerful action of
the grace itself, he will be able worthily to fulfill all the duties, however
arduous, of his lofty calling. He will not be overborne, but will be able to
bear the tremendous responsibilities inherent to his priestly duty;
responsibilities which have made fearful even the stoutest champions of the
Christian priesthood, men like St. John Chrysostom, St. Ambrose, St. Gregory the
Great, St. Charles and many others. (Pope Pius XI, Ad Catholici Sacerdotii, December 20, 1935.)
This is a different theology than that possessed by Jorge Mario Bergoglio Francis because it is of the Catholic Faith that he does not hold.
How can a man hold the Catholic Faith when he makes a mockery of the worship that is due the Most Blessed Trinity by staging an alleged "Mass of the Lord's Supper" on Maundy Thursday in a prison while a "charismatic group" provided music accompanied by "an acoustic guitar"?
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Francis told young inmates that, just as Jesus came to help and serve others, he, too, was at their service as a priest and bishop.
During the evening Mass at Rome's Casal del Marmo prison for minors, Pope Francis washed the feet of 12 young people of different nationalities and faiths, including at least two Muslims and two women, who are housed at the juvenile detention facility.
The ceremony of washing another's feet "is important," the pope said, because it shows that "the person who is most high among us must be at the service of the others."
It also means that "we have to help one another, each one," he said during the Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper March 28.
The pope broke with a papal Holy Week tradition of celebrating the evening Mass at a Rome basilica.
While the prison Mass marked a first for the modern papacy, the practice was nothing new to Pope Francis who, as archbishop of Buenos Aires, used to celebrate the Mass of the Lord's Supper -- which reflects on the call to imitate Christ by serving one another and commemorates Jesus' institution of the Eucharist -- in prisons, hospitals or shelters for the poor and marginalized.
Held in the prison's small chapel, the Mass was the second of two Holy Thursday liturgies over which the pope presided. The first was a morning chrism Mass in St. Peter's Basilica.
The nearly 50 detainees, including about a dozen women, attended the Mass. Detainees did the readings and led the prayers of the faithful.
A group of young people who volunteer at the prison as well as a local charismatic group provided the music, playing acoustic guitar and leading the singing.
In his brief homily, which he delivered off-the-cuff, Pope Francis explained what the ritual he was about to perform meant and what Jesus was teaching his disciples when he washed their feet at the Last Supper.
"To wash your feet, this is a symbol, a sign that I am at your service," the pope said. "But it also means that we have to help each other."
He told the young detainees that it was normal to get mad at others, "but let it be, let it be." If that person "asks you a favor, do it. Let's help each other," he told them.
He added that he would wash their feet with love.
"I do it with my heart because it is my duty as priest and as bishop; I have to be at your service," he said.
"It's a duty that comes from my heart because I love doing this, because this is what the Lord taught me," he added.
"This sign is a caress from Jesus," he said, "because Jesus came exactly for this, to serve and to help us." (Pope washes feet of 12 young detainees to serve them 'from the heart' .)
An acoustic guitar as a fit instrument to be used in any staging of what purports to be Holy Mass?
Kissing the feet of two Mohammedans, including one woman? (Sure, women having their feet washed is a standard-issue phenomenon in the conciliar world on Maundy Thursday. That's pretty old hat by now. Golly gee, even layman Jorge Mario Bergoglio did it when he was masquerading as the archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina.)
A Mohammedan woman?
Pope Francis continued his gleeful abandonment of tradition by washing the
feet of a young Muslim woman prisoner in an unprecedented twist on the Holy
Thursday tradition.
While popes have for centuries washed the feet of the faithful on the day before Good Friday, never before had a pontiff washed the feet of a woman. That one of the female inmates at the prison in Rome was also a Serbian Muslim was also a break with tradition.
“There is no better way to show his service for the smallest, for the least fortunate,” said Gaetano Greco, a local chaplain.
Pope Francis washed the feet of 12 inmates aged 14 to 21, among them the two women, the second of whom was an Italian Catholic. Mr Greco said he hoped the ritual would be “a positive sign in their lives”.
Catholic traditionalists are likely to be riled by the inclusion of women in the ceremony because of the belief that all of Jesus’ disciples were male. (Pope washes feet of young Muslim woman prisoner in unprecedented twist on Maundy Thursday - Telegraph.)
Why not?
Forget about the "reform of the reform."
It's liturgical free-fall time again in the Novus Ordo world, and sappy "conservative" Catholics aren't going to be able to say, "Gee, if only the 'pope' knew about these bad liturgies in my parish" as their "pope" is staging the exact things as an alleged Successor of Saint Peter.
It's not just "Catholic traditionalists" who will be opposed to what you did last night, Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
You see, fake, phony, fraud "pope," you have a little problem with God right now.
Yes, by the way, Jorge, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ washed the feet of the Apostles to teach them that they had to serve others by cleansing their immortal souls in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance. The dirt on their feet represented the muck and mire of the world, the flesh and the devil. That dirt is washed away when a soul in Mortal Sin is regenerated unto the very inner life of the Most Blessed Trinity in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance and when a soul who has confessed Venial Sins needs strengthening to root out vice and grow in virtue.
Our Lord came to save us, Jorge, by dying on the wood of the Holy Cross. That is how a priest is supposed to serve others as helps them to be holy and thus to be ready to possess the glory of the Beatific Vision of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost for all eternity in an unending Easter Sunday of glory in Heaven.
Then again, Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis does not seem to think that these days of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord are days when we should be sorrowing for our sins as he believes that we should focus on the love that Our Lord had to redeem us:
Holy Week is not so much a time of sorrow, but rather a time to enter
into Christ’s way of thinking and acting. It is a time of grace given us by the
Lord so that we can move beyond a dull or mechanical way of living our faith,
and instead open the doors of our hearts, our lives, our parishes, our movements
or associations, going out in search of others so as to bring them the light and
the joy of our faith in Christ. (General Disinformation and Propaganda Audience, 27
March 2013.)
"Holy Week is not so much a time of sorrow, but rather a time to enter into Christ's way of thinking and acting"?
Not so much a time for sorrow?
Not so much a time for sorrow?
We should not weep for what our sins caused Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to suffer in His Sacred Humanity during His Passion and Death and that saw His Most Blessed Mother, she who is our Mediatrix, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate, to suffer in complete compassion of soul with Him?
Au contraire, Jorge. You are a blaspheming heretic:
Another peculiarity of the Crucifixion is the length
of time during which the tide of suffering remained at its highest point
without any sign of ebbing. The mysteries, which filled the three
hours, seem too diversified for us to regard them, at least till we come
to the Dereliction, as rising from less to greater in any graduated
scale. They are rather separate elevations, of unequal height, standing
linked together like a mountain-chain. But the lowest of them was so
immensely high that it produced most immeasurable agony in her soul. The
anguish of death is momentary. The length of some of the most terrific
operations which can rack the human frame seldom exceeds a quarter of an
hour. Pain pushed beyond a certain limit, as in medieval torture, is
instantaneous death. In human punishments which are not meant to kill,
the hand of science keeps watch on the pulse of the sufferer. But to
Mary the Crucifixion was three hours, three long hours, of mortal agony,
comprising hundreds of types and shapes of torture, each one of them
intolerable in itself, each pushed beyond the limits of human endurance
unless supported by miracle, and each of them kept at that superhuman
pitch for all that length of time. When pain comes we wish to lie down
unless madness and delirium come with it, or we are fain to run about,
to writhe, gesticulate, and groan. Mary stood upright on her feet the
whole while, leaning on no one, and not so much as an audible sigh
accompanied her silent tears. It is difficult to take this thought in.
We can only take it in by prayer, not by hearing or reading.
It was also a peculiarity of the Crucifixion that
it was a heroic trial of her incomparable faith. Pretty nearly the faith
of the whole world was in her when she stood, with John and Magdalen,
at the foot of the Cross. There was hardly a particle of her belief
which was not tried to the uttermost in that amazing scene. Naturally
speaking, our Lord's Divinity was never so obscured. Supernaturally
speaking, it was never so manifest. Could it be possible that the
Incarnate Word should be subject to the excesses of such unparalleled
indignities? Was the light within Him never to gleam out once? Was the
Wisdom of the Father to be with blasphemous ridicule muffled in a white
sack, and pulled about in absurd, undignified helplessness by the
buffooning guards of an incestuous king? Was there not a point, or
rather were there not many points, in the Passion, when the limit of
what was venerable and fitting was overstepped? even in the reserved
narrative of the Gospels, how many things there are which the mind
cannot dwell on without being shocked and repulsed, as well as
astonished! Even at this distance of time do they not try our faith by
their very horror, make our blood run cold by their murderous atrocity,
and tempt our devotion to withdraw, sick and fastidious, from the
affectionate contemplation of the very prodigies of disgraceful cruelty,
by which our own secret sins and shames were with such public shame
most lovingly expiated? Is not devotion to the Passion to this day the
touchstone of feeble faith, of lukewarm love, and of all self-indulgent
penance? And Mary, more delicate and fastidious far than we, drank all
these things with her eyes, and understood the horror of them in her
soul, as we can never understand it. Think what faith was hers. (Father
Frederick Faber, The Foot of the Cross, published originally in England
in 1857 under the title of The Dolors of Mary, reprinted by TAN Books
and Publishers, pp. 259-262.)
Today, Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis, I will weep for my sins as I know they caused the Son of God made Incarnate in the Virginal and Immaculate Womb of his Most Blessed Mother by the power of God the Holy Ghost to suffer unspeakable bodily horrors and pains as His own redeemed creatures mocked and blasphemed Him much in the way that you have been doing as the new public universal face of apostasy in just the past sixteen days as you continue what you have done throughout the past forty-three years, three months of as a priest who has embodied the very revolutionary, apostate, Modernist spirit that infected the Society of Jesus long ago.
I will weep for my sins as I pray Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary and make the Stations of the Cross in a "dull and mechanical" manner that you condemn so self-righteously and hypocritically.
I am a sinner.
I need to save my soul.
My soul, Jorge, cannot be saved by means of your false, pantheistic religion in which you project onto Our Lord a "simplicity" of false doctrines that He never taught and that blaspheme Him, His Most Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph, our canonized saints, including our martyrs, and that scandalize the angels who minister unto God in Heaven and seek to serve us to help us get there ourselves.
No soul can be saved by means of your false religions and its hideous, sacrilegious "liturgies."
Saint Paul the Apostle has warned us about the likes of apostates and blasphemes such as you, Jorge Mario Bergoglio:
[6] And now you know what withholdeth, that he may be revealed in his time. [7] For the mystery of iniquity already worketh; only that he who now holdeth, do hold, until he be taken out of the way. [8] And then that wicked one shall be revealed whom the Lord Jesus shall
kill with the spirit of his mouth; and shall destroy with the brightness
of his coming, him, [9] Whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders, [10] And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they
receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying: (2 Thessalonians: 2: 6-10)
You are a walking operation of error, Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis, and
Saint Paul has taught us what to do when faced with the likes of apostates and blasphemers such as yourself:
[14] Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle. (2 Thessalonians: 2: 14.)
Saint Antony of the Desert's vision of the Church in crisis
in his own day can be applied to what the conciliarists have wrought in
our own day in the past fifty-five years:
Being known to be so great a man, therefore, and
having thus given answers to those who visited him, he returned again to
the inner mountain, and maintained his wonted discipline. And often
when people-came to him, as he was sitting or walking, as it is written
in Daniel, he became dumb, and after a season he resumed the thread of
what he had been saying before to the brethren who were with him. And
his companions perceived that he was seeing a vision. For often when he
was on the mountains he saw what was happening in Egypt, and told it to
Serapion the bishop, who was indoors with him, and who saw that Antony
was wrapped in a vision. Once as he was sitting and working, he fell, as
it were, into a trance, and groaned much at what he saw. Then after a
time, having turned to the bystanders with groans and trembling, he
prayed, and falling on his knees remained so a long time. And having
arisen the old man wept. His companions, therefore, trembling and
terrified, desired to learn from him what it was. And they troubled him
much, until he was forced to speak. And with many groans he spake as
follows: 'O, my children, it were better to die before what has appeared
in the vision come to pass.' And when again they asked him, having
burst into tears, he said, 'Wrath is about to seize the Church,
and it is on the point of being given up to men who are like senseless
beasts. For I saw the table of the Lord's House, and mules standing
around it on all sides in a ring, and kicking the things therein, just
like a herd kicks when it leaps in confusion. And you saw,' said he,
'how I groaned, for I heard a voice saying, "My altar shall be defiled."'
These things the old man saw, and after two years the present inroad
of the Arians and the plunder of the churches took place, when they
violently carried off the vessels, and made the heathen carry them; and
when they forced the heathen from the prisons to join in their services,
and in their presence did upon the Table as they would. Then we all
understood that these kicks of the mules signified to Antony what the
Arians, senselessly like beasts, are now doing. (Saint Athanasius: Life of Antony.)
Saint Athanasius wrote that Saint Antony provided to whom he revealed
his vision with the beacon of true hope in the redemptive work of Our
Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ that is re-presented in an
unbloody manner on altars of Sacrifice by true bishops and true bishops every day except this day, Good Friday:
But when he saw this vision, he comforted those with him, saying, 'Be not downcast, my children; for as the Lord has been angry, so again
will He heal us, and the Church shall soon again receive her own order,
and shall shine forth as she is wont. And you shall behold the
persecuted restored, and wickedness again withdrawn to its own
hiding-place, and pious faith speaking boldly in every place with all
freedom. Only defile not yourselves with the Arians, for their teaching
is not that of the Apostles, but that of demons and their father the
devil; yea, rather, it is barren and senseless, and without light
understanding, like the senselessness of these mules.' Saint Athanasius: Life of Antony
Consoling words for our own day, are they not? We must simply be
faithful to everything that Holy Mother Church has taught perennially
without one iota of dissent as we endeavor to offer up our own daily
prayers and sufferings and mortifications and humiliations to the Most
Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of
Mary. Our patience and perseverance in doing so might just help a few
souls to see the world more clearly through the eyes of the true Faith
and to recognize and to utterly reject, once and for all, the errors of
Modernity and Modernism once and for all.
This is no longer the subject of parody. This is a subject involving apostasy, blasphemy and scandalous sacrilege on the part of a man, Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis, whose rejection of various teachings and traditions he does not like show that he is here to serve himself and to receive the applause of the world, not to serve Christ the King, Christ Crucified and Resurrected, as He has revealed Himself exclusively to His Catholic Church without any shadow of change or alteration whatsoever.
Carry the cross of this moment and just be grateful that you can see the true state of the Church at this time of apostasy and betrayal, praying always to be faithful no matter the difficulties as it is easy to "go back" in order to be accepted and live without the difficulties and the castigation that comes from recognizing apostates as such and fleeing from any association with them as we pray fervently for their conversion back to the true Faith.
May we keep Our Lady company at the foot of her Divine Son's Holy Cross today so that we might indeed weep for our sins and be better prepared for the glories of the Easter Season that will break upon us tomorrow morning (or evening) in the Mass on Holy Saturday.
Saint Mary Magdalene expressed her love for the One Who had forgiven our sins by weeping tears and kissing His feet. Yes, you see, we weep precisely because of our love for Our Lord and Our Lady, and anyone, including Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis, who says that Holy Week is not a time of sorrow has no true love for the
"poor" he seeks to serve as he serves them with poison and not the true spiritual Manna Who redeemed us on this very day of days.
Isn't it time to pray a Rosary now?
Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
Viva Cristo Rey! Vivat Christus Rex!
Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
Saints Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar, pray for us.
See also: A Litany of Saints