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March 31, 2005

The Devil's Playground

by Father Lawrence C. Smith

The Devil’s Playground

This world demands a grim and bitter zeal
for unremitting joy and restless mirth,
condemned to lifeless feasts without appeal
and chained to gold whose wealth is heir to dearth.
No respite comes to ease the mounting weight
of merry hours required by harsh delights
to fill a frantic hunger none can sate
‘tho’ lab’ring through unending thrilling nights.
Here reigns no tyrant wielding fearsome goad
upon a throne with stolen crown and rod;
these willing slaves were souls, not bought but sold,
who gained the earth yet lost themselves and God.
The bars around this prison bear the shape
of fleshless smiles where dead men seek escape.

22 March 2005
Holy Tuesday
Demiceli’s Ristorante, Westminster, California

Abandon hope, all ye who enter here. - Hell’s welcome mat. (Dante)

Now that Mrs. Terri Schiavo has died, we must come to grips with some harsh realities. A pro-life governor failed to save her. A pro-life president failed to save her. The Pope, calling him “pro-life” would be an insulting redundancy, failed to save her. None doubts the good will of those three very powerful men. None believes they were anything but sincere in the efforts they mounted to have Mrs. Schiavo’s life spared. But there is no doubt that they failed.

Popular sentiment in the United States and around the world failed to save Mrs. Schiavo. It is a disgusting fact that the preponderance of public opinion was in favor of the death by starvation and dehydration of this child of God. The mob mentality that has legalized or decriminalized abortion in every country on earth has won another victory. Euthanasia is now an approved weapon in the hands of satan and his minions on earth. Death, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, is riding fast on the path made smooth by child murder, assisted suicide, and mercy killing.

No help came to Mrs. Schiavo by way of legislative action or judicial review. The Constitutions of the State of Florida and of the United States of America were invoked as guaranteeing the absolute right of Mr. Michael Schiavo, the husband of the victim, to refuse the basic necessities of life to someone in the name of love. Clearly, jurisprudence in the United States of America is firmly on the side of death for the innocent. Unborn babes, aged adults, and ill or injured persons of any age have absolutely no recourse to the legal system of this country for protection from being actively murdered. Justice has been perverted to mete out death to the guiltless.

Bishop Lynch, the prelate of the Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg, where this murder occurred, emphatically repeated several times his opinion that the final decision of life and death for Mrs. Schiavo lay in the hands of Mr. Schiavo. The conclusion reached by Mr. Schiavo that his wife must die was lamented by His Excellency only insofar as it brought no peace to the Schiavo family and their in-laws, the Schindlers, parents and siblings of Mrs. Schiavo. Not only did the Bishop not intervene to prevent the murder of a member of his flock, he made it plain that he agreed with whatever action Mr. Schiavo would take. The overriding consideration was not the life of an innocent, but the assertion of the will of a man guilty of public adultery, fornication, and inflicting bastardy on the offspring of his illicit union.

Ladies and gentlemen, the Pope, the President, and a Governor could not save Terri Schiavo. Most citizens of this country were entirely indifferent to her, and many were hostile to the idea of preserving her life. The local bishop where this travesty took place allied himself with the faithless spouse in whose hands the governmental jurisdictions placed the fate and wellbeing of a helpless victim. Nothing in our legal system or form of government stood in the way of this death sentence being carried out. All of the efforts of the pro-life movement of the last third of a century to stem the tide of 1½ million abortions each year in the United States alone, to prevent the bane of assisted suicide from haunting the thoughts of ill persons struggling to maintain hope in the face of death, and to remove from consideration the notion that vultures who would kill a human being are performing act of mercy, come down to the harsh fact, the unavoidable reality, the shameful indictment that we utterly failed to save one human life given two weeks, millions of citizens’ desire, huge media coverage, and the will of the Governor of the State of Florida, the Congress of the United States of America, the President of the United States of America, and the Vicar of the Son of God.

This failure is a failure of the principles on which this nation is founded, namely, the refusal to be obedient to the sovereignty of Jesus Christ as King of Heaven and earth, including the United States of America. This failure is a manifestation of the thoroughly corrupt system by which is expressed the Godless principles on which this nation is founded. This failure is proof positive that the vaunted “separation of Church and state” falsely asserted as Constitutional law is in fact open hostility to the persons and beliefs of religious bodies, not least of which is the one true Faith, the Catholic Church, the Body of Christ. This failure exposes the impossibility of the pro-life movement attaining its goals so long as the principles, system, and ethos of this nation are not radically critiqued, denounced, and replaced. This failure is doomed to be repeated countless times unless and until people of good will, of conscience, and, most importantly, of the Faith of Jesus Christ taught through the immemorial dogmas and doctrines of the Catholic Church come forward and put a stop to the murder - or die trying.

Under the current state of things we failed to save Terri Schiavo from her horrific death. If we do not change the hellish status quo that we have erected, lauded, and defended, hers will be but the most infamous of innumerable deaths to come. None was able to save Terri Schiavo from starvation and dehydration. It remains to be seen if any will labor to save us from ourselves. The epitaph of the United States of America and all the modern world might well be, Look what man hath wrought. On Judgement Day, no one will be proud to have that awful statement pronounced on him by the most just Judge, Almighty God. The mercy we gave Terri Schiavo will be all the mercy we can expect on the Last Day.

Father Smith
Sacerdos vagus
Easter Thursday: 31 March 2005


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