Stephen G. Brady For Sheriff Of Menard County, Illinois
by Thomas A. Droleskey
Readers of this site should know by now that I have little use for the naturalist farce called elections, something that I will demonstrate quite amply once again in my next article on the Syrian debacle, which must await until tomorrow, Wednesday, September 4, 2013, to be completed.
There are times, however, when a believing, courageous Catholic seeks a public office for which he is well-qualified and in which he would distinguish himself greatly.
Such is the case now as he founder and president of the now defunct Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc., Mr. Stephen G. Brady, seeks the Republican nomination to be Sheriff of Menard County, Illinois.
Here is a press release issued by the Brady for Sheriff Campaign:
Stephen Brady is announcing that he will be actively pursuing the Republican nomination for the office of Menard County Sheriff in the upcoming 2014 March General Primary.
Brady was born in Decatur, Illinois and moved to Petersburg after leaving the Army.
Stephen is the son of the late Glenn Brady and Elaine Brady of Petersburg.
After moving to Petersburg, Brady married Jo Ann Lyons, daughter of Lyman Lyons, and has lived on the family farm since.
He and is wife have 7 children and 10 grandchildren.
After graduating from High school Stephen attended both Purdue and Indiana Universities for a short time before being drafted into the Army. In the army Brady was trained as a Military Police Officer.
While in the army Brady received a “secret security” clearance from the FBI. He was then sent to Northwestern Illinois on special assignment for just over a year.
Since coming to Petersburg and marrying Jo, the family owned a construction company, flower shop, and the family now owns and operates Leo’s Pizza in Petersburg.
Stephen spent 13 years as lead investigator for a Not-For-Profit corporation investigating child abuse and other offenses.
After receiving numerous death threats and the March 1998 murder of one individual (murder never solved) helping Stephen, he has kept much of his work life private to protect his family.
Brady has given lectures across this country regarding his investigations and has helped on certain cases outside the country including South Africa, Australia, England and elsewhere.
Brady said he looks forward to serving and protecting the constitutional rights of the Menard County residents.
As a member of a farm family and business owner, he knows some of the difficulties encountered by area property owners and residents. He believes his experience will help him to protect and serve the residents of Menard County.
Stephen G. Brady acquitted himself as a courageous, indefatigable agent of justice for victims of the notorious conciliar "ordinary" of the Diocese of Springfield, Illinois, from 1983 to 1999, Daniel Leo Ryan.
Ryan was a product of the homosexual stronghold known as the
Diocese of Joliet under “Bishop” Joseph Imesch, himself a product of the
epicenter of what Mrs. Randy Engel calls the “Homosexual Collective,”
the Archdiocese of Detroit. Ryan consorted with males who trafficked
themselves and abused at least two of his presbyters. He engaged in
indescribably horrific behavior with them. He told them that they could
always go to confession to him if “things went too far,” demonstrating
that he had no concept of the horror of sin in general and the
particular horror represented by enticing a person into the commission
of a Mortal Sin by presuming that God will give them the Actual Grace to
have true contrition and firm purpose of amendment for it after the
fact of its commission.
Steve Brady was
approached by the two presbyters who had been abused by Ryan. These men
presented Brady with credible evidence of abuse.
Brady thereupon wrote
to Ryan in November of 1996 to demand his resignation lest the charges
be made public. Ryan did not respond. The Vatican Nuncio in Washington,
D.C., "Archbishop" Agostino Cacciavillan, not only did not respond to an
attorney’s letter about the abuse, he betrayed the names to
the two abused presbyters to Daniel Leo Ryan himself! (This prompted a
courageous layman and ex-Marine, Frank Kelly, the head of the
no-exceptions Virginia Right to Life, an organization that has no links
to the National Not-So-Right-Life Committee,
to confront Cacciavillan outside of the Hyatt Regency Hotel in
Washington, District of Columbia, in November of 1997, as many of us, including Mr. Brady,
were praying Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary for the conversion of the
conciliar "bishops" who were gathered inside for their semi-annual
gathering against the Holy Faith. Mr. Kelly, who takes no prisoners,
walked wight up to Cacciavillan and poked his fingers right at his
chest, saying, "You belong in jail for what you did to protect Daniel
Ryan." Cacciavillan scampered into his car in great fright.
I was approached with the matter shortly after Brady wrote his letter to Ryan, informing the editor of The Wanderer,
Mr. Alphonse J. Matt, Jr., about it. Mr. Matt wanted to send the
information to the Congregation for the Bishops in the Vatican. I
had a classmate of mine from Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary, Father James
Conley of the Diocese of Wichita, who worked in that congregation
Conley, who is now the conciliar "ordinary" of the Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska, told me that the congregation was going to do nothing
despite the evidence that had been amassed.
Having done what we thought was our due diligence,
Steve Brady held a press conference at the Springfield Hilton on
February 11, 1997, to reveal his findings. The secular media buried the
story. The communications director for the Diocese of Springfield in
Illinois, Mrs. Kathleen Sass, who is still on the job despite all of the
spinning she did (or maybe because of it), denounced Brady for "lying"
about Ryan. My own story was published in the February 20, 1997, issue
of The Wanderer (see Roman Catholic Faithful Accuses Bishop Ryan of Harassment). And it was shortly thereafter that a true
priest, Father John A. Hardon, S.J., took one of the abused conciliar
presbyters to Rome to meet with Dario Castrillon "Cardinal" Hoyos, then
the Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, to present the matter to
him. The Vatican did not remove Ryan at that time. The presbyter,
however, was given protection as Hoyos had him transferred to another
diocese to work under Father Hardon.
Making a long and involved story short, more
witnesses emerged a year later (see (see Witnesses Emerge in Bishop Ryan Case). Even Francis "Cardinal" George, the
conciliar "archbishop of Chicago," admitted to Steve Brady over the telephone that the
American “bishops” had known all about Ryan for years. George wanted
silence from Brady in exchange for a “relationship” with the
“hierarchy.” Steve refused. The Vatican did nothing. Nothing, that is,
until the threat of a lawsuit by yet other victims in 1999 caused Ryan
to go into an “early retirement.” He continued to function publicly
until February of 2003, at which time a “special commission” finally
concluded what Steve Brady had asserted from the beginning: Ryan was
guilty as charged. (For a 2004 synopsis of the case, please see Seven Years Later, which was one of the first articles published after this site went "live" on February 20, 2004.)
Stephen G. Brady suffered rejection by longtime friends. His efforts to pursue the truth in the case of Daniel Leo Ryan were met with accusations of "calumny" and "detraction" from many. Others said that he was "dividing the church" and "causing scandal" even though it was Daniel Leo Ryan, a supporter of women's "ordination" to the priesthood, was the one causing the scandal and was a moral threat to the eternal and temporal good of souls in the Diocese of Springfield.
Stephen G. Brady did not act rashly. He was advised behind-the-scenes by several priests, including the late Father Peter Mascari of the Diocese of Springfield, the famed Father Charles Fiore, O.P., also since deceased, and Father Alfred Kunz, who was brutally, ritualistically in Dane County, Wisconsin, on March 4, 1998, at the very time he was assisting Mr. Brady with the Daniel Leo Ryan case. As is well-known, Father Kunz's murder has not been solved to this date.
Mr. Brady also received the wise legal counsel of Mr. James Bendell (see Pray for the Children) and the advice of the late Dr. William A. Marra, Sr., whom I was privileged to know and to count as a friend. James Bendell spent hundreds upon hundreds of hours assisting Stephen Brady, demonstrating an equal degree of courage in defense of the truth for the sake of justice for the victims of clerical perverts.
Thus it is that Stephen G. Brady acted with great prudence in the fourteen years that Roman Catholic Faithful, Inc., was active between 1996 and 2010 (its archived files can be found at The Roman Catholic Faithful). He was no "lone ranger," if you will. He simply wanted to defend the innocent from clerical predators and to bring the latter to justice.
Stephen G. Brady would use that same prudence in the pursuit of justice if elected Sheriff of Menard County, Illinois. He would be an indefatigable seeker of truth, investigating all manners brought to him with diligent care and in a dispassionate spirit of complete indifference for human respect. And he would make sure that those involved in accidents of one type or another and/or that citizens suffering from some kind of natural disaster would receive assistance as quickly as possible.
Stephen G. Brady would use such diligent care because he is a Catholic who is always conscious of the simple fact that he he must answer to the Divine Judge, Christ the King, at the moment of his very own Particular Judgment for everything he thinks, says or does both in his public and private lives
It is thus as much of an honor now to make this endorsement of Stephen G. Brady for the Republican nomination of Menard, County, Illinois, in the March, 2014 Republican Party primary election as it was to introduce him prior to his reception of the "Layman of the Year Award" from the Immaculate Conception Chapter of Catholics United for the Faith on Long Island in November of 1998.
Please support him with your prayers and with your financial donations.
Thank you.
Viva Cristo Rey!