Edition of G.I.R.M. Warfare to be Published
Thomas A. Droleskey
The second
edition of G.I.R.M. Warfare will be going to press within the
next week to ten days. The second edition will feature a new cover,
designed by Father Patrick Perez, who has also written a masterful foreword
to the new edition. There has been a very enthusiastic response to the
first edition, which sold out its run of one thousand books within five
months, and it is hoped that the second edition, which has cleaned up
the typographical errors and the inclusion of passages from the original
printed anlaysis that was published between March of 2001 and June of
2003 in Christ or Chaos that we thought had been eliminated
from the final text, will continue to make a contribution to the promotion
of the Traditional Latin Mass without compromise and without any of
the unjust and illicit conditions that have been imposed by the Holy
See since 1984.
The new edition
will cost the same as the first edition, that is, $21.00. As we have
not been charging enough for shipping and handling, we will raise the
shipping and handling costs from $3.00 to $5.00 per book, which reflects
the actual cost of postage and supplies. Checks may be sent to: Chartres
Communications, Post Office Box 188, Pine Island, New York 10969.
Here is the
revised Author's Preface to the text of G.I.R.M. Warfare. Please
get the second edition and place it in the hands of as many of your
Novus Ordo friends and relatives and priests and bishops as possible.
The worship of God is the chief public duty of man. Even the pagans
of yore understood this, albeit falsely, which accounted for the public
liturgies that were handed down from one generation to the next. And
our own post-Christian world has recaptured the pagan spirit, concocting
a variety of public liturgies to celebrate various rites of passage
and to commemorate triumphs and tragedies. It is no exaggeration to
state that half-time at the Super Bowl is really a public liturgy to
worship self and self-pleasure, to say nothing of crass commercial creed.
The Catholic Church was founded specifically by the God-Man Himself,
Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, to be the means by which fallen
man could attain to salvation. The Catholic Church is the Mystical Body
of Jesus Christ, instituted to channel forth into the souls of men the
graces won by Christ on the wood of the Holy Cross in the sacraments
and to preserve whole and undiluted the Deposit of Faith that He entrusted
to the Apostles, and is kept from all error by the Third Person of the
Blessed Trinity, the Holy Ghost. Our Lord commissioned the Apostles
at the Last Supper to perpetuate His One Sacrifice to the Father in
Spirit and Truth on the wood of the Holy Cross until His Second Coming
in glory at the end of time, ordaining them to the fullness of the sacerdotal
priesthood, that is, the episcopate, at the same time He instituted
the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The Sacrifice of Calvary has thus been
perpetuated in an unbloody manner from Pentecost Sunday to the present,
extending in time the worship of the Father through the Son, in Spirit
and in Truth.
Man is a social being. His very social character requires him to worship
God in a public setting with other men. The Church has always understood
this, which is why from her very birth on Pentecost Sunday she has given
God the perfect worship that is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. There
is a variety of liturgical rites within the Catholic Church. Each of
these rites, however, developed organically over time, although many
of the major elements of the Traditional Latin Mass of the Roman Rite
have apostolic origins. There was never a time in the history of the
Church when a committee, no less one headed by a Freemason and on which
served six liberal Protestants, wrote the texts of a rite of the Church
synthetically. The various rites of the Church developed over time.
With some minor emendations and amplifications, the Traditional Mass
of the Roman Rite was more or less in place by the fifth century, as
noted by the great liturgical historian, the Reverend Father Adrian
Fortescue. As is explained in the first two chapters of this book, the
permanence and stability afforded by a fixed rite are meant to convey
the permanence of the Faith and the eternity of God, as well as our
unchanging need for Him and His truths.
Tragically, this permanence and stability, that were the bedrock of
the Roman Rite, was destroyed by the rotten fruit of something called
the Liturgical Movement. As is described in Reverend Father Didier Bonneterre’s
The Liturgical Movement: Roots, Radicals, Results, the Liturgical
Movement, which had been begun by the incomparable author of The Liturgical
Year, Dom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B., was hijacked by Modernist Catholics
who were intent on using the Mass as the vehicle by which the false
spirit of ecumenism (which is really nothing other than religious Indifferentism)
could be enshrined, so as to empty the Mass of authentic Catholic doctrine.
The major players in the Liturgical Movement sought to portray their
efforts as nothing more than an attempt to recapture the “noble
simplicity” of the earliest days of an alleged Roman Rite. This
claim, though, has fallen in the wake of much scholarship in the past
few decades, and was even recognized at the time by astute scholars
as being nothing more than Antiquarianism: the attempt to project back
onto the past a false notion of what the past might have looked like
in order to justify present revolutionary schemes.
The leaders of the Liturgical Movement insinuated themselves into key
curial positions long before Pope John XXIII called for the Second Vatican
Council to take place. Pope Pius XII himself put many of the key players,
especially the then Monsignor Annibale Bugnini, in place, and even adopted
some of the principal “reforms” desired by these players,
including the “restoration” of Holy Week, which was nothing
more than an imposition of Bugnini’s own desire of what he wanted
the Holy Week liturgy to look like, having convinced Pope Pius XII that
he, Bugnini, had found the original sources of that liturgy. Thus, Pope
Pius XII, who had indeed been warned about many of the revolutionary
changes that would be implemented by Bugnini and his Consilium when
planning the Novus Ordo Missae, helped to destroy one of oldest parts
of the Traditional Roman Rite; that is, the Holy Week liturgy which
had been in existence universally until 1955.
More ground was ceded by Pope John XXIII when he promulgated the Missale
Romanum of 1962. Gone was the second Confiteor prior to the
distribution of Holy Communion to the faithful. Gone also were all octaves
of major feasts, with the exception of Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost.
Also obliterated from the practice of the Church was the use of second
and third Collects, Secrets, and Postcommunions, except in certain rare
The radical and revolutionary nature of the Novus Ordo Missae,
which is the terribly rotten fruit of the Liturgical Movement and its
preconciliar successes, has been well documented in many books and articles
over the years. The inestimable Michael Davies, who died in September
of 2004, is leaving behind a monumental body of books and articles which
have done more than perhaps anybody else has to explain the various
elements of the new Mass and the intentions of its drafters. One of
Mr. Davies’s great contributions to Catholics, among so many others,
is his publication of the works of the Reverend Father Adrian Fortescue,
The Wisdom of Adrian Fortescue, wherein is explained the development
of the Roman Rite and of each of its constituent parts.
Reverend Father Didier Bonneterre’s important work, noted before,
has helped to clarify the goals and the actions of the major players
in the Liturgical Revolution. And the late Monsignor Klaus Gamber’s
The Reform of the Roman Liturgy is still helping Catholics
wedded to a “reform of the reform” to see that no pope and
no council has any authority to abolish the Mass of Tradition, something
that a few curial cardinals are beginning to admit. Monsignor Gamber’s
work is cited extensively in The Great Facade, Christopher
Ferrara’s, and Thomas Woods’s wonderful explanation of how
the entire structure of the conciliar and postconciliar eras is based
on lies and distortions.
Groundbreaking work is being done by the Reverend Father Romano Tommasi
in The Latin Mass: A Journal of Catholic Culture. He is among
the first scholars to have had access to the proceedings of the Consilium,
documenting how the claims made by then Bishop Bugnini and his co-conspirators
that the elements of the new Mass were a recapturing of an older Roman
Rite were all false. Indeed, those claims were knowingly false. Father
Tommasi has documented how Bugnini knew that various elements of the
new Mass were taken from the now defunct Gallican rite and from various
Eastern rites, not from the earlier Roman Rite as was claimed for public
consumption. Father Thommasi’s work is essential for all serious
Catholics to review in order to understand the extent of deception that
was used in the unprecedented enterprise of “making” a Mass.
My book, G.I.R.M. Warfare-The Traditional Latin Mass versus The
General Instruction to the Roman Missal, is an effort to provide
all Catholics of genuine good will an opportunity to review the new
Mass as it is presented in the General Instruction to the Roman
Missal. The actual paragraph-by-paragraph analysis was written
between March of 2001 and August of 2002. It was printed in my journal,
Christ or Chaos, between March of 2001 and April of 2003. Its
text was also serialized online at, where it has
been viewed by many thousands of readers prior to the publication of
this book. The publication of this material in book form is being done
to afford readers a permanent reference guide to have on hand. It is
hoped that this text will help Catholics who have not embraced the Traditional
Mass to recognize the inherent harm contained in an absolute novelty,
the Novus Ordo Missae.
The Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy-of the United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops-prepared a provisional English translation of the
General Instruction to the Roman Missal in 2000. Their provisional
translation was the one used for my analysis offered in this book.
The entire bishops' conference approved a final English translation
in November of 2002. The Holy See "ratified" that final translation
in 2003. Although there are some minor changes in phraseology here and
there in the final version, a comparison of the provisional translation
with the final version indicates that almost all of the original language
has been retained and that the subject matter of each paragraph is identical.
The text approved by Rome in 2003 is still the wretched document that
it was in its original, provisional translation in 2000.
The first two chapters of this book attempt to provide a general apologia
in behalf of the Traditional Latin Mass. As we have been through nearly
forty years of an unprecedented liturgical revolution, it is important
to put into proper context the fruits that continue to be produced by
the Traditional Latin Mass whenever and wherever it is offered.
The reader will discover in the body of the actual analysis of the
General Instruction to the Roman Missal how the liturgical revolutionaries
and theological positivists have attempted to justify the warfare made
against tradition, disregarding the harm to souls and to the Church
that has been done as a result. An appendix of various articles related
to the Traditional Latin Mass is included by way of helping to reinforce
the points made in the analysis of the text of the General Instruction
to the Roman Missal. Parts of this analysis are quite redundant.
That is because the General Instruction to the Roman Missal
is itself very, very redundant.
As this is not the sort of reading that one will most likely finish
in one sitting, I have divided the paragraph-by-paragraph analysis into
various chapters, most of which start with an anecdotal description
of some of our own experiences attending Novus Ordo Masses during
the week-between 2001 and late 2002-when we made the decision to attend
only the Traditional Latin Mass. As all things happen in God’s
Holy Providence, it is clear to me from a re-reading and slight revision
of this book, for this second edition, that we were meant to experience
those horrors so as to convince us once and for all to stop playing
games with the salvation of our souls.
I am very grateful to Reverend Father Patrick Perez, the pastor of Our
Lady Help of Christians Church in Garden Grove, California, for taking
the time to write such an inspired foreword to this second edition.
Father Perez knows more about the authentic development of the Mass
of the Roman Rite than anyone, including the esteemed, late Michael
Davies himself. Father Perez offers Holy Mass with exquisite beauty
and perfection, and has taught us so much simply by offering Holy Mass
day in and day out. We are in his debt unto eternity for all that he
has done for us - and for all that he continues to give to Holy Mother
Church in the catacombs.
Gratitude is also extended to many other people who have assisted in
the writing of this book. Reverend Father Stephen P. Zigrang reviewed
every para-graph of my analysis, making invaluable contributions. Michael
Matt, the editor of The Remnant, reviewed the manuscript in
its original form when such assistance was especially needed. The Reverend
Father Lawrence Smith offered many helpful comments which enhanced the
value of this book. In addition, John Vennari., Editor of Catholic
Family News, contributed helpful comments for which I am very grateful.
I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the contributions made by
countless traditional Catholics to the cause of preserving the Immemorial
Mass of Tradition. Among these great stalwarts of the Faith are the
late Walter Matt, the late Hamish Frazier, the late Archbishop Marcel
Lefebvre, the late Dr. William A. Marra, the late Reverend Fathers Vincent
Miceli, Frederick Schell, Salvatore Franco, Gommar De Pauw, and the
very much alive Father Harry Marchosky.
This second edition of G.I.R.M. Warfare has corrected any major
typographical errors that found their way into the first edition. Also,
inadvertent references to things that I no longer support, such as an
Apostolic Administration, that were meant to be removed in the first
edition have now been removed in this second edition. As the actual
analysis of the content of the General Instruction to the Roman
Missal was done over the course of one year and five months, my
original text did not reflect in many instances the conclusions that
I had reached by the time my analysis was finished in August of 2002.
Although it was my intent to edit out those references to things that
I no longer support as being consonant with the good of the Catholic
Faith, some did find their way into the final text of the first edition.
The conclusion contained in the first edition and the appendices left
no doubt as to my positions. This second edition has provided the reader
with a consistency of viewpoint that was lacking in some instances in
the first edition.
A special word of thanks must be extended to Ardith Ayotte, SFO, who
wrote the comprehensive index, as well as helping to prepare the book
for publication. She and her husband, Gilman Ayotte, will always have
a special place in our prayers.
Lastly, I am deeply indebted to my wonderful wife, Sharon, whose own
devotion to Catholic Tradition has helped me so very much in my own
transition from one who sought out the Traditional Mass on Sundays and
as frequently as he could on other occasions, to one who came to understand
the importance of assisting only at the Immemorial Mass of Tradition.
I am eternally grateful to her for her love, her patience, her kindness,
her support, and her inimitable zeal for souls. She has helped to foster
a fully traditional environment for our daughter, Lucy Mary Norma. It
is to my beloved wife and daughter that this work is dedicated.
N.B. The text of this second edition was finalized before the death
of Pope John Paul II, and the election of Pope Benedict XVI to be his
successor as the Vicar of Christ, the Visible Head of the true Church
on earth. Readers should keep this in mind when looking at passages
that refer to the late pontiff and his successor, the former Cardinal
Joseph Ratzinger.
Please pray for the repose of the immortal soul of Pope John Paul II.
We need to pray especially for his successor, Pope Benedict XVI, particularly
that he will restore the Immemorial Mass of Tradition without any restrictions
or preconditions, and that he will faithfully and expeditiously fulfill
Our Lady's Fatima Message for the proper consecration of Russia to her
Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.