Lady's Suffering Messenger: Sister Lucia of Fatima
Thomas A. Droleskey
Our Lady's
suffering messenger, Sister Lucia dos Santos, has gone home to Heaven,
having died on the thirteenth day of February at the age of ninety-seven.
Sister Lucia lived eighty-seven years and four months following the
Miracle of the Sun that accompanied Our Lady's final apparition in the
Cova da Iria on October 13, 1917. This is not a time of sadness at all.
No. This is a time of great joy. Sister Lucia has been reunited in Heaven
with her cousins, Blessed Jacinta and Francisco Marto.
Although we
continue to pray for the repose of her soul and to have Masses offered
for her, understanding that the fruit of those prayers and Masses will
be applied to some other deserving soul if Sister Lucia has indeed gone
home to Heaven, Our Lady did promise the ten year old Lucia dos Santos
that she would have to suffer much in this world before being taken
to Heaven after her death. "Jesus wants you to make me known and
loved. He wishes to establish devotion to my Immaculate Heart in the
world. I promise salvation to those who practice this devotion. Those
sould will be loved by God like flowers arranged by me to decorate His
throne," Our Lady told Lucia on June 13, 1917. Indeed, Sister Lucia
did help to make known the most important message of the Twentieth Century,
Our Lady's Fatima Message of Peace through the Triumph of the Immaculate
Heart of Mary, suffering in ways that will only be known to most of
us mortals after we ourselves have died. And as much as Sister Lucia
helped the Church and the world by means of her prayers, especially
before the Blessed Sacrament and to the Mother of God, in this life,
her prayers from eternity will be all the more powerful in this time
of apostasy and betrayal within the highest quarters of the Church.
Others, I
am sure, will be writing extensive tributes to Sister Lucia and commentaries
on how the Vatican has carefully orchestrated a deconstruction of the
Fatima Message over the past forty-five years, dating back to the time
that Pope John XXIII refused to reveal the contents of the Third Secret
of Fatima in 1960 as Our Lady herself had requested. Fathers Nicholas
Gruner and Paul Kramer, John Vennari, Mark Fellows and Christopher A.
Ferrara are probably at work themselves as this is being written to
provide poignant analyses of the long-suffering life of Sister Lucia
and the way in which Vatican minions sought to superimpose the ethos
of conciliarism on Our Lady's Fatima apparitions. We can only hope that
Sister Lucia did not know of the conference that was held in Fatima
in the Fall of 2003 that centered on plans to turn the Shrine of Our
Lady of Fatima into a "mecca" for inter-religious dialog and
that she was preserved from knowing in this life of the abomination
that occurred when idol worship was offered to false gods on May 5,
2004, in the Chapel of the Apparitions as Hindu "priests"
offered a "prayer for peace" to their false gods. The authors
cited above will no doubt examine these sad betrayals of Our Lady and
of the life of Sister Lucia in their own commentaries.
My own brief
reflection, though, is going to focus principally on how I came to learn
about Our Lady's Fatima Message and how important it is for us to continue
to propagate fidelity to it as the antidote to the errors of Russia,
which manifest themselves as the errors of Modernity in the world of
of Modernism in the Church.
Although I was baptized
as a member of the Catholic Church as an infant, I grew up in a fairly
secular household in the 1950s. My late father's thoroughly Catholic
training at a Jesuit high school in Brooklyn in the 1930s did not prove
strong enough for him to resist the allures of American culture and
politics. My late mother was the adopted daughter of a vaudevillian
performer who claimed, falsely, to be a full-blooded Sioux Indian Chieftain.
Her itinerant existence as a child precluded her from having any consistent
exposure to the Faith. Thus, the household in which I grew up was shaped
largely by the prevailing icons of the day. Television, then in its
infancy, was king. The plaster saints of the myths of American history
were celebrated, not the liturgical calendar of the Church. Pilgrimages
were made not to shrines of Our Lady but to the battlefields of the
Revolutionary and Civil Wars. Dinner conversation focused principally
around current events, view through the Americanist lens of conservative
Republicanism, not Catholicism.
In God's ineffable
mercy, however, I was enrolled in a Catholic elementary school, Saint
Aloysius School in Great Neck, New York, at a time the Faith was being
taught by means of the Baltimore Catechism. A priest who had been ordained
just months before I entered Kindergarten in September of 1956, Father
Robert Mason, made a tremendous impression upon many of us school children
at Saint Aloysius. Father Mason was tenderly devoted to Our Lady, teaching
us early on about the message of Our Lady of Fatima and the lives of
the shepherd children to whom she had appeared in 1917, Jacinta and
Francisco Marto and their cousin, Lucia dos Santos. Father Mason stressed
the fact that Our Lady had appeared to simple children, who believed
in all simplicity that they had been visited by the Mother of God. It
was thus incumbent upon the children of our own day in the 1950s to
take to heart Our Lady's Fatima Message, to be totally consecrated to
her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart and to pray and to do penance for
the conversion of Russia and for the conversion of sinners, starting
with ourselves.
The entire
student body of Saint Aloysisus would gather now and again to pray Our
Lady's Most Holy Rosary for the conversion of Russia, usually as part
of an air raid drill on a Friday afternoon. Father Mason taught us as
the years progressed that the shepherd children of Fatima had no access
to the modern means of mass communication, that they had never heard
that there was a country named Russia, no less had heard anything about
its errors. Indeed, the Miracle of the Sun occurred just weeks before
the Bolsheviks seized power prior to the onset of a three and one-half
year civil war between the Red Russians and the White Russians. Our
Lady had appeared to simple, relatively uneducated peasant children
of the fields to remind us once again that God chooses the lowly and
those who count for nothing in this world to shame the mighty and those
who think they count for something because of their learning and schemes
and wealth and power. We had to pray the Rosary constantly for the intentions
that Our Lady had requested in Fatima and later revealed to Sister Lucia
in 1929.
The lessons
about Our Lady's Fatima Message that Father Mason taught so well have
stayed with me from that time to the present. The Sisters of Mercy who
taught of Saint Aloysius amplified those lessons, teaching us about
the vision of Hell that was given to the Fatima seers on July 13, 1917,
and that many souls were going there because of the sins of the flesh.
No, we did not know exactly what a "sin of the flesh" was,
to be honest. However, we knew that it was a bad thing and that we wouldn't
want to die after committing such a sin without making use of the Sacrament
of Penance. "Sacrifice yourself for sinners, and say many times,
especially when you make some sacrifice, 'O Jesus, this is for the love
of Thee, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the sins
committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.'"
The sisters
taught us, therefore, to do penance at all times, understanding that
Sister Lucia had taught that the penances spoken of by Our Lady in the
Cova da Iria are nothing extraordinary. They entail the taking up of
our daily crosses (getting up out of bed promptly, saying our prayers
without delay, performing the duties of our state in life without complaint,
obeying our parents, performing the Spiritual and Corporal Works of
Mercy when we would prefer to indulge ourselves, being detached from
the world) and offering up each and every single one of them to Our
Lady's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. The lessons taught by Father
Robert Mason, who has continued devotion to Our Lady of Fatima throughout
the forty-nine years of his priesthood, and the Sisters of Mercy at
Saint Aloysius School were reinforced by the early 1950s motion picture,
The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima, which was shown to the entire
study body at Saint Aloysius around 1960 or 1961.
Devotion to Our Lady's
Fatima Message was particularly strong in the 1950s during the height
of the Cold War between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics. Diocesan and religious priests fostered this devotion, understanding
that no secular organization's grand schemes were going to combat Bolshevism
and the other errors of Russia. One of Father Mason's older brothers
in the priesthood at the time of his ordination for the Diocese of Brooklyn
(half of which became the Diocese of Rockville Centre in 1957) was a
Father John Carberry, who had served as a curate for a number of years
at Saint Dominic's Church in Oyster Bay, New York. Father Carberry became
John Cardinal Carberry, the Archbishop of St. Louis, who was an outspoken
advocate of Our Lady's Fatima Message. Even after retirement in 1979,
Cardinal Carberry remained a thorn in the side of many of his brother
bishops in the then named National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB),
speaking openly at bishop's meetings of the necessity of listening to
Our Lady and heeding her Fatima Peace Plan. Indeed, Cardinal Carberry
made an intervention at the 1982 bishops' meeting at a time when the
NCCB was debating The Challenge of Peace pastoral letter. "Gentlemen,"
reports in the Catholic press quoted Cardinal Carberry at the time,
"it seems to me you have forgotten about the only peace plan that
works: Our Lady's Fatima Peace Plan." A few of the reports I read
(The Wanderer and the National Catholic Register,
I believe) indicated that more than a handful of bishops could barely
restrain themselves from laughing out loud. How foolish could anyone
be to take that Message seriously in 1980s, of all things? Well, the
truth of the matter is quite plain: anyone who does not take Our Lady's
Fatima Peace Plan seriously and who does not propagate it is the foolish
Despite the
Vatican's efforts to deconstruct the Third Secret of Fatima and to turn
the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima into a center for "ecumenical"
and/or inter-religious dialog, we must remain steadfast in our childlike
devotion to Our Lady's Fatima Message, making sure to keep the Five
First Saturday devotions, continuing to keep them until we die, content
to offer to Our Lady's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart the merits of
our second and third and thirtieth consecutive keeping of the Five First
Saturdays with all of their obligations. We now have a powerful intercessor
for us, Sister Lucia dos Santos, who will assist us from eternity in
ways that she could never do here on earth. Along with her blessed cousins,
Jacinta and Francisco, Sister Lucia stands ready to help us to pray
and fast and do penance for our own sins and those of the whole world
as we beseech Our Lady to bend the heart of this pope or one of his
successors to consecrate Russia (not the "world,"
not "those countries who are in need") to her Immaculate Heart
for the cessation of the spread of the poisonous errors of Russia which
infect both the Church and the world today.
Living at a time when
popes redefine various doctrines and cardinals congratulate members
of royal families entering upon illicit marriages, we must flee like
the Fatima children to the sure refuge of Our Lady's Sorrowful and Immaculate
Heart, praying the Rosary with attentiveness and fervor as we keep the
Five First Saturdays and pray that our children may yet live to be the
beneficiaries of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the chief
fruits of which will be the restoration of the Social Reign of Christ
the King in the world and the restoration of Tradition within the heart
of Holy Mother Church.
Trusting in
Our Lady's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, we must pray ever with the
Fatima children the prayers they had learned from the Angel of Peace
in 1916 that they prayed ceaselessly as they were being threatened by
the Masonic officials of Ourem, Portugal, on August 13, 1917:
God, I believe, adore, I hope, and I love Thee. I beg Thee forgiveness
for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope, and do not
love Thee.
Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I adore Thee profoundly and
off Thee the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus
Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for
outrages, sacrileges, and indifferences with which He is offended. And
through the infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart of of the Immaculate
Heart of Mary, I beg the conversion of poor sinners.
Eternal rest
grant unto Sister Lucia, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon
her. May her soul--and all of the souls of the faithful departed--rest
in peace. Amen.
Our Lady of
Fatima, pray for us.
Blessed Jacinta,
pray for us.
Blessed Francisco,
pray for us.