Nothing Should Ever Shake Our Faith
The Catholic
Church is the one, true Church founded by the Second Person of the Blessed
Trinity made Man upon the Rock of Peter, the Pope. She will last until
the end of time. The jaws of Hell will never prevail against her. That
does not mean, however, the Mystical Body of Christ on earth that is
the Church Militant will not be buffeted now and then by various storms.
Not at all. Each of us is a sinner. Each of us has given in to the wiles
of the devil in many and varied ways over the course of our lifetimes.
It was our sins that transcended time and caused Our Lord to suffer
unspeakable horror during His Passion and Death, as is displayed so
graphically and accurately by Mel Gibson in The Passion of the Christ.
It is our sins that wound the Mystical Body of Christ today and that
disfigure our own immortal souls, for the reparation of which we must
be assiduous in our daily prayers and in our acts of penance and mortification,
especially during this season of Lent. God permits us to sin, though,
so that He can manifest His strength through our weakness, showing us
that it is possible to overcome our sins by cooperating with the graces
won for us on the wood of the Holy Cross. As a priest noted at a conference
in 1997, God permits us to sin so that “we will forgive each other.”
While we must detest our sins and seek never to commit them again, the
fact that we have sinned is supposed to prompt us to dispense mercy
and forgiveness to those who sin against us just as readily as Our Lord
gives it to us through the words and gestures of an alter Christus
acting in persona Christi in the Sacrament of Penance.
The Catholic Church has been and will always be composed of sinners.
It is one of the negative proofs of the divinity and of the indefectibility
of the Church that none of our sins and no amount of scandals caused
by bishops and priest can destroy her. No merely human institution could
possibly survive for nearly two millennia despite the sins and bad examples
of its members.
It is important
to bear these facts in mind in light of the report on the crisis of
the abuse of children and teenagers and young adults by sodomite priests
released on Friday, February 28, 2004, by the independent commission
chaired by Washington, D.C., attorney Robert Bennett. The commission’s
findings indicate that over 4,000 priests have been accused of abusing
in one form or another over 10,000 victims. An accusation is not the
same thing as a proven charge. Nevertheless, even if the numbers are
exaggerated slightly (and, if anything, they might not reflect the true
depth of the crisis), the truth of the matter is that the Pope John
Paul II and curial cardinals and the bishops in the United States and
their chancery factotums have permitted a scandal of monstrous proportions
to possibly undermine the weak faith of poorly catechized Catholics,
most of whom are themselves victims of the much larger crisis in the
Church: the systematic denial of articles contained in the Deposit of
Faith and in the natural law. Indeed, it is the very infiltration of
Modernism, enshrined as it is into the very ethos of the Novus Ordo
Missae, into our chancery offices and seminaries and schools and religious
education programs that is in no small way responsible for the magnitude
of the sodomite priest abuse crisis. The abuse of bodies is the direct
result in most instances of the abuse of souls. Spiritual abuse leads
to bodily abuse.
That having been noted, however, we have to be strong in faith. Nothing
should ever shake the faith of a believing Catholic. Nothing. And it
is not to be a self-hating Catholic to point out that that it is the
Pope, the bishops, many priests, diocesan attorneys, and insurance company
officials who are responsible for this self-made crisis, which the truly
anti-Catholic media is using with particular relish at the present moment.
However, don’t blame the media for this crisis. No, the media
are merely exploiting a situation caused largely by the systematic recruitment,
retention, promotion and protection of sodomites into the priesthood
and the hierarchy. The late President Richard Nixon put it this way
in one of his four televised interviews with David Frost in 1977: “I
gave my enemies the sword they stuck in me, and they twisted it with
relish.” The facts of this crisis, which has been brewing for
over twenty years, were well known to the Holy See and to the individual
bishops and their chancery officials, as well as the heads of various
religious congregations. As many of us have pointed out in the past
few years since the secular media picked up and ran with this story,
numerous private individuals beseeched chancery offices and the Holy
See with sheaves of documentation about this crisis. Reports appeared
in The Wanderer and the National Catholic Reporter
as early as the mid to late 1980s about this crisis, which has caused
several bishops and high ranking chancery officials to resign in disgrace.
It is the Holy See and the bishops who are responsible for this crisis
coming to full view in such a way as to possibly damage the faith of
some Catholics.
The devil has used this scandal in so many nefarious ways. The National
Catholic Reporter and organizations such as The Voice of the Faithful
have used it to call for more “democracy” and “lay
participation” in the Church. If anything, the democratic novelty
of episcopal collegiality is one of the chief causes of the decay we
have witnessed in the Church in the past forty-five years, so well documented
in Ken Jones’s masterful Index of Leading Catholic Indicators.
Others have made the preposterous claim that the Church’s discipline
of priestly celibacy is the root cause of this scandal, ignoring that
the proximate source of the problem of sodomite priests is sodomite
priests. A homosexual “orientation” is disordered; all homosexual
acts are objective evils, one of the four sins that cry out to Heaven
for vengeance. No homosexual should ever be ordained to the priesthood.
The minimizing of the sin of Sodom–and its very promotion in the
name of “compassion,” “AIDS Awareness,” “diversity,”
“tolerance,” and “sex education” in almost every
precinct of Catholic education and pastoral ministry in the United States–is
what has caused and fueled this crisis.
As noted before, the sin of sodomy has been minimized as a result of
a loss of Faith in the Deposit of Faith on the part of many bishops
and priests within the Church. A person who minimizes sodomy is either
trying to find excuses for his own behavior and/or has lost his belief
in the reality of the horror of sins, especially those of perverted
vice, and has lost his belief in the fact that a soul who persists in
an unrepentant state of mortal sin until his dying breath could send
himself to Hell for all eternity. It is no accident that most Catholics
in the United States have the same kinds of cultural and political views
as do unbelievers. Most Catholics in the United States have been taught,
both in the context of the Sacred Liturgy and in what passes for Catholic
religious education, that there is no objective truth and that each
individual must be guided by his own “conscience,” no matter
if that conscience is badly formed and is thus at odds with the Deposit
of Faith that Our Lord has entrusted to His Mystical Bride, Holy Mother
The irony of all of this is that most of the bishops and priests who
have actively promoted sodomites into the priesthood and have been most
supportive of the sodomite agenda, both ecclesiastically and culturally,
are the ones who have used the full force of their ecclesiastical power
to discipline traditional Catholic priests and laity, to deny “permission”
for the offering of the Traditional Latin Mass, to deny admission into
the seminary or the ordination to the priesthood to men who are noted
for their personal sanctity and doctrinal orthodoxy, to send ordained
priests who are deemed to be “too rigid” off to psychologists
and psychiatrists, to mandate all forms of filth under the guise of
“sex education,” to mandate catechetical texts that undermine
the historicity of the miracles of Our Lord and most of the articles
of the Faith, and to use all manner of threats against Catholics who
complain about liturgical abuses in the Novus Ordo Missae.
Oh, yes, the bishops know how to govern, all right. They have simply
disciplined and threatened the wrong people while mandating programs
and projects detrimental to the sanctification and salvation of souls.
They have done all of this while letting the sodomite crisis within
the priesthood fester and explode at a time when the Church’s
voice is needed desperately to combat the inroads being made by sodomites
and lesbians socially and politically.
The antidote to all of this is the same in our own day as it was in
the day of Saint Francis of Assisi: prayer, penance, mortification.
Saint Francis of Assisi lived in a time of terrible clerical corruption
and scandals. He “reformed” the Church by stressing the
need for the personal reformation of souls, which is why he chose to
live a live of austere personal bodily penance and mortification and
why he embraced the poverty of the Holy Family fully. Saint Francis
of Assisi’s Eucharistic piety and deep devotion to the Mother
of God made possible the flowering of the apogee of the Middle Ages,
the Thirteenth Century. No less is possible in our own day today. The
graces won for us by Our Lord by the shedding of every single drop of
His Most Precious Blood are no less powerful today than they were in
the day of Saint Francis eight centuries ago.
The state of the Church Militant depends upon the state of individual
souls who compose her. Each of us thus holds the key to the true reformation
of the Church and the restoration of her living Tradition, beginning
with the Immemorial Mass of Tradition. It will be by our own private,
unseen time spent before Our Lord in His Real Presence and by our total
consecration to Our Lady’s Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, fulfilling
her Fatima requests to pray the Rosary and to keep the Five First Saturdays,
that we will plant the seeds for a day when Popes will govern regally
and monarchically, not collegially, and when sin will be recognized
for what it is: the tool of the devil to lead us into Hell and to undermine
the work of the Church as she holds high the Cross of the Divine Redeemer.
Never lose faith in the Catholic Church. She is the Mystical Bride of
Christ. We must pray for the Pope and the bishops and the priests who
have been involved in one way or another in causing or refusing to respond
to this crisis. We must pray for them fervently as sons and daughters
of the Church. Filial piety demands nothing less from us. And we must
remind ourselves and others that there are scores upon scores of faithful
priests and religious who have maintained the Faith for every priest
and bishop implicated in the sodomite abuse crisis. The answer to this
crisis is not to “reform” the Church along democratic lines.
The answer is for the Church to return to Tradition. A return to Tradition
is not a guarantee that the problems that have surfaced recently will
not be present in the future. However, it is the necessary precondition
for souls to be rightly ordered in order that they be more be disposed
to cooperate with God's grace to avoid sin and to grow in sanctity.
For it is in the Mass of Tradition that man is reminded of his sinfulness
and his need to repent of his sins and to do penance for them. This
return to Tradition depends principally, therefore, upon the state of
our souls–and our willingness to suffer with Our Lady at the foot
her Divine Son’s Holy Cross as His Mystical Body is racked and
tortured from within just as His physical Body was by our sins on Good
Our Lady of Prompt Succor, pray for us.