Fallen man
is prone to many faults. Pride is one of the seven deadly or capital
sins that are part of fallen human nature. Each of us suffers from this
deadly sin to a greater or lesser extent, which is why we must combat
it by embracing the humiliations that come our way and giving those
to Our Lady's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. As I noted on Passion
Sunday in "To Forgive as We Are Forgiven," we must be content
until the Last Day for those who misunderstand us and/or who misrepresent
us to see the rectitude of our intentions. It is a sign of spiritual
maturity and total trust in Our Lord and His Most Blessed Mother to
accept humiliations with the same silence that Our Lord accepted them
during His fearful Passion and Death, events that we call to mind in
a special way in the next three days during the Paschal Triduum. It
may take fifty or sixty years or more for pride to be beaten out of
us by the events of our lives. The fruit of a growth in genuine humility
(which recognizes any gifts we have been have been bestowed upon us
gratuitously by God and can be taken away by Him when He wills to do
so without a moment's notice) is a firmer reliance upon the Providence
of God, recognizing that we must view all things in the world through
the eyes of the true Faith and that we accomplish nothing that is good
and thus beneficial to our salvation without having belief in, access
to and cooperation with sanctifying and actual grace.
Men who do
not view the world through the eyes of the true Faith come to believe,
quite pridefully, that their cleverness or their intelligence can engineer
a better world. This has been the underlying foundation of much of modern
science and technology, most of which has been divorced from all reference
to the true Faith and has thus been used in monstrous ways to undermine
belief in man's First Cause and Last End, the Blessed Trinity. As Pope
Pius XI noted in his first encyclical letter, Ubi Arcano Dei Consilio,
issued in December of 1922 in the immediate aftermath of the disaster
known as World War I, proud men believe that they can engineer world
peace without any reference to Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and
the Deposit of Faith He has entrusted to the Church He Himself created
upon the Rock of Peter, the Pope. Such proud men come to believe, therefore,
in the ability of bombs and machines to effect acceptable military solutions
to geopolitical problems and thus prevent future wars while promoting
the "values" that are alleged to represent social progress.
The failure of these "efforts" to improve the world despite
the carnage of the Twentieth Century has done nothing to deter those
who hold public office in our own country from continuing to believe
in the falsehood that man can by his own devices (wars, conferences,
treaties) build a more secure world.
The needless deaths
of our military service personnel and of our civilians in Iraq in the
last thirteen months have not in the slightest added to American national
security or to world peace. Taking nothing away from the courage of
those who have served and the sacrifices they have made to answer their
nation's call to service, those who have sent them into battle suffer
from the same kind of pride that afflicted the leaders of nations prior
to the onset of the Great War (World War I) in August of 1914. Deluded
by the same sort of religious fervor for the false god of democracy
as Woodrow Wilson, who sought to make a war born of nationalism into
a veritable crusade for American democracy as being salvific for the
ills of Europe and the world, American policy makers of both major political
parties in one presidential administration after another have sent American
men into battle situations in the past fifteen years (Panama, the first
Gulf War, Somalia, Haiti, the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq)
in the quest to engage in social engineering to advance American "values,"
which are said to be the means by which nations become stable and thus
grow socially and economically. This delusional belief is founded in
a rejection of a necessity of referencing all things in a nation's life
to the Person of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as He has revealed
Himself through His true Church for the right ordering of men individually
and nations collectively. As I have noted in so many pieces over the
years, this view, born of Protestantism and Freemasonry, is what is
responsible for all of the problems of modernity, bar none.
When men believe
that they can engineer by various means (statism, science, eugenics,
genetic engineering, political ideology, war, treaties, international
organizations) the conditions necessary for a just world then it is
easy for them to come to believe that man is more or less self-redemptive,
that religious belief is merely a matter of opinion that ought not to
get in the way of sound public policy domestically and ways to assure
a peaceful world internationally. Combined with the various components
of the expediency of Machiavellian realpolitik, such a view
of the world leads men like President George W. Bush, who is not, shall
we say, a particularly well-read student of actual history, to mouth
words written for him by others about the essentially "good"
natures of false religions. President Bush has said very repeatedly
that "Islam is a religion of peace" and that its "peaceful
teachings" have been "profaned" by extremists. This is
false. It amazes me that any Catholic, traditional or otherwise, can
sit by and let such a falsehood be uttered without a word of criticism
or rebuttal. Mohammedism is a false religion that is founded and maintained
in violence. What is happening, therefore, in Iraq at present is not
the anomaly of "extremists" Mohammedan clerics; it is the
natural expression of Mohammedism itself. You see, if you don't believe
that there is one true religion, then you have to make peace with all
religions and with those who profess no religion at all, something that
has been done, sadly, by the entire Vatican apparatus in the past forty-five
years, which has only added more confusion to the world situation
than would be the case otherwise.
As man is
made to worship something about him, however, the void caused by the
rejection of the true Church by the modern nation-state winds up deifying
the nation-state itself and all of its self-made and self-perpetuating
mythologies, which are promulgated by various means of propaganda. Thus,
it is considered to be "unpatriotic" to even question, no
less criticize, the government's policies. The true concept of patriotism,
which wills the good of one's nation (the ultimate expression of which
is her Catholicization under the Social Reign of Christ the King and
Mary our Immaculate Queen), is thus supplanted by a blind, fascistic
nationalism. In the case of our own country, you see, the false gods
of democracy and liberty as ultimate ends in and of themselves divorced
from the social teaching of the Catholic Church and the binding precepts
of the Divine positive law and the natural law become necessary to evangelize
with religious fervor, especially in far off distant lands that have
not seen the "light" of our own. (One of the ironies in the
Iraq conflict is that we claim to be promoting "freedom" there
while those who dissent from the Bush administration's policies are
viewed with suspicion as traitors, sometimes being subjected to caricature
by popular media personalities as dupes of the left and ingrates for
all of the "blessings" of this nation. As we promote American
values in Iraq, photographs of the coffins of our dead service personnel
are censored from the view of the American public. Then again, this
is nothing new in American history. The mythology of the moral superiority
of our people and our system has been part and parcel of the American
way since her founding, as I pointed out in a piece on the Seattle Catholic
[] last year, "To See the World Always Through
the Eyes of the True Faith," which is still in the archive section
of that web site.)
Once this
type of religious fervor takes hold in the mind set of a country and
of its reflexive apologists, then other countries must be viewed through
the lens of the "true" faith, which is in our instance the
"American" way. How dare anyone in Iraq not see things our
way? How dare anyone there view our troops as occupiers rather than
liberators? How dare anyone in Iraq question the enlightenment of American
values and the American way of doing things? It cannot possibly be the
case that at least a few of those resisting our troops at present simply
hate the West in general and Christianity in particularly, seeing this
country, erroneously, as the representative of the religion they hate.
It cannot possibly be the case that our ethnocentrism and our lack of
understanding the world through the lens of Catholicism dooms all of
our political and military efforts at home and abroad precisely because
they are founded in the false principles of modernity.
Dr. Aleksandr
Solzhentisyn spoke about the natural aspect of the West's ethnocentricity
in his 1978 Harvard University commencement address:
the persisting blindness of superiority continues to hold the belief
that all the vast regions of our planet should develop and mature to
the level of contemporary Western systems, the best in theory and the
most attractive in practice; that all those other worlds are but temporarily
prevented (by wicked leaders or by severe crises or by their own barbarity
and incomprehension) from pursuing Western pluralistic democracy and
adopting the Western way of life. Countries are judged on the merit
of their progress in that direction. But in fact such a conception is
a fruit of Western incomprehension of the essence of other worlds, a
result of mistakenly measuring them all with a Western yardstick. The
real picture of our planet's development bears little resemblance to
all this."
The sheer
military superiority of American forces will be able to quell the current
outbreak of hostilities in Iraq. However, our military forces will have
to put out these fires repeatedly for as long as they are there. The
problem is not simply one Shiite Mohammedan cleric and his followers
in one part of Iraq or Sunni Mohammedans and their Baathist allies in
another part of the country. The problem in Iraq at present is a resentment
of what is considered to be by a fair number of Iraqis as an uncalled
for invasion of their nation that they want to see come to an end. Just
as the Israelis are never going to solve their Palestinian problem by
assassinating one terrorist leader after another, so is it the case
that the sheer force of American military superiority is not going to
stop outbreaks of violence against our troops and a possible civil war
after they are withdrawn at some point. (And just as a total aside,
would someone want to tell me why the supposedly "pro-family"
Bush Administration has retained the Clinton Administration policy of
placing women in combat?)
The Mohammedans
who are resisting the American forces in Iraq at present are steeped
in a slavery to the Devil as a result of Original Sin. They are thus
as prone as the leaders of Israel, who are themselves slaves to the
Devil by means of Original Sin, to respond violently to injustices,
whether real or imagined. There is no military solution to any of this.
There is no political solution to any of this. We cannot force the people
of Iraq to become good, pluralistic Americans. And even if we could
bring this about by the force of economic and cultural influences, that
would not be a good thing for the people of Iraq. The only solution
to all of the problems in the Middle East is for Holy Mother Church
to recover her own patrimony and to seek the conversion of all non-Catholics
there, Jews and Mohammedans and Zionist Masons alike. No, this will
not be a guarantee of peace. However, it is the necessary precondition
of people from different nations who will engage in disputes as a result
of fallen human nature as brothers in Christ who have been redeemed
by the shedding of every single drop of His Most Precious Blood on the
wood of the Holy Cross.
Pope Pius
XII put it this way in his first encyclical letter, Ad Summi Pontificatus,
issued on October 10, 1939:
"The denial
of the fundamentals of morality had its origin, in Europe, in the abandonment
of that Christian teaching of which the Chair of Peter is the depository
and exponent. That teaching had once given spiritual cohesion to a Europe
which, educated, ennobled and civilized by the Cross, had reached such
a degree of civil progress as to become the teacher of other peoples,
of other continents. But, cut off from the infallible teaching authority
of the Church, not a few separated brethren have gone so far as to overthrow
the central dogma of Christianity, the Divinity of the Savior, and have
hastened thereby the progress of spiritual decay.
"The Holy
Gospel narrates that when Jesus was crucified 'there was darkness over
the whole earth' (Matthew xxvii. 45); a terrifying symbol of what happened
and what still happens spiritually wherever incredulity, blind and proud
of itself, has succeeded in excluding Christ from modern life, especially
from public life, and has undermined faith in God as well as faith in
Christ. The consequence is that the moral values by which in other times
public and private conduct was gauged have fallen into disuse; and the
much vaunted civilization of society, which has made ever more rapid
progress, withdrawing man, the family and the State from the beneficent
and regenerating effects of the idea of God and the teaching of the
Church, has caused to reappear, in regions in which for many centuries
shone the splendors of Christian civilization, in a manner ever clearer,
ever more distinct, ever more distressing, the signs of a corrupt and
corrupting paganism: "There was darkness when they crucified Jesus"
(Roman Breviary, Good Friday, Response Five).
"Many perhaps,
while abandoning the teaching of Christ, were not fully conscious of
being led astray by a mirage of glittering phrases, which proclaimed
such estrangement as an escape from the slavery in which they were before
held; nor did they then foresee the bitter consequences of bartering
the truth that sets free, for error which enslaves. They did not realize
that, in renouncing the infinitely wise and paternal laws of God, and
the unifying and elevating doctrines of Christ's love, they were resigning
themselves to the whim of a poor, fickle human wisdom; they spoke of
progress, when they were going back; of being raised, when they groveled;
of arriving at man's estate, when they stooped to servility. They did
not perceive the inability of all human effort to replace the law of
Christ by anything equal to it; 'they became vain in their thoughts'
(Romans i. 21).
" With the
weakening of faith in God and in Jesus Christ, and the darkening in
men's minds of the light of moral principles, there disappeared the
indispensable foundation of the stability and quiet of that internal
and external, private and public order, which alone can support and
safeguard the prosperity of States.
" It is true
that even when Europe had a cohesion of brotherhood through identical
ideals gathered from Christian preaching, she was not free from divisions,
convulsions and wars which laid her waste; but perhaps they never felt
the intense pessimism of today as to the possibility of settling them,
for they had then an effective moral sense of the just and of the unjust,
of the lawful and of the unlawful, which, by restraining outbreaks of
passion, left the way open to an honorable settlement. In Our days,
on the contrary, dissensions come not only from the surge of rebellious
passion, but also from a deep spiritual crisis which has overthrown
the sound principles of private and public morality."
I have no solution
to offer the Bush Administration for the mess that it has created in
Iraq by starting a war founded in deliberate deception and/or wishful
thinking about the existence of Iraq's "weapons of mass destruction"
and the level of threat thus posed to this country. As Catholic and
as an American, I am praying fervently to Our Lady that some pope will
actually consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart, the fruit of which
will be her reign as our Queen and of her Divine Son as King of both
ourselves and our nations. I do have a suggestion to offer to President
Bush and Vice President Cheney and their pro-abortion colleagues (Condoleeza
Rice, Andrew Card, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, who happens to be
a thirty-third degree Mason, by the way): convert to the Catholic Church,
outside of which there is no salvation. Start spending time before the
Blessed Sacrament in prayer. Start praying Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary.
Stop the spread of the weapons of mass destruction in this country by
declaring war of all legalized baby-killing without any exception whatsoever.
Stop funding Planned Parenthood and related organizations in this country
and around the world. Stop exporting pornography in newly "liberated"
lands. Stop calling "Islam a religion of peace." Stop believing
in the myths of the superiority of this nation, which must submit itself
to the Social Reign of Christ the King as it should be exercised by
the true Church. If you want to make this country more secure from attacks
from terrorists, then make those in their mothers' wombs completely
and totally secure from attacks under cover of American law. If you
want to wage a war on terrorism, then start by arresting and prosecuting
those who terrorize the preborn and those who undermine the innocence
and the purity of the young in our classrooms and in our popular culture.
If you want to know more about the problems of the world and the utter
futility of your own current efforts, consult Pope Pius XI's Ubi
Arcano Dei Consilio below:
"The belligerents
of yesterday have laid down their arms but on the heels of this act
we encounter new horrors and new threats of war in the Near East. The
conditions in many sections of these devastated regions have been greatly
aggravated by famine, epidemics, and the laying waste of the land, all
of which have not failed to take their toll of victims without number,
especially among the aged, women and innocent children. In what has
been so justly called the immense theater of the World War, the old
rivalries between nations have not ceased to exert their influence,
rivalries at times hidden under the manipulations of politics or concealed
beneath the fluctuations of finance, but openly appearing in the press,
in reviews and magazines of every type, and even penetrating into institutions
devoted to the cultivation of the arts and sciences, spots where otherwise
the atmosphere of quiet and peace would reign supreme. . . . Peace indeed
was signed in solemn conclave between the belligerents of the late War.
This peace, however, was only written into treaties. It was not received
into the hearts of men, who still cherish the desire to fight one another
and to continue to menace in a most serious manner the quiet and stability
of civil society. Unfortunately the law of violence held sway so long
that it has weakened and almost obliterated all traces of those natural
feelings of love and mercy which the law of Christian charity has done
so much to encourage. Nor has this illusory peace, written only on paper,
served as yet to reawaken similar noble sentiments in the souls of men.
On the contrary, there has been born a spirit of violence and of hatred
which, because it has been indulged in for so long, has become almost
second nature in many men. There has followed the blind rule of the
inferior parts of the soul over the superior, that rule of the lower
elements 'fighting against the law of the mind,' which St. Paul grieved
over. (Rom. vii, 23)"
Men never
learn, believing that their treaties and military machinery can will
there to be the results they desire. Pope Pius XI knew otherwise. His
solution for the problems of his day as applicable in our day as they
were in 1922 as it is eternal and universal:
"When, therefore,
governments and nations follow in all their activities, whether they
be national or international, the dictates of conscience grounded in
the teachings, precepts, and example of Jesus Christ, and which are
binding on each and every individual, then only can we have faith in
one another's word and trust in the peaceful solution of the difficulties
and controversies which may grow out of differences in point of view
or from clash of interests. An attempt in this direction has already
and is now being made; its results, however, are almost negligible and,
especially so, as far as they can be said to affect those major questions
which divide seriously and serve to arouse nations one against the other.
No merely human institution of today can be as successful in devising
a set of international laws which will be in harmony with world conditions
as the Middle Ages were in the possession of that true League of Nations,
Christianity. It cannot be denied that in the Middle Ages this
law was often violated; still it always existed as an ideal, according
to which one might judge the acts of nations, and a beacon light calling
those who had lost their way back to the safe road.
"There exists
an institution able to safeguard the sanctity of the law of nations.
This institution is a part of every nation; at the same time it is above
all nations. She enjoys, too, the highest authority, the fullness of
the teaching power of the Apostles. Such an institution is the Church
of Christ. She alone is adapted to do this great work, for she is not
only divinely commissioned to lead mankind, but moreover, because of
her very make-up and the constitution which she possesses, by reason
of her age-old traditions and her great prestige, which has not been
lessened but has been greatly increased since the close of the War,
cannot but succeed in such a venture where others assuredly will fail.
"It is apparent
from these considerations that true peace, the peace of Christ, is impossible
unless we are willing and ready to accept the fundamental principles
of Christianity, unless we are willing to observe the teachings and
obey the law of Christ, both in public and private life. If this were
done, then society being placed at last on a sound foundation, the Church
would be able, in the exercise of its divinely given ministry and by
means of the teaching authority which results therefrom, to protect
all the rights of God over men and nations.
"It is possible to
sum up all We have said in one word, "the Kingdom of Christ." For Jesus
Christ reigns over the minds of individuals by His teachings, in their
hearts by His love, in each one's life by the living according to His
law and the imitating of His example. Jesus reigns over the family when
it, modeled after the holy ideals of the sacrament of matrimony instituted
by Christ, maintains unspotted its true character of sanctuary. In such
a sanctuary of love, parental authority is fashioned after the authority
of God, the Father, from Whom, as a matter of fact, it originates and
after which even it is named. (Ephesians iii, 15) The obedience of the
children imitates that of the Divine Child of Nazareth, and the whole
family life is inspired by the sacred ideals of the Holy Family. Finally,
Jesus Christ reigns over society when men recognize and reverence the
sovereignty of Christ, when they accept the divine origin and control
over all social forces, a recognition which is the basis of the right
to command for those in
and of the duty to obey for those who are subjects, a duty which cannot
but ennoble all who live up to its demands. Christ reigns where the
position in society which He Himself has assigned to His Church is recognized,
for He bestowed on the Church the status and the constitution of a society
which, by reason of the perfect ends which it is called upon to attain,
must be held to be supreme in its own sphere; He also made her the depository
and interpreter of His divine teachings, and, by consequence, the teacher
and guide of every other society whatsoever, not of course in the sense
that she should abstract in the least from their authority, each in
its own sphere supreme, but that she should really perfect their authority,
just as divine grace perfects human nature, and should give to them
the assistance necessary for men to attain their true final end, eternal
happiness, and by that very fact make them the more deserving and certain
promoters of their happiness here below.
"It is, therefore,
a fact which cannot be questioned that the true peace of Christ can
only exist in the Kingdom of Christ--"the peace of Christ in the Kingdom
of Christ." It is no less unquestionable that, in doing all we can to
bring about the re-establishment of Christ's kingdom, we will be working
most effectively toward a lasting world peace." (Pope Pius XI, Ubi Arcano
Dei Consilio, 1922.)
One of the
tragedies of the last forty years is that the Church herself has ignored,
if not rejected, the wisdom of Pope Pius XI's Ubi Arcano Dei Consilio.
Thus silencing her own voice, the Church has made it more possible for
ill-formed and ill-informed men such as George W. Bush to use positivism
with abandon to try to build a structure of peace without acknowledging
the sovereignty of Christ the King and the necessity of being totally
consecrated to Our Lady's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. The only path
to true peace and security, that provided by Our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ, runs through Our Lady's Immaculate Heart. Anyone who contends
otherwise, no matter how strongly they make their assertions and no
matter how many tons of bombs they drop, is bound to fail in their social
engineering at home and their nation-building abroad, thus throwing
the world ever more into fits of violence and confusion.
As we pray
for our leaders to be converted to the true Faith and to embrace the
path of peace that runs through Our Lady's Immaculate Heart to the Sacred
Heart of Jesus, we must point out to all political leaders in the world
that it is either Christ or chaos in our own personal lives and in the
lives of men and their nations. There can be no peace without Christ.
None. Anywhere. At any time.
Our Lady of
Victory, pray for us.