No Matter A Difference Of Style, One In Modernist Mind and Heart
by Thomas A. Droleskey

What's that about a picture being worth a thousand words?
They have their differences in style, to be sure.
Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI liked to dress the part of a false "pontiff" save for the tripled crowned tiara. The antipope emeritus's love of aesthetics in liturgical style was a matter of personal style and preference, having nothing at all to do about the protection of the integrity of the Holy Faith that he has undermined throughout the course of his priestly life, starting with his philosophically absurd and dogmatically condemned "hermeneutic of continuity" that is nothing other than the repackaging of Modernism's "evolution of dogma."
Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis does not want anything to do with the pomp and circumstance of the papacy, which, of course, he does not hold.
Francis, The Talking Apostate is telling us in many symbolic wants that he considers himself nothing other than the "Petrine Minister," one who is the "first among equals," something that he has signified by using an ordinary chair instead of the papal throne, including when he addressed the leaders of other false religions on Wednesday, March 20, 2013:
The Pope has used this white chair, instead of the traditional throne seat.
until now, he has only used the traditional throne seat once. In his
other meetings, with religious leaders and diplomats, Pope Francis has
used a simple white chair, which is usually reserved for weekly general
Another point is that the chair is not elevated on a
platform, rather it's kept at the same level and height as other seats.
In fact, during his meeting with religious leaders, he used the same
type of chair used by the guests. (Antipope Francis changes 'throne' for a white chair.)
Bergoglio/Francis's stylistic changes have not gone unnoticed by the cutting edge liturgical revolutionaries of the Order of Saint Benedict at Saint John's Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota. These revolutionaries control what is called "Liturgical Press," which some of the most revolutionary books on the "liturgical reform" imaginable and also publishes missalettes for use in Catholic churches that are in the control of the counterfeit church of conciliarism. The musical settings for the ordinary parts of the Protestant and Masonic liturgical service contain some of most insipid, profane melodies that are in the style of the theme music of The Brady Brunch. The hymns contained in those missalettes are equally insipid, and many are simply without a shred of Catholic content. It is thus very reasonable for these revolutionaries to note with great satisfaction Francis The Jansenist's stylistic changes:
What Pope Francis Has Done
· After his election, he came down from platform to greet the cardinal electors, rather than have them come up to his level to offer obedience
· He appeared on the loggia without the red cape. (The BBC report, unconfirmed, is that he said to his aide, “No thank you, Monsignore. You put it on instead. Carnival time is over.”)
· In his greeting he referred to himself only as “bishop,” not as “pope.”
He referred to Benedict as “bishop emeritus,” not “pope emeritus.”
· He appeared without the stole, only putting it on to give the blessing. He then took it off in public (!), as if he couldn’t wait to get it off.
· He asked for the people’s blessing before he blessed them.
· He doesn’t wear red shoes.
· Or white stockings.
· Or cuff links.
· He rode the bus back to the residence with the cardinals rather than take the papal limousine.
· When he went to Mary Major to pray, he declined the papal Mercedes and took a Volkswagen Passat.
· On his way back from Mary Major, he stopped at his pre-conclave hotel to get his luggage and pay his own bill.
· Though he has taken possession of the apostolic palace, he continued to receive guests at St. Martha’s House rather than the palace.
· He drank Argentinian tea in public when receiving the Argentinian president – protocol is that popes are seen publicly consuming no food or drink except the Eucharist.
· His first Mass with cardinals was celebrated facing the people. (Pope Benedict started this way, but then did a “reform of the reform” and celebrated at the old high altar in the Sistine Chapel facing away from the congregation. Apparently this has been reversed.)
· He doesn’t chant the prayers, he recites them – but this could be because of an impaired lung or his singing ability.
· The wall of candles between celebrant and congregation, another of Pope Benedict’s “reform of the reform,” was moved away with three candles on each side of the altar.
· At his inauguration Mass, photos show that the candles were originally set up across the front of the altar, but by Mass time they had been moved to the side.
· The crucifix on the altar was a small one at his first Mass.
· He wore his own simple miter from Argentina, not the papal miter.
· He preached from the ambo without miter – rather like a simple parish priest. (The concelebrating cardinals gradually realized what was going on and had to remove the miters they had started to put on after the Gospel reading.)
· He brushed aside the prepared Latin homily and preached in Italian without text.
· In general, less lace.
· His hands are folded during the liturgy, not the pious (some say prissy) way with palms together.
· He didn’t genuflect at the Supper Narrative of the Eucharistic Prayer – is this really because of bad knees?
· He asked the cardinals not to wear their red cardinals’ robes, but black.
· He stood on the floor of the Clementine Hall to greet the cardinals rather than sit on the throne on the platform.
· He called them “brother cardinals” rather than “Lord cardinals.”
· He bent to kiss the ring of a cardinal who kissed his ring.
· At his meeting with over 5,000 journalists, after Archbishop Celli introduced him, he got up to walk over to him (popes don’t do that) and thanked him.
· He didn’t bless the journalists like popes do, since not all of them are Catholic or believers. Instead he prayed for them in silence, then simply said “God bless you.”
· After the meeting with journalists, he waved away the papal limousine and walked to the Vatican residence.
· When he saw the papal apartments he said, “There’s room for 300 people here. I don’t need all this space.” He has yet to move into the apartments, and some wonder whether he will.
· At Mass Sunday at the Vatican parish Sunday morning, he gave the Kiss of Peace to the deacons and Master of Ceremonies, not just the concelebrants. This is breaking the rules – but perhaps also a nice show of support for MC Marini, who must be reeling from all the sudden changes.
· The deacon didn’t kneel before Pope Francis for the blessing before the gospel (as they did for John Paul II and Benedict XVI).
· He doesn’t wear the dalmatic. Pope Benedict revived the practice, not foreseen in the reformed liturgical books, of wearing this deacon’s vestment under his papal vestments.
· He doesn’t distribute Communion as the missal foresees of the celebrant, but is seated while others do so.
· He listened to the words of the Patriarch of Constantinople seated on an armchair rather than the throne that is customarily used in the Clementine Hall. When he thanked Bartholomew I, he called him “my brother Andrew.”
· He has simplified his coat of arms, keeping the miter rather than tiara (as Benedict also did) but removing the pallium from it.
· He is wearing a second-hand pallium.
· He has chosen a simple ring, re-using a ring once made for Paul VI’s secretary.
· Pope Benedict recently began wearing a fanon under the pallium for big feasts, but Francis did not wear it as the inauguration Mass.
· He undid Pope Benedict’s decision that all the cardinals would come up to pay obedience to the Pope at his inauguration, and decided that six representatives would be enough.
· Rather than being seated while they came up to pay him obedience, he stood and greeted them informally.
· Contrary to protocol, he has given a phone call to the Jesuit superior general, the people holding a prayer vigil outside the Buenos Aires cathedral, and the guy in Argentina who sold him his daily paper (to cancel his delivery).
· When he met the Jesuit general, he apologized for not keeping protocol and insisted on being treated like any other Jesuit with the “tu” informal address, rather than “Your Holiness” or “Holy Father.”
· He is not celebrating Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper in St. Peter’s Basilica (he hasn’t yet taken possession of his cathedral, John Lateran), but in a juvenile prison.
· He celebrated an unannounced Mass at St. Martha’s with hotel workers, Vatican gardeners, and people who clean St. Peter’s square. He showed up before Mass and sat in the back row to pray a bit.
· In his official photograph, he signs his name simply “Franciscus” without “PP” (“pontifex pontificum”) used by previous popes. (Francis the Jansenist Is Our Hero, Our Dream Come True.)
Sometimes it is is the revolutionaries who provide the best, most comprehensive, incisive and concise summaries of why conciliarism is not Catholicism, which means that the "popes" or "Petrine Ministers" of the counterfeit church of conciliarism have no share whatsoever in the true communion of the Catholic Faith and are outside of the bosom of Holy Mother Church and thus in great peril of eternal loss. The way has been prepared for a revolutionary such as Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis after fifty-five years of whittling away at one Catholic bastion after another.
The devil, who is the driving force of conciliarism, knows that this is his hour, that most Catholics in the world today are ready for a "Petrine Minister" of the "people," a man who does away with all of the "trappings" of pretense and power that have eroded the "simplicity" of how the faith should be expressed and lived. The "people" are ready for a "democratic 'pope," one who dares not for dogma and who keeps the liturgy "alive for them, one who seeks to be at peace with the world's religions and all men of good will. The devil knows that Catholics are now prepared for Antichrist even if he declared himself openly as the Antichrist. After all, the conciliar "popes" have given the "people" a steady dose of words and actions that are the very opposite of what Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ taught and did and of what His Holy Church has taught infallibly in His name from time immemorial. (See, for example, Saint Peter and Anti-Peter and Anti-Apostles All.)
No believing Catholic can excuse any of the very radical stylistic changes that Bergoglio/Francis has introduced in but twelve short days as they signify that the current universal public face of apostasy does not believe in Papal Primacy and that he is, therefore, the "first among equals."
As noted with breathless glee by the liturgical revolutionaries in Collegeville, Minnesota, Francis the Jansenist refuses to distribute what purports to be Holy Communion in the Protestant and Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical service, which is a violation of the norms established in the General Instruction to the Roman Missal. The Benedictines who are traitors to the true spirit of Saint Benedict of Nursia are saying, "Aha, look! A pope who cares nothing for liturgical norms! This is what we've dreamed of so long and why we have ignored silly rules and norms as found in G.I.R.M. while also thumbing our noses at the following provision in Inaestimabile Donum that was issued by the Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine Worship:"
Eucharistic Communion. Communion is a gift of the Lord, given to the
faithful through the minister appointed for this purpose. It is not
permitted that the faithful should themselves pick up the consecrated
bread and the sacred chalice, still less that they should hand them from
one to another.
The faithful, whether religious or lay, who are authorized as
extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist can distribute Communion only
when there is no priest, deacon or acolyte, when the priest is impeded
by illness or advanced age, or when the number of the faithful going to
Communion is so large as to make the celebration of Mass excessively
long.(20) Accordingly, a reprehensible attitude is shown by those
priests who, though present at the celebration, refrain from
distributing Communion and leave the task to the laity. (Inaestimabile Donum, April 17, 1980.)
While Bergoglio/Francis lets presbyters and putative deacons distribute the false Holy Communion in the Novus Ordo rather than the laity as he refrains from doing so, he is indeed demonstrating that he has no regard even for the rules established in the official documents of the counterfeit church of conciliarism. He is a rebel. This is why an effort on the part one "conservative" Catholic last week to convince his readers that Bergoglio/Francis refused to distribute Communion at his "Petrine Ministry" inauguration liturgy on Tuesday, March 19, 2013, the Feast of Saint Joseph, in order not to have to give it to the likes of United States Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., and Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi (D-California) was nothing other than a desperate attempt at mentalism that wishful thinking at its best. If this is so, then why did Bergoglio/Francis sit down at the Church of Santa Anna within the confines of the Vatican on Sunday, March 17, 2013, on what is called the "Fifth Sunday of Lent" in the "ordinary form" of the conciliar version of the Roman Rite, as "deacons" distributed the unconsecrated hosts?
No matter the differences in style between the two men who met at Castel Gandolfo on Saturday, March 23, 2013, Saturday in Passion Week, they are of one Modernist mind and heart.
This is demonstrated very amply by the address that Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis gave to the diplomatic corps assigned to the Holy See on Friday, March 22, 2013, the Feast of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Passiontide as it is nothing other than pure Judeo-Masonry of the short that Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI delivered throughout the course of his false "pontificate:"
Heartfelt thanks to your Dean, Ambassador Jean-Claude
Michel, for the kind words that he has addressed to me in the name of everyone
present. It gives me joy to welcome you for this exchange of greetings: a simple
yet deeply felt ceremony, that somehow seeks to express the Pope’s embrace of
the world. Through you, indeed, I encounter your peoples, and thus in a sense I
can reach out to every one of your fellow citizens, with their joys, their
troubles, their expectations, their desires.
Your presence here in such numbers is a sign that the
relations between your countries and the Holy See are fruitful, that they are
truly a source of benefit to mankind. That, indeed, is what matters to the Holy
See: the good of every person upon this earth! And it is with this understanding
that the Bishop of Rome embarks upon his ministry, in the knowledge that he can
count on the friendship and affection of the countries you represent, and in the
certainty that you share this objective. At the same time, I hope that it will
also be an opportunity to begin a journey with those few countries that do not
yet have diplomatic relations with the Holy See, some of which were present at
the Mass for the beginning of my ministry, or sent messages as a sign of their
closeness – for which I am truly grateful.
As you know, there are various reasons why I chose the
name of Francis of Assisi, a familiar figure far beyond the borders of Italy and
Europe, even among those who do not profess the Catholic faith. One of the first
reasons was Francis’ love for the poor. How many poor people there still are in
the world! And what great suffering they have to endure! After the example of
Francis of Assisi, the Church in every corner of the globe has always tried to
care for and look after those who suffer from want, and I think that in many of
your countries you can attest to the generous activity of Christians who
dedicate themselves to helping the sick, orphans, the homeless and all the
marginalized, thus striving to make society more humane and more just.
But there is another form of poverty! It is the
spiritual poverty of our time, which afflicts the so-called richer countries
particularly seriously. It is what my much-loved predecessor, Benedict XVI,
called the "tyranny of relativism", which makes everyone his own criterion and
endangers the coexistence of peoples. And that brings me to a second reason for
my name. Francis of Assisi tells us we should work to build peace. But there is
no true peace without truth! There cannot be true peace if everyone is his own
criterion, if everyone can always claim exclusively his own rights, without at
the same time caring for the good of others, of everyone, on the basis of the
nature that unites every human being on this earth.
One of the titles of the Bishop of Rome is Pontiff,
that is, a builder of bridges with God and between people. My wish is that the
dialogue between us should help to build bridges connecting all people, in such
a way that everyone can see in the other not an enemy, not a rival, but a
brother or sister to be welcomed and embraced! My own origins impel me to work
for the building of bridges. As you know, my family is of Italian origin; and so
this dialogue between places and cultures a great distance apart matters greatly
to me, this dialogue between one end of the world and the other, which today are
growing ever closer, more interdependent, more in need of opportunities to meet
and to create real spaces of authentic fraternity.
In this work, the role of religion is fundamental. It
is not possible to build bridges between people while forgetting God. But the
converse is also true: it is not possible to establish true links with God,
while ignoring other people. Hence it is important to intensify dialogue among
the various religions, and I am thinking particularly of dialogue with Islam. At
the Mass marking the beginning of my ministry, I greatly appreciated the
presence of so many civil and religious leaders from the Islamic world. And it
is also important to intensify outreach to non-believers, so that the
differences which divide and hurt us may never prevail, but rather the desire to
build true links of friendship between all peoples, despite their diversity.
Fighting poverty, both material and spiritual,
building peace and constructing bridges: these, as it were, are the reference
points for a journey that I want to invite each of the countries here
represented to take up. But it is a difficult journey, if we do not learn to
grow in love for this world of ours. Here too, it helps me to think of the name
of Francis, who teaches us profound respect for the whole of creation and the
protection of our environment, which all too often, instead of using for the
good, we exploit greedily, to one another’s detriment.
Dear Ambassadors, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Thank you again for all the work that you do,
alongside the Secretariat of State, to build peace and construct bridges of
friendship and fraternity. Through you, I would like to renew to your
Governments my thanks for their participation in the celebrations on the
occasion of my election, and my heartfelt desire for a fruitful common
endeavour. May Almighty God pour out his gifts on each one of you, on your
families and on the peoples that you represent. Thank you! (To the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See, March 22, 2013.)
This is pure Judeo-Masonry.
Not a word of the Social Reign of Christ the King while referring to what Bergoglio/Francis calls a "tyranny of relativism" (Ratzinger/Benedict called it the "dictatorship of relativism") that is the direct result of Our Divine Redeemer's Social Kingship wrought by the Protestant Revolution in the Sixteenth Century and institutionalized as a result of the panoply of "philosophies" and ideologies that can be termed as Judeo-Masonry.
Ratzinger/Benedict spoke in exactly the same manner when addressing diplomats. Here is just one example:
The Church is open to everyone because, in God, she lives for
others! She thus shares deeply in the fortunes of humanity,
which in this new year continues to be marked by the dramatic
crisis of the global economy and consequently a serious and
widespread social instability. In my Encyclical Caritas in Veritate,
I invited everyone to look to the deeper causes of this
situation: in the last analysis, they are to be found in a
current self-centred and materialistic way of thinking which
fails to acknowledge the limitations inherent in every creature.
Today I would like to stress that the same way of thinking also
endangers creation. Each of us could probably cite an example of
the damage that this has caused to the environment the world
over. I will offer an example, from any number of others, taken
from the recent history of Europe. Twenty years ago, after the
fall of the Berlin wall and the collapse of the materialistic
and atheistic regimes which had for several decades dominated a
part of this continent, was it not easy to assess the great harm
which an economic system lacking any reference to the truth
about man had done not only to the dignity and freedom of
individuals and peoples, but to nature itself, by polluting soil,
water and air? The denial of God distorts the freedom of the
human person, yet it also devastates creation. It follows that
the protection of creation is not principally a response to an
aesthetic need, but much more to a moral need, in as much as
nature expresses a plan of love and truth which is prior to us
and which comes from God.
For this reason I share the growing concern caused by
economic and political resistance to combatting the degradation
of the environment. This problem was evident even recently,
during the XV Session of the Conference of the States Parties to
the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held
in Copenhagen from 7 to 18 December last. I trust that in the
course of this year, first in Bonn and later in Mexico City, it
will be possible to reach an agreement for effectively dealing
with this question. The issue is all the more important in that
the very future of some nations is at stake, particularly some
island states.
It is proper, however, that this concern and commitment for
the environment should be situated within the larger framework
of the great challenges now facing mankind. If we wish to build
true peace, how can we separate, or even set at odds, the
protection of the environment and the protection of human life,
including the life of the unborn? It is in man’s respect for
himself that his sense of responsibility for creation is shown.
As Saint Thomas Aquinas has taught, man represents all that is
most noble in the universe (cf. Summa Theologiae, I, q.
29, a. 3). Furthermore, as I noted during the recent FAO World
Summit on Food Security, “the world has enough food for all its
inhabitants” (Address of 16 November 2009,
No. 2) provided that selfishness does not lead some to hoard the
goods which are intended for all.
I would like to stress again that the protection of creation
calls for an appropriate management of the natural resources of
different countries and, in the first place, of those which are
economically disadvantaged. I think of the continent of Africa,
which I had the joy of visiting last March during my journey to Cameroon
and Angola, and which was the subject of the deliberations of the recent Special
Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. The Synod Fathers pointed with concern to
the erosion and desertification of large tracts of arable land
as a result of overexploitation and environmental pollution (cf. Propositio 22). In Africa, as elsewhere, there is a need
to make political and economic decisions which ensure “forms of
agricultural and industrial production capable of respecting
creation and satisfying the primary needs of all” (Message for the
2010 World Day of Peace, No. 10).
How can we forget, for that matter, that the struggle for
access to natural resources is one of the causes of a number of
conflicts, not least in Africa, as well as a continuing threat
elsewhere? For this reason too, I forcefully repeat that to
cultivate peace, one must protect creation! Furthermore, there
are still large areas, for example in Afghanistan or in some
countries of Latin America, where agriculture is unfortunately
still linked to the production of narcotics, and is a not
insignificant source of employment and income. If we want peace,
we need to preserve creation by rechanneling these activities; I
once more urge the international community not to become
resigned to the drug trade and the grave moral and social
problems which it creates. (To the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See for the traditional exchange of New Year greetings, January 11, 2010.)
Yes, the two-headed "pope" monster is one of one Modernist mind and heart.
The Social Reign of Christ the King?
Perish the thought.
We need to "build bridges," remember?
It is no wonder at all that Italian Masons have issued the following statement upon the "election" of Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis:
Grand Master Raffi: "With Pope Francis, nothing will be more as it was before. It is a clear choice of fraternity for a Church of dialogue, which is not contaminated by the logic and temptations of temporal power"
"A man of the poor far away from the Curia. Fraternity and the desire to dialogue were his first concrete words. Perhaps nothing in the Church will be as it was before. Our hope is that the pontificate of Francis, the Pope who 'comes from the end of the world' can mark the return to the Church-Word instead of the Church-Institution, promoting an open dialogue with the contemporary world, with believers and non-believers, following the springtime of Vatican II." These were the comments of Gustavo Raffi, Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy, at the beginning of the pontificate of Francis, in the world Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
"The Jesuit who is close to the least ones of history," Raffi continues, "has the great opportunity to show the world the face of a Church that must recover the announcement of a new humanity, not the weight of an institution that closes itself off in defense of its own privileges. Bergoglio knows real life and will remember the lesson of one of his favorite theologians, Romano Guardini, for whom the truth of love cannot be stopped.
"The simple cross he wore on his white cassock," concludes the Grand Master of Palazzo Giustiniani, "lets us hope that a Church of the people will re-discover its capacity to dialogue with all men of good will and with Freemasonry, which, as the experience of Latin America teaches us, works for the good and progress of humanity, as shown by Bolivar, Allende and José Martí, to name only a few. This is the 'white smoke' that we expect from the Church of our times." (Italian Freemasonry officially supports Brother Bergoglio.)
Anyone who re-reads the the following passage from Pope Leo XIII's condemnation of Freemasonry in Italy, Custodi di Quella Fede, December 8, 1892, and believes that Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI and Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis do not stand equally condemned is not being honest with himself, perhaps afraid to admit that which the evidence that the conciliar "popes" have provided themselves demonstrate conclusively that they are not Catholics and that their entire religion of conciliarism is the antithesis of Catholicism:
Everyone should avoid familiarity or friendship with anyone suspected of
belonging to masonry or to affiliated groups. Know them by their fruits
and avoid them. Every familiarity should be avoided, not only with
those impious libertines who openly promote the character of the sect, but
also with those who hide under the mask of universal tolerance, respect
for all religions, and the craving to reconcile the maxims of the
Gospel with those of the revolution. These men seek to reconcile Christ
and Belial, the Church of God and the state without God. (Pope Leo XIII, Custodi di Quella Fede, December 8, 1892.)
Yes, Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis, the man who dared to defame the English martyrs, including the only Catholic bishop who refused to acquiesce to King Henry VIII's demand that he be recognized as "supreme head of the church in England," Saint John Fisher, a week ago today by sending a letter of congratulations three days prior to layman Justin Welby's installation as the Anglican "archbishop" of Canterbury (see , has been condemned long ago by the Catholic Church, including by Pope Leo XIII in Custodi di Quella Fede. So was his predecessor, Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, who gave a "joint blessing" with Welby's predecessor, Rowan Williams, on Friday, September 17, 2010, the Feast of the Impression of the Stigmata on Saint Francis of Assisi:

Westminster Abbey, London, England, September 17, 2010.
Catholics ignore the truth about the state of apostasy and betrayal that has robbed them of the ability to accept Catholic truth and to accept its complete and utter contradiction as passing for it do so at their own peril. The evidence showing that their emperors have had no Catholic clothes at all is vast.
Pope Pius IX also warned us about these robber barons in no uncertain terms in Amantissimus, April 8, 1962, just one hundred and one-half years prior to the opening day of the "Second" Vatican Council on October 11, 1962, the Feast of the Divine Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary:
Our most beloved Redeemer, Christ the Lord, willed as you well know,
venerable brothers, to deliver all men from the captivity of the devil, free
them from the yoke of sin, call them from darkness into his wonderful light and
be their salvation. When he had blotted out the handwriting of the decree
against us, fastening it to the cross, he formed and established the Catholic
Church, won by his blood, as the one "Church of the living God,"[1] the one
"kingdom of heaven,"[2] "the city set on a hill,"[3] "one flock,"[4] and "one
body" steadfast and alive with "one Spirit,"[5] one faith, one hope, one love
joined and firmly held together by the same bonds of sacraments, religion and
doctrine. He further provided his Church with leaders whom he chose and called.
In addition, he decreed that the Church will endure as long as the world,
embrace all peoples and nations of the whole world, and that whoever accepts his
divine religion and grace and perseveres to the end will attain the glory of
eternal salvation.
2. To preserve forever in his Church the unity and doctrine of this faith,
Christ chose one of his apostles, Peter, whom he appointed the Prince of his
Apostles, his Vicar on earth, and impregnable foundation and head of his Church.
Surpassing all others with every dignity of extraordinary authority, power and
jurisdiction, he was to feed the Lord's flock, strengthen his brothers, rule and
govern the universal Church. Christ not only desired that his Church remain as
one and immaculate to the end of the world, and that its unity in faith,
doctrine and form of government remain inviolate. He also willed that the
fullness of dignity, power and jurisdiction, integrity and stability of faith
given to Peter be handed down in its entirety to the Roman Pontiffs, the
successors of this same Peter, who have been placed on this Chair of Peter in
Rome, and to whom has been divinely committed the supreme care of the Lord's
entire flock and the supreme rule of the Universal Church.
3. You above all, venerable brothers, have known how this dogma of our
religion has been unanimously and unceasingly declared, defended and insisted
upon in synods by the Fathers of the Church. Indeed, they have never stopped
teaching that "God is one, Christ is one, the Church established upon Peter by
the voice of the Lord is one;"[6] "the massive foundation of the great Christian
state has been divinely built upon, as it were, this rock, this very firm
stone;"[7] "this Chair, which is unique and the first of gifts, has always been
designated and considered as the Chair of Peter;"[8] "shining forth throughout
the world it maintains its primacy;"[9] "it is also the root and matrix whence
sacerdotal unity has sprung;"[10] it is not only the head but also the mother
and teacher of all the Churches;"[11] "it is the mother city of piety in which
is the complete and perfect stability of the Christian religion"[12] "and in
which the preeminence of the Apostolic Chair has always been unimpaired;"[13]
"it rests upon that rock which the haughty gates of hell shall never
overcome;"[14] "for it the Apostles poured out their entire teaching with
blood;"[15] "from it the rights of the venerable communion are extended to
all;"[16] "all obedience and honor must be given to it."[17] "He who deserts the
Church will vainly believe that he is in the Church;"[18] "whoever eats of the
lamb and is not a member of the Church, has profaned;"[19] "Peter, who lives and
presides in his own Chair, proffers the truth of faith to those seeking it;"[20]
"Peter, who lives up to this time and always lives, exercises jurisdiction in
his successors;"[21] "he himself has spoken through Leo;"[22] "the Roman
Pontiff, who holds Primacy in the entire world, is the Successor of Blessed
Peter the Prince of the Apostles and the true Vicar of Christ, the head of the
whole Church, and is the visible Father and Teacher of all Christians."[23]
There are other, almost countless, proofs drawn from the most trustworthy
witnesses which clearly and openly testify with great faith, exactitude, respect
and obedience that all who want to belong to the true and only Church of Christ
must honor and obey this Apostolic See and Roman Pontiff. . . .
12. If you need books, do not hesitate to make it known and at the same time
inform us of the books you consider most appropriate to provide dogma for the
clergy, promote the education of the people, refute the teachings of those who
are not Catholic, and foster the piety of the faithful. Most importantly, when
we hear from you that in some places liturgical and ritual books are being used
into which either some error has crept or a change has been arbitrarily
introduced, it will be your duty to mention which books these are and if at any
time they have been approved by the Holy See. Specify, too, if in your judgment
they contain errors to be corrected or abuses to be abolished. We especially
desire to learn from you, moreover, what progress holy catholic unity has made
in your dioceses, what obstacles have hindered it, and what propitious means
will remove such impediments so that unity itself may daily advance and
13. Truly, venerable brothers, you see with how much love and earnestness we
have been mindful of your Eastern Churches and how ardently we hope that among
the Eastern people our most blessed faith, religion and piety will take hold,
thrive and flourish. We are certain that you will devote all your energy and
thought to protecting and propagating our religion and to caring for the
salvation of your flock.
14. Hostile men in these lamentable times never stop planting thorns in the
Lord's field, first with destructive and ephemeral books and then with monstrous
and depraved suppositions plainly opposed to Catholic faith and dogma.
Consequently, you rightly understand how you must labor and ever be on your
guard to keep the faithful from those poisonous pastures, to urge them on to
eternal salvation, and to imbue them in greater measure with the teachings of
the Catholic Church.
15. In order that you may more readily attain this goal, constantly inspire
the zeal of guardians of souls that in the conscientious performance of their
duty, they may untiringly announce the good news of the Gospel to the wise and
the foolish. Urge them to help the Christian people by every good and holy work.
Exhort them to give instruction, especially to boys and those inexperienced in
the proofs of the Catholic Faith so that they may be guided in moral discipline.
Always admonish your diocesan priests that, seriously reflecting upon the
ministry they received in the Lord, they take care to fulfill it fervently. In
such a way they give Christian people an example of all virtues, are attentive
to prayer, perfectly cultivate sacred studies, and exert all their power to win
the everlasting salvation of the faithful. (Pope Pius IX, Amantissimus, April 8, 1962. My thanks to Mr. Mark Stabinski for providing me of a reminder of this very pertinent encyclical letter that I had read some years ago now and simply failed to recall until yesterday.)
Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis is just in another line of Judases who have purloined the name of Catholic and of Holy Mother Church's buildings, which they have occupied while claiming to teach in her holy name. Remember, Judas Isacriot was also concerned about "the poor," something that Dom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B., noted in his commentary on Monday in Holy Week as found in The Liturgical Year:
Judas Iscariot, dares to protest against this waste (of the perfume Magdalene anoints Jesus with), as he calls it. His base avarice deprives him of feeling and respect for his divine Master. His opinion is shared in by several of the other disciples, for they are still carnal-minded. For several reasons Jesus permits Magdalene's generosity to thus blamed. And firstly, He wishes to announce His approaching death, which is mystically expressed by the pouring of this ointment upon His body. Then, too, He would glorify Magdalene; and He therefore tells those who are present, that her tender and ardent love shall be rewarded, and that her name shall be celebrated in every country, wheresoever the Gospel shall be preached. (4)-{St. Matt. xxvi. 13} And lastly, He would console those whose generous love prompts them to be liberal in their gifts to His altars; for what He here says of Magdalene is, in reality, a defense for them, when they are accused of spending too much over the beauty of God's house.
Let us prize each of these divine teachings. Let us love to honor Jesus, both in His own person, and in His poor. Let us honor Magdalene, and imitate her devotion to the Passion and death of our Lord. In fine, let us prepare our perfumes for our divine Master: there must be the myrrh of the Magi, which signifies penance, and the precious spikenard of Magdalene, which is the emblem of generous and compassionating love. (Dom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B.)
True concern for the poor starts with caring for their eternal salvation, and men who say and do what the conciliar revolutionaries have said and done prove themselves to be their enemies and not their devoted friends. It is that simple.
Yes, no matter a difference in style, the "two-headed 'pope' monster" is of one Modernist mind and heart, and it is a mind and heart that stands condemned by the Catholic Church.
The triumphs of the devil in this era of apostasy and betrayal are only temporary, however.
In the end, of course, Our Lady's Immaculate Heart will triumph.
We must redouble our own
efforts in prayer and sacrifice and penance and fasting and
mortification to plant the seeds as the consecrated slaves of Our
Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through the Sorrowful and
Immaculate Heart of Mary for the restoration of Christendom, praying as
many Rosaries each day as our states-in-life permit in reparation for
our many sins, each of which has wounded Our Lord once in time and
wounds His Church Militant on earth today, and those of the whole world:
Francisco Marto spent long hours in church to console the "good God." So must we:
With his sister Jacinta and his cousin Lucia, he had been blessed with three appearances by an Angel, and six by Our Lady.
At his third appearance,
the Angel said to these three young shepherd children: "Console your
God". These words impressed Francisco very deeply, and guided his whole
life. He wanted to be the "Consoler of Jesus". He felt most hurt when he
saw Jesus offended, and his ideal was to give Him consolation. He
wanted to avoid sin, and others to avoid it, to save his Saviour
sadness. He made very sacrifice he could to give consolation to Jesus.
To do this he would stay along for long hours in church, or hide himself
in some lonely place. Shortly before he died, he said "In haven I'm
going to console Our Lord and Our Lady very much." (Holy Card of
Francisco Marto.)
Anyone who thinks that he is
"consoling" Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ while he remains
"neutral" about or supportive of any the apostasies, blasphemies and sacrileges of the conciliar authorities is deceiving himself quite possibly to the point of
his own eternal perdition, Such a person is in need of our prayers, to
be sure. Sloganeering and sentimentality and wishful thinking
do not secure one's salvation. Indeed, they are instruments of the
devil to lead sloganeers and sentimentalists such as the conciliar revolutionaries into Hell as they take many
others with them.
Conscious of making reparation for our own sins,
which, although forgiven and thus no longer exist, are in need of our
making satisfaction here in this passing, mortal vale of tears before we
die, may our Rosaries each day, especially during this Holy Week, help to lift the scales from the likes of
confused Catholics thereby
hastening their rejection of conciliarism and as they take refuge in the underground until the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is made made manifest.
Isn't it time to pray a Rosary now?
Immaculate Heart of Mary, triumph soon.
Viva Cristo Rey! Vivat Christus Rex!
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
Saints Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar, pray for us.
See also: A Litany of Saints