Making Dogmas of Assertions
by Thomas A. Droleskey
Well, the letters keep coming. And coming. And coming.
Although I thought that Liars Lie, Liars Lie Regularly was pretty well reasoned and went through the various scenarios of the news about the reported killing of Osama bin Laden in Abbottadad, Pakistan, on May 1, 2011, there are a lot out there in the peanut gallery who keep pushing the "send" button.
One more wrote to say that I must be "bought and paid for" by the Jewish media. As my dear wife Sharon noted when I informed her of this assertion, "Do we have some hidden bank account in Switzerland that is so hidden we don't know about it? Those who are buying us off certainly aren't putting any money into our bank account." As Sharon said later, "The conspiracy of your being bought and paid for is so vast, so deep and so wide that even your wife doesn't know about the loot. That's why you wear socks that have holes in them. You're trying to throw me off the scent of the loot."
Bought and paid for?
Oy! (Yes, that's a Yiddish expression I picked up in New York.)
No one who writes the following articles is "bought and paid for" and is otherwise an "Judaizing agent" of those who hate the Sacred Divinity of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and are thus the sworn enemies of His Social Kingship over men and their nations: An Act That Speaks For Itself, No Lessons Learned After Forty Years of Appeasement and Apostasy, The Great Charade, Defending the Truth is Never Any Kind of Game, High Church, Low Church, Telling the Lost Sheep to Stay Lost, Making Judas Seem Admirable, Wild Cards or Mirror Images?, Forever Prowling the World Seeking the Ruin of Souls, part 1, Forever Prowling the World Seeking The Ruin of Souls, part 2, Those Who Deny The Holocaust, Recognize and Capitulate, As We Forgive Not Those Who Trespass Against Us, Yes, Sir, Master Scribe, Disciples of Caiphas, Under The Bus, Nothing New Under the Conciliar Sun, "And They That Passed By Blasphemed Him", Impressed With His Own Originality , Accepting "Popes" As Unreliable Teachers, Saint Vincent Ferrer and Anti-Saint Vincent Ferrers and, among so many others, To Be Loved by the Jews. After all, Fox News is not exacting beating down a path to our new doorstep to have me as one of their bought and paid for on-air consultants. I am trying to be very charitable to those who have written. In all charity, though, I believe that it is fair and just to state that those who believe that a little known writer and unemployable college professor has been "bought and paid for" by the Jewish media are living in a fantasy world of their own creation. I could use stronger words such as "insanity" or "madness." However, I must temper my most profound urge to do so.
I am not going to spend much time to elaborate on the points I made in Liars Lie, Liars Lie Regularly. People are going to believe that they want to believe. I do want to note, though, that Patrick Joseph Buchanan, not exactly a member of the the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee or of the American Jewish Congress or the Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai Brith, has written an article, The Vanishing American Footprint, wherein he accepts the killing of Osama bin Laden as a fait accompli without any qualifications, even going so far as to praise President Barack Hussein Obama as a "gunslinger":
With his order to effect the execution of Osama bin Laden by Navy SEALs, 40 miles from Islamabad, without asking permission of the government, Barack Obama made a bold and courageous decision.
Its success, and the accolades he has received, have given him a credibility as commander in chief that he never had before.
The law professor, it turns out, is a gunslinger.
Should the president now decide on a major withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan in July, or side with his generals and make a token pullout, either way, the country will accept his decision.
Yet, as one looks to the Maghreb and Middle East, to the Gulf and Pakistan, events of this historic year point to an inexorable retreat of American power and the American presence.
Consider Pakistan.
Today, that nation is red-faced that its military and intelligence
services lied or did not know Osama was living in a mansion a mile from
their West Point. And Pakistan is humiliated that U.S. commandos flew in by chopper at night, killed
Osama in his compound, and made off with his body, computers and cell
Relations are close to the breaking point. Mobs are burning American flags. Angry congressmen are talking of cutting off aid to Pakistan for disloyalty and duplicity in hiding bin Laden. Pakistanis are
enraged Americans would trample on their sovereignty like that.
Even before Sunday’s killing of Osama, Pakistan’s prime minister had reportedly told Hamid Karzai in Kabul to let the Americans leave on schedule in 2014, and let Pakistan and China help him cut his deal with the Taliban. In the long run, this is likely to happen.
U.S. and NATO forces leave, the Taliban returns, and Pakistan moves into the orbit of China,
which has far more cash — $3 trillion in foreign currency reserves —
and more of a long-term interest in South Asia than a busted United
States on the far side of the world.
The “Great Game” will go on in Afghanistan, but without Western players — only Iran, Russia, China, Pakistan and India.
In the other two critical Islamic nations in the region, Turkey and Egypt, we see a similar unraveling of ties to Washington.
Turkey has been going its own way since she refused George W. Bush permission to use Turkish bases to invade Iraq.
Ankara has become less secular and more Islamic, and begun to
highlight her identity as a Middle Eastern nation. She has repaired
relations with neighbors America regards as rogue states: Iran and
Syria. And she has become the champion of the Gaza Palestinians.
Since Hosni Mubarak’s fall, Egypt has pursued a similar course. Cairo
has allowed Iranian warships to transit Suez and is about to
re-establish ties to Tehran. She has brokered an agreement uniting Hamas
and the Palestinian Authority, and is about to reopen the border
crossing between Egypt and Gaza. Israeli anger and American alarm are
politely ignored.
Though their population, like Pakistan’s, is anti-American, neither
Turkey nor Egypt is openly hostile. Yet both pursue policies that clash
with U.S. policy. And this new distance from Washington is being met
with the approval of Turks and Egyptians. For the one thing all of the
uprisings of the Arab Spring have had in common is a desire of these
peoples to be rid of American hegemony.
Indeed, taking inventory after four months of Arab revolts, it is difficult not to declare America a net loser.
Our ally of 30 years, Mubarak, was overthrown. The new government is moving away from us. Our ally in Tunisia was ousted.
Our unpopular and ruthless ally in Yemen is still fighting for
survival. The brutality shown by our friend, Bahrain’s King Khalifa,
against peaceful Shiite demonstrators probably means eventual loss of
basing rights for the U.S. Fifth Fleet.
We are to begin pulling troops out of Afghanistan this summer and complete the withdrawal in 2014. We are down from
170,000 troops in Iraq to 50,000. All are to be gone by year’s end.
Americans have had their fill of nation-building. We cannot afford
any more decade-long wars where the benefits to the American people have
to be endlessly explained.
Why is America’s footprint shrinking in that part of the world?
First, Americans have never been less popular there, and one demand
of every revolution is for a new government, independent of the United
States, that will defend the national sovereignty.
Second, we are broke. We can no longer afford the bases. We can no longer afford the wars. We can no longer afford the aid.
Third, the true vital interest of the United States in this part of
the world is that these Islamic countries not become base camps of
terror, especially nuclear terror, targeted against the United States.
That end is surely better served by packing and departing than by staying and fighting. (Patrick Joseph Buchanan, The Vanishing American Footprint.)
Is Patrick Joseph Buchanan, who has been calumniated as an "anti-Semite" by many and sundry people for his opposition to the policies of the State of Israel and the reflexive support of those policies by most American presidential administrations and members of Congress, a bought and paid for agent of Zionists? Could Pat be wrong? Sure. So could I. Do I agree with everything in Pat's column above? No, I do not. Does Pat's praise of the baby-killer, Barack Hussein Obama, make him a "paid agent" of Obama's? Only a fool would assert such a thing. One can be wrong and still not be an "agent" or a "dupe," paid or otherwise, of the ancient enemies of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. One can be wrong in good faith. One can come to a different set of conclusions on matters of current events and secular history than do others. Hello, folks. There's something called the vestigial after-effects of Original Sin, starting with the darkened intellect.
We must be very, very careful, therefore, not to make dogmas out of unproved assertions of various historical facts that are subject to question and investigation.
Isn't this what Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI has done with respect to the claim made by "holocaust" "experts? It most certainly is what he has done, which is why he, who has committed, objectively speaking, Mortal Sins against the First and Second Commandments by esteeming the symbols of false religions with his own priestly hands and calling places of false worship as "sacred" and praising the nonexistent ability of false religions to "contribute" to building a better world, read the riot act to Bishop Richard Williamson of the Society of Saint Pius X because he does not accept the "dogma" spewed out by the "experts." Even if Bishop Williamson was incorrect on this matter of secular history, however, how could that affect his standing as a member of what appears to be--but is not, Your Excellency, no matter how many times you try to come up with a different version of your explanations as to how a heretic can remain a member of the Catholic Church--the Catholic Church?
It can't, precisely because matters of secular history can be debated, which is why academically-trained historians hold conferences. As much as I disagree with Bishop Williamson about the state of the Church in this time of apostasy and betrayal, I do not think that His Excellency would read anyone out of the Catholic Church because they disagreed with his views about the nature and extent of the crimes committed by agents of the Third Reich against Talmudists and others, including Catholics, or if they disagreed with his views about the tragic events that took place on Tuesday, September 11, 2001? Ratzinger/Benedict and his band of "bishops," believe that there is "no place" in their false church for "holocaust denial." One can deny articles of the Catholic Faith in public and promote anathematized propositions and remain a member of what claims to be the Catholic Church in good standing. One can even support baby-killing and do (see Another Victim of Americanism; Behold The Free Rein Given to Error; Behold The Free Rein Given to Error; Unfortunate Enough to Be A Baby; Unfortunate Enough to Be A Baby; Beacon of Social Justice?; Spotlight On The Ordinary; What's Good For Teddy Is Good For Benny; Sean O'Malley: Coward and Hypocrite; More Rationalizations and Distortions; To Fall Into The Hands of the Living God and Just Another Ordinary Outrage Permitted by a Conciliar "Ordinary".)
As I have noted so many times before, the focus of my work is to write articles that view the events of the world and of Holy Mother Church in this time of apostasy and betrayal through the eyes of the true Faith, exhorting the very few readers who access these articles to remember the events of our times are occurring within the Providence of God, Who permits us to suffer nothing that is beyond our capacity as He provides us the graces through the loving hands of Our Lady, she who is the Mediatrix of All Graces, to offer up to Him the difficulties of the moment with joy and gratitude through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. The great works of Father Denis Fahey have explained the influenced of Judeo-Masonry both in theoretical and practical terms very well. There is no one today who is his equal. No one. A good dose of Father Fahey will help one to understand that there can be no true order in the world if men and their nations do not subordinate themselves to the Social Reign of Christ the King as It must be exercised by the Catholic Church.
It is enough for us to remember that the original conspiracy theorist and "community organizer," if you will, is the devil, whose minions in this world will be defeated only by the power of the Holy Cross, Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary and the fulfillment of her Fatima Message. While those who are academically trained historians can and must write about the details of the personalities and organizations involved in the shaping of various events in this passing, mortal vale of tears, none of the "knowledge" that is bandied about so freely today can do one little bit to stop the chastisement that is upon us. God is using the events of the moment in all of their intricacies to chastise us. We need to pray more, to fast more, to withdraw more and more from the false currents of the world and all of the fads of popular culture that serve as distractions, if not actual impediments, to the sanctification and salvation of our immortal souls.
So many people spend so much of their valuable Catholic time trying to find out who or what is responsible for this or that particular problem without realizing that this information is not necessary to save their souls. Indeed, the preoccupation with the gathering of such information as a kind of all-consuming interest detracts from reading about the lives of the saints or reading spiritual works devoted to genuine growth in the interior life of the soul.
People are free to do whatever they want with their time. The recommendations that I make are simply that, recommendations, that bind the consciences of no one. If I did not think that they were worth considering, however, I wouldn't make them, mindful that I will be judged by Christ the King at the moment of my Particular Judgment for every word that I write and speak. This is something that I take very, very seriously.
You cannot "vote" your way out of a chastisement. You cannot "know" your way out of a chastisement. While we must call evil by its proper name, we must not get so ensnared in the traps that the devil lays to ruin our souls that we believe there is any kind of naturalistic means whatsoever to retard the evils of the moment. There are no such remedies. Worse is yet to come.
I have, though, gotten a few thoughtful notes from readers in the past few days. One of them was from a very fine Catholic gentleman who wanted to know what I thought about how many provisions to have on hand at any one time in the case of some catastrophe, stating that some have recommended the construction of bunkers to be prepared for some disaster or invasion of imposition of martial-law. This is what I wrote:
My survival kit consists of a love of the Holy Cross and, if possible, a blessed Crucifix with a relic of the True Cross inside of it, blessed Rosaries, a blessed Brown Scapular worn around one's neck, a blessed Miraculous Medal, a blessed Green Scapular, Holy Water, blessed oil, blessed salt, at least one blessed candle, palms blessed by a priest on the Feast of Saint Peter Martyr and blessed Saint Benedict medals. As to the rest, though, I have no particular suggestion or concern. Our Lord will see to it that His Most Blessed Mother and His foster-father, Good Saint Joseph, take very good care of us.
To wit, Saint John of the Cross was imprisoned by members of his own reformed branch of the Carmelites that he himself started. He escaped, not having any provisions. He prayed to Our Lady, finding a plate of perfectly cooked asparagus on a rock in the wilderness. Asparagus was his favorite food. It was cooked exactly the way he loved it. [There are, of course, many examples of saints, such as Saint Elizabeth of Hungary and the Cure of Ars, Saint John Mary Vianney, having their food cupboards filled to the brim even though they had given away everything they had to the poor just a few moments before.]
Our Lady will take perfect of those who trust in her with total confidence. A few provisions are fine. The true bunker that we need to build is supernatural, not temporal.
The world in which we live, however, is one that has been deprived of the merits won for us by the shedding of the Most Precious Blood of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It was with prophetic insight that Father Frederick Faber wrote about what the world would be like if there was ever a diminution of the flowing of those merits into human sols:
It is plain that some millions of sins in a day are
hindered by the Precious Blood; and this is not merely a hindering of so
many individual sins, but it is an immense check upon the momentum of
sin. It is also a weakening of habits of sin, and a diminution of the
consequences of sin. If then, the action of the Precious Blood were
withdrawn from the world, sins would not only increase incalculably in
number, but the tyranny of sin would be fearfully augmented, and it
would spread among a greater number of people. It would wax so bold that
no one would be secure from the sins of others. It would be a constant
warfare, or an intolerable vigilance, to preserve property and rights.
Falsehood would become so universal as to dissolve society; and the
homes of domestic life would be turned into wards either of a prison or a
madhouse. We cannot be in the company of an atrocious criminal without
some feeling of uneasiness and fear. We should not like to be left alone
with him, even if his chains were not unfastened. But without the
Precious Blood, such men would abound in the world. They might even
become the majority. We know of ourselves, from glimpses God has once or
twice given us in life, what incredible possibilities of wickedness we
have in our souls. Civilization increases these possibilities. Education
multiplies and magnifies our powers of sinning. Refinement adds a fresh
malignity. Men would thus become more diabolically and unmixedly bad,
until at last earth would be a hell on this side of the grave. There
would also doubtless be new kinds of sins and worse kinds. Education
would provide the novelty, and refinement would carry it into the region
of the unnatural. All highly-refined and luxurious developments of
heathenism have fearfully illustrated this truth. A wicked barbarian is
like a beast. His savage passions are violent but intermitting, and his
necessities of sin do not appear to grow. Their circle is limited. But a
highly-educated sinner, without the restraints of religion, is like a
demon. His sins are less confined to himself. They involve others in
their misery. They require others to be offered as it were in sacrifice
to them. Moreover, education, considered simply as an intellectual
cultivation, propagates sin, and makes it more universal.
The increase of sin, without the prospects
which the faith lays open to us, must lead to an increase of despair,
and to an increase of it upon a gigantic scale. With despair must come
rage, madness, violence, tumult, and bloodshed. Yet from what quarter
could we expect relief in this tremendous suffering? We should be
imprisoned in our own planet. The blue sky above us would be but a
dungeon-roof. The greensward beneath our feet would truly be the slab of
our future tomb. Without the Precious Blood there is no intercourse
between heaven and earth. Prayer would be useless. Our hapless lot would
be irremediable. It has always seemed to me that it will be one of the
terrible things in hell, that there are no motives for patience there.
We cannot make the best of it. Why should we endure it? Endurance is an
effort for a time; but this woe is eternal. Perhaps vicissitudes of
agony might be a kind of field for patience. But there are no such
vicissitudes. Why should we endure, then? Simply because we must; and
yet in eternal things this is not a sort of necessity which supplies a
reasonable ground for patience. So in this imaginary world of rampant
sin there would be no motives for patience. For death would be our only
seeming relief; and that is only seeming, for death is any thin but an
eternal sleep. Our impatience would become frenzy; and if our
constitutions were strong enough to prevent the frenzy from issuing in
downright madness, it would grow into hatred of God, which is perhaps
already less uncommon than we suppose.
An earth, from off which all sense of
justice had perished, would indeed be the most disconsolate of homes.
The antediluvian earth exhibits only a tendency that way; and the same
is true of the worst forms of heathenism. The Precious Blood was always
there. Unnamed, unknown, and unsuspected, the Blood of Jesus has
alleviated every manifestation of evil which there has ever been just as
it is alleviating at this hour the punishments of hell. What would be
our own individual case on such a blighted earth as this? All our
struggles to be better would be simply hopeless. There would be no
reason why we should not give ourselves up to that kind of enjoyment
which our corruption does substantially find in sin. The gratification
of our appetites is something; and that lies on one side, while on the
other side there is absolutely nothing. But we should have the worm of
conscience already, even though the flames of hell might yet be some
years distant. To feel that we are fools, and yet lack the strength to
be wiser--is not this precisely the maddening thing in madness? Yet it
would be our normal state under the reproaches of conscience, in a world
where there was no Precious Blood. Whatever relics of moral good we
might retain about us would add most sensibly to our wretchedness. Good
people, if there were any, would be, as St. Paul speaks, of all men the
most miserable; for they would be drawn away from the enjoyment of this
world, or have their enjoyment of it abated by a sense of guilt and
shame; and there would be no other world to aim at or to work for. To
lessen the intensity of our hell without abridging its eternity would
hardly be a cogent motive, when the temptations of sin and the
allurements of sense are so vivid and strong.
What sort of love could there be, when we
could have no respect? Even if flesh and blood made us love each other,
what a separation death would be! We should commit our dead to the
ground without a hope. Husband and wife would part with the fearfullest
certainties of a reunion more terrible than their separation. Mothers
would long to look upon their little ones in the arms of death, because
their lot would be less woeful than if they lived to offend God with
their developed reason and intelligent will. The sweetest feelings of
our nature would become unnatural, and the most honorable ties be
dishonored. Our best instincts would lead us into our worst dangers. Our
hearts would have to learn to beat another way, in order to avoid the
dismal consequences which our affections would bring upon ourselves and
others. But it is needless to go further into these harrowing details.
The world of the heart, without the Precious Blood, and with an
intellectual knowledge of God, and his punishments of sin, is too
fearful a picture to be drawn with minute fidelity.
But how would it fare with the poor in such
a world? They are God's chosen portion upon the earth. He chose poverty
himself, when he came to us. He has left the poor in his place, and
they are never to fail from the earth, but to be his representatives
there until the doom. But, if it were not for the Precious Blood, would
any one love them? Would any one have a devotion to them, and dedicate
his life to merciful ingenuities to alleviate their lot? If the stream
of almsgiving is so insufficient now, what would it be then? There would
be no softening of the heart by grace; there would be no admission of
of the obligation to give away in alms a definite portion of our
incomes; there would be no desire to expiate sin by munificence to the
needy for the love of God. The gospel makes men's hearts large;and yet
even under the gospel the fountain of almsgiving flows scantily and
uncertainly. There would be no religious orders devoting themselves with
skilful concentration to different acts of spiritual and corporal
mercy. Vocation is a blossom to be found only in the gardens of the
Precious Blood. But all this is only negative, only an absence of God.
Matters would go much further in such a world as we are imagining.
Even in countries professing to be
Christian, and at least in possession of the knowledge of the gospel,
the poor grow to be an intolerable burden to the rich. They have to be
supported by compulsory taxes; and they are in other ways a continual
subject of irritated and impatient legislation. Nevertheless, it is due
to the Precious Blood that the principle of supporting them is
acknowledged. From what we read in heathen history--even the history of
nations renowned for political wisdom, for philosophical speculation,
and for literary and artistic refinement--it would not be extravagant
for us to conclude that, if the circumstances of a country were such as
to make the numbers of the poor dangerous to the rich, the rich would
not scruple to destroy them, while it was yet in their power to do so. Just as men have had in France and England to war down bears and wolves,
so would the rich war down the poor, whose clamorous misery and excited
despair should threaten them in the enjoyment of their power and their
possessions. The numbers of the poor would be thinned by murder, until
it should be safe for their masters to reduce them into slavery. The
survivors would lead the lives of convicts or of beasts. History, I
repeat, shows us that this is by no means an extravagant supposition.
Such would be the condition of the world
without the Precious Blood. As generations succeeded each other,
original sin would go on developing those inexhaustible malignant powers
which come from the almost infinite character of evil. Sin would work
earth into hell. Men would become devils, devils to others and to
themselves. Every thing which makes life tolerable, which counteracts
any evil, which softens any harshness, which sweetens any bitterness,
which causes the machinery of society to work smoothly, or which
consoles any sadness--is simply due to the Precious Blood of Jesus, in
heathen as well as in Christian lands. It changes the whole position of
an offending creation to its Creator. It changes, if we may dare in such
a matter to speak of change, the aspect of God's immutable perfections
toward his human children. It does not work merely in a spiritual
sphere. It is not only prolific in temporal blessings, but it is the
veritable cause of all temporal blessings whatsoever. We are all of us
every moment sensibly enjoying the benignant influence of the Precious
Blood. Yet who thinks of all this? Why is the goodness of God so hidden,
so imperceptible, so unsuspected? Perhaps because it is so universal
and so excessive, that we should hardly be free agents if it pressed
sensibly upon us always. God's goodness is at once the most public of
all his attributes, and at the same time the most secret. Has life a
sweeter task than to seek it, and to find it out?
Men would be far more happy, if
they separated religion less violently from other things. It is both
unwise and unloving to put religion into a place by itself, and mark it
off with an untrue distinctness from what we call worldly and
unspiritual things. Of course there is a distinction, and a
most important one, between them; yet it is easy to make this
distinction too rigid and to carry it too far. Thus we often attribute
to nature what is only due to grace; and we put out of sight the manner
and degree in which the blessed majesty of the Incarnation affects all
created things. But this mistake is forever robbing us of hundreds of
motives for loving Jesus. We know how unspeakably much we owe to him;
but we do not see all that it is not much we owe him, but all, simply
and absolutely all. We pass through times and places in life, hardly
recognizing how the sweetness of Jesus is sweetening the air around us
and penetrating natural things with supernatural blessings.
Hence it comes to pass that men
make too much of natural goodness. They think too highly of human
progress. They exaggerate the moralizing powers of civilization and
refinement, which, apart from grace, are simply tyrannies of the few
over the many, or of the public over the individual soul. Meanwhile they
underrate the corrupting capabilities of sin, and attribute to
unassisted nature many excellences which it only catches, as it were by
the infection, by the proximity of grace, or by contagion, from the
touch of the Church. Even in religious and ecclesiastical matters they
incline to measure progress, or test vigor, by other standards rather
than that of holiness. These men will consider the foregoing
picture of the world without the Precious Blood as overdrawn and too
darkly shaded. They do not believe in the intense malignity of man when
drifted from God, and still less are they inclined to grant that
cultivation and refinement only intensify still further this malignity.
They admit the superior excellence of Christian charity; but they also
think highly of natural philanthropy. But has this philanthropy ever
been found where the indirect influences of the true religion, whether
Jewish or Christian, had not penetrated? We may admire the Greeks for
their exquisite refinement, and the Romans for the wisdom of their
political moderation. Yet look at the position of children, of servants,
of slaves, and of the poor, under both these systems, and see if, while
extreme refinement only pushed sin to an extremity of foulness, the
same exquisite culture did not also lead to a social cruelty and an
individual selfishness which made life unbearable to the masses.
Philanthropy is but a theft from the gospel, or rather a shadow, not a
substance, and as unhelpful as shadows are want to be. (Father Frederick
Faber, The Precious Blood, published originally in England in 1860, republished by TAN Books and Publishers, pp. 53-59.)
This is the kind of reading we should be doing as we meditate upon how we have been too immersed in the histrionic of the hucksters who want to peddle their wares full of errors as to how we can "save" a world that is identical to the description provided above by Father Faber, a world that has taken its shape in no small measure as a consequence of the sacramentally barren rites of the counterfeit church of conciliarism.
Pope Leo XIII explained in Sapientiae Christianae that Catholics must must speak and think as Catholics, not as naturalists who rush to get the "insights" of naturalists as to what has caused various historical events and/or how to "resolve" our problems today or to make our country more secure:
The chief elements of this duty consist in professing openly and
unflinchingly the Catholic doctrine, and in propagating it to the
utmost of our power. For, as is often said, with the greatest truth,
there is nothing so hurtful to Christian wisdom as that it should not be
known, since it possesses, when loyally received, inherent power to
drive away error. (Pope Leo XIII, Sapientiae Christianae, January 10, 1890.)
The lords of Modernity in the world and the lords of Modernism in the counterfeit church of conciliarism as one in believing that there is something short of Catholicism that can save men and their nations. There is no such "shortcut" to be found in the various and interrelated naturalistic theories of Modernity and the heresies and errors of conciliarism, including that of "religious liberty" that will be a partial focus of the next article to appear on this site.