Denied is Only Justice Delayed
Thomas A. Droleskey
The holocaust
of the innocent preborn has been used by the devil in many ways to deflect
attention from his infiltration of the highest quarters of the true
Church. As necessary as our efforts have been in the past forty years
to defend the primacy of the Divine positive law and the natural law
as they are explicated by Holy Mother Church as the foundation of the
just civil order, the very fact that we are focused on this grave evil
is the result of the overthrow of the Social Reign of Christ the King
as the rotten fruit of the Protestant Revolt and the rise of Freemasonry.
That is, as horrible as abortion is as one of the four sins that cry
out to Heaven for vengeance, it is merely the symptom of the larger
sickness of a world that has rejected the authority of the Catholic
Church to guide men both personally and societally. We would not have
abortion on demand under cover of law if we lived in a world in which
civil leaders recognized that there are limits that exist in the nature
of things that they may never transgress legitimately and that is the
duty of the true Church to interpose herself if those leaders attempt
to do (or have done) things contrary to the administration of justice
and/or the salvation of souls.
Alas, we live
in a world of utter chaos and confusion. The errors of Modernity, including
those of Protestantism (and its permutations) and Freemasonry (and the
variants of political ideology that have arisen in its own perverse
wake), have infected the Church herself. The multifaceted and inter-related
errors of Modernity, founded as they are in the rejection of the Deposit
of Faith Our Lord entrusted to His true Church and/or an outright rejection
of the Incarnation entirely, have so blinded most Catholics that they
are unable to see the truth of our situation clearly and thus become
bogged down in this or that manifestation of evil without understanding
its remote and proximate causes. The remote cause for all evil in the
world is Original Sin. The proximate cause is Actual Sin, which encompasses
all of the intellectual errors born of pride and lust and greed and
envy and anger and sloth and gluttony. The only way to ameliorate the
evils of any particular epoch in salvation history, including our own,
is for individual human beings to cooperate more fully on a daily basis
with the graces won for them on the wood of the Holy Cross by the shedding
of every single drop of the Most Precious Blood of the Divine Redeemer,
Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, as they are administered to them
by the working of the Holy Ghost in the sacraments administered by the
Catholic Church. There is no other way to lessen or mitigate the evils
of any time in human history other than by seeking to be holy as members
of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. There is a direct connection
between personal holiness and social order. It is not possible for people
to be holy by the pursuit of natural virtue unaided by sanctifying grace.
It is thus not possible for social problems to be ameliorated absent
the supernatural helps and the Divinely received teaching offered by
the Catholic Church.
Sadly, many within
the Church's hierarchy do not understand this clearly any longer. Some
simply reject it, preferring to speak in naturalistic ways that are
meant to appeal to people in a non-denominational or "ecumenical"
(read: religiously indifferentist) manner that wind up betraying the
mission Our Lord entrusted to the Eleven before He ascended to the Father's
right hand in glory on Ascension Thursday. The Holy Father has, as I
have noted in other commentaries on this site, contributed to this confusion
by writing and speaking about the evils of the day in accord with his
phenomenological personalist philosophy, which emphasizes "human
dignity," "solidarity," "brotherhood," "the
global community," "the civilization of love," "freedom,"
"rights" and other such naturalistic slogans that leave no
room at all for any mention of the Social Reign of Christ the
King and of Mary our Immaculate Queen.
To be sure,
the infiltration of Modernist ideas into the Church did not occur overnight
as a result of the Second Vatican Council and the Novus Ordo Missae.
The Second Vatican Council and the synthetic concoction that is the
new Mass are both the result of the gradual seepage into the Church
of the various permutations of ideas and forces that have their origin
in certain aspects of the Renaissance and expedited, as noted above,
during and after the Protestant Revolt and the rise of Freemasonry.
The infiltration of Modernist ideas was quite on display in the Church
in the United States in the Nineteenth Century. A review of the correspondence
between Orestes Brownson, who came to see how the Faith was being undermined
in the life of ordinary Catholics as a result of the religiously indifferentist
and culturally pluralistic environment in which they lived, and Father
Isaac Thomas Hecker, who is credited as one of the chief proponents
of the heresy of Americanism, reveals that the desire to "update"
the Faith in accord with the currents of the moment was taking hold
in at least some Catholic intellectual circles at that time. Many, although
certainly not all, of the American hierarchy in the late Nineteenth
and early Twentieth Centuries did not see at all any necessity of preaching
on the Social Reign of Christ the King as they believed that the founding
of this nation was perfectly compatible with the Faith. James Cardinal
Gibbons, the long time Archbishop of Baltimore, extolled Archbishop
John Carroll, this nation's first Catholic bishops, for his desire to
conform the Faith as much as possible to the exigencies of the American
Constitution. Thus, many prelates could not accept Pope Leo XIII's prophetic
apostolical letter to Gibbons, Testem Benevolentiae, issued
on January 22, 1899, as at all relevant to the future decay of the Church
in the States. Poor Pope Leo was misinformed by malevolent Romans in
the curia who had "misrepresented" the writings of Father
Pope Leo XIII,
however, knew that the Church in the United States, although vibrant
in most respects, was headed for trouble precisely because the errors
of Protestantism and Freemasonry were the foundational forces of popular
culture and law. Protestantism is no foundation for either personal
sanctity or social order. Freemasonry, among other of its evil goals,
seeks to create social chaos by the promotion of various evils contrary
to God's laws so as to arrogate unto the State almost all domestic responsibilities.
Pope Leo saw that the very foundation of the practice of the Catholic
Faith was going to be undermined if Catholics continued to permit themselves
to be informed by the culture in which they lived and did not seek to
plant the seeds for the conversion of the nature to the true Faith.
As a cradle Catholic born in 1951 who knew personally and well blue
collar, cradle Catholics born in the Nineteenth Century, I can attest
to the fact that the average American Catholic who came of age at the
turn of the Twentieth Century, although pious and devout in his personal
life, was not taught to take the Faith into the world and to make this
country confessionally Catholic.
All of this
gave rise to the myth that the underpinnings of our nation were essentially
solid even though they were not founded on the sure foundation of the
true Faith. This myth is what made it difficult for many believing,
practicing Catholics to believe their eyes when the culture started
to degenerate in the 1950s and the 1960s, still more difficult to accept
the codification in law of the slaughter of the preborn. There had to
be some legal, political, constitutional, inter-denominational or non-denominational
way to join forces with others of like mind to stop these evils from
advancing further. It could not possibly have been the case that the
inherent degeneracy of the founding principles had began to become manifest.
No, the problems of pornography and contraception and abortion and the
promotion of sodomy could be finessed by the conservative version of
social engineering, by an emphasis on "traditional values"
and by insisting on a return to "true" conservatism. Thus
deceived the myths of this nation's founding, so many well-meaning Catholics
could not believe that things actually got worse and worse over the
course of time. Worse yet, though, they received little or no help from
their pastors or bishops to remove the blinders from their eyes and
to work for the conversion of this nation to the Social Reign of Christ
the King and of Mary our Immaculate Queen. Indeed, many of their pastors
and bishops did not say a word about contraception or abortion; some
were actually enablers of pro-abortion Catholic politicians. Many of
these pastors and bishops coddled dissent from the Deposit of Faith
or promoted such dissent and/or confusion themselves, thus helping to
affirm the merchants of death, both physical and eternal. A considerable
percentage of the sheep of Christ's true Sheepfold were lost in the
wilderness as their shepherds refused to use their pastoral staffs to
gently prod them to walk on the rocky road that leads to the narrow
gate of Life Himself by planting seeds for the conversion of all people
to the true Church, outside of which there is no salvation.
This was not
true of all of bishops and priests, to be sure. The late Bishop Joseph
Sullivan of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, refused to let Father Charles Curran,
a dissenter from Humanae Vitae, speak in the Newman Center
of Louisiana State University in 1979. Joseph Cardinal O'Boyle, then
the Archbishop of Washington, tried to get Curran fired from his position
as a theology professor at The Catholic University of America in 1968
when he had signed a newspaper advertisement attacking Humanae Vitae,
only to be overruled by the other cardinals who served on the university's
board and not upheld by Pope Paul VI. It took another eighteen years
for the Vatican to declare that Curran could not teach theology in any
Catholic college or university. Eighteen long years. And there were
the four cardinals (John Cardinal Krol of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
Humberto Cardinal Medeiros of Boston, Massachusetts, John Cardinal Cody
of Chicago, Illinois, and Timothy Cardinal Manning of Los Angeles, California)
who opposed a constitutional amendment to overturn Roe v. Wade,
introduced by then Senator James Buckley (C-NY), because it contained
a life of the mother exception. This sort of episcopal leadership was
the exception, not the rule, in the early days after Griswold v.
Connecticut and Roe v. Wade.
Many earnest pro-life
Americans believed that the election of former California Governor Ronald
Wilson Reagan to the presidency of the United States in 1980 augured
good things for the babies. I was one of those people, as I related
in "We Have Learned Nothing" in The Remnant a few
months ago. Reagan's first appointee to the United States Supreme Court
was Sandra Day O'Connor, whose pro-abortion position was made quite
clear in her days as the Majority Leader of the Arizona State Senate.
None of the supposedly "pro-life" senators, each of whom supported
abortion in some cases, on the Senate Judiciary Committee cared to take
seriously the testimony about O'Connor's pro-abortion stance given by
the American Life League's Judie Brown and the Conservative Caucus Foundation's
Howard Phillips. Although the late President Reagan did issue a proclamation
about the personhood of all preborn children in January of 1988, babies
were still being killed in the same monstrous numbers each year by surgical
abortion in the 1980s, to say nothing of those killed by chemical abortifacients,
as they had been before Reagan took office in 1981. A lot of anxious
Americans believed that "something" had to be done to remind
their fellow citizens that a silent holocaust was taking place in a
country they considered "civilized."
The "something"
that simultaneously galvanized and polarized the pro-life community
was Operation Rescue. Rescue galvanized many in the pro-life community
as it held out the hope that massive sit-ins and blockages of abortuaries
might singe the conscience of the nation. It polarized others in that
same community, especially those who believed that we had been making
"progress" in the 1980s and that we had to work through the
electoral system to effect change incrementally, pragmatically. Some
Catholics were critical of the whole concept of Rescue, arguing that
it was wrong to adopt the tactics of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther
King, worse yet to entrust the leadership of such an enterprise to evangelical
Protestants who believed that they had the responsibility to take Catholics
out of the Church to "save" them. Despite the polarizing aspects
of Rescue, however, many thousands of Catholics were among those who
were arrested at rescues between late 1987 and 1994, the time that Congress
passed the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Bill (FACE), with the
help, it should be noted, of a few supposedly "pro-life" senators
and representatives (could you imagine them voting for a "Freedom
of Access to a Concentration Camp Bill"). A lot of Catholics were
involved in the high-level leadership of local rescues. Indeed, it can
be argued that Operation Rescue itself was an outgrowth of the solitary
actions of Catholics such as Joan Andrews Bell, who had spent a considerable
amount of time in prison for attempting to rescue the preborn in the
1980s, and the late John Arena, a fierce fighter for the inviolability
of innocent human life in the Utica, New York, area. Mention must be
made also of Joe Wall, a pro-life advocate from the Philadelphia area
who had placed himself on the front lines for a long time.
That Catholics
participated in an effort that was largely, although not exclusively,
under the direction of evangelical Protestants was very ironic. The
very evil attempting to be addressed by Operation Rescue, abortion,
was the ultimate, natural, inexorable result of the division of Christendom
wrought by Martin Luther and John Calvin and Henry VIII and John Knox
and John Wesley and scores upon scores of others. The Novus Ordo
Missae, which made so many Catholics comfortable in their embrace
of the world, was an effort to empty the Sacred Liturgy of the Roman
Rite of its distinctly Catholic features in order to appeal to Protestants,
which is why some of the Masses offered in venues on the evenings before
a rescue took place bore great similarities to Protestant revival meetings,
replete with "witnessing" and the like. As noble and well-intentioned
as Rescue was, it demonstrated, albeit unwittingly, the inherent flaws
of all inter-denominational or nondenominational efforts as well as
the flaws of the conciliarist religion that had convinced so many Catholics
that denominational differences did not matter at all if one of their
Christian "brothers" was pro-life. (And though the subject
of a piece I wrote about seven years ago now, it should be noted at
this juncture that the abortion issue in general helped to perpetuate
the myth that a particular bishop was wonderful and beyond criticism
if he showed up once a month to pray Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary at
an abortuary even though that bishop permitted sex-instruction, coddled
dissent or was blind to liturgical abuse, to say nothing of disrespectful
of the right of Catholics to the Immemorial Mass of Tradition.)
Despite the
irony of the origins of Operation Rescue and that its efforts were bound
to be circumscribed by the limits that exist in a nation that does not
subordinate itself to the Social Reign of Christ the King as it should
be exercised by the Catholic Church, the courage and the love of those
who participated in it must never be overlooked or minimized. Many thousands
upon thousands of ordinary Americans, most them Catholics, mind you,
prayed Rosaries and offered up the sufferings and indignities of arrest
and fingerprinting in order to bear a visible, tangible witness to the
binding nature of the Fifth Commandment. All right, some participants
boasted a little too much now and then about how often and in how many
different locales they had been arrested. Most of the participants,
though, simply wanted to do something quite tangible to try to make
a difference in public attitudes and to offer up their prayers to Our
Lady's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.
As a counterpoint
to the indifference to the plight of the unborn on the part of so many
bishops and priest, the late Bishops Austin Vaughan and George Lynch
participated in rescues regularly. Bishop Paul Dudley, now the retired
Bishop of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, was dragged away by the police
in one rescue. Hundreds of priests, from those with international reputations,
such as Father Paul Marx, O.S.B., the founder of Human Life International,
and Father Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R., to the ordinary pastors and curates
and seminarians who prayed the Rosary as they were handcuffed and hauled
off to jail. There were conscious efforts to unite all of these sufferings
to the Our Lord's Holy Cross through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who
uses everything we give to her in ways that may not be made manifest
to us until eternity. And this is not even to discuss the fact that
lives of babies were saved and that more than a few converts to Catholicism
were made along the way. Those who did not want to participate in a
particular rescue but wanted to be spiritually present with those who
did place themselves on the line physically spent time before Our Lord's
Real Presence in prayer, nothing to be sneezed at as inconsequential,
to be sure.
Apart from
the spiritual bouquets that were given to Our Lord through Our Lady
by Catholics during rescues, Operation Rescue was useful in that it
showed the full fury of demonic hatred for the innocent preborn and
their defenders on the part of police officers and court officers and
prosecutors and judges. Police brutality was visited upon rescuers as
a matter of routine. One of the few journalists to write about this
brutality was Nat Hentoff of the Village Voice, who noted that
there would be all manner of sanctimonious outcries from left-leaning
columnists if the same sort of brutality was used by police officers
against black Americans or "peace" demonstrators. The rescuers
who were brutalized included bishops and priests and elderly men and
women. (The demonic fury of pro-abortion activists was displayed throughout
the counter-demonstrations during rescues. Some of those activists used
the courts to try to break the back of the entire pro-life movement,
including those who did not participate in rescues, by using the Racketeer
Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act to bring costly lawsuits seeking
millions of dollars in damages from key rescue leaders. This led directly
to the aforementioned F.A.C.E. Act, which was accompanied by sloganeering
rhetoric that termed all opposition to abortion as "violent"
and "intolerant.")
One of the
worst incidents of police brutality occurred in West Hartford, Connecticut,
on June 17, 1989. A videotape taken by a rescuer who had hidden a camera
after having trespassed into an abortuary showed the police barging
into a room in the abortuary without wearing their badges and name-plates,
which were turn backwards in some instances. The force used was quite
plain. I was told by people who experienced it first-hand that the force
was used in a corridor of a courtroom of a judge who must have heard
the screams of those being assaulted. The subject of what some have
called a "police riot" in West Hartford, Connecticut, became
a topic of some interest in the mainstream media for a while, including
being Patrick J. Buchanan's "Outrage of the Week" on The
Capitol Gang, a program he originated on Cable News Network (CNN)
in 1989. Pat would later have an entire Crossfire devoted to
the matter, during which program the videotape referred to above was
shown on international satellite television. The images shown were simply
Alas, the
same courts that gave us child-killing on demand proved to be of little
avail to those who were assaulted in West Hartford in 1989. After fifteen
years and all manner of legal wrangling and debates about legal strategy,
the following press release was issued on June 25, 2004, by John Kladde
of the Connecticut Pro-Life Action Network:
June 1, rescuers from the infamous 1989 West Hartford pro-life rescues
took the Town of West Hartford to task for police brutality in the case
of Waugh v. West Hartford . The plaintiffs were arrested on April
1, 1989, and June 17, 1989, at the Summit Women's Center where abortions
are performed.
sued the Town contending that it had a de facto policy of using
excessive force in the arrest, transport and custody of the rescuers.
The relief sought was compensatory damages for inflicting unreasonable
force upon the plaintiffs in violation of their rights under the Fourth
jury voted unanimously Monday, June 14, in 2 hours that there was no
excessive force used by the WHPD against any of the plaintiffs at either
can be found at www.geocities.com/connplan
[The website gives the full history of what took place during the
past fifteen years, including the legal wrangling.]
The images
on the videotape taken on June 17, 1989, are quite clear. A jury
decided that excessive force was not used. Although an appeal will not
be filed by the plaintiffs, they should take heart nevertheless. Justice
denied in this case is only justice delayed. That is, those responsible
for using such a level of force to arrest trespassers engaged in a non-violent
demonstration who did not in any way threaten the bodily safety of the
arresting officers will have to answer to God Himself at the moment
of their Particular Judgments if they do not repent of their actions.
The same Judgment, from which there is no appeal, awaits all judges
and prosecutors who participate in the perpetuation of the American
Holocaust. And those who were assaulted in 1989 and denied justice in
2004 must, I am sure, appreciate the fact that their efforts, if united
to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, will bear much fruit for them when
they face their own Particular Judgments if they have persevered in
states of sanctifying grace to the moment of their dying breaths. Justice
denied in this life is only justice delayed in the next. The injustice
of unjust jury findings in this vale of tears will be unveiled on the
Last Day at the General Judgment of the Dead. And there will be no attorneys
or other spin-doctors to finesse the truth of the finality of that moment.
In the meantime,
though, we pray for the conversion of those who have visited injustice
upon those seeking to do something in the midst of a holocaust that
has its proximate origins in the events of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth
Centuries. And we pray that Holy Mother Church will recognize that the
only way to retard and to turn back this holocaust (and the other evils
of modernity) is to reject the regime of novelty of the past forty years,
including the Novus Ordo Missae that has led to a loss of belief
in the Real Presence and thus a further coarsening of the culture at
large and the reaffirmation of Catholics in the culture of death in
which they live and work. We pray that our Holy Father will find the
voice of tradition to proclaim once more the Social Reign of Christ
the King and of Mary our Immaculate Queen as the twin pillars of a world
that subordinates itself to the binding precepts of the Divine positive
law and the natural law as they have been entrusted to the Church to
explicate to all men in all nations until the end of time. The advance
of evil in the world cannot be retarded by naturalism and/or ecumenism.
It can only be retarded by the firm proclamation of the truths of Catholicism
and by the restoration of the Immemorial Mass of Tradition that best
expresses and protects the entirety of the Deposit of Faith.
we must pray also for the proper consecration of Russia to Our Lady's
Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. If Russia has been converted, then why
are there 3,000,000 abortions annually in the country which was the
first in the modern era to permit child-killing under cover of law following
the Bolshevik Revolution? The proper consecration of Russia to the Immaculate
Heart of Mary will result in a true conversion on the scale of what
took place after Our Lady appeared to Saint Juan Diego in Mexico in
1531. Child-killing under cover of law around the world will then belong
to the history books if Russia is consecrated to the Immaculate Heart
of Mary just as surely as the human sacrifices of the Aztecs did following
the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Our Lady of
Fatima, pray for us.
Blessed Jacinta,
pray for us.
Blessed Francisco,
pray for us.