Institutionalized Evils
Thomas A. Droleskey
Understandable attention will be paid today, Monday, January 23, 2012, to the institutionalized evil of surgical baby-killing under the cover of the civil law as the annual March for Life takes place in Washington, District of Columbia, and as similar events are held in various parts of the nation. The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, John Boehner (R-Ohio), will be the first of many members of Congress to address the several hundred thousand people who will be assembled on the Capitol Mall for the rally prior to the march itself. What organizers called a "mini-rally" took place in Lafayette Park across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House and featured former Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee as a speaker.
As noted yesterday's revised article, Thirty-Nine Years Of Indifference, surgical baby-killing will take place today in the United States of America under cover of the civil law as it does each and every day of every year. As horrific as this crime that calls out to Heaven for vengeance is, however, it is one of many institutionalized evils that so many people, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, have come to accept either as "normal" or as "regrettable" realities about which little can be done. Most of those who oppose one or more of these institutionalized evils believe that they can be ameliorated by having recourse to a political system that is an institutionalized evil in and of itself:
To these evils we must add the contests between political parties, many
of which struggles do not originate in a real difference of opinion
concerning the public good or in a laudable and disinterested search for
what would best promote the common welfare, but in the desire for power
and for the protection of some private interest which inevitably result
in injury to the citizens as a whole. From this course there often
arise robberies of what belongs rightly to the people, and even
conspiracies against and attacks on the supreme authority of the state,
as well as on its representatives. These political struggles also beget
of popular action and, at times, eventuate in open rebellion and other
disorders which are all the more deplorable and harmful since they come
from a public to whom it has been given, in our modern democratic
states, to participate in very large measure in public life and in the
affairs of the government.
Now, these different forms of government are not of themselves contrary
to the principles of the Catholic
Faith, which can easily be reconciled with any reasonable and just
system of government. Such governments, however, are the most exposed to
the danger of being overthrown by one faction or another. (Pope Pius XI, Ubi Arcano Dei Consilio, December 23, 1922.)
The surviving midget naturalists of the false opposite of the naturalist "right" who are now vying for delegate votes in the Sunshine State of Florida and elsewhere now that their traveling circus has only four performers left for the road show, occasionally mention the institutionalized evil of surgical baby-killing. Occasionally, usually only when they are asked about by a reporter or a reporterette at one of the circus events that are termed as "debates." These circus performers spend many of their days attacking each other personally while attempting to hoodwink--excuse me, I mean convince--voters that they can help to repair the economy and to put a brake on Barack Hussein Obama's profligate spending and taxing policies even though it was Obama's predecessor, the Republican naturalist named George Walker Bush, whose own profligate spending policies made possible Obama's election. As always, of course, it's the money, the money, the money, and the money. The midget naturalists, including the "pro-life" war monger named Richard John Santorum, are oblivious to this simple truth:
The more closely the temporal power of a nation aligns itself with the
spiritual, and the more it fosters and promotes the latter, by so much
the more it contributes to the conservation of the commonwealth. For it
is the aim of the ecclesiastical authority by the use of spiritual
means, to form good Christians in accordance with its own particular end
and object; and in doing this it helps at the same time to form good
citizens, and prepares them to meet their obligations as members of a
civil society. This follows of necessity because in the City of God, the
Holy Roman Catholic Church, a good citizen and an upright man are
absolutely one and the same thing. How grave therefore is the error of
those who separate things so closely united, and who think that they can
produce good citizens by ways and methods other than those which make
for the formation of good Christians. For, let human prudence
say what it likes and reason as it pleases, it is impossible to produce
true temporal peace and tranquillity by things repugnant or opposed to
the peace and happiness of eternity. (Silvio Cardinal Antoniano, quoted by Pope Pius XI in Divini Illius Magistri, December 31, 1929.)
While evil will always exist in the world until the end of time as a result of Original Sin and of our own Actual Sins, the anti-Incarnational civil state of Modernity that has arisen as a result of the Protestant Revolution's overthrow of the Social Reign of Christ the King and institutionalized by the complex, inter-related forces of naturalism known as Judeo-Masonry, has itself been the instrumentality erected and employed by the evil to institutionalize one evil after another under cover of the civil law, starting with Protestantism and Judeo-Masonry, the twin fountainheads of all social evils extant in the world today.
Among the social evils that can be listed (and this is only a partial listing) are:
State indifferentism to the true religion. This results, ultimately, in the state and political parties and ideologies becoming the "true churches" outside of which there can be no social order or justice and institutionalizes confusion and error as the rotten foundation of public policy and popular culture.
Blasphemy. Countless numbers of people blaspheme God every day, using His Holy Name in vain in full violation of the Second Commandment. This, of course, has been institutionalized as a result of the institutional evils known as "freedom of speech" and "freedom of the press" and "freedom of religion."
Immodesty of attire. Father Martin Stepanich, O.F.M., S.T.D., who has been hospitalized at age ninety-six, explained how even most Catholics have been lulled to sleep by cultural trends that are offensive to God, harmful to souls and thus inimical to the right ordering of men and their nations:
The avowed enemies of God are
rejoicing--temporarily--at having brought about an almost total collapse
of the virtue of modesty among once virtuous Christian womanhood, while
those commissioned by God to teach and uphold this angelic virtue
insist on cowardly silence and indifference about it and on gutless
permissiveness in manner of dress everywhere.
Meanwhile, vast numbers of supposedly "good" people
remain as if without a conscience, being morally blind and insensitive
as to what has really happened to a God-given virtue that was once a
distinctive trademark of theirs. This type of blindness seems to
go hand in hand with a brazen contempt and a sassy resentfulness
towards any attempt to revive and restore the missing sense of modesty.
The fact stands out clearly that the immodest
fashions of this unchaste generation still offend Our Lord "very much,"
as Our Lady foretold it through the angelic little Jacinta.
Anyone who still cares about God's virtue of
modesty, which He has made shine with such heavenly beauty in the
Immaculate Virgin Mary, cannot forget how Our Lord suffered in the
Garden of Gethsemane when He foresaw so many sinners, including the
immodest and the impure, remaining unrepentant. And the sight of
so many immodest creatures displaying crude flesh, like animals, brings
vividly before our mind's eye the frightful vision of Our Divine Savior
being mercilessly scourged at the pillar. We need not strain
ourselves in trying to picture this scene, for we can plainly see the
immodest, with their unchaste displays of flesh and figure, continually
scourging Our Lord. And we can see them crowning Him with thorns and
nailing Him to the Cross all over again.
And look what sorrow the immodest and the impure
are causing their Sorrowful and Immaculate Mother, whom God has
presented to them as the Perfect Model of Modesty and Purity!
But it has not all happened by accident. Satan
planned it this way. As he has done with such evil movements as
Communism and Socialism and Freemasonry, so also has he planned out a program of gradual, not sudden, destruction of the sense of modesty and purity.
A mere look at the past 50 years or more shows us very plainly how
gradually it was all done, first by apparently innocent abbreviations of
garments and by slight revelations of bare flesh and by subtle little
displays of the figure, and then, as protests died down, by more
and more abbreviations and displays--until the crude immodesty of our
day became a shocking reality.
Many living today have seen it all happen before
their very eyes. They have lived through it and, if they have managed to
retain their God-given moral sense, they find the barbarian immodesty
of the this day intolerable and they look upon it as a sin crying to
Heaven for the vengeance that must inevitably come if sinners continue
to refuse to amend their ways.
Perhaps some 50 years ago or more, a publication known as The Frenchwoman presented
the following satanic program for the destruction of the virtue of
modesty: "Our children must realize the ideal of nakedness... Thus, the
mentality of the child is rapidly transformed. To escape opposition, progress
must be methodically graduated: first, feet and legs naked, then
upturned sleeves; afterwards, the upper part of the chest; then, the
back... n summer, they will go around almost naked."
Even if such a daring statement of the powers of
darkness had never come to light--though "enlightened" liberals have
tried to keep it in the dark--we would still know that it had to be
planned that way and could not have happened by accident. And we would
also know that such a program for immodesty could not have originated
anywhere but in the dungeons of hell and in the mind of Satan.
The program of gradualism intended to lead
eventually to the crude immodesty that we know so painfully well today
was evidently drawn up, or at least made known, some time during the
Fatima years, possibly a little before or after the 1917 Apparitions of
Our Lady. (Maybe some well-informed person can provide a precise date.)
Bearing this in mind, we can easily conclude that it was no accident
that Our Lady insisted so strongly on modesty in her Fatima Message. She
knew well of the evil program that would endanger so many immortal
souls, and she came to Fatima to warn souls and to save them from the
evil awaiting them.
As Sister Lucy has said, one of the things that Our
Lady especially asked for was modesty in dress. And still better known,
though disregarded, is Jacinta's prophecy: "Certain fashions will be introduced that will offend Our Lord very much"--that little liked prophecy that leaves immodestly dressed "pious" women and girls callous and insensitive and cold.
Just as Our Lady was commissioned by God to oppose
the rise of Russian Communism and all the other evils named in the
Fatima Message, with God's own program of sanctification and salvation, so
was part of her mission to warn souls of the dangers of immodesty and
impurity that were to increase the unbelievable proportions in the years
to come, and to turn them to modesty and and purity and amendment of
In connection with the timeliness of Our Lady's
message of modesty in 1917, just when Satan's program of gradual
nakedness was being put into effect, we must also mention the timeliness
of the message of modesty of Pope Benedict XV (1914-1922). It is fairly
well known how dynamic were his two successors, Popes Pius XI and Pius
XII, in promoting modesty of dress, but it is not as well known that
Pope Benedict XV was before them a strenuous defender and promoter of
modesty at a time when we might imagine it was not so much of a problem.
We cannot believe that the statements of Our Lady of
Fatima and those of Pope Benedict XV on modesty were disconnected or
were merely a matter of coincidence. We can only believe that both Our
Lady of Fatima and the Holy Father of that time were inspired and guided
by God Himself to speak out on modesty in dress, so as to counteract
the wicked program of gradual nudism that was being inspired and guided
by hell's father of iniquity.
Let us quote an important statement of Pope Benedict
XV--by no means his only one--so that we may see how immodesty in dress
had already begun to cause moral ruin among women and girls of his day.
In an Encyclical Letter (Sacra Propediem, 1921) commemorating the 7th centenary of the founding of the Franciscan Third Order, Pope Benedict wrote as follows:
"From this point of view one cannot sufficiently
deplore the blindness of so many women of every age and condition; made
foolish by desire to please, they do not see to what a degree the in
decency of their clothing shocks every honest man, and offends God. Most
of them would formerly have blushed for those toilettes as for a grave
fault against Christian modesty; now it does not suffice for them to
exhibit them on the public thoroughfares; they do not fear to
cross the threshold of the churches, to assist at the Holy sacrifice of
the Mass, and even to bear the seducing food of shameful passions to the
Eucharistic Table where one receives the heavenly Author of purity. And
We speak not of those exotic and barbarous dances recently imported
into fashionable circles, one more shocking than the other; one cannot
imagine anything more suitable for banishing all the remains of modesty."
If we did not know that a Pope wrote this in 1921, we would surely think it was written, or should have been written by someone, in 1972!
After thus deploring the immodesty of his day, the Holy Father exhorted women with these words:
"In what concerns specially the Tertiary Sisters,
We ask of them by their dress and manner of wearing it, to be models of
holy modesty for other ladies and young girls; that they be thoroughly
convinced that the best way for them to be of use to the Church and to
Society is to labor for the improvement of morals."
Whose message, do you suppose,
have women and girls accepted: the message of modesty of Our Lady of
Fatima and of the Holy Father or, the message of immodesty of Lucifer?
Who has recommend to them short skirts, sleeveless dresses, pants, shorts, and clownish pants suits, and so on?
Not only did women and girls buy and buy and buy the
clothing that through the years became gradually shorter and skimpier
and tighter and ever more unladylike, thus making the whole program of
gradual nakedness a huge success, but something else happened at the
same time; the sense of modesty and propriety, which God has instilled
into their souls, became gradually more blurred and dim and fuzzy, until
in so many it became totally blacked out and dead. They did not, and do
not, know what happened to them. By blindly and stupidly following the
satanic program of gradual abbreviation of attire, they destroyed in
themselves a precious God-given gift--the sense of modesty--so that they
have now made themselves incapable of distinguishing between modesty
and immodesty, nor do so many of them care to know.
And not only have women destroyed in themselves God's gift of modesty, but
they have destroyed it in their children from their earliest years, so
that a whole generation has been brought up without any real
understanding of modesty without any desire to possess its beauty.
And, mind you, these have been "good" and "pious"
women who have done this to their children! They have been the "Lord,
Lord" type who have duly said their prayers, which all are obliged to
do, but who have not done "the Will of My Father Who is in Heaven" (Mt.
7. 21) by obeying His law of modesty. (Emphases added.) (Father Martin Stepanich, O.F.M., S.T.D., The Remnant, 1972.)
Impurity. We live in a world that celebrates sins against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments. Little more needs to be written on this point other than to state the obvious: impurity of thought, word and deed constitute the very raison d'etre of the lives of many millions of people, finding expression under cover of the civil law and all throughout the nooks and crannies of "popular culture." It's everywhere, including in the discussions about the "legalization" of "marriage" between persons of the same gender, making the sin of Sodom become the latest evil to be institutionalized and accepted by large numbers of people. Acceptance of impurity has been further institutionalized by the rot of explicit classroom instruction in matters pertaining to the Sixth and Ninth Commandments that has encouraged several generations of young people into believing that it is both impossible and "unhealthy" for them to be chaste. This, of course, is a lie. Then again, evil itself is a lie from the Prince of Darkness and the Master of Lies himself.
Among the other evils that have become institutionalized over the past century are: Contraception, which denies the Sovereignty of God over the sanctity and fecundity of the marriage, divorce and remarriage, in vitro fertilization, "assisted suicide," "brain death," the mutilation of bodies by means of tattoos and "body piercing," "music" designed to agitate the soul and to arouse the passions, the centering of human lives around television programming, sports (scholastic, collegiate and professional) and other means of "entertainment" that seek to divert one's attention from First and Last Things and an ethos of materialism, founded in the Judeo-Calvinist spirit of profiteering at all costs, that has given rise to practices of usury and deceit hitherto unknown in human history. Each of these evils is either accepted at face value as a "social good" or dismissed as "impossible" to reform, an attitude that makes a mockery of the efficacy of the graces won for us on the wood of the Holy Cross by the shedding of every single drop of the Most Precious Blood of the Divine Redeemer, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to reform individual souls, a reformation that is at the essence of any true social reform, something that Pope Pius XI noted in Mit Brennender Sorge, March 17, 1937:
20. Every true and lasting reform has ultimately sprung from the sanctity of
men who were driven by the love of God and of men. Generous, ready to stand to
attention to any call from God, yet confident in themselves because confident in
their vocation, they grew to the size of beacons and reformers. On the other
hand, any reformatory zeal, which instead of springing from personal purity,
flashes out of passion, has produced unrest instead of light, destruction
instead of construction, and more than once set up evils worse than those it was
out to remedy. No doubt "the Spirit breatheth where he will" (John iii. 8): "of stones He is able to raise men to prepare the way to his
designs" (Matt. iii. 9). He chooses the instruments of His will
according to His own plans, not those of men. But the Founder of the Church, who
breathed her into existence at Pentecost, cannot disown the foundations as He
laid them. Whoever is moved by the spirit of God, spontaneously adopts both
outwardly and inwardly, the true attitude toward the Church, this sacred fruit
from the tree of the cross, this gift from the Spirit of God, bestowed on
Pentecost day to an erratic world. (Pope Pius XI, Mit Brennender Sorge, March 17, 1937.)
Every other kind of reform is illusory. It is of the devil. Catholicism is but the one and only means of personal and social order. Nothing else.
As readers of this site know very well, one of the reasons that the social evils that have been made possible, proximately speaking, by the Protestant Revolution against the Divine Plan that God instituted to effect man's return to Him through the Catholic Church and the organized forced of naturalism in Judeo-Masonry is that the lords of the counterfeit church of conciliarism have made their "official reconciliation" to the false principles of Modernity, thus robbing Catholics of their sensus Catholicus and denying them sacramentally valid liturgical rites that are in and of themselves celebrations of the false spirit of the world. The only reason that the social evils that have Protestantism and Judeo-Masonry have their proximate root causes did not spread more rapidly prior to the 1960s than they have thereafter is that true Masses were offered by true priests, thereby giving honor and glory to God and adding grace to the world, thus holding back the torrents of evil that have washed upon us in the past fifty years. The exponential rise of institutionalized evils in the past three decades is in direct proportion to the relative paucity of Actual Graces in the world and of the almost daily bombardment of souls with the poisonous doctrines of conciliarism that reaffirm Catholics and non-Catholics alike in the belief that some kind of "common ground" can be found among "believers" to "reform" the world.
Writing in Mit Brennender Sorge, Pope Pius XI reminded Catholics that it is not any kind of "God" Who saves men and their nations. It is the true God of Divine Revelation as He has revealed Himself to us exclusively through His Catholic Church:
12. The Bishops of the Church of Christ, "ordained in the things that
appertain to God (Heb. v, 1) must watch that pernicious errors of this
sort, and consequent practices more pernicious still, shall not gain a footing
among their flock. It is part of their sacred obligations to do whatever is in
their power to enforce respect for, and obedience to, the commandments of God,
as these are the necessary foundation of all private life and public morality;
to see that the rights of His Divine Majesty, His name and His word be not
profaned; to put a stop to the blasphemies, which, in words and pictures, are
multiplying like the sands of the desert; to encounter the obstinacy and
provocations of those who deny, despise and hate God, by the never-failing
reparatory prayers of the Faithful, hourly rising like incense to the
All-Highest and staying His vengeance.
13. We thank you, Venerable Brethren, your priests and Faithful, who have
persisted in their Christian duty and in the defense of God's rights in the
teeth of an aggressive paganism. Our gratitude, warmer still and admiring, goes
out to those who, in fulfillment of their duty, have been deemed worthy of
sacrifice and suffering for the love of God.
14. No faith in God can for long survive pure and unalloyed without the
support of faith in Christ. "No one knoweth who the Son is, but the Father:
and who the Father is, but the Son and to whom the Son will reveal Him" (Luke x. 22). "Now this is eternal life: That they may know thee, the only true
God, and Jesus Christ whom thou has sent" (John xvii. 3). Nobody,
therefore, can say: "I believe in God, and that is enough religion for
me," for the Savior's words brook no evasion: "Whosoever denieth the
Son, the same hath not the Father. He that confesseth the Son hath the Father
also" (1 John ii. 23). (Pope Pius XI, Mit Brennender Sorge, March 17, 1937; for those who think that the civil rulers who have governed this nation from its beginning have been "men of God," I ask you once again to review Not A Mention of Christ the King.)
These words mean nothing to the conciliarists, which is why they mean very little to the 99.999999999% of Catholics worldwide who adhere to the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism in the belief that those structures represent the Catholic Church. Indeed, the conciliarists feed Catholics a steady dose of apostasy, and it must be remembered that crimes against God are greater than sins against men in the hierarchy of evil. Crimes against God offend Him and His Sacred Deposit of Faith, thereby deceiving souls into believing falsehoods in His Holy Name. Such crimes as the daily assassination of innocent children by chemical and surgical means are made all the more possible by apostate statements such as those made recently by a senior official, "Bishop" Brian Farrell, in the conciliar church's "Pontifical" Council for Promoting the Unity of Christians:
“If we participate in the prayer of Christ, who at the Last
Supper prayed that all his disciples might be one so that the world
would believe, then we have to be convinced that the Church is not able
to fulfill its mission because of the sin of division,” he said.
Farrell, who hails from Ireland, is one of the primary coordinators of
the Vatican’s annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This year’s
week of prayer began Jan. 16 and will be marked by over 300 churches and
Christian communities around the world.
In Rome, Bishop
Farrell’s department has lined up a series of events that culminate in
solemn vespers at the papal basilica of St. Paul Outside-the-Walls on
Jan. 25, the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul. Pope Benedict XVI will
lead the service and be joined in prayer by representatives of other
Christian bodies.
Their basic aim, the bishop explained,
is to break through “the old polemics and controversies and prejudices”
and to heal “some of the sad memories of history,” so that “a new
brotherhood of Christians can come about” where “we can rediscover
ourselves as disciples of the Lord together". . . .
Bishop Farrell said that describing a unified Christian Church would be
“very difficult” to do, but “theologically speaking, one thing is
certain it will have to do with the point at which we can celebrate the
Eucharist together.” (Vatican official: Jesus makes Christian unity possible.)
"Old polemics and controversies and prejudices"? A "new brotherhood of Christians"? Describing a "unified Christian Church would be 'very difficult' to do"? Apostasy.
What's difficult about understanding that the "unified Christian Church" has existed from her very beginnings on Pentecost Sunday. It is the Catholic Church. Nothing else. Non-Catholics must converted to her maternal bosom unconditionally as they abjure their errors and accept the totality of the Sacred Deposit of Faith that Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has entrusted to His Mystical Bride exclusively for Its eternal safekeeping and infallible explication. Those who need a reminder of a few papal statements reaffirming this truth simply have to review Fast and Furious, published two days ago now. Let those who have the eyes to see accept the truth and adhere to it.
Statism must arise as the only end result possible when what appears to be the Catholic Church reaffirms the correctness of the institutionalized evil of a social system based upon state indifference to the true religion. Statism thus breeds efforts on the part of elected and appointed officials in the civil government to regulate all aspects of human existence, confiscating the private property of citizens to aggrandize their own power and to "redistribute" wealth in order to create entire groups of people who are solely dependent upon the government for "assistance" of some kind or another. The regulatory state of Modernity thus is an enemy of the true human liberty that has been won for us by Our Lord on the wood of the Holy Cross. It must grow into proportions of near-totalitarianism because there exists no recognized external brake to limit its growth when its edicts prove deleterious to the good of souls. That external brake can be applied only by the Catholic Church in her exercise of the Social Reign of Christ the King which is done, at least for the most part, by her Indirect Power of preaching, teaching and exhortation and, as an absolute last resort, by her direct intervention when the good of souls demands her motherly intervention.
It is only when citizens live and work in light of their Last End as members of the Catholic Church that the family, the basic unit of society in which most human problems are to be addressed, takes its rightful place. And it is only when citizens live and work in light of their Last End as members of the Catholic Church that the civil state will be limited in its size, scope and power as its officials, both elected and appointed, seek to promote the common temporal good in light of man's Last End, being willing to submit at all times to the authority of the Catholic Church on all that pertains to the good of souls.
Remember these words of Pope Saint Pius X, contained in Notre Charge Apostolique, August 15, 1910:
For there is no true civilization without a moral civilization, and no true moral civilization without the true religion: it is a proven truth, a historical fact.
Care to disagree? This statement is either true or it is false. A Catholic should understand and accept that it is true and stop wasting his time worrying about which naturalist or which naturalistic "philosophy" is going to "improve" society. Only Catholicism can improve society as it penetrates into the souls of men. It is really that simple.
We give all to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. Each Rosary we pray helps us to give honor and glory to the Most Blessed Trinity and to make reparation for our sins and those of the whole world. We must never look for results. We must only strive to be faithful and to be prepared at all times, especially in this month of November as we intensify our prayers for the Poor Souls of the Church Suffering in Purgatory, to make an accounting for our lives before Christ the King, pleading earnestly that Our Mother and Queen of Mercy, Mary Immaculate, will plead for us then, at the hour of our deaths, as she does with every beat of our hearts that should and must beat in unison with her Immaculate Heart and her Divine Son's Most Sacred Heart.
Those twin, matchless Hearts of love do not live comfortably with murder. Neither should we. Not once. Never.
Viva Cristo Rey! Vivat Christus Rex!
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!
Saint Joseph, Patron of Departing Souls, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.
Saint Raymond of Penafort, pray for us.
Saint Emerentiana, pray for us.
See also: A Litany of Saints
Isn't it time to pray a Rosary now?