Rotten Fruit
Thomas A. Droleskey
the event anyone new to this site does not know the authorship of all
of the articles featured hereon)
Well, the
folks who are busily making room for Baal and his friends at the Shrine
of Our Lady of Fatima are certainly not backing away from their efforts
to turn that shrine into a center for "inter-religious" worship,
all protestations to the contrary by the Vatican notwithstanding. A
violation of the First Commandment took place in the Chapel of the Apparitions
when visiting Hindu "priests" offered "worship"
to their false gods. Consider the report in The Portugal News, the newspaper
that first broke the story in October of 2003 of the plans for
turning Fatima into a center for "inter-religious" dialogue
and worship:
October The Portugal News reported on the Interfaith Congress held at
Fátima, one of Catholicism’s most sacred sites, where representatives
of the world’s leading religions allegedly explored the possibility
of opening the shrine to a whole variety of faiths. While the newspaper
received many letters and emails congratulating it for reporting on
the congress, it was also criticised by some groups who claimed that
Fátima would remain exclusively Catholic.
Now, however, we can report that the first steps in developing Fátima
as a multi-faith centre could have been taken. On May 5th, SIC and SIC
Notícias carried a report on a Hindu religious service held in
the Chapel of the Apparitions at the shrine.
SIC’s broadcast appears, to some extent, vindicate The Portugal
News’ October report. Sixty Hindus led by a high priest had travelled
from Lisbon to pay homage to the Goddess Devi, the divinity of nature.
SIC’s reporter described how before leaving Lisbon the Hindus
had gathered at their temple in the city to pray to and worship various
statues of Hindu gods.
Arriving in Fátima the pilgrims made their way to the Chapel
of the Apparitions, where from the altar a Hindu priest led prayer sessions.
A commentary on the service was given by the TV reporter who explained:
“This is an unprecedented unique moment in the history of the
shrine. The Hindu priest, or Sha Tri, prays on the altar the Shaniti
Pa, the prayer for peace.” The Hindus can be seen removing their
shoes before approaching the altar rail of the chapel as the priest
chants prayers from the altar’s sanctuary.
During the newscast the Rector of the shrine Father Luciano Guerra says:
These meetings give us the opportunity to remind ourselves that we live
in community”.
After worshipping their gods and praying in the chapel the Hindus are
shown being escorted to an exhibition hall where a model of the controversial
new basilica currently being constructed is on display. In a setting
described as ambassadorial by the commentator, each Hindu is personally
greeted by the Bishop of Leiria - Fátima, who bows to the Hindu
priest repeating his gesture of greeting. The Hindu priest is then seen
clothing the Rector of the Fátima Shrine and the bishop with
a Hindu priestly shawl. “On the shoulders of the highest representatives
of the Church in Fátima, the Hindu priest places a shawl with
the inscriptions of the Bagavad Gita, one of the sacred books of Hinduism,”
the reporter tells his viewers.
The newscast finishes with scenes of the Hindu priest lighting a candle
at the shrine while his followers dance outside the Chapel of the Apparitions
chanting praises to their gods. The TV commentator concludes by saying:
“In 1982, a Guru, a high priest of Hinduism, came from Bombay
to Fátima……He signed the book of honour right after
Pope John Paul II and on the same page as Mother Teresa of Calcutta.”
In other reactions to the Hindu ritual, a long-standing member of the
Leiria-Fátima diocese was less accepting of the opening of the
sanctuary to other cults and religions, telling the Jornal de Leiria:
“I understand the opening of the site to other religions. But
I disagree with the practise of non-Catholic rituals at the sanctuary’s
holiest site”.
Bishop of the Diocese, D. Serafim Ferreira e Silva, has a different
opinion. He told the regional newspaper: “We don’t want
to be fundamentalist, but sincere and honest”.
is a summary of all that is wrong with the postconciliar Church. A direct
violation of the First Commandment is countenanced in the very place
where Our Lady appeared six times in 1917. Sadly, there were not the
likes of Jacob Michael or Father McMahon from the Society of Pope Saint
Pius X to defend the integrity of the Chapel of the Apparitions in Fatima
as was the case in the cathedral in Grand Rapids, Michigan, a few months
ago when Buddhists were prevented from singing their hymns to their
false gods when Father McMahon took solid Catholic Action by leading
over 200 protesters in the praying of Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary. As
my wife Sharon's sister, Mrs. Bridget Turpin, noted to her in a phone
conversation this evening, what chance would there be for getting "permission"
from Bishop Ferreira e Silva for the offering of a Traditional Latin
Mass in the same Chapel of the Apparitions where the Hindu sacrilege
took place? How telling, she indicated, that Bishop Ferreira e Silva
would be wrapped in Hindu prayer shawl while he would not be caught
dead in fiddleback vestments.
John Paul II is personally responsible for the appointment of Bishop
D. Serafim Ferreira e Silva to the see of Leiria-Fatima. He has countenanced
all manner of false worship in his very presence at various "ecumenical"
events, including the infamous ones that have taken place in Assisi,
Italy. It is the Pope himself, who has presided over the deconstruction
of the Fatima message and who has steadfastly refused to consecrate
Russia specifically according to the formula demanded by the Mother
of God herself. It is at his doorstep, therefore that blame squarely
rests for offering of false worship in a Catholic shrine. It is futile
to vent one's spleen at the Bishop of Leiria-Fatima. He is only doing
that which has been directed from the visible head of the true Church
on earth. This is a crime against Our Lord and Our Lady. One shudders
to think what kind of punishment will be meted out to those responsible
for countenancing such an offense in the very place where Our Lady warned
us of the errors of Russia, errors that have found their way into the
highest quarters of the Church.
Lady appeared to Jacinta and Francisco Marto and their cousin, Lucia
dos Santos, to ask that they pray the Rosary and to spread devotion
to her Immaculate Heart. She implored them to pray the Holy Rosary for
the conversion of Russia so that its errors would cease to be spread
around the world. Our Lady told the seers on July 13, 1917, "In
the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate
Russia to me, and a certain period of peace will be granted to the world.
Russia will be converted." As is being demonstrated so clearly
in Fatima itself at present (as well as in Russia itself, as I noted
in "Another Part of the Great Facade Begins to Crumble"),
the Holy Father and the Bishop of Leiria-Fatima reject the conversion
of anyone, no less whole nations and those steeped in false religions
and pagan practices, to the true Faith as actually harmful to the good
of the solidarity of nations in the civilization of love. This is nothing
other than diabolical.
must be remembered that it was the Masonic civil officials in Ourem,
Portugal, who detained Blessed Jacinta and Francisco and Sister Lucia
on August 13, 1917, threatening them with being boiled alive in oil
if they did not tell the "truth" about their "lies"
concerning the appearance of the beautiful Lady in the Cova da Iria.
Yes, that's right, folks: the Masonic civil officials in Ourem, Portugal,
men who believed in naturalism and the deification of man. The Church
herself is doing in Fatima what could only have been fantasized by the
Masonic officials in Portugal eighty-seven years ago: permitting false
worship to take place right where Our Lady appeared to beg for the conversion
of sinners and for the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart.
ironic it is, therefore, that there are some traditional Catholics who
do not believe that everything in every nation (politics, constitutions,
economics) must reference the God-Man as He has revealed Himself through
His true Church. These men and women address their fellow conservatives
and libertarians in meetings without once challenging them to convert
to the true Faith or by stating quite openly that the solution to the
problems of modernity is truly very simple: the proper consecration
of Russia to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart. Their refusal to do this thus
reaffirms their hearers in their errors and their intellectual pride.
Oh, some of these traditional Catholics may indeed believe that Russia
has not been converted; they simply do not want to run the risk of ridicule
in "respectable" conservative circles by planting a seed or
two for Our Lady of Fatima and then passing out Miraculous Medals quite
liberally to those who believe in the false political and economic gods
of their own crafty making. What was thus good enough for Saint Maximilian
Kolbe and the Knights of the Immaculata is thus rejected both by a Vatican
that condemns proselytizing and also by those traditional Catholics
who do not believe that proselytizing in academic settings is any of
their business.
I defy any
believing Catholic to publicly state that the following statement made
by Pope Leo XIII is either wholly or in part erroneous:
hold, therefore, that there is no difference in matters of religion
between forms that are unlike each other, and even contrary to each
other, most clearly leads in the end to the rejection of all religion
in both theory and practice. And this is the same thing as atheism,
however it may differ from it in name. Men who really believe in the
existence of God must, in order to be consistent with themselves and
to avoid absurd conclusions, understand that differing modes of divine
worship involving dissimilarity and conflict even on most important
points cannot all be equally probable, equally good, and equally acceptable
to God.
Pope Leo XIII is wrong, then Pope John Paul II's indifference to religious
indifferentism must be right. There is no middle ground. If Pope John
Paul II is wrong in his embrace of the false ecumenism that countenances
outrages against Our Lord and His Most Blessed Mother, then all Catholics
who are given the opportunity to address others about the problems of
our day must be unafraid to read this paragraph found in Immortale
Dei publicly in all events as a reminder as to what results when
the Incarnation of the God-Man in Our Lady's virginal and immaculate
womb is denied altogether or its relevance to all aspects of social
life is denigrated, if not disparaged.
is our obligation, therefore, to condemn the outrages in Fatima and
to lay the blame for them directly on Pope John Paul II. However, anyone
who is unwilling to take risks at home in defense of the Social Kingship
of Christ and the Queenship of Our Lady loses a substantial amount of
credibility when attempting to criticize the Pope for permitting something
that is really a manifestation in the Church of the same spirit of indifferentism
that is at the foundation of modernity and is reflected in all aspects
of American popular culture--and thus responsible for its inevitable
decline into barbarism. There is no other antidote to the poisons of
modernity than Catholicism, which the devil knows only too well and
which is why he is waging a fierce battle to corrupt popes and bishops
and priests and to silence even believing Catholics from asserting the
truths of the true Faith openly at all times and in all places with
all of the strength Our Lord and Our Lady can bestow upon them. The
errors let loose on the world by the Protestant Revolt and Freemasonry
continue to metastasize in our own day, doing so quite malignantly within
the Church herself.
our resolve as we pray, preferably before the Blessed Sacrament in church,
the Novena to the Holy Ghost prior to Pentecost Sunday, let us take
to heart the mission Our Lord gave to the Eleven before He ascended
to the Father's right hand in glory on Ascension Thursday: "Going
therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the Name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all
things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all
days, even to the consummation of the world." (Mt. 28:19-20)
Cristo Rey!
Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Jacinta and Francisco, pray for us.