Honoring Blasphemers, Dishonoring Our Lord Himself
Thomas A. Droleskey
Although a few recent commentaries (The Inconvenience of Truth,
"Pacification of Spirits",
Waiting for the Bungalow Bar Man, and
Without Belief, Without Love) dealt with various aspects of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's recent pilgrimage to France, I must admit that I missed the following address that the false "pontiff" gave to representatives of Talmudic Judaism on Friday, September 12, 2008:
Dear friends, it is with great pleasure that I meet with you this evening. Our meeting auspiciously coincides with the vigil of the weekly celebration of the shabbat, the day which from time immemorial has occupied a significant position in the religious and cultural life of the people of Israel. Every pious Jew sanctifies the shabbat with the reading of the Scriptures and the reciting of the Psalms. Dear friends, as you know, the prayer of Jesus also was nourished by the Psalms. Regularly he went to the temple and the synagogue. There he too listened to the word on the Sabbath. There he wanted to underline the goodness with which God cares for man, even in the arrangement of time. Does not the Talmud Yoma (85b) say: the Sabbath is offered to you, but you are not offered to the Sabbath? Christ has asked the people of the Covenant to recognize always the unprecedented greatness and love of the Creator for all humanity. Dear friends, because of that which unites us and that which separates us, we share a relationship that should be strengthened and lived. And we know that these fraternal bonds constitute a continual invitation to know and to respect one another better.
By her very nature the Catholic Church feels obliged to respect the Covenant made by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Indeed, the Church herself is situated within the eternal Covenant of the Almighty, whose plans are immutable, and she respects the children of the Promise, the children of the Covenant, as her beloved brothers and sisters in the faith. She compellingly repeats, through my voice, the words of the great Pope Pius XI, my beloved predecessor: Spiritually, we are Semites (Allocution to the Belgian Pilgrims, 16 September 1938).
The Church therefore is opposed to every form of anti-Semitism, which can never be theologically justified. The theologian Henri de Lubac, in a time of darkness, as Pius XII (Summi Pontificatus, 10 October 1939) described it, added that to be anti-Semitic also signifies being anti-Christian (cf. Un nuovo fronte religioso in: Israele e la Fede Cristiana [1942]). Once again I feel the duty to pay heartfelt recognition to those who have died unjustly and to those that have dedicated themselves to assure that the names of these victims may always be remembered. God does not forget!
I cannot neglect, on an occasion such as this, to recall the eminent role played by the Jews of France in the building up of the whole nation and of their prestigious contribution to her spiritual patrimony. They have given - and continue to give - great figures to the spheres of politics, culture and the arts. To each one of them I extend affectionate and respectful wishes and with fervour I invoke upon all of your families and upon all of your communities a special Blessing of the Lord of time and of history. Shabbat shalom!
Meeting with representatives of the Jewish community
The first paragraph of this incredible statement was the subject of a very favorable analysis distributed by the Zenit propaganda machine. (As Zenit took me off their mailing list some time ago, I am indebted once more to Mr. Mark Stabinski, a zealous champion of Christ the King, for sending me the Zenit analysis:
JERUSALEM (Zenit) - Benedict XVI worked a "subtle revolution" with regard to relations with Jews during his trip to Paris earlier this month, simply by quoting the Talmud, says an Israeli priest.
Jesuit Father David Mark Neuhaus, the secretary-general of the Hebrew-speaking Catholic Vicariate in Israel, known also as the Association of St. James, explained this in an article posted on the Web site of the Hebrew-speaking Catholic Vicariate in Israel. Father Neuhaus also serves as the priest in charge of the Hebrew-speaking Catholic community in Haifa.
"We have become used to the friendly tone of papal statements and greetings of different Jewish communities as the Popes since the Second Vatican Council travel around the world," he said. "It should perhaps be pointed out though that in the recent meeting with the representatives of the Jewish community in France, the Holy Father worked another subtle revolution."
In the context on commenting on the importance of the Sabbath, the Pope said: "Does not the Talmud Yoma (85b) state: 'The Sabbath has been given to you, but you have not been given to the Sabbath?'"Father Neuhaus explained that the Church in France has a history of censoring the Talmud, the body of Jewish civil and ceremonial law.
"In 1239, Pope Gregory IX sent out a letter to the monarchs in Europe ordering them to confiscate the volumes of the Talmud from the Jewish communities that lived in their lands," the Jesuit wrote. "Accusations had been made that the Talmud contained blasphemies against Christian belief and constituted an obstacle to Jewish conversion to Christianity.
"Little action was taken by the European monarchs outside of France, although in many places censorship of the Talmud was imposed.In France, as a result of the Pope's letter condemning the Talmud, the first public disputation was staged between Jews and Christians between June 25 and 27, 1240, in Paris. Two years later, in June 1242, 24 wagonloads of books, including many precious handwritten volumes of the Talmud, were burnt.
"The French King, Louis IX, ordered further confiscations in 1247 and 1248 and future monarchs in France upheld the principle. A further book burning was held in Toulouse in 1319." The Jesuit asked, "Is it not then a subtle revolution that to the Holy Father not only warmly greets the Jewish community in Paris, but that he also quotes the same Babylonian Talmud? Is it not significant too that he quotes from a Talmudic teaching that resonates deeply with the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth?"
A subtle revolution? No, Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's contempt for the Catholic past is not subtle at all. It is quite overt, quite plain, quite revolting in its revolutionary nature.
Consider the revolutionary nature of the analysis provided by "Father" David Mark Neuhaus as he made reference to the "French King, Louis IX," without even noting the fact that he is Saint Louis IX, the Franciscan tertiary who exemplified the Social Reign of Christ the King perhaps better than anyone else during the Middle Ages. Past popes and even canonized saints had it wrong. They did not recognize that the hideous and blasphemous document called the Talmud has at least some teaching that resonate "deeply with the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth." They were wrong to have ordered the Talmud confiscated or burned, you see. Blasphemy should have been "respected" in the name of "religious liberty" and in recognition of
Pope Gregory IX had it wrong. Saint Louis IX had it wrong. Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI is "correcting" the record by means of his "subtle" revolution. Perhaps it is a matter of time, therefore, before "Benedict XVI" repudiates Pope Benedict XIV's A Quo Primum (a different document that Pope Saint Pius X's promulgation of the Missale Romanum in 1570), which warned against promiscuous contact between Catholics and adherents of the Talmud, insisting, of course, quoting Saint Bernard of Clairvaux to remind us that Catholics seek the conversion of Talmudic Jews, condemning in the starkest terms possible any and all acts of violence against their persons:
God in his goodness allowed Catholicism to take root in Poland at the end of the tenth century during the reign of Our predecessor Leo VIII. At the time, the efforts of King Mieszko and his Christian consort Dobrava (Dlugosz, Annalium vestrorum Scriptorum, 2, 94) encouraged the spread of Christianity. Since then pious and devout Poles have continued the faithful practice of their new religion. During this time various sects have attempted to establish themselves in Poland and to spread the seeds of their errors, heresies, and evil opinions. But the faithful Polish people have strongly withstood their efforts.
We esteem the glorious memory of Polish martyrs, confessors, virgins and holy men; their exemplary lives are recorded in the holy annals of the Church. We also recall the many successful councils and synods which gloriously defeated the Lutherans who tried tenaciously, using a variety of methods, to establish a foothold and welcome in this kingdom. At that time indeed the great council of Piotrkow met under Our great predecessor and fellow citizen Gregory XIII, with prelate Lippomano, bishop of Verona and Apostolic nuncio, as its president. To the great glory of God it prohibited the principle of freedom of conscience; adherents of this principle were seeking to introduce and establish it in Poland. Another threat to Christians has been the influence of Jewish faithlessness; this influence was strong because Christians and Jews were living in the same cities and towns. However their influence was minimized because the Polish bishops did all they could to aid the Poles in their resistance to the Jews. What the bishops did is recorded in the large tome which contains the constitutions of the synods of the province of Gniezno. These facts establish most clearly and plainly the great glory which the Polish nation has won for its zeal in preserving the holy religion embraced by its ancestors so many ages before.
In regard to the matter of the Jews We must express our concern, which causes Us to cry aloud: "the best color has been changed." Our credible experts in Polish affairs and the citizens of Poland itself who communicated with Us have informed Us that the number of Jews in that country has greatly increased. In fact, some cities and towns which had been predominantly Christian are now practically devoid of Christians.
The Jews have so replaced the Christians that some parishes are about to lose their ministers because their revenue has dwindled so drastically. Because the Jews control businesses selling liquor and even wine, they are therefore allowed to supervise the collection of public revenues. They have also gained control of inns, bankrupt estates, villages and public land by means of which they have subjugated poor Christian farmers. The Jews are cruel taskmasters, not only working the farmers harshly and forcing them to carry excessive loads, but also whipping them for punishment. So it has come about that those poor farmers are the subjects of the Jews, submissive to their will and power. Furthermore, although the power to punish lies with the Christian official, he must comply with the commands of the Jews and inflict the punishments they desire. If he doesn't, he would lose his post. Therefore the tyrannical orders of the Jews have to be carried out.
In addition to the harm done to Christians in these regards, other unreasonable matters can result in even greater loss and danger. The most serious is that some households of the great have employed a Jew as "Superintendent-of-the-Household"; in this capacity, they not only administer domestic and economic matters, but they also ceaselessly exhibit and flaunt authority over the Christians they are living with. It is now even commonplace for Christians and Jews to intermingle anywhere. But what is even less comprehensible is that Jews fearlessly keep Christians of both sexes in their houses as their domestics, bound to their service. Furthermore, by means of their particular practice of commerce, they amass a great store of money and then by an exorbitant rate of interest utterly destroy the wealth and inheritance of Christians. Even if they borrow money from Christians at heavy and undue interest with their synagogues as surety, it is obvious to anyone who thinks about it that they do so to employ the money borrowed from Christians in their commercial dealings; this enables them to make enough profit to pay the agreed interest and simultaneously increase their own store. At the same time, they gain as many defenders of their synagogues and themselves as they have creditors.
The famous monk, Radulph, inspired long ago by an excess of zeal, was so inflamed against the Jews that he traversed Germany and France in the twelfth century and, by preaching against the Jews as the enemies of our holy religion, incited Christians to destroy them. This resulted in the deaths of a very large number of Jews. What must we think his deeds or thoughts would be if he were now alive and saw what was happening in Poland? But the great St. Bernard opposed this immoderate and maddened zeal of Radulph, and wrote to the clergy and people of eastern France: "The Jews are not to be persecuted: they are not to be slaughtered: they are not even to be driven out. Examine the divine writings concerning them. We read in the psalm a new kind of prophecy concerning the Jews: God has shown me, says the Church, on the subject of my enemies, not to slay them in case they should ever forget my people. Alive, however, they are eminent reminders for us of the Lord's suffering. On this account they are scattered through all lands in order that they may be witnesses to Our redemption while they pay the just penalties for so great a crime" (epistle 363). And he writes this to Henry, Archbishop of Mainz: "Doesn't the Church every day triumph more fully over the Jews in convicting or converting them than if once and for all she destroyed them with the edge of the sword: Surely it is not in vain that the Church has established the universal prayer which is offered up for the faithless Jews from the rising of the sun to its setting, that the Lord God may remove the veil from their hearts, that they may be rescued from their darkness into the light of truth. For unless it hoped that those who do not believe would believe, it would obviously be futile and empty to pray for them." (epistle 365).
Peter, abbot of Cluny, likewise wrote against Radulph to King Louis of France, and urged him not to allow the destruction of the Jews. But at the same time he encouraged him to punish their excesses and to strip them of the property they had taken from Christians or had acquired by usury; he should then devote the value of this to the use and benefit of holy religion, as may be seen in the Annals of Venerable Cardinal Baronius (1146). In this matter, as in all others, We adopt the same norm of action as did the Roman Pontiffs who were Our venerable predecessors. Alexander III forbade Christians under heavy penalties to accept permanent domestic service under Jews. "Let them not continually devote themselves to the service of Jews for a wage." He sets out the reason for this in the decretal Ad haec, de Judaeis. "Because Jewish ways do not harmonize in any way with ours and they could easily turn the minds of the simple to their own superstitions and faithlessness through continual intercourse and unceasing acquaintance." Innocent III, after saying that Jews were being received by Christians into their cities, warns that the method and condition of this reception should guard against their repaying the benefit with evildoing. "They on being admitted to our acquaintance in a spirit of mercy, repay us, the popular proverb says, as the mouse in the wallet, the snake in the lap and fire in the bosom usually repay their host." The same Pope stated that it was fitting for Jews to serve Christians rather than vice versa and added: "Let not the sons of the free woman be servants of the sons of the handmaid; but as servants rejected by their lord for whose death they evilly conspired, let them realize that the result of this deed is to make them servants of those whom Christ's death made free," as we read in his decretal Etsi Judaeos. Likewise in the decretal Cum sit nimis under the same heading de Judaeis, et Saracenis, he forbids the promotion of Jews to public office: "forbidding Jews to be promoted to public offices since in such circumstances they may be very dangerous to Christians." Innocent IV, also, in writing to St. Louis, King of France, who intended to drive the Jews beyond the boundaries of his kingdom, approves of this plan since the Jews gave very little heed to the regulations made by the Apostolic See in their regard: "Since We strive with all Our heart for the salvation of souls, We grant you full power by the authority of this letter to expel the Jews, particularly since We have learned that they do not obey the said statutes issued by this See against them" (Raynaldus, Annals, A.D. 1253, no. 34).
But if it is asked what matters the Apostolic See forbids to Jews living in the same cities as Christians, We will say that all those activities which are now allowed in Poland are forbidden; these We recounted above. There is no need of much reading to understand that this is the clear truth of the matter. It is enough to peruse decretals with the heading de Judaeis, et Saracenis; the constitutions of Our predecessors, the Roman Pontiffs Nicholas IV, Paul IV, St. Pius V, Gregory XIII and Clement VIII are readily available in the Roman Bullarium. To understand these matters most clearly, Venerable Brothers, you do not even need to read those. You will recall the statutes and prescripts of the synods of your predecessors; they always entered in their constitutions every measure concerning the Jews which was sanctioned and ordained by the Roman Pontiffs.
The essence of the difficulty, however, is that either the sanctions of the synods are forgotten or they are not put into effect. To you then, Venerable Brothers, passes the task of renewing those sanctions. The nature of your office requires that you carefully encourage their implementation. In this matter begin with the clergy, as is fair and reasonable. These will have to show others the right way to act, and light the way for the rest by their example. For in God's mercy, We hope that the good example of the clergy will lead the straying laity back to the straight path. You will be able to give these orders and commands easily and confidently, in that neither your property nor your privileges are hired to Jews; furthermore you do no business with them and you neither lend them money nor borrow from them. Thus, you will be free from and unaffected by all dealings with them.
Not exactly in accord with the "spirit" of the "Second" Vatican Council and its aftermath, now is it? Notice that Pope Benedict XIV wrote of the dangers posed by adherents of the Talmud and cited with approval the permission granted by Pope Innocent IV, the successor of the Pope who was a friend and patron of Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Dominic de Guzman, to take firm measures against those who refused to be governed by the Divinely-instituted authority of the Catholic Church. Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI believes such measures to have been thoroughly unjustifiable, and he is willing to throw pope after pope and saint after saint "under the bus," if you will, to demonstrate to the descendants of the ancient enemies of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and His true Church that the "past" has been repudiated and that the "enlightened" men of the "council" want to quote from their hideous, blasphemous documents in the name of finding some "common ground" as " fellow believers" in the "covenant."
So much for the way in which Pope Saint Pius X spoke to the founder of international Zionism, Theodore Herzl, on January 25, 1904:
HERZL: [He is an honest, rough-hewn village priest, to whom Christianity has remained a living thing even in the Vatican. I briefly laid my request before him. But annoyed perhaps by my refusal to kiss his hand, he answered in a stern categorical manner.
POPE: We are unable to favor this movement [of Zionism]. We cannot prevent the Jews from going to Jerusalem—but we could never sanction it. The ground of Jerusalem, if it were not always sacred, has been sanctified by the life of Jesus Christ. As the head of the Church I cannot answer you otherwise. The Jews have not recognized our Lord, therefore we cannot recognize the Jewish people.
HERZL: [The conflict between Rome and Jerusalem, represented by the one and the other of us, was once again under way. At the outset I tried to be conciliatory. I said my little piece. . . . It didn’t greatly impress him. Jerusalem was not to be placed in Jewish hands.] And its present status, Holy Father?
POPE: I know, it is disagreeable to see the Turks in possession of our Holy Places. We simply have to put up with it. But to sanction the Jewish wish to occupy these sites, that we cannot do.
HERZL: [I said that we based our movement solely on the sufferings of the Jews, and wished to put aside all religious issues].
POPE: Yes, but we, but I as the head of the Catholic Church, cannot do this. One of two things will likely happen. Either the Jews will retain their ancient faith and continue to await the Messiah whom we believe has already appeared—in which case they are denying the divinity of Jesus and we cannot assist them. Or else they will go there with no religion whatever, and then we can have nothing at all to do with them. The Jewish faith was the foundation of our own, but it has been superceded by the teachings of Christ, and we cannot admit that it still enjoys any validity. The Jews who should have been the first to acknowledge Jesus Christ have not done so to this day.
HERZL: [It was on the tip of my tongue to remark, “It happens in every family: no one believes in his own relative.” But, instead, I said:] Terror and persecution were not precisely the best means for converting the Jews. [His reply had an element of grandeur in its simplicity:]
POPE: Our Lord came without power. He came in peace. He persecuted no one. He was abandoned even by his apostles. It was only later that he attained stature. It took three centuries for the Church to evolve. The Jews therefore had plenty of time in which to accept his divinity without duress or pressure. But they chose not to do so, and they have not done it yet.
HERZL: But, Holy Father, the Jews are in a terrible plight. I do not know if Your Holiness is aware of the full extent of their tragedy. We need a land for these harried people.
POPE: Must it be Jerusalem?
HERZL: We are not asking for Jerusalem, but for Palestine—for only the secular land.
POPE: We cannot be in favor of it.
[Editor Lowenthal interjects here] Here unrelenting replacement theology is plainly upheld as the norm of the Roman Catholic Church. Further, this confession, along with the whole tone of the Pope in his meeting with Herzl, indicates the perpetuation of a doctrinal emphasis that has resulted in centuries of degrading behavior toward the Jews. However, this response has the “grandeur” of total avoidance of that which Herzl had intimated, namely that the abusive reputation of Roman Catholicism toward the Jews was unlikely to foster conversion. Further, if, “It took three centuries for the Church to evolve,” it was that very same period of time that it took for the Church to consolidate and launch its thrust of anti-Semitism through the following centuries.
HERZL: Does Your Holiness know the situation of the Jews?
POPE: Yes, from my days in Mantua, where there are Jews. I have always been in friendly relations with Jews. Only the other evening two Jews were here to see me. There are other bonds than those of religion: social intercourse, for example, and philanthropy. Such bonds we do not refuse to maintain with the Jews. Indeed we also pray for them, that their spirit see the light. This very day the Church is celebrating the feast of an unbeliever who became converted in a miraculous manner—on the road to Damascus. And so if you come to Palestine and settle your people there, we will be ready with churches and priests to baptize all of you.
HERZL: [At this point Conte Lippay had himself announced. The Pope bade him be admitted. The Conte kneeled, kissed his hand, and joined in the conversation by telling of our “miraculous” meeting in the Bauer beerhall at Venice. The miracle was that he had originally intended to stay overnight in Padua, and instead, it turned out that he was given to hear me express the wish to kiss the Holy Father’s foot. At this the Pope made no movement, for I hadn’t even kissed his hand. Lippay proceeded to tell how I had expiated on the noble qualities of Jesus Christ. The Pope listened, and now and then took a pinch of snuff and sneezed into a big red cotton handkerchief. It is these peasant touches which I like about him best and which most of all compel my respect. Lippay, it would appear, wanted to account for his introducing me, and perhaps ward off a word of reproach. But the Pope said:
POPE: On the contrary, I am glad you brought me the Signor Commendatore.
HERZL: [As to the real business, he repeated what he had told me, until he dismissed us:]
POPE: Not possible!
HERZL: [Lippay stayed on his knees for an unconscionable time and never seemed to tire of kissing his hand. It was apparent that this was what the Pope liked. But on taking leave, I contented myself with shaking his hand warmly and bowing deeply. The audience lasted about twenty-five minutes. While spending the last hour in the Raphael gallery, I saw a picture of an Emperor kneeling before a seated Pope and receiving the crown from his hands. That’s how Rome wants it.] (Marvin Lowenthal, Diaries of Theodore Herzl, pp. 427- 430.)
Just another canonized saint continuing the work begun by the first pope, Saint Peter, in seeking the conversion of the Jews. Has Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI once expressed the need for those who adhere to the Talmud to convert to the Faith when he has spoken to their representatives in Rome and in many other parts of the world since he "succeeded" Karol Wojtyla/John Paul as the head of the counterfeit church of conciliarism? The language of conciliarism cannot be reconciled with the language of Catholicism. The former is a false religion, the latter is the one and only true religion, whose members pray for the unconditional conversion of all non-Catholics to the true Faith before they die.
Father I. B. Pranaitis, a priest in Saint Petersburg, Russia, wrote a book in 1892, The Talmud Unmasked: The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians. Father Pranaitis was a professor "Hebrew language at the Imperial Ecclesiastical Academy of the Roman Catholic Church in Old St. Petersburg," Russia. The book carried an imprimatur issued by Bishop Szymon Marcin Kozlowski †, Archbishop of Mohilev, Belarus (this link will take you to Catholic-Hierarchy: Its Bishops and Dioceses, Current and Past). The full text of Father Pranaitis' book, which cost him his life, as he himself prophesied that it would, can be found on, of all things, a Protestant website (talmud1 and Talmud Unmasked Part Two). Significant excerpts from Father Pranaitis's work were included in
Hating Without Distinction. (There are other, more contemporary critiques of the Talmud, one of which can be found at Truth About the Talmud: Judaism's Holiest Book.)
Father Denis Fahey, whose defense of the Social Reign of Christ the King, an immutable teaching of the Catholic Church that has been jettisoned by the counterfeit church of conciliarism, was unafraid to encounter whatever opposition would come his way in pointing out the diabolical schemes of the adherents of the Talmud against the Faith. Father Fahey went to great lengths in his The Kingship of Christ and the Conversion of the Jewish Nation to condemn racialist hatred, making the distinction that so many Catholics across the ecclesiastical divide seem so incapable of making: that there is a difference between opposing Talmudic schemes against the Faith and Its expression in civil society and the hatred of individual Jews:
The Catholic Church condemns hatred and want of charity between nations just as it does between individuals. By nature we are brothers and by our supernature, the divine life of grace, we are united in a brotherhood which is infinitely nobler still. “Above the brotherhood of humanity and fatherland,” said Pope Pius XI, “there is a brotherhood which is infinitely more sacred and more precious, the brotherhood which makes us one in Christ, our Redeemer, namely, our kinship in the Catholic Church, the Mystical Body of Christ Himself.”
The Church condemns in a more particular manner hatred of the Jews. Why is hatred of the Jewish race, as such, especially odious? Because they are the nation and race in which the lord became flesh. Our Lord is a Jew of the House of David. Catholics commonly designate this hatred by the term “anti-Semitism.”
If we take into account the condemnation of the German racial theories in the Encyclical Letter, On the Persecution of the Church in Germany, and in the Letter of the Sacred Congregation of Seminaries of April, 1938, the present National Socialist hatred of the Jewish race is to be still more severely condemned, because it is based on blasphemous and heretical presuppositions.
It must, however, be remarked with the writer of the article, Juifs et Chrétiens, in the Dictionnaire Apologétique de la Foi Chrétienne, that the Church has spoken for and against the Jews. On the one hand, the Church has spoken for the Jews to protect their persons and their worship against unjust attacks. She has always condemned acts of violence against the Jews and has respected the liberty of their consciences and allowed them freedom for their cult. On the other hand, the Church has spoken against the Jews, when they wanted to impose their yoke on the faithful and provoke apostasy. She has ways striven to protect the faithful from contamination by them. As experience in past centuries showed that if the Jews succeeded in attaining to high offices of State they would abuse their powers to the detriment of Catholics, the Church always strove to prevent Catholics from coming under their yoke. They were forbidden to proselytise and were not allowed to have Christians as slaves or servants.
On the one hand, the Church condemns race hatred in general and hatred of the Redeemer’s race in particular. On the other hand, the Church insists, as we have seen, on the duty of combating naturalism in public and private life and approves of love of native land and extols true supernatural patriotism. We have the right and the duty to defend our country and our nation against the unjust aggression of another nation. This duty is still more strongly urged upon us when it is a question of our country’s fidelity to Christ the King. We must, therefore, combat naturalism in general always and everywhere, and we must be vigilant in regard to the naturalism of the Jewish nation in particular. The tireless energy with which His own nation pursues the elimination of the influence of the supernatural life is doubly painful to our Lord’s Sacred Heart. The combat against naturalism in general and, therefore, against the organised naturalism of the Jewish nation, is urged upon us, for example, by Pope Leo XIII (Tametsi, 1900) and Pope Pius XI (Quas Primas, 1925, and Quadragesimo Anno, 1931).
A later section in Father Fahey's The Kingship of Christ and the Conversion of the Jewish Nation explained how the use of the term anti-Semitism has been employed in the United States to control American foreign policy and public opinion:
Given the naturalistic messianic ambition of the Jewish nation to impose its rule on the other nations, anti-semitism for the Jews logically means whatever is in opposition to that ambition. The situation since the Second World War is being cleverly exploited to prevent anyone from opposing Jewish aims, through fear of being dubbed an “anti-Semite.” In my book, The Mystical Body of Christ and the Reorganisation of Society, I pointed out that the disordered National Socialist action against the corroding influence of Jewish naturalism on German national life led not only to measures of repression against the Jews, with regrettable violations of their personal rights, but also to persecution of the Catholic Church. Comparatively little information concerning the anti-Catholic measures ever reached the great newspaper-reading, cinema-going public, while hardly anyone could fail to be aware of what was done to the Jews. The term “anti-semitism,” with all its war connotation of Nazi cruelty, is now having its comprehension widened to include every form of opposition to the Jewish nation’s naturalistic programme. Forgetfulness of the disorder of Jewish naturalism is keeping Catholics blind to the consequences of accepting the term with its Jewish comprehension. According to the leaders of the Jewish nation, to stand for the rights of Christ the King is to be an anti-Semite.
Of all the countries in the world the United States is the country in which can best be observed this process of enlarging the comprehension of “anti-semitism” to include any and every form of opposition to what the Jewish leaders are aiming at. The United States, since its inception, has acted as if the Jewish naturalistic ambition of world-wide domination in opposition to the order of the world under Christ the King did not exist. Americans are now learning that a new anti-Christian organisation of the world is being brought about and that members of the Jewish nation are everywhere active in that work. On the one hand, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, the American Jewish Congress, the American Jewish Committee, the Jewish War Veterans, and the well-known Communist Front, the American Civil Liberties Union, etc., are striving to prevent instruction of the New York public school children under the released time programme. On the other hand, there are powerful members of the Jewish nation like M.M. Warburg and J. P. Warburg of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., etc., etc., behind the movement for a naturalistic (or anti-supernatural) One World Government. The chief agency in the work of crushing, by the smear of smears, “anti-Semitic,” whatever is opposed to Jewish plans, is the Anti-Defamation League of the B’nai B’rith. For an accurate account of the activities of that body, the two pamphlets, The Anti-Defamation League and its use in the World Communist Offensive and Know Your Enemy, by an honourable and courageous American, Robert H. Williams, are strongly recommended.
In Know Your Enemy, Robert H. Williams classifies the work of the Anti-Defamation League under four headings. Firstly, it “builds up liberal candidates, those tolerant of Communists and Zionists, to great reputations, in preparation for political office. Among its proteges are Dewey, Warren, Harold Stassen . . . Truman, the Roosevelt sons, Chester Bowles and a motley horde of lesser New Dealers. General Eisenhower was put into his job as figurehead of Columbia University by a group of internationalists . . . the League’s Walter Winchell for months boosted the Eisenhower candidacy. Eisenhower . . . is a tool in the hands of the Zionists.” Secondly, while building up its selected candidates, “it pours a stream of money and smear propaganda into an election against a chosen enemy.” Senator Burton K. Wheeler was thus defeated in Montana in 1941. Thirdly, it maintains “a nation-wide investigative agency. By its own statement, it has 200 keymen in 1200 cities. From many sources we know that this staff of G.P.U. agents spies on the private living and businesses of scores of thousands of Americans.” Fourthly, it carries on censorship, including character-defamation to suppress criticism. “By the use of information gathered by its spies, or by distorting that information . . . or by the mere threat of a malicious campaign . . . the A.D.L. is able to keep the newspapers, magazines and book publishers and Congress from effectively opposing it . . . That is why you may never have seen the name of the Anti-Defamation League in print . . . This. mighty machine promotes Communism and Zionism, protects the Frankfurter Communist-Zionist net inside the Government, subverts our children, dominates much of moviedom.”
Major Williams then points out that the A.D.L’s book of smear against American anti-Communist leaders, entitled A Measure of Freedom, was prepared by a man named Arnold Forster: “Joseph P. Kamp, one of the best informed investigators in Washington, told Congress: ‘If you can get President Truman to let you look at the F.B.1. files, you will discover that Forster’s right name is Fastenberg, and that he was a member of the Communist spy ring.’8 Forster takes orders from the League’s national chairman, Meier Steinbrink, a Justice of the New York Supreme Court. Justice Steinbrink is on intimate terms with Justice Frankfurter of the U.S. Supreme Court. We have been digging down to find Communists: those below are only the party members, the gangsters. We must look up to find the really big ones, those who would not stoop to join the party, but who create its policies, Frankfurter, Steinbrink, Lehman, Morgenthau and their consorts—these are the real Communists in America. They are the Zionist power behind Communism. The Zionists aim to dominate the West; the Communists the East, both producing the same revolution, both promoting the same world government, police backed—a world dictatorship.”
Even to mention Jewish naturalistic messianism, that is, Zionism, except favourably, is anti-Semitism in the Jewish sense. In Somewhere South of Suez, Douglas Reed points out that, in the vital matter of Zionist nationalism, the freedom of the Press has become a fallacy during the two decades preceding the publication of his book in 1951. “Newspaper-writers,” he continues, “have become less and less free to express any criticism of, or report any fact unfavourable to this new ambition of the Twentieth Century. When I eventually went to America I found that this ban, for such it is in practice, prevailed even more rigidly there than in my own country . . . In the matter of Zionist nationalism, which I hold to be allied in its roots to Soviet Communism, the ban is much more severe. In my own adult lifetime as a journalist, now covering thirty years, I have seen this secret ban grow from nothing into something approaching a law of lèse-majesté at some absolute court. In daily usage, no American or British newspaper, apparently, now dares to print a line of news or comment unfavourable to the Zionist ambition; and under this thrall matters are reported favourably or non-committally, if they are reported at all, which if they occurred elsewhere would be denounced with the most piteous cries of outraged morality. The inference to me is plain: the Zionist nationalists are powerful enough to govern governments in the great countries of the remaining West . . .
“Zionist nationalism! To-day American Presidents and British Prime Ministers, and all their colleagues, watch it as anxiously as Muslim priests watch for the crescent moon on the eve of Ramadan, and bow to it as humbly as the faithful prostrating themselves in the Mosque at Mecca . . . If a third war followed the course of the second one, when military victories were used to bring about political defeats, it would be directed to bring about a further spread of the Communist empire and of the Zionist state . . . or else, the first would be overthrown merely to aggrandise the second."
Adherents of the Talmud have watched with great joy as the counterfeit church of conciliarism has "reconciled" itself to the very anti-Incarnational principles upon which the modern civil state is founded, principles that make the promotion of blasphemy and other outrages under cover of law appear to be matters of fundamental "human rights" ("free speech, "free press," "religious freedom"). Efforts by conciliarists to retard the evils of the day will always fail because they have ceded the legitimacy of the false principles that have overthrown and superseded the Social Reign of Christ the King with the reign of "man" in all of his fallen human nature, and this is precisely as the devil wants it to be.
The counterfeit church of conciliarism, headed at present by Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, must, therefore, attempt, however subtly, you understand, to undo the work of the great apostles of Christ the King in order to appease the ancient enemies of the Catholic Faith. Anyone and everyone who contradicts the conciliar agenda, be they true popes or canonized saints, must be thrown under the conciliar bus to make "Catholicism" acceptable to those who are so very responsible for our modern, naturalistic, anti-Incarnational and semi-Pelagian political system and our economic system of virtual wage-slavery, those who have sought to use ever lever of popular culture imaginable to attack the Faith.
Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's view of Talmudic Judaism stands in sharp contrast to that of Saint John Chrysostom. Indeed, there is an interesting passage in Saint John Chrysostom's first sermon against the Jews that is almost word-for-word contrary what Joseph Ratzinger wrote a few years ago. Consider the contrast:
Let that be your judgment about the synagogue, too. For they brought the books of Moses and the prophets along with them into the synagogue, not to honor them but to outrage them with dishonor. When they say that Moses and the prophets knew not Christ and said nothing about his coming, what greater outrage could they do to those holy men than to accuse them of failing to recognize their Master, than to say that those saintly prophets are partners of their impiety? And so it is that we must hate both them and their synagogue all the more because of their offensive treatment of those holy men." (Saint John Chrysostom, Fourth Century, A.D.)
“It is of course possible to read the Old Testament so that it is not directed toward Christ; it does not point quite unequivocally to Christ. And if Jews cannot see the promises as being fulfilled in him, this is not just ill will on their part, but genuinely because of the obscurity of the texts and the tension in the relationship between these texts and the figure of Jesus. Jesus brings a new meaning to these texts – yet it is he who first gives them their proper coherence and relevance and significance. There are perfectly good reasons, then, for denying that the Old Testament refers to Christ and for saying, No, that is not what he said. And there are also good reasons for referring it to him – that is what the dispute between Jews and Christians is about.” (Joseph Ratzinger, God and the World, p. 209.)
His Excellency Bishop Mark A. Pivarunas, the Superior-General of the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen, commented on Ratzinger's statement above in the December, 2007, issue of Adsum:
What blasphemy! According to Ratzinger, divine revelation is obscure and there are perfectly good reasons for denying that the Old Testament refers to Christ! What he is saying in reality is that God has failed inasmuch as the divinely inspired prophecies aren't sufficiently clear enough. This is the reason that Pope St. Pius X, knowing this evil tenet of modernism, explicitly stated in the Oath Against Modernism that miracles and prophecies are the surest signs of the divine origin of the Christian religion, and that they are well adapted to all eras and all men.
It is no wonder, therefore, that the counterfeit church of conciliarism has not even discussed canonizing Father Alphonse Ratsibonne, who converted to the Faith that he had mocked with such ferocity after Our Lady appeared to him in the Church
of San Andrea della Fratte in Rome on January 20, 1842, as she appeared on her Miraculous Medal that Ratsibonne had agreed to wear after it had been given to him by his brother, Theodore, who had converted to the Faith and wanted nothing more than for him to do so. Father Marie-Alphonse Ratsibonne went to Palestine to work for the conversion of his fellow Jews, certainly no cause for public mention, no less canonization, in the eyes of the scions of the counterfeit church of conciliarism.
While Catholics pray for the eternal good of all people, including the Jews, never willing or condoning any harm to come any person, Catholics never let the enemies of the Faith dictate anything to them. While each Catholic must recognize that his own sins make him an enemy of God to a greater or lesser extent, he recognizes also that he is a sinner, that is sorry for his sins and the harm they caused Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and His Most Blessed Mother during His Passion and Death, being equally sorry for how they have hurt others in this world and how they have wounded the Mystical Body of Christ on earth, the Church Militant.
A Catholic seeks to reform his life on a daily basis, doing penance for his sins and trying to live more penitentially as he detaches himself from the ways of the world, the flesh, and the devil, consecrating himself to Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
A Catholic is one who never wants to offend God and who, when he does do so, seeks out the Mercy of the Divine Redeemer in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance as soon as possible, praying for that he will cooperate more fully with the graces won for him by the shedding of every single drop of the Most Precious Blood of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on the wood of the Holy Cross and that flow into his heart and soul through the loving hands of Our Lady, the Mediatrix of All Graces. A Catholic never exalts in his sins, never tries deliberately to stamp out the Holy Name of the Divine Redeemer in public, is never ashamed to proclaim the true Faith and to exhort one and all to honor, both privately and publicly, the Mother of God, especially by means of her Most Holy Rosary.
The scions of the counterfeit church of conciliarism let the enemies of the Faith dictate to them almost at will.
We must fear to offend no man as we lift high the Cross of the Divine Redeemer, making sure to do so in a spirit of gratitude for the gift of the true Faith and to bear with those whom God's Providence has placed in our paths with kindliness and patience, praying to God the Holy Ghost to give us the prudence to know what to say and how and when to say it as we seek the eternal good of others. Our proclamation of the true Faith might be as simple as handing out a Green Scapular to someone we meet (as my wife does every day, receiving warm expressions of gratitude from those to whom she has given the Green Scapular when and if we see that person again), praying "Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour our death" for each person to whom we give it.
We might have the opportunity on other occasions to give a fallen away Catholic a blessed Rosary and an instruction booklet as to how to pray it in the event that they had never learned (or have forgotten over the years) to do so. There are any number of ways that we can bear witness to the Faith, including by means of our performing the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy, undergirding each of our efforts as the consecrated slaves of Jesus through Mary by a life of fervent prayer, especially before the Blessed Sacrament, and to the Mother of God, especially by means of her Most Holy Rosary, and by our regular and sincere use of the Sacrament of Penance. And each of our homes should be enthroned to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, thereby helping us to establish and to maintain a Christendom in miniature as our families attempt to avoid the allure of the world and to read more about the lives of the saints so that we can attempt to imitate their virtues more readily and more perfectly on a daily basis. This is the way we can engage in our own subtle revolt against naturalism in the world and the apostasies of the counterfeit church of conciliarism that stem therefrom.
Faith is indeed a gift. It can be lost. We must nurture the Faith every day of our lives, holding fast to the perennial teaching of the Catholic Church as we cling to true bishops and true priests in the catacombs who make no concessions at all to conciliarism or to the nonexistent legitimacy of its false shepherds. The counterfeit religion of conciliarism dispenses with the necessity of seeking with urgency the conversion of all men to the true Church. The true religion has done and will never do so.
Asking Our Lady to keep our Faith strong in the midst of apostasy and betrayal, may we pray as many Rosaries each day as our state-in-life permits, thereby helping to plant the seeds for the conversion of more and more people, including Jews, to the true Faith, and making it more possible, please God and by the intercession of His Most Blessed Mother, where there will be a world in which everyone will exclaim with joy:
Vivat Christus Rex! Viva Cristo Rey!
Isn't it time to pray a Rosary now?
Viva Cristo Rey!
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.
Saint Remigius, pray for us.
Saint Therese of Lisieux, pray for us.
Saint Francis of Assisi, pray for us.
See also: A Litany of Saints